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shooting are dropped. thanks for joining us tonight. i'm shawn yancy. i'm brian bolter. the news coming on the day three more suspects were charged in the case. fox 5 cameras were the only ones rolling when two of those suspects were arrested this afternoon just hours before prosecutors cleared a 14-year- old. roby chavez starts us off with the news for us in d.c. >> reporter: it was a very unusual press conference. they had to turn loose the 14- year-old originally charged as a getaway driver. they now say he had nothing to do with this crime. city leaders admit they made a mistake. >> the respondent f the vehicle alleged to have been involved in the shootings. >> reporter: that announcement shocked many. the city announced 14-year-old malik carder what was charged with as many as 14 counts in the mass shooting including four counts of murder actually had nothing to do with the killing spree. today city officials backtracked. >> for that i apologize. a perfect world we would never have mistakes. >> i wish i could say that every witness involved that finally helped us piece this together came forward on march 30 and told us everything they knew that night so we could have had everything right in the very beginning. but this is not a perfect world. >> reporter: before the news conference, a red faced mayor's office tried to movement the announcement inside and away from victims' families who had gathered holding graphic pictures of their murdered children. the mayor eventually reversed himself again but the damage to those families was already done. >> they won't face the truth here and the truth is our system has failed this city and they should face the truth that they made a mistake they made a terrible mistake. >> i'm really confused because so much information is conflicting to me. one minute you're told it's definitely, he's positively been identified. then later it's, you know, not so sure. >> reporter: all it overshadows new developments. fox 5 cameras were in southeast as to more people were arrested in connection to the mass shooting and police say they are seeking a third. while there were apologies, police also defended the department and the sworn police sergeant who positively identified the 14-year-old as the driver. >> the officers had they not done what they did, we would have nobody in custody. right now today we would have nobody. they did what every police officer in this department is expected to do. put their life on the line and try and bring people responsible to justice. >> reporter: now to recap those numbers, five people have now been charged in the mass shooting. four are now in custody and have been arrested. police say there is one person still on the loose. they know who that person is but will not release his name until he is in custody. we're live in police headquarters, roky chavez, -- roky chavez -- roby chavez, fox 5 news. brian betts was found shot to death in his silver spring home a week ago today. police are looking for anyone who may have seen a vehicle leaving the alley of betts' home. there could also be more than one suspect. he was laid to rest today. now to a developing story on the minds of many redskins fans. the n.f.l. draft. the skins' new management made their first draft pick today. sports director dave feldman is here with all the draft day details. >> reporter: finally the redskins have addressed their number one issue, the offensive line selecting oklahoma tackle trent williams. he's the first offensive lineman taken by the team in the first or second round since they selected chris samuels in 2000. williams is the first drafted under the new regime. he becomes the cornerstone of the attempt to build the line. williams wearing 71 here played right tackle and left tackle in college but he is projected to take over left tackle for the skins, protecting the blind side of new quarterback donovan mcnabb. jason campbell was sacked 43 times. mike shanahan, your first pick as coach of the redskins. what do you have? >> well, i think a left tackle is the hardest position to play. so we'd like him to come in, compete at the left tackle position but he has a lot of experience at right tackle position. he has played the center position. i think he has the ability to play guard position as well very effectively. we will pencil him in at the left tackle and hopefully he will help us there. >> a reminder to join me and doc walker at 11:20. he will join me in studio to discuss today's picks and the future of albert haynesworth and jason campbell on fox a at 11720. the redskins have drafted a player from the same high school in three straight years. longview high school in east texas, longview, texas. they drafted malcolm kelly in the second round in 2008 and linebacker robert henson in the sixth round last year. now trent williams. quite a coincidence, three guys from the same high school in three consecutive years. the nice thing here is under the new management they have now addressed a real issue. with vinnie cerrato they went after a big fish or flashy receiver. this is obviously where they need the help. >> it will be interesting to see how this all plays out. >> they have no second round picks. they don't pick till the fourth round unless they make a trip. >> that's next sunday. >> next friday. two words, offensive tackle good it is a phrase we just heard over and over and over again tonight from fans leading up to the big pick. and they got their wish. stacey cohan is live in bethesda now with fan reaction. what are they saying? >> reporter: we're here at black fin in bethesda. everyone was glued to the screen over and over. folks wanted an offensive tackle. they were hoping they would get an offensive tackle and absolutely the redskins delivered and gave the fans their wish. all eyes were on the big screen blasting at various hot spots around town as the beleaguered fans of the burgundy and gold mustered up hope that this year our luck will change. >> every season since i've been a redskins fan i felt that way at the beginning of every season. i couldn't really say. i'm hoping as i do every season i hope. >> reporter: rumors of a last- minute deal for a flashy college quarterback or future sean taylor swirled but redskins regulars were unwavering in their wish for this first round pick. >> lineman. >> they need the offensive line since they got mcnabb in there. >> you've got to go with the guy that's going to protect them, get the left tackle. >> reporter: after more than a decade of frustration, this fan waited tensely for word. and then? >> we need an offensive lineman. we need somebody to protect donovan mcnabb. >> mcnabb is not going to survive if we don't have protection for them. >> we spent the last couple of years drafting wide receivers. got a couple new runningbacks. we really do need to focus on protecting the quarterback, being able to open some offensive holes for the running back to run through. >> reporter: if there's one thing i know about redskins fans like myself, we're always very optimistic. we love the thought of a next season being a good season. this one is a good pick. the skins have three more picks in this draft. hey, we've got the whole rest of the weekend to watch. just for the record, i -- [ inaudible ] i called it. i knew it was coming. >> we're going to mark that down. we'll see how you do with the next pick. we'll keep track of all of that. all of redskins nation is rejoicing tonight. by the way, if you missed any of the coach's press conference on today's draft picks, you can see the whole thing on our website. head over to the news force if maryland. it is a dead heat in the race for governor. a new poll says the rematch between governor martin o'malley and former governor robert ehrlich is a draw right now. there's one group of voters more important than any other. tom fitzgerald breaks down the numbers. >> reporter: it's the rematch in annapolis. incumbent governor martin o'malley. >> the state of our state is stronger than most. >> reporter: versus former republican governor robert ehrlich. >> when we left here, it was in pretty good shape. it needs to be fixed again and i think i'm the person to do it. >> reporter: rasmussen reports latest survey finds o'malley leading ehrlich 47% to 44%. but with a margin of error of 4.5%, experts say this race is neck and neck. >> i think if you're martin o'malley, you should almost be a little encouraged that you have a little bit of a lead here. >> reporter: but that little bit of a lead says science professor leonard steinhorn can disappear. voter unrest in maryland continues to grow. rasmussen reports also found only 22% strongly approved of o'malley's job performance while 29% the largest response strongly disapproved of his performance. of course it's important to keep in mind polls are only snapshots of any given political race. but with seven months to go before maryland voters make their decision, many told us they're surprised by these results. citing concerns over the economy, some say an upic comeback -- ehrlich comeback is looking more likely. >> absolutely i think he'll come back strongly this year. i think he'll win it. >> reporter: but o'malley supporters say they're confident he'll hold on to his job. >> it's ridiculous. o'malley has been a good governor. tough times. handling situations as best as he can along with everybody else. >> reporter: and election showing early signs of being one of the most hard fought in maryland history. tom fitzgerald, fox 5 news. funeral arrangements are set for dorothy height. her body will lie in repose tuesday at the national council of negro women with a public viewing from 6:00 to 10:00 p.m. on wednesday a memorial service will be held at shiloh baptist church and on thursday a service will be held at the national cathedral. height died tuesday at the age of 98. a fiery explosion at an oil rig takes a dramatic turn. the entire rig collapsed. you're asked. metro listened. find out how much more you could soon be paying to catch a ride. plus, a deputy sheriff opens fire outside a packed nightclub. the life-threatening move he made. we got up to 74 degrees today. a few hit or miss showers late this evening. still one or two showing up on radar. what about the weekend forecast? we're looking toward that with a full report coming your way a bit later on fox 5 news at 10:00. v> ♪ stinky! ♪ stinky! ♪ stinky! ♪ stinky! ♪ hefty! ♪ hefty! ♪ hefty! ♪ hefty! hefty bags with unscented odorblock technology help neutralize odors and stop the stinkies. ♪ stinky! stinky! ♪ stinky! stinky! ♪ hefty! ♪ hefty! ♪ hefty! a coast guard helicopter -- [ inaudible ] the captain ordered the crew to put their survival suits on while he called for help. the captain died but his calls for help saved three other crewmen. the oil spill in the gulf is set to become a major environmental hazard. >> reporter: after burning for a day and a half, the deep water horizon oil rig sinks into the gulf of mexico. thursday morning efforts failed to keep the rig afloat. >> the fire we were observing and all the activity has ceased. there is now below the surface activity that we have to apprise ourselves of. >> reporter: 126 people were aboard the rig 50 miles off the louisiana coast when it exploded tuesday. most survivors are back on land but 11 people are still missing. rescue crews are scouring the gulf hoping those workers escape in a lifeboat. >> during their debriefing of the survivors, it was clarified that the 11 missing members may have been in the vicinity of the explosion. >> reporter: the family of one missing worker filed a lawsuit thursday against the rig's owner trans ocean and bp who was contracting the rig. but other families say it's too soon to make any decisions. >> just wait and see. wait until we hear something. that's all we can do right now. >> reporter: trans ocean is using underwater robots to try to cap the flow of oil from the ocean's floor. so far those efforts have not been successful. in miami, fox news. a metro bus driver has now been fired after being accused of pulling a knife during a road rage incident. dwayne adamson was arrested after that confrontation earlier in southeast. he's been on paid administrative leave since the incident. he had been driving for metro for three years. metro is still struggling to find a middle ground as they look for ways to balance a budget deficit. the interim g.m. today laid out his proposal. will thomas has more on the looming changes. >> reporter: it is clear we will all pay more to ride metro. we reported on some of those forms that allowed you, the public to weigh in. today's unveiling takes into account all of that feedback, both in person and online. now we're exactly one week away from a final vote. every rail and bus passenger will take a hit if the just released metro budget gets a green light. that approval comes from the board that oversees metro which heard the proposal from the interim general manager. he acknowledged there's nothing about this that should be celebrated. >> as we clearly heard at the public hearings, we have a direct impact on the people we serve every day and their ability to get to jobs, school, recreation activities and more. >> reporter: those public hearings sought your feedback. metro says there was a general consensus passengers are willing to pay more to help close the projected $189 million deficit but that's all they're willing to give up. >> i think it's long overdue. i think it's a good move. i think most people are willing to pay a little more for better service and more safety as well. >> i think if they're going to raise the fares, i think they should upgrade the service a little more. >> reporter: here are the metro budget headlines. rail fares would go up 15%. you pay an extra 10 cents during peak times. bus fares would go up 20% to a buck 50 for passengers using a smartrip card. other increases including metro access fares, bike locker rental and parking. >> parking is already like $5. ouch. >> reporter: rail service would also end an hour early on weekends from 3:00 a.m. to 2:00. at least one board member d.c. councilman jim graham is -- [ indiscernible ] >> it's such a great importance of getting drunk drivers off the road, behind the wheels of their cars and into our subway cars and buses. >> reporter: graham is asking metro officials to look at cutting back rail hours on any other nights than friday and saturday when the night life crowd relies on late service. the board is expected to take a vote next thursday. >> thank you. a heads up now getting around downtown d.c. this weekend could be kind of tricky. all of these streets will be closed friday because of world bank imf meetings. the closures run from 7:30 friday to 7:00 p.m. sunday. ddot is posting signs alerting drivers about changes. he is supposed to be protecting a country. find out why a local air marshal is under arrest tonight. one driver accused of killing a mother of four. the bizarre reason his attorney says he shouldn't be facing murder charges. a bombshell in the church sex abuse scandal. find out what a new lawsuit says the pope knew about and when he knew it.  the man accused of causing this deadly accident in southeast is now charged with sex degree murder. he was ordered held without bond today. witnesses say he was driving on the wrong side of alabama avenue and crashed into a car killing a mother and seriously injuring four of her children. wild scene outside a prince george's county nightclub. shots fired. a deputy hit by a car. it all went down on brinkley road in temple hills early this morning where two off-duty deputies were working security. >> reporter: inside club elite, it was a regular night with live music, and then around 1:15 in the morning, a fight and gunshots outside. the prince george's county sheriff's department says two deputies working off-duty security fired at several suspects who ran down one ever the deputies with a -- of the deputies with a car. >> one of our deputies was attempting to break up the fight. apparently the suspect then turned on our deputies. there was a struggle. one of the suspects jumped into their car, hit our deputy with his vehicle. >> reporter: both deputies fired into the cadillac hitting the driver. two other suspects in the car were also taken into custody. the deputy was not seriously hurt. the police who arrived on scene described it as chaotic. inside the club, though, most people had no idea what was going on. police kept them inside for several hours before letting them leave. >> i had to stay in the club until now. i came out like 2:00. i never heard any shots, anything. i didn't know what was going on. >> reporter: prince george's county police are now investigating. the sheriff's department says it's unclear what started the fight or how many shots were fired. >> the two deputies that work here work it on a regular basis. this is absolutely the first time they've ever been involved in an accident to this degree. >> reporter: the sheriff's department says the deputies will be placed on administrative leave which is standard in these cases. one person inside the club told us he is a regular here and there's never been a fight before. he says he didn't notice any type of argument inside that would lead to something like this. in temple hills, sherri ly, fox 5 news. the icelandic volcano causing new problems for the military tonight. another plane load of war injured marines and soldiers has arrived at andrews air force base. their flight home complicated by take erupting volcano in iceland. i'm bob barnard. we'll tell you all about it. sarah palin's alleged hacker on trial. find out how facebook is becoming a key piece of evidence. also tonight, a husband on the attack but he doesn't remember a thing. you have to hear the dramatic 911 call his wife made in the middle of the night. there is more fallout tonight from that giant cloud of volcanic ash that's still billowing skyward from iceland. the u.s. military is having to reroute flights of wounded warriors back from the front lines. bob barnard was there when one of those new direct flights arrived in maryland a few hours ago. >> reporter: a mississippi air national guard c-17 has just landed at andrews air force base after 17 hours in the air. medical teams from the walter reed and national naval medical center in bethesda are here to greet 18 wounded service men. airlifted home directly from the war zones in iraq and afghanistan. >> if they're seriously injured we'll load them into the walter reed buses and they'll go to walter reed or bethesda. otherwise if they have lower acute injuries or maybe they're a psyche patient, we'll bring them back to our hospitals and take care of them until they can go to their home bases. >> reporter: the pentagon usually sends wounded warriors to germany first but the volcano has forced the military to make new flight plans. >> when they're in germany, it's a chance to take another look outside of the battle zone so there's a little more breathing space to make decisions and enhance their stability before moving them on. >> reporter: the critical care nurses and doctors taking these very long flights it's challenging work. >> for the ones that aren't critical, that are missing limbs and are concerned about what is the future going to hold for them, you do end up being kind of a counselor. you do end up talking to them about opportunities. you do end up supporting them. >> reporter: dr. kramer says about 300 wounded service men and women are flown here to andrews each month. that number, he says, has stayed fairly consistent over the many years our forces have been deployed to afghanistan and iraq. nine patients on this flight are headed to walter reed, three to bethesda. the other six will stay here for the night. >> they're not concerned about going home as much from being injured. they're more concerned about leaving their buddies behind because they're not going home. >> reporter: these airborne hospitals forced to come directly to the u.s. now have fewer patients but arrive more frequently. at andrews air force base in maryland, bob barnard, fox 5 news. >> the air force says those flights are stopping for fuel in southern europe but the patients stay put in their beds for the entire 17-hour journey home. well, this may look like a worst-case scenario but this is just a drill. about 200 first responders took part in a terrorism drill in new york rehearsing their response to an attack on a burned city bus. they also used a subway simulator to practice responding to a toxin being released on a train. the drill was held at city fire academy on randalls island. itself u.s. is beefing up its border with an unlikely alliance. u.s. and mexican border agents are joining forces for an unprecedented training operation aimed at battling drug cartels. the training includes firing weapons, detecting contra band and providing medical aid in the desert. but with corruption so widespread, u.s. officials are careful not to give away too many operational details. >> everyone is always concerned about security, trust issues. but rest assured we vet those individuals very thoroughly through u.s. systems and we're comfortable with the level of information we're sharing with them. >> about 50 mexican federal officers have already gone through the training. they want to train about a couple hundred more. a local federal air marshal is under arrest tonight. brian? >> he's facing rape charges. 30-year-old lecton settles of herndon was arrested in a seattle hotel on friday. police say he called an escort service from his room. then raped a woman at gun point. he reportedly denied the charges at first but changed his account after he was told the woman accurately described his body. a woman who claims -- excuse me, a man who claims a priest abused him as a child has slapped the vatican with a lawsuit. he's accusing the catholic church of ignoring the sexual abuse of children. the vatican is fighting back. >> what we and every survivor want most and first now is action. >> reporter: and it is action they are taking against the vatican. a lawsuit filed thursday by an anonymous illinois man accuses the pope and other catholic officials of knowingly covering up sexual abuse by a priest at st. john school for the deaf in milwaukee. dean says he was also a student at that school and one of nearly 200 alleged victims. >> and now he wants to see sexual abuse stopped on children. >> reporter: in a statement the vatican calls the lawsuit a quote, "publicity stunt" and says the church did not know about allegations until after murphy died in 1998. on wednesday pope benedict promised to act. >> i pray with them with emotion e'assuring them of church action. >> reporter: those actions could include removing priests convicted of abuse or of covering up abuse. the pope has accepted the resignation of an irish bishop who admits denot report clergy abuse cases to the police. in germany, a leading bishop is offering to step down amid allegations he was physically abusive. >> he should have admitted it from the very beginning. the ten commandments say you shall not lie and this is exactly what he did. >> reporter: there are no sexual abuse allegations against that german bishop. while he originally denied acquisitions, he's recently admitted to slapping students in his care. jonathan hunt, fox news. former governor rod blah guy vich's attorney claim the. will be able to resolve questions surrounding his former senate set. he is a-- [ indiscernible ] there are no allegations from his lawyers the. did anything wrong. federal prosecutors are using facebook records to show how the man charged with breaking into sarah palin's e- mail bragged about t. prosecutors showed the 22-year- old's facebook activities to jurors today. in an online chat he said he saw nothing incriminating in her e-mail followed by a frowning face symbol. sarah palin has been subpoenaed to testify in the trial. if you want to go green but you're not exactly sure how to do it, our money team has five wares you can help the earth and your wallet. botox isn't just for wrinkles anymore. how the drug is being used to treat a debilitating disease. these alleged kiddy car thieves definitely picked the wrong car to steal. ] ♪ my country ♪ 'tis of thee ♪ sweet land ♪ of liberty ♪ of thee i sing [ laughs ] ♪ oh, land ♪ where my fathers died ♪ land of the pilgrims' pride ♪ from every mountainside ♪ let freedom ring ♪ is that your new car ? uh... yeah ? cool. thanks. i knew i wanted a subaru legacy. i went back and forth on the hood scoop... but i'm glad i went for it. the subaru legacy. feel the love. as if it wasn't enough to make it with a full third pound... of 100% angus beef, they had the audacity to use a bakery-style bun... and crinkle cut the pickles. there's no denying it, that's a third strip of bacon. have they no shame! angus axiom #39: it's an embarrassment of riches. the astonishing angus third pounders. all angus. all mcdonald's. ♪ ba da ba ba ba kind of a bizarre story. a sleep disorder is keeping an organ family apart. adam kearns punched his wife in the face three times while he was still asleep. she says nothing like this has happened before. he claims he doesn't remember a thing. the wife called 911 because she was bleeding. when police arrived they arrested her husband on domestic abuse charges. >> it was like two seconds ago. i was sound asleep. he was sound asleep. my son has night terrors. he woke us up and all of a sudden my husband just beat the [ bleep ] out of me. i've never seen anything like it. it's like crazy. >> husband has been diagnosed with a sleep disorder that sometimes causes people to become vie recent in their sleep -- violent in their sleep and have no memory of it. the family has to live apart until the case is settled. caught on camera, florida police busting what they say are a couple of kiddy car thieves. a 14-year-old and his 12-year- old passenger stole a bait car from a daytona beach neighborhood. they rode around for a few minutes before police swooped in and made the arrests. >> you heard botox isn't just for wrinkles anymore. find out how it's helping parkinson's patients coming up next. we're taking you to the surface of the sun for some incredible new images. >> those pictures are amazing. the information that's being collected is going to be really valuable. we're collecting information on the weekend too. there's a major tornado outbreak going on across the country. i'll let you know who's getting hit tonight and where those storms are headed. your weekend forecast is coming up next. (announcer) we're in the energy business. but we're also in the showing-kids- new-worlds business. and the startup-capital- for-barbers business. and the this-won't- hurt-a-bit business. because we don't just work here. we live here. these are our families. and our neighbors. and by changing lives we're in more than the energy business we're in the human energy business. chevron. compare a well equipped lexus es, to a well-equipped buick lacrosse. get inside each. and see what you find. if perfection is what you pursue, this just might change your course. meet the new class of world class. the twenty-ten lacrosse, from buick. may the best car win. today is the 40th anniversary of earth day. the british embassy joined forces with friends of rock creek's environment to help save the trees do in rock creek park. they weigh the english ivy. overgrowth weakens the trees and eventually kills them. not too far away on the national mall ford had its hybrid battery powered vehicles on display. not everyone can afford a brand new check trick car or solar panels for their car but saving the environment doesn't always mean spending a lot of money. we sent melanie alnwick out to find some simple ways we can all do to save the environment and our wallets. >> reporter: first, clean out your closet and sell something. some secondhand boutiques like the mustard seed in bethesda will buy your old clothes outright. >> you bring stuff in here, you get money, you buy clothes. you don't waste money on new things and it's a recycling thing. >> reporter: turn your cash into crash and go easy on the earth. go paperless. production and transportation of our paper bills, statements and payments consumes 755 million pounds of paper, nine million trees and 512 million gallons of gasoline. going paperless also cuts clutter. >> getting statements electronically, scanning and recycling the paper, shredding and recycling the paper. >> reporter: and saves money on stamps. if you can't get rid of paper all together, rethink your ink. changing your print font to century gothic consumes 30% less ink than aerial. since toner card trijs are heavy on the environment and your wallet this is a simple saving switch. next, go big. packaging makes up a third of all garbage tossed in the u.s. buying in bulk can cut down on some of that. take this gold. there's a cellophane wrapper, cardboard box and 12 bags to throw away. buying a larger size saves you money. the convenience packages cost almost twice as muscle. finally lay off the gas. once you hit 65 miles an hour, every five you go over that is like paying an extra 24 cents a gallon per gas. stick to the speed limit and you can improve your fuel efficiency by 23%. try these tips just for a day and see if that is change you can live with. i know we've heard a lot about compaq fluorescent bulbs. here's a fact that might push new that direction if you're not already there. if just 12k5% of american families changed one light bulb to a cfl, that's the environmentally equivalent of planting 257,000 acres of forest. melanie alnwick, fox 5 news. thinking -- speaking of space, amazing pictures from nasa showing the surface of the sun. they were snapped by the new solar dynamic satellite. it's designed to predict disruptive solar storms. scientists say they're already learning new things. >> pretty cool. >> they just launched that february 116789 the pictures are stunning. they really are. it's going to help a lot to snow what solar flares do because it affects us on earth. you like the climate today? >> i loved today. it was beautiful. >> tomorrow is still beautiful. saturday not terrible. >> okay. >> sunday looking pretty wet and maybe some decent rain. boy, talk about a severe weather outbreak. we are seeing one tonight. 27 tornadoes, most of them in coolle come. while we've got the nice, quiet night our temperatures still so comfortable at 65 degrees. we've had one or two showers emily the northern and western portions of our region. it is a beautiful evening and we'll continue to see some great weather. let's talk about weather headlines as we look live at the national cathedral. a spotty shower. that's about all that's left to the north. i don't think we'll see a repeat of the fog. a nice friday is ahead for us. probably another 70-degree day. we got up to 74 today. so very nice couple of days. there are going to be a few showers on saturday. i wouldn't go to the point of canceling outdoor activities, practices. they're going to be real hit and miss for the first part of the day. it gets a little wetter for sunday and maybe even a thunderstorm on sunday. this pattern could continue on into monday as well. definitely goes downhill as we go through the weekend. today we had a few more showers pop up late in the day. beautiful all afternoon. you maybe saw the sky getting menacing looking. it was a cool front coming on through. brought a few more showers on through. very little of this is left. skies will generally be clearing but i'll show you where we're really watching the outbreak of severe weather. look another this terrible line here. they have a moderate risk for severe thunderstorms moving into the texas panhandle but earlier today all over -- about 20 reports of tornadoes in denver. a couple in kansas and a couple in texas but we're worried about texas tonight. a lot of large hail being reported as well. that storm is getting to be getting its act together. while the risk is all through texas, oklahoma, we saw kansas and colorado in on that, this is going to be shifting tomorrow. we'll be hearing a lot more about tornadoes for louisiana, for arkansas and up into missouri and some of this rain activity will be heading in our direction. a few of the thunderstorms on sunday but they are not expected at this point to be severe. reagan national today 74 degrees. dulles 75. a beautiful earth day for us. bwi73. a beautiful earth evening. 57 at dulles. manassas 52 and quantico 55 degrees. baltimore coming in at 57. so what's going to be happening for us tomorrow? let's check our max hd futurecast. it's catching one or to of those showers moving -- or two of those showers moving through. we have to wait till late in the day on friday into saturday before we start seeing the clouds. a few showers will be getting closer. let's say you're trying to cookout or take in a game in the afternoon, go to practice, it looks like the showers will hold off for most of the day. we've just going to say spotty showers for the most part on saturday and a lot of clouds around. it clearly gets in here. i'm showing you sunday morning, 3:00 in the morning. overnight a lot of rain. maybe some thunderstorms coming on through. at 8:00 in the morning we may be between systems but more develops in the afternoon and it continues for the day on monday. so it's a brief warm-up we have for tomorrow. a nice day. but then this whole system will be organizing and pushing out of ohio into our area for the weekend. and that's what will be bringing us our bad weather, at least bad weather if you don't like rain but i can tell you we do need a little bit of this rain. 64 for saturday. chilly with spotty showers. sunday 70. showers and thunderstorms. look like they're a good bet. here's the five-day forecast. we are talking about it being cooler for saturday as we mentioned with the onset of the showers and the clouds coming in. changes in wind direction. only about 64 degrees. we stay unsettled sunday and monday and maybe even a evident leftover showers on tuesday. so it will be kind of hard to get rid of this system. it will be slow to get here and slow it leave. some people can find humor in just about anything. long before the world of aig or golden saks, there was enron. the scandal of 2001 is headed to broadway, believe it or not. we have a preview. >> reporter: while the real life characters of the enron scandal dealt with their fate, british writer lucy and director robert gould found a way to bring the story to the stage in london. >> the more i found the relationships between the characters were really interesting, almost like -- [ indiscernible ] >> a lot of people lost their livelihoods. [ indiscernible ] >> i believe in god. i believe in democracy and i believe in -- [ inaudible ] >> reporter: their enron play was so well received on the west end, they've cast a version for broadway [ inaudible ] >> reporter: these actors prepped for their roles by studying hours of enron trial video and watching the documentary "the smartest guys in the room." they know the real guys cooked the books but don't find them totally evil. you'll find lots of voces in "en-- of jokes in "enron." >> they have dancing and music and crazy costumes. people who like straight up drauma, they'll get that courtroom drama. >> reporter: don't expect to change your views on scandalous c.e.o.s and corporations. >> there are corporations that are doing amazing things and -- [ inaudible ] >> what i'm trying to do is explain how it is that happens in a company in a real entertaining way. coming up next on the news edge, government employees caught surfing porn websites while on the job. the department at the center of the investigation. also ahead, who killed the popular d.c. principal. tonight police are revealing new clues that could lead to that killer. a redskins draft special. feldy will break down the first pick. plus the futures of albert haynesworth and jason campbell. the news edge is next. rnndeais we have a health alert for your waistline. a new study suggests the government should revise its health guidelines so more women could be categorized as obese. only about half the people considered obese under word health organization standards fall into the category under federal guidelines. the problem here? inaccurate assessments can cause women to miss out on the help they need. bowtons isn't just for grown lines anymore. we all know the -- frown line us anymore. doctors say it could be a medical miracle for parkinson's patients. >> while we're in here for parkinson's, let's get our faces done. >> reporter: he had no idea botox could benefit somebody like him. a doctor diagnosed him with parkinson's about four and a half years ago. >> he said he wanted to try botox. you know, it was like, are you kidding? >> reporter: patients rehab in this room. combine take with getting botox treatments roughly every three months and someone's quality of life can greatly improve. >> sometimes they get surprised when i tell them, you know, we're going to have to inject botox in you to correct. botox? is it the same one they use for cosmetic purposes? >> reporter: this dock foris a neurology -- this doctor is a neurologist. he says botox can safely lessen symptoms of parkinson's and help patients avoid unneeded surgery. >> you're not growing to get prettier. -- they're not going to get prettier. they're going to feel more comfortable. >> reporter: doug feels a lot more comfortable. a few injections later. >> you wouldn't know how hard it is to walk walking on the side of your foot and that my foot went back into place from the botox, it was like a miracle. >> that was fox's keith yaskin reporting. the parkinson's er

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