to eat more. >> reporter: melanie alnwick, fox 5 news. the news edge far from over. the news enat 11:00 starts right thousand. off the top, the search for a killer has fairfax county police working late into the night once again. thanks for staying with us. i'm will thomas. i'm sarah simmons in for maureen. it's an investigation that's left an entire community stunned. a licensed ak cue punt i.r.s. -- acupuncturist found dead. fox 5's karen gray houston has r: r ep rorr:tete -- >> she was in the bat oom. the story about the murder is splashed across the front page of the even in. an area resident transplated for us -- translated for us. >> [ indiscernible ] >> reporter: news of her death and the site of homicide investigators still at the scene a day later stunned the neighborhood. she was friendly and popular. by trade she was an acupuncturist who specialized in the practice of oriental medicine, growing herbs for tea in a greenhouse in your backyard. >> she was my personal doctor the last three years. >> reporter: he's shked and saddened. he can't believe his reports -- believe reports that his doctor was found in a bathroom bound and gagged. >> i don't know why. why kill her? i don't understand. >> reporter: police are trying to figure it out. 24 hours after a tip to 911 they remained on the scene gathering evidence. >> the collection of evidence, we get one shot to get it right. we want to collect it so it's usable and good evidence to use in court. >> reporter: they have a lot to sort through. video cameras on top of the 24- hour korean restaurant next door might yield some leads. police are combing the area talking to businesses looking for clues. >> i'm so sorry. i don't know why. who did it. >> reporter: in annandale, karen gray houston, fox 5 news. president obama is not letting up in his push for massive health care overhaul. without it he says small businesses will fold as they struggle to provide coverage for employees. small business owners don't have bargaining power and are forced to pay higher costs for employee. the health care proposal currently on the table is too expensive, according to republicans. as you know much of he health care debate is centered around what's best for you and me, americans. do you want a government-run health care program. many observers are looking to this u.k. and its national health care system. how does a government-run program work there. some critics believe it's a upon nobody my limiting -- monopoly by limiting care. and life extended drugs might not already be approved if the patient is already dying. some doctors feel -- [ inaudible ] >> like it or not the health care system is funded through 2011. most brits don't want to pull the plug on their system. they just want to improve it. a show of support on capitol hill and a man who was living history passes away of the we're everywhere at 11:00. hundreds of protesters marched to the national mall this afternoon to protest meant to condemn what they call human rights abuses on the part of the iranian government. accusations of fraud sparked a jie lent outburst after the -- violent outburst after the country's june edisblexes disbldz the -- elections. the search is over for a 11- year-old girl in the river near kennedy, maryland. she went missing after a boating accident friday afternoon. the last british soldier standing from world war i died today. harry pch lived to be 111 years old, outliving all of his own children. he also served in world war ii but went back to his plumbing job before he retired in the early '60s. the man surely had some amazing stories to tell. we all know distracting driving can be dangerous, even deadly. a recent government study confirms that. now some consumer advocate groups are upset saying the findings from the study were not released soon enough. mollie explains why. >> reporter: in 2003 they put together some estimates of traffic deaths and crashes the previous year due to cell phone use. 955 fatalities they estimate and 240,000 accidents. the researchers wanted to make the estimates public. they wanted to let the states know that hands free devices may not solve the problem. that letter never went out and critics say the government just didn't want to take on the emerging issue of distracted driving. >> the tragedy is that people's lives were lost because the government didn't release research. >> reporter: the former head of the national highway traffic safety administration says the idea that research was suppressed is, quote, nonsense. he says the data was a list of studies already available, not the result of a new government investigation. and he wanted to wait for, quote, tighter data. did you see it? the wisconsin highway sign full of misspellings but one word on the sign in rothschild, wisconsin is smelled incorrectly. all but one are wrong apparently apparently. rothschild business is spelled wrong. exit it the only one spelled right. the company was given the correct spelling so the company that has to pay for it is the one upset tonight. >> at least you can't blame wisconsin. we know how to spell. >> it was a perfect bit for jay leno on the tonight show. you know what i'm talking about. before you pay more than you have to at itself grocery store, wait till you see our cyberedge report tonight. we're showing you how to cut costs with online coupons. eyes to the sky tonight as well tomorrow. i'll have all the details after the break.  some storms moved through the area tonight. some of you were undea thunderstorm warning. it was dropped by 8:00. we still have this line of storms over delmarva there is actually a squall line moving through and re behind here. we have plenty of rainfall. let's take a look at radar. our fox 5 live radar. you can see as far as the d.c. area is concerned, nothing happening now but there is another batch behind all this that we're going to have to watch as well as to the south we've got a little bit of wet weather that's lingering through. this had a lot of lightning in it. that's the one thing you do have to be careful about. let's go to our weather map. it was a hot, humid, sweaty day. temperatures in the low 90s. still warm outside. 71 in the district. 70 at dulles. winds have died down somewhat. we've got a trough as well as this cold front. this is going to move through the area into the course of tomorrow. that will set us up again for more storms. expect to see a chance of some thunderstorms pretty much like today. they're expected to be a lot more widespread. it will be hot, sticky and humid as well. the threat with those storms, it has us under a slight risk of severe weather for tomorrow. could see some hail, strong damaging winds as well. once again as i mentioned the lightning. some of our areas will have some sunshine. temperatures into the 80s and 9 on the but some will also have some thunderstorms so do be careful if that's your plans for the afternoon hours. as far as the five-day forecast is concerned, unsettled weather pattern sticking around. we have a chance of storms every single day of the week as we head through with temperatures in the 80s and low 90s. gwen, you like to save a buck so this one is for you. kiss cutting coupons goodbye. there is a website making it easier at the grocery store. regina lewis gives us the tour in tonit's cyberedge. hello. with consumer discretionary income on the line, nearly 35 million americans a month are flocking to on-line coupon sites to save on purchases. and one on-line coupon site has just expded its reach. free paperless electronic coupon service, is now available at over 1500 safeway-owned stores in 22 states and the district of columbia. it helps shoppers save money on their ocery bills and takes the hassle of clipping cow pons out of the equation. you click the coupons you want and they're automatically redeemed at checkout when the register card is swiped. access is also available on your mobile phone which gives us the convenience of loading coupons on to the store savings card while you're actually doing the shopping. pretty neat move. according to a recent "u.s.a. today" story with the economy on shaky ground, many c.e.o.s are pling less golf or at least are concerned enough about their public image that they're playing on the sly. you might consider lining up your next round on-line at where you can choose from over 80,000 open tee times at 1800 golf courses daily. you click on your city and state and select the dates you want to play and get tee times and rates. golf automatically documents discounts offered. for more on these websites featured in this cyberedge report, go to and look for the web links box on the pain main page. >> anything to make it easier to get on the golf course. that does it for us tonight. want news and information 24/7, fox 5 news is alysn on for you. look for ususon air and on line. anthony aimway walking into -- aim yi walking into the studio. (annncer) now morehan ever you want to keep your loved ones safe and secure. give them the gift of financial security from new york life. we've been protecting families for over 164 years. new york life. the company you keep. five days before the start of redskins training camp, how is the relationship between the head coach and his pro bowl running back? a hole in one you likely have never seen before. all of that is ahead on this edition of geico sports xtra. thanks so much for joining us. i'm anthony amey. we begin with the washington nationals. it's an awn believable -- an unbelievable fact the nationals have more ra delays than they have wins at 28. things were cooking early for the home team. a leadoff triple. guzman a hotshot. next batter is going to be ryan zimmerman. zin just flat out tattoos that 17th of the year. eft center. it's 2-0 nationals. after a three-hour ten-minute rain delay, the game resumed, bottom of the 2nd. now 3-0 but add dumb dunn push -- adam dunn pushing for more cushion. right now bottom 3, nats lead it big time 7-0. like the nats, o's have struggled. they're at fenway park this weekend. that is a favorite ortiz home run. three-run rip for big poppy. bottom 4, ortiz is next at-bat. guthrie, close to the tummy of big poppy. red sox fans don't like it. poppy takes his base instead of taking off for the mound. o's down. nick markakis up. a pretty play in the hole in time to get his man. man. 7-2 they go down to the red sox. pay attention to this. top for, yanks one follow. watch the tiger fan with the glove in hand. a shiner to show for it. you've got to -- [ inaudible ] embarrassing almost for him. we're just getting started. later in the show, we'll explain about something you most likely didn't know about clinton portis. wizards two-time star caron butler continues to nourish the relationship he has with area residents. geico sports xtra continues right after this. ri: ng dealer: during the autobahn for all event, you can get great deals. yeah it's great. i ju really want to be sure. whoa, it's us from... ...the future. 11 days in the future. look, you love your new routan. you love the german tuned suspension. you love not having to pay for scheduled maintenance,you- i love what you've done with your hair. we'll take it. if we don't act, medical bills will wipe out their savings. if we don't act, she'll be denied coverage out their savings. because of a pre-existing condition. and he won't get the chemotherapy he needs. if we don't act, health care costs will rise 70%. and he'll have to cut benefits for his employees. but we can act. the president and congress have plan to lower your costs and stop denia for pre-existing conditions. it's time to act. the last couple of times we've seen fred funk he missed the cut at at&t national at congressional. would he hold on to the lead as he seeks his first major victory? funk on number 11. he shot a 72 to drop out of the lead. he's one stroke behind this guy, the shark, greg norman. he's 12 under par. the pga tour, a rather wet glen abby in ontario, canada. check this shot out. par 3, 15th tee. he hasn't earned 20 dprandz in his career. watch -- 20 grand in his career. watch this. hole in one. most unconventional hole in one you'll ever see. he wins a $40,000 roadster. tour de france, stage 20, a torous -- tortuous 13-mile climb. the leader held on to the yellow jersey all but securing the tour de france title form. ense him. seven-time champion has clinched a podium spot in the likely third place finish. the mystics play their last game on thursday. today marked the all-star game itself and tomorrow afternoon the mysts are right back on the court at home to play sacramento. >> from milwaukee the mystics playing in her fourth all-star game elena beard. >> she made her first all-star start and came out strong early. the east trailed by 3 at the break. the west clears the lane for sylvia fouls who throws it down. the lone dunk of the competition. the west gets the win. here's something really good that the washington nationals today. how often do you see the staff of a big league team take time out of their schedules the morning after a night game? the nats did so at nationals park before having lunch and posing for pictures with the kids. >> basically we invite the kids out to spend a day on the field, learn from the couches. they do batting, fielding, running. the minute you step on the field you see them look around. you see that look of shock. then they skin of get into it as they goes on when they alize they're just like anybody else and they're playing baseball. caron butler your honor our 15 minutes of fame [ inaudible ] he's dust butted over 25 -- distributed over 2500 bicycles in his hometown of racine, wisconsin. >> it's the first time i've brought the event here to washington. to see the turnout, see the kids, see the smiles on everyone's faces, it's truly special. the turn out is unbelievable. i felt like the president for a minute. >> caron butler very much deserving of our geico sports xtra -- geico 15 minutes of show. have you been wondering what the relationship between jim zorn and clinton portis is really like? we'll fill you in as geico sports xtra rolls on. ♪ ♪ tell me who's watching. (announcer) it's right here. it's eas ♪ i always feel like somebody's watching me. ♪ it's the money you could be saving with geico. back here on geico sports xtra, we check in on d.c. united. 22nd minute. it's christian gomaz, second goal of the year. they lead 2-1. if clinton portis duplicates his performance from 2008 we'll move past john riggins and become the all time leading rusher. he needs 1,370 yards to pass him for number one on the franchise list. he's coming off a pro bowl year but one where he was criticized by coach jim zorn for failure to communicate. as dave feldman -- [ inaudible ] >> reporter: in the off-season your star runningback clinton portis went on the radio show. he was somewhat critical of you. he said thing are fine -- things are fine now. where is your relationship with number 26? >> i think the media enjoys him. he enjoys the media. he gets his points across and how he's feeling. i don't have any problem with that. we have a good relationship. he loves to see what will happen when he says and does things. he's good. i mean, he's really good. he's fun to be around. he's an emotional player on that football field on sunday. and we certainly need him to have a great year and we need him on this football team. >> it's been 20 long years since the redskins last won a super bowl. tonight in austin texas, the d.c. divas played kansas in search of another title but th lost. the skins hit the practice field in just five days. we have many to thank for this show starting with our producer and photographer and our entire fox 5 crew on behalf of them, i'm anthony amey. thanks for watching geico sports xtra. feldy is back in the hot seat tomorrow. have a great and safe night. nationals lead 7-0 in the 4th. if you still want to get to nationals park, game still going on. i'm headed out there myself. see ya.

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