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Theres a courtyard in the middle of this, okay . And what you see here on the front, mirror its on the b back. And this building was pretty much built into a hillside on that backside okay . So again, no vehicle access as far as fire apparatus. We got one fie ladder truck back there and it did a fairly good job as far as where its locate todd putting out the fire. But coming down this way its burning pretty good. Now, two firefighters sustained minor injuries. Both were transported to nearby hospitals. There was a partial collapse of the roof. They had already put large air conditioner up there for the building and that collapsed into the structure and the chief does say though that floors have not collapsed upon each other. However, since its wood on the inside that continues to burn and continues to cause lots of problems they dont know right now how this started. Construction work hes were on the scene. Inside the building at ar around 30 this morning when the fire did break out it wept to five alarms. There are Fire Companies from Anne Arrundel, howar, d. C. Fire is here as well. What i want to tell you now is a little story about what happened with these Senior Citizens and because the smoke was not going straight up into the air because ever the cloud cover and rain it was actually floating across the street and into the windows of the Senior Citizen center. A lot of seniors then were told to get out of the building. We talked with one jerld dean breeze and heres her story. The smoke was real thick. It smelled like tar. It was real thick. And reporter you were having trouble breathing. I was having problems breathing and ran into the closet tore a ma the face and ran out contract did the mask help. Yes t. Helped i ran out and came down the stairway. Reporter were initially told there were approximately 65 seniors taken to a nearby sxhunty center. As i found, a lot of them deposit want to go there. They actually ended up right here in this mcdonalds next to me and they spent a consider annual time of their day sitting in there and dr Drinking Coffee and eating sandwiches. A lot of them didnt go to the Community Center they didnt wanted to go so they hung out here. Thats the situation now. This building continues to burn. Rye ironically this name mix hughes residential and Retail Complex is called fuse 47. Were live in college park. Paul wagner, fox5 local news. We have new video tonight of shooting in the district caught on camera. May be hard to watch. With that being said this happened nearly two weeks ago in the 800 block of ninth street northeast. Surveillance showed the suspect running up to a man and shooting him as pointblank range and running off the victim was taken to the hospital with lifethreatening injuries and theres a 10,000 le ward for any information that leads to an arrest. Well, weve been here before. Tonight, yet another countdown is underway towards a possible government shut down. There are four days left with congress to figure out a deal to keep the federal government open this time the fight is not over obamacare its over President Trumps promise to build a Mexican Border wall. Fox5 Tom Fitzgerald is live on the hill and unlike shut down under president obama and gop controls both houses of congress and white house denzo sound agoalarms and we all know, tom, theyre not in charge. Well, you know, youre right about that sauer after and it seems one thing both sides can agree that the government will run out of money to operate on april 28. Now, with the government being run right now in the house and senate by the republicans, republican in the white house you would think that they would have complete control over this process. But the monkey wrenches thrown into all of this is the request coming in for the white house bridgeet director now that money be included in the new spending plan to help start paying for that Mexican Border wall. Now, make no mistake, democrats are not in favor of that wall. However, what they are saying tonight is in order to avoid shut down theyre asking President Trump to follow through with what he set on during the campaign that mex whoa cause going to pay for the wall and one of those voices tonight the democratic senator from maryland saying if a shut down does happen hes concerned it could have devastating Economic Impacts across the d. C. Region. Its a very sgrukt five budget not just but whole country what were trying to do now is get through the remainder of this fiscal year and ipd of september and what trump has done is inject this new demand into the process saying you know, give me money for a w wall. Thats a waste of money because it wont work. And or else ill shut down the government. That is reckless as ander responsible. Now keep in mind theres a lot of jobs in our area. 136,000 federal employees in virginia. 130,000 in maryland and 1 199,000 in d. C. Alone. Now, all of those workers could be told to stay home if the government runs out of money on april 2 and the government cannot open its doors. But the concerns over the shut down well, some conservatives say this might be a little bit over blown at this point. And over at the Heritage Foundation theyre down playing both democratic warnings and just what the impact would be if the federal keep its business closed. I dont think we need to be scared this time around and weve obviously been in this situation before and all signs point to the fact theyll either passe short funding extension to allow more time to yoshiate or cut a deal by friday it i dont think anyone wants to shut down and president has been very clear he doesnt want that. Now the situation is this, were hearing that the white house is asking for 3 million to begin with all of this. That comes as estimate on this wall are ranging anywhere from 30 to 60 million and even if we get passed this week and even if a deal is reached to keep the government open that does not put us out of the woods for shut down for the re maipder of the year. This continuing resolution only lasts until sment. Back on september 30 we could be right back in this spot. Were live tonight on the hill, Tom Fitzgerald, local news. All right. Lets take it outside now. It feels a little more like fall than i would say. What are we in . Spring still . I have no idea anymore. Is there a fifth season that fills time between march and june. Sue is here with a look at what is coming in the next couple days we knew it was coming but it was a bummer. T. S. Elliot said april is cruelest month. How poetic. Right. Read more. Realms of rain and bit end of the week summer heat and maybe first 90degree temperatures. Tonight were dealing with rain and you know what . We cant explain about it department, i remind you were in moderate drought. This is nice rain. I know its annoying because its dreary and saturday was a washout. We had dry hours yesterday and early yesterday morning and now were in the thick of it i think there will be breaks in which it does not rain heavily tonight or gets really light. But it will pick up overnight. And weve had a few spots coming through more moderate rain. Fortunately because its soo cool this is it not coming through with activity and few other spots moving from south to north you might get a more moderate down pouvrment we also see breaks. But, boy, will this take a while. And heres whats happened. This is a very, slowmoving area of low pressure that is removed from the jet stream. So theres really nothing to steer it and its just kind of meandering over to the coast centered close to georgia now and will eventually get off the North Carolina coast tomorrow and then to the mid atlantic by wednesday. Once it gets to our latitude that starts us drying out and not until wednesday. That means we have more april showers ahead. Later tonight we could ping up quart to half inch or another half inch tomorrow and Cool Temperatures will be stick around as well. Only 55 degrees in the dissfrikts. We have not been warm are than that today. North east breeze and area of low pressure work its way up the coast and a little bit of cool normally flow from High Pressure that keeps us socked n you heard paul wagner mention that the smoke from that fire is really trapped because of this up version. So, its kind of heavy air on top of lighter air and its keeping everything down at the surface. So, unfortunately, that sill within tin to be a health issue for those folks out. There through tuesday, we stay on the cool side. And wednesday, well slowly start to break out of it but your planner for theet rest of this evening will feature a lot of time with your umbrella if you are outside. 53 by 7 00 and by 9 00 showers around and 53 and by 11 00, 5 it agree anesthesia and another wet commute likely for tuesday morning. Well have more on the timing for that and the heat thats back in the forecast as soon as we kick this rear of low president bush youre out of the system. Back to you guys. Thanks, sue. And drivers in the district now have a new way to get on to interstate 35 anteramp which now takes traffic from massachusetts avenue into the southbound 3rd street tunnel officially opened for the weekend. It was the first week someday xhupt. Drivers had no problems ad adjusting the to reconstruction of tunnel and connecting roads an as well as 1. 3 billion development that is built above the interstate. Its been confusing over there and i think drivers over the weekend had a little problem and now we thats what you do over the weekend open it up and let people get used ■toit and go ut a newer and powerful drug caused three overdoses in maryland. More on the deadly drug so fewer actual its used travrping lies elephants. And days after several were arrested at marijuana giveaway last week pro pot activists headed to the hill this time to light up. What happened during today aetion smoke in on the house steps. Coming up next. So, whats been going on while ive been gone . Former president barack obama there giving his first public remark since leaving office in january. Weighing in on the Political Climate of the country. What he says is preventing the nations from coming together. Maryland Health Authorities are warning about a new and powerful drug on the street. Synthetic opiate called c times powerful than heroin and tranquilizer used on elephants and blamed for three recent Overdose Deaths in frederick and Anne Arrundel county. And another protests on capitol hill. Calling a smoke in on the house steps. Witness the First Amendment right being vio violated. And hope the whole nation is witnesses this now. And smoking came days after Police Arrested protesters who gave away pot near capitol last week and all to mark 4 20 recognized by cannabis enthusiasts and demonstrators calling to lift the federal prohibition on marijuana use and let individual states decide whether it should be legalized and restrictions on pot use lifted in the district. And we need to address those laws. And its not working. We had increase more than double of marijuana arrest in the Nations Capital last y year. 654 arrests. I believe that in this country such an extraordinary wealthy county and such a fortunate county we must ne never, ever lose sight of the fact that we have growing poverty and of the fact that we have more and more vulnerable children, families, adults, seniors and Montgomery County Council Member there nancy navaro adding her voice at a protest at the county Council Building and urging Council Members to not cut monday from the health and Human Services budget since tim fact non profits operate in the country and provide needed services such as Mental Healthcare and housing to people in need. And college stujts and Community Organizers at the university of chicago this morning the former president provided advice on issues that included how to become a good leader and deal with failure and get involved and offered his refresh on what he says is going on in washington these days and he believes the media and political bickering are preventing the country from coming together. And what is preventing us from tackling them and making more progress really has to do with our politics and civic life. And it has to do with the fact that because of things like political gerry mannederring our parties have moved further and further apart and its harder common ground. Because of money and politics. Mr. Obama says hes concerned too many people are turned out of that are becoming cynical and the only way for change is for young people to get involved. Four construction workers caught in trench collapse. And where the workers were when the trench caved in and plus Emergency Rescue efforts to get them out safely. Its a hollow victory to me. Its insult it my an test tore. New orleans taking a bold step by removing confederate statues. Why the debate is not just over them being removed but when they were taken down. And more than a dozen Holocaust Survivors came together today to dedicate a new Research Center as part of the holocaust museum. Well see the historic artifacts that tell this story on this holocaust remembrance day. If you have a story idea give us a call. Or email us wttg. Com. [doorbell] when you have doctors working as a team for your health, you get the care you need to help you thrive. Visit kp. Org to learn more. Kaiser permanente. Thrive. A ceremony in buoy today has more than a dozen Holocaust Survivors dedicate a center. They filled a time capsule and ribbon and halocaust remembrance day. Heres our bob barnard with the story. Everything tells a story. It is immense and growing collection of halocaust artifacts. Everything our collection has potential of exhibition but we collect primarily to document the experiences and also memorialize the victims of the holocaust. Among the more than 100 million pages of archive documents transcripts of interviews with Holocaust Survivors the names you see here evoking haupt being images. These are records of the United Restitution Organization from toronto. Hour tour guide for the first looked in the holocaust new conservation and research s senter is travis rox wall director of services here nearly a quarter century on the job. As survivors age and pass away. This collection is only thing we have left that documents halocaust and experiences of the people. That ep durd that and each with a specific type of term. Had th is personal artifacts fault. And conditioned lockers. This is where we store the childrens toys and hair brushes and razors concentration camp uniforms. And suing machines used to make them. All of us here today im sure recognize the historical significance of the holocaust. Many others around the world do not. Speaking of dedication ceremony today erv shapel whose parents survived the holocaust and help to get this center built. When housed and conserved here and studied here in buoy and wonder of technology and science and precision is also all that is left of skountsless nameless human being. Next we see some of the stored art works in the mu museums collection. Paintings were done by holocaust survivor. Some are colorful others are not. Dpark image where done by halocaust survivor and some done during the holocaust itself immediate post liberation life of survivors and when they immigrate todd this country. These holocaust artifacts were stored for the past 27 years in rented facility near baltimore. If took more than 80 0 containers and 23 semis to bring this material to the new facility. An endeavor that began last september. This is called the shapel center named after halocaust survivors from poland and its not on ep for the general public primarily forry searchers here in buoy maryland. Bob barnard, fox5 local ne news. All right. Coming up here at 5 30 Armed Robbery in the district caught on camera. Suspects go into a restaurat and robbed two people and how he were able tobl get inside upnessed. Day five fox exclusive and Northern Virginia man catches people break into his car and so he chases down the sus well have that story coming up. And then he told his parents told him me never graduated. Did he prove them wrong. One story about a teen who beat the odds when fox5 continues continues it happened last sunday 1800 block northwest and suspects wentz into the restaurant through unlocked backdoor and robbed two people and made offer with electronics and money. England Bernie Police bust twod people for heroin drug deals. Authorie mcclain sold drugs to amber germhouseen it went down friday in a parking lot 6300 block of riffy highway. Upon searching mcclains car they found 12 grams of 4er win and 3 1 2 of crack cocaine and nearly 500 in cash and both suspects face several drug charge. Fairfax county Police Caught the suspects between behind a Wells Fargo Bank robbery and adel. 57yearold kevin kos tell awas at a hotel in dlooe and charged with rob be a hole tell last week. He passed a note demanding money and made off with cash. Now its video you only see here on fox5. Fairfax county man chases done a thief caught in the act. This happened in ce centerville neighborhood thats seen a string of thefts lately and in this case three people caught on camera were roaming neighborhood in middle of night just checking door handles and fox5 Lindsay Lindsey watts shows us they messed reporter you can see the three suspects as they round the corner and spread out. One man check the door handle on the white car. Then moves on to this unlocked truck. I heard something outside soy checked my security cameras and noticed the door on my truck was open. Scott wall told his wife to call police and ran out outside. I said here i come and was like yeah youre not getting a way. Wall caught up with the thief, grabbed him and was able to get back the only thing taken from his truck a 6 fishing knife. Then the other two people ruvrnd. Its a man and a woman who wall says he later learned is married to the guy who stole from him. So ive got the knife in my hand here as theyre trying to like move in on me. And then when the wife walks out shes got a hammer. Help is on the way. From this neighborhood who heard the altercation. He comes rouning down he actually has a handgun with him and hes got on the phone with Police Injured and wall and neighbor were able toy keep eyes o suspects and Police Arrived and arrested them. Theres a lot of people that say this was not smart to do. I think when youre in a situation like that you probably have to gauge everything as it unfolds. He says he learned from police that the suspects are known drug users who live in the area. That they were involved in drugs and all addicts and they had been looking for you know stuff to steal to feed their has beenet is the impression i had. His neighborhood had a lot of theft cases lately with money and items taken from unlocked cars. For months and months and months theres been neighbors caulk talking about cars getting broken into. He hopes those conversations have come to endp. Nobody likes to know that people in their neighborhood are having theft issues or cars gone into and things stolen out of them. You know my hope is that now these guys are caught and hopefully those were the only people that were doing this and we dont have a problem like that again. When you look at the massive setup he has there you may wonder where he got it wall owns audio video Lighting Company which is why he has the equipment he does. Were working now to get more information from fairfax country about the suspects involved and whether investigators believe theyre linked to other crimes. In the district emergency crews rescued four construction workers caught in trench collapse. D. C. Fire and ems responded around 9 00 this morning. It collapsed along the 300 block of eighth street northeast and the workers were 25 feet down in the trench when it gave n three workers were taken to the hospital and one had serious injuries. A fourth person was treated at the scene. So no word what cause today to collapse. Well no long area lou the con federac to literally be put on sped stool on the heart of sure soughty. Its a win for people in new orleans but a hollow victory for me. In in its insalt to my ancestors. My vote matters. You didnt voyt. I didnt vote. He didnt vote. Nobody voted. Removal of statue sends a clear message and unequivocal message to the people of new orleans and people of our nation that new orleans celebrates our diversity. You heard voices people in new orleans speaking of controversial decision to take down the confederate statues and memorials and crews began removing a monument that paed tribute to up rising in 1874 and city Council Voted in 2015 to take down the statues and monuments and legal battle and security cases kept them in soup port until today. They believe it symbols race imand owe boneencey and they think its southern pride not racism and others question the mayors decision to take them down overnight. Were happy to see this hate the statue be taken down. But were dispointed in the mayor that its been done in the middle of the night and people cannot come out and celebrate and say this is fruits of our labor. Its cheap, its low. Its kourd. Cowardly if there is kourdness this is act of cowardness and trechry. This is American History where whether you like it or not. Three statues honoring confederate liters are order todd come down later this w week. Mayor bowser broke ground on 66 Acre Development pro project. Its a planned 3. 1 mill square foot that includes resid residential, retail and sc school. It involves new construction and reusing existing Historic Structures on former walter reed campus. We have 66 acres between Georgia Avenue and brock creek park in a prime location in city. And already the Energy Around the redevelopment of walter reed is telling to the Development Community and business Georgia Avenue time has come. The project is expected to generate 6,000 jobs and 1 billion in new tax revenue. Coming up Health Warning tonight major recalls on two popular snack items. And bizarre scene inside a 7eleven a man celebrates 30th birthday by pouring soda on his head and hugging a flagpole and biting a cop. Well explain what happens next, paul. And a fire that forced cancellation of classes at the university of maryland and forced evacuation of Senior Citizen building is burping at this hour. Ill have an update coming up at 6 and you needed rain jackets and rum brel as all day long. You need them again tonight through the day tomorrow and slowmoving storm system parked east. Were on the Northern Edge of all those rain band and still have all of this to go. Timing on this storm system how long with will last and bring major change in the 7 day forecast. Well show you all that when fox news five returns after this giant foods is issueing a voluntary recall of two products and the first is its at kins chicken and cheese burritos and package labels failed to list it contains egg and soy. If you dont have food all allergies its actually safe to eat. The second recall is for lays kettle cooked potato chips after frito lay found potential salmonella in jalapeno seasoning. If you purchased evenlyer of these products return to giant some turning 30 can be a big milestone. This is not how you should celebrate. A man walked into 7eleven bought a soda and decided on his way out to take that soda that he spent a couple bucks on even pour it over his head. Problem is after that he got into a cop fronttation with the sheriff depcy and heldly bit him antedevelopty had to takes the man they think he was on something at the time. Probably stronger than the caffeine in the coke. Tonight hes face aggravated assault and other charges. Yeah. What a birth day. Okay. Mcdonalds employees are sporting new uniforms and not everyone is loving it. Online critics say the outfits look like something out of a scifi movie or star wars uniform. Most are entirely gray with a slight yellow accent and they were reportedly created based on feedback from employees and customers. Mz says collection is focused on comfort, fit, functionality and come ten rarey professionalism and new look debuts month. They do look weird. Its strangeed. You think mcdonalds and golden arches. Yes. And they go in all black and gray whatever it is. Yes. Whatever, ill still need that. Thats the truth. Dont care what theyre wearing as long as theyre wearing something when they go to the drive through. It kind of matches the sky. You got it. Totally matches the way it looks outside right now. Gray skies everywhere you turn as slow moving low pressure system came in kind of very slowly and its going to take a very long time for it to get out bringing several rounds of showers today and continue through tonight and through tomorrow before we finally start to clear out midday wednesday and cut off lows are notorious for stick around longer than theyre invited to and thats the case we have as we go through the next couple days. April showers continue alleviating moderate drought to severe drought across the area over the winter months and we do like this rain everything has come out in full bloom. All the trees and grass around the district i was just downtown earlier today and saw that. Thats nice to see. Whats not nice when you have outdoor plans and youre dealing with this waves of rain coming through and stormtracker lifting south to north. Most has been barely light and breaks northbound on 5 no rain towards baltimore. Inside the beltway light rain showers and inside the district it saevrl sprinkles now. Hevrier showers back out west and back down south where you see yellow and oranges and those are steadier rain showers within the batch of showers moving through parts of st. Mary and Charles County there. Well see varying degrees of intensity over the next 36 hours. Heres a look at storm system leading edge to new york. Heart of actual low pressure spining across the carolina coastline. Feeding some of those bands to portions of norm eastern South Carolina and really focused into central North Carolina there. So we will probably have a period. Tomorrow morning of receiveier rain. And 55 washington and 59 annapolis and 55 baltimore and 52 westminster is and 54 martinsburg and winchester and you need a decent coat along with hooded coat outside. Its a cool northeasterly flow off the ocean reinforcing cool atlantic air. Wind north east 10 to 20 miles an hour and breezy and rainy and cool through tomorrow night and tonight and we have breaks its sprinkling and gray outside through tonight and this is around of heavier rain were expecting just in time for morning commute tomorrow. So that looks to be slow one if this hold true which we think it will. Heaviest rain will be in Early Morning Hours Tuesday followed by showers bringing a decent downpour. Tuesday night the rain lets up and few little showers cycling through low pressure moves off the northeastern coast. So, along with rain the cool air in place. And tuesday, you still have the jet stream well off towards your north as a result of this low pressure system and so its going to be pretty cool and well see that change as go into the late week and as advertised already we are talking about 70s returning by midweek and major, major warmup, 0 s and possibly first 90s of the season this weekend. For tonight 5 washington and 56 mannasas and 55 napolitano list and manly in the 50s all day. Some could briefly touch 6 0. Chilly rain again tomorrow and cloudy to start wednesday morning and maybe early leftover showers and breaking out to sunshine nice warm afternoon great drying out to 73 wednesday and thursday and friday sunny and temperatures soaring into the mid 80s and real taste of summer along with that heat that will peak over the weekend humidity. Overnight lows 70 as it looks hot and saturday, sunday, chance of thunderstorms as storm system comes in by next monday. All right. Thats the way it forecast big change this week. Sarah. Thanks, caitlin. One major league taibl Baseball Team pokes fun at fans. And maple leaves earns them another season with the postseason nemesis. Back fios is not cable. Were wired differently. Maybe thats why weve been ranked highest in Customer Satisfaction by jd power 4 years in a row. And now you can love fios too. Get 150 meg internet, tv and phone. All for 79. 99 per month online, for the first year with a twoyear agreement. Its the only internet with equal upload and download speeds. Cable only offers upload speeds that are a fraction of their download speeds. Plus get hbo for a year and free multiroom dvr service for two years. And Verizon Wireless customers can stream tv on the fios mobile app, datafree. Get the best. Go to getfios. Com each though the penguins have history on their side eight out of nine playoffs in the calves lets see what made a difference. Understandably tense watching and enjoy it. Another nail biter. Marcus johann san tied with plus minute left and that forces over time then he was not and all series doe sided by just a goal. And theres the man sewing appreciation for the over time winner after scoring no goals in series. And two clutch goals in game six and it made the ultimate difference. You know those three have been create sog many chances and not getting rewarded for it and you know the last two games i think they finally did and you know tlar a big reason why were on top of this series, and were going to need them next one too. So the caps will meet penguins for tenth time. Caps only season victory coming back in 1994 but they go in with home ice advantage. Two two gim Verizon Center followed by sdpa 8 monday 30 and game four next wednesday at 7 30. Meantime bryce harper was on a tear these days. You are not alone. National League Player of the week. That two homer game with grand slam against braves youre seeing right here helped the cause big time. This is only fifth time in career he received honor however mvp trophy from a couple seasons back in good consolation. After sticking through 108 world series droyingt a couple people would consider cubs fans band wagoners and this is on the board. The band wagon cam. Cubs fans that mated trip were excited to be on the video board until the popup skaptions white ox fan 2005 when they won last time and never been to chicago before. Love it. There you have it. You have to at least see, ernie banks you have to have assume humor about it right. Somewhere laughing at t them. Any time you can pick opt fans. One guy did not look little upset about that. But you have it ever everywhere. I know good stuff. Coming up his parents told him he would never graduate and boy did he prove them wrong. Inspiring story behind a viral tweet aunt teen that beat the odds when we come hey allergy muddlers are you one sneeze away from being voted out of the carpool . Try zyrtec® its starts working hard at hour one and works twice as hard when you take it again the next day. Stick with zyrtec® and muddle no more®. Welcome back if you scrolled through twitter or inis it a game cap and gown and my stepdad told me it was pointsless to go to orientation and i was not going to graduate four years later hes in jail and im well. That message shared 2 200,000 times and liked more than half a million times and now tonight his story from detroit. I was sit ago around an thinking about like the things that i wept through to get here and to graduate and that one thing kind of like stood out to me. Devon reader getting ready to graduate from Eastern Michigan University majoring in criminal justice with a minor in military science. But if he listen todd his stepfather he may not be here today. I heard that and was like okay. Ill show you. As Graduation Day neared reader tweeted my stepdad told me it was pointtoless to go to orientation i was not going to graduate anyway. Four years later hes in jail and im well. I looked at the picture and emotion of me laughing thats ironic situation were in two different places in our lives and thats what you said eyes tweet went viral retweeted and shared house thousands of times with people congratulating reader to proving stepdad wrong. I literally tweeted and went to sleep and my phone today and boom boom boom oh, my gosh what was going on its exciting it is. The 22yearold from detroit first in his family to go to college faced plenty of obstacle aalong the way. I came on scholarship lost it and had to go to basic training forearmy and ended upcoming back to work hard to get my scholarship back. I have family problems im eldest out of all my brothers and sisters an i have to take care of my family. And im a black male student a predominantly White University thats a shrug it willself. He works two jobs to support his family and he didnt have a father figure growing up instead of angry he and nine students formed organization to mentor young boys teaching them what he had to learn the hard way. Living our values, live, le learn, teach knowing i was living life and making miss takes but learning from them and able to teach somebody else he saturday donning cap and ground will walk and accept his diploma. He made be making headlines now but its clear his story is far from over. Just because somebody says you cant do something or its hard or not norm or something your family is not used to doing you can do it you can be the change. You can be the difference. Exactly. What a wonderful young man. This is such a great st story. He mentioned about his younger brothers and sitters. Thats what a role model is when you overcome the odds and youre told you cannot so you keep forging through and you do it. Yeah. Wow. Proud of him. I dont know him. But im very proud of him. You wish you knew him. I wish i knew him. Hes somebody a lot of people should know. Thanks for being with us at 5. Fox local news at 6 starts right now. This is fox5 local news at 6. Developing tonight a massive six story apartment complex and its affect air quality enforcing university to close. And then the vacation is over former president obama is back in the public eye for the First Time Since he left the white hoution and plus keep the umbrella close and were in for a repeat rainy forecast throughout the night and tomorrow news at 6 starts now. And were going to start with fire it is a stubborn fire paralyzing part of college park for most of the day and good to have you with us im tony perkins. Im shawn yancy. People could see the smoke for miles forced university of maryland to cancel classes and evacuated a nearby Senior Citizen home. Paul wagner is live on the scene tonight. Paul. Yeah, tony, shawn, stubborn that is the word tony used at this fire continues to burn. Its been eight hours now a this morning and construction workers were on the scene when this began and we still dont know how the fire started. But, the interior of this building is wood. Its built with wood anteoutside as you can see is brick and of course windows had already been put in place and it was almost ready to go. And want to show you now some live pictures of how Fire Fighters are trying to get this out. They have several ladder trucks set up around the building that continue to pour major treemdz of water on to the building just a few minute ago we saw thick, black smoke and clearly this is long way from being completely put out. We want to give you brief update now from the fire chief Benjamin Barksdale who gave us briefing 4 00 on what happened inside the bud egg and had you hoy they dealt with

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