Right now, terror in orlando. The person i was with was shot in the back. I had to take my bandana off and tie it and put it in the bullet hole that was in his back. A gunman kills dozens of peopleo and takes hostages. The massacre now the deadly yes mass shooting in American History. As americans we are united in grieve and outrage and in resolve to defense our people. The latest on the investigation into the deadly attack and how d d. C. Is showings its support i for the victim. Fox5 news at 10 starts now. Thanks for joining us tonight at 10 as we get new details on thee tragedy out of orlando. Im jim lokay and im lauren demarco. At least 50 people were killed when a gunman opened fire at the pulse nightclub. The scene in florida as ones saturday waiting for news today wondering if their familya and friends were injured or killed. Some people are waiting forfor those answers tonight. More now from foxs joe walled man. Isis is now claimings n responsibility for the deadliest mass shooting in American History leaving at least 50 people dead and even more wonned. This was an act of terror. President obama reacting to the mathssacre at orlandos pulse, o gay nightclub targeted by 29 year old omar ma keen who Officials Say called 911 during actual attack to pledge his ple support for the islamic state. He was a person filled with hatred. In the coming days well day determine why and how thisd h happened and we will go whereveh the facts lead us. Isis also claiminglso responsibility for its news new agency although its unclear whether it was carried out by the terror or inspired by it. I. The suspect born in new york to afghan parents he lived in st. Louis, florida. He first came to the fbis attention in 2013 when he made comments to coworkers that raised red flags. In the course of the the investigation ma teen was interviewed twice. Wed ultimately we were unable to verify the substance of his o commence and the investigation v was closed. Muslim groups were quick to to condemn the attack today even ev calling on muslims to donate don blood for victims. We condemn it in the strongest t possible sense. It violates our principals as americans and as muslims. Mus the grim task of identifying tht victims is already underway wite a handful of families already being notified. However, police saying it couldt take several days for all the te victims to be known. In washington, joel waldman, fox news. Tonight we are hearing from the x wife of the gunman responsible for the deadly attacks. They say omar ma teen was unstable and abusive to her t in thehe combining he was a norl being, cared about family, lovev to joke, loved to have fun, butt then a few months after we were married i saw his instability and i saw you that he wasas bipolar and he would get mad oud of nowhere. No thats when i started worrying about my safety and then after t few months he started abusing me physically. Very often. Not allowing me to speak to my family, keeping me hostage from them. And i tried to see the good in him even then but my family wass very tuned into what i was going through and decided to queue mee from my situation. She now lives in colorado. During his marriage he was religious but she saw no signs of radicalism. They prompted to step security c for todays pride events. It was a somber scene outside the white house. Fox5s Marina Maracco p life m there tonight with thatar story. Reporter guys, the crowd noo starting to disperse, but this marched from the us capital to the house, a lot of folks carrying the rainbow flag up high remembering the folks in orlando. See the sign love to orlando in rainbow colors. Tonight well show you here pictures of People Holding candles sinking. Inki in song praying for all of those victims, the 50 fatal victims te from todays massacre in or lana on. Earlier today the to culmination of capital pride here in d. C. There was upped security. Because of what happened in Orlando Cathy Lanier was going g to put out extra Police Presence and she did and the events culminated like they were wer expected to. To. The concert ending oning pennsylvania avenue down by the mall. We spoke with folks out here who in tears over the loss of their brothers and sisters in orlando. Take a listen. Iste you know, what struck me was me last night was just a big party. A lot of people at the club heru in d. C. And we woke up to the news. I mean, it could have been us at the clubs here. There are people. Everybody kind of felt it. It one big punch to the gut. You share these experiences and then when you find out somethint like this happened it puts it it your backyard and you remember, for instance, i was just at a Club Last Night and hearing the story i remember thinking there was only one way in and one wayy out. What if it was my club . And c back out here life youre looking at the american flag. Up top the white house flying ay half staff per the president s orders it will remain at half staff until the 16th of june. Like you said him say from an act of terror and an act of hate. Life from the white hours, Marina Maracco, fox5 local news. The nightclub shooting showing h just how difficult it is to to secure socalled soft targets or public areas that are largely unprotected. Earlier today we spoke to an active shooter expert about what we can learn from tragedies like this. Unfortunately this is is our new normal and Situational Awareness is key. Key these type of acts we need to three things, react because bec those who survived in this particular massacre as the stories unfold youre going to hear those that reacted immediately and escaped survived. So react, escape, survive. So that is the message for anybody that has even the ev thought or notion, hey, is that gunfire. Experts also say to follow texte alerts. They are the fastest way to get information about an active shooter. The shooting obviously especially shocking and saddening to members of the lgb2 community as you heard. Executive of equality maryland a will join us life to talk abouto the tragedy coming up in about 30 minutes. There have been a mass and out u pouring of people lining up to donate blood. Officials put out the call saying they were in need of all blood types. People in line say its the least they can do to help thelp many victims. I have my fiveyear old daughteu here, but i have to bring her here show her that we have to Stay Together as a sense of community. The people that wont wait init line are showing up with food wi and drinks. Dr its horrible that a tragedy like this happens, but its heart warming to see all the to support of the community. Com one donation sends an an overwhelming response. Ov theyer are asking donors to como back a man who was headed to la parade was arrested this morning. They found a. M. Nutritions and materials that could be used tod create explosives. He was going to the prideide parade. I was unrelated to the orlando l nightclub shooting. Stay with fox5 as we continue to learn more about the deadly shooting in orlando. Well bring you the updates on the investigation as we learn here them here on fox5, on fox facebook and twitter. Twi still ahead tonight in honor for a retired navy seal who was wh killed while cycling in bethesda. Be well show you how tim holden was remembered today. Finally were going to get an gt end to the weekend heat wave. Things aring going to cool downl and well be back to cease mal. E im going to give you the details on what you can expect and ill have more news on the other side. Well be back after the break. Welcome back. It was another who the kay in the district. This is a life looerk outside right now. Its also been pretty windy outw there at times. We want to check in with gwen in the center. We are going to get a breakin the heat. Th the winds, however, theyll be sticking around just a little bit. We did a little bit cooler today weather wise and temperaturese wise than we were yesterday. Lets take a look at those numbers for you. Mber we actually hit into the lowow 90s. Yesterday we know that we brokee a record at dulles airport, butp today things were actually more on the lower side, but however, relatively speaking theseti numbers are still at least some 10degrees above seasonalsona average. You know, we are heading back to some cooler conditions. Heres a look at whats happening right now in the sit situate 77degrees in d. C. Relative humidity, 24 percent. That deserves the drum role, let me tell you because humidity has been so high and we arend definitely getting a break fromr it and today has been a breakin we have 74 breeze at dulles this hour, 78 at frederick but, 77 at annapolis and 73 at baltimore. Ba frederick is 72degrees andnd cumberland at 70. T the winds were a big factor today and theyre still fairly strong in some of our neighborhoods gusting anywhere from 17 to up to 24 miles per hour. We will see improvement in the h overnight hours in the winds, but expect it to be prettypret breezy for tomorrow as well. L. The winds are going to start to get a little l gusty tonight, but not as bad. We have mainly some clouds to cl the south. Th there is a cold front and thatnd is where all of that is comingig from. Elsewhere we are talking someali clear skies for tonight, cooler and overnight low of about 62degrees. The sunshine will be back inck full force, however, for your monday and the rest of the week we have some changes coming youg way and ill have all the details coming up in just a about it. Lauren. Fox5 in mount Police Investigating an accident thatht left three people hurt. They say two pedestrians weredet hit by a car on lockwood driverv in white oak. One person was trapped in a vehicle and had to be h extricated, all three people who were hurt were taken to the hospital. No word tonight on theirir condition. Co fox5 is in Fairfax County wheree investigators are trying toator figure out what sparked a threealarm fire in falls church. The flames broke out around 4 this afternoon at the dover park apartments. Ap crews from Arlington County wert called in to help battle the blaze. Multiple units were destroyed, but no one was hurt. Hu the Washington National cathedral was one of the countrys most visible houses of worship. Were learning more about the plans to remove two confederate flags from the stain glass windows. They will explore a kearseation about raisin racism. Ac theis windows were installed 1953. They commemorate robert lee and stone jackson. They suggest that they simplyply replace the flag and use the windows to spark a dialogue. The images that were not as problematic in 1953 are a littl3 bit more problematic now soso were starting this discussion is what is their in the cathedral, what is ourur responsibility on conserving history, but also tellinglso different parts of the history that arent currently told righr now. Were told the flags will be removed from the windows in thee next couple of weeks. A tribute for a cyclist. He was an after individual cyclist. Fox5s Lindsay Watts with the story from crystal city. My husband time loved cycling. At this time last year time holden was in the crowd of cyclists here ready to he got a gold medal the last two years. He was the kind of person thatht really challenged himself, liked to come out here and do the best he possibly could. Bly this meant allot to i am h. T while not a rider in the raiseae today, holden was still part off the air force cycling classic. C his wife spoke to the crowd and was given this, a token of the event in her husbands honor. Today was really nice for me p. Ive not, before this, really re spoken since i lost myzt husba. I mean it just has been really l difficult for me. It was back in august when ahen driver falling asleep at the wheel struck holden as he was riding in bethesda. Then earlier this month the memorial set up at the accidentn site was vandalized. Someone stole the bike there. The bike did mean a lot to me. What is a place where i could go and sit and feel like i was close to my husband. So it was disappointing that it was lost. T. But it was nice to be able toble speak today and particularly to be able to thank the community. Pam holden says cyclists have given her and her family incredible support. Le when my husband was buried at arlington a group of about 100 cyclists accompanied him across the Memorial Bridge andand Arlington Cemetery and thatsnd t what incredibly touching. She thinks about her husband every day and hopes maybe youll remember him, too, when you see a cyclist on the road. I know were a town whereow everybody is in a hurry to get someplace, but you know those extra couple minutes to safelyal pass a cyclist just remind yourself that thats thatt somebody is waiting for them toh come home. No one sued have their cyclist leave in the morning and notnd come home. Ome Lindsay Watts, fox5 local news. Still to come tonight, a sweat surprise for one teen on graduation today. She thought her solder father wasnt going to make it. But guess what, see the reunion coming up. Vo for dominion, part of delivering Affordable Energy includes supporting those in our community who need help. Our Energyshare Program does just that, assisting with bill pay and providing free, energysaving upgrades. Its more than helping customers, its helping neighbors. Stand by me fox5 is in Prince Georges County where police need your h help to find a ma in p who folld a woman from a metro stop andand sexually assaulted her. This happened thursday morning inside of a business in landover. The police say followed theth victim from the new carlsonlson metro station. They release surveillance videoc you can see the man there with a red sweert shirt with a cross or a plus sign. The police are hoping people recognize him from the way he he walks. If you have any information onnr who this person is to give us a call. I usually come here especially at that time. I go to school. Im not here in the morning, but to me, safe in the morning. Again, if you recognize the mani you are asked to give princeto georges county police a call. In Montgomery County police are looking for a man who has exposed himself several times in public. Theres been two incidents onon new mark in rockville and threee in the 9,000 bloc grove court in deer wood. Police have release the photosho hoping that someone willwill recognize the man. They which pay up to 10,000 fo1 leads to his arrest. A man was stabbed on ninthtab street in northwest. They were arguing over an uber. Someone nearby tried to stop the altercation. The suspect threatened theeate person with a gun. Un anyone with info should give d. C. Police a call. In Virginia Police need yourour help identifying two men wantedn for a string of left in fredericksburg. Take a close look, see if you recognize the suspects. Police received reports of 15 incidents. The men targeted unlocked carsnc stealing cash, change and walle et cetera. Police are reminding everyone to lock their cars and keep valuables out of site. Ite. On a night like tonight with everything going on we could use some positive news and this story fits the bill. Ill a california teen got theia t surprise of her lifetime. She hasnt seen father who is a soldier in near aa year. She thought he was going tog miss her graduation. Er i didnt want to let go. I wanted to hold onto him because i hadnt seen him for a whole year in september and he probably would have missed my 18th birthday, too. Oo. But master surgeon derek mills did make it to his daughters graduation his daughter thought wassing whying to miss this. I really wanted him to be here to see me see me graduate. For him to text me and say he wasnt coming, made it clear. Ar. But when he showed up. I would like contact million to join me. The principal helped reunion. He kept it a secret. He let them file into the stadium and began the ceremony. He authenticity brought contactb million to the center of thef field and then introduced sarnll event most to the crowd. I always see it happy i graduation. And i wa s like i wish that was me. And now it really was me. Contact million simone morris. Im very proud. Im very proud, very. Keeping it a secret, it was hard. I wanted to say im coming, butt im glad i did it. Honestly, its just so amazing and so surreal. I cant believe i reallyea cant believe youre here. Im so flustered with words iors dont even know what to say because im just so happy. I love you. I love you. I love those stories. We see a lot of them lot of people say why do you keep running those stories,orie thats why. Why. Theyre serving our country andn they get the little reward inlit the end. End. Its heart warming and thank you for your service. Thats the most importantst i part. Still ahead tonight, wereigt continuing to l to the latest oe the tragedy in orlando. A local actavis who has dedicated his career to gay rights is here to talk about the attacks when we come back. This is fox5 local newses at 10. Were another continuing tor c follow the latest out of the out orlando tonight. To heres what we know at thishi hour. 50 people are confirmed dead and that death toll could still climb. At least 53 were injured in the shooting. Am of them are in h Critical Condition and Law Enforcement have started the process of identifying the for more on the investigation ww hear from foxs stieve garret are. Reporter a loan gunman pledged allegiance to isis to before going on a shootinghoot rampage in florida. President obama condemned the attacks that claimed the lives i of at least 50 people and injured dozens of others. Ot today marks the most deadly hooting in American History. This was an act of terror and ad act of hate. Police say 29 year old omar marr teen entered the pulse early sunday morning and began shooting. He then took hostages before bef being shot dead by squatquat members. The fbi says mar teen was twice investigated, once in 2014 and then 2013. When he made inflammatory comments to coworkers allegedla possible terrorist ties. Officials say mar teen lived in an apartment in force pierce. He reportedly purchased t weapons, a handgun and a rival i just in the last few days. Da the fbi says mar teen was not ws under investigation at the time of the shooting. The fbi thoroughly investigated the matter, including interviews of witnesses, physical surveillance and records checksd in r the course of the investigation, ma teen was interviewed twice. Ultimately we were unable to t verify the substance of his of comments and the investigationns was closed. The brutal attack has left the e community and nation shaken. A candle lit vinyl is being held at a church in the far from thet shooting site. Its heart breaking and its something that the community hau to deal with for a very long lo time. The city of orlando has set up a victim site on the citys web page. In orlando, stieve harrigan, fox news. Theres been a massive out ma pouring of support and people ad lining up to donate blood in the wake of the nightclub shooting. Hundreds turn out at blood b donation after offerings put out the cale saying that they were need in in all blood types. People in line say its the the least they can do to help thelp many victims. I have my fiveyear old daughter, but i have to bring br her to show her that we need tod Stay Together as a sense of of community. People are showing up with food and drinks. Dri its horrible that a tragedy like this happens, but its heartwarming to see the supporth of all the community. They had such an overwhelming oe response theyre now asking donors to come back he ever on the next several days. I would like to now ask us for a moment of silence in remembrance of those who have died. Ha here in d. C. , the victims were remembered ahead of todays capital pride festival. And the shooting today happenedd during pride month across the country. Of course many Cities Movement 6789 were joined now i by a man who has dedicated his i career to lgbt rights. Thank you so much for coming in here. Thank you, i wish it was under different circumstances. Absolutely. I just want to hear from you how are Community Members in the lgtb Community Reacting . Weve seen people out there in then pride events today. Even what are you hearing. Its difficult to put into worse how outraged our communitr is today. This isnt the first time that the lgtb community has experienced violence. We have two women of color murdered for being transgender. This is a very difficult day noy just because there was a mass shooting today but because thehe violence against the gtb community continues. Youve considered the advancements that the communityc has made, especially with the e rulings from the supreme is this being viewed as a a setback for that moment. Make mow mistakes the violence asment against lgbt people has been rampant in or society for all of your history. Today we see a remainder of how much work we still have to do so lgtb people have rights. Make no mistake as well that this is not islam. This is not an opportunity for o the Muslim Community and the lgbq community to come togethero thats why we at free state st leaders are working with musliml leaders in maryland to host an n around solve dare try standing against hatred and bigotry and that will happen tomorrow night at 7 00 p. M. You know, i have a fe horrific as this is its something that is going to bring the Community Even closer together. I think what folks dont realize is that the lgtb community has been so close for so many yearsa because weve had to find chosen family from all the discrimination that people experience. Weve seen in recent weeks wee across the country as obama makes the announcement that they have rights in schools under title 9. We have seen people come out and condemn. I think it is unequivocally clear that those types ofypes statements by elected officials in our states targeting transgender students areansg contributing to the kind of o violence that we saw today and o that we continue to see against the lgtb community. Its unacceptable and this is the kind of atmosphere people find themselves in today. With all the rhetoric going on and it seems like you have certain political leaders who la are using incidents like this, not the targets is the root r cause of the problem but to sayo it is a situation that goes bacc to the Transgender Movement and the recent statements made bytae other political leaders in support of the community. Y. Yes, weve had an unequivocally fast and surprisingly Quick Movement from the president onno down, from elected leadership in support of lgtb folks. Weve also seen a surprising sur level of high level state leaders come out and almostnd support attacking lgtbq people. E weve seen this from the Lieutenant Governor of texas with a surprising offensive message. He said that was a scheduled tweet that was scheduled last sc thursday and it has been policy in their school districth so that he could sue the federal government, so he could take co this fight to the federal government and to the courts, which is him trying to insert himself into the transgender tra rights. At the very end of the day no matter what your beliefs violence is clearly never thehe answer. It is just atrocious. I want on ask you one thing. Ive noticed some statements from paul ryan from former f governor rick scott. Theyve emphasized this is an attack, on america p. Nowhere did they mention the lgbt community. Com theyre seeing this as a terroro attack by and large on the country. Theyre letting that go. Its up to that this was not just the most horrific shooting in unitedhoot states history, but the most horrific attack targeted at the lgtb community. Lg is is a hate crime. C and to not hear elected leaders across the board stand up and ad say this is lgtb discrimination and lgtb violence is unacceptable and we should expect better. Were going to be right back after the break. S of sleep, weve got you covered. S of sleep, enjoy free breakfast on the run and free wifi. Get up to 20 percent off as a Hilton Hhonors member at hampton. Com. Well have a free waffle. Some free bacon. Free eggs. Should we add free syrup . You know what, lets treat ourselves. Enjoy free hot breakfast with a tall glass of free wifi. Get up to 20 percent off as a Hilton Hhonors member at hampton. Com. Taking a break from all thatt orlando coverage. Cove we want to talk about this areai and the heat because it has beeh who the. It has. T we had a really who the weekend, what we had this weekend was our teaser to summer. It was quite sweaty. For sure it was like pop up the as i said last night, find ad friend with a pool. Thats right. Igh things are cooling down. Own. So, you know, if you found the friend with the pool, just keepp the number in your mobile devicl because before the summer issumm over you might want to dial that number up one more time. More in the meantime we are coolingre down as we move into thethe beginning of the week. Less humidity. But still dealing with the wind. So the week is going to start with some sunshine, bright skies as we get into your monday. The winds are going toic p up from the northwest. The winds are going to diminish somewhat in the overnight hours. Still breeze zimmerman tomorrow well see them picking up again. Some unsettled days inn then seven day forecast. The temperature isse finally getting back to where they w should be as we head to the 80s once again. Gai we werent there today, howevere this was the second day of my little summer teaser as i callel it where temperatures were intoe the low 90s a at all thre airports. Not breaking records today. We did that yesterday when we hit 95degrees which we broke a record setback in 2000. It was still who the today, and the humidity was not quite asuie bad as it was yesterday, either. That was some good news. Plenty of sevens on my map. My take a look. 77 at d. C. , the for cant quo, 74 for dulles. As far as baltimore, 73, 77 at annapolis. 76 at fredericksburg. G. Its fairly warm outside and the winds are still a little bit ofe an issue in some of our neighborhoods. Ne sustained winds anywhere from about six to 16mile per hourou winds. Thats at d. C. We have some wind gusts still. Gu look at this, to the north and to the west, begin wussing at 21 miles per hour. Our. Earlier today the winds were even stronger. Tron were finally getting the break from the winds as i said but tomorrow it will be breezy. Weve had this frontal system ti that moved its way across thehe area earlier tonight. Ig this is going to becomeo b stationary. To the south of that earlier a few isolated storms that popped up, but nothing that hit our region at all. T all we got to do was enjoy the sunshine. As we move through into theinto earlier part of the week, plenty of sunshine as we start and thed things will start to change. This is going to become a stationary frontal system to tho south of us and werent going to end up seeing sunshine tomorrow into the 80s. Ridge of High Pressure off to the north. Once we get into tuesday, prettr much the same story except we start to deal with a couple of disturbances heading our way and were going to see some unsettled weather by the time wt get to hump day. Low 80s right across the board. A winds will be moving in from the northwest. Heres your day planner tomorroo so you can schedule as youou please. By the time we get to midday 75degrees. By the time we get 5 00 a very comfortable 8 degrees. Tonight 52degrees under your clear skies. It is cooler, much cooler than it so. Or winds improving overnight. The gusts as weve already seen are starting to diminish. Thats at least some good news. Tomorrow once we head to the low 80s for daytime highs warm but cooler. The north westerly wind will bee moving in anywhere from 10 to 15 miles an hour. Our. We start to get a little unsettled once we get into int wednesday. I cant rule out maybe a light passing shower tuesday tonightsy especially over the Higher Elevations but we have an upper level disturbance by the time we get to the wednesday, thursday period. Into friday thats our fox5 zip day, our fox5 morning crew will be out on the road. I could see maybe a shower therw as well. Temperatures stick ting around. Its a little cooler on friday. And then dryer skies after that. Were going to be right back with more on fox5 news at 10. Stay with us. The Instagram Page of a 8ns year old world traveler has people talking tonight. Ing its proof a mother never stops worry especially when her child is thousand miles a way. Jonathan quinones uses words tos say im safe. M he holds up a sign, mom im fine. The mom on fine instagram ins account has more than 128,000 followers. On this day, thats been a verye tough day, it has been a lovely break to see the smile and joy emanating from my pittsburgh native over here. We just had a moment. The penguins won the stanley cup. The capitols organization has been fantastic since ive comeoe down here to deal with and obviously they were very kind tn me when we had to cover that playoff series. They deal with your golden ties. It was actually a great moment. It was probably the bigg here is mike thomas and hes quite open about that. Hes probably just in shock sho right now. Probably. You know, some nats fans this ti year might get to experience your shear glaze. That would be awesome. The way that theyve just come o out of the gates, its been astounding. Whats great about this team, bryce tapered off to start off t the month of may and everybody else steps up. U team work. Here comes another lame phrase. Winning baseball games is like s wearing tank tops in the summer. It all comes down to the arm. So far the nats have post season pace. Topped by Steven Strasburg andst his League Leading 10ws. S. Hes the first nl pitcher to start the season 100 since 1985. Day game action nats park today, wind blowing. You can see the flags there. E the watts take advantage. Danny espinosa. That one got in the navy yard breeze. Gone to the deepest part of the park. Nats lead three0. Pam upon, miquel franco, enter on werth riding in, hair flowing in the wind. His gloriously unkempt beard. The bases loaded drives it to center. Bryce harper is going to come cm around to score. Danny espinosa follows him. Him thats the game winner, the nats win the series. After the game jason werth has a new nickname for the nats closer. I knew i was in trouble when i saw the strang letter coming at me. Who is the strang letter, you, o reference to january ton papelbon. Just about the kiss davis did. The os down 73. Davis four behind thrombosed. The orioles hit five home runs. The pitching staff couldnt keep the ball in the park as they lose 109. Its time for our close five toe five plays of the week. This week like am of your favorite shows we are in summer reruns. Again, we have a slew of robberies we start with rerun of last week. Its not a rerun, but it looks o exactly like it. Like remember the willie mays catch y from last week . Right. Take a look at this. West michigan. Its the same guy. Youre hiding me. The same catch willie mays style. Two unreal catches in two weeks by derrick hill. He needs to go to the majors. You asked me earlier, did you see any plays this week. And i saw this one and i said we already showed that one. Totally different, but the same exact play. Only number five. Its a really good week. How about a play that wasnt in last weeks. Lorenzo cane, full speed goes over the wall. Watch how he tracks the ball. Reaches all the way over. Ove its actually the catch that noo one remembered. The height there. Thiser is the same game with may ma who the oh and the pitcher yeah. Number three, College World series softball, auburns tiffany howard, game on the line, tie game, robs it, she comes running in, ends the inning. This could have been the game inning homerun. Auburn to win in a walk off in the eighth inning. Unfortunately they lost in the College World series. Were about a week away from the holiday, so how about thishis catch. With a baby in his mind. You might need to take another look at this. T this is from the nats white socks game. Anthony rendon sends one over. You see the dad reaches out while Still Holding the baby. The baby is just like yeah, yea thats mine now. This is all me. A great move right there, but not as good as number one. This is definitely not a rerun. This is bmx biker, goes up on handlebars. He goes down a ramp still t ram tanning on the handlebars. He did this a couple of weeks o ago, but release the video this week this has me scared. Sca its like hes wobbling. He is steering with his feet. He went over a ramp. Hes about to go over anotherer little obstacle here. This ride goes on for almost 40 seconds. Look at this, down another one. He goes up. He actually said he did take a couple horrible spills p, but had this one fantastic ride. Hes a pro bmx weeker. B we couldnt even show the whole thats how long he was standing. Jim is about to lose it. Thats amazing, though. I appreciate you getting the ladies in there. N th a little softball and i think the baby might have been a lady. She had page on. She the ping was a pretty good indication, bug you never know. Were back after this. Stay tuned. The new chase freedom unlimited card earns you unlimited 1. 5 cash back on everything you buy. The cash back is unlimited and you can spend it on anything. Like, whatever the next ad is selling. Get the new chase freedom unlimited card. Being able to see colors something that most of a us taks for granted. Three men that were color blindo are getting the chance to see in color for the very first time. Ie most of us take colors forfor granted r single day, but for people to have pick clothes, identify street lights, life can be a reel challenge. For these three color blind jacr they have a secret weapon. This is the first time these men are seeing objection to the form particulars through the glass. Trevor smith has a bad habit off of wearing his wifes clothes. He stole it not realizing it was one of my shirts. I have a gray one just likeike this. I thought it was gray. Its not his fault. Trevor is color blind, reallylly color blind. Co when it comes to buying serve boards s on has also faced ridicule. Normally greens blur with yellows, reds disappeared and ping has never existed in his view. With the fathers day gift withh these glasses he is seeing theig world differently for the first time. This is peach. Each yes. Are they yellow. The one on the right is the left on the left green . Yes. The ping is more vibrant in thee flowers which is quite unique. Ping just usually looks dirtyrt white for me. Its ahard to attach motions to colors hes starting to see what hes been missing after 32 yearr of khaki and chrome. Hrom it is a wonderful fathers day gift. He has to admit colors are amazing. His best fathers day gift is 19 months old. Ld. The longer someone wear

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