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months that the president has been in colorado to comfort residents. he was there in june after wildfires destroyed dozens of homes. this time it's an entire town that is hurting. vigils like this one for recent gateway high school graduate a.j.boyt who is in critical condition are occurring spontaneously. >> he was an amazing person. he was someone to always put a smile on your face. >> reporter: like many of the dozens hurt, his injuries are life-changing. >> they think he may be paralyzed from the neck down but he is doing good and making eye contact and movement. >> reporter: as investigators continue to remove evidence from suspect james holmes apartment, reports are surfacing that his surrender wasn't as cut and dried as previously thought. on the morning talk shows, police says tactical gear he was wearing almost allowed him to slip away mistaken as a s.w.a.t. team member. the owner of the shop that sent the gear is having a hard time dealing with that. >> the first thing i thought of was i hope that wasn't and order that came through one of our stores. >> reporter: holmes downstairs neighbors is dealing with harsh realities learning had she opened his apartment door to confront him about loud music the night of the shooting, they may have made a fatal mistake. >> something made me say no i don't want to do that. i went down and called the police. >> reporter: investigators expect to finish up evidence removal at holmes apartment tomorrow so the neighborhood can regain some sense of normalcy but it won't happen for a long time. the president is on the ground meeting with families. we will have more on his visit a little later in the newscast. maureen? >> audrey barnes in the newsroom. mayor michael bloomberg is calling for tougher national gun laws. there was a national ban on assault weapons between 1994 and 2004. the issue is now up to states. the gun that james holmes allegedly used may technically not be an assault weapon depending how it was out identified so bans may not have stopped the legal purchase of that gun. many of the victims from the shooting are in critical condition. we are learning more about the 12 people killed. we have a closer look at who they are and how they are being remembered. >> reporter: the mayor of aurora saying some of the injured may not survive. we are remembering those whose lives have been lost. the youngest of the victims, 6- year-old veronica sullivan was excited about learning to swim. her mother is in critical condition and hasn't been told about her daughter's death. 23-year-old macaw lay -- makala attended aurora community college. she was a huge green bay packers fan. alexander wanted to become a psychiatrist earning a master's degree. 24-year-old jessica gwahi narrowly missed a shooting in canada last month. in a blog she wrote i saw the victims of a senseless crime. i saw life change. at 26, jonathan blink served three tours with the navy and planned to become a navy seal. he was a father of two. comic book geek alex sullivan would have been celebrating his 27th birthday and his first wedding anniversary this weekend. as the attack unfolded, 27-year- old target employee matt mcquinn dove in front of his girlfriend to shield her from the gunfire. she survived. john larimer was a navy sailor at buckley. he had a good sense of humor and was the youngest of five siblings. the oldest was seeing the movie with his two teenage children. his family said he was a true texas gentleman. 18-year-old alexander body, a resent high school graduate was described as a ball of joy by friends. his girlfriend survived. everyone expected them to get married of the serving alongside larimer was jesse childress a cyber systems operator. rebecca wingo was a mother of two. she worked in customer relations. a vigil remembering the lives lost will take place tonight at aurora city hall at 6:30. coming up in a few minutes, we will go live to aurora and hear from a man who says he knew something wasn't right when holmes tried to join his gun club. back in the district, thousands of people were on the national mall to kick off a huge international aids conference. they rallied and marred from the washington monument. that is where john henrehan is live. >> reporter: maureen, this international conference on hiv aids is huge. 25,000 delegates are assembling in washington. it's the first time in 22 years this conference is in the u.s. because only recently has america relaxed the previously stringent rules that kept hiv positive people out of the country. the rain held off so organizers spread out panels of the aids quilt, hand made cloth panels that commemorate the lives of individuals that died of aids. doris wall's son died in 1989. she has been an activist since pushing federal and state governments to do more. >> you have people in the south that are still on wait lists waiting for their medication and to he me it's not a good thing to do. >> reporter: some people are here at the conference because in this crowd it's okay to disclose the fact that you are hiv positive. >> it's like you don't have to worry whether you got it or not. people will drink from your cup, keith off your plate. it feels good to be treated like a normal person. >> reporter: several thousand gathered for an afternoon rally. al sharpton called on all faith communities to comfort those infected with hiv. >> your job reverend, your job rabbi is not to condemn people but to heal people. if you are not down with the healing, you need to turn in your collar and get another kind of vocation. >> reporter: many here want more governmental funding for aids prevention and education. some think individual actions count. pat evans winfield is a health care worker in north carolina. she wishes more hiv positive clients followed the law requiring only protected sex. >> we expect for you to abide by it. you are infecting someone else. and at some point we have to say, hey, look, this has got to stop because it goes on and on. >> reporter: the purpose of this conference exchange scientific and policy ideas in an effort to develop strategies to better combat hiv aids. although treatments have improved for those with the human -- hiv in the last few years and survival is now routine, long time survival is routine, not everybody gets the medicine. organizers of the conference say throughout the world, 5,000 people die of aids every single day. will? >> sobering statistics. john, thank you. parts of syria have fallen into the hands of rebel. now syrian and israeli officials are concerned chemical weapons could soon make their way as well. >> reporter: 19,000 people. that is the number that activists say the death toll has reached in this past week as the rebels in the radio gym -- regime are going for clawing backe areas of the capital. they tried to recover from tactical blows made by the opposition, the rebels turn their sites on the second city. residents reported an attempt to take the airport and fighting at the main intelligence compound. elsewhere the rebels took out a regime tank. yet another key border crossing fell into rebel hands as did several towns in the kurdish northeast. the united states and israel are extremely concerned that amid the fog of chaos and violence, syria's massive arsenal of chemical weapons could be vulnerable to extremists. israel says it will be prepared to act militarily if any missiles falls in the likes of hezbollah. the weather has been great for days but it brought us much needed rain. taking a live look outside, the sun has finally broken through. i wonder if it will stick around. let's check in with gwen tolbart. >> we have sunshine but cloudy skies in the forecast and changes ahead, maureen. let's take a look at today. almanac showing temperatures, some eight to nine below the seasonal average. we had 90 at baltimore. but reagan and dulles 82 degrees. currently 82 at reagan national. the same at dulles. bwi cooking in at 81 degrees. sunny breaks out there. not as cloudy as earlier this morning. we had plenty of fog in the early morning hours. things are improving. tonight cloudy skies stick around. we will be into the 80s. mild night ahead. more details coming up. >> sounds good. thank you. major change on the campus at penn state univethe wake of sandusky child sex abuse scandal, a beloved statue has been taken down. a closer look as we continue.  the famous statue of joe paterno has been removed. workers lifted the statue off its base into beaver stadium as dozens of students watched, some chanting we are penn state. the statue was built in 2011 in honor of his record setting coaching victory. the removal comes after the ncaa announced it would issue sanctions against the university after top officials were accused in a scathing report of burying child sex abuse allegations against jerry sandusky. a texas air force training instructor sentenced to 20 years in prison for sexual assault. the charges included more than two dozen victims. >> as robert price explains, that's the only census for one of 12 intructors ac cuffed in the pattern of -- accused in the pattern of abuse. >> reporter: lewis walker asked the jurors for mercy. >> requested leniency based upon the fact that he has two small children. >> reporter: the air force says the 26-year old is a sexual predator that used his power as a training instructor to assault or rape ten trainees. >> we need a safe, secure training environment. unfortunately for these ten victims that was not the case. >> reporter: before sentencing, five of those victims gave emotional testimony about the personal and professional toll of walker's abuse. one woman spoke of breaking off an engagement. one has trouble sleeping, no longer trust men and regret facing the military. the defense tried to paint him in a sympathetic light. >> emotional testimony about what sergeant walker is like as a person, what he means to them. >> reporter: prosecutors asked the jury to send a message with the punishment and give him a 40 year sentence. he got half that. 20 years with the possibility of parole after six. >> i can't comment about the appropriateness of the sentence. it's what the jury felt was appropriate. >> with more victims and more intructors to be court- martialed, the air force admits this sex scandal is a hit to its image. >> sergeant walker is not representative of the 98% of the other military training intructors who are taking every measure we can to follow through to make it as safe as possible and ensure that any allegations that are raised are followed through to their conclusion. some conflicting reports regarding the whereabouts of michael jackson's mother. 82-year-old katherine jackson was record missing by a family member yesterday. paris jackson, michael jackson's daughter tweeted about her missing grandmother. officials with the los angeles county sheriff's office say she is with family members. she has been carrying for michael's children since their father's death. a tense seen after a haz- mat situation at a hollywood nightclub. a smoke machine malfunctioned forcing thousands to evacuate. the machine reportedly released a large amount of carbon dioxide. 6 people were taken to the hospital. memorials and tributes continue to come in for victims of fried morning's theater shooting in colorado. this is ahead of a citywide vigil and a visit by president obama. craig boswell has more outside the suspect's apartment in aurora. >> reporter: neighbors collected belongings from the aurora apartment building where james holmes lived. one remembered his chance encounter with the alleged mass murder. >> thursday morning when i was parked there, he came out smoking a cigarette looking down like something was on his mind. >> reporter: a rare glimpse inside as the fbi and atf worked throughout the night gathering evidence inside his third floor apartment. just hours after crews detonated devices removed from the booby trapped apartment. we learned holmes application to a firing range raised suspicion as the owner called the 24 year old back and got his voicemail. >> usually if i call somebody and leave a message, they call me back immediately the same day. i called three times, he hasn't called me. it's like i don't like this. leave it alone. >> reporter: people continue to pay their respects at a growing memorial near the theater. the crosses are a tribute to the 12 victims. >> i put up the columbine crosses. i am you back here again. this is the second time back here. another star of the batman film has released a statement. anne hathaway plays catwoman. she said my heart breaks for the lives taken from this unsense -- senseless act. my thoughts and prayers are with the victims and their families. coming up on fox 5 news at 6:30, hear from local leaders about how their communities are reacting. take a close look at this video. it may look like fog but it's actually a massive sandstorm. the blinding storm hit phoenix with wind blowing the dust up to 45 miles per hour. it knocked out power to thousands across the state. the dust storm was then followed by heavy rain. the dry weather that leads to sand storms is happening all over the country this year. farmers are getting desperate. >> the drought across much of the nation is forcing farmers to turn to technology. >> reporter: it's the sound of relief, desperately needed water that mother nature isn't bringing lately. >> the last few years our peanut drop was a -- crop was a total loss. >> reporter: with crops drying up and baking in the heat from the deep south to the midwest, farmers are not just hoping for rain but turning to technology. after years of destructive droughts, irrigation systems are popping up in fields across the nation. for farmers these artificial water sources are the difference between a robust crop or a devastating loss in the fall. elton sharp can barely keep up with the demand. farmers all over georgia are calling irrigation installers like him as repeat droughts rip the state. >> 20 years ago we were trying to convince people that they need them. now we have to try to convince them that we have the right pivot for them. >> reporter: the irrigation business is booming nationwide. in 2008 farmers spent a whooping $2.1 billion to install, maintain and upgrade systems. >> the trend seems to be that we are having more and more driers. so, yes, i think irrigation is becoming more of a necessity. >> a necessity keeping many farmers afloat when mother nature seems to be pulling the plug on the rain clouds. >> i don't think there is any better life than farm life. >> in pinehurst, georgia, fox news. animals need to find food, too. >> we found one that needed some bedding and maybe a lawn mower too. see what happens when a bear decided to visit a sears on the other side of the break. k. wheeeeeeeeeeeee! wheeeeeeeeeeeee! whee! whee! wheeeeeeeeeheeee! heads up. everything you love about geico, now mobile . download the geico app today. ♪ ♪ [ male announcer ] everyone likes a bit of order in their life. virtual wallet helps you get it. keep track of spending, move money with a slide, and use the calendar. all to see your money how you want. ♪ it's not exactly the softer side of sears. a bear cub walked in in pittsburgh and went browsing. store employees got everybody out quickly and safely and soon the whole mall was evacuated until wildlife officers could tranquilize the bear. then they carried the sleeping cub out of the store. >> i like that. the softer side of sears. the hairy side of sears. >> how did he get in the door. >> occasionally video pops up like a deer but a bear is an odd one. >> probably looking for food but -- maybe garbage left out. >> never know. >> we know the weather is changing. >> we got a bit of a break in terms of the temperature. humidity is around. >> not getting rid of that. good sunny breaks after a cloudy start this morning with the fog. here is a live shot outside. the sky is nice for everyone on the national mall. that is good news. temperatures today, 82 at reagan. the same at dulles. 90 bwi thurgood marshall of the these are 7 to 8 below the seasonal average but guess what, temperatures will be on the rise. be prepared for that. right now 82 at national. 65% humidity. a light southerly wind flow. we will see the winds increasing pushing in from the south. that will open us up to get warmer as we move in closer to the week. 82 fredricksburg. 82 manassas. 80 to the north in hagerstown. we have 81 at annapolis as well. let's take a look at the heat indices. the humidity is causing a bit of a temperature rise. it feels like 85 d.c. 88 quantico. not a big difference. 90 is what it feels like in culpeper when you factor in the heat and humidity. temperatures take a look at the triple digits in the mid- section of the country. we will see the southerly air push in as a ridge of high pressure moves out. that will give us a very warm humid unstable air mass. we move through the extended period, we will be set up for active weather. mostly cloudy skies across the area. tomorrow we will see changes. we will get a few breaks as we head into the course of the early evening hours before the clouds really start to dominate. overnight lows under cloudy skies mainly in the upper 60s and low 70s everywhere. it will be fairly mild. i do expect a slight chance of a sprinkle as we move into after midnight. be prepared for that. get ready. guess what, the 90s are returning. you will have to pump up the ac. hazy, hot and humid. more details later on. back to you, maureen, will. >> thanks. remember you can check the weather any time with the fox 5 weather app. download it on your droid, iphone or ipad and you can find it on our web site, >> you know bullying is a problem in schools all over the country. >> but when it happened to a bus monitor, people from all over the world decided she needs a vacation. you won't believe how much money they raised for karen klein. remember this video? it was stunning. stay with us. fox 5 news at 6:00 an hour now on the weekends continues after this. i'm barack obama and i approve this message. [romney singing]: oh beautiful, for spacious skies, for amber waves of grain, for purple mountains majesty, above the fruited plain, america, america, god shed his grace on thee, and crowned thy good, with brotherhood... [ male announcer ] we believe small things can make a big difference. like how a little oil from here can be such a big thing in an old friend's life. purina one discovered that by blending enhanced botanical oils into our food, we can help brighten an old dog's mind so he's up to his old tricks. with this kind of thinking going into our food, imagine all the goodness that can come out of it. just one way we're making the world a better place... one pet at a time. vibrant maturity. from purina one smartblend. chilling details are emerging about the movie shooting rampage in colorado. >> president obama has been on the ground for about an hour now. he will spend 2 1/2 hours there meeting with relatives of the victims and talking to survivors. audrey barnes has more from the newsroom. >> the president's role has shifted from commander in chief to consoler in chief. colorado's governor and numerous officials were on hand to greet the president when air force one touched down. providing this comfort is an -- isn't an all too familiar task for the president. he was in colorado talking to dozens of families that lost their homes to wildfires. aurora's families said the stories of heroism will no doubt leave a lasting impression on the president. >> with hemmingway, the word breaks us all but after words we are stronger in the broken places. we heard in the hospitals yesterday visiting the families and victims, there ways a buoyancy, a resiliency. we will not let this define their life. they will fight back. >> huge community wide vigil is about to get underway. we will have more on that later tonight. >> thank you. we will have continuing coverage of the movie mass a say kerr in cool -- massacre tonight at 10:00 and 11:00 and web my fox -- myfoxdc. today the nation paused to remember the 77 people killed or injured in norway. he bombed the government district in oslo killing eight people then went on a shooting rampage that left 6 people dead. when a criminal is as dangerous as those gunman the punishment has to be severe. there is something happening inside a virginia jail. it could eventually help all of us. beth parker goes inside the jail for a look at this new program. >> connected by the railroad. >> reporter: a crisp neck tie and shiny shoes. >> the death toll from the civil war, 6,000. >> reporter: these students are not free to go at the end of class. they are inmates at the alexandria adult detention center, the jail. >> they say that education is the key to success. i never believed that. i have been a knucklehead and done my own thing. >> reporter: that is how she says she ended up in jail, this time for larceny. she is studying african- american history. it's a partnership. dr. jim mcclellan is the dean of arts. >> we believe that everybody should have an opportunity to reach his or her full potential no matter who or where they are. mccull lane says they are good students. >> they are captive audience and did their homework. i wish my students on campus were as well prepared. >> reporter: lawhorn has seen what educating inmates can do. >> they leave with a better attitude and more optimism about the chance to succeed. >> these students that i have in the class are capable of living productive lives outside. >> reporter: they will run parallel classes here at the jail and nova. the hope is if an inmate is released from here that person could walk on to campus as a student he was a student when a parole violation sent him back to jail. >> when he came out with the assignment sheet, would you like to sign, i was like, what, crazy. >> reporter: they say he is helping them understand the value of learning. >> when you get out, visit harper's ferry. >> reporter: it has been an awakening. >> everything is jumping out at me. these are things that i really didn't know before. >> reporter: an education that might one day help her earn a job and her freedom. in alexandria, beth parker, fox 5 news. a fundraiser to send a bully bus monitor on vacation is now over. it started with a $5,000 goal but it raised more than $700,000 for karen klein. remember this video? it was disturbing to say the least. middle school kids taunted her on a bus a few weeks ago while recording it on a camera phone. the video went viral and the donations came pouring in. four 7th graders have been suspended for a year. most wrote an apology letter to the 68-year-old woman. a health alert tonight for parents of student athletes. there are new recommendations from doctors. they are suggesting more concussion tests for middle and high school students. diane ryan reports. >> these teens are taking a test but not for math, science or english. they are taking a concussion test. >> yeah, i like it. >> reporter: did sydney and her friends are high school athletes. she plays lacrosse. she worries about injuries. >> people throw the ball and you don't wear headgear. it hurts if you get hit. >> reporter: that's why neurologists urge every high school and middle school student in sports to take the test. >> in the incidence of a concussion, we can retake the test and compare it to the baseline. it will help determine if someone can return to play safely. >> reporter: sam plays hockey and he knows what a concussion feels like. >> i got a concussion about 8th grade. >> he had to sit on the sidelines. it's the law now. times have changed for the better. >> when i played it was nonexistent. we didn't talk about it. you got your bell running, got up and kept your mouth shut or you didn't play again. >> now coaches know what to look for. >> diane ryan, fox news. former "american idol" winner ledee wise is off the market. he married yesterday in california. the couple met shooting one of his music videos. he won the 9th seen of "american idol" -- season of "american idol" in 2010. >> i can't believe j lo and stephen tier are out as judges. you would have thought with that cash they would have stuck around. maybe randy jackson, too. >> that means producers have to find some new ones fast. i think we could do it, too. sabrina has the latest. >> phillip phillips. >> reporter: with jennifer lopez and stephen tier stepping aside, there is no shortage of opinions. >> they need to find people that aren't just famous and interesting but ones that can do the job so people tune in or do a rotating panel like on so you think you can dance. >> reporter: after the first season seasons of randy, paula and simon, the panel changed several times. ratings were down which puts more pressure on the show. >> we are hearing mariah carey, miley cyrus, aretha franklin is in the mix. i don't know if that is the demo they are going for. >> reporter: those are in addition to adam lambert, quincy jones and fergie being mentioned keeping the star power -- keeping it on star power. randy jackson may switch jobs or leave the show. >> randy jackson may be demoted or moved to a different roll, the jimmy iovine role, mentoring instead of a judge. >> reporter: the show's producers are expected to make a decision in the next several weeks. >> just know you are not alone. >> when you are facing competition, you have to do something. >> no matter who they get to judge on the panel it will be a hit show. it's so fun to watch these kids go from nothing like making sandwiches at subway -- >> the american dream. so, this is a huge step for gay and lesbian service members. see what happened that had so many people feeling like a change has finally come. we are coming back. a historic day in california. active duty military members participated in the gay pride parade in full uniform and without controversy. the uniformed service members took part in the festivities thank to the resending of don't ask don't tell and the wearing of uniforms in the parade as long as military appearance is maintained. >> amazing. i want to thank everyone for coming out showing that we are all equals. >> it's a wonderful parade. it's bigger than i ever remember it. there are so many happy excited people. makes you feel good. >> last year's parade was the first to include military members but only retired officers were allowed to wear uniforms at that time. the international olympic committee president is responding to allegations that the 2012 organizers went too far in protecting sponsors. no action will be taken against individuals if the logos on their shirts are sponsors or competitors. common sense will prevail. he talked about stepped up security. >> on the issue of security, yes, it has been an issue. it has been identified. corrective measures were taken. the company will compensate the extra cost of the soldiers to the government and i believe that it's time to move on. >> the ioc is opening an ethics investigation after the british sunday times reported national olympic committee officials were willing to offer tickets on the black market. you would agree we have had so much rain for days and we needed the rain like it or not. >> now the sun is out. at sleep number, individualizing your sleep is at the heart of every innovation. wow. that feels really good! and now, sleep number introducs our new memory foam series the only memory foam beds with exclusive dual-air technology that adjusts on each side. memory foam just found its better half. sleep number. enjoy introductory savings of $500... and two free coolfit pillows! plus, free shipping through saturday. only at the sleep number store, where queen mattresses start at just $699. nasa is celebrating the 40th anniversary of land sap, a satellite program in space that records images on the earth. scientists can create time lines showing changes to the planet. it was first launched in 1972 and it became a unique resource in global climate research. it's the longest continuous global record of earth observations from space. and we are talking our weather. much different day today. the sun actually came out. >> it took a while but it did make an appearance at least. i think the gray clouds -- we will get rain but it held off which is good. a lot happening outside today. good news for those down on the national mall. we had a little patchy fog this morning. but that finally cleared out of the way. it gave way to sunshine. you can see it reflecting on the tower cam. not bad at all. so, as we progress, what are we talking about? mostly cloudy skies tonight. unsettled weather as we move to the early part of the week. lots of humidity folks. brace yourself. temperatures, guess what, climbing back up again. the 90s are going to return in full force in my five-day forecast. in the meantime, here is the highs today. we hit 82 at reagan national. the same at dulles. bwi, 90 degrees. these temperatures, 7 to 8 degrees below the seasonal average. so, we are getting a little bit of a break. it will be short lived because temperatures are definitely as i mentioned going to be on the rise. it's 82 at national. humidity at 65%. a light southerly wind flow. the humidity will be one of the things we have to deal with into the week as well. be prepared for that. you want to be pumping up the ac. neighborhood temperatures, 81 annapolis. 84 fredricksburg. 82 manassas. 80 at hagerstown. as we take a look up the mid- atlantic, 79 for boston. new york at 76. a little cooler there. look at raleigh, 86. the warmer air will be heading our way. the heat indices, not a lot of variance. not that high. a little humidity. we are seeing a little bit. 90 is what it feels like to the south. other than that, not a lot of difference in terms of our temperatures. 90 fredricksburg. 87 manassas. we will see changes into the five-day forecast. look at the temperatures in the mid-section of the country. digits. the warm air will push up the mid-atlantic as we head into the 90s. no triple digit days. satellite and radar shows clouds rolling in during the course of tonight. it will be mostly cloudy into the course of tonight with the ridge of high pressure moving out. as i said, it opens the door for the warm humid air to come in. that will set us up for instability. tomorrow we have a chance of afternoon thunderstorms. a frontal system will head our way tuesday. that will set us up for another round of storms. this will be sticking around the first couple of days of the week before we get back to sunshine. it will be humid. be prepared. futurecast into tomorrow, expect showers and rain around the 3:00 hour. it starts to push out into the evening hours as well. tuesday we have another round to look forward to. tonight cloudy skies. temperatures in the upper 60s and low 70s in most of the neighborhoods. a mild night. comfortable. not too bad at all. day planner tomorrow, midday 90 degrees. expect storms by the time we hit the late afternoon, early evening hours. 92 at that point. overnight low 73. mostly cloudy skies. light southerly wind. tomorrow partly sunny. humid. storms expected to kick in. 93 degrees. with the storms, there is a chance of strong winds as well. we will keep a close eye on that. the five-day forecast, once again very unsettled beginning of the week. monday, tuesday a chance of storms. a break wednesday. back to shine but 89 degrees as we flirt with the 90-degree mark. friday back into the 90s, chance of instability and a chance of storms once again. this bears watching. up and down. we are at that time of year where we can see storms here a there. we have to keep our eyes to the sky. >> summer in our region. >> definitely. >> i want to share with you and our viewers, last weekend i was in indianapolis with the national speakers association. i was competing in their speaking come tish shon shown. we don't -- competition. >> we don't know how you did. >> i came in second. it was a wonderful time and a great experience. i want to thank all of my cocolleagues there. >> how many people. >> five that competed. it was great. the aids 2012 film festival, sheila johnson aids in d.c. is her film that will be showing. it will be free tuesday morning at 11:30 at the carnegie library and at the national museum of american history, about the aids epidemic in d.c. >> worth watching. >> thanks. coming up, the nats try to put more distance between themselves and the second place braves. >> he came in and pinch hit they say everything is fine. when he warms up he doesn't feel it. >> he is young. >> i'm still recovering. >> oh, my god. >> for a while it looked like the series against the braves wouldn't go well for the nationals. they blew a nine run lead and lost game one, shut out in game 2 and the lead in the nl east was 1 1/2 games. they turned it around and could break even with a win. we will show you ian desmond. he was out today. he will be out for a while. more on that later. ryan zimmerman has been on a tear as of late. in the first, with bryce harper on, zim goes the other way and clears a tall wall in right. 13th shot of the year. look at the fans. you want the ball? pretty bad. danny espinosa gets an extended stay with desmond out. look at mike moore, not the fastest guy but he will score. 3-0 nationals. then zimmerman and the nats pour it on from there. no mercy. this is to left. a no doubter. number 14 of the season. 5-0 nats. that was more than enough for starter ross death whiler. he gets out of a jam at the top of the 4th. 1, 2, 3 double play. he goes seven strong innings, one earned run and three strikeouts. the nationals win 9-2. the good news is that the nats are 3 1/2 games up in the division after splitting the series. ian desmond will be out for a couple of weeks. an mri reveals he has an oblique tear. he needs rest. >> shows you how tough he is, to go out there. but i was concerned last night and this morning when he said it felt like somebody hit him with a bat. so, i'm not sure what the recovery time is or anything but that's a big loss. >> the name ernie wells wasn't brought up until today. he was six shots off the league into the final round. a four shot advantage. he would have to self december struck to have an advantage. we begin with tiger woods on the par 4 six hole. third shot out of the bunker coming back at him, almost hits him. watch his fourth shot. he has to virtually lay down outside the bunker. he does everything he can to get it out. that leaves tiger with a short putt. that is a triple bogey. tied for third at three under. graham mcdowell tied for second. his undoing came on number 11. this shot pulled far left. they have to call a search party for the ball. they never found it. 5 over 75. he was tied for 5th. with the leading falling all around, that allowed ernie els to emerged. this putt keeps him in the conversation. at that point he was several shots behind the leader adam scott. scott in command, he comes undown late. he missed on par 15. no big deal, one bogey. on 16 a shorter par putt. this one will lip out. it's painful. but his lead is dwindling. back to els. he needs this to take the lead and he does that. he comes back from six shots down to put himself into contention. back to scott. he bogeyed 17. this is his third in a row. he needs this putt on 18. he finishes with four straight bogeys. a five over 75. ernie els. hey ernie, you did it, buddy. >> amazing. i'm still numb. it hasn't set in. probably take quite a few days because i haven't been in this position for 10 years obviously. it's crazy. crazy, crazy. >> championship golf course. it's difficult. you have to play good shots to win these golf darn tournaments. i was -- golf tournaments. i wasn't able to do that the last few holes. i am disappointed but i felt like i played well this week. probably a great chance. >> he was this close to his first major championship. he never won. >> he is young. he will bounce back. >> that was golf's biggest blunders. hard to watch some of those. >> you win some and lose some. >> ernie else wasn't in the conversation until the back nine. >> bye-bye. wow, look at this bed! 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