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find out where the feds are focusing and sit their best lead yet. >> we begin with a frightening attack -- a man attacked and stabbed a woman walking home. thank nor joining us i'm shawn yancey. >> and i'm brian bolter. >> karen. >> i spoke to the woman and she says that she is traumatized by the attack and nervous about walking in the neighborhood. her injuries were not too serious. she got stitches in her arm. she doesn't want to go on camera but she wants others in the neighborhood to be safe and she hopes the attacker will be caught. >> it was around midnight thursday night friday morning the woman in her 20s was walking home with her bike on adams street not far from north cap that -- capital. shows so upset she's written about it in a neighborhood blog. a man took her down and began jabbing her with a sharp object. it's awful to go home and you're getting attacked. you always worry it's going to escalate into something horrible. >> this woman was pleased to learn police responded within four minutes. >> i was the victim of carjacking when i first moved into this neighborhood and it took them two hours to respond. >> the victim sparred with her assailant but he stabbed her a couple times in the arm and aimed her in the stomach. she screamed. no one we spoke to heard anything but they are aware of crime in the area. >> when when first moved in some guy had got robbed at gunpoint. >> police were investigating a double shooting on first and bates streets and neighbors say there have been several robberies this year. >> the nice thing about the community is they tend to pull together and it's not unusual to see collective action to promote collective safety. >> he says police patrol reg lalli and he thinks m.p.d. is doing a good job. >> -- regularly. >> the victim is admonishing others to be careful walking home late at night. >> karen gray houston. >> a disturbing discovery. state highway workers found a body in the median and an autopsy will be conducted to determine how the person died. police are work to identify the man. >> fair packs county police are investigating a murder-suicide at the skyline towers apartment. witnesses say they heard a woman screaming right after shots were fired. fox 5 bob barnard has the story. >> police were called to the skyline towers apartments just before 10:00 this morning. one resident heard five or six gunshots coming from the south shower and a woman screaming for a full minute afterward and then silence. fairfax county police got a 911 call from inside the apartment on the 21st floor and when officers got there they found a man and woman both shot dead and apparent murder suicide. >> it's horrific. it's terrible. and it touches home too closely when you're ethree floors away from what happened. there's two towers and it happened in the south tower where i live three floors away so it was frightening and unfortunate too of course for the woman. >> investigators tried to learn the relationship between the victim and shooter and say it appears they at least knew each other not sure what triggered the deadly violence. >> our homicide detectives are conduct continuing interviews so hopefully we're learn more. >> at the high-rise apartment a mix of reactions. >> very nice, very quiet. >> things have been going on here ever since i've gotten here four years ago and it's getting worse. we have heard people are leaving because of the trouble here. we're planning on moving as soon as we can do it we're leaving. >> police telling us an incident involving a vilet -- violent resident friday had nothing to do with today. >> certainly we've had other police calls. don't know the history of this particular unit at this point. that's obviously something else our homicide detectives will be looking into. >> officer goddard tells us police have not been called to that apartment in the past and there's no danger to the community. >> fairfax county man pled guilty to sneaking up on women and cutting them on their back sides with their razor blade. the man targeted nine women at different retail outlets in 2011. he was arrested last year after taking off for peru. his sentencing is set for september. >> new tonight a northeast community is rallying together try to stop crime along a popular trail. hundreds of people came out for a safety walk and bike walk. it comes less than one week when a bicyclist was attacked on the trail. members of the guardian angels as well. >> absolutely unacceptable that anyone would be assaulted along this trail. just having the trail here as a bike trail for people to commute and also for leisure and recreation shin we're inviting people our citizens to ride on the trail. >> the victim is home recovering. so far no arrests have been made. >> nine owners and managers of 7-11 stores in northern virginia and new york --x excuse me in the state of sir -- virginia were arrested and charged with a scheme to exploit immigrants. they forced the immigrants to work 100 hours, stole their wages and housed them in illegal boarding rooms, used stolen security numbers on the worker's pay stubs. >> the defendants sought out immigran immigrants. once hired they entered identification into the payroll system but not in the worker's real names as they were not entitled to work but using stolen identities test they recycled from store store and state to state. >> more than 40 711 stores are being investigated for similar crimes. >> live look in d.c. all clear in northern virginia could be seeing storms pretty soon -- gary mcgrady joins us with more. >> they've been popping up on and off isolated a bit this evening. we want to show you radar because we have a couple storms here one of them in northern virginia would be the central sections of fauquier county. you'll see lightening as well and then back across the bay up to the north and east there's another storm system up there as well. in terms of what it's been looking like over the last few hours we've had very isolated storms none have been severe. i do suspect over the next hour most of this will calm down without significant sun pofrment. we lose the sunshine and give it an hour two and these will come on down -- sun movement. in terms of temperatures out there tonight it is quite mild sitting right around 80 degrees in town in our western and northern suburbs have fallen into the 70s. we do have a better chance i would say brian for more storms tomorrow. we'll talk about that in the full forecast. as we head toward the first day of summer things will cool down a little bit. >> gary, busy alexandria roadway back open after a water main pipe burst. the line was repaired and water service was restored. crews finished repaving the road a couple he disappeared and the are still looking for jimmy hoffa's remains. where investigators are focusing their search and why they think this is the biggest lead yet. >> gut wrenching video after the booker ran a red light and collided with a cab. >> stay with us. the 10 especially is just getting started. st  february 22nd. a landmark transportation bill is up for consideration in the virginia legislature. even though it's backed by republican governor mcdonnell, tea party republicans refuse to support the plan. but terry mcauliffe thinks this is too important a time for partisan politics. mcauliffe reaches out to democrats and urges them to support the bill. and the bill passes. terry mcauliffe. putting virginia first. a united airlines flight from hopping congress landed in new jersey after man stood up and claimed everyone on board was poisoned. dozens of police vehicles stopped by the plane. the man was taken off the plane and no passengers were harmed. >> a new search for remains jimmy hoffa. investigators are digging up a field in northern oakland county hoping to answer his disappearance. robin swartz has the story. >> using heavy equipment f.b.i. tear into the ground in northern oakland county hoping to unearth answers in the 1975 disappearance of jimmy hoffa acting on a tip from tony 0 really. -- 0 really. he says hoffa was kidnapped bound and gagged and hit over the head with a shovel and buried alive in a shallow grave. >> given the fact that he was the son of the boss of the family at the time this event happened and carried the title of under boss during this period of time he would be somebody who would have been in a position know. >> keith corbett former chief of the organized strike force says this could be one of the best leads yet. he says his client was in prison and has been bothered by the secret for decades. the 85-year-old has talked with the f.b.i. and visited the site. it's rumored jack had title to the land. >> there used to be a barn in the field buried under a cement slab is our understanding where the body should be. >> the f.b.i. has confirmed to a slab is still there and several locations have turned up nothing including nothing at an home in roseville and a search near milford in 2006. >> i don't think it's for real. i mean there's so many other places they've looked and they haven't found him. why now? >> you can't say well the chance is one in 10. well, if you miss that one and 10 what have you done? i think the borough has been looking for hoffa for so long this is lead they have to pursue -- >> how long will this latest search land -- last? no one knows for sure. they'll be here for two days. and of course much longer if they find what they're looking for. in oakland township, robin swartz, fox news. >> a former hitman who has admitted to killing 20 people took the stand in the racketeering trial of james whitey bulger. john mort tore ron no served many years. bulger is the former leader of the winter hill gang accused of killing dozens of people in the 70s-80s. he also extorted book makers and drug deals. >> new editions mark the 400 99 agent and 500 deathed. no. 499 is jose give zaher rand and no. 500 is walter lee williams accused of using his position travel to the philippines where he engaged in sex acts with children -- 500th. >> we have vibrant strong partnerships with international law enforcement and domestic partners as well. we the f.b.i. and law enforcement have no higher calling than to protect our children and safeguard their innocence. >> this follows the capture of fugitives. >> edward snowden has surfaced with new allegations threatening to over shadow the g-8 summit. today he says the great britain and u.k. both hacked into the homes of foreign diplomats. >> president a obama is in the g-8 summit but the scandal has followed him across the atlantic. the guardian newspaper which first broke edward snowden's leak that the n.s.a. monitored phone and internet record now says that snowden has revealed british officials hacked into the homes of foreign diplomats and the united states tapped into russian phones as well. the president did not directly address the new leaks but in broad terms asked his fellow g-8 allies to focus on areas of agreement. >> if we can look beyond the narrow concerns to stay focused on the big picture the economic and strategic importance of this partnership i'm hopeful we can athey've the high standard comprehensive agreement that the global trading system is looking to us to develop -- >> snowden claims the british intelligencer advice conducted the investigation shins in 2009 and the united states directed their efforts at russia as well -- >> the danger for the obama administration is that the at the same time they're trying to build credibility the growing n.s.a. scandal threatens to undermine their credibility. >> foreign policy of the heritage foundation says the new leaks put the obama administration further on the defense with it's allies. >> this is not lead from behind. this is being reactive. we're getting super visit sized. the notion we're lead suggesting laughable. >> so far the serious allegations are no laughing matter for the white house which could face more leaks in the coming days. >> tom fitzgerald fox 5 news. >> we could soon learn more about the dozen terror atax the n.s.a. prevented through it's program. keith alexander will testify on the hill tomorrow morning. >> edward snowden answered questions online. he defended himself in the live web chat and says the truth will come out whether he was jailed or killed. the question and answer session he said he would end national security abuse but failed to fulfill his promises. snowden is believed to be in hong kong. >> developing out west the continuing fight against the most destructive wildfire in colorado history. why firefighters now have the upper hand and they're talking more about the work that still needs to be done. >> the nest has been getting a littlele too quiet of late. so i decided it was time to find some real harmony with nature. [ screaming ] whoo! oh, yeah. elmo! [ howling ] mmm! [ eagle chirps ] [ train whistles ] [ bird chirping ] [ screaming ] [ tuba bellows ] whoa. hey! [ screaming ] [ snoring ] music to mom's ears. we may live in houses, but we're born for busch gardens. the most destructive fire in history is now 75% under control. >> fire crews continue to stamp out hotspots across colorado springs. there's more work ahead as beat up roads and downed power lines need to be patched. >> it's a priority to get you back to your homes whether you have a home to come to or not. >> after waiting for hours some evacuees were let back in sunday night. >> we went in the house and grabbed goodies and came down and said thank you. yep. they saved our house. >> fire wary homeowners showing their gratitude in different ways. this woman says his crews helped save her home this time last year. >> he's a fire fighting genius. >> i think it's the prettiest cake i've ever received on a fire. >> about 1/4 of the city has been built into forest where it's high risk for wildfires year after year. >> black forest. there's a lot of trees in there. a lot of those trees have been burned and we need to make sure they're on the ground. >> bill's house is safe and it's likely to the fire chief who showed him now text his investment. >> we knew we were in a forest. we had juniper bushes and they said those are like match sticks and rest assured as soon as i get back in there those things are coming down. >> the black forest fire and the fire last year have burned more than 50-square miles around colorado springs and now the city requires new homeowners to build their homes with fire recis assistant material. >> will carr, fox news -- >> it's unclear why a deck in florida collapsed. a building inspection is required effort ty years. shuckers bar and grill passed the inspect shin -- 40 years. >> the only thing we can tell you is that it collapsed. that's what -- as for the cause of the collapse it was a visual inspection and we cannot determine what the collapse is. it needs to be further i investigated. >> that deck was built in the 1960s. the inspection requirements that any building must be inspected. >> how earl sly your kid going -- getting up to go school -- how early is your kid going -- getting up to go to school. >> is the head scratching answer that has a lot of people answering. how ms. utah is responding to her new celebrity status. >> hey, look! a shooting star! make a wish! i wish we could lie here forever. i wish this test drive was over, so we could head back to the dealership. [ male announcer ] it's practically yours. test drive! [ male announcer ] but we still need your signature. volkswagen sign then drive is back. and it's never been easier to get a jetta. that's the power of german engineering. get $0 down, $0 due at signing, $0 deposit, and $0 first month's payment on any new volkswagen. visit today. on any new volkswagen. happy birthday! it's a painting easel! the tide's coming in! this is my favorite one. it's upside down. oh, sorry. (woman vo) it takes him places he's always wanted to go. that's why we bought a subaru. (announcer) love. it's what makes a subaru, a subaru. if you have ever tried to wake up a teenager it is not easy and there's a good reason for it. now the schools are leading to a shift. >> it was still dark outside when phyllis would pier out seeing kids waiting for the school bus. she was home with a newborn and wondered why high school students went to school to serl -- so early. >> i sdern ly hoped the change would be in place by the time my children were in high school. >> how old is the newborn. >> 20. >> she cofounded sleeping in fairfax to let students sleep in. she has made it her license plate. he is happy they hired division of sleep medicine for a blueprint for change. most high schools start at 7:20 a.m. the school board has passed a resolution saying it would like to push that for wanted -- forward and achieve 8:00 a.m. or later. dr. judith owens is a developmental pediatrician who will lead the project. on her desk is a small plastic doll on a clock. she said adolescents need more sleep. >> the scientific evidence is irrefutable. >> at puberty there's a shift in the person's natural sleep cycle. going to sleep before 11:00 a.m. is -- 11:00 p.m. is difficult. >> rain ching -- ranging from suicidal thoughts to improve minutes in -- improvements of many types is very compelling. >> it shows when start times change children get more sleep. >> 30 minutes can make a huge difference. >> the change can be difficult and expensive especially when altering bus schedules but she says the momentum is shifting towards sleeping in. >> in fairfax county beth parker, fox 5 news. >> it's been a long time coming. in two days d.c. will find one of its most well-known residents honored in the u.s. capitol. a statue of frederick douglas who many believe started the civil rights movement will be unveiled. >> considered national hero the bronze statue of president rick douglas is soon to have a home in the u.s. capitol -- frederick douglas. john boehner announced in his video a web link for all to see the unveiling. >> we're only a couple days away from welcoming frederick douglas's capital to the u.s. capitol and i wanted to remind you how you could take part in this special event. >> getting a ticket in person hasn't been so easy. fox 5 political analysis mark plotkin revealed some d.c. leaders were complaining about not getting invites for d.c. residents. >> d.c. citizens are being ex splud -- excluded. >> plotkin tried to get boehner to speak about it. >> will you answer the question about the statue and why you haven't invited d.c. residents? >> but speaker boehner's office says it will be d.c. residents on the invite list. current local leaders and past mayors. minority leader nancy pelosi will be there to honor douglas but believes there's a more important honor congress can give to residence. >> we want the district of columbia to have a vote in the congress of the united states and of course myself support statehood. >> in the district matt acklin fox 5 news. >> the white house confirms vice president joe biden will be at the ceremony but his name wasn't included by the speaker's office. also on the list are folks from douglas's home from maryland. rochester, new york and from haiti in the dome min can republic. douglas served as an ambassador to those countries -- dominican republic. >> a nasty fight between a bus driver and a rider. >> a woman lost her job because she shaved her head to support her sister who was battling cancer coming up. >> major pull back for gm and we're not talking about the stock price. they're widening last summer's s.u.v. recall now adding 230,000 vehicles to the list. several vehicles are listed. part in the door can catch fire. >> the market kicking off a new week with a triple digit game. >> netflix and dream works animation shins are joining forces to provide content for kids -- animation. they'll have 300 hours of dream works programming. >> who says nothing is forever? jetblue announcing that points earned in its true blue program will never expire ever. >> happy flying. >> that's business. i'm kneel dav -- cavuto -- i'm neil cavuto. >>  it means more than words and we're blessed to say we're best friends as well. >> we reached out to the casino and they e-mailed this response. we take these very seriously as they are inconsistent with our values and culture. we're conducting an internal investigation to look into this matter. we pride ourselves in celebrating diversity and has always honored the choice to shave your head for battling cancer. >> mel lonnie hopes to continue her career as hair stylist. >> ms. connecticut maybe the new miss u.s.a. but all the talk about last night's pageant has been on the way miss utah answer stwerd question about women's income equality -- >> i think especially the men are seen as the leaders of this and so we need to try to figure out how to create education >> and with that marissa powell has become and you tune celebrity but she released a statement where she joked first interview listen to the question before you answer. powell finished in third place. >> not too shabby all right so can you say something coherent about the weather? >> well it depends on who you ask. >> or the night. >> that's right. >> that would sum it up. here's what's going on. it's pretty good out there this evening. it's muggy but we have stayed dry in the city so you haven't needed your umbrella if you've been out and about. dew want to start with a look at sentinel radar because we were tracking a thunderstorm coming out of fauquier county over into prince william county right along south of 66 and that has been dying out quickly. still a little cell that's just to the east of baltimore there and crossing over the bay in the last couple of hours or so we've had these scattered thunderstorms and this is real typical because what happens is most of this is generated by the heat of the day and in some form or fashion and once the sunsets and we begin to lose the heat it's usually about two hours or so after the sun goes down after we begin to lose thunderstorms and they die out. unless there's upper level support or something that's keeping the atmosphere stable they tend to die out. that's what is happening right now. may not be the case for tomorrow evening and into tomorrow night because i think they'll be more support. some of these thunderstorms could last farther into the evening but this is what we're tracking. notice how i ran along 66. it came apart before any heavy rain got gainesville but that's going to be about it. there's still a spotty chance for just a shower overnight tonight and fog in places and that's about it. look how mild some would say warm 79 degrees right now in the city but out in the suburbs it's cooled off into the lower 70s. it's still muggy too. fredericksburg is 76. cambridge is 73 over on the eastern shore. leonardtown 73. annapolis mild at 78 degrees. so here's the deal in terms of tomorrow's weather. looks like there is a greater risk tomorrow that we're going to have a better coverage of showers and thunderstorms across the area. instead of it being isolated or widely scattered i think it's going to be scattered to begin with and then we're going to have pretty good coverage by four, five, or 6:00. the jet stream is going to be taking a dip. there's a little energy coming through tomorrow and that's going sustain the storms. there's a frontal system coming along as well. once we get through tomorrow and into tomorrow night shift on the jet stream will be taking it to the north as a ridge of high pressure will build in by the latter part of the week. it's going to be nice for us but it's going to be warm too. it does look like wednesday thursday we'll lose most humidi humidity but it does look like the humidity will return just in time for summer which begins friday and lasts through the weekend. tomorrow we're 85. could be a degree or two either way depending on how much sunshine we get. just so you know it's important to know how much sunshine we get because that may create stronger thunderstorms. maybe a few will go severe if we get a good amount of sunshine. if we have mostly cloudy skies all day long the risk of severe weather is not as great as what we had last week. just so you know. that doesn't mean we won't have potentially severe storms. 80 grease wednesday. this humidity has pushed south and we may have a few showers down south. lots of rain back out to the west tonight. stormy weather there and what we're getting is we call this debris clouds coming off the thunderstorms from farther back out to the west. they're caught up in this west to east flow. so overnight tonight clouds increasing. by tomorrow clouds will be with us and it looks like it will take probably most of the morning to burn those clouds off before we get some sunshine. here's how futurecast sees it. by noon we'll start to get development and then by three, four, five clock i do suspect a line will start to form out ahead of this frontal system as it pushes through we'll dry out tomorrow evening. as the cooler and drier air comes in this is wednesday at 5:00 o'clock we're mostly dry but there will be a couple showers primarily down south of us. some clouds overnight tonight spotty fog too. a spotty shower tomorrow morning very isolated would not surprise me but not for everybody. warm and humid with sunshine. showers and thunderstorms a good possibility tomorrow afternoon and into tomorrow evening. we're a little cooler. we're less humid on wednesday into thursday. accuweather seven-day forecast sum initiative starts friday. that's just an isolated thunderstorm friday afternoon and the way it's looking right now the weekend it's monday so we have to talk about the weekend is hot and at this point it looks dry. >> did i pass the test. >> you passed. >> nats up in phillie. >> fox 5 sports is brought to you by ford. go further. >> nine game road trip. tonight was first of three games against the phillies and game one featured a reunion with an old friend. >> scott smith is here. >> that old friend is john lab none with the nationals -- tonight lantana was making his first start from philadelphia. >> jason birth all smiles. -- jayson werth. everybody gets a good kick. john landon and jayson werth. anthony rendon comes around to score and the nats are out to a one ship -- zip lead. chad tracy 0-2 pitch delivers against jonathan papelbon stays fair that's trace sps second -- tracy's second. fernando surrenders the game winning hit. ben comes into score. the nats rally from 4-2 but only to lose 5-4 in this one. >> but lets end it with positive news. on the injury front bryce harper examined by the team doctor and he was cleared to start running and ramping up his strength training but no timetable has been issued for history turn to the game field. >> f -- n.b.a. basketball player allen iverson is being accused of abducting his own children. his ex-wife says she has five -- sole custody but has not seen them since she let them go on vacation with iverson. iverson was a no-show when he was supposed to bring the kids. his ex we've said that happened on another occasion. the former basketball player last played in philadelphia in 2010. >> a cold war has developed between the vladimir putin and the new england patriots over -- over a superbowl ring. he let putin try on the ring. when he reached out to get his ripping back foot continue put the ring in his pocket and put issue walked out -- putin says it is a gift and it's on display in the kremlin library. >> coming up next it is one of the rarest comic books out there and it's worth a fortune hear how one man stumbled across this original superman issue and how much he sold it for. >>  a rare comic book was found in minnesota. >> in tiny elbow lake, minnesota, this beat up house nearly stole the owner next door. he planned to tear it down and build parking lot. >> i said that could be a good project for know work and pick it up. >> last december david gonzalez lez -- gonzalez bought it. >> the other guy the restaurant offered no more money and the guy said it's yours. >> little did he know this house came with a superhero and mini fortune. >> it was more damaged water damage. >> inside continue sul legs shin and dry wall hidden between old newspapers action comics number one -- the very first appearance of superman and a crown jewel among collectors. >> it was in there. >> in an online auction it sold for a cool 175 $1,000 and it could have gone for more if a family member and gonzalez didn't argue over profits -- 175 thousand. >> you ripped it? >> because it was money don't bayou happiness. >> the story gets better. he and his wife found another major find. >> i got excited. >> super man issue number four from 1940 but this time it's in two pieces. >> it could go anywhere from 500 to 5,000. >> so gonzalez says there could be more treasures inside the house but the money will never change his family. >> it doesn't change it at at all. we don't care much about money. we want our kids to be happy. >> uh-huh. that money get happiness for the kids i think. put it down for their education. >> thanks for joining us at 10:00 here's brian with the news edge at 11:00. >> tonight news edge getting to the bottom of a viral video showing a collision between a cyclist and cabby in the heart of d.c. what makes the footage different you can see the cyclist and buddies riding dangerously across the city before the accident in the middle of an event to promote biking and safety. fox 5 will thomas here to start us off. >> hri

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