Precipitation, this is onehi on that will be the most hasslet hs free i guess. Guess is it sticking around alldll day. No. Thing. Hingother good widespread rain across theos the area but it moves out by the t afternoon hour. Oo still dark out there as wes w take a live look at the t capitol dome and everyone inon i full on christmas mode. Od if you havent been already hopefully youre waking upakingp where youre going to be for the rest of the holidayre weekend but if you have to hitih the roads i would maybe waitbe w an hour or two if you can. C it is just plain old rain out there on Storm Tracker radar rad which is good. Ood. Nothing like the freezing rain e and ice we had last weekendwe hl and obviouslyast nowe snow. Sn. Just too warm for that. Ha but showers could be pushinge p out between 11 00 a. M. And11 0md noon meaning if you can wait,nai it always makes traveling ave little bit better withoutho traveling in the rain as youaino can see widespread green on the map stretching frominrom Northern Virginia up to northern baltimore into philadelphia. Philel so, yeah, like i said if youd u can wait a couple hours thatourt would be great but it is just jt rain so if you have to hit theie roads you shouldnt be looking i at any delays. Atny d temperatures now well aboveuresw freezing so this last weekend we were well were l below freezing, we hadzi freezing rain and we had ice had on the roads, it was awful. As a. We are not looking at that scenario today. Today. Heres your weekend setup for you. This is along a cold frontr weer these showers rollingalong a oo through and just rain showers ss at that. At that should taper off midafternoon and then give wayay to High Pressure building inin for Christmas Day. Day. So Christmas Day itself looks dry. Dry. It looks cool but not cold andod it actually looks like a veryer nice afternoon with a mix of mio some sun and clouds soo Christmas Day itself looks beautiful. Rain showers start you off ontaf this Christmas Eve should sul taper off by noon giving wayviny to just cloudy skies. Jus well get into the lowt 50s 5 briefly and some mild afternoon before falling backac into the upper 40s afters after sunset. So, 52 degrees, thats yourts r High Temperature on thisempera Christmas Eve. Tueve. All of us in the low 50s. 50s. Very mild for this time ofimf year and then your low your low temperatures overnight asat santaures arrives on his sleighg with all of his gifts hes goteg partly cloudy skies so no clo rain, nothing to slow hudim down as he moves through the dmv. Temperature. Well take a look at your Christmas Day forecast. Orecast. Thats still ahead. Annie. Hi santa. I santa thank you caitlin. Aitl. I love his wave. We. We want to know how are youou celebrating this Holiday Weekend . Caitlin baked okies. S. Thats her tradition. Ti we just saw your holiday tradition. It they are so perfect. Hey i dont know how you got that hershey kiss in the middle. E mi. These look fantastic. Se looka we want to seentas more of thisi throughout the weekend use fox5 holiday. Hol were going to feature youreatur tweets this morning as well asms tomorrow on our show. Morr we wanowt to see those familyy photos, the ornament photos, decorations, cookies, you name,m it. We want to see it. Caitlin and i we got our o tradition in there. Rati i love my ornaments you. Ou love your cookies. Ookies we all have our thing. Right. Ht. Meanwhile happening today aappei group of disabled veterans are jet skiing over 1200 miles to20 bring awareness to the high suicide rate among American Veterans all while raising money for the Semper Fi Fund. Fn alexandria limon is live frome f lorton this morning where its almost go time. , aallex. , ale reporter hey, annie, ann good morning and this group of veterans is actually called take point now and they arehe ae veterans that raise money and a for help and awareness forness f other veterans. Now, this right here with me is greg rainy. Greg rainy, it is rainy outainyt here and despite that you are getting trod launch from these boat docks behind me to head bee on a 1200mile ride from the d. C. Area to miami. Now, step back in so i can askin you why are you guys doingar this . E ng well, this an effort to raise money this particular parr event to raise money for the t Semper Fi Fund. D. Were about inspiring veteranser to get out and seize thehe greatness that they once hade in there military and take an opportunity to generate that will same teamwork and camarari the military. Auseseorter bec y sometimes when that veteranst vs leave the service or whenhe Service Members leave, they encounter a lot of issues and a this organization, this groupsro take point now is trying tont ni help with that. S help with th give me some examples of whatf specifically, what services, what help you offer too veterans with the money youon y raise. Well, right now since were e larging operating with our jet j skis, its we team up with Wounded Warrior project. Proje we have in the past offeringffer rides and getting woundedound warriors out on the water. Ater the water is a great equalizer. You can have a great time andred its not like riding atvs its not like riding rid motorcycles. You can have a great time, jen j 38 speed and adrenaline withnd a the safety that of great of gr cushion of water out there ifate things go wrong. O wrong reporter is this a bigth b picture thing . When you go to the web site which by the way w guys thats what were trying tn to raise wearness for, take tak point now. Com, theres a place p where you can donate money andno the banner says 22 a day is dayi talk to me about what thatt t means and what youre trying t to prevent really. Lly. The 22 a day is sort of the f National Average or the t acceptd National Average of veterans committing suicidemitt every day. This is justev an unacceptable number. Nu we were taught and it was ingrained us in from the earliest davis our greatness grs seize that that greatnessism t thank you so much. We are going to be hereha lt ivn all morning long. L theyre going to be launching bn in just a little bit and we a w will hope to bring you somee more live updates so you canyou see them taking off andff and heading to miami. Annie, ill send it back to baco you. Yo thanks so much alex. Ha nkso well, as the holiday hid weekend gets into full swing,l n americans are on the move. Aaa says more than 100 millionio people will travel between nowbn and the end of the year. Ea airports across the countrynt are seeing long lines and the a worst of it is in l. A. , losos angeles. Here in our area, reagan rean national, bwi as well as as dulles reporting little to noo n delays. Dela good news there. Developing right now therenr potential Terror Threat in theet u. S. U. Federal authorities areriti a warning local law enforcementcet that many isis may call forfo attacks on churches and ches holiday events. Nts. The warning was issued after a public directory of churcheshure in the u. S. Was posted on a on proisis web site. Iseb site. The fbi says at this pointhipoit there are no Credible Threats ta but everyone should be awareware of their surroundings andng and report any suspiciouss activity. The suspect in this weekse deadly Christmas Market attacktc in berlin was killed yesterdayde in a shootout with police in italy. It police in milan stopped anis amri on the streets for a for routine check. Ck he pulled gun from his bach and the shootout began a began Police Officer was hurt but will be okay. The scenedeo from in milan. Amri rammed truck into aammed tc berlin Christmas Market onket on monday. 12 people were killed and about 50 injured. Happening right now, two people are deaind,g their bodib were found less than 2 mileses apart and now Fairfax County would be connected. Would be the search is on for a serial killer. Two people found dead lesss than 24 hours apart. Art police say right now a 22yearold was found murdered e inside his home thursdayday night. Friday morning another ath 22yearold was found deadndea outside in a yard leaning lni against a tree. Tre Police Believe the two deathswoh may be related but theyre not sure how they may have known each other. No everyone in the community isty s shocked. D. Its really sad that tha Something Like that would havete to happen like to two young individuals, 22 years old. Year they have a whole life ahead of them. He he wasnt a violent person. O he would never get violent viole with anyone. Aon theyd all have similar things g to say. Its one of those things that its just f thos so blatant. Btant. This is a really good person. Fairfax county police are searching for clues and neednd n those ti if you have that information. Ma to falls church where churcr people are searching for a gunman hoop shot another man last night. The shooting happened in tp hesh nein 7500 block of mark drive. Ve. Police say the gunman ran off ro in the direction of fallsf fall church high school. H hool police are still looking forookf him this morning. Ning and developing overnightveig one certain dead after artain police chase. Hase. Police were pursuing the driver avenue stolen car whenhen that driver took off. Took off police found the car a shortnd e time later on east capi ctoll street in northeast. Theast the driver was involved in a ina crash with two other vehicles. Sadly, one person died and Police Arrested a juvenile juven that was inside the stolento car. The incident is still under investigation. Inst time now is each 7 09. 79. After the break shes best known for her knoll starll wars and now shes sick in the hosd pinotaw l after suffert heart attack. Well have the latest on herater condition after the break. N ter and of course caitlin willoa be backit with another look at your saturday forecast. Orec heres a live look outside onsio this saturday morning. Orng mild temperatures but it is is raining out there so slickock roads. Be careful if youre headedeade well be right back. Welcome back. If im now is 7 w 1el2. Actress Carrie Fisher remainsns in intensive care this morning i after suffering a heart attack. At she went into cardiac arrestt yesterday. Tmz says when paramedicsamic boarded the plane she was w unresponsive at the time. Th fisher was rushed to thed tohe hospital. Her brohother says he cannot can classify her condition. Onditi she is 60 years old andld and besides her career in acting fisher is a well known author. O she was returning from a book bk tore in the uk. U and new this morning, talk l about a rough landing. Anng the Minnesota Vikings team plane sl in appleton wisconsin. Wisconsi. This is video of that south ofoo green bay last night. Night according to players on the team, the plane was touchingplan down, it slid off the runaway and into a grassy area. Raar the team was stuck on the the plane for more than an hour hou until crews could he is torte it them off and the vikings areinga scheduled to play the packers pe today. Good luck to them. K tom. Thanks to some helping to mh hands all the snow is removed from Lambeau Field for todays game against the vikings. Foxs Andrea Lacomb tells mee the conditions are pretty goodrd for late december. December reporter for a few different reasons. As Christmas Shopping, gasppin s money. Adrenaline rush. Aline ill give it to him. ll give it reporter 600 people ppl helped shovel snow out of Lambeau Field earning 10 ann hour. With temperatures around aroun 30 degrees and sunny skies s this is suntanning weather. Er my wife told me to put to poles on today. I didpo honey. Hon reporter we didnt hearnt r many complaints. Ma the snow is light. I got a the l sot hotter than in thought i would soth time, these brothers fromtherfr green bay shoveled snow, ice,ce slush be and some garbage out of lam dough. Of l were trying keep moving,ryin stay warm, get all the snoww gone, go home. Oom reporter so is this thi batch of snow taken out of out o Lambeau Field there is au fiel chance more snow may fall fal friday night, the night before the game against the vikings. Iks at that point we determine dr how much we have and then and t well get the seats and the steps cleaned well try toeall salt it to get it to work andk a melt but its really complicated at that time. Ca reporter he saysted any snow saturday morning would be b handled by lambeau staff and lbe the team wouldnt hire outside o him he describes the snow being shoveled thursday as aeled little t stuckey. Ck its a little heavy todayy t because the temperature is ae te little warmer so its a little l bit slower but were doing very well. Reporter he says once again, packers fans turned outeb orter strong to get some extra money and a glimpse of lambeau. Ambe in Greenberg Andrew 11 news. 11 oh, yes, that music. Happening today the redskins rek are hoping for a christmasistm miracle when they she had to t chicago. They have a slim chance of makinge thea playoffs but thee need a lot of help. The game kicks off at kicksff a 1 oclock today. You can watch the game rightocl here on fox5 and just toth pe ut the weather into perspectivespee the players are going to be in 35degree temperatures or lessos because thats the high. 35 degrees in chicago. Chigo its going to be very cold butod of course theyre tough caitlin, they can handle it. Dlt. I hope so. We need that christmas miracle. They get paid to make those o miracles happen. Ran. Were hoping for the redskins team, at 8 oclock well havell a game time forecast as well. W much note chicago a place thatic has a better chance of a white e christmas than us. We dont. Its very warm this year. Year. Its raining so like forik fr all the last minute shoppers shr headed out today its going tot be a little wet. It is. T as if its not tough enough on n Christmas Eve. E i dont know, maybe crowded. You know, i got to say its just been pretty good. Ive lived in this area. Tysons was fine all week. Wee none congested one bit. Ne b i think a lot of people areeople taking advantage of online shopping. I was at westfieldes montgomery last weekend anden the man checking me out saysut y ive worked here for 15 years, its been so quiet. Qui the returns. Theline orders still need to go back to the store because bec people than instant credit sores its the returns that i thinkhah will be a problem. Probl this is one of my favorite Christmas Songs, wham. , am last christmas. Tm. Annie whats your favoriteor christmas song. S i love this. Thi i love this christmas donnyony hathaway. Thats great. Great mariah carey all i want for christmas. Everything mariah carey. Cary i dont want lot for christmas. Mas. I have been listening to Christmas Songs on pandora. Theres so much out there soucts many options i didnt know but i do love that one f from the 80s, very good. Early showers Christmas Eve. Tmas theyll be moving out and o a well be clear as santa moves ms in later tonight. Heres those temperaturesperatue outside. We are well above freezing. Ezin dulles 38, bwi marshall 38arsha because that rain thatsn t falling just rain and it isani not icing anything over like lik it did last weekend when we wn had freezing rain that was a waa very different scenario. Ri much, much colder. Olde so even though it could be ae a little tough heading out to travel if you are this morning with the rain its just raint ri all across the area wherea w temperatures are above freezing. Free for the washington, 38 dulles,in 37gt frederick, 37 martinsburg, 41 in stevensville and if you can wait a couple hours alld our the better to leave afternoon you wont even beno dealing witw any rain. The northeast is pretty mild. D. Its 34 degrees in chicagoees i right now. Winds out of the northwest. Thwet the cold front has passed. Pass it will be blustery and very, vr very chilly for the redskinsedsn and any redskins fans. San and here is radar showing a shog lot of green out there. Widespread rain that moved int v overnight and its prettyy stdy beyond. That rain extend intondnto philadelphia where there isphia colder air w upstate pennsylvania but primarily new t york, new england seeing snow showers an White Christmas for them. Much more likely to seeenglanhia White Christmas in places like boston and maine versus down mne here in washington but a wetshin christmas, thats okay. Stmas, t we had our taste ohafts the wn weather last saturday and it i was disastrous with that wash tt isoi think this is the best thes Case Scenario if you have toou t have precipitation. Here is our ftauturecast fromasf 8 00 a. M. Until about 11 00ut 10 a. M. Count on the rain. E by noon, those showers move m off into southern maryland. Ar the delmarva. Lmaa by 3 oclock we all clear out cr and were left with justith j cloudy skies. Cloudyes not much sunshine today but weyt will see clearing overnight ove and well see some sunshine tomorrow for your christmas yrit day. 8 00 a. M. Up early openingly o presents we should see a little bit of sun. Lile clouds in this case in then is s afternoon but overall looksooks like a nice day. Like ae heres that holiday forecast for for if you. Stmas evestr by chri night if youre heading out to services. Rvices you will be fine just partlyjusy cloudy skies and of courseki hanukkah also begins tonight,ben too. Celebrate hanukkah youre looking at a dry start to the t holiday. Day. Christmas day itself sun andf su clouds, mild and dry, 50 degrees, thats reallyea ce. E. 52 today. 50 tomorrow. 53 happy kwanzaa on monday. Mda very mild tuesday but we cooleoo down the second half of the ekek. Overall any travel weather weatr this week will be just rainin showers tuesday and thursday. Looking pretty good. G pretty g oh, thats your sevenday forecast. Lets send it back to annie. All right, thanks so muchtse caitlin. If you havent finishedishe Christmas Shopping yet yourt yor options are getting prettyng prt slim but if you want to do if y some shopping right now, youin can head og ver to kohls. To kl theyre opened. re oped. The Department Store chain ise open until 6 oclock tonightht and then macys and walmart locations will reopen thisn morning and then close at 6 00s0 p. M. As well. W most of the local mallsalalls including tysons, westfieldld montgomery, pentagon city,it theyre going to be openedgoinen until 6 00 tonight as well so wl you have plenty of options. Pt and if you still haventll h completed your shopping yet,ing, amazon can help you out. O the company is promising one to two hour delivery in cities across the country. Ntry that includes many parts of pf our region but theres are slight catch, all right. Cch, al you have to be an amazon primeze member to use the amazon primezr now service. E. So, procrastinators listen upte you still have some sometimee so but you have to be a prime a p member but the clock iss ticking. Theyre going cut off the one to two hour delivery around aro 9 30 tonight to get your get y delivery before christmas. All right, this morning athn fox5 we are on santa watch. Ch every year the north American Aerospace Defense Command akaomd norad in colorado tracks santa n as he makes his way around the world. D. Norad uses those satellite systems, high powered radar jet planes to hig kh eep an eyen old saint nick. Ic and if you inn youre wondering how he hits all the a houses around the world according to norad he flies faster than star light. Ht right now it looks like hes headed to fiji. Already delivered more than t 400 million gifts. Ion g fiji, my gosh, im jealouslo santa. In two minutes, the count down w is on. Is the holidays are jamam packed with gatherings and a lot of food and things tothino drink. Coming unin the break what are r the nice holiday foods weay foow should be eating and the naughty foods to avoid. Id charlotte is back with us to uo break it all down. Down. Stay with us. S. Welcome back. Elcoack. 7 23. This morning as we celebratening the Holiday Weekend thereshe going to be lots of family andmd friends and food and we wanted e to talk about the healthy h holiday eating options. Yes. We tend to overdo it during the holidays. Olid understatement. Not this year with the help of Charlotte Martin med fast f dietitian. Di he always comes in to give us healthier options. Options. Good morning. Good morning. Thanks for having me. It seems like thanks thanksgiving wasg just yesterday. Yeah, you were just here. Here we are here for roundwea two of holiday eating. Ivereo prepared a oflittle gae for us today. Today. Its called naughty or nice holiday foods. Day great. Ive got these for you. E foyou. Okay. Well go holiday dish byo hod dish and you are going to put tp up if you think its naughtys n or nice holiday dish based on bs how healthy it is. Hy it i okay. Hopefully this will help twil you navigate in holiday food table or give ideas for food dishes. Well get startedod d with thish fruit tea before flood watch a cocktail glass. Warp we thinking. Cocktails are probabl wy arel naughty. Its nice. It. Ll right annie you got oh. Its actually a mock tail. So a cocktail with you . Theith alcohol. That makes it nice. T mait nic so, its still fun and ive i used our m medifast orangest o flavored water infester. Its low calorie put it in this with seltzer water fresh cranberries. Cran makes you feel like youre festive without having to imbibe. Of course you can enjoy enj alcohol just do it in moderation. Alternate with a glass ofrnate water or so. With awater o. Okay. Oka we have a brussells sprout dish. Im going to say naughty ngh because brussells sprouts arere doused in all sorts of fun add d ons. I thought i was going get you. Theres tons of oil and sugar in this so i havtoe tnshe o healthier version here becauseee brussells sprouts themselves are a nutrient power house. Ouse. These arent as shiny. Hiny theres really not muc oil. What are they wrapped int tuarrkeye bacon. Low calorie and protein. Proe i love that option. Okay, next we have a potato gratin. At im going say nice. G say nice, too, regular potatoes. Toes this one has got a lot of a t but whole milk. T e mi oh, boy. Whole fat cheese. W and then the potatoes, too,s, its high in calorie carbs and a fat so instead ive made a spaghetti squash gratin. Ra thats what i thought itt was. Was. Youd like to substitute. Oh, yeah, you know i love thed likeeah, spaghetti squash. Its a great substitute for potatoes. Tato we have to bring along. Have cranberries. Im going say nice it. Nit homemade cranberries are a nutrient a nut power house its not theot canned. You can control how much sugar g goes in. Es i love that. E this is very popular. His is im going say naughty. Augh im going say nice cause us its guacamole. Guacamole. It is guacamole. Mole youre getting healthy fats. Enjoy in moderation. Sweet potato chips. This is a nobrainer. Oai it is a store bought pecan p pie. Youre getting nothing bute e ttfat and calories, right. Ins,. Its not even about the piehp its the fact that its theth portion size. Youll cut yourself a huge slice so make some tiny ones in mason jar lids. Ids. Were all about portion porti control and thats key to healthy eating. Eat happy eating. Happy eat happy holidays you. Y oo. , too. Thank you. Youre watching fox5 news at 7 0e wa0 well be right back after this short break. Reak. Fios is not cable. Were wired differently. That means incredibly fast 150 meg internet for the holidays. In the 3. 7 seconds it takes ry watson to beat the local sled jump record, fly, gary, fly. His friend can download 13 versions of the perfect song. His sister can live stream it. While his mom downloads how to set a dislocated shoulder. Get 150 meg internet, tv and phone for just 79. 99 per month online for the first year. Cable cant offer that. Only fios can. 7 30 on this Christmas Eve morning as we take a live lonooi outside at the white house shrouded in clouds and theresnl rain falling all across our acru area so were waking up to a a wet Christmas Well be waking bw up to a dry Christmas Day imasd happy to say as showers will be long gone by the time youre opening presentsng pre tomorrow morning. Storm tracker radar fitting int with our red and green theme. Me weve got a lot of rin there that looks steadieststeadi from washington points easts eas towards philadelphia and thenadl down even as you headph intodnt Northern Virginia all the way tw to charlottesville seeingharlg rain. It is breaking up wherebrking u theres snowwher showers in thee highest ridge tops of the tops e mountains but we are not goingbu to see anyt snowfall herewfl because temperatures are well al above normal. Inside the beltway weve got weg rain right now f youre headed h out for last monday shopping orho traveling and if you couldi wait a couple hours that wouldha be ideal. Ideal rain should be over by noon noo but if you cant just take ite tow out there. Not looking at icy conditionstin like last week but rain couldai still slow you down a bit. A b all right, temperatures areght,e well above freezing so luckilyuc no Winter Weather to contend con with on the roads or at the oatt airports. 38 baltimore, 41 annapolis, 40 quantico, 40 washington 38 was dulles and 36 tout atut a winchester. So, hopefully you are wherere w you want to be but if you doou have to go out today, thats, ta what youre contending with,ith, rain that will end by aboutbout noon. Noon heres why. Low pressure towards our north. Nort snow showers inh. Interior newio engl White Christmas. Istmas its tough to get a whitet e christmas around here. Mand i believe its like aits l 6 percent chance inrcent chancen washington. As that cold front movesnt mes eastward its bringing showersow thats occurring right now. It will move out by afternoon. We dry occurve o out. O High Pressure builds back in and well evenes seesu sreome se sunshine on what will be ane w nice and cool Christmas Day. Ay temperatures probably hittingit 50 degrees later in the latn th afternoon so on the mild sidemid and still very comfortable. Foab travel looks great forel loo gre christmas itself. S itself. Heres your day planner forer f today. 43 with showers ending midafternoon just clouds andudsa then we clear out after sunset e so if youre heading to Services Later this evening or i trying to meet up with family,y, hanukkah beginning tonight of course, too, partly cloudylo skies, temperatures in theemture 40s. Not too cold so thats great. Ldt hanukkah beginning tonight. Christmas day tomorrow. Tomro kwanzaa on monday so you couldsy say everyone will be out and about within the course of these next few days and it i looks primarily okay forarily f travel. Mostly cloudy with showers this morning. Mix of sun and clo s tomorrowtomo on sunday, 50 degrees for the holiday. Holi 53 and still mild on mondaynon and any return travel looksavels look at this. By tuesday 60 degrees for thatgret High Temperature so we stay very mild with temperaturesperae above normal through tuesday. Td we get a little bit colder on on wednesday but then we are kindin of rebounding back into thehe 50s with showers on thursday. Rs this week, of course, manyy enjoy off from work and schoolch so if you are going to beo b traveling or even outdoors,s honestly temperatures wont be too cold. Pretty enjoyable. Njoyable thats a look at yourthats a l sevenday forecast. Ook at annie. Happening today, a group of o disabled veterans are jetre skiing over 1200 miles to20s bring awareness to the high suicide rate among american ame veterans all while raising rai money for the Semper Fi Fund. Fox5s alexandria limon isrimon live out there this morningorni joining us from lorton lto virginia where its almost go ao time. Good morning, alex. Reporter this isr this is actually called take point nowae and i actuallyd have theehe founder out here with me. With m. His name is major pk ewing. Wing hes a retired marine who wasas injured in combat and hi injured veterans, but take a a look, because he is out on the water, on his jet ski right now. Major, why dont you telll us first of all, can you, cau hear me . Yes, i can hear you. R y reporter and tell us why a youre on a jet ski in theet ske rain out here right now. Right. Where are you headed . Ere aru were going to miami, florida. Were going ride 1200 miles down the coast through some ofom the major base like the chesapeake into the open ocean o and down through the the intercoastal. Al reporter thats amazing. Teh why are you doing this . What . T type of help do you offerou off other vets. Vets. This is a fundraising ride. Nd were supporting the semper fi i fund and the Semper Fi Fund is on arms that helps veterans in immediate crisis as well as providing life long support. Reporter perfect. And you actually have a replye personal reason why you founded this group and why and youre doing all this, right . . Yes. Y. The Semper Fi Fund helped me when i was in crisis back when w i was injured and the military t was n helping veterans at that time back in 2008, 2007. They really brigid the gapgid t from when i was being bouncedou back and forth between trynd f care and the v a. And theyrey the ones that left never me alone. Alon reporter thanks for sharing your story. Repor sto. Really amazing that youreha doing all of this to helphis toh other veterans. Ers. Now, he is actually getting get ready to head out to miami this morning. Ng. And the whole point of this is i it is a fundraiser so if youf would like to donate and help, o head to take point now. Com. Nowm so, annie, we will be out hereur but for now, i will send it back to you. Ck to yo wow, that is super amazing. Thank you so much alex. Ank you time now is 7 35. Okay, are you having people peo over this weekend for aer t holihiday dinner or party . Pary weve got some last minute do it yourself tricks to make toak some awesome decorations andatis pull together the best andest a most festive gathering. Gatheri. Trust us. Stay with us. Well be back. Ack. If you need some last minuteolid decorations we are here to help. He well, maria is here. Shes the owner of the purple cow. Pu shes here to show us someome quick do it yourself holidayoliy decorations to make our homes festive. Welcome back. Back thank you for being here. R ing thank you very much. Ou vy m its really exciting to beg b here on such a special timeciale for the region and for all the t different holidays were wre celebrating. Ive done a couple things to show whaa tco families andies individuals might do in theirir home. Ho. Okay. For the holidays. Im first for painting this wooe ornament. It was nice and plain wood. Ood. You might see some of that on t the tree here. This is my little tabletoptablep tree from whole foods. From who were all in d. C. Fower we all ke alnow where that is. H. I love the small trees. Trees did you make these little ltl wooden ornaments. I didnt. In my shop. Theyre nice and plain. Nd plain you can do them or pain them. He im painting them w sloane chalk paint. Halk pai and youre known for that chalk paint at the purple cow. C i am none for that and we clues to paint furniture butaint you can also use it during the e holidays for decor. For dec you can see on the tree ive actually personalized my tree. Se so one of the things we wantd m to do is how to bring the personal into your home decor. D. Im a very crafty person im i into paint and so forth so i put some of my brushes. Thats adorable. I painted my ornaments. Ive done a little bit of cinnamon sticks and tied themti th a b bow. Thats adorable. Ado real nice and simple impl throw those bad boys on there. Se on the bottom i just took a red scarf from my little my skirt for my little skirt. Tli tighter around. Ight no one would ever know. W. Your so creative. Cre this is genius. I love it. So, this is a bowl of potpourri and i am painting it a nice light blue. This color is called its nicely scented. Ed its a nice mix in a little ltl plastic charger. Charg in the fall the little oneste love to come in with acorns aco and pine cones. This is free and so pretty as a centerpiece. You just need the paint and a you need to just scour for f whatever you have in thee in t neighborhood and put this in ts the middle of a beautifullyutul set table. Table another item for a table. R i will this. Item e seen theseeehese maybe in craft stores or youra may have themft around. Un a tree trunk. Nk. A tree trunk thats cut. C this is wait looked likes wa before. I painted this with my empress silk. On the trim i did a little bit of gold leaf, its simple andimd i will be able to put my put cheese and crackers or grapes or or whatever you have for ther yo table for your guests. Serving platter. Cute. Second to last i lovet i ve these. These are little sticks you might find around theksund t or whatever and i also dippedo i a little bit of gold leaf on lf them. Sounds fancy but its realut ita simly. Got to go out in your front yard. Ya i guess you could also paint leaves if you wanted to. Sf you y can. An last thing im going do. Hing ig im going to reach over to you guys. Guys. Thats okay. This is my brush and i have a little bit of white on that a little arrangeit oment andf i going to quickly dust over. Snow covered pine cone. Pine o instantly made it so wintry. Looks so elegant. Just from adding whitefr add paint. I love that. I love that. You are so creative andeati a have so many great ideas. Ias if we want to come to the purple couch in kensingtonsingtn maryland when do we do that whe and what do you offer. Were opened today 10 00 too 5 30. Were a Small Business so we w appreciate all the support. Te at werehe at 10513 metropolitaneta avenue right of a connecticuta n avenue. Were also on the web. W we have loads of paint, loadsnt of home decor and craft itemsms and lots of furniture paintingan workshops especially for january teach them. Or i do, i do. Do. I teach them. Te im really excited. Excit i love people. Oveopl you guys know i love painting furniture. Her energy is so amazing. Is n and we can learn so much. You can see the passion. An as soon as she walked s iee tn e like all about it and we lovee e that. Thank you. Hereerlly excited to be again and really grateful forteu the opportunity and love tounito have the dmv family come out and check us out. Ckout. Go see bahia. Ahia. Thank you. Than please do. 7 43. What are you going do with all a those gifts you dont want oryoa like this year you can keepan kp them. We have a great way for you to get rid of them while giving tmh back. Well have those details ahead. And where is santa at . Where atr is he headed. H were on santa watch. Ta watc. This is were using thesi norad web site. Hes headed to the krull islands. Wherever it is it soundss ou exotic and nice. Ne. Its in the south pacific. Well be right back with youracu santa forecast coming up right after this. What time is it . Its go time. Come on. Lets go, lets go, lets go. Woooo hoooo yeah i feel like i went to bed an hour ago. Ill make the cocoa. Get a great offer on the car of your grownup dreams at the mercedesbenz winter event. Its the look on their faces that make it all worthwhile. Thank you santa now lease the 2017 c300 for 389 a month at your local mercedesbenz dealer. Goodwill and amazon making it a easy tond giv ae back afterk a christmas teaming up for the give back box program. Proam you can fill empty amazon boxes with clothes accessoriescc and other items you would likeou to donate and then you visit give back box. Com to paintom toi Free Shipping label send it aset wane the bok can be dropped off at the post office or upsr or be picked up. E up. Done nations goodwill participating inpating there program. Makes it super easy. As i love that. Ha obviously make sure thathat theyre gently used or new items. Its not going in your own closet its going goodwill andl then going someone who couldne o really benefit from what ever it is. R one persons trash is another persons treasure. Reur its a good way to justus purge and declutter thatecluttht closet for 2017 when we go in way fresh fre right. Thats when all of our resolutions to declutter and organize and lose weight andosea whatever. Save money. Ave stay off our phones so much or whatever. Lets start with a live look outside on this Christmas Eve morning. Gray but ouryut spirits are high. Ire high. All i wanted for christmas cm is some snowflakes. Flak were off to a wet start on stat this Christmas Eve. This christms we have rain showers fallingho l but its just rain showers. Swe no freezing rain just like l last year. Ea this one is for you, annie, maria carey. Can we have this playlay throughout our newscast. Sc you and i grew up in the prime mariah carey time. Im before her break down. Efor i thinke shes still having that. That weve been talking christmastm music holiday music gettinget into the spirit. Hepi it might be tough to with theo t showers right now but the raing should be moving out by by midafternoon and well have ae clear Christmas Eve night. Eve g thats clear for saturdayurday santa. A. Bwi marshall 38 and you know what, temperatures well above average excuse me. E exc well above freezing, so theg, st rain is going to stay justy jus rain before it moves out. Hagerstown 38. Ge 3 37 in martinsburg. Martin 37 in winchester. Ineste there was some snow showing upwg on radar in extreme westernes maryland and along the ridge tops into the schenn dough. Nto h what thats where you couldhat see a little bit of snow. Even tha over to rain. R run in annapolis, 40 culpeper. E if you wait a couple hours to hit the proceeds youreceeds traveling that would be ideal. Otherwise it would be justust rain across the midatlantic. Mi. Thats where you can sees temperatures are a little bit al closer to freezing, 36 in6 i binghamton. Nghamton thats where theyre seeing ayg little bit of frozen nation. N tn rain moved in overnight and continues to push throughtoh th washington. Wash id say until about 11 001 00 a. M. , noon well continue to see the rain. Inres the snow showers upstate new york. Yor white White Christmas for newit england. E the rain extends backch trihrouk West Virginia and into the Tennessee Valley pushingus southeast ward. We still have a couple hours h to go on thiavs rain. Travel weather for today inor t the central part of theart ofhe country looks good. D. Look at this storm system this s across the westte coast. Coa. Snow in northern nevada raina r in southern california. Alor that will make for tough tgh travel ago it becomes a big b winter storm across thecrs the central part of the country cnt tomorrow. Back home, heres our fox futurecast. By 9 00 a. M. To 11 00 a. M. Showers continue. 0 a. Cnue. Heres noon. Rain but its moving out. By 3 00 p. M. Dry, partly drypa cloudy skies. We clear out by tonight wakingtk up to a sunny sunday christmasyt mornmorning. Clouds mix in in the afternoon o but overall Christmas Dayay looks really nice. Nic heres your Christmas Evestmasve evening forecast. Ec vein over, partly cloudy skiesdy with temps in the s 40s. 50 degrees will be the High Temperature tomorrow whereat its mild and drye with a mixhm of sun and clouds. Cloud travel looks good through theoos rest of the week. Temperatures stay well abovel ov freezing. Eezing. 53 on kwanzaa, monday. Monda 50 with showers on tuesday. Uesd. A little bit colder on wednesday. Chance of showers thursday but t even as we round out this weeks that many of you enjoy off 45 degrees mostly sunny byy suny next friday. Riday. Thats a look at yourth sevenday forecast. Atsse now ill snendad it back too annie. Anni all right. Ay. So, how are you celebratingebrai this Holiday Weekend . We want t to see those pictures andres those memories, the traditions. Ns. Tweet us at fox5 holidayolid were looking at some of themf t already this paul kim thank you so much fornk sending in a photo of yourour family and dustin, wow, thisow,h is snow captured lastt saturday. Ay not sure where but man, thats a a lot of snow. No stay say. Stay say and oh, this is so nice. This a tree, i love it. Moms favorite holidayoliday tradition is shopping anding and decorating the christmas tree. Love it. T. Share your family photos favorite ornament pictures picte decorations of your place, your cookies, whatever we want to see it and see how youre celebrating. Make sure you fox5 holiday sooy we can find it. It. Some gorgeous pictures this pics morning. Thank you so much. Time is 7 51. Ngks so much for joining usth this Holiday Weekend. Eekend youre watching fox5 and well be right back with much more ahead. Stay with us. Welcome back. Throughout life we often go through things that make ushoutu say, okay good lesson learned. En one author from our area turned life lessons into asons a book to share with all of you. His name is jevon brown authorut of lessons learned. Ed i love this. Ve t we learn a lesson in my in opinion every day. We learn something new. New you decided to do this book boo with your friend and family. Y. Y i interviewed 16 of my friends and associates andan they all had a trial or tal tribulation while in college. Whe im telling their stories. Ir st. After every story theres aev lessery on learned and theyreen saying how they got through it t and what advice they woulde thew give somebody going throughom the same thing. Topics. Different one friend got r school, racism student loans, sorority stories. Sri my cousin was josh howard. D. He got drafted and went to the t nba so im telling his story. To and its also about death. Bout a you may go through some ofome these but heres how to gethege thhough it. You dont have to give up. T ha these are some pretty raw pra real topics. Real yeah. How have the readers responded to this. T they loved it. I got the book in bowie state university. I read my amazon reviews. Ws they said it was heart felt fel and soul touching. Chin its been real great reviews rie from the book so far. From the i think the best reward is b when you find out that youut ttu were able to connect with your y reader. Yeah. Your you had a dense. Definitely. S aro, those topics are certainly as you mentionedas yon things that we all go through. H yes. Now, is your personal lessnal none here as well. None here as. Yeah. I got a lesson in there. Its called achieving whileng grieving. Grie when i was in college during my senior year i took 19 credit henouiors i had fourad f internships one job at second city granddad was sick and my besty b friend died. Some people may give up or take a year off but i still graduated. Graduated. Its stories like that to letrik you know that you still can make it achieving whileving w grieving because we all gongec through it not even just inot ei school but in life period. Perio yeah work you may have a Family Member die or somebody die or go through a lot but you can still get through it got and keep going. Jevaan you dont inspirens others by being perfect and i ai think its wonderful that youyo have compiled a lot of thesepile variety of lessons freezingns fg rain this book for readers to share. Where can they get this copy. T you can get it on www. Jevaan brown. Com. Wn. Com ill personally sign it. Amazon kindle and for applee an devices you can get it onu n ge ibooks alsoly. Real quick. Whats next for you . You seem e really determined. Ermined. I want to get it into moreor schools and hopefully as part pt of obamas my brothers keeperr nine tissue i want to get it i in more schools and morend stores. The book has been out sincen oue copies and got it in two itw schools and kentucky statey stae also. Just going to keep going andd going. Goin congratulations. Thanks for joining us. Happy holidays to canks you. Ou happy new years. Eas. He has his family over hereyh for support. Rt his mom is over there. There thank you everybody forody joining us. Stick around for the 8 00 have a wonderful Holiday Weekend. We. Well be back here tomorrow atwt 7 00 with news. S. Meanwhile its redskins gayins time coming up. Go skins. Were wearing burgundy and gold kind of. Yes. I like it. K. ll be right bac ack. This is fox5 redskins game time. Monday the monday nightda before christmas and ally re hrthrough d. C. Not a redskin smiling, not even kc. We lost the ball game. Ball g we lost the ball game on offense, defense. Defse Everyone Wants to talknts tot about the playoffs but no but point talking about it if we cant win the games. Am visions playoffs fade aways a every time they play bad. Put behind a coachingg performance playingyi performance playing again quickly. Skins wideouts they flyns wio like the down ofuts a thistle. I were here on a saturday breaking down the skinsbearsrs fight. Igh redskins game time starts now st to get your pregame started right. Good morning. Welcome to redskins game time. For fox5 im brody logan. Lan going to go only first namesames ken grant mo. Here to break downrebrea redskinsbears. You get some rare Christmas Eve full plate of football. Holiday football. Holiday who is more about the f holi

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