flights. will it make a difference? we are talking to a former head of an airline who has worked with the u.s. government on this issue. let's start with wisdom and that tough stance on sexting. a local school district says no more. students caught sending explicit messages or pictures could get kicked out of school. why the harsh punishment? fox 5's wisdom martin shows you just how common this problem has become. >> reporter: it's become part of the teen culture, cell phones, not just used for making calls, but for taking pictures, sexually explicit pictures, typing sexual messages, sending them to each other. it's a troubling phenomenon called sexting. >> i don't think these kid realize when they get into something like that who sees it. >> reporter: these two parents have teenage children with cell phones. >> it is a concern and i monitor his text messaging and he knows that at any time i can check it. >> reporter: just how big of a problem is this? the national campaign to prevent teen and unplanned pregnancy surveyed more than 600 teens and found that 25% of teen girls and 33% of teen boys say they were shown nude or semi nude photos of others which they were not supposed to see. >> with everything that's happening and students, we need to keep up with students and technology. that's a huge part of the problem. >> reporter: jane shipman is the frederick county public schools coordinator for counseling and student support. the county policy is clear. if you're caught sexting, you could be suspended or kicked out of school. shipman supports the policy as an administrator and as a parent. she is mom to two teen boys with cell phones. >> and i think that this part parents need to be aware of what children have on their cell phone and facebook and if you pay the cell phone bill, go through the cell phone. >> reporter: if parents are not paying attention, the school system says they will. it's their effort to be proactive and educate the students about the consequences of sexting. >> because our kids aren't always capable of thinking beyond and thinking okay, wait. what's worse case scenario? i need to stop and think what are the consequences for this action. >> reporter: now in addition to school rules, the county sports teams are also shutting down sexting. in high schools they have a policy when you join a sports team, you have to sign a waiver saying if you're caught sexting, you will be kicked off the team. so they're having a zero tolerance policy in frederick county. the news edge on the district where a teenager now knows his punishment for killing a popular school principal. brian betts was murdered in his silver spring home in april. 8 he teen-year-old alante saunders ad -- 18-year-old alante saunders admitted in court today he chatted with betts online, then went to the house to rob him. he was sentenced to 40 years in prison. three other teens are implicated in betts' death. their cases are ongoing. no justice no peace! no justice no peace! >> protesters angry that charges against five bar employees were dropped in the death of a d.c. man. witnesses say ali mohammed was beaten outside the dc9 bar in northwest three weeks ago. the charges went from murder down to aggravated assault and now dropped altogether. the medical examiner has not yet ruled how mohammed died. new tonight george w. bush's memoir goes on sale in less than an hour and there are some shocking revelations about his early life. one story about how a miscarriage his mother suffered formed his opinions on abortion. fox 5's tom fitzgerald in the newsroom now with those details. >> this book is called decision points and it already has people talking even before it is out. this is being touted as a look deep inside what motivated george w. bush to make some of his biggest decisions as the 43rd president and some of what it contains is likely to turn heads. as president, george w. bush often said he would let history decide his legacy. now the 43rd president himself is weighing in in a candid book called decision points. >> unbelievably frustrating. >> reporter: in an interview with fox's shawn han is i bush writes what he felt as a -- hannessey writes what he felt was a sickening feeling after not finding weapons of mass destruction in iraq. in all the former president takes up 14 major decisions from the slow response to hurricane katrina to the green lighting of waterboarding for 9/11 terror suspects. mr. bush also revealed that he considered dropping dick cheney as his running mate in 2004. >> it was a thought, but it never came close to happening and i think part of the reason was that cheney had become a lightning rod and better to have him be the lightning rod on iraq than have bush. >> reporter: but the most shocking revelation is a story bush writes he asked his mother permission to reveal. after suffering a miscarriage bush writes his mother, former first lady barbara bush, allowed him to see the fetus in a jar before he drove her to the hospital, an event bush said solidified both his close relationship with his mother and his pro life stance. >> i would say more personal. >> i'd like to know about him himself. >> reporter: on the eve of the publication we asked customers at a mcclain, virginia bookstore when politicians write books, what's more important, the policies or personal? >> looking for the dirt and looking for all this stuff and have to live through that, is like reality tv. i hate it. >> for a book like that you're probably more interested in the personal stuff. i think you've seen a lot of the policy that comes out. >> i'm interested in the politics and the policies, but for something like that i would be more interested in personal. >> reporter: the former president is set to launch a mini media blitz over the next several days with a slate of national television appearances along with his first book signing in dallas. now we spoke to several book sellers tonight and they told us no advance copies of this book are being allowed out this evening, but this is interesting. one bookstore told us the embargo on this book is the strangest he's ever seen. >> it seems so long ago and then it seems like yesterday. one more political note today, he is out of the hospital ready to go back to work. virginia congressman gerry connolly will address the media tomorrow and talk about his medical condition. he was treated for a blood clot in an artery last week. connolly will update his reelection fight currently leading his republican challenger keith fimian by more than 1,000 votes. the fed today tightening security after last week's failed terrorist plot to conceal and ship explosives the u.s. all cargo from yemen and somalia banned and now toner and ink cartridges weighing more than 1 pound are barred from passenger deployments as well. laura evans spoke today with retired captain mark weiss who has been working on this issue for the last five years. >> reporter: what was announced today, the new security, the new rules, is that enough to keep us safe? >> you know, so much of what this government does is to make it look like we're doing more. you just increase or not allowing cargo coming out of certain countries. we probably didn't have that much cargo coming out of there to begin with and the reality is if it doesn't come from there, our opponents are very smart. they'll just send it from somewhere else. we're very reactive. we're not proactive enough in this country. our government has known about these threats for years and they've not done enough about it because in truth from my perspective the almighty dollar and continuous flow of commerce has always impeded safety and security. when it comes to picking one over the other, the dollar always trumps safety and security. >> reporter: and you've made the point how much cargo really is coming from somalia and yemen. what more needs to be done to keep passengers safe. >> well, it's not -- safe? >> well, it's not just the passengers. remember that was on cargo aircraft and certainly the shift in what we're now going to be doing in cargo aircraft should have been done years ago and a more robust program where you'll have more canines. perhaps if you want to create jobs, have the airlines carry out some more of the cargo inspections. maybe give them some incentives to reduce their insurance, give them some tax incentives to do this. be a little creative. think outside the box, find some ways to give companies, the airlines, an opportunity to be more proactive in the security. >> reporter: certainly this issue is not over yet. thanks for joining us. coming up next here on the news edge tracking a violent string of home invasions, the suspects using knives to terrorize local university students, why police think the victims were targeted. let's take a look at some of the other stories here in our rundown tonight. the news edge at 11:00 just getting started. this is fox 5 news edge at 11:00. as in d.c. tonight one teenager is dead, another rushed to the hospital with a bullet in his leg dangerously close to major artery, no names on these victims yet. the police got a call several people were shot. they found the two in the middle of holbrook street north east. the gunman is still on the loose. howard university students living off campus have become targets of home invasions over the past few days. two happened early saturday morning, the first on 13th street northwest. police say one student was stabbed in the leg and arm. he is now out of the hospital. a short time later another break-in on lamont street and yesterday a third incident on illinois avenue. miss think the victims un-- police think the victims unknowingly met the robbers. >> both of these houses had recently hosted parties at their house which may have attracted some people to the house that weren't normally known to them. >> university has sent out alerts with safety tips to the students living both on and off campus. up next metro wants your thoughts on new railcars. plus a new study reveals just how much your children know about fast food. he has been dead for nearly 50 years, but tonight rock legend jim morrison might be off the hook for an infamous crime. we'll explain next. ♪break on through to the other side ♪ , h president obama has wrapped up his three-day visit to india now headed to indonesia on the next leg of his asia trip. earlier today the president and first lady toured a memorial and danced with schoolchildren in mumbai. later the president told india's parliament he supports their effort to become a permanent member of the u.n. security council. former governor charlie crist leaves office in january, but before he goes he might clear the name of a rock legend. there are reports he is considering a pardon for jim morrison for indecent exposure. morrison died when he was 27. fans say morrison was drunk at the time and his behavior should be protected as free speech. i don't know about all that, but understand the enthusiasm behind it at least. over now to shawn yancy with your fox 5 top five. >> up first why your child may know more about malphabet. a yale study found the average preschooler saw about three fast food commercials every single day. preteens saw four or five. the study says mcdonald's and burger king show healthier kids meals in their ads but push toy give-aways and brand loyalty even more. no. 4, you can get free wi-fi panics thanks to google when you fly air -- thanks to google when you fly delta and airtran and united. it generally costs between $6 and $13. no. 3, if you could design a brand new metrorail car, what would it include or what would you leave out? metro will ask riders for input on everything from wall and floor coverings to sign displays and bars and grab straps. no. 2, you have time to cash in if you buy energy efficient appliances in maryland. the rebate program ends thursday. you can get as much as $500 off by purchasing energy star appliances including washers, driers, refrigerators and dishwashers. no. 1 tonight, heads up, ddot is installing a raised center median between k and l street on center avenue northwest. work lasts through mid- december. walk out for temporary lane closures and parking restrictions. ddot promises two open traffic lanes at all times and the existing bus stops will remain in place and brian, that's tonight's fox 5 top five. >> looking at this five-day forecast you might want to get that car in to get washed, looks great. >> note to self, i need to do the exact same thing and clean that inside windshield, too. with the sun angle now, it can do a lot of glare. >> i'll give you my keys. >> thank you. live look outside tonight. you know what, still a bit breezy out there, but not bad and a breeze in the evening does mean we won't get terribly cold at night. we aren't looking at a real frosty cold night in most spots tonight. give you an idea where temperatures are. we haven't dropped since the 10:00 hour, 54 degrees in the district. you can see most places still in the 50s, hagerstown dropping to 47 degrees. bottom line, not bone chilling cold in the morning and as we look up to our north it's not terrible. some of the new england area is still under the influence of this big low we're watching out over the atlantic. we got close to a little bit of precipitation here on the eastern shore earlier today. most of us didn't even see much in the way of cloud cover, but that storm will be kind of close to you on the delmarva during the week. let me give you a wider view. this is a particularly strong rather surprising area of low pressure, not quite reminiscent of the halloween storm of 1991, but not too terribly far away. we're glad it was mostly offshore, but there was some very heavy rain, strong wind gusts. parts of nova scotia got 8 inches of rain, but the big story in new england has been wind gusts between 50 and 60 miles an hour taking down trees and lines. we also have an area of high pressure building in and so we got a very tight pressure gradient around these two and while it will be a little bit better tomorrow, we may still notice that breeze. let's look at our futurecast. tonight at 11:00 you can see our storm still swirling out there. i wanted to show you while it is in general going to be staying away from us, it tries to get a bit closer, not tomorrow night but watch what happens wednesday as it gets real close. here we are, the delmarva beaches. you might pick up a shower, maybe a little deck of clouds on that sometime wednesday morning and running this down through the time period, that storm is still kind of hanging around out there even into thursday. that storm will influence us not so much with clouds and showers but on our temperatures because it is hanging around and so close and we are blocked with this high pressure area. that means temperatures will stay maybe a little cooler than they could have, probably right around 60 or the low 60s, but still a good amount of sunshine, breezes stronger east of 95, maybe a little more cloud cover there. heading into wednesday, should be a lot of sunshine and not a bad week at all. now for tonight it looks like we'll see our temperatures drop to the low 40s, upper 30s in the suburbs and check out tomorrow. 63 fredericksburg, d.c. about 61 degrees, germantown 62 and it looks like a good amount of sunshine as well. here's your five-day forecast. not bad at all, in the low 60s, maybe by the end of the week starting to warm things up. veterans day is thursday. friday looks like it will be about 63 degrees with a good amount of sunshine and saturday 64. it will be good to have a football game this weekend in town. redskins had the bye, but lindsay said they're gearing up and there is some news to report out at redskins park. we'll be right back with that. if you live for performance, upgrade to castrol edge advanced synthetic oil. with eight times better wear protection than mobil 1. castrol edge. it's more than just oil. it's liquid engineering. good evening. i'm lindsay murphy, back to the grind out at redskins park. the team returned after a five- day park. we have good news and bad news. we'll start with the good. both clinton portis and ryan torain were able to practice. now the bad news. brandon banks is out two to three weeks recovering from knee surgery and chris horton out the rest of the season on injured reserve. the donovan mcnabb benching story is now over a week old but many questions remain. mcnabb told mike shanahan his hamstrings feel better after resting during the bye week. shanahan cleared up chatter from the weekend saying he had not thought about benching mcnabb at any point in the season prior to the detroit game. >> it's the nature of the beast. any time that you make a decision like that obviously there's going to be a lot of controversy in it. i've always been one to do what i think is in the best interests of the team even though sometimes it's very controversial, but you got to make those decisions based on what you see during the week. sometimes it's injuries. sometimes it's how somebody practices, but you got a gut feel. >> last night it appeared the cowboys stopped playing for coach wade phillips. no. 21 michael jenkins dent defend at all on this 3rd quarter -- didn't defend at all on this 3rd quarter touchdown and that loss prompted owner jerry jones to fire phillips today. at 1-7 dallas is off to its worst start in 27 years. >> i recognized that after the game that we just weren't playing winning football and our best chance was to make this change. now with that i don't apologize to anybody about changing my mind. >> okay. tonight marks the start of gary williams 22nd season as maryland's head coach. missing are the team's top three scorers from last year including acc player of the year greivis vasquez and that coupled with five freshmen faces has the terps picked to finish sixth in the conference. tonight veteran guard shawn mosely and the terps hosting seattle university in the season opener. tied at 6 early on seattle turns it over. the freshman slams it home, howard 5 points and eight assists in his first game. adrian bowie, check this out, the behind-the-back pass to williams. he throws it down. it's so good, take another look. even better finish. terps led by 10 at the break. 2nd half we go, maryland up 15, bowie penetrates, dishes to williams who finishes with another dunk. williams 17 points, the terps rolling 105-76. in the nba the wizards have gotten off to a 1-4 start to begin the season despite impressive performances from john wall and gilbert arenas. unhappy with his team's effort this morning head coach flip saunders called his team together to talk. he decided to add a second afternoon practice and then he walked off the court telling his players if you want to get better, come back at 4:00. saunders is clearly frustrated with the lack of effort at practice. >> after you lose a couple games you hope to come with a sense of urgency. i was excited about coming and i got here at 7 a.m., you know, ready for practice and everything else and we didn't come with that same urgency as a team. >> there might be a patience because it's your team, but patience is running out and people try to send a message to step up. >> the wizards are back in action wednesday at home against the houston rockets. that's all for sports. edge will be right back. 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