Hotline. A 10,000 reward reard for information that leads tomae an arrest and conviction innvic this case. Reporter meanwhilee cleanup continued the thethe the united gun shop today as thee damaged front door was taken wa down and replaced. Lace as nearby businesses wonderedwod how this crime happened soappeno quick. Im surprised they got surpr through. Im surprised they got throughth their security. Eir secur theyve got cameras out here. He. Theyve got a steel door. Teel dr they got bars on theirhei windows. We really love having themving down here because were youeu know, we feel safe and thendhe police are around here so ier didnt think this place would get broken into. I Reporter Police believer pe the two men left in a four a our door light colored sedan andsedn are now heavily armed. M if you have any informationf you should call that atf hotline at 1888atf tips t live e in rockville tonight anjali anj hemphill fox5 local news. Were getting new videoetti w into the news room tonight ofono what suspect in what policect iw are calling a american university. Niv take a close look. A close lo see if you recognize this man. A. Police believe he plasteredpla antifeminism posters acrossmini the schoolssm campus. Ca the university called thecallede posters disrespectful and divisive. They were put up throughoutt several locations on campusc tuesday night. Night. The University Says theys posters were immediately removed. Tonight the white housete hoe responding to the latestthe late developments on the wikileaks release of what it claims ars e the cias hacking tools. To wikileaks published thousandsbli out of documents it said wereocm the envery same tool the cia developed to break intoeak servers smartphones computerssmr andtp tvs. Now wikileaks founder julianer assange says the organizationsag will offer evenanizat more deta they can develop fixes to make e their products more secure. Ronica cleary joins us liveu from the white house with the we more. Hmore. Hey, ronica. Hey, reporter hey, j rim. Jim well, it was shockinghockg announcement that happenedhat hd earlier this week. W wikileaks claims to havems to ha access to thousands of lines of head to the Central Intelligence agency uses fory ur hacking. Now, Julian Assange he took to facebook today for a live ive press conference. Con he said that this leak and these fact that they now have access to this information itrmatio it demonstrates what he calls devastating incompetence inside the cia. And he posed the question whysto if this information is thiformas available, if these lines oflin code that make hackingckin possible, why, if its available, why didnt the cia ia reach out to Tech Companies to o offer assistance so that theythy could protect themselves. Well, Julian Assange says thatnt the cia has not done that sot he is offering to do it it himself. Take a listen to this. This. Now, wikileaks has a lot more information on what haswhaa been going on with this cyberhis Weapons Program so i want toanto announce today that after considering are what we think t is the best way to proceed and d hearing these calls from somero of the manufacturers, we have decided to work with them to give them some exclusivexcluv access to the additionalditional Technical Details we have so that fixes can be developed de and pushed out. Shed reporter well, keep inin mind that the white house has said that any leaks thaty breach our national securityse should have people outraged. Le. Okay. So, i asked the presss secretary today would there be any potential ramificationsa for Tech Companies who take advantage of this potential access to this leaked cias lea code. Take a listen. What about the Tech Companieshee that he says that he will worklo with to give them the ciam the a repercussions for tech ec companies willing to sort ofwilf embrace and use this Ti Technology that youre takingtan a stance against, if you will . So, number one, ill go il back to the statement that we dont comment on validating or authenticating allegation ofcati this sort. If a program or a p iece ofece of information is classified, it remains classified regardlessres of whether or not it is wheth o released intnoo the public venue or not and so i would just suggest that someone consult with them regarding t hsoe legal repercussions of any individual or entity using any piece of still classified information or technique orec product that hasnt been declassified. Rep theter the press secretary also suggested that we reach out to the departmented of justice to get moremoe information and answers whichs we have done. He we are waiting to hear backhear from them. We will, of course, keep you up reporting live at the whiteng li house, ronica cleary, fox5 local news. Man, what day its been. Ts e lets take a look outside there. There. The white house were in for an big change however. This is a live lookbi. G choo. Its absolutely beautiful,beaut temperatures in the 70s todayet and enjoy it while it lasts. La. Seems not its going to lasto lt longer. This is the day you get a gea big iced tea and take ad take a leisurely walk around town. Tow now sue were talking abouting o snow pants for tomorrow. Tomorr do not put your snow pants ss on, jim. [laughter] you wont need snow pantsonn but i will tellee yod usn this. You might want something thats a little bit layeredt and heavy coat will be very v handy in the coming days cominga because we are about to change e seasons in a big way. Some of the coldest air weveth seen in the number of weeksco is going to roll into town thistown weekend and that will getill get started tomorrow but how about t these temperatures . Its i still super mild out there. Her. Reagan got up to 74 degrees dgrs today. Dulles 71. Lles 71. Bwi 71, so im sure even more cherry bloss because we have a cold snapa cop coming and yes even a littleven snow but it probably wontoba require snow pants. Requirsnow pn just some flurries maybe a littlee coating on grass. N more on that in a moment. Mom we dropped to 71 in then th district. Distri manassas and fctredericksburgdeg still 72 degrees so is sos quantico. Weve got 60s to the north got 60 and west. s to the its alst beautiful evening and again its going to stayo stay lovely through the evening butnb we are returning to winterwiter cold and tomorrow morning we are look at all theset Winter Weather advisories. Er ad. They go up to pennsylvania andsv up into new york and includingnn garrett county, preston andton a tucker in West Virginia for agir few inches of snow we may seeee just a little bit of this snowow getting into our northern andora western suburbs. Look, its so warm. I think pavement will be just fine but it could in apa fveemew areas be enough tomorrowoorro morning top cover the grass. Gras again, accumulation possible,os, maybe one to 3 inches across pennsylvania. Could we see a little bit b avenue grassy coatingvenu especially north of interstate 70 andinters a few wet flakes mg in with some rain around tomorrow morning . Absolutely. So not anticipating it to to cause big problems. Problems. The cold starts coming into town tomorrow afternoon. Row afo. Quick look at your planner fornr friday and while wellell probably be in the 40s itsi going to get a little bitlit westbound by noon, maybe stilla flurries around. By 4 oclock, 42 feeling likee the 30s. Wait unthtil you hear about the weekend cold. Well talk more about thate abo coming up in just a fehaw minutes. Nu marina and jim, back to you. K t. Tonight the fight to repeal and replace obamacare hasre has landed a big punch. I pun republicans on the houseblic energy and commerce committeecoe have passed their obamacareamcae replacement. Eric called the American Healthcare act. Healct theyre now sending it ontoitono the full house and all of thisfs comes after a marathonmar overnight hearing that lastedla 27 hours. 27 hou. Fox5s Tom Fitzgerald a live on the hill tonight. He fitz we really havent seenvenn anything like this for a longisl time. Reporter no, we have notot marina, ill tell you, it just,t gives you an indication thedcati length both legislatively ad physically that both sides respect willing to go to fightlg this battle. This battle. Now, the house commerce ande and Energy Committee passed this today after a whopper of a. M. Hearing. Hearin folks, 27 hours, 18 minutes. Mi now twhile republicans gotwhil their way on this ande ultimately prevailed in committee today, its theshe democrats now who are dropping very loud warnings that they thy say this American Healthcare he act is going to be dead on arrival once it gets over toove the senate eventually but, youuu know, with Speaker Paul Ryan ryn today, he said whats reallys r dying here folks is obamacare. O. He says we dont do somethingm about replacing it right nowplac things are going to get even worse. If we in the majority said you know what, the democratsmo gave us obamacare, let themle live with it the Collateral Damage in this country would cod be awful. More and more people would see people even high werou premium increass in 2018, more and more peoplemoe would just see zero choices. Zec this administration hash developed a pattern. Ed a pat healthcare is part of that. Hat. They talk like populists but act like those helping wealthy special interests time afteri time afntterer time. Ti Reporter Association we aocn wanted to show you a littlea l bit about what was going on inside this rayburn officeraybue building today. Toay. Members on both sides, republicans and democrats, boy, they did have a lost a bipartisan today but it wasntti over this bill. B it was about trying just tost to stay awake folks. Lks. We saw members propping uppingup their heads up on their handsr s trying to keep their heads hed upright. Uprigh we also saw others just kind ki of outright closing their eyesy for long segments of this. This propping back up when somebody y spoke loudly. Udy. This went on and on and on and on. One of the members in that marathon was marylandaryand congressman john sarbanes. S half hours from beginning toinnn end of this entire thing. Thig. Sarbanes told us this. This democrats ultimately were unsuccessful today in blockingbo this bill out of committee butmb he said they were able to t stall it just long enough thatgh some things started to a what were those things . Some se conservative groups started toae come out of this, the freedomm caucus the heritage foundationot started raising concerns aboutcn the cost of all this. So in the end sarbanes sayss sa while they may have lost thee le battle here today, the longer lr war will continue and theyand ty believe they are getting momentum how does this work . How do you pull one of thesehes allnighters . What do you have to do . Do you set upo . O with each other to maku e sure e somebodys always up there,ays , somebodys always talking,dys keeps this going. Gi well, we do a little bit ofto tag teaming but i got to say the democrats i wasnt payingtsa attention to the other side ofef the aisle but the democratsemocs were pretty much up all night nt long being very active inive in their debate over these amendments that were being forward. Reporter now, for his his part, sarbanes told us he was u able to stay up just throughgh Drinking Coffee but we do knowo some Staff Members were going g off into conference roomsnfere trying to catch a few zs. s. Some other officers were goingeo into congressional offices catching cat naps throughoutapsh the night. Ultimately they did pass thisss this afternoon aboutbot 2 oclock. Now, what we know is that thisti will go on to the full house hos but there has to be a a Conference Committee marina mara and jim, they have to figuref out differences between whatbetw the house wants and what the he senate wants so really wherey we are right now is the end ofen the beginning of all of this ths and we are going have toha continue to track this to see whether or not this bill winds t up getting any real legs thatgst will send it on to the white tee house. Live on the hill tonight, tomghm fitzgerald fox5 local news. Ne thank you fitz. Ou fitz. Straight ahead fare hikesfa and service cuts sounds like aia broken record but happening on n metro once again. Transportation reporternspo Martin Dicaro will breakreak down impact you. Yo a dangerously close call. Gere dramatic video showing the moment a backdraft injures twoto firefighters. And this stfiory may make yoa want to ditch the doggie door. O. A burglar crawls his way intos t a familys home. Hoe. Look at that. At were back in a moment. We didnt realize how difficult it was going to be to tie that space together. With an open floor plan, you need to separate it with furniture. Its perfect for our family. Fios is not cable. Were wired differently. Maybe thats why weve been ranked highest in cutomer satisfaction by jd power 4 years in a row. And now you can love fios too. Get 150 meg internet, tv and phone. All for 79. 99 per month, for the first year with a twoyear agreement. Its the only internet with equal upload and download speeds. Cable only offers upload speeds that are a fraction of the download speeds. Plus get hbo for a year and free multiroom dvr service for two years. Get the best. Go to getfios. Com. Sounds like a broken recordko doesnt it . Higher fareshigher service cuts on the way forthe r metro. Today the board gavee preliminary approval to the changes. Chan the final vote isnt untill later thisvo month. M youll be paying more veryory soon. Were joined now by wamu transportation reporter and fox5 and contributor martinntbua dicaro. Martin, this is readilly a bigbg gamble for metro especiallyesp considering were still in the middle of safe track. Sa reporter thats right. Ter and also remember come the the summer time, these signs heresie are going to change. Hage. Theres going to be no more ore Late Night Service on the railte system closing at 1 00 a. M. Am. Friday and saturdays. Aturdays. A whole series of factorstor coming together. Lets talkcoming about todaysty mentous s vote. Folks mayvo look back at this b day and say thats the daye ay metro went over the precipiceh because transit analysts saystsy metro is heading toward a death spiral. What do we mean by that . Raising fares Cutting Services while ridership plummeting them socalled transit death spirala away reduces the incentive toivo increase service and then ends in a negative spiral. So metro rejects the termsrms gamble but they are in fact banking on riders coming back bc when Service Becomes more reliable. Reli theyre just going to have tosta pay more for it andve toand potentially wait longer for for their rush hour train. Tr the longest headway, which isis the interval between tween trains will be eight minutesbe e during rush hour on the he outlying stations and thatd tat makes metro an outliar when itir comes to u. S. Transit systems. Maybe 5, 6 oclock in new york k city or chicago you splay to spl wait as long as eight minutesng for a train but during the as te heart of rush hour, its is asking commuters a lot to wait a eight minutes tour a train. Trai. It makes metro a less appealing product especiallypr in a day andodu age when you caw get your smartphone out of of your pocket, uber, lyft, whatever the ride hailing hai service you use and get a rideae thats competitively pricedtitiv with metro relail. Rail. Metros in really dangerousgero territory here. Here this vote today and then theen h final vote in two weeks establishes metro as more expensive, less robust, lesst, s frequent service at a time as ts you alluded to were sufferingwe from the effects of saint thesae reliability of the system hasy been way down over the past six months. Of t down months. Martin, so, obviously this ts hits a lot of people in theop pocket. Give us a break down on whaton t the fares are going to change . N what are we going to see withe h the fare structure. Th reporter so, your offe faor peak or nonterushr so, y hour a base goes up 25 cents. Cen the rush hour rail fare goese ge up by a dime. Maximum fare at six dollars. Six. Bus fares are going up ares quarterar to two dollars howevel there is a break faror low lw income bus riders, the weeklyeey limited bus only pass will wil stay at 17. 50. T 17. 5 parking is going up a little goi bit and any increase on the he bus side will affect the metro Access Service for people with disabilities cause theirliti rates are also based oesn bus and rail fares with maximum ofxf about six dollars for thoser the customers. Stomers. So, this is called shared sacrifice. Cr budget for metro and its customers but some analysts say riders should not bebe sharing in the cause weve alreadylrady sacrificed and rider ship isider at its lowest level sincesice 2003. All right, fox5 contributor martin dicarcoo breaking down the latest coming from metro. Etr thank you, martin. Arin. Developing tonight the fcc investigating an outageig breaking around 10 oclock last night thatat aro preventedt customers from calling 911 on 9n their cell phones. Ll p last nightsho outage forcedford several local jurisdictions to set up emergensdcy backuicp bacp numbers. The nationwide outage onlyon went on for about an hour, hour hour and a half. F. At t now says wirelesss wireless customers should have access to 911. Now a fox5 exclusive. X5 the d. C. Government is admitting for the first timet the officers involved in theth fatal september shooting of terrence sterling were chasingrg him and apparent violation ofiof protocol. Paul wagner brokeer the story on the web earlierar today. Hes live tonight with the details. De judgment and marina the fataltha shooting of terrence sterling the date happened after d. C. Mayor Muriel Bowser revealediel the officer who fibored his h Service Weapon failed to turn on his Body Worn Camera untiltil after sterling was shot. Sterling but thats not all. All. The officers actions thations night indicated several general orders were eitherrs wei ignored or violated and now now the d. C. Government is admitting the officers brokeiceo another rule. In a rep fly a civil suitcii filed by the sterling family,am attorneys representing the d. C. Governments re admittedd officer Brian Treanor and his partner were pursuing mr. Terrence sterling who was as fleeing at the time. Tim until today no one in the d. C. E Police Department or the depar mayors officers had saidcers there was a pursuit thatat night. It is against the generalg orders of the Police Department to engage a hotnt t pursuit of a Motor Vehicle forer a traffic violation. Iolation. The night he was shot policelice said sterling was observedng driving recklessly in adamss morgan but the police olice department never said therent ni was a pursuit instead sayingeadi officers found the vehicle near the third and m streetstre area after stopping vehicle. Vehicl sterling then rammed theng t cruiser in an attempt to flee. E now, witnesses have said thei collision was unavoidableavoable after the officers blocked thece road. We broke this story on the web b earlier today and you can read an in depth story now at fox5dc. Com. Fox5 local news. N coming up a. M. Backdraftkd caught on cram. Firefighters were hit withht an intense wall eros f flames as they tried to enter a burninging home and they still finishedll s the job. E jo. And then a man armed with awa gun crawls his way into a familys home using the doggiene door. Oming up. And one countrys tellingl companies that claim to offer or equal pay to prove it. Ve we have details on the firstirst of its kind policy. And so, as the great world spins, this unexpected whisper in the silence of night. Luck is an elusive friend, but come it does, and come. It will. Video out of florida. Shows a moment a burst ofs isvif flames injured twojur two firefighters as they wereters ae attempting to bring a hose up to the front of the door at a oa home in west palm beach. Beh. Although they were hurt the hure firefighters brought the hoseroe back up and of course finishedof the job. Investigators say the firesay te started in the garage of therage home but no one inside wasidewas hurt. The firefighters were taken toe the hospital with minor injuries. Not surprising to see that. Rprie no, its pretty amazingetty stuff to see that. Yeah, it is. Eah, it a burglar caught on cameraca breaking into a home through ahu doggie door. Thats surprising to see. S si yeah, but police say the but man was armed with a gun. G he reportedly took Jewelry Electronics and cash. No one was home at the time. T another neighbor on the sameor s block says the same thinghi recently happened at their home. As a result they now cover uplte their doggie door whenever d theyre not home much one ofhome those things you dont thinkt hk about that nowadays you dontu want to give someone accessa into the home if you dont d want to. Want to. District making big bucks bck from task tickets. Ck. Theres also a lot of cashs alsa being left on the table. T lawmakers in one country want businesses to show theowthe receipts and prove that theyt ty arent discriminating withh salaries. Redskins quarterback kirk cousins reportedly wants out. Kiq what . Poed yeah, we got the latlye wst s the trade rumors surroundingroug the skins signal caller on day a one of free agency. E of free agn as we head tcyo break, jim,j you may want to listen to thiste you may get tons of you get all the good swipes but arebut you good enough for secrets tinder. An ultra exclusive versioncl this is for you available only o to the most rich and famous fams people. Its called tinder select. Alledi how you get selected isndcted unclear. According to reports you needtos to do very y well on theirhei tinder for consideration. Or coe. Unfriend. Of course you do well. Well be right back. F courc fios is not cable. Were wired differently. Maybe thats why weve been ranked highest in stomer satisfaction jd power 4 years in a row. And now you can love fios too. Get our best offer of the year. 150 meg internet with equal upload and download speeds, tv and phone. L for 79. 99 per month, r the first year with a oyear agreement. Plus get hbo for a year and free multiroom dvr service for two years. Go to getfios. Com or call 1. 888. Get. Fios get the best. Get fios. We didnt realize how difficult it was going to be to tie that space together. With an open floor plan, you need to separate it with furniture. Its perfect for our family. This is fox5 local newsisf at 5 00. Virginias governor andas attorney general are noww calling for stricter gun lawsn in the commonwealth after ar a gun ring bust that seized hundreds of weapons and landed a two dozen suspects in jail jail including 22 from virginia andan one from d. C. The attorney rally generalal says its shameful criminals find it easy to buy weapons in i the commonwealth. E c an owner says more laws couldre be ala slippery slope. Sl how many guns i can go buy from the store. Sto i canre go get any guns from the store tomorrow and i can dorrowo that monday through friday butdt in virginia our laws are so lawo little i c give guns weigh. Weig thats one of the suspects tt now charged after authoritiesr r busted a gunit trafficking ring. Seized 217 guns and arrestedr 24 people. Ple. The brooklyn district district attorneys officers says an a eight month undercovern investigation uncovered theveret ring that was guns in virginia and illegally transporting and reselling rese them in new york city. City. Well, its shocking that virginias gun laws andla shameful really that a virginias gun laws are soare weak and so lacks that gunt un traffickers are boasting ontingn police tape about how easy iteat is to get guns in virginia. Virg reporter thats whyorte attorneyr t general mark hearir and Governor Terry mcauliffe say the commonwealth needsth nes universal background checksck and other revisions to gunto gun laws. Both virginias governor andernr attorney general have asked askd for a law limiting handgunh purchases to one a month to bee reinstated in the commonwealth h but here at nova firearms people question when iion when collectors, for example, who want to purchase more gunsur such asch this one should bed punished for the actions of criminals. Buy one right now. N what if its one every twoery to months. X on it it puts a ta like i believe the state oftatef connecticut. Whats its what we used to call the th slippery slope. Ippe reporter among the itemsryra seized were moexngt tendedtende ammunition magazines and 50 an round drum glock tommy gunsmmy and ar and ak style weapons. Ea on a national level, some have e called for bans on those typeshe of assault weapons but tomut tom jenkins a former policemece officer says he doesnt feelesel thats negligence the guns are. It can be used for huntinghunt self defense also really in a in alot of new competitions. Om pe reporter attorneyr attoey general said its unlikely the republican controlled General Assembly will approve anyle nd n gun restrictions. Trictio. Its time that legislatorsors be held accountable for itr it because right now they are tooto beholden to the gun lobby andby theyre not taking the safetysay of their constituents seriously enough. Traffic panging tickets arege bringing in big bucks to thes te district but the city missing out on some cash. Cas new numbers from aaa show more than 700,000 citations went w unpaid last year. Year that resulted in a 125 milliondollar loss for the district. City processed morec than 2. 7 million trafficic and parking citations adding a up to a jaw dropping 300 million. The i. R. S. Owes anhe i. Rowesn estimated 1 million americans ml a billion dollars in unclaimednd tax refunds but time isime running out to get the money. Refunds are from the 2013 tax tx year and tax filers have aave three year window claim a refund. Fund that expires on april 18. The i. R. S. Says the median expected refund about 763. 6 iceland making history the first country in the world toor make employers prove theymp offer equloayel pay regardless f gender ethnicity sexuality or nationality. The government said it willd itl introduce legislation to parliament this month requiring all employers with more than 25 Staff Membersall obtain certifi they give equal pay for work wrk of equal value. Quae. The north atlantic islandisland nation wants to eradicate the te gender pay gap by 2022. 222. Maybe they should alsoe thel have this for equal pay for equal quality. Qual very good. Ery good. That should be a good initiative. We should start that are. R john kerry is that so haas ts a new book deal. Deal simon and shuster announcednnunc the news today. The news to hell talk about his life from child wood through his tenuret as secretary of state. F stat hes been a public figurec since the early 70s. 7 of course he was a decoratedratd veteran who served nearly 30 years in the senate and ranand n for president back in 2004. 200 no word on when kerrys memoirry will be released. Be that is a long time ago ingon political years. Poli hes got a lot to tell inteln book. Im sure. E. New Research Showing fearg is a big obstacle to makingmakig self driving cars mainstream. In. Plus, food just tastestes better when its appreciation hm . [000 34 57;00] does it. E a fe you can get a fre cupcake and where thisere th weekend. Is it random chance orca skill . Well take you to the h Rock Paper Scissors tournament t happening now in the district. T. Hey, sue. Hi there marina and jim. I think food tastes better when you eat it outside and its you can do that tonight. T it is still so mild. Mild. Were at 71 degrees in theees in district. After hitting a highig temperature of 74. Of 7. More typical of a may afternoon here. Her but, boy, if youre going to goo get outside, do it soon andon nd dont wait because look at thele cold air thats going come c rolling into town winter sayso o im not quite done with youh you days. One of the coldest air masses cl weve seen in many weeks isdests about is to roll into town maybo with some snow tomorrow morning for some of you. R some. Well take you hour by houry our through tomorrows forecasts foa and a sneak peek at a veryry cold weekend. Weeken fox5 local news at 5 00 will 00l be right back. Blank did you know slow internet can actually hold your business back . Say goodbye to slow downloads, slow backups, slow everything. Comcast business offers blazing fast and reliable internet thats 10 times faster than slow internet from the phone company. Say hello to internet speeds up to 150 mbps. And add phone and tv for only 34. 90 more a month. Call today. Comcast business. Built for business. Heads up were going back to 77. Disco. Bellbottoms. And ford fseries starts its epic run as the bestselling ucks in america. Fastforward to 2017. Fseries is still king. For 40. Straight. Years. How . Rocksolid durability. Uptothenanosecond technology. And jawdropping capability. No wonder the competition hasnt had been number one since. These. Ford fseries. Americas bestselling trucks for 40 straight years. Wired differently. Maybe thats why weve been ranked highest in cutomer satisfaction by jd power 4 years in a row. And now you can love fios too. Get 150 meg internet, tv and phone. All for 79. 99 per month, for the first year with a twoyear agreement. Its the only internet with equal upload and download speeds. Cable only offers upload speeds that are a fraction of the download speeds. Plus get hbo for a year and free multiroom dvr service for two years. Get the best. Go to getfios. Com its a different kind of march madness in the districta f today. Today. Theres a bracket rockack roc paper scissors tournamentscis going on. So gary mcgrady live at thelive at tournament in northwest andestn this is a big deal, gary. G reporter sure is. Is you thought march madness hadhad to do with basketball. Ba no, no, no. No, non im here to tell you its a completely different kind of madness. Rock paper scissors. Ck p we get phone calls. Wewe get get press releases andw say the we said we just got to o be there. Be thr come here miles. Iles. Miles is with play works. Work you guys really are hosting ho this and its not just about ab Rock Paper Scissors which ier ss thinkor is pretty cool becausebe look at everybody back herebacke playing. Whats it all about . Why aret . H you doing it. It. Rock paper scissors is aa tool we use on the playgroundla help solve conflict between kids. Ki at play works were about about trying to create a culture atltt schools in which kids are able e to learn social emotionalt skills have culture tell me about why youre doing this. Ng this. Are you just getting awarenessas out . Are you trying to raise rs a little money too. Too absolutely. This is mainly about gettinginlg awareness out. O we think this is a huge cause ce we want people to get behind but its also a fundraiserfund force. Reporter theyre playing a relay game. His going to jump in or n this t in a second. Se is this the first tournament. To. No, this is the fourth time wife dont it. Fe dontt. Its our Fourth Annual rock roc paper scissors tournament youtom grows every year. Y year reporter it really officially starts attarts at 7 oclock. The more the merrier. R tell everybody what they need wa to come down here plane Rock Paper Scissors. Pape absolutely were lookingy for anybody who wants to come ce out support kids have a great time. Were at dupont circle. Ircl we got eight teams alreadyams ry registered. Looking ging to get more teams in the door andet mweor t plenty of spaces. Of reporter can i play . S absolutely gary. Reporter where is topher. Youre the official coach. Epr al coah. Yes. I do know how to i didnt rely you could dou relay form, evolution. Ion. We got Rock Paper Scissorsapr rock sarrs. Show me how to do this. Th i want going to cut in line. E. Hold on. Im cutting. Cuting. Wait im need an assistant. Sist. I need an assistant. Ass hold that for me because icausei cant play rock paperk pape scissors. The way it works were we going against the blue team eam and well walk out when your teammate losses. Los well walk along. Lk along walk. And try to meet them. Th walk, walk. Somebody come play. Who is bein wg onomeb the otr end. So, were missing p, one, two, three. Two, tee. Oh, i got you. Okay. Wait. Hold on. Thats one. One om come on. I can beat you. An beat you. Come on, one, two, three. Tr [cheers and applause] hold on. Old i know. Tell me your i name. Im danny. Now, look were not, look wet supposed to be trash talkingo ra but i been trash talking this guy all evening long. Og. He beat me. Me. But its fall good fun. I know. And then h and all that matters is i won io in the end. [laughter][lau were getting a a you seeou you cant just keep talk. Talk. Were getting a rap. re getting come on,ra go. G keep playing. All right. Rigt association were down here at o were down at dupont circle. Irc. Come done. Doe. Theyre raising money for a for good cause. Its called team works. Work. Well play another game giants wizards and elves. Lves. Sounds fun to me. Un to. I got you gary. Ga go for being a wizard. Wiza wizards always win. Izlw thank you gary. You should take themke th outside. Its such a beautiful day. Ready . Oh. And what is this. T is i dont event know. Knw. Thats paper. That i think i aged out of that a game a long timeout ago. Ao. Its timeless come on. Meless much to my dismay. Y d looks like so much fun though. O yeah. And i think everybodys spirits are up. Sp this. Thi. Dayhi liknke e beautiful day. D theyll be brought to a crushing halt gloam a doing. Do i dont know fry anything kno heavy enough to get you ready for what is coming but whengh to you look at tmihe winngd but chc im going to show you, youll, y get a little bit of a peek. P capitol dome is gleaming and beautiful on this warmis warm thursday evening. Thursy even enjoy it while you can. Can. Sun goes down about 10 minutesnu after 6 00 and dont forget byfg the way, this weekend we set st our clocks forward one hour Daylight Saving time isht savins beginning. We have to get throughthrgh somewhat of a messy friday frida morning commute. Mornin a combination of g snow andsnowd rain. I dont expect problems on the e roads but i think the weatherweh today so warm that even if wewe do get some snow tomorrowtomorro morning it would likely meltkelt on roads but sometimes just jst the visibility and people onopln wet roads that can causeaue problems so a little extra era time may be needed tomorrowed tw morning. We are expecting some snow snw especially north of interstatens 70 and it could be enough to accumulate on grass. O we are going to see ourr temperatures fallingatu throughout the day friday. The cold air is cutom ting in. I we could almost call this anthin arctic outbreak. R thats for sure. Sue. And its going to be getting gei quite breezy as we go throughh the day. Cold but it does look dry. R we thought there might be ae little system that com affectt t us saturday night sunday buty ut the trend continues to takeo ake that too far south, maybe some s flurries for places likeo charlottesville. Ch another storm threat to watcharh and that that is going to beoin early next week. Early were watching the potentialal for maybe some kind of a a coastal area of low pressurep and that could be snow or raino for us. R us. So, well have more on that in the coming days and ill show sw it to you on the seven day inon a the moment. Still 71 here in the district. Quantico 70. Tico 70. 68 for frederick. Rd what a beautiful evening we have and it will stay veryll sty mild through the evening its evs not until the overnight hours hs and closer to dawn when theawn h cold air starts coming in. I this is the leading edge ofedgof the colder air and it comes come through with snow and rain forr our area. It will likely be snow north of d. C. And maybe a littleke bi of rain south of d. C. And through friday morning wereng e thinking that there could beheru enough to coat the grass in a gs few areas especially north of interstate 70 but it northern montgomery county, northern loudoun maybe howard ad county. In pennsylvania there could be some accumulation and wniea havee h Winter Weather advisories upthdv there for probably three toablyo 6 inches of snow for places ples like somerset. Like somet. So, be aware of that if youre e driving up throughing up thr pennsylvania tomorrow. Syania heres your futurecast becausetc by 6 00 in the morning here he comes our cold front sneaking fn on into town with a little blast of snow. Snow. Poorly timed again because the c morning rush hour will be hou under way for some areas. Ars by 8 oclock in the morning,or it may even flurry all the way y down to charles countyes y although i will say this. This model sees the air as the r much colder than we actuallyac think its going to be so it so might be overdoing the snowg thw just a little bit but lets go o with the better safe than t sorry forecast unmay see somemay of that. By the time we get to the noonnn hour though its reallyealy eaking up. P. If we have anything left att a all it will be widely scattered. Cant rule out a snow showerhowr later in the day as we really ry start getting cold. Col so, heres how your day parts ds are going to look. Look. Tomorrow morning in the 40s 4s with rain and sno expect a lot of melting as mentioned. By noon hour, maybe were downed to a few flurries, 46 and by 4 oclock, 42 but going into ito tomorrow night and the te weekend, the arctic air does ds get pulled into town. Pul we are going have a littlelite system passing by to our south h saturday night sunday. Rday n su. Could get some flurries up toieo maybe interstate 64 but realreal cold weekend with temperatureshe only in the 30s to maybe 40ayb0 or 41 degrees. Degrees here is the weekend forecast. 39 degrees saturday. Es sa wind chill temperatures in theat morning Single Digits and teens, yikes, for the rock and, roll marathon. 41 degrees on sunday and let ant me show you your fox5 accuweather 7day forecast foret because in addition to theion t cold that were expecting,xectin which really does hang around ad most of next week, were going n to watch monday night intot into tuesday for the andday for the d possibility of a coastal stormso that could bring a chance of snow, maybe even accumulationcum but as most of this winter has gone, a lot of these storm threats dont materialize. T matz e. So models are on it right now. You need to watch frame and dont take anythingak to the bank. E as you the can see today is theh last day well be above normal r for the next seven to 10 days. Jim, thats your sevendayr sevy forecast. Cast. Thank you, sue. You know today is considered the first day of the new tyhaear for th e nfl kicking off the official starte of free agency at 4 oclock. O but this is all beingng overshadowed by yet another an redskins bombshell. Dskins b aom report kirk cousins wants aa trade. Joining me to breaktr it downt n from a secure undisclosedundi location fox5s grant paulson. Thats a impressive collectionie you have behind you. Y reporter hi jim. Lets talk about kirks t cousins right now. T what the heck is going on . Reporter well, a double dou couple ofthings. Thi kirk cousins and the redskinshee trying to work on a long term tm deal. I use air quotes because imes b not sure how hard theyrehard te working on the deal. Al. The report today was that thethe redskins contacted cousins and at one point talked to him and d he told snyder that he was willing tot e be traded. W raded. People took that as a trade demand. From what i have heard talkingdk to people close to theclose to t situation thats not exactly noa how this is going right now. G r. He does not want to be traded,t, hes not demanding to being to e traded. I think he would be opened totr a trade hed accept trade butde at this point kirk cousins is b perfectly happy playing for f 24 million on a one year tender tag and hes willing tos play this coming se ason ats th ratate. I expect him frankly to sign s his tender at some point inat s the coming few days. Ew da. Theres so much going on atga redskins park. We have been following the Scot Mccloughan saga. Ats this point we can call it aa saga. What are you hearing about his s status. At this point hes nowhere tonowh be seen. S reporter hes nowhere tow be seen. Hes in ashburn at his houseo for the most part. Most part we saw him there the other or night. Ni reporter photographedgh around town the last coupleortea days and youve seen himst c oue as well obviously. Bviously. Heres what i know about theabot Scot Mccloughan situation. I i dont think its ending anyg n time in the very near few. Ea we can start there. We c i dont think he works for tanht team at this moment. Momen and i dont think theres anyt h plans that hes going to beineb working for the team. Am. Is now over and theyre goingrg to figure out exactly howy how theyre going to phrase the departure, exactly legallyeg what is going to go on, is hen,e going to be leave himself from duties are they going to fireo e him but i dont think Scot Mccloughan works for thes fo redskins at this moment and what i know from people i talk to is that hes not going to be working for them any time in the coming few days of free agency having begun. Ai the Team President takes overrei more of a generalde manager typg duty. I think that he talks t internally with scott andt and director Scott Campbell withith among other people alex santose who runs their personnelsonn department and they elevateey their duties with Doug Williams and do a little bit bit more. Theres reports theyre talking witehs re other gmoth candidates to replace mccloughan which is awkward. A as of right noww technicallyec hes their general manager andnr they have not moved on from fr him formally. Formally. This should not be happening on the eve of freeonho agency. Lets talk about some movesome cause the team has made someade motoday. Day. Tell us about terrell mclean. Mc15 defensive tackle 28ac 28 years old he played with theh te dallas cowboys. Dallas c hes a guy whom for only twonl of the six seasons hes beenee in the nfl has been a start. St. I think heological start onheol this redskins defensive line because theyre desperate forogr help. So hes the first of therst ofte additions they made. Ey mae. They signed one other defensive lineman today stacyy t mcgee a decent player from the oakland raiders. I think hes probably a bad craa an rotational piece. Pic i think he might be the fourthhh defensive line on what i consider a First Division divisn team. They signed a safety momentsnts ago bj swearinger has agreed to terms with washington. Win hes a guy who has played with three teams in the last fours he years but at one point in time e was a physical very respectedl e strong safety. Saf. I actually think hell starthet immediately. They probably added a startingsg defensive tackle a starting safety and a scifi thatsi th going to play a lot at at guy thatsgoing skins losing both deseanlosie jackson going to familiar bayo m Pierre Garcon going to the the 49ers so thats it. Ats reporter yeah. Yea first team to grant paulson good to seepaul youson go tonight. Were back after this with more on fox5. We didnt realize how difficult it was going to be to tie that space together. With an open floor plan, you need to separate it with furniture. Its perfect for our family. We all want to make more money. If you want to listen up. L wantl new reportet findings then best paying jobs in americaup. Ei are in healthcare technologych and the law. Were out of luck. 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I reporter jim, shawnshawn united gun shop was not able nol to open today after whatfter wha happened but thanks to theirhe high Tech Security cameraty camr system here, we are getting ang great look at how that brazen be crime was pulled off in less than 90 seconds. The video begins with a banga and then two men are seen sen bursting through the frontfont door of the united gun shopunshp off randolph road tripping there alarm system. M yst they are both wearing dark clothing gloves and have theirv faces covered. Shows the men head had straight for the cases with handguns and they start smashing the glass using thethe crow bars they used to pryd to open the doors. Op you can see the men gatheringgt up the guns putting them into io black bags as the burglary alarm gets louder and louder. L around one minute in, one ofn,oe the men jumps the counter andcod starts pulling the long gunsg off the wall. F the wall once his hands are full, you, yu hear him turn to his partnerrtnr and warn him time such. They grab the bags and the twote run out the door the same waysay they came in. In. All this in about 86 seconds. Se. Officers arrived minutes later t but were too late. Lte. In an investigation that nown tw has the atf involved as thethe suspects could face federal charges. Just shows you how quicklyui these burglaries can takeries place and again in 90 seconds,s they were able to take those th 24 handguns and what wed what we believe to be seven long guns. Certainly its concern we havene these guns that areguns that are unaccounted for. Te thats why were reaching outchn to the public asking anyoneanone with information to call that atf hotline. Hotl