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( man ) call 1-877-nationwide. . the hope still lives and the dreams shall never die. >> tonight remembering senator ted kennedy. his life, his legacy. washington andhe nation mourns the loss of cam on the. >> even -- camelot. >> even though we have known this day was coming for some time, we awaited it with no spall amount of breath. >> the liberal lion as the country marks the passing of the anchor of the first family of politics. >> pray that what he was to us and what he wished for others will some day come to pass for all the world. good evening, everyone. i'm brian bolter. i'm shawn yancy. last-minute funeral arrangements for senator kennedy are underway right now including plans to bring him back to our area. >> flags are flyingat half staff tonight at the capitol where kennedy carried out his nearly five-decade career as well as along the national mall and across the country. laura evans starts us off with more on his life and legacy. >> reporter: across the country and around the world people are remembering senator ted kennedy's nearly half century of service spent shaping key policies. he was known as the liberal lion and there is no doubt he left his mark on the history of american politics. >> the work goes on. the cause endures. the hope still lives. and the dreams shall never die. >> reporter: edward kennedy served 47 years in the senate, longer than all but two other senators in u.s. history. but no one can top his legislative accomplishments in the last half century. senator kennedy was an icon in american politics. he began earning his reputation as the liberal lion of the senate in the turbulent '60s and '70s fighting against the vietnam war and for civil rights and women's rights. he was critical to the passage of bilingual public education, the job training partnership act and the landmark americans with disabilities act. he wrote the bipartisan family and medical leave act allowing people to take time off from work for maternity and medical needs. one of his biggest goal, universal health care. one year ago this week even as he was battling brain cancer, he continued his fight at the democratic convention. >> new hope that we will break the old gridlock and guarantee that every american north, soh, east, west, young, old will have decent quality health care as a fundamental right and not privilege. >> i can think of no one who engendered greater respect or affection from members of both sides of the aisle. >> reporter: president obama calls teddy kennedy one ever the greatest senators in history. mr. obama among countless politicians speaking out in sadness and admiration for the senator and the comments came from both sides of the aisle. >> even though senator kennedy and i disagreed on a lot of issues, the times that we did agree i found him to be a tremendous partner, somebody who stood right there, even when it wasn't popular in his own party. and i think that shows a man of strength. >> don't you find it remarkable that one of the most partisan liberal men in the last century serving in the senate, so many of his -- so many of his es embrace them. >> reporter: it's not just politicians. everyday americans are mourning him too. many leaving condolences on- line. >> the gratitude and fond memories that we've all borne witness, a figure in american history that touched so many lives. >> reporter: kennedy fought for universal health care. now with his death, many wonder how it will affect the health care reform vote that is expected later this year. >> senator ken decide's final farewell begins tomorrow morning. the senator's body will be taken by motorcade from the family compound in hyannis port in massachusetts to the john f. kennedy presidential library in boston. it will lie in repose. a private service will be held on friday. a funeral pass will be held at a boston church saturday morning. after that senator kennedy's body will be brought to arlington national cemetery. the cemetery has a decades long connection to the kennedy clan. tonight fox 5 news has learned the senator will be buried next to his asat natured brother -- assassinated brother robert in a hillside grave just down the hill from the former president. bob barnard continues our team coverage. >> reporter: the j.f.k. grave site at arlington national cemetery is a somber but popular tourist attraction in the washington area. >> it's timeless. it will always stay the same and always remind us of john kennedy. >> reporter: the eternal flame flickering nonstop for more than 45 years now. >>it's awesome. it's emotional. so much tragedy and knowledge. >> reporter: just down a hill the more understated final resting place of senator robert kennedy. >> you can't help but be emotional. >> reporter: a source with knowledge of the family's wishes tells us this is where teddy kennedy will be buried saturday, somewhere to the left of bobby's grave site. >> i think it's a good thing for a family to be together. >> reporter: and assassinated president, a murdered presidential candidate, and now the last surviving kennedy brother. >> i'm really surprised that they're not keeping him up in massachusetts. he's lived all his life up there. and i'm just really surprised they're going to bury him here. >> reporter: kennedy served in the u.s. army in the early 1950's but was never sent to korea. >> if the rest of the family is there i think it's okay. >> reporter: the final resting place for more than 320,000 americans, arlington national cemetery average abouts 30 burps a day monday through -- burials a day monday through friday. we're not sure what kind of ceremony the kennedy family is planning but a spokesperson tells us if a world war ii, korean or vietnam veteran wishes to be buried here with full military honors and caisson, it could take as much as two nmos thto schedulefter the veteran has died. he will join brothers jack and bobby in these hallowed hills. take a look over my shoulder n. photo of the kennedy clan snapped way back in 1938 well before the family realized the tragedies they would face. of the four brothers, ted was the only to die of natural causes. his brother and joe were plane in a -- were killed in a plane crash. tonight only one kennedy sibling remains. that is jean kennedy spight. she'a former ambassador to ireland and founder of a nonprofit group of people with disabilities. for much of his adult life, washington, d.c. was senator kennedy's second home. he lived in the -- [ indiscernible ] and supported several fund raising efforts for churches and schools. >> every year he would donate one of his paintings which was very generous and usually brought in kind a bit of mon. >> senator kennedy and representative boehner reached across the aisle and put together this dinner. they raised over $5 million to support these schools. >> kennedy -- [ inaudible ] the senator was a fan of the soda bread. one ever the people we talked o edy lla reat neia n wh is next for the senate seat kennedy has held since 1962? state law requires a special election take place between 145 and 160 days after a vacancy and there cannot be known appointed to the seat before then. california senator diane fine seen sent the kennedy family a message today saying massachusetts's next senator will never live up to the legacy that ted kennedy has left behind. >> i salute your history. i salute your heritage. and i salute all that you have done for the united states. we have lost a titan. his shoes will be very difficult to fill. >> senator kennedy's nephew joseph has been mentioned as a possible contender to fill the state. our coverage of senator ted kennedy is far from over tonight. the senator is known for influencing the lives of everyday americans. tonight they are remembering him. plus, the legacy he leaves behind and what's ahead for his long -- his lifelong push for universal health care. you can look for even more information on to another big story we're following tonight. trouble in the tropics. you're looking at it. tropical storm danny not all that organized right now but the storm could gain strength and make a move toward the east coast sometime this weekend. sue palka track be the very latest models down in the weather center. see the spaghetti string whatever you call them? kind of getting our attention. >> they certainly got our attention this afternoon because one of the models that we do sometimes put some stock in was trying to bring it right into the mid-atlantic to the delmar advancement i'm glad to tell you, brian, that model came into line. let's talk about tropical storm danny which is about 700 miles southeast of cape hatteras. it has winds of 45 m esilan hour. that's the spaghetti models brian was talking about. it's the track of every model used to predict where a estosrm system may go. you can see there's one that's still really kind of out to lunch. the vast majority want to keep this thing off the coast. but i also have to tell you the hurricane center sis very f ncerned that the oceerntf er rmis to s may be shifting and to rtfoelreatunying and the models may not have gotten good information as to where to place it. here's what our dilemma is. it could be getting stronger. it's poorly organized as it moves to the west, northwest. it is expected to strengthen and in fact as it passes us this weekend and we hope it will stay out in the atlantic t could be a category 1 hurricane. it will be moving into some very warm water. the big question for us with this is where is it going to track because there's going to be some very heavy rain. i might show that you it does project a land fall up in cape cod this weeke, too. so we know president obama is up there. there's going to be an awful lot of rain. this will be a much slower move than bill. we'll talk about whether it might potentially affect us with the full forecast a little later. >> lot to talk about. everything you want to know about tropical storm danny is right at your finger fingertips as well. check out our website for track be the storm. police on the hunt for a killer. why they say victims may have been targeted. a gun and clip found inside a facility for troubled teens. tonight new beginnings is on the offensive. every driver's worst nightmare coming true on the beltway as a truck tire takes a wild ride. hold on to your wallets. we'll tell you which airline is hiking those baggage fees. we're back.  announcer: during the autobahn for all event, you can get great lease deals. i love it! i just want to know it's the right move. me? thirteen days in the future. you get a deal on the car you always wanted. scheduled maintenance is included, it's all good. what's the future like? you love your new jetta. and the suit? you like it? no...i love it! we're following a developing story in the district. the search for a killer after two people are stabbed on a city street in broad daylight. it happened this afternoon in the 200 block of q street northwest. one ever the victims -- of the victims died. roby chavez is following the story live in the newsroom. >> reporter: this all happened about 2:30 in the afternoon. police went door to door looking for answers trying to put the pieces of this murder mystery together. so far police have no good description of a suspect. one person was stabbed to death and the other wounded. tonight police believe the neighborhood may hold the clues. the crime scene was an alarming site for residents on q street. two transgender women stabbed in broad daylight. d.c. police have no reason why. one neighbor saw the two victims running away from their attacker. one of them collapsed on the sidewalk and later died. >> he came from down 4th street. he was gasping for breath and bleeding from his neck. he just said i can't breathe. i can't breathe. >> reporter: d.c. police say the attacker is an unknown male in his early 30s. he was last seen wearing all black and running in the opposite direction. neighbors say this street has been quiet. >> still very unusual. i've been in the neighborhood for 30 years. we've had our share of crime in the city but i think overall in the last five, six, seven years it's gotten muscle, much, much -- gotten much, much, much better. >> i learned one person was called which -- was killed which is dismaying. this is the first time -- i've lived here seven years. this is the first time i've come home to this kind of scene. >> reporter: the victims are 18 and 27 years old. police don't know if gender played the role in the murder and stabbing but it did take place two blocks from an agency that provides services to transgender people, including transgender youth. >> i'm a transgender woman too i know a lot of people in this city. i was born and raised around here on q street. nothing like this has ever happened. >> reporter: regardless of the jendz are, the -- gender. the violent daytime crime is alarming it all. ty hope anyone with information will come forward to protect the neighborhood. >> when a neighbor is involved, -- the police can only do so much. >> reporter: the victim who survived is in stable condition. police immediately offered a $25,000 reward to try and get some tips. police say most of their tips these days are texted to them so you can text a tip to d.c. police. text it to 05411 --50411. there are questions about the safety. claudia coffey has more. >> reporter: administrators are investigating how the gun parts were repofd from a locked classroom. it has led to stepped up security and caused concern here for corrections officers. this artwork made of melted gun metal and gun parts stands in the lobby of new beginnings. it's the result of a new therapeutic and controversial class at the facility called guns to roses. >> the guns to roses program is about educating young people along the devastating -- about the devastating effects of gun violence and teaching them valuable skills, metal work, black smithing. we take instruments of destruction and violence and turn them into beautiful sculptures. >> reporter: gun parts used in this project were removed from a secure classroom. a gun piece like this one was found in the gin nays yum in june by a youth inmate who brought it to the attention of a corrections officer he trusted. >> if i did not have a relationship with the oficer, wehave used the gun to get out of the facility. how would the officer know if the gun was real or not? >> reporter: then in july a part of an ammunition clip was found in the youth living quarters. according to the union, a bullet was also recovered. the union that represents the security officer says they were never briefed about the program. >> [ indiscernible ] >> reporter: that communication never happened? >> no, it never happened. >> repter: david mohammad chief of services for new beginnings says staff was notified in several meetings. he also disputes claims a bullet was found on the grounds. following the incident security was increased in and out of the metal shop. mohammad says the pieces were inoperable and no onwas injured. >> we're not going to just say we're not growing to do anything innovative, treatment, or rehabilitative oriented. these are young people who significantly benefited from this program. >> reporter: despite the incident, the program will resume within the next month. in laurel, maryland, claudia coffey, fox 5 news. news. ordinary tires turn frightenly dangerous on the capital beltway. imagine that coming right at you off of a dump truck. it lost two wheels on the outer loop near connecticut avenue. one went flying over the jersey wall and went careening into an oncoming suv. two people inside hurt. the driver of the dump truck said he hit debris in the road and he thinks that's what caused the incident. >> i have a spirit watching over me. nobody came out critically injured. >> that driver was ticketed for operating an unsafe vehicle scblz tough times mean big budget cuts. that means drivers are in for a bumpy ride. plus, local schools on the front lines of the swine flu battle. how one county is planning to get kids to class even if they're sick. did you see it? this guy's wandering eye got a lot of stairs this morning at tysons corner. hear from him coming up at 10:55.  come on in. where getting a new vehicle is easy. because the price on the tag is the price you pay. you'll find low, straightforward pricing on remaining '08 and '09 models. including eight that offer an epa-estimated 30 miles per gallon highway or better. like this '09 malibu 1lt with an epa estimated 33 mpg highway. get it now for around $21,500 after all offers. go to for more details. get your christmas club card and use it... to start saving up now... and we'll add a 3% bonus to your card -- just in time to shop for christmas! yes, the christmas bonus is back! one more way to shop your way, only at kmart and sears. get ready to pack a little extra cash next time you fly u.s. air. the airline is upgrading its baggage fees by five bucks. that means $20 for the first checked bag. $30 for the second when you check in online. prices are also going up at the airport. $25 for the first bag. $35 for the second. first class passenger, frequent flyers and active duty military are exempt from those fees. fixing the financial mess in maryland could mean more potholes in your commute. the road ahead could be rocky under the governor's new pan a whopping 90% of the money meant for road repair in month montgomery county and prince george's county is taken away. >> reporter: on a new website for maryland state employee, governor martin o'malley tried to cushion the blow of severe budget cuts. >> they represent about 5% of our general fund for 2010. by comparison, california's budget gap has reached as high as 49%. >> reporter: the state needs to flash $454 million in spending. the biggest chunks is being taken out of funds meant to support cities and counties. that money is used for local police departments, health clinics, community colleges and transportation. montgomery couy and prince george's county are losing 90% of the money ty were supposed to get from gas tax, driver licensing and titling fees. >> if there was a construction project in your neighborhood, it might be delayed. if you have a pothole on your way to work, it might take longer for it to get fixed. if you were hoping to get a sidewalk on your street in your area, that might not happen this year. >> reporter: in the plan the state is protecting k-12 education and the social safety net but higher education is taking a hit instead. the university of maryland system will lose $46 million. community colleges are losing $10 million. and that will likely mean? >> reduce class offering, larger class size, higher tuition. something is going to have to give. >> reporter: governor o'malley is giving thanks to state workers who wi have to endure more furloughs. >> thank you no getting us through these tough, tough times. we're all in this together. >> reporter: stl no matter how you serve it, the cuts go deep into the quality of life that marylanders have co expect. we're going to go through this again in january. the governor's office is expecting a $1 billion short fall in the 2011 budget. melanie alnwick, fox 5 news. to the death of senator ted kennedy. it's being felt around the world and his home away from home here in washington, d.c. wisdom? >> reporter: brian, they celebrated the senator's life here in dupont circle and we've got the story of one woman's chance encounter with the senator on a train. that story is coming up. >> thank you, wisdom. police tonight tracking a wanted criminal with a twist. a taser toting began any not a- - granny not afraid to shock to get what she wants back. connie loves target for its incredible deals. and with her daughter starting middle school tomorrow, connie's got some high expectations. she expects look 11 might be the one. she expects look 17 might be the one. so she shops target. where they've always got her back for back to school. target. expect more. pay less. need a lift? hey buddy, i appreciate the ride, you know. no problem. ♪ mind if i take a shortcut? yeah, sure. ♪ i knew the subaru legacy was the smart choice... what i didn't expect... was the fun. the all-new subaru legacy. feel the love. the all-new subaru legacy. dozens of people gathering tonight in the district to remember senator ted kennedy with a candle in hand and a very heavy heart they shared stories on how the senator touched their lives. >> reporter: shawn, the group that organized this event heard about senator kennedy's death this morning and they sent out e-mails. they got a large response. hundreds of people from all over the city came here to dupont circle to pay respects to the legacy of senator ted kennedy. [ singing ] >> reporter: it was a somber occasion for dozens of people who gathered at dupont circle with their signs, flowers and candles, they came to reflect on the life of senator ted kennedy. >> it felt like there was something solemn, people just getting together, lighting a candle to honor senator kennedy was a good way to remember him. >> reporter: the idea to honor the late senator came from a political group they were huge supporters of ted kennedy. they sent out an e-mail that got sent to dozens of other people just this afternoon. >> heard this morning earlier, 7:30, 8:00 in the morning and started going around reading some of the old speeches. it really inspired me to send an e-mail out and ask ople to do something. >> i think it's a part of honoring senator kennedy's life, showing support for the landmark legislation that he's passed during his time as a public servant. >> reporter: kennedy had been in public service for decades from civil rights to education to health care, deso much and touched so many lives. lives like lori colburn who back in the late '80s ended up on a train ride from d.c. to new york with the senator. she was in the process of organizing a fund-raiser for parents of children with h.i.v. >> we were having a hard time getting the use of the kennedy center and there he was across from me on the train. >> reporter: she says after passing by him about 15 times, she finally got up the nerve to ask kennedy for help. >> he couldn't have been more gracious. and he said of course i'll help you get the kennedy center and that's what he did. >> reporter: the event was a huge success. those who admired him say that's the kind of man he was, always willing to give and look out for others. and for that senator ted kennedy will always be remembered as one of the country's greatest senators. lori also said that in the summertime through another friend, they were able to go to cape cod and in the summertime, they would actually use the kennedy's boat. that's another example of what kind of guy he was, how nice the kennedys were and how much they will be missed. back to you. >> so many great memories. wisdom martin, thank you. senator kennedspent decades pushing and negotiating for health care reform. he called it the great cause of his life. now democrats are vowing to carry on that fight. kennedy's dear friend senator chris dodd says he hopes they can get it done. >> my hope is that ts maybe will cause people to take a breath, step back and start talking with each other again in more civil tones about what needs to be done. because that's what teddy would do. you get passionate about the irk but there was no one better trying to bring people together to get a job done. >> republican senator john mccain praised senator kennedy sunday saying the health care reform effort would be in a very different place today if kennedy had been able to fully participate in the debate. you don't need to open a history book to see how senator kennedy changed our society. all you have to do is take a look around. his legacy extends outside the walls of congress and extends to the streets. >> reporter: this army of volunteers lost a leader today. pete davis delivers food to elderly people through meals oo program didn't exist. >> the hope still lives. >> reporter: back in 1972, ted kennedy sponsored legislation to help make sure older people have a nutritious meal. today meals on wheels delivers a million meals a day. peggy ingram works for the mealwheels association of america. >> he wrote a letter to our c.e.o. that says i love this program and that is absolutely true. and he lived that. >> reporter: she says as recently as this week, she was still talking to k den can i -- ted kennedy's office about helping those in need. >> i think he was the voice for the voiceless perhaps is the best way to put it. >> reporter: every time you walk down a street, you see ted kennedy's work. before the americans with disabilities act passed in 1990, there were very few curbs like this one that helped disabled people get around. >> we've seen a transformation of the american landscape. >> reporter: because of ted kennedy, america's sidewalks and buildings look different. there's the civil rights act and family medical leave. >> 50 years in the united states senate and you look at all of the laws he left his mark on, there is no senator that comes close. >> reporter: andy runs the american association of people with disabilities. he has bipolar disorder. he says people with mental illness have benefited from kennedy's work so for him it's personal. >>it's a huge loss. if you care about civil rights for people with disabilities, if you care about women's rights, if you care about immigrant rights, you've lost a huge champion today. >> reporter: he says a member of the kennedy family told him this morning with ted gone, everybody else who is fighting for civil rights will now have to work a lot harder. in washington, beth parker, fox 5 news. d.c. archbishop daniel wuerl offered his condolences to the family today. now to another story we're following tonight. embattled south carolina governor mark sanford is staying put. that's his message to his lieutenant governor andre bauer. eaier today bauer held his own news conference calling on his boss to resign. it's the latest in the fallout from governor sanford's affair with a woman in argentina. vexes later revealed -- investigations later revealed inappropriate use of money for various trips but sanford remains defiant. >> i'm not going to be rail roaded out of this office by political opponents or folks who were never fans of mine in the first place. or put a different way, a lot of what is going on now is pure politics, plain and simple. >> mark sanford also says he wants to stick around because of the economic issues facing his state. swine flu fears sending schools into overdrive. tonight one county's elaborate plans to keep kids on track. plus, strangers risking their lives to save a couple trapped inside that burning car. take a look at this brand new hotel offering a view to more than just a guest. and a lot of people are not too happy abo the view either. but first, how colleagues are remembering senator kennedy. just one of the things we're working on for fox 5 morning news. some more questions in the death of michael jackson tonight. exactly when did dr. conrad murray know jackson stopped breathing. the police report says murray gave him drugs to sleep minutes before finding him unresponsive. but an hour and a half later someone called an ambulance. murray's lawyer says no one found jackson till around noon. no one has been charged in jackson's death. seconds made all the difference for an oregon couple trapped inside their burning car. they were driving home from a camping trip when they crashed sparking that fire. two strangers found them, raced to pull the couple out of the wreckage. >> was kind of yelling about -- pull me out. pull me out. had her hands out the window. myself and the other fellow got a hold of her hands and were able to get her out and got her down away from the car. she couldn't stand very well. we dragged her to get her away because we were worried about a big explosion. >> those to men saved our lives. they really, really d. they saved our lives. >> this is how close it really was. 30 seconds after they were pulled from the wreckage, the propane tanks on their camper exploded. mr. stock was seriously burned but he will survive. his wife was not hurt. a dangerous grandmother on the loose and her weapon of choice has police worried. plus, public humiliation. the punishment for this local husband. the story behind that sign coming up. coming up in minutes on the news edge at 11:00, ladies of the night moving to morning hours sharing the sidewalks with joggers and tourists. that's just the beginning. wait till you see what else our cameras caught in a news edge investigation. plus, are you finding unexpected charges on your cell phone bill? we'll tell yt idrget rid of those coming up next at 11:00. your weekend plans may depend on a certain storm in the tropics tonight. what is danny going to do? sue palka is working all the models for you on the other side. cu.esnd pcu dealer: during the autobahn for all event, you can get great deals. it's perfect. i just want to make sure it's the right decision. we got here as quick as we could. look it's the cc. you don't pay for scheduled maintenance, you get the car of your dreams... seriously us, just drive it. you're right. dealer: let's take this one. it's a time-space continuum thing. the future... come on in. you're iited to thchopeve oueny se h . where getting a new vehicle is easy. th the price you pay on remaining '08 aod ' m09s. m you'll find low, straightforward pricing. $18,000 after all offers. they rushed to get d.c. classrooms ready and now the workers were shown the door. almost 100 people are getting pink slips. layoffs come as thety is in the midst of long overdue updat of crumbling facilities. at the same time the mayor is grappling with a budget shortfall. >> i don't have any information exce everything you're telling me now. it would be irresponsible for me to comment to it. >> the mayor wants to take the school system over. he doesn't -- [ inaudible ] i think it's ridiculous. he knows. >> office of facilities modernization sent us a statement saying 84 people were laid off because of budget constraints. those workers are on paid leave for 30 days and will receive a severance. with school back in session, swine flu fears are hitting close to home. mass vaccinations, isolation rooms for sick kids and on-line classes are all part of the emergency plan in prince george's county. sherri ly has the story. >> reporter: little kids like to touch things, put their hands in their mouth and spread germs. that makes this pre-k class we visited at flint stone elementary school ground zero in the battle against swine flu. on the school supply list this year, hand sanitizer. >> i bring everything to the teacher and i give everything to the teacher and hand sanitizer and wipes and everything. >> reporter: sick kids go to the school nurse. judy who checks for fever and cough, some of the first signs of infection. >> you have a way to isolate them? >> we isolate them. we have a couple of rooms we can designate as an isolation room. >> reporter: in the emergency plan, prince george's county schools have contingencies to give kids lessons on-line and send meals home to kids on reduced or free lunches if schools are forced to close. >>it's much less likely schools will close this year unless there's a massive outbreak. >> reporter: stopping the spread of the h1n1 virus is the first line of defense. schools are now using hospital grade cleaners to wipe high contact areas like doorknobs, light switches and desks. >> you teach the kids to wash in between their fingers. we actually teach them to do this which kind of gets their nail area. >> reporter: in october the school will begin large-scale vaccinations for the seasonal flu and may follow with the h1n1 vaccine if enough is available. >> indefinitely we don't want to see any deaths of individuals in our county. definitely not among our children or young adults. >> reporter: sherri ly, fox 5 news. a lot of people are asking about danny and if it will impact us right here in the d.c. area. >> we'll probably get some rain out of it depending on the track. could be heavy rain. it's a squeeze play again this weekend because we'll have danny off the coast and another system coming from the west. so d.c. will get squeezed. there could be some pretty heavy downpours. we're going to lk more about danny and new information just coming in on that, even as sherri ly was talking about the swine flu story just ahead of weather. tonight quiet across the capital. no thunderstorms to speak of. humidity has climbed up just a little bit. it will not be quite as cool as it was on other nights but all things said, i think this has been a pretty nice week here in d.c. it may not be ending on such a nice note. this weekend looks like it will feature some of the rain from danny. max hd headlines, let's review what we know so far. danny's track is going to be very important. new information just did come in. it's strengthened just a little bit but it's still a tropical storm. winds of 50 miles per hour. this has a potential to produce very heavy rain. we hope a lot of that rain will be on the other side of the storm which should stay out to sea but the track is very uncertain still because the storm seems to be changing the center point of where it is. and that would affect the model data that gets fed into it. the time frame for us to watch it is friday night into saturday. could be some tropical downpours. sunday may feature pretty wet weather but from a separate system. no maer what happens with danny, it means another weekend of dangerous surf and strong rip currents at the coast. so be aware of that. tonight around washington we are watching a frontal system up to our north. a couple of spotty showers with it and some clouds. that is going to sink through our area overnight. and the first part of the day is going to start very nice tomorrow. and then things should warm up. out we go, well out to sea where danny is currently. 675 miles to the southeast of cape hatteras. i want to show you radar because there is some possibility that danny will strengthen and here is why. we are plotting some of the very warm water temperatures. there is upwelling on the other side of this leftover from hurricane bill, cooler water. but we are going to find it probably strengthening as it heads into some of this warmer water where temperatures are in the low to mid-80s. that will be very important indeed. let's talk about the latest track and again new information just came in so i'll be updating this on the news edge at 11:00. but i can tell you it is still moving northwest at 12. the winds have bumped up slightly to 50 miles an hour. the hurricane hunters say it seems to be trying to form a new center a little bit northeast of where it was before. but it's a rather lopsided and disorganized system, but still forecast to perhaps become a category 1 right around cape hatteras up to, say, the jersey coast just a few hundred miles off shore. but you can also see that the cone of uncertainty does include our beaches. so we'll have to watch it. that's close enough to give us some prty heavy rain out there. may actually be touching cape cod over the weekend as well. especially on saturday. so lots to watch with danny. i think a lot of the model guidance will catch up to this storm tomorrow certainly. today's high temperature 92. i might think that it will be a little cooler tomorrow as the front slips on through. our temperature right now still mild at 81 degrees. baltimore 77 degrees. so it is warm out there and our forecast for tonight will only see temperatures dropping to about 71 degrees. tomorrow's forecast sunny, warm, maybe an isolated evening storm. temperature # 9 -- 89 degrees. here's your five-day forecast. david might not be quite as warm as today was which did hit 92. the front will rest a little bit. notice the drop in temperatures for friday, saturday and sunday only near 80 or the low 80s but again there could be some real good rain on those three days associated with not just the one system danny but another separate storm that could be coming through. might impact the ski game on friday night. i'm run the new track and show you the latest thinking on danny on the news edge at 11:00. >> thank you. lindsay lohan robbed again and this time surveillance tape of the suspected robber has been posted online. take a look. this is youtube video. the lapd says it shows thieves checking out lohan's property on sunday. tmd is now reporting that one suspect is a male, the other two are females and they got through an unlocked door. judging by the way they're all covering their faces, it looks like they knew lindsay lohan has cameras. up next on the news edge, the everyday people who new ted kennedy remember the legendary senator at one of his favorite spots in d.c. let's get ready to spend some extra cash at the grocery store. we'll tell what you prices are on the rise. and feldy is down in the newsroom working on the sports edge. >> brian, are the skins pressing in an attempt to get in the end zone? what in the wide, wide world of sports was arsenio hall doing at the nats game? he wanted to check out leon hernandez like the rest of them. don't blame him. be right back. tm come on in. where getting a new vehicle is easy. because the price on the tag is the price you pay. you'll find low, straightforward pricing on remaining '08 and '09 models. including eight that offer an epa-estimated 30n et highway or bet like thi'0bu9 li wma 1ltith an epa estimated 33 mpg highway. get it now for around $250r 0 teofall affers. go to for more details. highway. get it now for around $250r 0 teofall affers. public humiliation for a virginia man who cheated on his wife. steed with a sign around his neck at a busy intersection in tysons corner today. the sign read "i cheated and this is my punishment." he said it was all his wife's idea. >> i thought she was kidding. but she was serious. i figured i've got to do what i got to do to make things right. i can't really say a lot of the things -- [ inaudible ] a lot of good lucks and god bless. >> the man didn't want to give us his real name. he eventually got the okay from his wife to come home but it's not over. he plans to hit the streets again tomorrow with the sign and wear it tomorrow and on friday. talk about a room with a view. a new york city hotel is making a name for itself and it's not for the scenic view but for the scene from outside looking in. passersby are getting an eyeful. patrons purposely walk around seminude or nude and engage in various sex acts for everyone to see. the hotel released a statement saying it will make an effort to remind guests about the transparency of the windows. >> i've seen women standing totally naked in front of the window showing off. >> i think it's a shame because this is a nice family neighborhood. the hotel released a statement saying it will make an effort to remind guests about the transparency of those windows. inlorida police just caught the taser toting granny. she ordered up some food at a sandwich shop and jumped the counter and faced the workers -- tased the workers so she didn't have to pay. >> reporter: after ordering two sandwiches at this subway in pinellas park, police say a grandmother of three pulled out a stun gun and tied to rob the sandwich shop. this 911 call was made minutes after the robbery. >> she juferred over the counter -- jumped over the counttory get her money back. she said she didn't want to but she had to because she has three starving grandkids at home. >> reporter: your employee is owe scoa. >> your employee is okay. >> my employee is okay. she's just shook up. >> reporter: subway employee holly zoeller says since the granny get away, things have returned back to normal but she doesn't buy the grandmother's heartless story. you don't believe she was doing it for her grandkids? >> no. >> reporter: what did your gut tell you? >> she was doing it for herself pretty much. she wanted food and didn't want to pay for it or she just wanted money and r

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