Or treaters tonight and happy halloween for everybody. 7 day forecast has another taste of summer in it ill have that later. Tony. Fox5 is in arlington this evening where concerned residents are speaking out about a registered sex offendner the neighborhood that decorated his home for hall owe bone. March ina morocco is live with the story that was seen first on fox5. Neighbors are concerned you see the appropriately decorated for the occasion and the man behind this well hes a registered sex offender, 5yearold john ricca convicted on two separate occasions first of Second Degree Sexual Assault on child and then nearly 7 years later for enticeing a child. Now he set up this entire display here and according to neighbors in the past they believe theyve seen him have inappropriate contact with the children on the street and they dont think this is a appropriate for a man who is a im asking you how you feel about your neighbors being concerned about you potentially could again be enticing their children. This is my neighborhood also s who you spoke with i dont know. All ive been is anything but nice to everybody since i moved here. He may be within his rights but we are within our rights as taxpayers and long time members of the community to protect the children in the community and especially now, neighbors hearsay they have contact the arlington Country Police department and they actually come out here and they have investigated just because of his convictions and because of this, hes not breaking the law. Live in arlington. Marina morocco, fox5 local news. Montgomery county police are investigating a second case of vandalism in the past two weeks. The latest happening at burning another vulgar image. Paul wagner has more. Most prominent swastikas were painted on a banner promoting a fun run here on school grounds. According to School Officials there were other hatebased graffiti spray painted oween a telephone pole and sidewalk. On sunday mornings at the school a jewish congregation hold service theres and according to Police Someone attending those services discovered the hate symbols on this banner. It was clearly upset together school to arrive to the school and see images spray painted on banner in front of the building like that. Its obviously disturbing. According a statement from School Officials there were other symbols painted on the sidewalk as well as telephone pole. All of them discovered around 10 a. M. Sunday morning. One parent we spoke with said defacement was upsetting and figure out who did this and make sure justice is served and more importantly i hope theres education done to make sure situations like this stop and theres a higher level of tolerance for diversity in the community. Its only forer some but the good news is, its around halloween so you tend to think it may be kids mischief and nothing more serious than that. Thats the feeling of stavt and school. Definitely makes you think about safety for kids. On october 13 police say someone used caustic to burn a swastika and male again tailia into the grass on football field at quincy or. Ard high school. Police released this photograph of a car found in the parking lot that night. One headlight was right brighter than the other leading police to believe it may have been misaligned and someone was seen getting in and out of the car and at this point theres been no rests. Montgomery county police say theyre taking cases very seriously and they are looking for more information. Available. Outside Burning Tree Elementary School in bethesda, paul wagner, fox5 local news. And well, of course, is it final day of october. And it has been a month full of surprises for both president ial cam paipz. The latest one a new probe into Hillary Clintons emails. Fbi james comey announced there were more emails related to Hillary Clintons private email server and donald trump hammered his opponent over the doing what he called good work. This is the biggest political scandal since watergate. And i have to give the fbi credit. That was so bad what happened originally and it took guts for director comey to make the move that he made in light of the kind of opposition he had with trying to protect her from criminal prosecution. The issue head on saying the email scandal is non issue. I am sure they will reach the same conclusion they did when they looked at my e maildz for the last year. There is no case here. This all comes in final full week of campaign and New Washington post abc poll s with voting underway in maryland some state leaders want to ensure people their Voting Rights will be protected. State attorney began ral and maryland senator ben cardon were among those that spoke at event in landover and theyre determined to it stop any voting intimidation or discrimination and efforts to suppress the vote have taken place in the past and they will not be tolerated. So, this is not theoretical this is reality. And i would hope and i think every marylander agrees that we want all eligible voters the opportunity to cast their votes. He says he is pleased with how early voting has been going so far and no major issues have come up. Cardon and frost say people that try to intimidate voters or commit acts of fraud will be prosecutesd the race for the white house we want to he tweet us now using the 5 630 and look for our tweet on the political show coming up at 60 5 630 and metro general manager says they are looking at slashing more than 1,000 jobs and that move would lead to trains that run slower even during peak times and trains during off peak times they would run every 15 minutes including weekend. How would new pricing look. Peak riders would see a 10 jump on 10 cent jump 10 cent jump and off peak see their fares go up 5 correct and met row buses one way fares and express fares would go up a quarter. Families once forced to leave a temple hills condo are back at home comfortablely tom. Gas and electricity have been restored. Hundreds of residents were forced to look for places to live after their couldnt owe association failed to may more than 1 million in utility bills. Association is still trying to work out a payment plan with pepco and washington gas. It sound like a trick but not this halloween. Where one Maryland School tried to cancel halloween. And by or bust it is trick or treating time. But is it worth it to buy children. And if you have a story idea call the fox5 tip line so get one Montgomery County school tried cancel hall owe weep after the principal decided some parents did not want their kids to participate in the halloween parade or as fox5 Tom Fitzgerald tells us clover leaf park elementary was not taking no for an answer. Well, this on halloween is cloverly elementary school. Normally on a day like this hall owe woon you would see a lot of kids parade around the school ground. Inside maybe having halloween parties and that is not what happened this year. They all wound up out here that picnic pavilion next door. Decided that year there was going to be no halloween celebrations in the school and kids say that is all trick and no street. I thought it was unfair because this is my fifth year at clover leaf and we always had the halloween training. It givers you a break to stop and like have fun and dress up in a costume and have candy. This is my first year here i wanted to celebrate something deep something fun. I mean its importan i love the holiday. I think the school should celebrate it a little bit too. Now the principal here at cloverly dr. Melissa brunson said she was canceling parties, parade and halloween celebration and reason parents were told only a few parents did not want their children to participate in halloween festivities and they were called off. But all of the other parents well, they took matters into couldnt bring halloween into the school they were going to bring their kids to halloween. Dozens of parents signed out their children early from classes and brought them to this park next door and that is where they were greeted with a Halloween Party put on by parents all whipped up in 48 hours. The parents here will tell you yes, class work is important. They think their kids learned a more important lesson dealing with adversity into something positive. Thats what i want for kids Critical Thinking. Theres times when authority has rights but theres times when it does not and with only Critical Thinking are we going to our kids going to survive in this world. My son told me they were not celebrating halloween at school so they were having a Party Next Door and i decided to let him participate and signed him out early today. The spokesperson for Montgomery Country School District derrek turner told fox5 its up to each whether or not they will have halloween festivities. Most do. This one didnt. The principal at clover leaf said they will replace halloween with fall festival and details on that are not yet available. Tom fitzgerald, fox5 local news. All right. Thank you, clark. This is sperl halloween no for some children that want to enjoy halloween festivities fios is not cable. Were wired differently. So we wired the wagners house with 100 meg internet. Which means in the time it takes mr. Wagner to pour a 20 oz. Cup of coffee, tommy can download 30 songs, and jan can upload 120 photos. Only fios lets you upload as fast as you can download. This is your last chance to go online to get our best offer ever. Super fast 100meg internet, tv and phone for just 69. 99 per month online for twoyears guaranteed, with a twoyear agreement. Installation is easier than ever and theres no cost to cancel if you change your mind within 30 days. Go to getfios. Com or call 1888getfios to learn more. Et, plus tv and phone for just 69. 99 per month online for twoyears, guaranteed. Only from fios. Well you know hall owe weep costumes and candy they go happened in hand but dont be tricked into thinking organic non gmo treats are any better for you. Food and agriculture writer tell sli joining me via skype. Thanks for talking us with appreciate it. Sure. Confused what organic means. What does it mean to be able to label something organic specifically candy. Right thats a great question organics is and helps to theres certain herbicides and pesticides and fertilizers that are not allowed in organic production as in conventional. So whats the difference between say if you see something t sugar it really means that its not sugar is exactly the same you cannot tell the difference between the result of sugar cane or genetically engineered sugar which produces one in half the sugar. It has to go with growing methods. It doesnt mean organic or non gmo is healthier for you or better for you it just has to do with how it is grown. Sugar produced are fwrop from genetically engineered. Explain then i guess what the best thing is for parents to do. You have your kids bringing home tons of candy and you know, after halloween. Are there any of them out there any better than the others would you say . I mean yes everything has sugar in it and sugar is sugar. So what can they do . What are the best types of candy they should be looking for . Well, out there do not fall for marketing gimmics of Companies Big Companies Like hershey and dan on is getting rid of gmo genetically modified sugar from the product and dont offer them and because you should know that it kas imports of sugar here from countries were not sure of their safety or environmental standards. Purchase goods that have american grown ingredients. Not that its necessarily healthier we struggle west ways to feed children and make sure they have balances diet im concerned about how sugar is deemonizeed in articles that was in last friday appoint season dujuur. Children need sugar and salt. Were trying not to treat them like adults. Kids are overweight so i think teaching kids balance and eliminating anything from their diet is bad idea because if theyre going to reject that sometimes makes it worse. Appreciate it. Thank you. Meanwhile were showing video of my favorite candy which happen to be smartyes. Thats your favorite. For halloween its strange for me because i like candy and but theres something about smartyess halloween candy. I dont know why. Candy corn i dont eh. I can tolerate candy corn but only halloween. No other day. I try to buy for kids in any neighborhood swedish fish, star burst and other things i might not east and way at the bottom of the bowl are the chocolates. So you dont but i know theyre the. Into my bag for work. It should be nice if everybody is going out to trick or treat tonight. The warm will be great. And this is parade we taped today at stodard school its fun they do this. I noticed in my neighborhood every pashing space was taken. I was like oh, thats rite halloween and all parents are headed in. This is benjamin stodard school and and kids are adorable. I love halloween. A Hillary Clinton mask lets save that for 5 630 shall we a good day for par taid was not too windy it was cooler than it was over the weekend and i would rather have it cool noon the low 80s like we were sunday sitting records. Happy halloween for everybody doorbells should ring soon and if you missed trick or treat forecast earlier well be in the 50s. Big kids. Great night for trick or treaters and we have a nice day tomorrow, too. It will be on coolish side tomorrow clouds mixed with sun and a big warmup in middle of week. Wednesday, thursday well see temperatures getting back into the upper 70s and our next chance of showers will be thursday afternoon. Wouldnt be shocked if theres a rumble of thunder with that because well be so warm ahead of front. Ill shol you temperatures in a moment. To give you an idea that its said 50s for trick or treat rz i have to amend it for some it will be in the 40s. Gaithersburg down to 48 now. Dry air. And those temperatures will be dropping pretty quickly. Winchester 4. D. C. 57, most places still in 50s. Few spots drop down and clouds we see out here tonight are not going to do much top keep us warm. Overnight we head for to near 40 suburbs and maybe few spots upper 30s to 46 in district. Tomorrow very similar temperatures well be again on cool side low 60s to maybe 6 for warmer spots here in district to 64 in frederick. Well stick with 6 for city and mix of sun and clouds by wednesday, though, what a jump up, back to 77 degrees. Heres the forecast for tomorrow. Its on the cool side. Because of the position of High Pressure and that will keep our temperatures dropping just a little bit. So 50s and 60s with sun mixed with clouds and still a nice day and the big warmup is when High Pressure goats the south thats going to happen in the middle of week and thats when we see 70s and maybe 80s south of d. C. On wednesday and thursday. To give you some idea those will be record highs on thursday. Well certainly be close close. Forecast high were forecasting 79 for thursday and record high is 80 from 1974 it would not take much to hit it and look how far above average we are 63. And if you like it warm is that the your day. Well wrap it up. Th you see were talking about 79 thursday and one degree shiv record would not take much to get there and the front comes through and we get rain and drop to 61 on thursday. And cooler for the weekend but i think probably most important thing you need to know for the weekend is we fall back on surprised and we return. You like that . I do. I want more sleep. Okay you get extra sleep thats the down side of it but i like my sleep. Time change this is your weekend, sarah. Get that beauty sleep. You dont need it by the way. Yes, i do. No you dont. You dont see me without makeup. You need more partyes. I hope we have some in the building somewhere, smartyes. Take a look at these picture. Reminder send halloween pictures as you head out to trick or treat tonight. We love these. Tweet us or facebook us using northern virginia, on the issues, Barbara Comstock and donald trump are the same. Comstock and trump promote deportation and reject any comprehensive Immigration Reform. Both oppose background checks that keep guns from suspected terrorists. To shut down the government just for politics. Time for Luann Bennett comprehensive Immigration Reform now. Common sense gun safety laws. Bennett tells congress do your job. Im Luann Bennett it is no fun being if the hospital halloween. The hospital brought halloween to them. They threw a big Halloween Party for patients. Festivities included costume contest, dog show, and this was even a mini parade and it was not kids that dressed up more than 160 hospital employees also participated in the cot tomb contest. Its few for all of them you know . If you have to be in the hospital it pu their face. Have a good time. Definitely with it. Thats it for fox local news at 6. 5 630 is coming up after welcome in on this halloween. Its good to have you with us. Shawn is off tonight. Im here. Youre stuck with me. Because its hall owe weep im here to torture you. Lets talk about the white house. It says it will neither criticize or defend the director of fbi after the bomb shell with Hillary Clintons meeting. As you can see from the run down on the side of the screen this is one top story we have at 6 30. Tweet us what is on your mind about emails or anything else going on with election

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