Its nice toriday but rain mayum be on the way for a part of t the inauguration tomorrow. On well have weather and trafficta on the 5s for you at 7 05. 7 0 good thursday morning,rnin everybody. Y. Im allison seymour. Im alliso and im steve chenevey. N im welcome to fox5 news s temornin. Our big story this morning ofy f course the president ialtial inauguration. Now just one day away. A well get to the very latest on the finalst o preparations from todaysn ar events to roatadio closures noww place in just a momennt. A mom first though the latest on ln those two major breakingbreang stories overseas. Stories overs first a desperate search underh way in italy for as many as 30 0 people following an avalanche. Va officials sadly fear manyr many people may be dead. May be ad. Rescue crews reached the hotele site early this morning. Early. It all happened near the t epicenter of the earthquakea will that struck central italyri yesterday morning. Moning. That region saw about 3 feetout of snow in the past few dayst fw which led to Power Outages andnd cut off self towns. Self we are also followingso follg breaking news out of irans out where state media is reportingrg that 30 firefighters injured after highrisejure residential building in the capitol cityd ntial of tehranta collapsed after a massive m fire. Take a look for yourself. Ourel the shocking scene unfoldingnfdg on live television. Tel at least 200 firefightersirefigs called to the scene of that burning 17Story Building. Uiing. Officials fear many people are a still trapped inside of the of e burning rubble of the highrise i which was among the firstthe fit built in the capitol city. Now to our other big story st of course president elect donald trump back in washington today getting readydi for tomorrowngs r inaugurationu the event and some of thethe surrounding protests aretests ar expected to draw hundreds ofredo thousands of people to thes of o nations capitol. s pitol our Melanie Alnwick joins usns now with more on how the how president elect will tackle the next 36 some hours. H good morning. Reporter good morning,od teg quite a oobusd ymo schedule stet and allison. 10 30 this morning is sort of so the prelude concert. Ncert. Its called voices of the th people featuring local bands bas civic groups choirs from localpc many of the official events began yesterday. Ye [cheers and applause]a reporter president electte donald trump in washr ingtonn wa last night with a surprise srprs visit to his hotel here forr dinner. He was in town for somesome preinauguration events. Ent everywhere you look there arek e fences and more fences as there area aroundas the u. S. Capitolcl building is now largely sealedrg off with visitors from allm a over pouring into the city. Cit. Ive always wanted to comeo e to d. C. This is a perfect time get toimo see the inauguration and getratg to seat inauguration of arationa candidate i like. Ca reporter trump posted apo picture on twitter showing him m working on his inauguralral address. Its expected to be relatively short with trump keenly awareene that a growing number of f democrats more than 60 now are refusing to attend. Tend. He has the compass to themp surprise people and thatsse what he really needs to do. P he has to make people tak another look at him not justt hn this political opponents who who didnt vote for him but whot who are genuinely frightened. Inely reporter it will be aeportei tough sell for those here tohoso protest. We saw one group last night nigt near the home of where vicewh president elect mike pence ismii staying dancing in front of the house in support of lgbt rights. Now, after thater surprise visit to the trump hotel, donald trump flew backfle to new york on his privatepi plane to spend we assume onee a last evening at trump tower. Owe. Hell return to washingtonasingn today to kick off the events with a wreath laying ceremony 3 30 this afternoon atternn at Arlington National cemeteryn nat and of course the concert thisns afternoon, late this afternoon here at the Lincoln Memorial. N o but as you can see behind meindm road closures, security insecurn place all over town. All over lets go now annie yu with ait little bit more on getting around town. Reporter hey, thank you, yo, mel. Good morning, everybody. Well, you know, w miorth into the distripct, you knowyoun security is super tight. T that is the first thing youllnl notice when you step into d. C. Is just the Police Presence. Ce. Everywhere you look you seeu s flashing lights, you hear hear sirens, you see a lot off Police Presence and that will il continue into the weekend withed of course the big march the th womens march on washington. As now, i want to show you what sho were looking at straight ahead. This is on constitution c avenue. This is an main artery that has closures here and if you look iu straight ahead there, that iss the seventh street ninthninth street point where folks areoins being turned away and so thisd t is sort of where we see a lotsel of frustrated drivers. D there was a lot of backup here earlier before folks realizeds that they cant get through. But, this is pretty much fromfrm here on to the capitol is closed off already. Alr there are other closures that i want to tell you about. A if you take the full screenfulln now theres a list around pennsylvania avenue, around arou the white house, that ise, thats closed off. Closed of course the Lincoln Memorialml where a lot of festivities areii taking pl mall and i just mentionedm constitution which is whatutiona were on. O. Union station capitol hill, hil, these are areas that aret are closed off in the red zone. Zo you are not to park there. Her you will be denied or towed. The green zone is opened toedto vehicles. Cles. However, its restricted to to just residents and those whoe ho work in that area. Area. So, a lot to remember and alsodl on our web site, fox5d. C. Comx. Cm weve basically put together a Survival Guide for you because b it is a lot of closures closures involved and so if you golved a thifere, we not only list theise street closures but also thelso five metro stops that are closed tomorrow due to that security reasons. Thats the very latest here se the vyu back to ba you in the studio. Annie thanks. S. 7 06. Hi, tuck. Good morning. Bout. F weather to talk about a big day tomorrow. Tomor lets do it. All right. T. Ts go to i 46 now in washington. Shingto 43 dulles, bwi marshallarall 43 degrees. 4 believe it or not thosenot those temperatures already above ourvr normal daytime highs so were we going to be living large thisla afternoon back into the mid tood upper 50s. It should be a cool afternoonafe where we would typically bep this time of year i thinkar i th youll enjoy it. I cloud cover off to our west. St and well be partly sunnyy su today but we remain dry fordryfr your thursday. Rsday. We do have rain showers in there forecast tomorrow. R it looks like the timingimin unfortunately is between about 10 00 and two 00 an so if youre headed down toded d the mall youre going to being e outdoors for any period of time tomorrow, planplan accordingly. Acco i have a quick reminder. Re i know annie has beene haseen mentioning it all morning. All no umbrellas allowed in the secure perimeter. Youll need a rain proof rain jacket or poncho. Jacket or ponc 56 this afternoon. 56 t well be milhids. Af mil. Enjoy a nice day. Well talk lots of detailsetai about tomorrow in just a minute. Te. Cool. Erin findk in with out about traffic. R so much to focus on the the perimeter. What else is happening. Ap a lot of road closures lotf c steve as we prepare for theor te inaugural events. Events. Still dealing with a lot ofh a other traffic problems in thepre area. This outside of th e district district in takoma park marylandark mary flower avenue closed at piney py branch road. Road. Still a big presence there. Pres. Fire is under control. Cont large building fire. Large bu going to need iltdio detour aroo that and just watch forch r increased traffic in the areaff as you try to get aroundic thatt building fire. Again, skyfox at this locationyl and were just seeing a lot ofif backups around that street and intersection. In lets switch it over for a camera in the disswtitrict. St want to show you annie yu,yu, melanie down there, this is a ta look at 12th and constitution. Ns you can see the potlice barrierr up. Traffic still trying to get by. By theyve been closing a lot ofngf streets in red zone we showed w you all around the nationalh mall, the capitol, unionol, station as well as the whitete house and it looks like theyoks are closing this as ninth andtha constitution as well as 12th a and constitution, the barriersas are getting in place so avoidpld that red zone. That red zo traffic no longer gettingr gettg through. Well take a look at some of the other lmaoojk or closures o the area as we continue. Cont right now all metro rails arease on time. Back to you. U. 7 08. Developing right now former president george h. W. Bushge h. Remains in a houston hospitalo the 92yearold was moved to intensive care yesterday following a procedure to cleare his airway. His airw mr. Bush has been in thebush hae hospital since saturdaye satday battling pneumonia. Baling pneum his wife, barbara, was alsolso admitted to the hospital hospitl yesterday for fatigue andan coughing. So what lies ahead in thead inthe recovery for the former president . Joining us now the doctor. Doctor pneumonia can affect people ofpf all es. S. Can it affect people are a bit older differently thander erentn somebody who is younger . Yonger . It certainly can steve and what we know actually is thats h the extremes of apes, so that at people that are the veryvery elderly like former president bush and then the youngstershe s really get hit hard when they ey get pneumonia which we know isiw an infection of the lungs that t can cause a lot ofe a lot inflammation and even mucus toeo get caught into the smallma airway so it can maken mke breathing very difficult particularly in the elderly population. Selby do you know what kindo of pneumonia he was dia ygounosa with and why that matters . Het used to hear a lot about walking pneumonia for exampleum and pneumonexia yoau get in the hospital. What can you tell us aboutan what you know about his condition. We know about the former yatu president bush is that hisent pneumonia was severe enoughvere that it required him to be hospitalized. Hospitaled. Thats very different than what we call a traditional walking pneumonia. Alki those are infections withnfectio organisms that actually willns give yous th sickness but your still able to go about your our day undont need to be hospitalized. Hospalized in president bushs caseresiden however he was hospitalizedr he because he was h waving troubleo breathing and that happensing a whenth its a more severe case e of pneumonia. Pneumon in his case he needed thatt procedure and it makes senses that he was hospitalized in the ice u twao monitor hisoni breathing. That was my next question. Icu sounds pretty serious. Se is that normal for the type ofy treatment hes received andce what type of treatment nowre will he be undergoing to hopefully aid in the recovery ry effort . So, he was placed on a then was placed on support toupo help him with clearing and protecting his airway. Ecting hia and he wasir likely giveny g antibiotics and othern dsupportive treatment to helpvee make sure that the breathingre that he has is Getting Better bt and that the infection can getgt cleared. Cleared. Icu certainly makes sense andesd while it sounds scary, waita also means is that app patient there gets more attention. T they have more nurses, morenurse staff really caring for them, more specialists looking ating their recovery so icu stay fort president bush does make sense e and i would expect soon expect n theyll try to step him downp hm and make sure he can breathe hee well on his own as thee infection clears. All right, well, we a certainly wish him thell best and i know that his wife isis wi also in the hospital sohosp s wishing her the best. Est. Note to donald trump was funny about why he couldnt make the inauguration. Thanks doctor. Doc first family taking timeakit to reflect on the past eight pas years including a proud papapro moment from president obama. M pb his message to his daughtersauge next. Next. Inauguration coverage continues with augurat closer lo downtown are preparing for ther huge crowds. 7 11. Stay with us. Us. You cant predict the market. But through good times and bad. At t. Rowe price. Weve helped our investors stay confident for over 75 years. Call us or your advisor. T. Rowe price. Invest with confidence. 7 14 and we are taking a look at whats happening right4 now. Skyfox over the scene of a a building fire. F looks like that fire is outre it now but you see the massive m response thats left in place. Pl it is on flower avenue ine takoma park. Pak. About 75 firefighters on thetert scene there. Th there flame ignited at mannanna restaurant. No injuries have been reportedr this morninge. Developing overseas developos devastating news out of india. I. A truck crashed head on into a school bus and the end result r was the deaths of 24 children. Hd two dozen other children were cw hurt. All of those children betweene the ages of three and 12. D 12. Visibility said to be low l area. The truck driver taken to ther e hospital. Severely injured. 7 15. S back with uwith us. A lot of focus son tomorrow butt theres a big event down atdownt the Lincoln Memorial today. Od and that looks like well get gt good weather tuck. Going to be partly cloudycloy honestly for much of the day the or even mostly cloudy at timesi but at least it will be mildwili and it should be dry today. Toda that will help. That willelp. Yeah. Dry conditions expected today ta if youll be out and about. Ab cant promise the same for sa tomorrow. Well look at fu turecastutucast together. 46 in washington, 45 washington45 annapolis. An 30s even below freezingfrzin Manassas Culpeper good morningpn you guys are waking up withpit numbers below freezing. Fr little warmer here with thee cloud cover to the north and an west. Hagerstown is now 42 degrees. 2 all right. All ri the cloud cover you saw in theae live shot down at the capitol you can see whetrhe its origins are from off to our south and west. Next system will be moving in mg overnight tonight and duringing the day tomorrow. It will bring us a period of light rain it looks like tomorrow between and unfortunately the timingtomort couldnt be worse,unatel y betwt about 10 00 a. M. And 2 00 tomorrow well have some have se showers around along with cool o temperatures. Tomorrows daytime highs wont get out of the 40s. T of t all right. This is our alflut urecast and fast forwarded this tohis tomorrow morning. There you can see the raintoe tn approaching at 8 00 a. M. A might be a sprinkle early. Arl. But thats kind of prime time. 11 00 a. M. Tomorrow and wellwe kind of fast forward it toto noon during the actualg th swearing in ceremony and then early afternoon in time fortimer the parade most of the rainhe r should be out of here. Ld be good news its quick moving. O the timing if youll be down at the mall tomorrow couldntout be less opportunistic. O. Not good. Good. So, dont forget you cantge bring an umbrella down do tomorrow. Got that coolt co rain jacket that santa broughtrt you. You. Take a poncho. On weve done inaugurationsdons in almost single digitost single temperatures before, you know, o so a little bit of rain notbit t going to stop anybody. Nybody. But we would like it to be a plee asantwo eulxperience. Ex i know. W. If it was today it would be be much nicer for our guests. Ess. Hi e agreed especially for the inaugural balls tomorrow nightbl a lot of folks dress up very fancy. It will be cloudy tomorrowrrw night. We care about that stuff,ut f too. Right now skyfox in takomanow park flower avenue remainsr av shut down at pineeny branch. Ba. Building fire under control aton manna restaurant. Sta however still a lot of first oft responders there. Re just be prepared forsp extra eta traffic around that neighborhood. Lets switch it over and show. Itch it k at our maps some other courar smhes as folkk try to navigate around the district. Inner loop bottom of the r op bot beltway take barnabas torom ad. Moved to the right shoulder rig but looks like a typical delay y from five to across the wilsonse bridge right now. Bridge right nw aside from that northbound 295rn crash at benning road. R center lane blocked. So 295 northbound dealing withhg big delays from the freeway onon up. Southbound side jams from 50jamo on down. Down aside from that you can take a wide view very atypical dayty lighter volume than usual. R vo a ton of closures downtown. Ownt. Metro adjustments. Ustment well take a look at that nextt but right now all metro railetrl lines on time. E. Back to you. Happening today, hundredshu of people will show their lovelv for president obama by sayingy thank you. Thank yo beginning atu. 3 00 this3 00 th afternoon an event will be be held at the meet center fornter American Theater and forter and people to say thanks obama and respect flect on his legacy. Ega. In about 15 minutes well talkl about president obamas achievements and failures with the members of an organization. Its the center for studyorg of the presidency andcenterencyd congress. Thats coming up at 7 30. Someone else saying thanks. T. First Lady Michelle obama asle o she posted this photo to her twitter account showingter ac herself and the president looking over washington. Looking at the Washington Monument from the white househoe balance couldnt northeastorheat mrs. Obama catched it beingatchg the first lady has been an bee honor of a lifetime. Liet from the bottom of lie heartom t thank you. K yo first lady posted this video with the first dogs beau andea n sonny enjoying their last times in the white house. Hoe. The. Talked about histerd family,fa specifically how proud he is ho of daughters malia and sasha. Man, my daughters are something. And they just surprise and an enchant and impress me moree mo and more every single day as they grow up. P. Sasha and malia obama weremae just seven and 10 years oldyearo when they moved into the whitemo house in 2009 and malia will attend Harvard University inrd u the fall. F sasha will finish out high ouhih school here in washington. N. Road closures more securityse presence all signs that the city is e inal the final steps p getting ready for theing readyot inauguration. Officials want to keep e people safe just in case theres any trouble. Eres any o. Fox5s bob barnard live ind livn northwest with more on the precautions the city is taking. Bob. Reporter hey, allison and steve, good morning to you. Yes, the cityseporte coevme,ine but it feels a littlelitt different. You can see us here at e theres a police car here. This is at seventh down atdo eighth behind us at sixth, you cant go into the city furtherfr than e street. St if you look at this car heres ch is coming out so they are sey ae allowing any cars that are in an the core of the downtown area ae to leave but none can come in. Oe and ill tell you what, ive iv got a cup of coffee here. E you can get a cup of coffee atca the starbucks here but take a look, theres noplace to sitere down. We are told by the people that t work here they moved all thellte tables and chairs outtables yesterday. And they basically dont wantye people hangingstas ouict for f concerns of any kind of trouble thaterns may arisemaarie tomorrow during thetoow inauguration. To a young ladylady heading to work at the department of justice thisjustis morning to get her sense of senf the feel of the place thislace s morning. Im just looking forward to changing all the hash tags totag thanks okay to thanks trump itr did it this morning on socialhi media. This is the first thing wemol gt to blame on him so but yeahn hiy im on my way to work. I got here super early beca be god awful this morning butul it wasnt that bad thus tfar. Ha i just saw them putting uputtinu road blocks a couple blockscoupk away though so they said ithey d was going to be at 6 00 a. M. 00. But its like 7 00 so i think tn theyre just now like rollingken them out. Reporter did you giveepor any thought to taking todayidakn off as well as tomorrow . Toorrow . Im leaving early. So, yeah, the work at thek at Te Justice Department does notot stop. Reporter and thats thetha sense you get here is that a lot of people are coming tocomio work but theyre finding roadino blocks. Joining us quickly life hereklyi is jessie. Jes jessie good morning. Od m you say you have toro work toork tomorrow. E do yave to wou have to work and are you concerned aboute yo getting to work. Woratave to be to work atu 4 30 in the morning and i an actually have to walk from from massachusetts avenue aboutbout six, seven blocks which meansi i have to get up extra early. E. Its not really that bad but i i feel as though they can managea eight better way or have morevee buses or trains running aroundnn that time. Reporter yeah some people have to rwoeprk and its just tougher getting into thiset part of the city. Part of e city. Yes, it is. S. They got a lot of main routes ms blocked. I dont know how thats going to work. Know it mi hght confusion maybe chaos. Chaos. You never know. D luckorter good luck jessie. Thanks very much. No problem. R reporter if you are comingeporte idof wntown by cag theres just a lot of streets ls blocked off this morning and again you seofe this officef r s letting this mail truck out t but no cars are allowed in. In south of e street at leasteast where we are here north of theoe downtown area the parade routedo for tomorrow, guys. Gu all right, boardwalks thanktb you very much. Re mrell have much mo coverage coming up. Ming its 7 22 right now on this this day before Inauguration Day here in washington, d. C. And that says it all right there. There. Congratulations ivan rodriguezsi former Washington National new w member of the Baseball Hall ofbe fame and thats where he got ot the congratulatory phone call,h, his family captured the momentem on video so hes going to be joined by tim rains who playedpl for the expose who became theme Washington Nationals and Houston Astros long time greatim jeff bagwell. Ba they are the 2017 half fame inductees. Inducts. So, we can claim a little two out of threeit tucker, claim a a little d. C. Tie there for tim i rains Pudge Rodriguez and vlad guerrero finished fifth in thete voting. There you go. O. Congratulations. Cong fantastic. All right. All rit. Y, sunrise this morning moring 7 23. Thank you. Just got some really niceell tweets of the out there. Ere. Allison, i know youre asking. S. Weve added one minute 35 35 seconds of daylight. F da. Oh, i was off by a couple col of seconds. Econd. Yeah, effect sunset tonightnt 5 15. Looking at cool conditionscond outer there, 46 now cloud6 w cld cover is increasing prettyreasin quick here. Qu i think well be kind of partly sunny today. Well get a palittlert lysunshi. Winds northnorthwest at six six and the real theme will bee mild temperatures. Mild once again mid to upper 50s 50 and a dry thursday for you. Dry today. Toda cant promise the samee se tomorrow. Thats headed in our direction r tomorrow morning and it lookst s like late morning earlyg early afternoon will kind of be of be prime time for showers aroundow hereers tomorrow. Row. So, plan accordingly. Or you cant bring umbrellasnt inside tbrhe secure perimeter. Er youll need to pack a rainra proof jacket for tomorrow. Cket f theres your seven day. Ay erin is back with the roads. D i am and 7 26 tucker. Its a busy morning right now. Gi we have a new crash on thesh outer loop center lane blockednd at New Hampshire avenue. Ampshi because ofre that 95 southboundd back up to theeltway andltway ad from route one over to georgiag in for about a 30 minute delay on that side of the outerf t loop. Aside from that 295 center lane blocked. Nter lane southbound side is heavy. Bloundd and because of the meme orialisl bridge is closed and its onlyny opened to pedestrians andstrian emergency vehicles, because ofsu the preps around the lincolnln memorial look at the rooseveltrt bridge. Best alternate seeing heavyte sh traffic in both directions ascts well as portions of gw gw parkway. All metro rail lines are onaren time right now. Nw. We got you covered on thised on very busy thursday morning. Or. Allison and steve. Tee. Thanks erin. Eri a disturbing video goingid viral this morning putting an an upcoming new movie under fire fr for the way it appears toars treat one of its cast members. Es details ahead. Ead first though as his time in office comes to a close welllos take a look at the leg grassye president obama will leavet behind. Ob time right now is 7 27. 7 7 were back after this. Th. 7 30 on this thursday morning. It only two more monks for for president obama to weight wakett up in the white house. In the this is president obamas finall full day after eight years in the white house. Ew weekskshe past f reflecting on his time here inee washington and at his final h f press conference yesterdayes highlight the achievements and frustrations every his administration. Ustr e talked about what wadill will probably be his lastt controversial act as president si commuting the sentence ofsentf convicted military secret leakel chelsea manning. The president said manning man served enough time in prison ana that justice has been served. D. The president also highlighted g some of his achievements innt in office including expanded rights for Lgbtq Community and he saidi the country has also madead progress in Race Relations butes added the younger generationenan will have to pick up the mantlen kids are smarter about it. T. Theyre more tolerant. They are more inclusive by instinct than we are. The president also spoke alss frustrations with russia east. Whats the legacy president acy i obama will leave behind though . . Can we even say at this point . I joining us now with more dan math a thee. Te. Non part son organizationio promoting political cooperationa and effectiveness of each o eac Administration Much thatsstratc mouthful. Youre busy. Yes. In mut shell you studied mann president cease in the past. T ce you take a look how they worked, not work. What can we say successes andces fails for president obama letss start with domestic success. Domestic side when he faced c very difficult situation with wh Republican Congress one of theno most deadlocked washingtonasng environments in history, youtoyo have the accomplishments earlyts on the stimulus, the automotivee bailout, dodd frank addressing the concerns they had about theu financial system. Moving on from there, the t Affordable Care act expanding en health care and then using u executive powers and oh lgbtxtx rights where the g expansion weve seen of them ass well as actions on then the environment expanding marinee protection areas, reserve areasa a strong progressive legacy hey leaves behind on the domesticoms side. What about where he fell short on the domestic st idabe . C i think where he tried tori reach out to the middle theree e was some movement he had with the simpson bowls commissionowls trying to solve some of our very longterm fiscal issues such asa Social Security the future of medicare. Medicare. That was an opportunity he hadty that he didnt run with when wie there was a bipartisan consensus behind it. But also aas too where he, you y know, he described his on shortcomings on the issues of race saying younger generationss need to continue that as well. L obviously its not domestic issues but this is our commandea in chief. Ininvolvlso involved in international policies. Ie correct. On the international frontinr lets start with success. S starh i think the success, the killing of owe samba bin laden bringing him to justice wastices major step even though there was pressure from his own party hesa continued many of the drone programs, special forcescf programs that are very effectivr and attacking some of these radical groups weve seen from alqaida to isis. I think he has challenges wheree its looking at the legacy off our intervention in libya what w became of that after the fact. And then too in syria there wass the failure to enforce the socalled red line with chemical weapons. S did that weaken u. S. The us position in the middle east . As did that allow the continued role of bashar a sad and sad further rise of isis by failingi to tackle that straight on. O would you look at those ass shortcomings when it comes too international accomplish. H. Some of the shortcomings buts recognizing too as we look backb at this further there was timehs when the American People andple some of our political leadersea became very skeptical of more international intervention. Right. What do you think as we lookyoi into the crystal ball in theallt future now whether it be one year, five year, 10 years, whata do you think this administratior you think those will be. Th the civil rights issues forir the lgbtx community will beill b powerful issue that image of the white house lit with the colorsc of the rainbowol flag will be fr generations rallying cry in that area. Area i think well also see, too, the, you know, he brought cool c back to the white house. The youtube appearances, times,t with comedians, well have ane entertain are in president butep this was president who also knee how to use social media and matt media to get his message out. The first one in the whitene house when social media reallydl really took off. Y. And kept on rolling. Rol can actions in the last coupleto of days, couple of weeks in the white house change a legacyeg either for the better or the worse . Woe . In some ways he can cement c it. Youll see some of the pardons s that add the controversy. Ov. Its a balance of making sureure that your predecessorrecess particularly in this instancethc cant undo a lot of what youve accomplished. Again at the same time putting a stamp on ssome of tamhose issue where you can finally get to without worrying about politics maybe brings a ih controversy. Last thing, dan, is there a set time when you look and youou and your organization you studied president cease over the century, is there a set timethea when that legacy is really i rll dont want to say septemberedter but maybe recognized more thanet another or does that change as generations . It shifts as generations go. S the generation that new the as president , those of us who all experienced live in the obama m under the Obama Administration will tell the next generation oo our mindset of it want we felt. F that will be passed on. On its shaped, you know, the kw, memoirs that come out in the coming years shape historicalto research down the road. Nostalgia helps everything. Eveh a lost look back now on george g w. Bush as being a much betterht president than they felt at thef time. So there is that shift and i shi think its unique, too, tooo, t notice hell be one of the t youngest president s to leavedena office. Of so theyll be four decades probably, appearances, what he h chooses to do after policies may also help shape that legacy. Lives improve or dont improve over the years and decades ases well. Yes. Dan, thanks for joining us. Af thank you. Or j do appreciate it t. T send things over to tucker. O tu. 7 35. Get a look at our forecast. T all important forecast. F were in the clear for today. Od some clouds well have to dealol with but well be dry. We are concerned tomorrow wellw get rain showers late morning mr early afternoon. Oo right when everybody is downtown. 46 now in washington. 40 up in new york city this 46 nowork ty morning. This 33 in boston. Theres cool air out there. Manassas and culpeper both below freezing this morning. So cool in parts of our region. Clouds on the horizon off to tht south and west and well be inll for sort of a partly cloudy day today. Should remain dry. N d so if youre going down for anyy activities down at the lincolnhn memorial that kind of thingal ti later today youre in gndoo od d for that. T with temperatures on the mild ml side mid 50s later today. Tonight we cloud up. Tomorrow morning some showersomo move in probably between about 10 00 and noon and well be b will be with us for a couple off hours but unfort timing again couldnt be worse. E i think well have showerslhave around between about 10 00 and two clock in the afternoon t aft tomorrow. 57 today. To 57 t partly cloudy, nice day. Ay well take close look at thatk t forecast for tomorrow in just at ntment. Lets do traffic with erin. 7 37 tucker. 7r. It is just a busy morning allni the closures downtown plus thiss crash. Cr this is the inner loop blockingn the right shoulder out by gallows road so the inner loopti dealing with some slow traffic. A try to avoid that rightff lanehn until that threecar crash getst cleared. 395 theres also a crash c southbound at Boundary Channel c drive. Take look at that. K atha we are dealing with the right rg lane blocked right shoulder. S traffic is a little slow on thee southbound side. Ound keep in mind the hov lanes hovan across the bridge are closed bub the main lanes on the bridge are open. Open. Lets switch it over from thatta crash to look at our map. To loor we have a lot going on this morning. Morning outer loop crash center lane cel blocked at New Hampshire delayss from route 1 over to georgia. Ga 95 southbound from the icc ond e down is slow because of thatf crash as well. Northbound 295 at benning roadnd the center lane is blocked so bk from the 11th Street Bridge updu to that point youre slo southbound side of 295 very jammed and because memorial m bridge is closed as we preparepa for the Lincoln Memorial event e later today, and some of these e et closures in place alreadylacy seeing a lot of heavy traffic oc the roosevelt bridge andridg secondaries in that area asariea folks try to navigate thatigatet commute. Back to you allison. 7 38. A week after that tragic andfth deadly house fire in baltimoreti that claim the live of six children glimmer of hope for one survivor. Surv details next. And later, bad news for Kim Kardashian after that massiveve jewelry heist turns out that shs may never see those stolen jewels again. Gain. Time right now still 7 38. 7 3 well be right back. B no emotion as he was walkedoo into the Execution Chamber wearing blue jeans and handcuffs asked if he had any final wordsw and gray responded, no. Update now on the conditioni of a baltimore mother who survived horrific fire last ee week. Katie malone upgraded fromd critical to Good Condition in Facebook Post she detailed howle the public can honor her six children kill in the fie fire. Three of her other surviving children suffered burns. D bur an exact cause of the fire has h not been released but initial investigation suggestsa heater may have been to blame. In the District Police areti looking for whomever broke intot Elementary School and causedch major damage. Ge this was bancroft elementary ine northwest. The schools currently underly construction. Police believe the suspects belt broke into the school twice. Ce weekend of january 6th andry 6th then again the weekend ofke o january 13th. Anuary police say the vandals destroyer the schools walls, securityy cameras, fences and socc field. Well it is not even inwell theaters yet one family friendln movie already causing cau controversy. Still ahead why its allegedtsg treatment of one of its stars is prompting an apology from thero director. Ellen degeneres makingg history how she did it at this t years peoples choice awards. If youre not fan of cold weather like myself, just ju and me. And me. Youre not waking up in fairbanks, alaska. Sometimes, al, do you know its colder than washington than itn is in fairbanks alaska. Sk yeah. Fairbanks wins hands down. Had the City International airportpo recorded a temperature air air temperature of negative 49 degrees. 49 degrees. What the what . Heat wave compared to thepado village of tanawa which hit negative fief 59. Fairbanks is the golden heart citys. Th what is it here today . Tod right now 46 degrees. Yeah. Yea beautiful. 100 degrees warmer film minun was first time they hit minus 50 since 2012. E01 its been a long, long almosm five years. So its a little unusual to get minus 50 but they do it i almost, you know now youre not vacationing theree why, tucker . Ucr . You know what . I got very vr close to fairbanks this summer. No, no, no, no. N its beautiful. If summer doesnt count. Me you love the cold. You must go inr theyou winter. Steve well take tripve together. All right. All right. A. Come on. Come once in lifetime. I would experience it one ion time. Ti. Just one time im glad youlay exclude me. Clude allison youre come to go. E. Best day of the week today forwf us. Well be in the mid to upper uer 50s this afternoon nowhere nean that minus 50. Us in fact a few spots below bel freezing this morning. Morning. Manassas and culpeper 29 degrees. And everybody else is in the 303 and 40s. D 4 36 quantico. 36 leonardtown. 45 this morning in annapolis. Aps 43 up in baltimore. Altimo all right. Cloud cover. D c some of that right on thef horizon thhere. Atrin here. Well be kind of partly sunnyy y today. If its possible to flip thessl prompter that would be fantasti to our south h th and west increase increase during the afternoon hours. Hrs so we may turn mostly cloudy byy late afternoon. Ftno but, again, temperatures mild md and well remain dry today. Ry ty i cant promise well be drye d tomorrow. I know tomorrow is a big day. Unfortunately rain showers moves in during the Morning Hours tomorrow and the timing justg j couldnt be worse as far asfar having a lost people downtown that kind of thing. That k here we go. Ind ofhere we g area of low pressure out to ouro west. West. Warm front through here quicklyy turn wet tomorrow. Rn wetw. The good news with the showers s tomorrow its not going to rainr all day. It will only be with us for asor few hours and it wont bet terribly heavy. Vy so just keep that in mind thatit the rain showers will be quick q moving. Moving heres future cast. E cast. I fast forwarded it to tomorrowm morning at 9 00 a. M. 00. M maybe a sprinkle early but but notice the main batch of showere move in right when we dont want them to. There we are at 10 00 a. M. 0. M but notice quickly here at noono things are already starting toto break up and by early afternoono things are winding down so iow think the parade may be dry. Dry well have showers around for ar couple of hours during thef s de middle of the day, and then keep the clouds erin was mentioningon skies. Yay. Yay dry tomorrow when youre wearing your fancy dress youresy wont get wet. W theres your seven day. Nay 57 today. Oday 49 tomorrow. Omorrow. It will be cool tomorrow. Beool o make sure you have somethinget cute to keep you warm and then e your jacket on top. Op. Rain jacket. Waterproof. Ater waterproof. For sure. Yes. Yeah. Your turn. Okay right now 7 4 8. 4. Busy roads. Sy roads. This is the inner loop as youoou make your way past gallows crasa blocking the right shoulderhoul involving three cars. Car. Even all lanes are open sluggisg from the springfield interchangh up towards 66. Towar lets move it over for look at 395. 39 earlier crash cleared. Cleed this was out as you make youre way towards 110 about boundaryar channel drive. Shoulder blocked right now theck right shoulder. Right traffic on the southbound sidehn very light. Northbound traffic looking good. Just keep in mind even thoughugh the main lanes are open hov ope lanes across the bridge aredg ae closed because of the t inauguration preps. Lets switch it over to ouritch maps i. Some Important Information fornt you regardin ig the Memorial Bridge. Weve been telling you all morning that its closed teno tl traffic. We just got update from Arlington Police and park policp that its also closed tod pedestrians righ pedestrians cant cross thent Memorial Bridge today. Today self street closures in placeosa around the Lincoln Memorial as well. You can use the roosevelt bridgg look at that red zone in both bh directions. Dire traffic so slow because thatsct your best option you can alsoons use the key bridge today if i outwent get around that butha b again Memorial Bridge closed tod pedestrian traffic as well. An t well keep up itra dated a lot f closures in place already in the d. C. Area. D. Are back to you. Ou all right. All erin thanks very much. Muc 7 49. Lets talk about metro. Met good news for anybody usingsing Public Transportation thision ts weekend to attend saturdaysatu womens march. Ar. Metro will run on what is callel an enhanced saturday schedule. That means the stations wills wl open earlier. Open earlier. Theyll be open at 5am. N at 5am two hours earlier than normal, a more than a dozen trains will be added on the red and orange orae lines to help witness crowds. Cd so Train Service is expected tot run every four to six minutes as all stations in downtown d. C. Thousands of people are peo expected to attend the womens march on washington on saturdayr including a list terse severalel musicians expected to performerm including jonelle mone, maxwell, mc light, statement mone says music hasih always been a powerful tool for galvanizing unity. Ni she says she believes thatves t sinking and standing togethergeh our voices will be stronger than any force that tries to represse us. Her words. Disturbing video showing swi possible abuse of a stunt animaa from upcoming film called a dogs purpose going viral this v morning. Harsh condemnation from animals lovers and rights groupr and holly joins us with more of the story g morning. Morning good morning. Ood we want to be very m clear herer for those of you watching rightt now this video that youre abou to see is extremely disturbingtg and it may not be appropriateroe for young children. Hildn. The video obtained by tmz showss German Shepherd being forced into a pool rushing with turbulent water the dog clearly resisting fighting back againstn its trainer at which timee observer can be heard saying, hh wants to get away just throw hih in. In the dog then goes under and a person in the video can be heard screaming, cut. The scene is par upcoming film a dogs purpose pr which is billed as a heartrt warming movie about the special relationship between dogs andog thnersowners. The movies director wasas reportedly present the wholeho time the scene was filmed. Fmed. But at least one member of theft crew told tmz they were extremely disturbed by the lengths the crew went to to film the controversial moment. Universal pictures scene thes sc video and told tmz fostering an safe environment and ensuringur the ethical treatment of ourf o Animal Actors was of the the unfortunate most importance tooa those involved in make this fil and we will look into theo t circumstances surrounding the video. O. Peta as you can imagine is nown calling for boycott of the filmm which is due to be released thet end of this month. Month. The Animal Rights group sayingay that dog lovers must send the se films creator a message that quote dogs and other animalsma should be treated humanely, notn as movie prop. I will not be going to see s that film. M. No. Let me tell you. I was not goi lnget to see anw because i thought the film toooo emotional because i love dogs se much. Mu but now knowingch this, i will actually tell people to not goog see it. I will do the same. In my opinion on we always talk about just horrific case of dog attacksttks kids and i understand that. Tha what im saying is, this dog thd could have bitten this mans ara but did not do that. Ha do you know what im saying . So we train dogs or we treat them e certain way and they attack. That old saying there are no bab dogs just bad owners. Wn right. Im highly confident the doghe g didnt ask to be in the movie. Ie didnt ask. Ask. Didnt ask to be in that scene. Didnt know what was going on. Right. Right. Nope, me either. Either. Team dog. Team boycott. T. Exactly. All right exa. Ht all right. Ight it was going to be so sad ii was not going. Right. Exactly. More of the fox beat. T. Ellen degeneres good news heresr setting a record at last nights People Choice awards now the winningly enter shows history taking home a a total 20 awards. The only thing that wouldld make me happier and not a lot l happier because this makes meakm happy if it was voted on by b animals because i love animalsma and i think they know how much h love them. Ve t [ applause ] thats cute. Cut other big winners last night tyler perry earning the favorite humanitarian award. Jt Justin Timberlake was honored for music sick accomplishment finding dory took home favorite movie. Vi Ryan Reynolds for favorite act. Jennifer lawrence favoriteit actress. Es people given a chance. Ve cha not the hollywood inside. Nse Kim Kardashians stolen jewelry 20carat diamond engageg many ring likely gone forever. Police are confident thoseho jewels have been melted down orw recut and sol on then t blackmarket. Acrket 10 million worth of jewelry was taken from kim carrying. G. Former beetle Paul Mccartneyy suing the music giant sony. On hes trying to get his copyright rights to boat t include love me do, all you neen is love even want to hold your y hand. Hand u. S. Copyright law says rightsst to works made before 1978 must u be returned to their creators 55 years after the date of the origin original copyright. Yrt next year, very specific. Next year marks 56 years sincein mccartney and john lennonn nnon started writing songs together. E Paul Mccartney said to bee worried about duran duran lostul the similar fight last year. Tea they havent been around 56ud years. Uk court ruled that americann law came second to Great Britain law. Hmm. There it is that was Michael Jackson that bought the rights to the beatles s. Ngs. That kind of got passed downd little bit too. Little t lets talk Bruce Springsteen thn boss apparently at the whitehi house last week. Hoe la we were just finding out that tt Bruce Springsteen played ayed special secret show for whiter h house staffers on january 12th t to reward them for their hardar work over the past eight years. The 15 song set which is reallyl like an opening act for bruceore because he normaly songs took place in front offrof approximately 250 staffers iner the white house east room. East. Thats where springsteen wastees awarded the president ial medalel of freedom two months ago. Go you like catching me ong me o camera while im trying to doto something else. I try to. You win. W busy, business busy. Do you remember when you useb to get videos in the mail forerm net mix. Umhmm. I promise i forgot about that. But this seems like a distant me. Ory. Video streaming service is booming again while shrinking dvd Business Class mail hasai h turned into an after thought. Hog i legit mally forgot they evenhv did this. Ts. Crazy. The companys latest quarterlyuy report showing the streaming str service added another 7 million subscribers worldwide during the final three months of last yeara but the dvd service shed another 150,000 subscribers during thebh final three months of last year. Thats an 11year low for format that enabled netflix to launchnh its streaming service a decadeec ago. Ag i mean at the time we were like, what is this . Look at it now. Ow how quickly trends change. S somebody said the otherody day who has a dvd player any a more. Mo i do. Dvd come come on cutting edge technology. Teno i believe i have a vhs player. Ayer. Tucker has abate at a max. Ax my roommate still gets thoset in the male all the time. He cant afford rent but heft can afford netflix. Netfl [ laughter ] i get them out of the mailbox all the time. All time give him a break. Bak give him streaming service. We need to move him up, do ud you . 46 in washington. Hington. Winds out of the north here athh seven. Were going to be in the mid to upper 50s later today. So well 10 degrees or so on tot that number. Mild afternoon. On clowder cover notifying from thi south and west. Well have clouds around. Oday. Sohave cry today i think weve. Got activitiesivt down at the Lincoln Memorialemoa later today. It will be dry for that. Or tt. But it will not be dry tomorrowr morning. Make sure you plan accordinglyoy here. Rain showers 10, 11 00 oclockc in the morning through 11 or1 o 2 00 in the afternoon. Fternoon wont be heavy rain butai b definitely showers around forunf tomorrow and cool. And 49 your daytime high. Igh no frown, erin. Fwn, it will be okay. O here, isnt it. Isntt ina euguration. Big day. O o oft of folks in from town. Wn a lot of people that live heree just trying to today. I would say volume lighter thana usual around the district but wb still have some trouble spotsubs right now. 295 northbound crash at benningg road center lane blocked. Ed southbound side typical delay and again so many road closurese already in place inside the redr zone around the Lincoln Memorial parking restrictions around aron Union Station, all downll dn pennsylvania avenue around theue white house and National Mall. Memorial bridge closed to all a traffic. Roosevelt p bridge is open but t lost traffic. St take the key bridge. Tke the b metro is on time. N time. Back in just a few minutes. Inut. This is fox5 news morning. Ori good thursday morning tohurs you. Im allison seymour. M alson im steve chenevey. Ve cneve thanks for joining us thisning s morning. 8 00 a. M. On this thursday, january 19th, 2017. ,01 its the eve of the inauguratior and giving a live look outsidesi at the white house it will be aa Beautiful Day today, but b tomorrow not so much. Much. Might be some rains in our o raindrops in our forecast. Fore. Well have your full forecast for inauguration weekend andtioa weather and traffic on the 5s. S if you need to get around an d. C. This weekend, well, werel here to help you out from the t rails to the rails to parkingsas and closures well tell was youy need to know. K we have live tea you all around the districtt including all of those closingsg this morning. Ng fox5 annie yu, Melanie Alnwick i and bob barnard all going to got help you get where you need to go. Go. Start with annie. Reporter hey g morning, mni steve and allison g morning,orni everybody. Yeah, i mean getting around d. Cc is going to be very tricky overr the next few days into thehe weekend as well. Wel a lot of street closures goingog into effect today. Weve been seeing it all morninr long sort of play out. Out well give you everything youou kned to know. A busy day. A bu a lot going on. O but also a busy day for president elect donald trump ant for all the inaugural eventsur going on and for that lets head over to Melanie Alnwick. Reporter thats right. Right it will also be a very busy dayy for the president and Vice President elect. T soon to be inaugurated tomorrow but the public celebrations,rat, they are beginning today. Tod. Well have more on that, bob . Reporter hey, melanie, aan lot of big events, Donald Trumpd will be here at Union Station si later tonight but the coming and today. Be prepared for that. Hat. Guys . Bob, thanks very much checkk in with all of our reporters ini just a minute. Ju minute. First a desperate search seah underway overseas right now now italy for as many as 30 people who may have perished in an avalanche. This is overseas in the area are where the earthquake happenedha just a short time ago. Go. The avalanche buried a hotel. In the mountains of central italy trapping again as many asy 30 people inside. Sadly officials fear many of man those people may have perish. Ers rescues crews reached the hotelh site early this morning. It all happened near thepened nt epicenter of those earthquakes which struck central italy ita yesterday morning that regiontho saw about 3 feet of snow in thet past few days which already ledd to Power Outages and cut off entire towns. Also following developing news from iran this morning mnig state media is reporting dozensn much firefighters are feared fed dead. De 200 others injured after this high rise residential buildingdg collapsed in the capital see of tehran. Take look. Television. Televisi at least 200 firefighters weree inside at the time. Called to the scene of that burning 17 Story Building atldit least on the site. T onhe s officials fear many people are e still trapped in the rubble ofdf that high rise. Highth rise among the first buib in that city. Closer to home Early Morning m building fire in takoma park now out but it impact trafficraffic throughout most of the morning. S firet of impacting manna restaut on flour of a burned through thh roof and damaged two buildingsln next door. Oor. Officials say nearly 70 firefighters were called to theo scene to fight blaze. Ht bla no injuries reported. Repote lets get back to thek to t inauguration preps right now. On already this morning the prey r district a very difficult place to get around. Lots of road closuresre restrictions taking effect inffn preparation for tomorrowsrrows inauguration. Gution fox5s annie yu live downtownown with the latest now. Latesnow good morning. Reporter hey g morning g moi allison and steve. Ste good morning, everybody. Verybod. Theres a lot going on downtown right now if we take live view, this is 19 of ninth and ed at the corner of ninth and e e weve been seeing a lot of the cars stacking up as they makeak this left turn becauseau constitution avenue has beenn blocked off. Again, ninth and e and couldntt stewing now blocked off. G now weve been telling you about those closures all morning. Mor so well make a left here andere try to work around but basicallc i mean if youre trig to get t t anywhere near the major landmarks you will be denied asa you see right here. U seght crews are standing right in the entryway. Ay also some bridges that are shutt down as well. The Memorial Bridge is shut down as well as the key bridge and a roosevelt are open but memorial and 14th street those bridges bi are closed as we the district are closed off to t the public. Careful. But whether or not you arehe y coming down here for the inauguration the protest going i on. The galas and things like thatea Security Super tight. Tight. Everywhere you look. There are sirens, flashinglashin lights there are officers out ii full force directing folks andod letting you all know what to doo in case you have any questionsus so expect long lines, expectt delays. A lot of frustrated drivers out here. Here metro will also be closing downd five stops tomorrow onorro Inauguration Day. In weau have those listings for yoy on our website at foxdc. Com. Dc. C those have been shut down due te security reasons, and also justs a tip, carry around your photo id because in the green zone inn that map we showed you earlier,r traffic is allowed to go in andd out of those areas, however, its only open to those who live there and work there. So National Guards men ares m a posted up around that perimeter, and they will be checking for verification of your residency as wellresi as your employment. A lot to keep weve put together a survivalura guide on our website foxdc. Com. Downtown is just the swath ofwao downtown has been closed off. Of its best to avoid it if youyo can. Back to you in the studio. Tomorrow if youre headedded down one of the if you have fess challenges will be crossing cin pennsylvania avenue. Ia avenue. So just for planning purposes if you want to be on the north side of pennsylvani oan avenue,. Day to go until the president ial inauguration president electon p donald trump and Vice President elect mike pence areep making the rounds in washingtonn two of todays main public pi events taking place at the athe Lincoln Memorial which is wherew we find our Melanie Alnwick thii morning. G. Mel . Reporter good morning. Or. Once again steve and allison. Ll. Yes celebrations begin at 10 30 this morning with more of a prelude antithets call it. Its called voices of theled voe people. Its going to feature bands from f local schools and choirs fromiro civic groups things like that. Ht you can see that theyre alreada security measures here in placep to come into this area here. E the official events have alreada begun. Now, last night, the president elects motorcade made an unplanned stop at his trump hotel. This is about 9 30 in thein t evening. He was greeted with applause and cheers as he was on his way bacc to new york after two dinners in d. C. D. One was honoring Vice President elect mike pence. Ece the other featuring trumpsrumps cabinet nominees. And the pre inauguralal celebrations continue even latet today at 3 30 this afternoon, there is a wreath laying atyi a Arlington National cemetery where the vicepresident and the president elect viceidentel president elect and theidenelec president elect im going to beo happy to, v to stop saying say election it that make thingsit t simpler for me will be atr fo w Arlington Cemetery and then after that theyre going to heat back here to the lincolncoln memorial where they will be thii make America Great again welcome celebration. Ation mr. Trauma system expected to t make a few short remarks andar thank supporters. Thank the concert keith, lee greenwood, johnwo voight, military bands andmili fireworks display and 7 30 this evening he will head over tor t Union Station for a candlelightt dinner to thank pretty highy dollar donors there. The we know that he flew back to nee york last night hell be comingn back to washington for all these festivities later today. Ay. Thats live on the lincolnln memorial. Meal im Melanie Alnwick. A back to you guys. O u gu should be good weather forbee those events too. Too dont miss our specialal inauguration coverage tomorrow. We are starting at 4 00 a. M. A. M because we know folks will be uu super early trying get down to d the mall. The mall fox5 will take you through thege entire day and of course we want you to be a part of it. Be a rti if you are heading down for ther swearing in or the parade stay in touch with us on social media using the hash tag fox5 potus to share any photos or videos off what youre seeing. E s what youre experiencing and you can help others out as well asea we all get idea what theat t conditions are like and hownd crowded it is that type o thing. See any road blocks in the wayly or some ways that might helpel other folks let us know. T us we look to hearing in the meantime tucker isr i giving us great weather today. Od tomorrow you might need thatd poncho. Ncho you definitely going to wantl to bring that or your rainy r rn jacket that protects you fromouf the rain showers because we doed have some rain in the forecast f for tomorrow. 46 now in washington. To hey, temperatures nice and mildl to start your day. D. 44 dulles. Baltimore 44 as well. A mix of clouds and a littlelouda sunshine today. Probably get morsue clouds thana sun. But it will remain dry. Ilmain d so if youre going to be out and about later today, no problemsrm at all with weather. Eaer. Temperatures will be in the midh to upper 50s. 0s we do have rain on the horizonoz here. That will be developing tomorroo morning. Rn well take a close look at thatt coming up lets enjoy our our thursday. 57 degrees. A nice day. Ay. Temperatures almost 15 degrees5 ove nonormal. All right. L right. Plenty more on the timing of th rain showers tomorrow. Omro lets do traffic and whatsndt going on right now with erin. Ei lets enjoy the warmerarmer temperatures for today. Since theres so many inaugural events going on around theoing district. Di right now Memorial Bridgest cloe to all traffic including pedestrians and road closures is place around the Lincoln Roosevelt bridge normal at thatt point but notice how in and a outbound traffic very heavy verr slow. Extra time needed there. Re the hov lanes across the 14thheh street bridge are closed but tht main lanes are open. O you can always use key bridge bi from rosland into georgetowneort that is another route that isuta open for you. Forou. As we take a closer look att those road closures in placenla around the Lincoln Memorial, Lincoln Memorial circle portions of constitution avenue between e 23rd and 15th several streettree closures in place. N plac pennsylvania avenue as you heads to the white house also closed. E theyre getting a lot off closures in place and keep ineep mind metro right now is on time. However, tomorrow metro servicei begins at 4 00 a. M. But theut t archives federal triangle Mountt Vernon square pentagon andnd smithsonian stations will all bb closed for security purposes. Oss so plan ahead. N ahea and a lot of extra crowds arounn metro entry and exit onlyy stations as well as severaleverl escalators turn off to helpop crowds moving. Any questions erinov fox5 d. C. O twitter. Keep it to fox5. F were back in just a few. Live look there at lincoln o memorial our mel know alnwick ik there talking about events thath are going on this evening andnia leading into the inaugural ugr inauguration weekend and we have some more information now. Now it is down to the wire for the president ial inauguralentinaugur festivities and the committeeee that has spent months planning n every aspect of tomorrow toss inauguration and festivities. Ess which really start inhich rlt moments. Well getting final briefing beg right now on the latest fromheer madison the regional pressna pre second for the inaugural committee. L cote madison thanks for joining usang this morning. Wonderful to be with you both. Its go time it. Absolutely. Were ready. Iwere re whats first today as far as the official activities . Its . Sure. Well kick off today with wreata laying ceremony at arlingtoninon National Sorry tear. Sor t whats so amazing about this,hi its the first time time that this has been done by a president elect as part of official inaugurationfiat festivities. Were really excited because i think thisly r eeal real flex nn only our, you know, americanri peoples appreciation for thoset who have sacrificed so much forr us but also our president electe and Vice President electselecs appreciation for them as well. Os i think we have some i information to show as w thiers talking about some other eventss today that are free and it endse with a bank literally wereerlyw talking firework. Ewor yeah. Yh. Absolutely. Ab so we have the voices of the the people and make America Greatre again concert both going to bene amazing line up it toby keith,ei lee greenwood, three doors downr i mean these are amazing amazini performers and of course we areu going to end with some e wit incredible firework. Ork you said one leads right intt the other. The ot what we need to do to get in . . Entry . Tell us how to these are free events. Nt anybody can come to these events. I would advise that they get there early because there will be lot of people coming you want to make sure you get throughadvh security and no bags no no umbrellas things like that be b careful about what youre bringing so you can get in quick and mike sure to enjoy all the incredible performers were w going to have. G hav you may have dumped into thet dc pipes and drums. Theyll be join us in a littlee bit. Theyll be popping at thell bep Lincoln Memorial today. Loday. When it comes to tomorrow nightg with the inauguration itself,ugi have all the tickets been spokee for as far as the tickete areas . Yes, there will be swearing in tickets as you know in ordero to get in. To g in. However, you can go to theo to swearing in without a ticket at all theres many areas on theare mall that people can just simpll show up and watch it. D watch people dont have them by now at this point youre not goingrg to get tickets . Gic im pretty sure the tickets are gone for the ticketed areas. They can go to the mall. All. They wont miss out if theys oue dont have tick. Nt have tick. What kind of a day is it goingst to be and im just talking abouo from a schedule link standpointt for the president electlect sure. Hes going to start his day at the blair house. Which as you know past p president s have stayed atstayeda incredible house. Hse and hell go from there to private Prayer Service at saintt johns coffee with our current t president , president obama. En and then he will of courset, p h to the swearing in. G i head to the parade and all lee l of the balls will be tomorrowl night and hell be stopping atpi all of them. All before we let you go, if people just want to come and ged a glimpse of whats going on,oi try to get a glimpse of these incoming president , can youn suggest any spots or is the malm with the masses the waying to . T you know, i think going to gt the mall heading to the swearina in and getting there as early aa possible is the best way to doo it. Of course trying to catch to cat glimpse of the parade would be mazing as well. Mang a we did have sighting at thehn trump hotel last night. Is there any scoop on any otherr places we might be able to findo him . You know im not sure. Ou kno look i said he will be at all of the official sanked events and see blessed to have been able ta talk part in this. Part in this. Were excited to unite from sot many people from across thes nation but from across t world. You all raised the funds for these events today. Raiseoday. Yes, yes. Yes, y we had an from so many amazing people andd whats so great, we raised moreo than, you know, president obamao or president s in the past and ss when were finished what we do o have leftover can be donated too charity. Thats great. That socall free events arecall e funded by these donations . . Yes, correct. Ct. All right. P president elect. Rybodyomoror everybody tomorrow. Madison thanks for joining usoiu this morning. Orning. Thank you so much. Tnk y appreciate it. Where are he were. 8 17. Check in with bob barnardh bobaa because were talking about allu these events all over the placel the challenges with trying toint get around. Tun bob is in the thick of its o right now at Union Station withi more. Good morning. Ni reporter hey, goodey, morning, guys. Theres a big party hereing,g pe tonight. To its basically almost like a candlelight dinner for peopleeo who donate add Million Dollarsia or more to the president ialresil inaugural committee to pay foryr all the events. Ent so here it is tonight. Tonig Union Station. S. Theres this dinner, and you seu theres like security over ther arch ways there. Here this all the main entrances here are closed today because of special dinner tonight, and sond people coming and going from gof metro and amtrak and the marc m trains or what have you strongtr use one exit way around theay at corner. Er so this is a big entry point fof people coming to the inauguralhe festivities and a good chunk of Union Station is closed becauseu of that party tonight. Ht i want to show i was couple of o pig hers we took earlier over aa that starbucks at seventh and eh street where we were atre 7 00 oclock just to show thoseo of you who werent watching thet that a lot of businesses areinss open, but that starbucksrb according to the employees movem out all their tables and chairsa because they just dont wantonn people hanging around tomorrow. In case theres any trouble. Tre thats at one of the copieshe cs seventh and e where annie waswhi driving by earlier that has road blocks. Oc. So the getting around is going i to be difficult. I want to show you this. Youhi i borrowed this from gentleman n who is camera shy but wearingeai this make America Great againgan hat. And is traveling from californii with one of his friends. Frien doug coleman whos here. Er a restaurant tower from garden ov doug g morning. Good morning. Ck you dont have jacket. No. N this is not too bad though. Noto at least its dry. Dry and were here for a great timem to party in our nations capitap and watch our president get sworn in. Sw reporter let me see your sey hat. Drain the swamp, trauma penceumc youre staying in baltimore. Bal tell me about the comings andngn goings. We flew in nonstop intoons baltimore, and got great hotel. So we could stay out there, ridr thtro in. In. It was a piece of cake. C work out like a dream. Dre are you going to be at the inauguration . We are. . W we got congressional seating. Si so its going to be veryer exciting time for all of us. L of were very excited to be here. And you may not be used toseo d. C. But there are a lost a lt barricades. A lot of port o johns. J i mean they do this normally on an inauguration. But i mean it was a contentious election and so are you prepared for, you know, people getting i your face or trying to have aav good time as well. Wel weve got thick skin. Eki well deal with it. Wel they wl ant to behave like idioo well just watch them. Atch the all right. Ht doug coleman visiting fromino garden grove, california thanks again guys the key theres a lot of stuff happening even tonightg a lot of hotels are hosting pre inaugural balls. L b just the advice is give yoursels extra time because the coming tg and going is going to be ais go little difficult with the road d closures and what have you and u again if youre traveling tve through Union Station today, bee prepared to have have to walko k great distances because lot ofot the station is closed because ou an event that donald trump and u mike pence will be at herel bete tonight. A lot of people get a lot off exercise around the city in thec next couple of days. Xt cple bob thank you very much. Thyou vy coming up next america mostt expensive house is the on the oe market. How much it costs to own all of this. Oh, my goodness. , oodn where would you start . Well discuss coming up. Its 8 20. As we look out over the greau landscape oft washington, d. C. D this morning theres so many soy places you can here. Ere. Maybe you walk past a few and said man if only i could affordr to have that house or apartmentt or condo. Or cdo. Thats every day. Y day. The most expensive home for sale in the United States look o at the garage seriously. Ioly look at the garage on the bottom level. Leve forget about the pool and the house. E. Its on the market g whose house is this. 250 million. 0 mi this is in these unitedni states . Where is this house. Comes with a helicopter. Comes with the car with and ara collect. Comes with a fulltime staff ofo yes its in the los angeles area. The french fresh princes olh d house because i fts inl air. Air. No . 38,000 i guess its its square feet. Bell air mansion stands four fou stories tall with 12 bedrooms, 21 bathrooms, three kitchens and also includes ludes who needs a kitchen when this. Niche type features. Like aiche t candy wall. Al do you see it . I want to look at at. T. Im salivating. Alivatg. Inside that, you know, candyn world store or whatever its called. Ca the candy wall is 200,000 in00 candy alone. Did you just hear me . R m how much candy. 200,000 in candy alone. Fantastic. Your turn. The home also boasts two wino cellars stocked with the worldr finest champagne and 85foot infinity pool with swim up bar. Apparently it belonged to aelon developer. Ill look him up and see whaa did he to get the house. 30 million just in cars. So when off 250 millionmill home, you just pay for it, f i right, in cash . You dont do a mortgage . Somebody that goes beyond the generall mortgage im pretty sure. Ur youre late on your mortgagee that goes to you own the o bang. Right. Yes. Did you find it . Um, d no. Idm,o. Who needs 200,000 worth of candy . Candy goes bad, doesnt it . You have a lot of friends over. Right. Right. Maybe we need it. M tuaycker, good morning it. Ornini looks a little excessive. Exi you spend 250 million its turn key. Dont have to fur their it, your dont have to buy anything, you, just move in. When you start vacuumingacmi downstairs you can spent the six weeks working your way up to tht upper floors. Per fors. You have never touched aav vacuum in your life when you you live in that house. Se right. R. Right. Hey, we got breaking news. Ew look allison breaking news,inew breaks news. News. National park service says you s can bring small umbrellas tomorrow now. Ow. Small. The producer calls the penguin umbrella penguin had that big umbrella you cant bring thatha one. One. You can bring tote style tote umbrellas. Umbr put out by the National Park service. Description the penguinipti umbrella. Big penguin umbrella you y cant bring that unwatch thewate little guy you can bring. Y can satellite radar clouds today ifs youll be out today kind of at d partly cloudy afternoon. Mild, mid to upper 50s and thene well focus on those rainse r showers unfortunately theylltu arrive just when we dont wantan them to tomorrow kind of mid tot late morning much heres quicki look at future cast. C there we are at 11 00 oclock00c tomorrow. Of course thats when everybody is gathering. Ats is g ate are at noon. W the good news, it will be quicki moving. Mo it wont be heavy rain but it i will be period of showers rightg when we dont want it the mill m of the day tomorrow and get itnt out of here tomorrow night. Rrowt if youre going out tomorrow tom night it will be just cloudy. Udy saturday looks fine. E. I know that we got a lot of lotf activities on saturday as well l and then on sunday the rain rai returns with items in the mid 50s thats a weather update. U. Erin is back with roads, railsds and all things not moving. Right. Much its thursday morning. The inauguration is tomorrow. Onm a lot of events going on aroundd the district. T and if youre just trying to get to work this thursday morning ig would say overall on our majorsr like the beltway, lighter volumm than usual. But we do have typical slow s downs like through College Parke on the outer loop by 95. 5. There is an outer loop crash loa blocking the left lane att landover road causing delays ala the way back towards suitlandui parkway so be prepared for that one. This northbound 295 crash israsi still blocking the center lanean so were seeing big delays backb to the 11th Street Bridge. E a 11th Street Bridge stilldgetil open but Memorial Bridge isdg i closed to all traffic includingg pedestrians right now. Now that is because the event theve theyre prepping for at theprepi Lincoln Memorial severalev closures in place around therene as well. Rose vessel bridge north of thet Memorial Bridge is open to brids traffic. However, its jam packed in both directions because of so manyson folks seeking alternates key bridge another hospital shouldnt for to you get around and here forr to the y inaugurar welcome celebration roadon road closures around the lincolncoln memorial including lincolninln memorial circle you can see thet red surrounding that havero portions of constitution right now metro is on time but b tomorrow they open at 4 00 a. M. M for service. But archives federal triangleane mount Vernon Square pentagon and smithsonian stations will beonsl closed and watch for big crowdsc an lot of security right now tht main entrance at Union Station n is also closed today. Tay back to you allison and steve. According to variety magazing the homes owner bruce mc calc a ski and his wife kathy made a fortune selling hasnt bags and accessories on qvc and startedta flipping multi Million Dollars home. Home. Im familiar with the hasnth bags. There you go. Y okaouy. I think i have one of them. E ofe now you can live in his house. In one day donald trump wild be sworn in as the 4on5th 45t president of the United States. E what he plans to accomplishompl during his first 100 days in office. With glow sticks, wholl lal hoops, rainbow flags protestersr throw a dance party near theear rented home of vicepresident ent election mike pence. E pence. I will never wash my hair again. I will never never wash my hair again now, i fuel it new pantene doesnt just wash your hair, it fuels it. With the first prov nutrient blend, making every. Dont just wash your hair fuel it fuel your hair. Because strong is beautiful. New year, time to get rid of stuff. Simplify, declutter, unplug, purge, or even quit cold turkey. I raise turkeys without growthpromoting antibiotics, hormones, or steroids. Feeling good about what your family eats is a Pretty Simple place to start. My name is tammy plumlee, and i raise honest, simple turkey for shady brook farms. You are seeing and you arere hearing the d. C. See fire depart Emerald Society pipes and drumse band. Theyll be one of the groups participating this afternoonbe n the make America Great again celebration for the inauguratior of donald trump. Don well be talking with the folksl who make up this band later oneo this morning. We thank them. This is a busy day for them. T thanks for snd with us. In one day in the meantime me donald trump will become thee leader of the free world wld challenges as commander chief, they are many. Chiehey joining us now jordan with theit school of international servicee at American University researcht fellow at the white house h congress relations. Ss r thats mouthful. Busy man. Good morning. Thanks for having me. Lets talk about it a lot ofb times we look at especially acil new president you look at thek t first 100 days in office and thats kind of a blueprint fornt maybe the rest of the term. M. So what do you think thehink t challenges will be, and what dod you think donald trump willink a really try to tack first in those 100 days. Theyll be big challenges top priority will be repealing and replacing obama care thats as top priority for trump and foror Congressional Republicans. Repua but its not going to be easy. As i think theyve already found f that its a lot easier to criticize obama care than toe ta figure out how to replace it without millions of peopleeo losing health insurance. Ance and trump wants congress to acta right away on this, but manyy Congressional Republicans wantnu to make sure theyre doing thist carefully and taking the time t this well. El how dynamic play out. O i know in the past numerous numr president s have said theres definitely a difference betweene when you prepare to have that ht power and when you actually feef that power and have that power. I think, um, congress will act rather deliberately on thisi because Republican Congressionas leaders are going to be want ton be careful that they are, you ao know, coming up with replacemene that is not going to be politically costly for them dowd the road when people actually aa Lose Health Insurance and so so trump has a lot of powers as the president but he isnt going to be able to force congress to act immediately if congressionalon Republican Leaders want to wait a little while. Could you set precedent as far as cabinet picks, appointeei picks as a president electsnts takes over the role of president. Esent. Is donald trump where pastre p president s have been . At this h time . There has not been as much ca some of the cabinet nominees ase there has been in the past. So probably because theres a Republican Congress. C i think trump has felt hell beb able to get his cabinet nomineee through congress easily butil already theres some ethicsme es concerns about some of them and Congress Really needed to Due Diligence and look at people a o carefully. Make sure that people dont havh ethics concerns that should sul disqualify them because in thesn past it has been common for some nominees to not get confirmed bb congress because of various kinds of ethics concerns muchces thats one of the questions aneo lot of people are having right now if plse if if people arn confirmed leading in now obviously even were talking tal about changes with embassieses overseas and diplomats and thata type of position. N. As of noon tomorrow whatw w happens . Is there just a disconnect of federal officialsc all around the world . . Well, unfortunately its beeb true of all recent president st that many of their nominees have not gotten into office right r away, and theres a lag before r all those poit i think the bigger issue with iw trump how is he going to managea the federal bureaucracy youou cannot be an effective presideni through managing by tweets. H ma he has ana very kind of adhoc informal management style wheree he likes to make announce andsea through tweets and he really has to learn how to draw on thehe expertise of the federal bureaucracy create an orderlrd management process and thats going to be interesting to seeno if he changes his leadership lep style in that way. Yle before we let you go back toc the first 100 days. Ay a lot of Campaign Promises that were made immigration pops topos the for front of my mind. In what is realistic in the firstst 100 days of this presidency . Well, i think they willil repeal and replace obama care. B. I think it will not be easy to,s you know, sort that out bututut thats such a top priority imym sure congress will act on that. A it needs to happen. N. Okay. I think that also trump willl move ahead quickly with w repealing a number ofber administration put in on alln a kinds of issues includingding immigration but other issues. Sss many of those issues trump can c act essentially immediately just through the power of theugh powe presidency to reverse, rescind regulations. Regulati some regulations its not thatn easy to change them right away. I was going to ask weve seen in going back to the twitterwier weve seen the tweets the pen is ready, the executive decisionsio that can be made. Made. Anything there that mighthat m surprise us at this point as far as things that can take can te immediate effect . Well, there are some rules in place that dont make it thatt a easy to rescind all regulationsl that quickly. At q so there has to be, um, in somes cases under the law a formal process that the government goes through to take back rules thata have been issued by the federall government so its not itss not all that straight forward. D but rules that have been issueds within the last six months. Monh president is able to just, um, overturn those essentially those might be some of thehe first changes we see. S thank you. Nkou thanks for joining us. Joininu thanks so much. Jordan is from americanm amei iviversity. Tucker, its weather time. Weatm if morning. Orning. Thank you allison. Thank all lots to talk about. Ut lets start with today. Od today well be fine. ll be 46 now in washington. Ow i 42 up in new york city. City. If we can flip the prompter,mpte that would be fantastic. There is a look at yourt y satellite radar. Tellite radar. And we do have cloud cover onovo the horizon here. Her so it will be kind of a partly to mostly cloudy day. Day daytime highs on the mild side. Mid 50s and well keep it dry today. Da youll be outside later todayatt youre in good shape. Odha tomorrow thats our rain showers activity its not going to rainn all day around here butg well have a period of rain between 10 and two tomorrow. Tomro obviously if youll be downtownt or going to be outdoors for anyr period of time tomorrow, youw, u want to plan accordingly. Ordi again some showers tomorrowomro midday. 57 this afternoon. Partly sunny. A nice afternoon temps wellempsl above normal. Th ws weather. Plenty more momentarily. Erin is back with roads. Roa also you can bring those tott umbrellas now. Las now i mentioned you can bring thg little guys butou the penguin umbrellas. Uin umlas im glad were on the samehee page here. Here. Right now youre taking liveiv look new york ninth outside thee closure area. Aa. Police directing traffic and yod can see were parked for severav miles folks try to navigate around the red zone of closuress in the district all by nationala. All. Capitol, Union Station, white, w house, pennsylvania, lets taket look at our maps right now. Htow want to help you get around. Ro for the Union Station event,ve parking restrictions are inare place. Plac main entrance Union Station isti closed. It will reopen tomorrow. Opom you can use the west porticotico entrance to access union uon station. Watch for a lot of increased ine Police Presence down there. Hey, if your car unfortunatelynf does get towed within the red or green soap, just keep in mindd call 311 theyll let you know yo exactly where that is. E that were hoping it doesnt happen. Green zone restrictions are in place only folks tha rt wesork o live in that area are going too be able to access it. Es red zone closures in place allla around constitution avenue asnue you make your way out. Out for the overall wide view of o your current thursday morningdag commute absolutely lightere so volume than we typically see. S. But a done of closures alreadyey in place including the memorialr bridge and we do h loop crash blocking left lane aa landover road all metro railai lines are time probably yourrob best bet to get around thehe district. Ri thats a look at traffic. s a lt were back in just a few. Ew 8 41. A show of support for lgbt of p rights. Rits. Hundreds of frosts held a dancen party right near the rented home of pride elect mike pence. Mikec this is video youre looking loo right in the middle of Western Avenue just down the streettet t because the group was originall front of pence house but his road was blocked off by police. C organization that started the dance Party Planning several more protests in dc t weekend. Now lets get with to see se whats going on good day d. C. Two of my favorite ladies hollyy and maureen stand buying. Bin youre going to coin ourre o names. C you didnt do it. Yoyou chickened out. U diyou chi. I did chicken out. I didhick thats cool. Thatoo well come up way good one go for next time. For ne thanks guys. S y fox5 d. C. Is yours you inauguration station. Stat our crews are all over the d. C. To bring you what you need tooue know from president elect trauma pops schedule to road closuresdu and the protests good day dc ha got you covered for the next tw hours. Also developing now, howow president obama spend his last l day in office . We have live coverage put up that good dayay guess list. Sis star power live in the loft. Heof actress Melissa Fitzgerald fromm the west wing now leads a groupp dedicated to protecting veteranr shell be with. Bh. On good day at 10a, how aboua a hollywood heart throb. Be here live. E. Hes part of inaugural ball atna the new mgm this weekend. Ee and speaking of hot remember this guy max from tmz the surfer dude . Yeah. De hes actually hosting that ballb at the m. T m good m. Yup. Hes going to be with us as l well. We really i thought antonio wass hosting that ball. Bal i think antonio stab bat towt jr. Is hosting the ball. Al max is one of the special s guests that will be there. Tre okay. Either way its hotness allol in one place. Place yeah, dude. That was to max. Ax. Only one place to be for the bee next two hours and youre two watching it good day h d. C. Stat in just a few. Ew. I give you a little intel on that. The official designation thatsi im aware of antonio will be the master of ceremonies. Ons. Okay. And max is the celebrity host. Okay. Everyone wins. Ryone wins. Were all correct. Rell c there you go. I got it. Ude. E. Molly, thank you very much. Uc i go to the dermatologist for that. At never mine. I can continu ladies. Ladi 8 43. Lets head outside. Out we are actually going to besi aa chatting with these folks rights after the break. E they are goingter toth be perfn for the president elect in justj a matter of hours. Ou well chat with them next. Next. Its 8 43. s 8 43. At dominion, were putting our energy to work creating a cleaner environment by using cleaner Energy Sources like solar, wind and natural gas. Weve reduced Carbon Emissions by nearly 25 , which is the equivalent of taking close to two million cars off the road. Cleaner air and cleaner water. Its good for all of us. Dominion. Depend on us for more than energy. Welcome back. E b were on tv, al. Were tv, how about that. Ha listen heres the deal. T folks who are going to beo actually performing for theerrm president elect in just a coupl of minutes, but we need to getdg to tucker first we put him inuth time out right now. Now where is tucker. Tuc hes in hiding right over o here. He but you know the drill. Dri wait a minute. Oh, the drill. Th dri 10 seconds. We have to wait 10 seconds. 10 seconds. Now can i talk . Yes. All right. Real quick well do the weather forecast. Ck mid 40s right now. W b thegoing to be in the mid teo upper 50s later today. Tod got some cloud cover, right. R umhmm. Uhm cant wait to hear this. t w this is going to be great. Gre lets take look. Letke loo i think were looking atinweren temperatures right now. Temper n lets go quickly to satellite sl picture, and were going to bert looking at a lot of clouds offuo to our south and west. Wes they will continue to increase n throughout the day a little bitt of sunshine here. E here. The good news nice and mild thil afternoon temperatures in therae mid 50s. Hey, that rain you see back int alabama and mississippiis unfortunately headed in ourrtune direction for tom so plan accordingly here. That will be moving in ourin direction again i think the raii chances best chances betweenst s about 10 00 and 2 00 tomorrow0 o with some shower activity forctv the big day tomorrow. Omor the good news it will be quickek moving and should be out of her by afternoon and tomorrowor evening it will be fine but look at future cast 10am tomorrow. Omo 11 right around the swearing ing ceremony at noon likely haveel e scattered showers well get itd out of hershe early tomorrow afternoon. Temperatures about 50 tomorrow. O so that too is good news atd ns least it will be relatively mild we wont be dealing with icinghi or even snow out there. Ow o t quick look at the seven day. D saturday looks brighter. Ghr. Temps in the mid 50s. Mid 5 rain returns by sunday andunday monday. All right. Im done. Lets do it. Fantastic. T. I love it. F good kilt weather i guess we i s could say this is tim hes the pipe major for d. C. Fire pipesii and drums. You guys are like the skillsys e players in the nfl on l aik cold day. Day. Yeah. You got to put your game face on. On no extra layers under 19. Unr good thing its wool. Ood thiw you get a chance to performep and represent d. C. Now in frontr of the president elect. How did this all come together . This . This . We were conveniented by thede president ial inaugurationnaug committee, and we septembered. Td were excited to do it. T i biggest thing weve probablyvea have done and will ever do. R d so hopefully we get a peacefulcl transition of power and. And. Right. You dont get much bigger gei than this. No. Youre performing today atmig the welcome celebration. Tion yes. T the liolnincoln. Ght . T . Yes. Tell us about what folks whos come a dboown will take part in. What will they hear . H we have about five minutes te play. Theyre not going to hear wholee lot but theyll hear enough that, you know, theyll get a good taste of what we do. Of wh. Tell us about the group and who its made up of. Is everybody a member of ther o fire and ems departments. Artmens thats correct. Everybody in this band has to bs a member active or retiredret member of the d. C. Fire department. Rtme so we are all d crier c firefighters most of us areost a going work when were done. D how did you discover bagpipes. Little bit of an unusual musicao inf strument, isnt it . , isn h, yeah, it is. Ba, in the old old old days, day ellis island daysing when the we irish came over they al like firemen and police jobs,icj and when they had comrades falle in the line of duty the only thing they knew about were how to do funerals with bagpipeg it started then and evolved. Evo keep it going. How long is d. C. Fire had a e group like this. Since 2002. 200 relatively knew then. Relel yeah. Y this will be our 15th year. Yr. Awesome. Awe all being members of the pfeiffer and the Response Community youre used to bige ub events here in washington, d. C. S yes. You said you have to go work right afterward. Rd probably leave the stage and get back to the dayle job. Absolutely. Stage clothes first. Of course sta. Put on gear with a kilt on. Have to be very carefular climbing ladders in that. That. Xa exactly. Im sure youve heard all tht jokes before. Befor yeah it gets windy on then ladder. La you dont want that you. U doha take it seriously it has to h be a great honor those of us serving washington, d. C. Ong inn daily basis literally on the one biggest stage. Ggest stage this is it for us. We d tefinitely want to thank t fire chief and his staff for all the continued support we get. Well, jim we want to get little tastet of what youre going to do forlf the new president. So dallas and allison and and tucker and i will 70 out of thef way and well let do you your thing. Gentlemen, thank you for joining us today. Today best wishes on the big stage fos the president elect later today. [ applause ] thank you guys. 8 53 right now. Welcome back to fox5 news right now, lighter volume arounm the beltway for sure than wehan normally see, but in the t district much different story. Rs so many road closures as we w prepare for the inaugural eventt today and the inaugurationuratio itself tomorrow. Self tomrow red zone closures in place inside that red zone neare nr National Mall. Ml. As well as capital lincolnco memorial all the way down to th white house. Ithouse. Green zone restrictions in place as well for those folks in thatt area. Area you have to live or work thereot and they are checking ids bee pro paired for that. Pa Union Station event later todaya the main entrancye to union uon station remains closed. Mains clo it will reopen tomorrow. Tomorro three Public Entrances ares are available right now includingncu west portico entrance. Metro lines on time right now ii youre taking metro. T but if youre keeping it to the roads Lincoln Memorial circle cl closed as well as portions of constitution from 23rd to 15 to preparing for that lincoln lcoln memorial event. Nt. Memorial bridge is closed to alo traffic as well as pedestrianser right now because of the Lincoln Memorial events you can take the rows vessel bridge heavy traffif in both directions. Hov bridge lanes closed on theas 14th street bridge but thegeut main lanes are open. Pe and alo option for to you get around. Rn some other big closures you need to be aware of third streethirdt tunnel is open until tomorrowro morning at 6 00 but the ninth, h 12th and e street tunnels are closed right now. Closed also were dealing with closuree on independence as well as w portions of ohio drive and alsos keep in mind that independenceee to rock creek parkway is closede so well keep up it dad on allna the closures any questions atioa erin fox5 dc on twitter. Witter all metro rail lines are on timm and do you have options. Optio you can take to get around including the 11th street str geidge. Tucker, you said that weather ii more pleasant day for theor the Outdoor Events than what well t see tomorrow . Morw . Yes. Showers in the forecast tomorrow. But lets start with mild tem teratures. S 48 at reagan national. Stt reagat 45 dulles. Bwi marshall 44. Cloud cover well have some som clouds today at least well hold the rain off until tomorrow. Ro so if youll be down at variousr event this afternoon youll be e fine but you can see that clouda cover moving in from the south e and west might get a little ltl sunshine today. Suns again it will be dryhi later today. Off to our south and we have there are the makings of ourur ne well get a warm front tomorrowo morning and that will bring usnu some scattered rain showersn swe right when we dont want themt e between about 10 00 and two and tomorrow not going to be washo e out but there will be period ofd some rain showers through hereer tomorrow morning. Ng. Again, the National Park Service Update you can bring a small a a umbrella now inside the securitt perimeter tomorrow. Omor so thats a change fromfro yesterday. Ster small umbrellas are allowed. Owed okay. Thats the weather update. Ther. Saturday looks a littletle igighter. Temps in the mid five tees. At least drive. Guys, back to you. Guy lets say good mornings, to f book fan of the day. Ay jackie and her beautiful familyy look at this picture. Icture oh, my gosh. Y gosh. How sweet is that . Is itis i weird for me to make that my profile picture. Yeah. It is weird, okay. It rd whatever you want. Wha te jackie actually posted t excuse me. Se im sure she did. E di ill all choked up postedokes this photo to our page lastt month. At the time she was due to give birth to her baby at anyshe wa. Now she is the proud mom of twow a daughter an newborn son. Congratulations and i will not t high own Profile Photo though i wantt to. I know do you. I its that precious. Ci congratulations jackie to yoy and your entire family. Fily. Dont miss our special coveragee we are on bright and early ear allison and will be here at 4 0 a. M. A lot of folks will be f getting up super early to make that trek to the National Mall l so well help you through youror traffic information that you need to know your metroform information et cetera yourn et r weather because theres a good chance of rainus tomore row. Omoo well get you through the entire day and we want you to be a parr of it with us. S so if youre heading down forn o the swearing in or if youren oo going down for the parade, makem sure you use social media toia t stay in touch with us. Uch wi using the special hash tag fox5 potus. Share any photos, any videos, any thoughts whatever it is that youre seeing experiencing, etit cetera, use that hash tag fox5 potus you can use it any timet t today if youre going down to do the concert by the Lincoln Memorial or tomorrow down on tht mall. Let us know and we can use that use that information to help others alonl the way as well. 8 57. Good day d. C. Coming next. Straight ahead, theraightad countdown to the inaugurationurn were one day away from donalda trump First Official day as d a president of the United States. And he has a busy 24 hours hou leading up to it. O i how hes getting ready for the oath of office. Ic what to expect from his first fr speech to the nation and what wa you need to know if you want ton be there. Saying goodbye. Db today mark president obamas

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