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morning, judge edward hogshire revealed who the alternates were telling number 256 and 21 they were free to go but not to discuss the testimony with anyone until the trial is over. both alternates were women leaving seven men and five women to decide the outcome. at 9:23 a.m., the jury left the courtroom finally free to discuss all of the testimony. they immediately asked to see the video taped interview george huguely gave police the morning after the murder. just a few minutes later sent a note wanting to know the definition of "reason." they were told by judge hogshire it was, quote, the ordinary common usage in language. but it took a while for the prosecution and defense to agree on the version of the tape the jury would see and the monitor to watch the video was not sent into the jury room until after noon. reporters sitting in the courtroom could hear the jury watching the tape, stopping it at times, rewinding and playing portions of it again. just as the prosecution and defense asked them to. this courtroom behind me is cavernous. i explained that several times if you've been following the coverage and this trial. when sitting in there, it's difficult to hear some things. since it's a gag order, we're not able to clarify what's happening in certain situations. what is very clear is when the jury wants to send out a note or they want something, they ring a bell. it's the first time i've ever seen anything like that typically you hear a knock on the jury door and the bailiff goes to the door. this one is like a doorbell. they ring it. it's fairly jarring and everybody sits up and goes okay, the jury wants to tell us something. >> one of the notes the jury sent to the judge today said two of the instructions they were given were contradictory. a judge sent a note back asking for clarification. what happened after that? >> reporter: well, the jury then did not respond to that. so they did not write back and clarify their original statement so we never heard from them on that. that concerned the defense attorney francis lawrence because they believe what the jury might be hung up on is instruction number 23 and instruction number 14. it gets into legalese, i'm not a lawyer, it's hard for me to explain it but it had something to do with the robbery part of this because if you've been following, he's charged with not only robbery and taking the computer from yeardley lover but breaking and entering as well as larceny. so it may have something to do with the murder along with the taking of the computer. >> deliberations continue down there in charlottesville, virginia. paul wagner, thanks for the update. v.a. governor bob mcdonnell is opposing a bill that requires women seeking abortions to get vaginal ultrasounds. mcdonnell, a social conservative appealed for amendments to the bill minutes before it was to be debated in the house. it has already won passage in the senate. mcdonnell issue add statement that reads in part -- issued a statement that reads in part, mandating an invasive procedure in order to give informed consent is not a proper role for the state. no person should be directed to undergo an invasive procedure by the state without their consent as a precondition to another medical procedure. end quote. the f.b.i. says he wanted to be a suicide bomber and his target was the u.s. capitol. >> amine el khalifi was arrested last week near the capitol. today he faced a federal judge in court. matt ackland is just back from the hearing in alexandria. matt, what happened? >> reporter: this afternoon el khalifi waived his right to a pretrial hearing. the federal judge in this case found probable cause to detain him until a grand jury can be seated and look into these charges against him. that could take 30 days, maybe longer. federal officials say el khalifi wanted to attack military offices, a d.c. restaurant, a synagogue, and his biggest target, the u.s. capitol. according to officials, el khalifi thought he was working with a man connected to al qaeda. instead it was an undercover f.b.i. operative. when el khalifi was arrested on friday near the capitol, he was wearing a vest that he thought was a bomb. instead it was a fake given to him by that undercover operative. officials say at no time was the public in danger. the hearing was just very short, just a minute or two. el khalifi was dressed in a green uniform with "prisoner" written on the back. we also noticed some tattoos on his arm. no details from the case were discussed today. this case once again will go to a grand jury. he will remain locked up pending that grand jury probe. >> matt ackland, thank you. president obama spoke today at ceremonial ground breaking for what will be the smithsonian's 19th museum. the national museum of african- american history and culture. it will be located on the national mall at 14th and constitution. john henrehan is there on the scene now with more on today's ceremony. john? >> reporter: shawn, today's groundbreaking took place inside that big tent right across 14th street. it's february so you never know about the weather so they put it inside the tent. it will be the smithsonian's national museum for african- american history and culture which will be constructed on that site the next three years. america today is sometimes described as the most successful multicurl nation but today's success came after the errors of slavery and racial segregation. >> i want my daughters to see the shackles that bound slaves on their voyage across the ocean and shards of glass that flew from the 16th street baptist church and understand that injustice and evil exists in the world, but i also want them to hear louie armstrong's horn and learn about the negro league. >> reporter: president obama's children will be able to examine the achievements and the pain suffered by african- americans at a $500 million museum to be constructed on a corner of the national mall not far from the washington monument. >> we must tell the story, the whole story, 400-year story of african-american contribution to this nation's history from slavery to the present without anger or apology. >> reporter: some stories to be told by the museum will be new to most people. stories like that of successful businessman julius rosenwald. >> he decided to give fellowship to african-americans and others but he also built schools all around the country. there are major historians, scholars, lawyers whose families would not have been educated had these schools throughout the south not been built. so we've got objects from that school. it's a little known story but very important one. >> reporter: the ceremonial groundbreaking was invitation only, but this tourist family from new york was transfixed watching the event on the monitors in our live truck. >> if we just focus on the future and everything and not the past, people like black children will have the respect for the elderly who actually went through all that pain and destruction. >> reporter: i think the museum has its first customer ready to go. again construction will take three years so the national museum of african-american history and culture will not open until 200015. -- 200015. >> im-- 2015. >> i'm looking forward to it. president obama is talking for a change in the corporate tax system calling it outdated, unfair and inefficient. he wants to cut the corporate tax rate from 35% to 28% and end subsidies and loopholes. he says his system would lower the tax rate but broaden the tax base. the pain at the pump continues all across the country. the average price for a gallon of regular is $3.58. now the white house is facing mounting pressure to do something about it. despite the criticism, press secretary jay carney is defending the obama administration. >> the president's approach has been to responsibly increase domestic oil and gas production. what he has never said and what i attempted i thought to appropriately mock yesterday was the idea that there are magic solutions. >> besides increasing oil production here in the u.s., carney says the president also wants to seek alternative energy sources. g.o.p. race heating up in arizona with less than a week to go to the presidential primaries there and in michigan. the republican field still trails president obama in a brand new poll. we have the story. >> reporter: m.i.t. romney, -- mitt romney, rick santorum and the rest of the g.o.p. field hit the campaign trail in arizona each taking aim at president obama and his economic policies. >> he's out of ideas. he's out of excuses. and in 2012 we'll put him out of the white house. >> the president is continually blaming everybody and everything except himself. >> reporter: arizona and michigan hold primaries on tuesday. in michigan a new poll shows santorum and romney in a heated battle for the top spot. while president obama might be singing the blues. ♪ baby don't you want to go >> reporter: the same poll says the president tops 57% support in a matchup against any of the g.o.p. candidates. >> the republican as a party are not doing particularly well vis-a-vis the president. his vote share keeps going up. >> reporter: ron paul is holding multiple fund-raisers in arizona. newt gingrich is trying to make up lost ground since his big win in south carolina last month. >> i think it may go all the way to tampa. this may be the most open nominating process we've seen since 1940. >> reporter: but political experts say it's looking more and more like a two-man race with romney and santorum trying to distance themselves from one another and the president which could spell trouble for romney should he lose back in his home state of michigan. >> i think things will improve a little bit once a nominee is chosen. >> reporter: romney also ruled out a proposal for tax cuts as did president obama. all candidates square off in a debate here, the last before tuesday's primaries. coming up a shocking discovery on that cruise liner that crashed off the italian coast. we'll have all the details. plus, dozens are killed, hundreds more injured as a packed commuter train plows into a station. the deaths of two western journalists in syria spark reactions from world leaders. i'll have the latest coming up. how about that weather today? temperatures in the lower 60s. some showers overnight tonight and then will tomorrow be the day that we get the 70 degrees? first look at your forecast is coming up. do stay with us. fox 5 news at 5:00 is going to continue.  we're following a news alert in syria. among those killed is a french journalist and american covering the conflict. >> maria colvin has been killed from the bombing in syria. >> reporter: british prime minister taking tribute to marie colvin, a long-time correspondent to the london times who lost her life in the rebel stronghold which has been the subject of relentless shelling by the syrian government. >> this is a sad reminder of the risks that journalists take to inform the world of what is happening and the dreadful events in syria. our thoughts should be with her family and friends. >> reporter: rupert murdoch also released a statement honoring colvin's more two decades of work for the paper saying she put her life in zane other many occasions because she was -- danger on many occasions because she was determined. >> the brutality of the assad regime becomes ever more apparent each day as each day goes by. >> reporter: a friend and fellow colleague of french journalist remi ochlik talked about his talents. >> he was caught between bad luck and ballistic reality. that's t. it happened to him and other colleagues. he was doing his job and deit well. >> reporter: the french foreign ministry says it's -- [indiscernible] -- and recover the bodies of ochlik and colvin and return them to their families. deadly riots continue in afghanistan over reports that nato troops burned copies of the quran at a u.s. million dear base. -- military base. seven people have died. the books were removed from shelves at a detention center library and mistakenly sent to be burned. general john allen apologized and has ordered an investigation. a source claims inmates were using the books to exchange secret messages fueling extremism. there's new information about the british phone hacking scandal. the wife of tony blair is the newest high profile person to challenge rupert murdoch's news international newspaper. her lawyer says she's suing the company for hacking into her voice mails. divers on a grim search of a wrecked cruise liner discovered eight more bodies today. the costa concordia wrecked off the coast in italy in january was 4200 passengers, 32 people are now confirmed dead or missing. one of the victims was found just today, a 5-year-old girl. she had been traveling with her father celebrating his successful kidney and pancreas transplants. her father is still missing, by the way. he was last seen heading back to his cabin for his life- saving medication. a packed commuter train plowed into a train station in buenos aries. emergency crews worked to free dozens of victims trapped in the first car. the train came in so fast and hit the barrier at the end of the platform. witnesses say the windows exploded as the tops of the train cars separated from the floors. in tonight's consumer alert, honda is recalling 46,000 odyssey minivans. at least twice the rear hatch doors have collapsed on people causing minor injuries. the national highway traffic safety the gas can leak out of struts supporting those lift gates. the doors can close unexpectedly. honda will send letters to odyssey owners next month with instructions about the recall. there it is. today's glorious day out there. >> it felt great, you know. >> it really did. just a nice, beautiful spring day. >> sun was up and shining. gary mcgrady, what can we expect as we head into this evening? more of the same? >> maybe a few showers overnight tonight. not going to be a big deal. looks like the heaviest rain stays south of us. look at the numbers now. wow. down in fredricksburg, living large down there. temperatures still 63 degrees. not to forget about culpeper 63. 61 in manassas. here in town we've cooled off a little bit. high temperature national today was 63 degrees. high for dulles if i can lean over and look at my notes 62. so real, real nice out there. and it's holding in the upper 50s for our northern counties up there from hagerstown, frederick, even cumberland still in the upper 50s. clouds have been on the increase late this afternoon in advance of what could be just looking like now some passing showers overnight tonight, this evening. there is a thought that some of this could actually have some thunder and lightning it it. we're thinking that most of that potential thunderstorm could stay down to the south of us moving through overnight tonight. frontal system is getting closer to us. but the front won't go through until friday. so for tomorrow we're still expecting temperatures to be even warmer. how about this evening, though? clouds at 7:00, 53. spotty shower primarily out to the west and northwest at 9:00. temperature you can see only 51 degrees. 49 at 11:00. i think at 11:00 at least most of us could have a chance for a shower here or there. doesn't look heavy. they don't look long lasting. they don't look very impressive at all to be perfectly honest with you. with temperatures in the 60s today and again tomorrow, a little spring shower wouldn't surprise me at all. better news for tomorrow as we still approach 70 degrees. cooldown coming for the weekend. >> we can handle this. it's been a treat. gary, i finally got my weather app, fox 5 weather app. >> what took you so long? >> exactly. thank you. >> we talk about this every day. >> i know we do and i'm just busy. it finally resonated anddy it and i love it -- and i did it and i love it. >> maybe you took us over 60,000. >> is it 60,000? >> i'm not sure we're there yet. i'm just being hopeful. >> you can check your weather any time too. do it. it's awesome. our weather app, just go to the app store or android market to download it on your smartphone. did you have yours? >> did you have some coffee before the show? >> no, i didn't. i'm trying to pick up my energy here. i'm really tired. but it is cool. do you have it? >> it is very cool. >> i like it. >> thank you, laura. tough transition here. still ahead tonight, violence at a wal-mart distribution center in virginia. find out what we're learning about a shooting at a spa that left five people dead. and disturbing video of a woman being tasered by police. but what happens after the incident is even more shocking. if you have a story idea, call our tip line 202-# 95--- 895-3 000.  following a developing story tonight where two people were shot at a wal-mart distribution center in virginia. it happened around noon. they say a 32-year-old employee shot his manager in the leg and then killed himself. the victim, 40-year-old petersburg woman was injured. so far the motive for the shooting isn't known. fox 5 will have more information on the situation as it becomes available. meanwhile a murder-suicide inside a georgia spa has left five people dead. police say a man killed his own two sisters and their husbands. the xu jung shaun that is in north atlanta. video shows the gunman walking in, getting into an argument with someone and opening fire. after all that he killed himself. as many as 20 people ran from the scene when he started shooting. police aren't sure what the motive is for those killings. a 20-year-old woman who fell and hit her head after being tasered by police remains unconscious five months after the incident. the video you're about to see is disturbing. she was tasered while trying to escape from a florida highway patrol station following her arrest last september. as you can see in this dash cam video, when the taser hit her, she spun around, fell backwards hitting her head on the pavement. she's been unconscious ever since this incident. the trooper has been cleared of any wrongdoing but her mother is now threatening to sue the florida highway patrol. >> that is tough to watch. coming up, monitoring metro. riders testifying about sexual harassment on the transit agency's trains and buses. also ahead, a traffic alert to tell you about. that's right. we're going to tell you about a plan to ease congestion through a very busy tysons corner. supporters of a plan to bring a high end casino to prince george's county taking their ideas to annapolis.  some metro riders are complaining about sexual harassment. today some of them testified at a d.c. oversight hearing for the transit agency. the riders led by a grass roots group claim the harassment is all too common. sheri ly has the latest. >> reporter: this goes beyond flirtation. these riders say it's sexual harassment, a crime they say often goes underreported and that metro isn't taking seriously. >> sometimes it's a grab in a crowded metro station. sometimes it's a guy harassing a woman on the platform asking for a date or making lewd comments, something called street harassment, but there's a point when it crosses the line. >> a man exposed himself to me on the metro, on the redline and, you know, at that time i had no idea what to do. i didn't know who to call. >> i was groped by a male leaving the metro. unfortunately i found out the next day that he had went on to k street and grabbed a woman and tried to rape her. >> reporter: these two women are not alone. one started the grass roots group collective action to raise awareness. they testified during a d.c. oversaight hearing -- oversight hearing. >> we have seen an uptick of upskirting which is people taking pictures of you without your consent under your skirt. and we've also seen -- received stories of people actually being assaulted. >> reporter: last year metro says it had 84 incidents of sexual assault or harassment reported. of those about 40 involved indecent exposure, proposal or act and transit made 22 arrests. overall that amounts to one cements for every four million passenger trips. they want metro to invest in a public service campaign similar to those done by other transit agencies. >> we're here to say we have seen something, we have said something and now we want them to do something. >> reporter: a metro bus driver in october was stabbed after confronting a man who was touching himself on the bus. metro calls any incident of harassment one too many. >> certainly the stories that we heard this afternoon are very disturbing. i want to make clear that anyone that suffers any crime, sexual crime especially, should call the metro transit police immediately. >> reporter: collective action says it would cost $10,000 to $15,000 to create a public service campaign and today metro's general manager richard sales says the agency has been in touch with boston transit officials to create a similar program here for the washington region. he says metro workers do undergo sense i. training and -- sensitivity training and if anyone runs into a problem with a metro worker who doesn't take these harassment reports seriously, he said, quote, we will take action. that's the latest at the wilson building. back to you. >> thank you. metro also wants to know what you think about the latest budget issues and proposed fare hikes. starting today riders can take an online survey. the transit -- about the transit authority's bus and rail service. the results will be submitted to the metro general manager. metro is also hosting six public hearings starting monday. we post add complete list of locations on our website on fox 5 will continue monitoring metro for you. if you have a story idea, end us an e-mail at fox 5 metro at a traffic alert for travelers on the beltway south at i-66. the express lane project causing more traffic changes in tysons corner. starting at 9:00 tomorrow night until 6:00 a.m. friday, several lanes will be closed for road work there. the changes should ease congestion once they're done. vdot is restoring exit 49 opening the ramp to two lanes and adding a fifth lane on i-66 west. in annapolis today, maryland made a step towards allowing a new casino in prince george's county and table games at all of maryland's casinos. fox 5's karen gray houston is in the newsroom now with more on a possible gambling expansion. >> reporter: this was rashern baker's chance to lobby lawmakers on the high end casino he wants at national harbor. the county executive was opposed to gaming the ten years he was a state delegate but says he's changed his mind because the economy is different now and the vegas style casino would bring important and very needed revenue. the state senate budget and taxation committee held that hearing in annapolis today to allow discussion of the pros and cons. so far maryland law allows five casinos in the state. two have opened so far. a third is due to open this summer near anne arundel mills mall. county executive baker and the owner of the gay lord hotel at national harbor testified today that they want to make sure any casino at national harbor did not a slots barn but there is opposition. >> i wanted to ensure that gaming would not one, compromise who we are as a county, negatively impact our focus on growing our commercial tax base, or hinder our government from providing the level of service and amenities that our citizens deserve. >> i want to express it's extremely important to my company given the tremendous investment we have made in the state and the county that only high quality leisure offerings be built at national harbor. >> it is contrary to what is best for our district. it will kill the struggling harness industry at rosekroft. >> reporter: if the general assembly says yes to a sixth location for casinos in the state and to allowing games like blackjack and roulette at all of the state's casinos, maryland voters would still have to weigh in in a statewide referendum. >> thank you. the maryland senate postponed debate on legalizing same-sex marriage. republican leaders asked for the delay until thursday. senate president mike miller expects the senate to meet that night to debate the bill and then continue friday before voting. last week the bill barely passed the house of delegates. in 201 the state senate -- 2011 the state senate approved a similar bill. a bill redefines the so- called triggerman rule which restricts the death penalty to the person who actually does the killing. penalty be given to uld allow accomplices who shared with the intent to kill. coming up a new study touts the benefits of mammograms for women in their 40s. we'll have details now. why the cdc is recommending the whooping cough vaccine for certain adults. we'll be right back. k.  there is new support for women to have mammograms in their 40s. researchers studied 2,000 women in that age bracket who had breast cancer. women whose cancers were diagnosed by mammograms required less treatment and had better survival rates than the women whose cancers were detected by doctors' exams or self-exams. a cdc advisor package is recommending seniors 65 years and older westbound vaccinated against whooping cough. experts believe it's underreported in older adults. the goal is to prevent older adults from spreading the disease to infants who are the most vulnerable. the shot is already recommended for younger adults and a whooping vaccine is included in childhood shots. coming up, an obscene gesture from adele. find out why she flipped the bird at an awards show. ♪ baby don't you want to go >> president obama impressing once again. we'll have more. temps could creep up into the 70s in some spots tomorrow. gary has your forecast when we come back.  the american idol hopefuls still standing face a tough road tonight. they're singing to stay in the show and to make the top 24. by the end of the week we will know who goes on. we show you why this round will be so difficult. >> reporter: tonight this stage will be in the spotlight on american idol. the remaining 42 singers will perform in a cut throat elimination here on the vegas strip. >> the segment we'd like to call sing for your life. >> right before the green mile. >> right before the green mile we're trying to whittle it down to get to that magical top 24. >> oh, man, are you so going through. >> reporter: sing for their lives is exactly what the remaining idol contestants will do. by the end of this week's elimination round, just two dozen will remain. >> the ones that were good that we whittled down to this are still good and even better because they've been given the confidence and a few well rounded slanderous attempts. >> it's about being great all the time but now it's everything because this is -- [indiscernible] >> you're going through to the next round. >> sorry. >> reporter: the theater has special effects you won't find at most performance venues. the judges tell us that will help prepare the singers for an eventual career in the music industry, even one here on the las vegas strip. >> they get to see how, you know, how vegas can be or how show business can be over the top. >> they're very excited to be on a stage like the one they're on and feel like they're in a true performance as opposed to some of the awed decideses they've been in -- auditions they've been in so far. >> reporter: in such a unique theater, the idol cast couldn't help but goof around. >> you're going to see a shot of ryan and i being shot out over the crowd. and then kick boarding. >> swim for your slief-- >> your life. >> we thought of a new show if they sing really g they have to swim -- really good, they have to swim toward the judges. >> reporter: the idol action continues from here inside the theater tomorrow night when the top 24 semifinalists will be revealed. on the las vegas strip, i'm sean mccallister, fox news. ♪ come on, baby don't you want to go ♪ ain't no place like chicago ♪ >> president obama brought it home last night singing "sweet home chicago" during the celebration of the blues at the white house. the backup band wasn't too bad either. mick jagger and other blues greats were all part of the black history month. >> he was getting into it. after his night at the apollo and all the accolades after that he had no trouble busting into moves. >> mrs. obama says he sings to her all the time. we're just now seeing it publicly. >> he has time in his schedule, he should try out for american idol. why not. >> i don't think he's in the age bracket for american idol but he could try for x factor. >> anybody can. >> yes, anybody. i grilled out today. >> did you really? >> did you really? you didn't bring it to us. >> grilled chicken. i had to leave it there and leave and come to work. so nice today. did not want to come to work. i'm sure most of you didn't want to be in work this afternoon. it's not bad out this evening. the clouds have come across, though. it looks like we'll at least have the potential for a few showers. we're not showing a lot on radar, though. we're dry here. way up to the north and west, western maryland coming out of west virginia, kind of moving into southern sections of pennsylvania looks like this will probably expand just a little bit. heaviest amounts should stay to the south of us. let me show you what's going on, though, the big story. warm temperatures down to the south. we're 59 degrees here. still not too terribly cold across the northern tier. there is, however, some cold air that's going to be making a run for us for the weekend, okay. for the weekend. next couple of days, this warmth will be coming up from the south. today we were in the lower 60s. tomorrow looks like it's probably going to be the warmest day of the week. we'll certainly be warmer tomorrow than where we were today. we haven't changed anything. we're still thinking upper 60s. looks like on friday at least until temperatures start dropping late in the day we'll be right back up into the middle 60s. so three days this week in the 60s. then we'll be cooler for the weekend. 59 right now here in town. quantico 60. fredricksburg again 62. they're living large down there. culpeper is 61. some clouds at 7:00. a spotty shower out there at 9:00 but again just a spotty shower. shouldn't be a big deal. a few more showers by 11:00. temperatures trying to drop into the upper 40s. few and far between is the rain out to the west. again, we're looking down to the south for the potential of a couple of thunderstorms. we're seeing some form now. this is in southern sections of kentucky down through central parts of tennessee. it's looking like the rumbles of thunder should stay to the south of us. you can see on how much rain we're going to get overnight tonight. showers around here. you see where it's blue? that's going to be the heaviest rainfall amounts. that's probably where the thunderstorms will be. not too far down i-95. i think if you're in fredricksburg tonight, you may hear some of that. so rumbles possible down to the south. otherwise just some passing showers. sun tomorrow. we're going to warm up. temperatures tomorrow up into the upper 60s. down south i think we could even have a couple of 70-degree readings, maybe a little bit warmer than that. late showers again tomorrow night extending into friday. real windy on friday with a high of 65. then temperatures will be dropping for the weekend down into the 40s. that's your forecast now. we head down to the web center where we find shawn. >> thank you, gary. we're in the weather center with today's hot topics. adele flips the bird. britney spears may have a new job and a big break for a contestant. let's start off with adele flipping the birld. what was this all about? >> she's a six-time grammy winner. you can do what you want good no. >> a producer tried to cut her off. the producer and host were sort of saying wrap it up, wrap it up so adele-- >> let's look at it real quick. she was like giving her thanks, right? >> she's giving thanks, winning another brit award, giving thanks and then giving them something else. >> she was just upset. a lot of people thought she was giving the bird at the audience. >> no, it was not directed at the audience. all over a time irk. it's like the oscars. you get up there and they're like come, we have to keep the show to three hours good she's since apologized. big fuss for britney spears could be a possible judge for -- big news for britney spears. she could be a possible judge for the x factor. >> she's totally different after being engaged to her agent. she's completely turned herself around. i think she would be excellent. her rep is not talking about it. janet jackson also supposedly confirmed. you're not a big fan? >> it's not that i'm not a big fan. but can she sing? how is she going -- i don't know. she had big hits so maybe she would be the perfect person to be out there. >> she would put on a good show but you have a good point. >> the public would like it and that's all that matters. the little darling rachel crow, great news. >> she brought on so much controversial on x factor. 14 years old, she had signed with nicklelodeon to do a tv show and sony records to finally have a record. going to be produced by simon cowell and that crew. she was so great. >> you remember? this was when she got the boot off the show and sort of broke down. a cute little girl. >> simon was clearly very supportive of her. >> huge fan. they're saying nicklelodeon loved her and she can also act which is what x factor is all about. >> is there something going on with marcus canty, too? or he was just in the video. >> we like him. of course the local guy from bowie who was an x factor contestant, we wish him well. thanks for the scoop today. >> thank you. you've got it. brian, what's coming up on the news edge at 6:00. a move to surely shock many parents. no kids allowed at a mexican restaurant. why adult only dining may be the new trend. could mean big savings for a lot of taxpayers. we'll explain the president's corporate tax cut. and maryland vows to make some changes after a transgender attack was caught on tape. stay with us for the news edge at 6:00. at 6:00.  it's ash wednesday, the first day of lent. catholics around the world are fasting and receiving ashes on their foreheads in the sign ever the cross. it's a symbol of penance and conversion. for those who did not have time to attend mass, st. george's episcopal church in arlington brought the salem tradition outside to the people. they set up ashes to go at the virginia square metro plaza. >> we're really glad for the opportunity to bring church to people today. we're hoping that it will be something that people can take with them through the lenten journey and to just be reminded that god is in their lives and call them into a deeper awareness of that. >> many christians commit to fasting or giving up certain luxuries during lent. thanks so much for joining us tonight at 5:00. >> the news at 6:00 starts right now. tonight a proposal that could impact the economy. president obama says cutting the corporate tax rates will help american businesses and generate more federal funds. fox 5's tom fitzgerald following this. tom, far from a new proposal sounds a lot like the president was talking about last month. >> reporter: you're right. back then the president called this his blueprint for lowering corporate tax rates. this is aimed at ending those tax breaks for companies that outsource jobs and reward the ones that keep americans working. but in this current political climate, it's unclear if this will get through congress. >> the president of the united states. >> reporter: the president himself spelled out his corporate tax reform plan during the state of the union. >> if you're a business that wants to outsource jobs, you shouldn't get a tax deduction for doing it. >> reporter: the president wants to lower the u.s. corporate tax rate from 35% down to 28% and end tax loopholes for companies that move jobs overseas. >> right now companies get tax breaks for moving jobs and profits overseas. me

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