sisters charlotte lang and connie ruth upton were hurt. the man is mon tanno right here. he has two previous convictions and police caught him twice driving on a revoked license and there are questions about whether he was in the united states legally. his fiance and mother of two children told me he was permitted to live in the us and was seeking citizenship. she admits he was drinking the night before the accident and he thought he was sober enough to drive sunday morning but makes no excuses over what happens next. >> to this woman, i can't believe all this is happening. i feel really sorry and i apologize to anybody that was hurt, all of their loved ones, i'm really sorry. i don't think that he meant any of it. >> reporter: his family certainly among the victims in all of this. the surviving nuns are still in icu in fairfax unable to speak. we're told a group of nuns is rotating on four-hour shifts so they're always by their bedside. as for the department of homeland security, the secretary is ordered to review into the circumstances ordering him to be released from custody. we'll stay on top of this for you. >> the monastery where the nuns were heading, they're trying to get out a message as well. >> reporter: they're telling us they don't want the politics to be around immigration. they forgive mon tanno and trust the legal system will take care of the rest. they want this to be a reminder about the drinking and driving issue, the tragic outcome, the loss of sister denise will save lives in the future. this will serve as an important message to all of us. the news edge now, a bizarre attack in maryland. we told you friday about an unsuspecting woman sprayed with bodily fluids. they believe they've linked michael edwards to another crime. roby chavez is here with how investigators made the discovery. >> reporter: a new case has now surfaced and police are confident there may be more victims. as far as we know, the suspect started throwing body fluid at women in stores as far back as november. his arrest last week has shed light on his nasty crime. michael edwards, jr., has been charged for a second time with a bizarre crime. the 28-year-old is accused of spraying women with a plastic bottle of what is believed to be his own semen inside. last week's case in gaithers burg at a store is strikingly close to one at a michael's crafts store when he sprayed another weapon allegedly. >> he was in a commercial establishment, he was targeting females, very similar, coming up from behind them, leaving behind a substance. >> reporter: police say this surveillance tape captured edwards in the act last november at the michael's store in a shopping center. police could not identify him back then. however, shortly after his arrest last week, detectives quickly linked the crimes and re-arrested edwards monday. police say there could be more victims. >> this is unusual, but like i said, he has done this before multiple times, so there's a good chance that he's done this that we're just not aware of. >> reporter: mont gomry county police still don't know what's motivating the disturbing attacks but say he's leaving behind critical dna evidence. now, all local police departments are comparing cases. >> we certainly want to hear from citizens or anyone that thinks that they may have had a similar experience. it's very crucial to have that information passed along. obviously, in this case, it was a win for us to be able to charge him additionally. >> reporter: in both cases, edwards was charged with second degree assault. both times he posted a $4,000 bond and was released from jail. brian, tonight, he is free to do it again. >> all right, roby chavez reporting live tonight. this evening is national night out. fairefax county police are help using the event to shed light on a difficult investigation. it's beena month since vanessa fam was found stabbed to death in her wrecked car in arlington. the community needs to partner with officers to keep the streets safe. >> the communities are our eyes and ears of the police department. without them, we can't do our job effectively so, i mean, just being able to see a face and put it with a house or an address -- >> national night out encourages neighbors to keep an eye out for each other as well. fairfax county's neighborhood watch program started in 1966. president obama signed a bill into law today that reduces the disparity between mandatory sentences for crack cocaine and the powereded form of the drug. the old law of the drug subjected 10s of thousands of blacks to long prison terms for crack cocaine convictions while giving more lenient sentences to whites with powereded cocaine. elena kagan's is a fair minded and brilliant legal scholar as portrayed by the democrats. and the republicans portray her as a legal activist. she is replacing justice john paul stevens. nine people dead at a workplace shooting rampage in connecticut. >> reporter: this happened at a beer distributorship in manchester. omar thornton opened fire after being disciplined for stealing there. he was told to quit or be fired. he quit, and as he was escorted out he pulled a handgun and started shooting. he killed eight people, then himself. thornton was a driver at the warehouse. the biggest off shore oil spill in history could be over as of tonight. a new operation is under way to seal this well for good. so far, bp officials say everything is going as planned in the static kill but it will take a week to determine if it's closed permanently. security is tight on spain's summer coast, getting ready for michelle obama and daughter to visit and meet spain's royal family. it's just a mother/daughter outing this time. president obama did not go, and malia is away at camp. a solar tsunami is on its way to earth. don't panic, it sounds worse than it is. brace yourself for some heat, gary. that's right. we have showers and thunderstorms on the radar tonight but as you mentioned, heat is coming. how hot and when will it be that hot. forecast is coming up. it may be the best part of waking up but the cup of coffee may be getting more expensive. the news on what's behind the price spike. a few stories we're working on the news edge. keep tight. we'll be right back.  >> a mess at a metro stop caused ironically enough by the fare hike. it was a glitch in the fare reader at the soggy bottom stop that caused a bottle neck at the end of the evening commute. the trouble was with the way the machines read the smart trip cards, new fares required new technology for the smart readers which metro says may be a problem. big disruptions on metro for labor day weekend. the agency is closing five redline stops. the longest maintenance shut down in metro's 44 year history. they'll be closed from friday night at 10:00 to tuesday morning at 5:00. the closures are part of major track work to comply with federal regulations after last year's crash that killed nine people. your morning cup of joe will cost more and your cell phone may be a hacker's new play ground. shawn yancy now with your fox5's top 5. up first tonight brian, why a summertime favorite may be bad for your health. too much sweet tea can lead to painful kidney stones. the naturally occurring chemical is found in tea leaves, it inhibits the body's absorption of calcium. it's found in black pepper, chocolate, spinach, beans and most nuts and berries. researchers at the new york headache center found the risks for headaches jump by 8% each time the temperature climbs 9 degrees. researchers say it's because blood vessels expand in the heat and reach up to nerve endings causing the headache pain. your cup of joe may cost more. they hiked the price by about 9%. why the hike? they say sustained increases in green coffee costs. you can expect maxwell house to follow suit. number 2, your cell phone is vulnerable to hackers. aol reports about 1500 bucks, criminals can intercept your outbound calls. a small piece of equipment can trick cell phones in connecting to what appears to be a legitimate cell tower, but the scam only works from a 2 g network. number 1 tonight is a head's up to keep an eye on your ride. the highway loss data institute releases the list of most stolen vehicles, the cadillac escalade number 1, number 2, the ford f 250, chevy corvette g 06 and the hummer h 2 round out the list. brian that's a look at tonight's fox5 fox 5. can military dogs suffer from post traumatic stress disorder. researchers say that come dogs suffer something similar to the human condition. like this dog gina. some veterinarians don't like the ptsd diagnosis because it's degrading to soldiers. this field can be a fun spot for dogs and their owners. they broke ground on a new dog park. the park is expected to be ready for fetch and play in october. and an incredible discovery in the rubble at ground n0. a 200-year-old ship suddenly surfaced. many of the pieces are in maryland. still ahead an upclose look at the vessel.  the people who walked these streets before us were just like you and me. with hopes. dreams. challenges. today, we do more than just walk the same streets. for a moment, we get to walk in their shoes. preparing us for what lies ahead. down our next road. be part of the story. colonial williamsburg. there's oil out there we've got to capture. my job is to hunt it down. i'm fred lemond, and i'm in charge of bp's efforts to remove oil from these waters. bp has taken full responsibility for the cleanup and that includes keeping you informed. every morning, over 50 spotter planes and helicopters take off and search for the oil. we use satellite images, infrared and thermal photography to map and target the oil. then, the boats go to work. almost 6,000 vessels. these are thousands of local shrimp and fishing boats organized into task forces and strike teams. plus, specialized skimmers from around the world. we've skimmed over 27 million gallons of oil/water mixture and removed millions more with other methods. we've set out more than 8 million feet of boom to protect the shoreline. i grew up on the gulf coast and i love these waters. we can't keep all the oil from coming ashore, but i'm gonna do everything i can to stop it, and we'll be here as long as it takes to clean up the gulf. >> a building at new york city's ground zero has been denied landmark status clearing the way for the property to be turned into a muslim cultural center. the decision created an uproar saying it disrespects the 911 victims. they say they plan to mount a legal fight against the decision. almost 200 years ago, workers buried a huge merchant ship, part of the fill and junk used to expand a little island called manhattan. now we're getting a peek at their work in a maryland lab. beth parker has the story. >> reporter: it's a dirty job. >> just trying to clean it up a little bit. >> reporter: employees and volunteers used tooth brushes to clean pieces of wood cut generations ago, but to understand it, you have to back-track just a few weeks. >> we woke up with an alarm radio on a tuesday morning and someone said in the news that there was a ship found at the world trade center. >> reporter: a week later, mary time archaeologist warren rees was on site. >> we haven't seen anything quite like this vessel before. >> reporter: it was found under ground, not under water. it's 32 feet long, half of a ship. >> we took it apart piece by piece. >> reporter: each piece was sealed and mark in this case seized for sealing and is for north, the ship made the journey to maryland. the ship was probably built in the 1780s. rees wonders why it was made with metal nails instead of wooden bow. >> there were these commonday merchant ships because nobody recorded them. they recorded the war ships and the ships that belonged to kings and queens but not the everyday thing that 99% of the people are using. >> reporter: each one of these pieces of wood tells a story. take a look at this. you can see where worms have tunnelled through this piece, since particular species of worms are specific to certain geographic areas, they'll be able to study this and figure out not just where the ship originated, but also maybe where it's been. >> this is telling the history of us, really, of that time period, and what kind of foods they use. we're finding seeds. >> reporter: warren rees says part of the journey is knowing that for every mystery solved, another question surfaces. inicalburt county, maryland, beth parker, fox5 news. planet earth is bracing for a solar tsunami. the sun's surface erupted early sunday morning shooting a wall of ionized atoms directly at earth. it's expected to create a geomagnetic storm and a spectacular light show. experts expect the tsunami to get here in the early morning hours tomorrow morning. get up nice and early for that if you like. >> there may be clouds though. >> around here, that's right, off and on rain. >> that's right . there's more back to the west too. we need the rain though, and it makes such a problem for you guys who have to get up early and drive into the office. it may just happen that way. we're watching these showers and thunderstorms too, the strongest of the activity is farther to the south and you can see here, this is actually coming together to be a fairly nice little complex, nothing severe, nothing too strong, but definitely some thunder and lightning in here. this will pass by to the south of us. what's more interesting is this little blossoming of yellows and reds here, a little bit more intense. this is south and southeast of pittsburgh. this may actually come down. we're fairly unstable -- unstable a little bit here, so as it comes down, it may actually blossom some more and bring us some overnight showers and thunderstorms, showers, thundershowers, something like that, that can produce some moderate rain and you might hear a distant rumble of thunder or flash of lightning. i'm beginning to think it won't hold together all the way across the district but the northwestern suburbs will probably get a little bit of this overnight tonight. now, in terms of where we are in temperatures, reagan international is 91 degrees, dulles 79, bwi is 80 degrees but when you factor in humidity, it feels warmer. at 11:00 at night, 85 in the city, just about everybody else coming in in the 70s and lower 80s so still a little bit muggy out there this evening. another look at showers and thunderstorms, showers moving through today from time to time. that's what brian was talking about and in this next little complex we're watching back to the west. again, this will scoot by to the south of us, but what else you see could come on across and bring some showers overnight. so technically, we do have scattered showers in the forecast, although mostly cloudy, mild conditions. tonight, only down to about 75 degrees here in town. the suburbs may be able to get down into the upper 60s in some places, especially if some showers do indeed come across. tomorrow, partly sunny, muggy, a few showers in the morning but i think primarily we're talking about some scattered p.m. thunderstorms, showers to high temperature 92 degrees, winds out of the southwest at about 5 to 12 miles per hour. if we get a little bit more sunshine tomorrow, that 92 may actually be up to a 94 or a 95. the heat index is in full force down to the south and the central plains. it is making a run for us. we warm up tomorrow, heat index for thursday, wow, 105 to 110 degrees, so the next few days, muggy, we'll have a chance for some storms, it dries out, cools off a little bit as we head on into the weekend. stick around, dave feldman is coming right back with sports. i have fallen in love with making bird houses. caw caw! [ director ]what is that? that's a horrible crow. here are some things that i'll make as little portals for my bird friends. honestly, i'd love to do this for the rest of my life so i have to take care of myself. [ male announcer ] to keep doing what you love, keep your heart healthy. cheerios can help. the whole grain oats can help lower cholesterol. [ bob ] makes you feel ageless. brrrbb! [ male announcer ] it's simple, love your heart so you can do what you love. what do you love? see how cheerios can help you do it. [ bob ] squak! >> good evening, i'm dave feldman. john beck's arrival was the big news at training camp. albert hanesworth didn't take his congress conditioning test but let's be honest, that's not news anymore. john beck is a quarterback out of byu who's played in just five games with the dolphins. he admitted today he's got to learn the new shanahan terminology after coming over from the ravens. although his attention was solely on baltimore one day ago, once he got the call, he was ready to be a redskin. >> it was a little bit of a shock because i was practicing in baltimore, practice was done and i was throwing balls afterwards when i found out. i was excited to be a trade. as soon as i found out, called the wife and said hey, grab the kids, i've been traded, let's have lunch and i've got to drive to washington. >> he's the guy i targeted for awhile, i wanted to get him here and give him a chance. when he got him, it was between colt and bartell and bartell had the edge and we've got to make a decision. >> clinton portis is flying below the radar. this year he's reuniting with the man who coached him the first two, mike shanahan. and providing competition in the backfield, portis has been hard-working and focused. >> i've always been in the company line, you know, it was always yawl thought i was out there, i never was. i guess you got a chance to come here, i'm just abiding by it. >> brett farve is planning to retire, again, according to multiple reports. the 40-year-old farve told the vikings he would not return for a second season and teammates saying this is it. head coach brad childress called it a fluid situation. i'd call it a dicey situation. adam dun is on waivers. if he's claimed the nats will have 48 hours to work out a trade with the claiming club or move forward on waivers. he pitched 25 sessions in the bullpen this afternoon. if everything falls into place, they anticipate him making the return at home next tuesday against the marlins. nats looking for 2 in a row against the d backs, first inning, taking joe saunders deep, 19th bomb of the year, nats will go up 1-0, but teammate mark reynolds wanted in on the action too, and he hits the 3-run blast off scott olsen to put arizona up 4-1. right now, it's 5-1, d-backs in the 7th. managing his first game as o's manager. walter was on the first team oats managing back in '82. with a runner on, luke scott belt his 19th home run of the year to put baltimore up 3-2 and the o's may show walter a winner in his debut 6-3. the mystics defeat the atlanta dream. write this down wiz fans, his debut comes with the wizards on the road in atlanta on october 28th. i'm dave feldman. have a good night what this droid does will change how you do movies. with blockbuster on demand, this does hit films on a 4.3-inch screen so big, the way you see them will never be the same. introducing the new droid x. pre-loaded with blockbuster. the next generation of does. we decided to make even bigger changes. we've lowered the price of every pizza on our menu. so you can get your favorite pizza at a great price every day. now a large pizza with up to three of your favorite toppings is just ten bucks. or any medium specialty pizza, like a supreme pan or pepperoni lover's pizza -- just ten bucks, too. all the time. no coupons and not a limited time offer. just every pizza for a great price. every day. only at your pizza hut. you know, the guys who always do a super job. well, it is. just go to the verizon® yellow pages. and look for a business with the superguarantee® shield. you'll get the job done right, or we'll step in and help to make it right. so, protect yourself with the superguarantee® from supermedia. on its way-- the new verizon® yellow pages with larger, easier to read print. >> did you see this? two germans taking off for summer vaca, they'll spend swimming 311 miles down two rivers. the pair plans to swim about 6 to 7 miles away and the order is too tall for the ducks. they'll swim about 20 minutes

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United States ,New York ,Arizona ,Germany ,Central Plains ,Virginia ,Fairfax County ,Maryland ,Williamsburg ,Spain ,Washington ,District Of Columbia ,Baltimore ,Connecticut ,Germans ,Scott Olsen ,Michael Edwards Jr ,John Beck ,Shawn Yancy ,Brad Childress ,Denise Mosier ,Luke Scott ,Clinton Portis ,Michael Edwards ,Connie Ruth Upton ,John Paul Stevens ,Roby Chavez ,Omar Thornton ,Beth Parker ,Michelle Obama ,Charlotte Lang ,Mike Shanahan ,Dave Feldman ,Warren Rees ,Joe Saunders ,Elena Kagan ,

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