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join me in just a minute. >> did i say minute? i meant to say second. i can't wait to get to you. >> we had some cloud cover and a few showers across the area. i think we're looking at warmer temperatures than yesterday. the winds are still with us out of the north and west. more than yesterday. still breezy. winds will be out of the north and west gusting 25, 30 miles per hour and highs by 4:00 p.m., 60 degrees or so. more details on that forecast in just a second, wisdom. back to you. >> thank you. george zimmerman is behind bars. the former neighborhood watch man has been charged with second degree murder. he is expected in court today for a bond hearing. police made an arrest in friday night's brutal attack on two women in alexandria. officers detains 23-year-old james click. the women say they were hurd with an ad for a three-bedroom apartment for rent and beaten inside a vacant building. north creigh's rocket is fueled up and ride for liftoff but last night's launch window has now opened and closed. still, the north korean regime says it will launch the rocket despite international warnings. with rick santorum out of the presidential race, mitt romney says the path has been cleared to become the gop challenger to president barack obama this fall. we have a report. >> we have real choices and real consequences. >> the campaign started yesterday. the general election campaign. >> reporter: in a sign the race for the white house is now down to two, president barack obama and former governor mitt romney are sharpening their attacks on each other. >> i think this president represents the old style democrats of the past. >> reporter: romney has been hitting the president hard on his handling of the economy especially when it comes to women. >> over 92% of the jobs lost under this president were lost by women. his policies have been really a war on women. >> you've heard that my friend warren buffett pays a lower tax rate than his secretary. >> reporter: president obama spent a second day in a row hammering away at the tax code which the white house says favors the rich. >> at a time when the share of national income flowing to the top 1% of people in this country has climbed to levels we haven't seen since the 1920s, these same folks are paying taxes at the one of the lowest rates in other years. >> reporter: the romney campaign says the buffett rule amounts to nothing more than class warfare. in sports, the washington nationals have their home opener today. our coverage begins early this morning. holly morris and dave ross will have more on what is new and fun at the ballpark. also abig day ahead for the washington caps. they begin their first-round playoff series against the boston bruins. game time is 7:30 tonight in boston. plenty ahead, weather, traffic and all your top stories coming up. fox 5 morning news at 4:30 starts right now. south good morning to you. welcome to fox amorning news, thursday, april 12th. still a little bit of shake in that camera. i'm wisdom martin. care has the day off. welcome to fox 5 morning news. let's get a quick check in the weather department with our weather guru, tucker barnes. -- sarah has the day off. let's talk about what is going would the weather. >> we'll see more sunshine and warmer air. not much warmer but it will be getting warmer and warmer as we get into the weekend. >> that's fine as longs it keeps going up and not the other way. >> much quieter than yesterday. yesterday, we had a few showers pop up. did you get one or two of those? >> i got maybe a sprinkle. >> enough rain to delay the orioles game yesterday against the yankees which the orioles eventually lost. i guess we'll do sports later. you can see we don't have a lot going on. out to the west, we're quieter. it will be breezy today after a cool start. 44 in washington. 39 at dulles. 39 in winchester and hagerstown. >> time to get our first check on traffic and our first look at julie wright. >> we are off to a great start. i think -- having a tony perkins moment here. things are crooked. overnight construct is in the process of being cleared as you travel on 66 between nutley street and the beltway. lanes are open right now coming across the 14th street bridge. no problems to report if you are continuing your trip at the wilson bridge. light traffic volume north of town between college park and bethesda. no signs of any problem as you continue to work your way on the inner loop leaving university boulevard at new hampshire avenue continuing around towards i-95. that's a check of your fox 5 on-timetraffic. raffic. our big story this morning, major developments in the trayvon martin case. george disirm man is now in custody. he is being charged with second degree murder. fox 5's melanie alnwick is live with the details. -- george zimmerman is now in custody. >> reporter: good morning. george zimmerman was processed into jail last night. his bond hearing is scheduled for 1:00 p.m. today. >> today, we filed an information charging george zimmerman with murder in the second degree. >> reporter: 28-year-old george zimmerman, once a volunteer neighborhood watch man, now a defendant. 45 days after he killed trayvon martin, he turned himself in. the arrest followed a bizarre legal maneuver announced on tuesday. >> we are withdrawing as counsel for mr. zimmerman. >> what did zimmerman say to you? >> he is concerned about getting a fair trial and a fair presentation. >> it is about justice, justice, justice and only justice. >> reporter: speaking from the nation's capital, the teen's parents emotional yet determined. >> this is just the beginning. we have a long way to go and we have faith. >> reporter: if cop -- if convicted, george zimmerman face as a case of 25 years to life. zimmerman does plan to up stroke florida's stand your ground law. >> our coverage of this story continues on you will find the latest updates, pictures, video and a complete overview of the trayvon martin case. a bizarre break in the case of two women attacked while looking for an apartment. >> a man who spoke with fox 5 on camera is now under arrest. 23-year-old james click told us he was the manager at the vacant building with the women were attacked in alexandria friday night. the women said they were lured with an ad for a three-bedroom apartment at only $250 a month. police questioned click friday night and the following morning told our melanie alnwick he wasn't involved in the beating. >> are you aware that you match the description of the suspect? >> i've been told, yes. >> reporter: did the police tell you that? >> it will all are sorted out eventually. >> reporter: did you have anything to do with what happened in here last night in. >> no. >> despite his dames, click has been charged with two counts of abduction and two counts of felonious assault. police have arrested this man in the home invasion of an 82-year-old woman. charms include abduction and burglary. it was back in february on russell road in fairfax county. witnesses say the masked man smashed a back window, the woman in bed at the time. the suspect grabbed the woman's keys and stole her car. a d.c. police officer accused of witnessing a murder and then lying about it has apparently pleaded guilty. police say officer antonia mcclam watched her boyfriend shoot and kill wyatt robinson last summer. she said she initially lied about the murder. mcclam is facing charges of obstruction of justice and neglect of an officer to make an arrest. >> that is the only thing we feel. that is how we feel discomfort because they are not holding her to a higher standard being she is the law. she had the opportunity to stop it and to catch the armed perpetrator once the armed crime was committed and she did nothing. >> mcclam is on administrative leave with pay. the man she is accused of protecting is due in court next week. new developments out of virginia beach following friday's jet crash into an apartment complex. the navy has removed and engine and other pieces from the complex. we are following a developing story this morning. two u.s. marines killed in a chopper crash. we'll get the latest coming up next. new developments in north korea's planned rocket balkan. details of the new timetable as new concerns about north korea's nuclear ambitions emerge. ♪ beth! hi! looking good. you've lost some weight. thanks. you noticed. these clothes are too big, so i'm donating them. how'd you do it? eating right -- whole grain. [ female announcer ] people who choose more whole grain tend to weigh less than those who don't. multi-grain cheerios -- 5 whole grains, 110 calories. creamy, dreamy peanut butter taste in a tempting new cereal. mmm! [ female announcer ] new multi-grain cheerios peanut butter. two american marines are killed in north africa and two other u.s. marines were severely injured when their osprey crashed in morocco early this morning. they were participating in a joint military exercise. the two injured marines were flown 500 miles for a hospital in the capital. in north korea this morning, the world is waiting to see if the communist nation will defy international warnings and launch a long- range rocket over the yellow sea. the rocket is fueled up and could launch any day now. it is a new and improved version of north korea's rocket and this one could reach the united states. >> if north korea wants a peaceful, better future for their people, it should not conduct another launch that would be a direct threat to regional security. >> there are new concerns over a new tunnel north korea is digging. satellite photos show new activity in the area where the north has conducted underground nuclear tests. despite two powerful earthquakes that triggered back- to-back tsunami warnings yesterday, people in indonesia say they are feeling lucky. initial reports suggest there was only minimal damage in the country an a big tsunami we've never formed. independent nearbyians were terrified when they felt the ground shake. indonesians were terrified when they felt the ground shake. the tsunami alert system seems to have worked with people getting warning in time to evacuate the coast. a strong earthquake shook mexico city overnight. the 6.5 quake was centered in the mountains of we were mexico. there are no reports of any injury or major damage so far. there were a couple of small quakes reported off the coast of oregon and california last night. it is parole denied for charles man son. man son, now 77 years old, orchestrated a series of gruesome murders on consecutive nights in los angeles 40 years ago. the parole board ruled he has shown no effects of rehabilitation for himself. we are getting ready to pay more for a cab ride in the district. up next, details of the latest rate hike and welcome news for local drivers. gas prices are actually going down a bit. but will it last? we'll hear what one analyst thinks coming up next. first, we are talking to tucker barnes. >> that's right. gas went down one cent in the last week. your forecast looks just fine. we've got lots of sunshine expected. warmer temperatures are on the way. i'll have details on the forecast. and julie wright will have your traffic report coming up after the break.  a big day ahead for two local sports teams. first, the washington caps. tucker is happy about the playoff appearance. they begin the playoff series against the defending stanley cup champions boston bruins. the caps were 3-1 versus the bruins in the regular season. >> to baseball. the washington nationals have their home opener today and again, that make tucker happy. they host the cincinnati reds this afternoon. the nats off to a god start this season including a shut- out win over the mets. today's game starts at 1:05. our coverage, we begin early this morning with two people, holly morris and dave ross. they will be down at nats park with more on the hopes for this season and what is new and fun for you and your family at the ballpark. since they do have the home game, i know it is early this morning but everybody wants to know about the forecast because they want to know what to wear to the game. >> should be close to perfect. lots of sunshine. it will be a bit breezy and a bit cool. >> maybe a light jacket. >> stay on the sunny side of the stadium. we are not expecting any rain today. all systems go. should be exciting. >> sunshine for a win, we hope. >> i watched yesterday's game. they hooked good. 4-2. >> keep it going. >> if can you score without getting a hit you know you're doing well. highs yesterday -- it was school around here. we had a day where our temperatures trended below normal. it was cool around here. some sleet falling and snow- like pellets falling out to the north and west and things got crazy there for a while. right now, 44 degrees in washington. 36 in gaithersburg. 39 the winning number in manassas and out at dulles. let's see, frederick, 39-degree as well. we are off for a cool start. the freeze warning has been pushed well to the west. i don't think these temperatures will get a whole lot cooler as the wind are still up. that is helping mix up the atmosphere and keep things just a little bit warmer than we originally thought. thought. look what we've got out to the west. honestly, we really need the rain and it is just not in the forecast for the next several days. a nice warming trend for the weekend. 60degrees, mostly sunny skies. still breezy. check out your winds, they're back out of north and west gusting to about 30. partly cloudy and cool overnight. 40 your overnight low. if you like warm weather, i know somebody who does, and i'm about to talk toker, by monday, sunshine and 85 degrees. i wonder who like that weather forecast. -- and i'm about to talk to her. >> it just so happens i'm off on monday. >> i know you are. >> all right. on the roads, you will find that your lanes are open, no problems reported on the beltway as you guys commute between college park and bethesda. a nice, ease iyi ride so far. 50 looks great leaving annapolis and bowie conning inbound towards the beltway. no trouble spots to report as you travel through riverdale and cheverly headed through northeast. -- a nice, easy ride so far. that's a check of your fox 5 on-timetraffic. etraffic. hit a pothole on a d.c. street lately? there is an app for that. the city rolled out its new d.c. 311 app for smart phones. it is a free download that lets you report everything from holes in the road to sidewalk damage for a problem with streetlights, even graffiti. mayor vincent gray says it is part of an effort to be responsive to the needs and concerns of the d.c. residents. the per-mile rate for cabs will jump from $1.50 a mile to $2.16 a mile. wait time fee will jump $10 an hour. and extra passenger fees will soon be history. here is something you haven't heard in a while. gas prices are starting to drop. d.c. drivers are paying an average of $4.17 a gallon. are the lower prices a fluke or will this trend continue? >> we've seen gas price during the winter actually be rather high when this is typically a season that is actually seeing low, softer gas prices. so going into the summer, our gas price is going to pull back. i think that, as the economy takes off, we'll see gas prices kind of do the same but perhaps they won't be the $5 gas price that people were predicting during the middle of the winter. >> new reports indicate gas prices may actually peak and start falling before hitting the dreaded $4 mark nationally. tuition could be going up for students at the university of virginia. the board of visitors is proposing a 4% hike. it would raise in-set fees to 25 -- in-state fees to $25, 400. maryland governor martin o'malley will join us live in our 7:00 hour to talk about the budget and other issues facing maryland right now. that is coming up at 7:30. strong allegations against apple. up next, the company purposely driving up the prices you pay for e-books. details coming up next. stay with us. okay... is this where we're at now, we don't care anymore? we just eat whatever tastes good? excuse me? [ man ] like these sweet honey clusters, they're awesome so no way they're good for you. but i guess that's okay right? actually there's a half a day's worth of fiber in every ... why stop at cereal? ya know? cancel the gym membership. bring on the pork chops and the hot fudge. fantastic. are you done sweetie? yea [ male announcer ] fiber beyond recognition. fiber one. you can always expect more. like more on demand shows and movies than ever. and more ways to discover them too. plus more speed from america's fastest internet provider. so you can run more devices at the same time. ♪ feel a firework [ female announcer ] and best of all, it keeps getting better. no wonder more people choose xfinity over any other provider. ♪ love can be so mystical ♪ those spots are actually leftoverer food and detergt residue that can redeposit on your dishware during the rinse cycle. gross. jet-dry rinse agent helps wash them away so the only thing left behind is the shine. jet-dry rinses away residues for a sparkling shine. verizon customers look out. the carrier will soon charm another $30. the fees could mean another billion in profits for the phone company. apple and some of the nation's largest book publishers are under fire and now being sued by the federal government and several states. they claim the companies joined forces to try to keep the price of e-books high and the sales of competitors,, low. we have a report. >> claims of conspiracy to raise the prys of the popular electronic books. justice department filing an antitrust lawsuit against appear and five the nation's largest publishers. >> we allege that executives at the highest levels of the companies included in today's lawsuit, concerned that e-book sellerss had reduced price, work thed together to eliminate competition between stores eling e-books. >> reporter: the lawsuit claims apple and the publishers reached an agreement. publishers shifted from a wholesale model to sell books and replaced it way w. a so- called agency model where the publishes were would set the price and retail are had no power to change that. the retail cost of e-books would increase significantly and apple would be guaranteed a 30% commission on every e-book sold. >> we believe that consumers paid millions of dollars more for some of the most popular titles. >> reporter: according to the lawsuit, the agreement between apple and the publishegedly on introduction of the ipad in 2010. another fact ark the success of selling e-books for just under $10. the lawsuit all claims the companies wanted to restrict amazon's ability to slash prices further, in turn limiting competition. according to court documents, three of the publishers have agreed to settle. in new york, diane macedo, fox business. as the tax filing deadline looms, how does this sound? having to pay to get access to your own refund. that is the case for some people as several companies are offering prepaid cards but is it a good idea? up next, why some consumer advocates say don't do it. and our perfect dream factory's been built. you're feeling sleepy already? nighty-night. [giggling] the tax deadline is only a few days away and if you don't have a bank account or you want to keep your tax refund separate from your other assets, there are prepaid cards available but is it a sound financial move to get your refund on a card instead of a check or direct deposit. fox's brenda butner tacks a closer look. >> reporter: if you are expecting an income tax refund this year, you could end up paying just to get access to your own money. if you don't have a bank account or you want to keep your refund separate from your other assets, company like turbo tax, h & r block and jackson hewitt have prepaid cards available. the irs says the cards save some of of the expense which comes with cashing a refund check. but convenience comes with a cost. it is those costs which have some consumer advocates crying foul. prepaid cards of any type often come with plenty of fees. >> which save the government gobs and gobs of money because they don't have to print checks but it end up coming out of your pocket. >> prepaid cards often time come with monthly maintenance fees, set-up fees, withdrawal fees. so i don't really see the value in doing that. >> reporter: an example of the fees, the turbo tax prepaid card has a $5.95 per month naint maintenance fee if you have a balance less than $50. after your one free atm withdrawal, each subsequent withdrawal will cost you $2.50. these fees can quickly add up to more than you would have paid to cash the check. >> if you are using a tax prep company, make sure you select either electronic funds transfer into a bank account or an actual paper check. don't let them choose on their behalf because they will choose the option that is most beneficial to them. >> reporter: now is a good time to shop around if a bank account. go to a credit union or look for a bank that is convenient, has low fees and that will encourage you to save that money. where as, putting it on a piece of plastic, the first thing you want to do is spend it. plenty ahead. weather, traffic and all your top stories coming up. fox 5 morning news continues right now. right now. good morning to you. thursday, april 12th. the week is almost over. >> my goodness. >> as we roll -- get ready to r

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