Transcripts For WTTG Fox 5 News At 5 20130923

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was stabbed in the stomach. jim cassidy says he came upon the scene soon afterwards. and that there were a number of young people standing over dias. it is a shame number one. and it kind makes you get to points to think is it safe to come back down here. cassidy says police told him they are looking for possibly five young men as potential suspect and victim knew at least one of his killers. and they took canine way and this path leads all of the way bunk to the rec center on the other side of the tracks. not ty ran police say dias lives on this block of the balona road where neighbors say investigators were searching through this dumpster earlier today looking for evidence. leaving behind this protective clothing. back at the school, official not wanting to go on camera, told us grieve councillors were available to meet with the city accidents. it was just a really mournful day. like, my first period i have few football players i go guess they meeting before. it was really emotional to see some guys who are used being tough guys who are but, kind of shows you weep are all human. we can all feel pain. >> if they have any murder suspects in mind, prince william county police are not saying. >> live wood bridge tonight. thank you. >> and now news alert. police are warning drivers to lock their tkaoz gas pumps fox five explains. i know what your thinking at home i even thought it myself. but this could never happen. but, check out this surveillance video shot from right here on september 6th. watch the white car at the bottom of your screen man gets out and creeps over to car across from him. the driver is on the other side pumping gas. the suspect opens the driver's sight door reaches and sneak off with a purse. later that same white car pulls up next to this s.u.v.. again, the driver at the back of her car pumping gas. the suspect opens the passenger door, grabs the bag and speeds away in get away car. >> officers from area are talking to drivers and taping flyers gas pumps tops make customer remember pay attention what's going around them. well we are asking people particularly when their pumping gas here to really be aware of their surroundings, to constantly have their head on swivel, so to peak. just watch their is your is roundings, two they should always lock their car even if they are standing right next to and they are just pull pping and paying right at the pump they still lock their car. >> but busy mom sauna sees how it could happen. you think would you notice. >> not 7:00 in morning when you are busy with kids and trying to get to work getting gas that you meant to get the night before. so, no you are not thinking someone going to be out trying to rob you first thing in the morning. >> i am going to like carry my credit card in my hand if i am going to buy gays normally -- i come out from home and just come buy gas and go bake will bring my card. have in my hand. get my gas and go. >> what about lock your doors? well, i don't know. >> interesting thing that thefts from vehicle here are actually down 1%. police say they wanted come out here today to make sure that trend keeps move is in right direction. fox five news. >> and now news alert in the district. vandals toppled stone monument at the 10 commandments it happened over weekend on capitol hill. 850 pound three by three foot granite moon pawment sits right fronts of headquarters of christian outreach ministry just behind the supreme court. group says it will repair and reinstall the moon eye men. well one government should down senate demic trying stop republican efforts doe fund obamacare. congress needs to pass spending bill boy neck tuesday put given deep division over health care it is look luke long shots. fox five joins us with. well after months of seeing public opinion of his signature health care plummet in the polls, the white house today press pwaeupl will now promote his health care law in person at speech in prince george county on thursday just days before the insurance exchange that are at heart of obamacare are due to begin. this speech comes as the law underatanning from republicans, the g.o.p. controlled house passed spending bill on friday. that bill keeps the government running but strips away funding from the president's health care law. u.s. senate today began work on its own version of the spending bill but democrats there say, they will keep obamacare funded. the result could lead to the first god shut down since 1996. >> harry read responsible for shutting down the government and he should listen to the american people open government funded government but don't fund obamacare because it is hurting the american people. it is not working. i am not suprised there is a lot of confusion these guys have been running around the country scaring moon gering on this issue. they are not afraid that it is going unsuccessful. they are afraid it is going to be successful. >> well president himself will speak in maryland in prince george county along with former president bill clinton highlighting what they say are health care rear forms benefits. the republican meanwhile main pain the law will hurt the economy by place too many burdens on both businesses and individuals. all right. thank you. >> new tonight the irs official at the center of the agency tea party scandal retiring. lois learner head division handle application for tax exempt status when she was placed on leave, was placed on paid really back in may. will now be retiring. agency admitted target tea party groups with extra scrutiny when they applied for tax exem status between 2010 and 2012. >> all right. high expectations to start the season have quickly turned into a lot of concern for skins fans. they are among six winless teams in the nfl now. sports director scott spht live redskins park when head coach had to say after another loss. hi scott. >> yes well, certainly demoreal icing loss but today amama in his press conference had positive spin on couple of the issues. starting first with two turnovers of the ballgame interception thrown second quarter by robert griffin he said was not griffen's fault. and commended his quarterback it was great throw. now as for the fumble in third quarter when griffen was going down and sliding he said sliding something that griffen works on all of the time in practice and that something he actually getting better at. as for the defence, he said he was please defence's performance and their abilities to make the lion one i did minute -- this team still 0 and fan basis starting to be disjudge of amama -- mike shanahan message to his fans. he message for them there are mvp right now. because of fans were great. hopefully we can play at the level that the fans are helping us or at least trying to help us. because they are excited all through the game and i thought they helped us especially in that second half. i thought we made a couple of place at least get us in the game. it is always disappointing when you loss game you feel like you should have won. because you beat yourself. but that's you know that's part of life. i think our football fancy that we play well at the en of last season hopefully we get on a run. >> so here's a look back at the turnovers i mentioned and second quarter, down 14-7 first and 10 at the lions. griffen, tries connect with pierre. instead of throwing it away it resulted his first career red zone interception now ahead to third quarter tied at 17 griffen, from mid field looking like 2001 version. but after big game he goes down ground led first instead sliding feet first and that's fumble recovered by the lion at their own 24-yard line that's now two griffen turnovers in 27-20 loss. now tight end jordan receipt rookie lot of game quad contusion no update on his status was given today. i did see him leaving facility you can notice pretty significant limp in his stride. but this team does not have a lot of time to wallow in 0 and start they have head out to west coast this week to take on the oakland raiders they are play in monday night football. there do for now from redskins park. >> they have got fan support they just need one of those wins. my son i think just totally depressed eve found out. >> i would imagine so. hopefully fan support wouldn't wain. >> i don't know. we got get to rollinging. we will win next week. all right, so what would you found thousands of dollars just lying on the side of the road? would you turn in? how many thousands? you are not going to tell us. 4,000. well that was decision one guy had to make. and fox five was right there with him as he took the road less traveled. >> and it has been called one most disturb video games on the market right now. would you want your children playing grand theft auto five? coming up, the effort keep this violent video game out of your children's hands. scary. i think fall has owe tphraoeurb arrived not only on calendar but with mother nature, too. real fallish feel especially next couple of days we will look and see what rest of the workweek has in store. your first look at your forecast is coming up. don't go away. more news is coming up. too.  all right new york stock exchange one imagine finding bag follow of hundred dollar bills right there in middle road it happened maryland driver he saw it backed up his car and fox five tells us what happened next. >> there was right in the middle of road down there. it looked like a bag. something said bunk, and you know see what's in there. >> i was shocked. i never really found anything before like that. >> what robert found money $6,000. 35r7bd pm -- road over it. on ramp along route 29. it was strange i opened up and i was like wow what a gift base could definitely use it. you see had been laid off and had just found new job. he has two young children. can we keep it? i was like know would have to turn in morally i don't. my mom raised us you know strict christian background. now spot where he found money right near the county line. so, first robert called howard county where he lives they said nobody reported and then called montgomery county and they were more than willing to have him unusual the money but he worried that it wasn't enough. i thought someone going to get fired. you know monday morning, they have tell their boss you know i lost the money. so one day later back at the scene he kept searching. i am going to look around if you don't mind he found some paperwork. >> look. even more. >> he call number on the paper it was number of the a home health nurse who called family who minutes later called robert. >> hi they described burgundy bag. it was there anything in it and contents. you are right. you are right. is he instead going to police station to unusual $6,000. robert went to their house. in howard county. >> mother money belongs this woman. >> who is 97. >> but could recite every detail of what was in each envelope. it is all there. >> her pherpl review sharm left money on the back of the car sunday. of course, it flew off. they thanked robert. >> he very honkest. they were surprised to thraerpb grandpa was carrying around that much money. maybe we can ask him to put in the bank. in maryland, fox five news. wow! my goodness! i mean, how incredible that that man went back and detective work and figured out who that money belonged to. i mean what lesson for his children. yes he lost his job. did he have another one. but, boy, it is lesson those kids will never forget. absolutely. asked beth he didn't get reward i don't think he was in for that. no. he just good guy. you can see good christian values. maybe someone watching right now will have job for him. i thought -- he got one but maybe always about karma he got the job, but just push forward. he was worried swoupb lose their job because of the money. >> all right. nice job robert we asked you on facebook what do you think what would you do if could you found large a. cash like that? david says, i would keep it. see if it was reported missing and if not it is mine. sean says, i would probably turn it in because i believe in darma and what comes around goes around. that seemed to be concensus on face books. >> to which aaron commented everybody stop pretending you are perfect you know would you take it. i am not so sure about that! all right, let's talking about weather now. >> beautiful day i mean, i think if we had to say perfect today pretty perfect. not too hot or too cold. >> we had get through some rain. >> we did have few clouds this morning. but, the afternoon i am with you, sean it is -- pretty much perfect fall weather and temperature have been struggling. we are still haven't been up 70 degrees so far. here in the 70s which of course is below normal for this time of the year. let me show you again we did have some clouds for the first part of the day today. they were up to the north of us. but right now we do have anything there might cloud here or there but we are not seeing on satellite picture we go back in time this takes you back six hours a little bit before lunch time. right at the beginning of this loop here you can see right there, there just a little bit of cloud cover some of that was pushed down from the north of us we have low pressure to the northeast. high pressure to northwest so kind of funnel you will for those clouds be pushed non here. but they burned above some dryer air this afternoon so that was nice and we were left with just some sunshine. let's check on temperatures through. 68 here in town. gaithersburg 64. 70 degrees for cull upper and that's only 70 degrees around right now. and i even see on broad heer picture temperature further to north and west are in 50s right now. we have clear skies. we will dry conditions so will be chilly out there this evening. mostly sunny at 7:00. sun will quickly go down and then, we are going end up 50s by later and some 40s again out in suburbs complete forecast for this week ahead coming up, guys. >> all right. we looking forward to it we will see you in a few. well still ahead tonight the scores are in and it appears d.c. public school students did great but there only one problem. were test scores graded on right scale? we will take closer look and if you story idea, give us call. or send an mail to us. we will be right back. city leader celebrate mayor improvement test scores if dc public schools. turns out they may not have been as good as the public bass led to believe. the chairman of the education committee says public given full truth and no want everybody involved terminated. but mayor's office says no one did anything wrong. fox five joins us to explain. matt? >> council member says his committee spent six weeks look and into test scores. he freered to this as cheating. not by stew stents or teachers. he says the numbers were inflated for political reasons so that mayor would look better. and he going hold hearing later this week to get to the bottom of this. >> you will remember mayor gray chancellor hinderson called school principals and the media together to make the big announcements. scores were in and the results, were great. >> good morning, everybody. yes! >> we made investments in and see significant growth in our 40 lowest performing schools. but there are questions tonight. were those scores really as good as presented? well it depend upon how you look at them. council member david says an old grading model was used on new tests. even though new grading model was supposed to be used. >> what this is this a different kind of cheating. this is not house parties where the test bock let's are changed this where undercover darkness executive reverse two year old policy because it had been our policy for two years to change the cut socres reflect difficulty of new test. he says new test and greating system were adopted after hundred of the thousand of dollars was spent with teacher input. but the offers of state superintendent decided to use the old grading standard instead of the new ones. >> what is clear to me at this point is that the executives knowingly used misleading cut scores over the specific recommendation of their testinger spurts in order to inflate the scores. office of the state superintendent sent out spokesperson to tell us what happened. and explain to us the decision was made to compare year to year scores instead of going with the new grading guidelines. we made the determination rather than to september recommendations to change the standard that we would keep the standards the same as then and then the it has been same spweupbs 6. >> did you do to make him look better? >> no, we do not. the office told is mayor not aware old scoring method used. same systems sage from chancellor office. he says, this was clearly way to deseat public. there should be consequences. what should happen here all of those responsible should be terminated. >> so who did make the call to use the old score system? it appears it was the office of the state superintendent. but when we asked for a name today, we sure didn't get one. it is important to note if the state superintendent would have released results under the new scoring model, reading would have gone up math would have gone down. but the big difference according to his office overall pro efficiencies would not have looked so good. hearing set for thursday, will. all right. thank you. >> up next here on the five it is controversial game a lot of you are concerned about. grand theft auto it has been around for years but latest version is the most violent yet. we have look at the effort make sure young kids don't get their hands on to. [poof!] [clicks mouse] there's doughnuts in the conference room. there's doughnuts in the conference room. automatic discounts the moment you sign up. i was honored to serve as governor of virginia. we brought folks together in richmond to focus on creating jobs and getting results. that's the virginia way. and that's why i'm backing terry mcauliffe for governor. terry won't let ideological battles get in the way of making progress. terry will work with democrats, republicans, and independents to create jobs and move virginia forward. it's important for virginia that we elect terry mcauliffe as our governor. i'm terry mcauliffe, candidate for governor, and i sponsored this ad. this is fox five news at 5:00. >> gamers are snatching up latest stain video grand tpeft auto at furious pace. in fact, billion dollars in sales in just first week. but critic of game are concerned it may ebb getting into wrong hands. fox five consumer reporter is here. >> will violent video game. so view attempt shocks even some of most seasoned of gamers. you have to be 17 years old to buy grand theft auto five. but past studies show some stores may not be complying. >> it is world where you can do almost anything. parachute mountain top flying plains valley. but there also a dark side. hijackers military aircraft. setting off explosions, and shooting at police officers. it is essentially a game that's every testosterone fooled fantasy ma'am age grand rated m for mature. meaning you have to be 17 to buy it. but dan director public policy for parents television council or ptc, takes issue with that rating. >> it is very sort of broad catch-all type of rating that doesn't give a lot of details information. there have about would accidents and dozens ever studies on violent media all of them say essentially same thing. that there are harmful affects on and children those harmful affect can refrom child to child depending upon hrofrts other distinct circumstances and he concerned about kids younger than 17 being allowed to buy it. secret shopper operation downed by federal trade spheugs found stores sold m rated video games to kids 16 and under 13% of the time. that is improvement over similar survey done by ptc in 2008. that found stores sold m rated video 36% of the time. finding celebrated by the entertainment soeufrt rating board. they respond saying, quote we applaud video game retailers for once again demonstrating our industry's ongoing commitment to parents. he says it is still too much. >> let's kpwheufrbg that for a minute if we had a 20% failure rate for alcohol or for guns or some other twheupbg age restrictions we won't celebrate that at all. >> would sthpbt 16-year-old into best bow northwest dc and into game stop in west fooled shopping mall. both times he was turned away. unable to buy grand theft auto five. good for the store today to enforce their rules about this thing. you know, i wish that were always airtight but it is not. >> in its first week grand theft auto has sold more copies than the launch week sales of all other gta versions combined. the parents television council urging retailers to make sure they comply with the rating systems and urging parents to be fully ware of video games their kids are playing. >> as parent it has to be alarm to see this. that kid are able to get their hands on to. obviously best buy was good. >> and the game stop in west feel mall. very, i have nice but alarming though parents kids can get it. and ordering on-line, too you just have -- yes. so it is tough video to watch. we didn't even show most violent shots. >> i am sure it is getting people talking. >> okay. >> well soon you maybe listen to your ipod and read your kendall during your flight take off and land. panel meeting this week on whether to relax those reinvestigatetions on inflight devices. now under new guidelines passengers allowed use e books tablets and other publication along pod cast and movies that have already been downloaded. right now the faa prohibits use of all devices, until plane climbs above 10,000 feet. well microsoft trying to boost its tablet business company introduced two new service tablet computer to go with them. they say surface pro two targeted at professional who witness to full power of lap tops in tablet style device. there no word yet how much those new models will cost. 4.7 billion dollars is how much it will cost investments group to by blackberry canadian company fairfax financial will buy the troubled smart phone maker. just last week blackberry announced it was laying off thousands of employees to cut costs and stay afloat. five years ago the cell phone maker was on off to but it has been falling behind android and apple. meanwhile apple is break records shoppers snapped up record break nine million of newest i phones two new phones went on sale friday. the lower cost 5 c and top line 5 k see manned for flashy 5 s has exceeded initial supply and now people are waiting on-line to get their orders. new iphone launched in more countries than ever before including china for the very first time. new phones have only been out since friday and already prominent german hacker group says it is hacked the apple iphone five fingerprint read. they say hackers called say it is fakes fingerprint trickled system and group showing the world just how easy it is to do so. their miss sarpblgs fingerprint biometric are unreliable and users would be wise not turn off their pass codes in law of the fingerprint scanner if flew this could be bad news for apple who has been besting on the scanner to set new iphone apart from others. up next disney is changing the rules when tpls couldn't skip lines. also ahead tonight boot more raven player got hurt after pretty wild night district. tmz has the scoop coming up. people disabilities will not be able skip front of the lines disney theme parks any more disney making this policy change because of growing abuse of the system. under these new rules visit toers with special needs will be issued tickets with return time and shorter wait similar to fast pass system that's offered to everybody else. now change takes affect on october 9th for guests with park issued disability cards it is end of the line tonight end of the production line for the iconic volkswagen van. van known for hauling is your you haver and of course scoop be do o pal brazil last place in world. they say production lend december 31 company says it is simply cannot change production to meet new laws requiring air bags and anti-lock brake system. good news for drivers price of gas dropped to 3.47 on average down 5 cent from week ago. 7 cent from months ago and 34 cent from year ago. reduced crude oil prizes and switch to legs responsive winter blended gas are part of the reason. despite drop national average has been below the $3 mark for more than 1,000 consecutive days marking new record. coming up here on five trading in your favourite sweets another healthy alternatives without logs the flavor. sounds great, right? we have got the treat that tricking your taste buds up next. plus think you agree beautiful monday start off workweek. but what can we expect tomorrow? we will be back with your forecast. [ maragno ] if the car was invented today, it would run on the most affordable energy source available. it would charge overnight. every morning, you'd wake up with a full tank, ready to go. if the car was invented today, it would be the 100% electric nissan leaf. with over 200 million everyday gas-free miles already driven, the question isn't "why electric?" it's "why gas?" [ male announcer ] the 100% electric nissan leaf. nissan. innovation that excites. now get a 2013 nissan leaf for $199 a month. ♪ on to health alert drying live healthyer lifestyle probably know changing the foods you eat great weapon battle of the bulge. but for some that's easier said than done. fox five teamed up with our partner at aarp and found a chef who developed a way to trick your taste buds and avoid foods that pack on the pounds:. >> i just chef doctor he says scientist and technology to turn our taste buds into allies in healthy eating. he calls it flavor tripping. flavor tripping means you are going to see the something ask then minute later it will taste like something else. this could be as simple lemon or could be whole dish. where you will just be eating whole dish and then will go from taste like say italian cheese course it will turn into a chocolate. i think flavor tripping real neat eyety he uses miracle better free and it is real berry. it was found in a after back in 1725. chef uses it in powder or tablet form. he says it literally changes the taste of something like this into something that tastes like this. >> well here miracle berries work you eat berry it has got some protein in and that protein will go on your tongues. your tongues has two taste recrepters. this little protein just latches on to your sour and bitter receptor so you can't taste sour and bitter thing when you eat lemons goes don't other way. it tells you it is sweet it is very simple affect. why chef going to such grit lengths to change the taste of what we eat? northwestern memorial hospital robert kutcher says world wide we are facing two mayor epidemic. obesity and dwight. if obesity was driving in the car in rearview mirror you would see dwight only way to attack these problems is if all members of the society get involved. and that includes the food industry. >> where we eat and what we eat has very important role to play. if we can find way to provide the mouth feel of something that's sweet and savory, but also reduce the sugar and total kwal rees think that's step in the right direction. it may be every day food but it is different anyway it tastes. >> he believes this tiny berry will get people eat healthier and that in will reduce owe beings city. we never giving up sweet tooth what create things that taste sweet that in stprabgt no sugar at all. photograph example we severe red velvet cake it is cheesecake, with red velvet cake except actually good for you. you eat all of cake you want but tastes like it is going to pack on some pound it just tkwopbt that. >> when i pal most when comes these issues creating product that are fun. that solve big problems and think that that's the future of this industry. and he believes he can solve many of the world's pressing issues one berry at a time. >> all right. >> always said easier said than done. >> always is. >> this comes from guy with candy jar. >> it is as you easier. >> i am big into --. >> all right, my man! why! >> i am not digging the --. i just fist pumped thomas on air. it is new day! >> go ahead. >> okay, so now gary let's talk more about this beautiful day today and when we can expect. don't act like that didn't surprise you. >> you guys! she has discipline not eating the --. there so fat oracle rees or sugar in --. beautiful out there this evening. you know does look like it is going to be a really, really night weekend. you probably know fall started yesterday and it is feeling very fallish out there today. 68 right now. high temperature was not quite 70 degrees we only managed up to 69 for high temperature most of you are 60s culpepper still 70s winchester 63. just before i came upstairs frost vice rees were issued for this morning. for way out into western maryland and look where dew points are this is critical because when you start seeing dew points in the upper 0s low to mid 40s temperature tonight will be able to get way down we are not thinking it will 4 here in city tonight down lower 40s in spots out through. someplaces especially some of sheltered valleys way out west it would not surprise me if someplaces did not settle down into 30s overnight tonight. look at the next couple of days. gorgeous tomorrow. again a little bit warmer we are up to about 74° some of you lower 13407z some of you more like mid 13407z a little warmer on wednesday with high temperature approaching 80 degrees it will be few clouds on wednesday. and here's what are thinking basically this week we are going to have high pressure but high pressure going to be big and going to be strong it is going to just to west of us. we will continue with this kind of north flow so even though it is going to be fairly warm back out to the west of us, since we are still going to be on the east side of this big area of high pressure the cool air lurkinging to north so we will continue with generally north northwest winds for next several days so just continue bring very nice very comfortable air all it be chilly in the morning and warmer the afternoon, that are will becoming our way that's set up for this week now there one little pwoupl in road here. i want to show you this. you can see it spinning out central plains fairly significant little storm system. it looks like that's going tomorrow bumping into ridge of high sphraoeurb be strong enough move through but all indications are right now, and in will be around here on wednesday. late wednesday and into thursday, will probably just going see few clouds from that nothing more. all of our guidance suggesting that we will stay dry. this evening of course we are so, so nice with clear skies here, and it like we will be generally clear right on through overnight and through the day tomorrow. so, tonight, clear skies. and 51 here in town so earlier tomorrow morning it will be very cool. wind will be out of the north at about five miles per hour and we are talking low 40s certainly possible and probable i would say out on suburbs overnight tonight. for tonight, and tomorrow. i think, too i think going to be couple of nights where we are going to be fairly chilly. and look at this forecast for tomorrow. mostly sunny to start. temperature of 54 so definitely sweater, light jacket weather. cool at the bus stop for the kids. mostly sunny at noon. mostly sunny at 4:00. and temperatures again tomorrow nearly perfect. i would say as business warmer than today up middle 70s. and then have very, very nice accuweather seven seven-day forecast. one day i have there at 80 degrees just about everybody else upper 70s. very nice indeed. thank you gary. now to talk of town on tmz baltimore raven player got hurt in fight on party bus and it happened right here in d.c. let's check in with tmz harvey lin and so harvey what happened? >> well, it happened at bryan mckinney birthday party which is at the opera ultra tphroupbg d.c.. they had party bus at about 3:00 in the morning today they all went into the party bus, so here is the deal. there a stripper named sweet pea who was in the bus and sweet pea got -- had some kind of beef with jones and took huge bottle of champagne and smashed it over join's head. and the -- it -- the bottle shattered. there was blood pouring everywhere. bryant mick ken any because jones friends attacking sweet pae. he started going after the friend pwroul broke out. police came and plans came. he was bleeding but he refused medical sentence. all and all, not great birthday. no! not great birthday indeed. you know hopefully he will be fine for raven upcoming game. let's talk more about rethan. >> -- -- stkpwhaeufpltd you should know, jones is out on -- with in injury right now. so that makes this even more curious. because he has been sidelined. so, on the top of 'that he is dealing with now he has got this. oh, no someone might in trouble now. let's talk about rethan causing international incident in thailand we astand she took picture with monkey what's the big deal? >> well, the monkey called lauris. they have a law in thailand which says that people cannot use these phfrb keys and make money off them boy having them photographed tourist that election had a she did. so the two guys who did they were 16 and 20 years will age they got arrested. but perhaps even more interesting, sean, it is a deadly animal. they have a poison that comes out of their elbow and what they can somehow do is they suck the poison you the of elbow put in their mouth mix it and then touches you can go into shock and die. so, rihanna was actually in extreme danger with this monk he could but she okay.. that's good news apparently it liked her. thank you harvey we will see you tmz. right! >> thank you harvey. someone needed to warn ler! >> all right let's head over matt for look what's coming your way. thank you straight ahead in all new at 6:00 it is story you will see first on fox five. father upset after there was ambulance delay whether his child was caught in life or death situation. then, the clock ticking as lawmakers on capitol hill work towards resolution to keep the government afloat. we hope to see you and just a few minutes.  i was honored to serve as governor of virginia. we brought folks together in richmond to focus on creating jobs and getting results. that's the virginia way. and that's why i'm backing terry mcauliffe for governor. terry won't let ideological battles get in the way of making progress. terry will work with democrats, republicans, and independents to create jobs and move virginia forward. it's important for virginia that we elect terry mcauliffe as our governor. i'm terry mcauliffe, candidate for governor, and i sponsored this ad. for capsized of the ship back on trial after two-recess. captain face up to 0 years in prison in he is convicted. 3 people were killed when ship crashed into reef and capsized january of last year. captain says reef was not on his charts and company operating the ship should take some of the blame as well. aman did knox prepared to take lie detector test to prove her innocence. knox was convicted of killing meredith kaouf spent four years in italian prison before her convict was overturned case now heading to retrial. my tpheupbz everything to me my entire adult life handy fenning that. and i would do anything. so would you consider doing a lie detector test? it would be something would you think about if. lie detector test would be just i would be fine with that. >> knox says will not return to italy for the retile. and that's wrap on five. news at 6:00 starts right now. >> tonight on the news edge, first on fox, a critical shortage of ambulances put the life of young child in the jeopardy. mother's plea to the district after her child had a siezure and suffered while waiting for an tpwhraopbs arrive. then, moments of horror after terrorist tkpwupbd down shoppers in hold others hostage inside of upscale shopping mall. what kenya's military is doing following the attack. then, wow! >> overwhelming. 0 years later an emotional reunion when veteran priceless belongs are returned his family. who didn't even know the heirlooms existed. the news edge starts right now. >> this is fox five news edge at 6:00. >> and good evening everybody. first on fox tonight d.c. firefighter had to use ladder truck take a sick toddler to the hospital when they were told the nearest ambulance was at least five miles way way. child was having siezure saturday night and men on truck not want to wait. it is decision that left boy's parents upset. fox five wagoner goner has more on this story. paul? >> well, matt, derrick and denies jones praising the actions of the firefighters who came to their northeast home saturday night to care for her six toddler. but they are confounded by the fact an ambulance was not there when they needed one. denies jones rode to hospital in truck with her child and now she want to know why. >> little derrick doing fine today. fully recovered from viral inspection sean launched him into scary siezure saturday night. i saw my son foaming in the mouth. whole bunch foam was coming out his eyes were rolling into back of his head. father pson swropb in the car and derek senior headed right for home where he fond his wife and called 9-1-1. >> and i came out earnings and was like upskperbgts everybody was trying to calm him down. i was calm. i opened the door, and i looked aim he just looking out in distance. and i called his name and he wouldn't look and i touched

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