It was another theatrical moment. Hastily called poet owe on to reveal President Trump pick for National Security advisor h. R. Mcmaster who fought in both iraq wars. His job was to predict future threats on americas capability to meet them and wrote a book that called out the u. S. Government for lies that led toe vietnam war. General mcmaster will remain on active duty while heading the National Security council. I want to say what a privilege it is to serve our nation and im grateful to you for that opportunity. There has been also some action with Homeland Security the white house signing off on new order that would hire 10,000 more ice agents and put 5,000 more boarder patrol agents in the field and top priority dhs says removal of criminal aliens focusing on incompetent vd of crimes accused of abusing benefit programs. The visit to the africanamerican museum and culture is supposed to happen 8 0 this morning and theres been reports that President Trump or then president elect trump cancelled a visit here during Martin Luther king birth Day Celebration and when i spoke to imsmithsonian on that date no official visit was scheduled. Live at the National Mall im melanie alnwick, fox5 local news. Thank you. 4 32 is the time right now. Mike pence told europe that President Trump fully supports nato. The organization was ob so fleet one of his tweets. United states is responsible for nearly threequarters of nato funding and President Trump questioned that investment. And pence met with counsel iling of european counsel iling. And President Trump is criticized economic and Community Alliances and pledge todd explore russian president vladimir putin. Protesters gather add cross the country using president s day to protest donald trump in d. C. , new york, los angeles, chicago, and the socalled not my president rallies were meant to express discontent with the first month in office. Continuing coverage on a missing teenager from Prince William country, 16yearold amanala was last seen february 12 when she left her home in woodbridge. If you have seen her give police a call. Prince William County police need your help finding a missing 15yearold. Makayla mataya was last seen friday morning. Investigators say she left voluntary and her family is concerned for her welfare because she has medical issues, 5 4, 180ounds wearing a pink Georgia State hoodie and black george backpack. If you have information on her call police. 4 33 now new this morning the chair woman of the naacp stepped down. Roz lip brock took over the position in 2010 and 44 years of age was youngest person elected to the post. Brock will remain on the Organization Board and she also works for a Health Care Company based in maroutsville maryland and naacp chairman will now takeover brocks role. Our be loved bao bao headed to her home in china today. She will be leaving for Dulles International airport later today. Bao bao is part of a chinese Breeding Program and must move to china before she tirpz four. On 16 hour non stop flight courtsey of fedex she will be accompanied by a veterinarian and panda keeper who held her when she was a day old cub. Awe. Going back to china. Ever hard it is for us imagine that poor soul. 4 35. Almost ten seconds away from that mike so close. Well koument it. Eye feel like were oh, so close to spring. If feels that i way and spring feel will continue. Today is the worst day so to speak with temperatures reaching 60 later on this afternoon and then back to the 70s later this week. Temps out rights now chilly start, 45 in washington and 30s out there, gaithersburg 39. Fredericks at the freezing mark 2 and mannasas 33 to start the day. Still need jacket as you head out the door and probably light jacket weather this afternoon. Well have more cloud cover. Less sunshine today. It will help things feel colder. Weve gotten used to upper 60s and lower 70s. Theres the planner ever f for the day today. Mid to upper 50s this afternoon and probably touch 60 again 3, 4 00 today. Just a good deal more clouds will help things feel cooler than story of the day. Looking at the 7 day in a couple minute. First, lets get a look at traffic with erin como. 35. Headed out virginia keep in mind 8 northbound shut down south of 267. Serious crash scene there you see slow traffic in the area and flashing lights as they get out of the way in the distance. Best bet to get around the detour 267 towards dulles well keep you updated on the closure getting new information from Loudoun County Sheriff Department and as we look at maps aside from that green around the disstrirkts maryland and virginia. Problem free upper marboro as you cruise into town or 4. No problems 95 stafford to the beltway and inside the beltway all bridges are in quiet shape and Roosevelt Memorial key bridge rosalyn to georgetown and 11 street at speed rights now. 66 eastbound light volume picking up through mannasas and centerville not seeing major slow downs just yet and aside from that as you make your way 95 dale city you can see as you pass the occoquan metro dealing with safe track surm twelve inpacting blue line. Any questions erin fox d. C. On twitter. Back to you wisdom and holly. Coming up a number of planes are repeatedly violating airspace over the president florida home. And newest toy from mattel is one you cannot even touch. All right. Were going to break right now for a live look outside across the dmv time 4 37 and temperature 45 degrees. Back in a moment. Fios is not cable. Were wired differently. So we wired the wagners house th 150 meg internet. Which means that in the time it takes mr. Wagner to pour a 20oz. Cup of coffee, tommy can download 40 songs, and jan can upload 180 photos. 12 seconds. Thats the power of fiber optics. Get 150 meg internet with equal upload and download speeds, tv and phone for just 79. 99 per month for the first year. Cable cant offer internet speeds this fast at a price this good. Only fios can. Lets look at stories youre engaging with this morning on social media. Im to see whats hot on the web. Chaos in skies of President Trump winter white house in marlargo. Twelve aircrafts from violated restrictions over the home. Next up, milo the Senior Editor for bright smart news lost a book deal with simon and shoester after he appeared to defend pedophilia. The book was titled dangerous. Uber announced that former eus attorney general eric holder will sphere head the independent investigation in claims of Sexual Harassment and gender discrimination. Former are uber engineer claims top have experience the Sexual Harassment during her year with up uber of the company will rhawn launch an investigation. David cassidy says hes battling dimensions sha. Hes 66 years old. On saturday fans were concerned when he struggled through a concert. He could not remember t cassidys mother and grandfather both suffered from dementia. Heres a barbie you cannot touch. Its a holographic barbie. 300 and you cannot touch it. Hello hollow gram activates when children say melo barbie. Its compared to amazon echo. 300. But what does she do after you say hello does she engage in conversation or order things four you like amazon echo i dont get it all right. I need more intell on that toy. Good luck buying that. Coming up on fox news Morning Police search for the people responsible for a shooting in northeast. And growing effort in the free state to develop new ways to discipline Young Children in public schools. As we head to break lets go live outside across the d. C. Region. 4 41 is the time now on this us is. Fox news morning coming back after this mmm. I cant believe its so delicious. I cant believe it has 40 fewer calories than butter. I cant believe its made with real, simple ingredients. I cant believe were on a whale. I cant believe my role isnt bigger. Oh, its real. Real ingredients. Unbelievable taste. Go ahead, enjoy. Good morning to you its 4 44 on top of breaking traffic news this morning. Listen up the northbound lanes of route 2 dulles are closed because of a deadly accident that happened overnight. Traffic is diverted on to the dulles toll road. Erin has more on this in a matter of minutes. Morning President Trump names National Security advisor coming after the Trump Administration is expected to unvawl a new administration policy. A live look across the region. Apparently winter is not coming this year. Not any time soon. Were expecting another day of mild temperatures and i will take every last one of them. Good wednesday to you. Thanks so much for joining us im holly morris. Im wisdom martin. Today is tuesday. I keep saying wednesday. Tuesday. Im hoping to move the week along clearly. February 21. Michael thomas is talking about weather and erin como talking about traffic. We want to get back to mike because we want to talk about how fabulous it was yesterday. Yesterday temperatures in d. C. Mid to upper 60s across the region and here today more upper 50s. Lower 60s with clouds around and not as much sun. Well have a cooler feel to it. Today is worst day of the week. Up and away we go as we head to the end of the week with 70s back lets go through it mostly cloud. There we are 9 00. Clouds thickening into the afternoon. Breaks of sun from time to time and generally speaking clouds. Winds out of the east come straight off the water that bultdz the cloud cover. Look into the overnight hours. Cleanup light rain activity building in from the west that really is is Early Morning drizzle as we get to work tomorrow morning. That quickly moves out and its just owe mostly cloudy day and up to 67 tomorrow and theres 70s. 7 thursday and 74 friday and one more day of 70 on saturday before thunderstorms rumble through in the afternoon and usher in colder air by sunday. Lets check the Weather Forecast. Erin airport is busy already on the roads. 4 36 starting off live look backed up traffic already holly mentioned serious crash 28 northbound south of 267 all lanes blocked for that crash investigation. Traffic being de toured to7 towards Dulles Airport to be prepared to detour around that as you virginia this morning. Not the only crash were truck if you head to maryland well switch to map. Outer loop after Georgia Avenue crash blocking right lane between george and connecticut avenue were already seeing yellow on the map backing up traffic through concernsing ton be prepared for Silver Spring you need five extra minutes that gets worse when folks hit the road. 70 quoyet now. Any questions erin fox d. C. On twitter and well look at metro next as well. Holly and wisdom. 4 37 and month number two for the Trump Administration and president is still working to fill his cabinet. Developing overnight the president named a National Security advisor taking place of Michael Flynn that resigned last week. Mel. Good morning, guys, the white house says President Trump spent first month in office fulfilling promises to American People and another one perhaps comes this morning when expected to visits the National Museum of the history and culture and then later today will bheet National Securityty council and new advisor. Down in maralago florida another theatrical moment for a president who thrives on element of surprise a hastily called photo top reveal the pick for National Security advisor lieu step antigen ral h. R. Mcmaster who nouingt both iraq wars as part of integration Capability Center hes job was to prevent future threats. And he wrote a book that called out u. S. Government for what he called lies that led to the vietnam war. General mcmaster will remain on active duty while leading National Security council. I want to say what a privilege it is to serve the nation and im grateful for that opportunity. And there was also action in the department of Homeland Security. The white house expected to sign off on new orders that would hire 10,000 agents and put 5,000 more Border Patrol agents in the field and top priority dhs removal of criminal aliens focusing on those charged with or convicted of crimes including abusing Public Benefit programs and now the visit here to the museum of African American history and culture supposed to go after 8 30 this morning you may recall there were reports that president elect trump cancelled a visit here on Martin Luther kings birth Day Celebration and smithsonian representatives told me no official visit was scheduled. Live on the mall im melanie alnwick, fox5 local news. Thanks, mel, 4 49 and happening now in the District Police are serving for three people wanted in connection with a shooting in northeast it happened after 8 30 last night bladeensburg and benning roads and witnesses say a fire truck was in the area at the time and First Responders were able to quickly help the victim. That person is expected to survive. No word on a motive for the shooting. New information this morning in the case of metro transit aiding isis. Nicholas young has been in jail since late last august. Federal Officials Say he bought gift cards and sent codes on back to someone he thought was working with isis turns out was undercover agent and aconsidereding to Court Records youngs attorney will claim he was entrapped and they plan to put him on the stand at his trial. They also wanted to see if the application to see if the evidence against young was lawfully lekt collected. A bill moving through the maryland house could prohibit us is spending or exbell be kids in second grade or younger. Exceptions include bringing a Deadly Weapon to zoo or if the student assaults a teacher or another student. Also in School Suspensions would be allowed. Some studies show stwhunts face suspension or expulsion are more likely to drop out of squhool older. Coming up on fox news morning a woman is attacked while playing pokemon go. And most he they arent doing a good job when it comes to teaching children about one particular thing. As we go to break right now across the region 4 50 is the time. 45 is the fios is not cable. Were wired differently. In the last 10 years, we have received 6 times more awards than cable, including the jd power award for highest Customer Satisfaction r the fourth year in a row. Only fios has the fastest internet, on the most awarded network. Get this amazing offer 150 meg internet with equal upload and download speeds, tv and phone for just 79. 99 per month for the first year. Cable cant offer internet speeds this fast at a price this good, only fios can. Should may i have been playing popular pokemon go game. And the university of michigan fields they should do more to teach kids about proper nutrition. One in six parents believe diets are nutritious. A quarter says their childs diet is not helmy. And convenience, price and picky eaters. And back in the old days they put in front of you and you ate it. There was no picky. And thats how it is in my house now. Theres no short order cook now. This is what we have for dinner. You can wait until the next meal if you dont like it. Full confession im a picky heder and always have been. Its something you are picky now. No, i have always enen okay. And there were nights i would just not eat anything. There you go. Ask my parents i would got eat. Interesting. All right. Lets do the Weather Forecast here. Bus stop forecast, 31 to 43 kids get off the school to morning and more clouds an sunshine in the forecast today and that helps things feel cooler this afternoon and temperatures still above normal. After school 54 to 62 and Cool Conditions and then guess what up, up and away we go this week after today. 60 washington and 55 fwaijersburg and hagerstown and dulles. 51 near annapolis easterly wind means near the bay you have a cooler day for you. Fox5 7 day forecast showing signs ever spring. 67 for wednesday and as we head through thursday, friday, saturday, 70s. Gentlemen 70s back in the forecast. Lets check the forecasts. Erin como is back with the roads this morning. Right, were still tracking this breaking news out of loudoun country and i a deadly crash investigation closing 28 northbound just south of 67. Loudoun department suggesting you find alternate route this morning, 4 55 all this backed up traffic waiting to detour on to 267 towards Dulles Airport and well keep you updated on this one its not looking great because that should be shut down the next several hours well switch for a look at maps now. As you make your way out aside from the detour you need to take 2 northbound we also have outer loop crash after georgia right lane was blocked and moved over to the shoulder now its involve ising jeep and tanker truck. We have a crew on the way to check that out. Well let you know if any more delays pick up aside from safe track surge twelve blue line Arlington Cemetery remains closed and rest of metro is online time now. Thanks, erin. 4 56 coming up police need your haep finding two missing teenagers. And chanting not my president s day demonstration as around the country. Going to break now across the d. C. Region. This will get you going on a tuesday. I think i did get the day right this time. Coming up on the 5 00 hour another mild 45 for february. We have more on the other side. Dont go anywhere. Were watching fox5 news morning. Z29phz z16fz y29phy y16fy z29kuz zstz y29kuy ysty today on fox news morning President Trump names National Security advisor hours before administration is expected to unveil a new immigration policy. A live look outside rights now. Apparently winter is not coming any time soon. Were expecting another mild day of mild temperatures which probably turns into another week of sun seasonably warm weather. Which is good. We love it. Thats what im saying its extra good morning to you on this tuesday. Thanks so much for joining us im holly morris. Im wisdom martin. And today is tuesday, february 21, erin como talking about whats happening on the roads and Michael Thomas talking about weather in just a moment. And if you are just getting up now at 5 a. M. Lets catch you up on the mornings top stories, breaking traffic news near Dulles Airport. Take a look at this deadly accident on route 28 shut down the northbound lanes of 28 just south ever the dulles toll road. Northbound traffic is actually being de toured on to the toll road. The c

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