the commonwealth of virginia, loudoun and fairfax counties. >> i thought the discussion was candid and it was honest. we had a good airing of some of the difficulties that would prevent us from going forward, and i think in the end, we're going to see some progress. >> reporter: the hang-up is over a provision that the project's director, the washington airport's authority, wants to be a part of the construction process and that is called a pla to give an incentive to bidders. >> it would be used in labor law and that passed a law i signed a couple of weeks ago that they're not permitted. as a right tow work state, it's at odds with our right-to-work law and the more you put in preferences, the more that relates to the higher tolls and that is what we're getting. >> the parties have agreed to meet again, noting unless there is some movement away from the hang-up over the labor union deal, the funding from the state and the county government may be held up, brian. >> and bob barnard tonight. one campaign came to an end and another set the sites on november. mitt romney rolled in into chantilly and focuses on president obama. not far away, newt gingrich called it quits in arlington and having gingrich out is a milestone. >> reporter: officially, ron paul is in the race and clearly, mitt romney is the last man standing to claim the republican nomination. and with his appearance, romney was not talking about the republicans but the president. >> and i give you mrs. romney, governor romney. >> reporter: in a female-owned chantilly, virginia, company, that builds exhibits and displays, ann romney was front and center. >> and we appreciate all of these women being here. >> reporter: the gender gap is a big focus of both campaigns and for romney, that meant zeroing in on pocketbook issues affected by the economy. >> and this is movies not attended, meals not as fancy as perhaps they were a few years ago. >> reporter: romney tried to frame the president as being too friendly with the teacher's unions and not supporting charter schools. >> and they sit in long lines to go to charter schools in washington, d.c. the president shut that down. >> reporter: virginia is not only a battleground but razor thin. it has both campaign tied at 46%. and while romney sought out voters in one part of virginia, not far away, another candidate told them goodbye. >> today, i am suspending the campaign. >> reporter: gingrich announced his race was over and would work to elect the republican nominee. >> and suspending the campaign doesn't mean suspending citizenship. >> reporter: back outside the romney rally, other citizens struck up an active debate. >> and have not suspendd. >> the rule to invest in this country. >> reporter: along with a small group of delegates, virginia delegates, she insisted if romney puts bob mcdonnell on the ticket, the president will still hold virginia. >> i don't see any bob mcdonald popularity. the only successes is related to the national policies of president obama. >> reporter: with the convention still four months away, romney is talking less about vice presidents than the current president. >> and what i would do, peoplesa ask what would you do? i said look at what the president's done and do the opposite. and in the past few days, he's been critical of president obama for taking credit for the mission that killed osama bin laden and made no mention of the president's trip to announce the anniversary of the death and romney and governor mcdonald are scheduled to campaign tomorrow in virginia and near portsmouth. and a new poll from the research shows the president with an eight-point edge. nationally, a neck-in-neck race. the approval rating is at 47%. and harry thomas will find out his punishment tomorrow, from embezzling hundreds of thousands of dollars. thomas stepped down from the council seat in january after he was convicted and the u.s. attorney asked the judge for a four-year prison sentence. thomas' lawyers asked the judge to consider the years he spent in public service, i.e., doing the job allowing him to do the -- steal the mean. montgomery county police are tracking down a man they say is an officer and a woman called them, saying she was robbed by a man with a badge and that he did not have rights or sirens and that he honked at her and held up a badge and waited to be pulled over. and prince georges county police slapped a bouncer in college park. that airman is in critical and karen gray houston has more. >> reporter: the air force district of washington is not releasing the name of the airman but confirms he's a member of the air force honor guard and that bouncer facing charges of first- and second- degree assault and wreckless endangerment. the 23 year the -- 28-year-old marcus plummer was released after posting bond. he assaulted the person, a popular spot for students at the university of maryland and what happens, the airman tossed a drink and that airman was escorted out of the bar. the real problem started when plummer got involved. >> the investigation reveals that plummer, the bouncer, punched, choked, and threw the victim on the ground on the walk outside of the -- sidewalk outside of the par and restaurant. >> tell me about him? >> -by-calm, a calm guy. >> ever known him to get into fights? >> no. >> that is why he was arrested. >> and was that a bad fight? >> a guy, he threw a guy out of the restaurant. >> and does he do the job? >> reporter: the restaurant is working with police to find out what happened on saturday night and the air force district said their thoughts are the airman seriously injured. plummer would face up to 40 years in prison if convicted on all counts. the news edge on d.c. a plan to keep bars open later stalled. a council committee voted down the proposal. the mayor wanted to keep bars open an hour later and liquor stores rlier and to bring in more tax money. false death room ours spread on the internet. the update from the singer's family and you know the saying finder's keepers, losers weepers? a woman fights for $1 million next. after losing her ticket. and we have been all over the place temperaturewise. where it's hot, we have severe thunderstorm warnings, including southwest and frederick county, southern washington county, jefferson county and northern loudoun county until 6:45 and we'll show you radar. some could be dropping hail and we'll have the full forecast coming up and feldy, another huge night for the caps. >> and absolutely. they're on home ice, sue and may not be a great thing. and each winning one game and that is the theme throughout the play-offs. that will change tonight and we'll hear from jason chmura. as the news edge at 6 from the ice rolls on.  what's the best gift you can give mom ? 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neveah, heaven backwards. the boy's name, jayden, braden and aiden, top three and caden, too. too. ♪ ♪ ♪ [ male announcer ] virtual wallet can help you be that person who's good with money. see what's free to spend. move money with a slide. save with a shake. feel good about your decisions. . two illinois high school students off to find a new way to greet each other. they were both suspended. darlene hill as the here has the story. >> reporter: would tell her -- and a simple hug like this or sometimes my hands were resting on her shoulders. >> reporter: kevin taylor said he gave his girlfriend a simple hug in between classes at saint martin high school in waukegan. it lasted a couple of seconds but school officials say that is not what the students should be learning or doing at school. >> and it was a hug from behind with the backpack on. >> reporter: kevin is againior, his girlfriend a freshman and because his teacher and the dean of students satinet at saint martin warned theme both in writing about multiple -- multiple displays of affection including kissing and is full frontal hugs, they were each suspendd this week. kevin said the pda policy is outdated. >> would you hug her again in school? >> i will. i will. >> reporter: the school's president would not talk to us on camera but told me that, quote, they have a safe and healthy environment for students to learn and they want to keep it that way, end quote. and the school's handbook that each student is given states that saint martin, among other things, will not tolerate verbal abuse, inappropriate displays of affection and distasteful language. kevin and his mother said that pda should be better defined. >> they need to spell it out in the handbooks. they have three pages on dress, attire and -- >> kevin and his girlfriend have not sign each other since the suspension and will be back in school tomorrow. he said he will welcome her with a big hug. darlene hill, fox chicago news. >> better not be a full frontal hug for sure. a south carolina college student believes he was suspended for watching glee. christopher peterman attends bob jones university, the private christian college. he wracks up too many demerits and 50 for watching an episode of glee. student at bob jones agree to follow strict rules and that includes no immoral tv. a bit of a mixed bag. >> and it's nice and with that 67 in the district. 8020 or 30 miles away and that is the warm front through the area and that is retro grading a bit. >> i was talking about the 67. >> oh, okay. >> and that part. >> yeah. >> and we're seeing big thunderstorms fire up and hail and gusty winds with them. i want you to know that we have some severe thunderstorm warnings that got posted in parts of frederick county and not to far from middletown, charlestown and on through washington, frederick and jefferson county and to the southeast, gusty winds, the usual and with some severe thunderstorm warnings. the one-inch hail from stevens city and that is not far from the winchester area and those are not widespread and get you in tighter as you can see the communities in the vipir system and this is affecting sharps bug and that cleared out of shepherdstown and to harper's ferry, a little of that and where we so some brighter colors, the hail and some of the storms not here are capable of producing hail to some sizes of quarters, winds between 40, 50, and 60 miles an hour and so let's go ahead and show you some of the weather maps here. i want you to see that as we put this in motion, not everybody is getting those thunderstorms and -- and we hope as they get closer to the area, they're going to fizzle out and take the energy away. because it's been warmer, that is why we're seeing the activity and we'll have to continue to monitor. there are a few more storms that may want to trail behind this and some clouds around and a boundary. the possibility of a few storms and especially west that could be capable of producing the hailstones and the gusty wins and the temperatures, unbelievable; 67 in d.c. and 79 in quantico and this is amazing. 66 in gaithersburg and 79 in frederick and what does this? that is the leading edge of warmer air and can you, obviously, tell that it's going through the region and this is 63 in annapolis; baltimore, 62 and that is the east wind that kicked in. as the storms move in, they're going to go and like you putting out a candle with the fingers and we'll keep the storms, again, riding along the periphery. richmond, 87 degrees and there is some stronger storms there where they find the energy. for tonight, evening scattered storms and a passing shower overnight and south of d.c. and maryland and some heavy downpours, too. 63 degrees for us overnight and tomorrow, warmer with sun and into the 80s tomorrow, a spotty storm in the afternoon and maybe a shower as l. warmer than we are now and by noon, warm at 79 degrees and by 5:00, perhaps some spotty showers and storms earn at 83 degrees and we're staying summer-like and getting a bit of a break from that today and that is for sure. 84 is what we're thinking for tomorrow and with that 89 for fredericksburg and frederick. as we look at the future cast, there is a possibility of a few more storms, especially to the west and where that is nice and warm. rolling through with a spotty shower and did you see that through? and predawn and could be more lingering to the west tomorrow and into that tomorrow afternoon, maybe a few showers and storms here and there and can't rule them out for friday and what this is in a nutshell, a real summer-like pattern with the temperatures in the 80s, chances for hit-or-miss showers and thunderstorms and to the weekend, cooler and drier is any's reminder the severe thunderstorm warnings are until 6:45 and that is including loudoun county, washington county and jefferson county. the nats teenage phenom shows off the canon arm in the d.c. debut. dave feldman has the sports edge live next. first, an inspiration in the nfl. a paralyzeed football attorney general signed on as a sports caster for the tampa bay buccaneers. eric la grande from rutgers was paralyzeed from the head down. the officials call his recovery inspiring and say his new nfl job will bring attention to spinal chord injury research. 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Montgomery County ,Texas ,United States ,New York ,Middletown ,Maryland ,Arlington ,Fredericksburg ,Virginia ,Loudoun County ,Quantico ,Boston ,Massachusetts ,Illinois ,Gaithersburg ,Jefferson County ,Washington ,District Of Columbia ,Richmond ,College Park ,Prince Georges County ,South Carolina ,Waukegan ,Bob Jones University ,Houston ,Saint Martin ,Frederick County ,Chicago ,Charlestown ,Baltimore ,America ,Bob Barnard ,Kevin Taylor ,Ron Paul ,Sharon Jones ,Bob Mcdonnell ,Bob Mcdonald ,Christopher Peterman ,Harry Thomas ,Jonathan Velma ,Wilson Ramos ,Bob Jones ,Dave Feldman ,Ray Lahood ,Marcus Plummer ,Bryce Harper ,Justin Upton ,Newt Gingrich ,Ann Romney ,

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