coming, but this next batch looks to me like it's going to be mainly south of dc and you can kind of see to the north and west there really hasn't been a lot up in that area but you might get a coating down to the south. there's a little bit more to go and all of this will be swinging off the east coast in the morning. here's some weather headlines. a few more hours of light snow. this may be gone by 2:00 or 3:00 in the morning. it will be way out of here by the time the morning rush hour starts for sure. the problem we're having is it's sticking as it falls. the sidewalks in northwest are covered even though we had a couple hours of very light snow. keep in mund, bridges and overpasses colder and where the roads have not been treated and they did a lot of pretreating earlier today, you could hit a patch of ice here and there. as i mentioned, it will be gone before the morning rush hour but we think down to the south where the bulk of the next batch will be riding you can get anywhere from a coating to perhaps half an inch. check out temperatures right now. it's already cold most places below freezing. fredricksburg, you're still below 34 degrees and everybody else is below freezing, and we are heading to the teens tonight. 17 for front royal, 19 for frederic and 20 for centerville. at dc we'll be about 24 degrees as well. this thing will be pulling out pretty quickly. we won't get a lot out of it but in places where we get the light coating, could be icy in the morning. i don't expect big problems but watch down to the south you'll have more slick spots than the rest of us shawn and brian. >> we'll see you in the full forecast . >> a van stolen from children's hospital inside a 4-year-old girl. she was found just a short time ago a few blocks away. fox 5's wisdom martin is live at the hospital with the latest. what happened. >> reporter: this all started around 7:17 tonight here at children's hospital. police say a woman and her 4-year-old child were in the parking garage here at children's loading up in a toyota sienna minivan when a suspect came up from behind her took the van and the 4-year-old child that was inside and drove away. drove a couple blocks away to franklin street northeast to an apartment complex, pulled into the apartment complex, dropped the child off and kept going to prince georges county. meanwhile, a comcast worker who lives in that apartment complex saw the child wandering around in the cold and dark in this apartment complex and called police. around 7:40, prince georges county caught the suspect on queen's chapel road. he has been arrested and charged with unarmed carjacking. back here in dc at that apartment complex, the mother and the child, the 4-year-old child, were reunited. police say the child appears to be okay a very fortunate situation tonight, because that child was dropped off alone in that apartment complex, in the dark in the cold and was unharmed. shawn, back to you. >> thank goodness she is all right, wisdom martin thank you. and now to an update on a story fox 5 was first to report last night. the arrest of an fbi agent suspected of driving drunk and killing that maryland teenager. we're learning more about the agent and his alleged intoxication. fox 5's bob barnard is in the news room with the latest. >> law enforcement officials have identified the agent. we are told he is adrian johnson who was just assigned to protect attorney general eric holder. sources told us johnson was forced to take a breathalyzer test after the deadly crash monday night and allegedly blew a.25. a recent graduate of gwynn park high school jr garner was killed monday night when the car he was driving was broad sided on north keys road in brandywine. the 18-year-old had just pulled out of a friend's driveway. his passenger 19-year-old robert mitchell the 2nd, was critically injured. police say the driver of the other car was suspected of driving drunk speeding and had crossed the yellow line. he was an off-duty fbi agent. danita canada is robert mitchell's sister. >> he made a horrible mistake, but with every action there's a consequence negative or positive so there are going to have to negative consequences he'll have to suffer for his mistake. but he's no less in our prayers than, you know, we're praying for our brother and jr's family as well. >> reporter: law enforcement sources say the agent is adrian norbell johnson, age 37 six years with the bureau most recently in new ark new jersey. the fbi says johnson had just moved to washington to work on attorney general eric holder's security detail, a job he had yet to perform. the fbi says johnson was off duty in his personal car at the time of the crash. law enforcement sources tell us his blood alcohol level was 0.25 three times the legal limit. >> it sounds like he was being reckless and somebody had to pay for his recklessness with their life and now my brother is critically injured. >> reporter: danita canada says her brother remains in icu with broken ribs, fractured hip and shoulder and massive internal injuries. >> it's very unfortunate to think that a law enforcement officer may be rovd involved in this. >> reporter: we asked how drunk a driver would be who blows a 0.25. >> very high level of intoxication, a a 0.2, you're probably look at -- definitely looking at impaired speech, you're talking about possibly losing the ability to stand or walk. there's certainly an impairment of judgment. >> reporter: though arrested at the scene because police suspected agent johnson was drunk he will not face charges until the crash investigation is completed, brian. >> bob what's the status of agent johnson? >> reporter: well, the fbi has not identified him by name. we got his name from other sources, but the fbi says he has not been back to work since monday night. a bureau spokesperson tells us the agent's future with the fbi is still up in the air tonight. >> bob barnard tonight. last night on fox 5 we reported the dc attorney general's office was dismissing dwi cases for a lack of evidence. today they confirmed firmed that on the record. >> reporter: up until now, the dc attorney general's office had been unwilling to disclose of how they were disposing of dwi cases, highly controversial issue after a whistle blower came forward to say that the breathalyzers used to discover the blood alcohol content had not been tested for accuracy for many years. earlier today, the senior council to the attorney general, irvin nathan sent a statement to fox 5 which reads in part, oag, or the office of the attorney general, is not using the breath scores because npd's program is not certified. we've discovered that the urine tests are also revealing the presence of illegal drugs. breath scores only detect alcohol which has been helpful to our cases. they decided to obtain only urine samples in drunk driving investigations to save resources. in recent works, fox 5 has learned prosecutors have been dismissing cases. defense attorneys say they are not being told why. today, the special council to the attorney general explained it this way, the oag is reevaluating all our dui prosecutions. if cases have been dismissed, it is because we have either concluded that they are not worthy of going forward or we are missing evidence and will rebring the case at a later date, which we plan to do in many of the cases. we will not comment on any specific cases that may potentially be brought back to court. contrary to what one defense attorney told fox 5 tuesday, the prosecutors were not introducing breath and urine tests in court. the special council said the urine tests have been admitted into evidence and will continue to be. >> my understanding is that these cases rely on evidence from these intoxalyzers and these cannot be certified as having been performed accurately. therefore, the evidence cannot be relied on. >> reporter: phil mendleson is oversight of the police department as city council's judiciary committee. >> the real is she we've known of this problem now for at least a year and yet we're still not able to use these machines and of course the machines allow for more immediate results and also with a little bit less of a burden to the government, so we just seem to be treading water. >> reporter: the police union is furious with what's been going on. they're asking for an investigation of the dc attorney general's office, asking either the inspector general or the dc city council, shawn, to conduct an investigation. the dc police say they're still working to certify their program and they're still waiting to put into place what they call a best practices program, but we talked to phil mendleson today, the chairman of the judiciary committee on the city council. he's frustrated too. he said, why is it taking a year? that is still up in the air. that has not been around shawn. >> we know you're going to stay on top of it, paul wagner thank you. >> brian. you asked for it and did writers come through? hundreds went to to visit our new page of monitoring metro, the new effort to let our viewers report problems on their commutes so we can check them out. fox 5's roby chavez is in the web center with more. >> reporter: our monitoring metro web page is a snap shot of what viewers see on their daily commute back and forth to work today. on we saw a lot of photographs just like this. we put together a slide show. we want to show you some of them. over there at union station today, someone early this morning reported smelling burning rubber. we're still trying to find out what that is. this other photograph that came in as you can see, they report escalators clearly being worked on here, which means the other side is very crowd. metro says that will be down until march 31. at landover a photograph who she says she's tired of seeing yellow gates in front of the escalators, that means both escalators were down. from landover, we understand from metro those will be back up tomorrow. we'll check on it to make sure. as we told you yesterday, metro continues to have problems with escalators and the problems are getting worse. metro escalators as we mentioned in a new report, we now know are breaking down every seven to eight days. 68% of those shut down are for unannounced repairs or something unexpected like a safety incident. tomorrow's board meeting, ceo richard charles will respond to the report and outline ways to keep the escalators up and running. customers can't wait. >> after awhile, you learn to live with it but after awhile, it's always odd to me that sometimes they have the escalators going on going down but not going up and for most people going up it's always harder. >> i'm glad they're fixing them. it's necessary and required but i do feel badly for people that would have to go take a shuttle because it really delays their commute which is long enough already. >> reporter: we will monitor the metro meeting tomorrow and we will hope viewers will continue to help us monitor metro and made it very easy. our monitoring metro site is very prominent on and all you have to do is send your pictures in to fox we'll get those pictures on our slide show and also check out those problems and issues viewers are seeing, brian. >> sounds good roby chavez tonight. forget osama bin laden. homeland security says he's not the biggest threat to the us anymore. find out who is and why the homeland security secretary says we're at the most dangerous point since 911. shirtless photos a congressman and craigslist. it's a recipe for resignation, the details coming right up. >> some surprising admissions from the homeland security department about the terror threat to the united states. the homeland security secretary says we're at the highest risk of attack since 911. get this, osama bin laden no longer the biggest threat to the united states. instead, it's the terrorists using the internet to get his message out. laura evans has details from today's congressional hearing. >> reporter: fighting terrorism from the inside out, that is what homeland security secretary says has to be done as america's battle with terrorism reaches new heights. at a house committee hearing, homeland security secretary janet napalatano says the terror threat has evolved significantly. that's because al-qaida and other terror groups has increased their focus on recruiting americans and westerners. >> they are also encouraging individuals in the west to carry out their own small-scale attacks, which require less of the coordination and planning that could raise red flags and lead to an attack. >> reporter: michael lighter, director of the national counter terrorism center says that an american is the most significant threat to the us even more so than osama bin laden. he says he connects to radicals through the internet, even has a flashy extremist online magazine. >> there are several others who we're concerned with but i think alaki has the greatest audience on the internet so in that sense he's the most important. >> reporter: one republican criticizing the obama administration's handling of airport security says homeland security must start profiling. >> we've got to focus on those people who want to harm us and the people who want to harm us are not grandmas and not little children, it's the islamic extremists. >> reporter: during today's hearing janet napalatano warned another terror attack could come with little to no warning. a married congressman abruptly resigned after reports of him searching for women on craigslist. this is christopher lee. the shirtless picture on the road is a photo he sent to a maryland woman. he told the woman he was a divorced lobbyist with one child. he stopped exchanging e-mails with him after she suspected he was lying about his identity. he did use his real name and apologized today saying he regretted his actions. a virginia political shocker, us senator jim web from virginia has decided he is one and done. i say it's a shocker but a lot of political insiders saw the writing on the wall. >> there's been clues along the way. he hasn't updated his campaign website in several months. when he's been asked about this, including us recently jim web said i'll make the decision at a later time. it came out today, saying i've talked to several of my family and he said it's not just a six-year commitment, it's an eight-year commitment because you have to factor in the two years you're going to run for the senate. simply put, he didn't have the fire in the belly to do it again and going back into retirement. >> this senate seat will probably be the most high profile senate election in 2012. the -- it was going to be a high profile election even if webb had not decided to retire, but now it's certainly going to be right at the top of the list in terms of national attention. >> obviously, tim cane would be a terrific candidate. he's been elected twice state-wide. i think he'd be the instant front runner were he to choose to consider running and i think we can't take his statement as definitive until he talks to the president of the united states. >> nationally this is going to have implications as well. the democrats didn't do so well in the mid term and is they're looking at another two years right now of a lot of questions. >> make no mistake, it's going to be a tough year for them anyway in 2012. this doesn't make anything any easier. democratic senator ken conrad his retirement. joe leiberman also said he wouldn't run for re-election. the draft for tim cane will really get underway because a lot of people are saying there's not a lot of bench strength in this democratic party in virginia in getting former governor tim cane into this race it might be a big chance for the democrats to hold onto this already former governor and senator george allen announced he's going to run. prince william county board chairman cory stewart told us he's interested in this race. there seems to be a lot of republicans lining up and it's in flux still about whether democrats will step up. >> tom fitzgerald backup stairs. there's been a lot of speculation about jim web's decision to step down for awhile now. mike gaulager who hosts the show joins us tonight to talk politics. gentlemen thanks for being here. >> hi, shawn. >> thanks for inviting. >> mark let's start with you. does web's decision, what does it mean for democrats in 2012 and could the control of the senate be at stake. >> you remember that jim webb's election six years ago provided for the democrats to be in a slim majority in control. they're now 51-47 23 seats are up for democrats, and this is a seat that virginiians, for republicans definitely want to take back. they think it's an aberation that obama won. they said forget about cane and warner, that the state is going red again and they don't have any bench strength, but i want to say it first, watch don bower, remember that now. he was the president and ambassador to switzerland. he's got some independent means and i think he wants to vindicate the time he lost to jim gilmore over the car tax. i can see him coming back and trying to claim that seat. >> mike, let's get your take on this. we heard from the gop side former virginia senator george allen already expressed an interest in running for his old seat. who else do you think might emerge as a front runner for both parties. >> there definitely is going to be a tea party challenge i guess, but virginia is a little bit of a wild card state when it comes to tea party politics. i think george allen is the heir, and this is a very big deal for republicans. as mark said frankly, democrats were already on shaky ground before this. this i think, increases the chances of democrats losing the chamber in 2012. this is very symbolic for a lot of reasons. jim webb has always been kind of an odd duck a guy whose physical courage could never be disputed but turned into almost a code pink dad and got very personal with george w. bush over iraq and i think a lot of republicans and indeed the nation is saying good riddance and i think this will be sweet vindication for george allen who got railroaded into being branded a bigot because of one silly word that no one knew the meaning of. >> i don't think the other side would say he was railroaded into that. i think he said that word himself. no one forced him to say it. >> well, yeah it was one word that jim webb sat by and shamelessly allowed a good and decent man like george allen to be branded a bigot, after in his own book he ran through a town screaming the n word. i think they're intact and i think a lot of virginiians will go back to looking at george allen -- again, party wide bad news for the democrats. >> let's talk about what could be bad news for the republicans, staying in your neck of the woods a little bit there. we can't skip over the scandal in the hill that prompted the quick exit by chris lee. how would this impact the gop and his possible replacement. >> i'm always fascinated by the way these things play out from both parties' perspectives. here's a guy resigning immediately. frankly we've seen a lot of scandals on the democratic side of the aisle, and they fight and stay in, and many times they do marian berry, got caught on tape, smoking crack with a hooker and stayed one of the most popular politicians in dc. i think it's bad for the party, no question but the right thing to do is watch him fade off into the sun set. >> mark one question for you, cpac is here. there's a whole host of speakers on there. sarah palin is absent. does that mean she's now irrelevant. >> she's not irrelevant. i think she wants to be a power broker. i don't think she has any chance. i think so democrats would love for her to be the party for the nominee. i think she wants to get rich and have people like you and me talk about it. >> all right. thanks so much for joining us. we appreciate it. >> thank you. >> you bet, sure. revealing your deepest, darkest secrets. there's an app for that making confession for catholics a breeze. there's a catch. tonight, the vatican says, not so fast. drink in the rich, bold taste... of premium roast coffee -- 100% arabica beans. it's so rich but so just a dollar. on the dollar menu at breakfast. and that's what we're made of. ♪ ba da ba ba ba ♪ my sister's new boyfriend told her that he thinks sundays are just for watching football. believe that? [ thinking ] relax. you ordered off mcdonald's dollar menu at breakfast. everything's so good and just a buck. so go. he's a jerk. [ thinking ] the simple joy of being smart. ♪ ♪ >> here's a question to ponder, do you need to confess your sins? well, there's an app for that. will thomas is joining me in the web center and the vatican is weighing in on it. >> can you believe it. you'd agree, there's pretty much an apf for everything these days, but this is the first time the vatican has weighed in on an app and putting their foot down they're saying you can't confess your sins over an iphone app. >> is that the intention of the app. >> the designer says no it's not the intention. it's a tool for sinners. you can keep track of your sins and take it into the confessional booth with your priest. >> i've had people bring blackberries with lists, yes. >> so this is not that out of the ordinary from what you've already seen. >> no. >> if you thought you'd hear push-back from father kevin reagan on confession a roman catholic app you won't hear it from him. just prior to giving evening mass at saint matthews cathedral. father reagan revealed he download the the confession app himself. >> you have it what does it do. >> sure, once you have a chance it loads your custom examination of conscious, depending on who you are. >> reporter: it tailors questions for you, like have i been unethical in business dealings, have i not paid my taxes. if you're guilty, you mark them off to create a custom sin list. you can bring your iphone with your list inside the confessional so you won't forget your sins. >> from within the man, from his heart. >> reporter: father reagan believes that if technology helps spread the gospel, god would approve. >> it's an aide just like the same way as yelp. it doesn't change that personal relationship. it just helps you get there quicker, gives you a menu of the place but you've got to still go there and eat the food. in the same way with confession, you have to have the personal encounter. >> reporter: after mass let out we asked parishioners and people walking by the cathedral if they'd download the app. >> i don't like the idea. >> . >> if it helps people meet their faith, i guess it's a great idea. >> i guess if it keeps people more accountable to what they're doing, i don't see it as a bad thing. >> no chance. >> not for you? >> not for me. >> what's the cost here. >> $1.99 to download. >> any word from the developer of the app on this controversy. the developer weighed in after the vatican did. the developer from indiana, called iapps the development company are saying it's a tool to be used at confession at your church with your priest. they made it clear today. >> you could also get a piece of paper and pen. >> as you heard the priest say i've seen blackberries in the confessional so the fact you bring your iphone in doesn't matter. >> speaking of the iphone verizon got it and it's about to go on sale. we're told it goes on sale to the general public tomorrow and experts believe more than 1 million phones will be sold in the first week that means they could run out of stock and wal-mart announced it will offer the iphone at nearly 600 stores tomorrow. >> brian thank you. after nearly five decades of performing chuck brown is nominated for music's highest honor. one-on-one with the god father of go-go and how he almost died escaping from prison, that's next. >> say living ledgeand crowned the go-go. i recently sat down with the energetic 74-year-old to talk about his life, love and his music, chuck brown. >> what you want me to do. >> and for 49 years, chuck brown has been winding up his fans keeping on their feet with heart thumping go-go beat from the genre music he created in the early '70s. >> the first go-go clubs, go-go girls go-go dancers, no go-go music. i decided to call it go-go music. the main thing about go-go is getting the audience into what you're doing. ♪ you ain't dying yet ♪. >> chuck's latest hit called "love," featuring singer jill scott, earned him his first ever grammy nomination. >> it's the greatest thing, oh my god. >> how'd it make you feel when you found out. >> oh, my god, i couldn't believe it. i haven't gotten over it yet. i'm never going to get over it okay. that's something that will be with me the rest of my life. >> chuck sat down to talk with us about his grammy nomination inside the ebony inn, a small stage where he worked the crowd in the 1950s. >> yep, it's my stage. it was a little high at that time. man, we just stand right here and just turned this right out. [laughter] i worked in here three nights a week friday saturday and sunday. >> for free beer barbeque and $10 a night, chuck started singing when he was just a little boy. >> momma wouldn't let me sing nothing else. when she wasn't around i'd be singing the blues, some bb king. >> singing was not a priority for chuck from his teenage years through young adult hood. he found himself in and out of trouble and in and out of jail. he almost lost his life escaping from a virginia prison. >> it was winter time 12 degrees, and i decided i want to get up out of here. i just took off. it was very cold, i had food i could build me a little fire and get warm but i almost froze to death. after three days i almost lost my feet. >> chuck speaks fondly of being incarcerated at lorton penitentiary. he earned his high school diploma, bought his first guitar with five cartons of cigarettes learned to play it and did his first shows. >> after i did about three of those shows, i knew i was going to be something. >> chuck got out in 1962 but went back for almost every year for 15 years to perform for his old friends and cell mates. one of chuck's favorite songs to perform ♪ i feel like busting loose ♪. >> his chart-topping hit that gained him national recognition. >> and when we did busting loose in '78, that's when it took off and everybody knew what go-go was, you know what i'm saying. >> the first record i ever got was busting loose. >> oh, yeah? >> and when i found out that i was going to be able to talk to you i went and started digging through all of my stuff, and this is what i found. this is the first record i ever got. >> i love that. >> despite the popularity of go-go and chuck's notoriety in the dc area he never quite achieved the same accolades as some of his contemporaries. >> that doesn't bother me because my time it wasn't my time. >> but his time is now complete with a new hit album and a grammy nominated song ♪ l-o-v-e ♪ ♪. >> i think about it every day every hour of the day. oh, my god, ride down the highway grammy, grammy grammy you know what i'm saying. if i never win, the point is i'm so happy for the fact that i've been selected. the nomination itself is enough for me. i'm just too happy. don't take much to please me. >> he's an incredible man. chuck says he's his own biggest critic. he never fully is satisfied with his work and that's what's kept him humble all these years. his biggest joys are his wife of 27 years five children, six grandchildren and plans to keep performing as long as people keep requesting him. his grammy nominated song "love" is on his new live cd-dvd collection called "we got this." he was incredible to talk to. i grew up in the midwest so we weren't familiar with go go music. i didn't know who he was until i came to this area about 10 years and i heard "busting loose" on the road and i said, oh that guy. >> i'll have to follow that up with my first record. >> what's that. >> shawn cassidy. >> oh, no. >> i wish it was a cool story like yours. mine's awful but that's fine. it was a good experience. >> it's great. we certainly wish him the best the grammies are this sunday. you go to the gym to burn calories. >> one local gym is using all that energy to make something, electricity. we'll show you how they're doing it next. first, check your vacuum. one company is issuing a recall after some caught fire. fox's neil cavuto has details. >> a double whammy home prices falling. mortgage rates rising. a 30 year fixed rate loan above 5%. the mortgage bankers association say it's the highest it's been in 10 months. real estate website villa says home values are expected to drop another 5% this year. more than a quarter of all homes are now worth less than what's owed on them. you're paying up to warm up an arctic blast hitting the country. home heating prices rising today, up 42% than the past year. the dow up again 6 points. got an eight-session winning streak now more than 660 points this year. general motors racking up its best month ever in china selling more than a quarter million cars than last month. gm sells more cars there than here. hoovers are recalling more than 100,000 vacuums. customers are saying they're overheating, some even igniting. h60th >> working out is supposed to give you more energy and at one maryland gym, a spin class is doing that in more than one way. beth parker shows us how a bike ride is providing the spark many people need. >> here at the columbia athletic club they are spinning locally but thinking locally. instructor heather foshay and her class are focused on more than just heart rates. she's talking wattage. as they pedal, they are creating electricity. it powers things like lights and fans at this gym run by the columbia association. >> energy comes in and out. a lot of it is wasted. how better to realize that we can recapture some of the energy from the sweat of our own brows. >> reporter: with the room empty we can give you a clearer sense of how this works. now, all of the bikes are connected through a cable to this box in the back of the room. now, inside the box is an inverter that converts the energy generated in this room to electricity. >> what you see graphically is the amount of power that's being generated throughout the day. >> reporter: mike kernan is the cofounder of the green revolution, the company that created the system. >> in the past 18 months since we've launched commercially we've installed at 50 health clubs across north america and we see so much interest, from europe and south america, it's unbelievable the amount of requests that we get. >> reporter: the power bill is down. >> i'm comparing just december of last year to december of this year and seeing that we have a little bit of savings. >> reporter: that's not the only business bonus. >> people are asking can you put in a class this morning or this day so it's been very successful. >> reporter: tom spent his 70th birthday spinning. he never gets tired of innovation. >> it gives us a joint feeling as to where we are as a group also plus my wattage is a good measure of how i can progress. and i love it. i really do. >> we like to see the watts go up so i think it makes everybody feel good that we're contributing. >> reporter: they're still working hard just sweating their carbon footprint a little less. in columbia, maryland, beth parker, fox 5 news. coming up tonight on the news edge at 11:00, a us congressman's career brought down by a shirtless photo the e-mails he allegedly sent in response to a craigslist personals ad and what will happen to his vacated seat. did a disgruntled metro employee warn about a mass shooting similar to the one in tuscon. drink in the rich, bold taste... of premium roast coffee -- 100% arabica beans. it's so rich but so just a dollar. on the dollar menu at breakfast. and that's what we're made of. ♪ ba da ba ba ba ♪ it should be green. okay. hi, i'm joe kennedy, and i want you to meet a friend of mine, courtney. courtney's mom, elaine had to quit work to care for her sick daughter, who's been fighting leukemia for half of her short life. there are millions of families like courtney's, who are having a tough time making it these days. folks can't pay their bills, and staying warm just isn't possible. let us remember, at this particular time, that kindness counts and that there's still room for a gentle response to those in need. so i want to thank the people of venezuela and citgo petroleum for their generosity. we'll have our differences but they were the only country and the only oil company to answer our call to provide heating assistance to the poor. if you need help staying warm, give me a call at citizens energy at 1-877-joe-4-oil. because no one should be left out in the cold. my sister's new boyfriend told her that he thinks sundays are just for watching football. believe that? [ thinking ] relax. you ordered off mcdonald's dollar menu at breakfast. everything's so good and just a buck. so go. he's a jerk. [ thinking ] the simple joy of being smart. ♪ ♪ >> well, i was not happy to see that a little bit of snow. thankfully it wasn't too bad around here. >> just a little coating. >> yeah, it just kind of gives me flash backs. >> you don't want it to be any worse. we have to watch for slippery spots. it's winding down very soon looking like fairy dust to me. >> what does fairy dust look like. >> like the snow we had tonight there you go. >> didn't you watch peter pan. >> i don't think i did. >> tinker bell . we have just the lightest of snow, very fine crystals, almost hard to see as it was falling tonight. most of it is to the south of dc but you can see the little bit of haze we have in the air. you can see on radar most of it is down to the south. it's super light that's for sure. over to max hd satellite radar, we have it all in motion starting at about 7:00 8:00 for most areas maybe a little bit later down to the south. you can see there's a back edge to all of this and another batch running to the south. in the brighter blues here, that's where you might get the half inch or so. as we look at all of this moving on by certainly very cold and that's why it's sticking. our area of low pressure is moving off the carolinas very quickly. it drops a lot of snow this thing did, in oklahoma and arkansas, they couldn't believe it another 8, and some places 10, 12 inches but we're seeing this really wind down here so our next batch down to the south, that's where you might get the coating in the next few hours before it moves out. it will be long gone by the morning rush hour for sure but it will be left in the wake of that system. it's cold tonight, most places below freezing as we mentioned fredricksburg to 32 degrees now and across the country, wow it is cold everywhere. 16 for buffalo, 1 degree in chicago, 14 in st. louis check out amarillo at 7. they had snow here yesterday. dallas 23 degrees. they can't believe this and wichita 4 while fargo is at 7 degrees below zero. now, a very cold night to be sure and we'll be cold again tomorrow. we're dropping to 17 degrees in front royal. centerville about 23 19 for frederic 22 for columbia and 24 for lusby but our future cast isn't showing much more in the way of snow. as we run this on out, we'll see this really breaking up as it passes on by to the south, and again, long guy, maybe as early as 3:00 in the morning, certainly by 6:00 or 7:00 we think the skies will brighten up. sunshine should be back most of the day. it will be a cold day though that's for sure. our temperatures only in the low 30s again tomorrow with a little bit of a breeze. now, i want you to see the snow potential and if we get anything at all, mostly it's going to be down to the south. we got our coating in northwest washington, the sidewalks covered, you had the flurries up to the north. if you get a good burst, it could amount to about a half inch or so 1/100th of an inch at reagan international. watch bridges and overpasses because it won't melt on the untreated surfaces and it will be slick in the morning in a few spots. we're reminding you of those slick spots tonight with the light snow ending in a few hours, a coating to half inch possible to the south. tomorrow, breezy cold day with temperatures in the teens and low 20s. not as blustery as yesterday but a noticeable breeze out of the northeast at 10 to 20. the breeze will be coming from the low that will be passing us by tonight. 26 at 8:00 in the morning, by noon about 30 and breezy at 5:00 with a temperature of 31 degrees. quick look at your weekend forecast. i want to you see some good news here. we are going to be warming up sunday about 52 degrees, and even into next week, which is by the way, monday valentine's day. we've got a warm-up for you on valentine's day as well about 50 degrees. so we keep it going for a little while here but no doubt about it tomorrow at 33, it's going to be real cold. we begin warming or should i say thawing just a little bit on friday and saturday and sunday worth waiting for. >> thanks sue. >> you bet . lindsay lohan is back in familiar territory, the courthouse. the latest on a new round of charges. >> and in minutes at 11:00, drinking diet soda make up calories but could boost your risk of a dangerous health problems, details on the news edge. lindsay lohan pleaded not guilty to felony grand theft charges today in court. she's accused of swiping a $2500 necklace from a jewelry store. she was on probation from 2007 for a drunk driving case when the jewelry says she took that necklace. one of her assistants turned it over to police. she said the necklace was on loan and she could do three years in a state prison if convicted. the judges found some amazing talent in between all those auditions that weren't so great on american idol. anitta vogul talks to some of the singers hoping to be stars. >> reporter: the last of the gold tickets were handed out in the city by the bay, making the lucky ones that much closer to their dream. >> i'm pretty sure that this is a golden ticket. it does say you are going to hollywood and my number on it, so i'm pretty sure i'm going. >> it's tripe. i got to be honest. it wasn't my idea to come and audition. it was my employees'. >> amazing do you see this? ♪ and the cotton is tight". >> reporter: absorbing the judge's comment is tough, unless they don't have any. >> they just were like let's just cut -- we don't even need to comment. let's just cut to the voting. so jennifer said i gave her goose bumps, which is really awesome. >> they said breathe, calm down don't let your heart take over your voice. i am very i guess emotional singer. >> reporter: and for jefferson harley giving his employees some incentives was a win-win situation. >> my sales staff basically kept bugging me to audition. i was a professional singer for a long time and i told them, i said, look guys, if you can double your sales quota this month, i think it was june i would go on audition for american idol. i didn't the year before and they hit their sales quota and i said all right i'll make a fool of myself, and who's the dummy now. >> reporter: in hollywood

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