Musical guest, kings of leon, and featuring the legendary roots crew. Questlove 555 directory assistance steve and now, here he is, jimmy fallon . . . . [ cheers and applause ] jimmy welcome, everybody. Welcome. Hot crowd tonight. Welcome welcome, welcome, welcome to welcome to the tonight show, everybody. Youre here. [ cheers and applause ] you made it thats what im talking about. Its all you guys. Welcome. Thank you very much. Well, heres what everyone is of course its the election, and get this, Hillary Clintons Campaign Manager said that based on early voting, they expect this election to have the largest voter turnout in american history. [ cheers and applause ] thats right. More people than ever will go to the polls for their chance to say, uh, i guess. [ laughter and applause ] i saw that last night, hillary held a fundraiser with elton john in california. Which was great until they showed up wearing the same it and that was just [ laughter ] its just a bummer. It just ruin you ever do that . That ever happened to you . Steve just check. Jimmy before that, hillary was talking about some of Donald Trumps recent comments and what she thought it made us all want to do. Listen to this. It makes you want to turn off the news. It makes you want to unplug the internet or just look at cat gifs. [ laughter ] believe me, i get it. In the last few weeks, ive watched a lot of cats do a lot jimmy i guess the next time she has a coughing fit, it might be a hairball. [ laughter and applause ] just keep that in mind. It might just [ hacking ] [ light laughter ] over on the republican side, donald trump said yesterday that he didnt even need to run for president , and that hes only running so that he can give back to the country he loves. And russia said, and it means the worlto us. [ applause ] thats so sweet. Thank you. Thats right, trump said that he wants to give back to the country he loves. Then people said theres always that other way to give back to your country pay your damn taxes. [ cheers and applause ] just pay your damn taxes, man . . Pay your damn taxes. . Trump donald trump pay your damn taxes donald trump . . Pay your damn taxes donald . . . . Pay your damn taxes donald trump . Steve trump. Jimmy hey, before the final debate between trump and hillary, it will take place next week in las vegas. Thats right. Trump insisted the debate that takes place in vegas, so that everything that happens there stays there. [ applause ] this is interesting. For Legal Marijuana in the u. S. Has doubled over the past decade. [ cheers and applause ] and you can you could tell by listening to some of our politicians that theyre into weed. Lets take a look at this. . . [ coughing ] [ mumbling ] and not pay anything. Well, you know, i i i dont have a problem with if i were in charge right now. Jimmy what . I wouldnt i wouldnt know if i was in charge of what i would do now where i was when you were there. This is pretty amazing. New data from the Hubble Space Telescope shows that the universe has two trillion galaxies, which is ten times more than previously thought. The good news is, none of those galaxies are made by samsung. So were going to be all right. [ applause ] were going to be okay. Were going to be all t. Steve it blowed up. Jimmy oh, a new article claims that taco bell has become one of the healthiest food chains after taking artificial ingredients out of their food and offering lighter options. So next time you go to taco bell, be sure to order their new healthy option fistful of lettuce. There you go. [ laughter and applause ] really healthy. Steve so good. So good. Crunchy. Jimmy you want me to feed you . You could use your hand if you want to. [ laughter and applause ] little controversy. Houston rockets guard, bobby brown, has apologized after he wrote his name and jersey number on the great wall of china. He would have gotten away with it too, if he hadnt written his name and jersey number on the great wall of china. [ laughter and applause ] howd you know it was me . A recenttudy sugges that watchingth y twir significant other can boost the quality of a couples relationship. So, next time you make your wife sit through seven hours of football, let her know, im doing this for us. [ laughter and applause ] and finally, a harvard psychologist who studies dreams recently said that dogs likely dream of our faces, our scents, and trying to please us. [ audience aws ] then dogs said, nope, just butts. [ laughter and applause ] we have a great show tonight give it up for the roots [ cheers and applause ] . . . . [ cheers and applause ] jimmy great crowd hey, everybody. Welcome. We have a fantastic show tonight. This guy is the best. We love it when he stops by. We just love it. What a great guy. Funny, funny hum jon hamm is here, you guys steve oh [ cheers and applause ] jimmy great actor. Hes a stud. Jons going tell us all about his big new movie, keeping up with the joneses, and then he and i have something fun planned for later in the show. Its going to be good. [ cheers ] plus, she plays miranda sings in the brandnew netflix series, haters back off Colleen Ballinger is dropping by tonight. Steve yeah. [ cheers and applause ] jimmy shes amazing. Shes totally i mean, its a totally different than what she is like in real life. But youll see what shes like in real life tonight. And we have great music. Im so excited about these dudes. Every time they come on, they just rock the place. Kings of leon are here tonight steve yeah [ cheers and applause ] jimmy i love those guys. Waste a moment is their jam. You want to hear a second of it . Steve yeah, bust off a a piece. . . Jimmy thats it. There you go. But kings of leon on tonight. Thats it right there. Theyre on steve yeah [ cheers and applause ] jimmy guys, today is friday. Thats usually when i catch up on some personal stuff. You know, check my inbox, return some emails, and of course i send out thank you notes. [ cheers and applause ] i was running a bit behind. I thought if you wouldnt mind, id just like to write out my weekly thank you notes right now. Is that cool with you guys . [ cheers and applause ] you guys are the best. James, can i get some thank you note writing music, please. . . [ light laughter ] good to see you, james. Steve yeah. Jimmy i havent seen him in a i havent seen james in a a while. Look at him. [ light laughter ] steve look at him. Jimmy well, we hung out last night. We hung out last night a little bit. Steve whatd you do last night . Jimmy ill tell you later on. [ light laughter ] steve hes still wearing the same outfit. Jimmy im just happy yeah. . . Thank you, popup halloween stores, for reminding me where radioshack used to be. [ laughter and applause ] i love radioshack. Steve i need some batteries. Jimmy thank you, ged this week. Great news. But Michael Phelps got engaged just a little bit faster. [ laughter and applause ] steve oh . . Jimmy thats true at this time. Steve little bit jimmy a facts a fact. 4 steve ths it. Thats a fact, jack. . . Jimmy thank you, scientists, for tryi a new antiaging drug that can help dogs live longer. Youll know your dogs a little too old when it looks at your leg and says, eh, we just did [ laughter and applause ] come on. . . Thank you, jammed photocopier. I could probab fix you, but im just going to walk away and let the next person deal with it. [ applause ] steve input tray two . . . Jimmy thank you, great white shark breeding ground that was just discovered off the coast of lis being a place where majestic white creatures go to breed. Or as thats also known, connecticut. [ laughter and applause ] did you know that . Steve i did not know that. Now i do. . . Jimmy thank you, people with the first name patrick, for probably feeling uncomfortable around people with the last name, kilpatrick. [ applause ] jimmy thank you, singing in the shower. Or as i like to call you soap operas. [ cheers and applause ] . . Steve its a thinker. Ladies and gentlemen, leaving the stage for the last time jimmy i got it. Steve James Thomas Fallon jimmy i got it. Thank you. . . Steve what happened . Jimmy whats that . Steve what happened . Jimmy i just couldnt find the exit. [ light laughter ] steve oh. . . Jimmy thank you, organic cotton towels. If i ever decide to eat a a towel, im glad i know theres a healthy option. [ laughter and applause ] there you guys have it right there. Theyre my thank you notes. Well be right back with jon hamm [ cheers and applause ] alright, hows this for a tv show. Sous chef. Lawyer by day, prepcook by night. Also, his name isous. No. Sloppy joseph. A middleaged man whos trying to get his life together, but he cant hes to sloppy. Huhhh no here you go. I got this. I get cash back so its like everythings on sale. With the blue cash everyday card from American Express you get cash back on purchases with no annual fee. Everythings on sale t. Thats the one banana boat dessert on me. Look at you being all lactose tolerant. Its more than cash back. Were the judges right in saying were the best tasting light beer . You be the judge. Spelled different because its brewed different. . . . . . . One smart choice leads to the next. . . Of a wellmade choice. [ cheers and applause ] jimmy we are joined right now by an emmy and golden globe Award Winning actor. We love him. You know him from big movies like bridesmaids and the town. Of course, for his role as don draper on the critically acclaimed show mad men. Startin next friday, he stars alongside Zach Galifianakis in the big new action comedy called, keeping up with the joneses. Please welcome back to our show, jon hamm, ladies and gentlemen [ cheers and applause ] . . . . . . Jon hamm right there that is how you do it. Thats how you enter. Thats how you come on to a a show. Always great to see you. Im fully out of breath, by the way. Jimmy you are a stud. Always good to see you, brother. How are you . Everything great . Very well. Good to see you. Thank you very much. Thanks for having me and thank you so much guys, they say a a lot of things about new york city. Best water right here. Jimmy see thats what im talking about. Right here, best water. Jimmy thank you. That is tap as tap can be. Jimmy speaking of tapping, i was telling you about this broa s there is no tap dancing in the show. Not yet. Jimmy not yet, but i saw this the other night, oh hello. Oh hello. Jimmy oh hello. It is a very, very funny play. Yeah, did you notice anything special about the who was in the show, though . It stars our friends jimmy nick kroll and john mulaney. Yes. Very, very talented guys. [ cheers and applause ] jimmy its really funny. The show has got probably a a thousand jokes in the show. Its really great. Jimmy its unbelievably funny. Looking through the playbill well, its five theaters, just in case something goes wrong. Jimmy they have understudies. Sure. Jimmy so this is the stars of the play right there, and this is their understudies right there. Its you and john slattery. Now, thats not now, in case something goes wrong . Yeah. Just in case, you know, theyre getting up there. One of them maybe throws a hip. [ light laughter ] you got to be ready to go. We get a call and i live in los angeles, which makes it very diff [ laughter ] jimmy youre on broadway you cant make it to an 8 00 show. Well, you know, thats why you get the broadway express, takes you right across the country. Jimmy all across the country. Went all the way down to do like a whos who in the cast in playbill, and theres a whole bio of you. Not one mention of mad men. Well, they they had asked if i would be interested in understudying, and i immediately said yes, of course. This is all taking place via text, because thats how professional all of us are. Mulaney, and he says, will you do this, i says yes. And he goes, alright, i need a a bio. First of all, like, im pretty sure this is illegal, given like actors equity and all that stuff. He goes, i need a i need a a written confirmation that you want to do this. And i sent back the this emoji and the this emoji. [ laughter ] and he said, thatll do. Jimmy thatll do. Thatll do her. Jimmy thatll do pig. But he says and he goes, i need a bio from you and i said School Acting credits and a a thing i did in college. Jimmy yeah. And thats it. Jimmy you were various roles in greater tuna at don burrows high school. Yes, i was. Greater tuna. Jimmy greater tuna, yeah. Great play. Jimmy not better than great. Great, yeah. Sequel to pretty good tuna. Jimmy pretty good tuna. And not for nothing, the thing that they do, the prank yeah. Tuna brings us all together, you guys. Were all a big part of this thing we call the Great American tuna salad. It was so funny and alan alda was a surprise guest and man, he was funny. He was unbelievable. He was great. And they came up but i could never do have you done . Ive done it. Yes you could. What are you talking about you could never do it . Jimmy i cant do theater acting. No i cant. You did a version of it on saturday night live for years. This would be considered a a version of theater acting. Jimmy no. No. [ cheers and appe i think. Jimmy when i was on saturday night live, it was a a pure giggle fest. I just laughed my way through six seasons. Im pretty sure studio audiences are never wrong. [ cheers and applause ] jimmy but you started there and you you guys. Jimmy have you ever done these soap opera works . Well, i mean, are you talking about singing in the shower . . . Jimmy see that gavin . Hi, gavin. We gotta figure this out. Jimmy hey, were back. Were back, everybody. Jon hamms here. [ cheers and applause ] i dont know how i just came out of there. I know there was. Jimmy theres got to be a a hole in there somewhere. We got to figure that out. We got to get better at that. Jimmy keeping up with the joneses. Lets talk about you, Zach Galifianakis, islsh wonder woman gal gadot. Jimmy yes, gal gadot. Gal gadot. Jimmy yeah, gal gadot. Gal gadot. [ light laughter ] she is wonder woman. Jimmy and i wonder i wonder jimmy i wonder which woman she is. How to pronounce that name. Jim yeah its yeah. All lovely people. Zach and i have been friends for while. You and zach know each other. Yeah, weve known each other for, god, going on 20 years, which just makes me feel old. Jimmy no, no, no, no. Talented guy. Jimmy i love the guy. Andrazy funny, and the movie is its an kind of an action comedy. Jimmy its perfect. So its like and its also, like the thing i really like about it, we had a a wonderful time making it, obviously, but its having worked in various roles over the years of my career, but, like, its when i can actually go to see with my aunt and not have a really uncomfortable car ride home. Jimmy okay yeah youve yeah. Like, yeah, sorry, aunt sandy. Jimmy theres the opening. There was music in the opening. I know, you cant say anything. Those moments. Its really funny. Jimmy but youre neighbors. These two neighbors, zach and isla live on a culdesac and myself and gal move in, and we dont we kind of dont fit in and they wonder why and it turns out, well, obviously because were spies. Jimmy yeah, exactly. Yeah. [ light laughter ] so, they start getting mixed up. And when you get mixed up in intrigue, hilarity ensues. Jimmy yeah, exactly. We have a clip. Heres jon hamm and Zach Galifianakis in keeping up with the joneses in theaters next friday. Check this out. Are you hurt . Ive been shot. Oh, god. No, honey. It burns. It burns. [ yelling ] lets run for coles house. Gun shot ] oh, god [ gun shots ] when it gets to you down here, get in the car. Why, so you can kill us in there . I said, get in the car. Were going to get in the car. Guys, now. When i count to three, were going to run, okay . One, two, jeff oh, my god. I said three jeff, please, would you just get in the car. I was gonna get a head start . On your wife . . [ cheers and applause ] jimmy jon, youre a big movie star. Youre an emmy and golden globe early, early work after the break. Are you cool with that. Oh, yeah, id love to. Jimmy more with jon hamm after the break. Stick around, everybody. Jon hamm [ cheers and applause ] . . Woah youre not taking these. Hey, hey, hey youre not taking those. Woah, woah youre not taking that. Come with me. Not taking that. Youre not taking that. Mom, im taking the subaru. Dont be late. Even when were not there to keep them safe, our Subaru Outback will be. Every day starts better with a healthy smile. Start yours with Philips Sonicare, the no. 1 choice of dentists. Compared to oralb 7000, Philips Sonicare flexcare platinum removes significantly more plaque. This is the sound of Sonic Technology cleaning deep between teeth. Hear the difference . Get healthier gums in just 2 weeks vs a manual toothbrush and experience an amazing feel of clean. Innovation and you. U buy Philips Sonicare. Hey listen, when you tell our friends about your job, maybe lets play up the digital part. But its a manufacturing job. Yeah, well ge is doing a lot of cool things digitally to help machines communicate, might want to at least mention that. Im building worldchangi machines. With my two hands. Does that threaten you . No dont be silly. Im just, uh, going to go to chop some wood. With that . Yeah we dont have an ax. Or a fireplace. Could you cut the bread . . . . . . . . . . Why are you deleting these photos . Because my teeth are yellow. Why dont you use a whitening toothpaste . Im afraid its bad for my teeth. Try crest 3d white. Crest 3d White Diamond strong toothpaste and rinse. Gently whiten. And fortify weak spots. Use together for 2 times stronger enamel. Crest 3d white. . . [ cheers and applause ] jimmy welcome back, everybody. Im hanging out with jon hamm keeping up with the joneses. Now, jon, a lot of people dont know this, but years ago, you and i acted on tv together. Yeah, weve done a couple things. We showed a couple last time i was here. Jimmy thats right. We were on a cop show. A clip from the cop show. But we did a soap opera a while back. Jimmy yeah. Yeah. Jimmy thats what i wanted to talk about. Weve worked together a lot. Jimmy a lot. A lot, a lot. Everyone, it was called in the dusk of night. Weird title. Jimmy yeah. But it lasted. It did last. Weve both become relatively famous and no ones ever seen it. Jimmy well [ light laughter ] i mean, its a soap opera so it doesnt really do like reruns. Jimmy no, people have seen it it had a big following. We played two friends and Business Partners who always found themselves in extremely tense and dramatic situations. Yeah, it got very very good. Jimmy i think it really helped us hone our serious acting. Oh, absolutely. Jimmy yeah. I mean, you know, im i might be stating the obvious, but its pretty much the reason i got mad men. Jimmy is that right . [ laughter ] dusk of night. Jimmy dusk of nht. [ scattered applause ] dusk of night. Jimmy the was one weird thing about the show. Do you remember the director, he was this guy named oh, oh, Giovanni Puccini. Jimmy Giovanni Puccini. Yeah, yeah. Giovanni puccini. [ light laughter ] weird, weird guy. Great director. [ laughter ] great director. Jimmy he was the best. But he remember he had, like, a pet turtle . Yeah. Jimmy do you remember this . And he let the turtle drive around the set in a Remote Control car. Yeah, yeah. [ laughter ] it was yeah. And the weird cause the turtle would just drive. Jimmy yeah. The turtle, not a great and if it ever accidentally drove on to the scene, you werent as actors, you were not allowed to react to it. [ light laughter ] jimmy exactly. And it was really strange but i think it helped us develop a a certain level of discipline and grow as dramatic actors. Yeah, yeah, no. Jimmy actually, we have a a clip no jimmy from the show. Would you guys like to see it . Yeah. [ cheers and applause ] jimmy take a look at this. . . . . [ light laughter ] jimmy where were you last night . What do you mean where was i . Jimmy you said you were going out bowling with the guys from the office. Next thing i know, brad calls me and says he saw you with my girlfriend, stacy. Ah, come on, david. Its not what it seems. Yes. [ laughter ] really. [ beeping ] [ laughter ] i mean, look, look, the truth is, stacy and i were planning a a Surprise Party for your birthday, so congratulations, i guess its not a surprise anymore. Jimmy thats fine. I prefer to celebrate my birthday with real friends anyway. [ beeping ] [ laughter ] [ beeping ] . . [ cheers and applause ] that is that is good tv. [ cheers and applause ] really, really good tv. Jimmy really brings back memories. It really does. Its such a high quality of television, you know . Jimmy yeah. Its like it really ushered in the golden age. [ laughter ] do you remember the turtles name . Jimmy that was his name. Todd the turtle. Jimmy todd the turtle. I think we have another clip from the show. This is from not season 2. Jimmy also called the second season. Wow. Okay. [ laughter ] because things things got weird in the second season. Jimmy the director installed a minispeaker system into todds car, do you remember this . I do. [ light laughter ] his reasoning behind it was that he thought that the music would help todds mood. Jimmy i know, but look, im not a pet doct i dor, sot anymore. Jimmy no, not anymor yeah, youre a talk show host. Jimmy not practicing. So i dont know if music can affect the animals mood. I will say, it didnt affect the intense drama of the show. Lets take a look. [ cheers and applause ] . . . . Jimmy well, i looked at the stock market. Your numbers are down. Thats right. Were losing money. Damnit, david, i trusted you . . [ laughter and applause ] jimmy but thats not all i also know about you and stacy oh, come on, cut the crap, stacy and i are just friends and you know that jimmy last time i checked, . . [ laughter and applause ] [ beeping ] . . [ beeping ] [ cheers and applause ] . . [ cheers and applause ] jimmy two was fun it really was. Jimmy that was a fun one. It really was. Im really happy that we dont jimmy whats that . No. Jimmy yes. [ cheers and applause ] the third season. And if youll remember, during season 3, Giovanni Puccini yeah. Jimmy remember that . Yes. Jimmy he decided todd was getting lonely and needed friends, so he bought a pet frog and a pet chicken. Weird choice. Weird choice. Jimmy i mean, im just saying its just it did it was a little distracting but, i dont know, i think it brought the best out of our a f jimmy dramatic acting. And a turtle. Jimmy you couldnt even notice that it was there. Puccini. Jimmy watch the acting. Hes a genius. See for yourself. [ cheers and applause ] . . Absolutely. [ laughter ] woo hoo jimmy look, harvey [ laughter ] you all right . Jimmy i had a rough week too. I get it. Boardin the stretch. Jimmy i got to level with you. Im leaving the company. What . . . [ laughter ] a position as ceo of brokers over at trade incorporated. I cant get an opportunity like this and let it slip through my fingers. You backstabbing son of a a bitch [ cheers and applause ] . . What about stacy . Does she know . Jimmy what . Yes shes known all along . . Now, look. . . Harvey. [ cheers and applause ] harvey, look at me. Yes, im looking. Im going to the competition. Im leaving. Listen to me. I will never forget all the memories weve faced, and all the adventures that weve had. . . [ beeping ] jimmy hug . Come on. Bring it in, buddy. [ beeping ] oh, yeah. . . [ cheers and applause ] that was a treat. [ cheers and applause ] jimmy a great three seasons anyways, congrats on your mad men congrats omad men and your movie career. Wow. Thank you. Jimmy be sure to check out keeping up [ cheers and applause ] keeping up with the joneses, in theaters next friday, october 21st. My thanks to jon hamm. [ cheers and applause ] stick around. Well be right back with more of the tonight show. [ cheers and applause ] . . . Well, if you want to sing out, sing out . . And if you want to be free, be free . . cause theres a million things to be . . You know that there are . . And if you want to be me, be me . . And if you want to be you, be you . . cause theres a million things to do . I have asthma. One of many pieces in my life. So when my asthma symptoms kept coming back on my longterm control medicine. I talked to my doctor and found a missing piece ults with asthma not well controlled on a longterm asthma control medicine, like an inhaled corticosteroid. Breo wont replace a rescue inhaler for sudden breathing problems. Breo opens up airways to help improve breathing for a full 24 hours. Breo contains a type of medicine that increases the risk of death from asthma problems and may increase the risk of hospitalization in children and adolescents. Breo is not for people whose asthma is well controlled on a longterm asthma control medicine, like an inhaled corticosteroid. Once your asthma is well controlled, can stop breo and prescribe a different asthma control medicine, like an inhaled corticosteroid. Do not take breo more than prescribed. See your doctor if your asthma does not improve or gets worse. Ask your doctor if 24hour breo could be a missing piece for you. See if youre eligible for [ cheers and applause ] jimmy you know our next guest from her wildly popular youtube character, miranda sings. Her videos have garnered more than a billion views online. Wow. [ cheers and applause ] starting today, you can see her in the brandnew series, haters back off streaming now on netflix. Ladies and gentlemen, please welcome Colleen Ballinger . . . . Jimmy welcome back to the show. Thankou. Jimmy you look gorgeous. Oh, youre so nice. Thank you. Jimmy thank you for coming back, cause last time you were here, you were in character as mirand yes. Jimmy the whole time. Yes, i had much more lipstick on last time. Jimmy yeah. I was much creepier. Jimmy she wears a lot of lipstick, yeah. But i want to get to know you a a little bit and hear your background, because its very, a child, which is probably about a hundred cats around you. Yes. [ light laughter ] jimmy explain this to me. Well, i feel like this picture perfectly explains my childhood and how i feel on the inside currently. [ light laughter ] jimmy i like that. Im obsessed with cats. Ive always been obsessed with cats. And as a child, we had so many pets, but the cats all, like, flocked to me, so i made them each their own individual beds on my bed. So they each i, like, sewed them all their own comforters and pillows. Im not kidding, and i would do it if i had this many cats. Them. They would pee in the toilet. Jimmy what . Yes. Like they would follow me into the bathroom and i would go to the bathroom and theyd watch me and then they would do the same in the toilet. [ laughter ] yeah. Jimmy very interesting. Yeah, and i didnt know that was weird until i went into high school and i was like, yeah, my cats use the toilet and they were like, thats not normal. [ laughter ] jimmy be like dont pee what, my cat pees in the toilet. Thats your opening not a good conversation starter. Jimmy thats your opening line at parties. Yeah, now i know why jimmy hi, guys. I didnt have any boyfriends in high school. Jimmy hi, nice to meet you. My cat pees in the toilet. But then you created miranda yes. Jimmy which is i think its a fantastic character. Oh, thanks. Jimmy its so unlike you and its so funny and different. Im not saying youre not funny. [ laughter ] thats fine. I get it. Jimmy youll see what im talking about. Shes very kind of awkward, but the story i really want to hear is i didnt know that you work at disneyland. Yeah, i did work at disneyland. Jimmy and miranda kind of got you fired from there. Yeah, and by kind of, she did. [ laughter ] jimmy yeah. Yeah, i loved working at disneyland. Jimmy i love disneyland. I wanna be there every day. I wanna be there right now. Jimmy yeah. But i loved working there. And got to sing in the parades and in the different shows, and it was awesome, but we did six shows a day, and so i would entertain myself and my friends and the cast by doing miranda in the middle of performances, which was very unprofessional, because my character, miranda, cannot sing, cannot act, and is really inappropriate and to act that way at disneyland was not okay. So, you know, id be like doing this one show where it was like a rock concert for 2yearolds, like theres mickey mouse and i had to be all bubbly. Im like, hi, guys, im casey, you ready to have some fun [ laughter ] i would like switch into mir into the character, and one thing i didnt realize is that they have, like, spies basically at disneyland which are people who look like just normal pedestrians, enjoying the park, but theyre really there to judge your performance. Jimmy oh, no. And so i got a call from disney one day, they were like, colleen, we lo having you here, but we feel like maybe you should start working on your vocals a little bit more. Theyre sounding a little sour. Becausi was singing as miranda in the park. Jimmy yeah, but youre in well, which was not okay, you know . Jimmy no, i understand. Yeah. We played pictionary. It was me and martin short versus miranda and jerry seinfeld. Yeah. Jimmy and i just wanna show a picture there. One of these things is not like the other for sure. [ laughter ] jimmy yeah, exactly, yeah. But we had fun. I really enjoyed playing with her. Yeah, it was super fun. Jimmy and i was just thinking, maybe if theres any way that you could maybe show me how to how to can you get into character . You want me to become miranda right now . Jimmy is that possible . Yeah, i can do it. Oh my god, i didnt know this was happening. Theres a shirt right here. I will do it. Jimmy how do we do it . Yeah, i will do it. Jimmy how can i help you . Do i distract . Yeah, you can distract. Jimmy alright, here we go. Distract. Distract, jimmy. [ cheers ] [ laughter ] keep going, jimmy. [ cheers ] jimmy almost there, almost there. This is great. I didnt know you were so good at this. [ cheers ] dont sit down. The finale. Jimmy not yet. . . Oh, my gosh. Youre you are a totally different person. You are a totally different person than someone who was jimmy oh, my gosh. You look really good, im not kidding. Jimmy miranda. Yes. Jimmy its so great to have you back here on the show. I know. Stop hitting on me. [ light laughter ] jimmy im not hitting on you. I said its great to have you back on the show. I know what that means, hello. Okay, listen, jimmy, i had so much fun last time i was here. However, ive been watching your show since i was here, because i had never heard of you before. And let me tell you, you are not a very good host. Jimmy okay, very good. Do you have tips for me . Im the best at everything, so i can teach you. Im a singer, dancer, actor, model, magician, breather, crafts maker, person look atter, so, you know, i can do everything. So i can teach you how to be the host. Jimmy you can teach me. Can you give me a tip . Okay, number one. I think you should have more famous people on your show, okay . So, like, jon hamm, i never heard of him before. [ laughter ] jimmy hes very famous. What is he famous for . Making bologna . Jon hamm . I never heard of him in my life. Jimmy that doesnt make any sense. Bologna . Ham, bologna, whats the difference . [ laughter ] jimmy okay, thats a decent tip, yeah. Thats number one. Number two, you have a show all about yourself, yet youre asking people questions about them. If i were a host, i would make people tell me things about me. So, for example, if you were my guest and im the host, oh, hello. We have jimmy fallon on the show, everybody. Oh, its so great. [ cheers and applause ] do not. Do not let them clap for your guests. Okay, jimmy, tell me something about myself. J yes. Jimmy well, i think that youre i think you are a a very, very talented. I know. And what about my eyes . Jimmy theyre they glow. They glisten. And my lips . Jimmy you have beautiful lipstick. Great job with your lipstick, by the way. Are you getting the idea of how to do this . Jimmy yeah, but if youre such a great host can you cut to a clip of your show on netflix . Okay, ready for this . We have a clip. Heres me, miranda sings, in haters back off take a look. Hi. Im april. Okay. So, are you an alto or soprano . Im american. Okay. [ laughter ] why dont you just turn over this way. Okay. Well start right away. You know what, actually, i have an announcement before we get it started. I just want to say, please dont be intimidated by me. I can tell by the looks on your faces youre all freaking out. Youre like, oh my gosh, this girls so much prettier and so much more talented than all of us. What are we going to do . To be honest, thiss really help your career, okay . [ cheers and applause ] jimmy Colleen Ballinger miranda sings. Haters back off is available on netflix now. Well be right back with a a performance of kings of leon . . [ cheers and applause ] . . Its the moments that are most rewarding. . . Because if you let yourself embrace them, youll never forget them. The new marriott portfolio of hotels now has 30 brands in over 110 countries. So no matter where you go, you are here. Join or link accounts at members. Marriott. Com. Heres a little healthy advice. Take care of what makes you, you. Kin. Aveeno . Daily moisturizing lotion with 5 vital nutrients for healthier looking skin in just one day. Aveeno . Naturally beautiful results . My mother passed 2003, but she always told me i dont care if you turn out make sure you get your college degree. Sometimes i call the house, just to hear her voice. phone ringing answering machine hi, leave a message after the beep. beep hey mom, this is larry. I just want to let you know that uh, i fulfilled the promise that you held me to. Love you. Initiating retrieval sequence. Target acquired. Dang it ah come on astronauts can vote from space. Take a break from the election with red or blue tea. Make time for snapple. Fact. People spend less time lying awake with aches and pains with advil pm number one pain reliever with the number one sleep aid. Gentle, nonhabit forming advil pm. . . [ cheers and applause ] jimmy our next guests are a a platinumselling grammywinning rock band whose new album, walls is out today. Give it up for kings of leon [ cheers and applause ] . . . . . All the way from waco to weho with the rabbit on a chain drove a little slick car . . To ten bar with the static on her brain shes a little burner burner gonna throw you to the flame little ticking time bomb . . Time bomb gonna blow us all away take the time to waste . . A moment ooooh never ask to be forgiven sexy was her boyfriend . . With no kin always running from the law every other weekend weekends with his back at her claw . . Hes a live wire wire shooting sparks in the night hes a gotta higher higher with the beat in his sight . . Oh take the time to waste a moment oh face it where the lines . Oh name a price to all this living oh never ask to be forgiven . . . . . . . . . . Oh take the time to waste a moment oh face it where the lines are broken . . Oh name a price to all this living oh never ask to be . . . . [ cheers and applause ] jimmy come on kings of leon [ cheers and applause ] thats how you do it right there. Catch them on tour starting in january. Well be right back. Kings of leon [ cheers and applause ] im Russ Feingold and i approve this message. You know, seven hundred thousand dollars in the scheme of things. Is a pretty reasonable compensation level. Ron johnson paid himself seven hundred thousand dollars a year. All told, he took a ten Million Dollar corporate payout then moved to washington. Of any federal minimum wage. Millions for him. Not even 7. 25 an hour for us. Senator ron johnson. For big corporate interests, not wisconsin. I had frequent heartburn, but. My doctor recommended prilosec otc 7 years ago, 5 years ago, last week. Just 1 pill each morning. 24 hours and zero heartburn, its been the number 1 doctor recommended brand for 10 straight years, and its still recommended today. . . [ cheers and applause ] jimmy my thanks to jon hamm, Colleen Ballinger, kings of leon [ cheers and applause ] and the roots, right there, from philadelphia, pennsylvania, ladies and gentlemen. [ cheers and applause ] stay tuned for late night with seth meyers. Thank you for watching. Have a great weekend. I hope to see you next week. Byebye, everybody [ cheers and applause ] [ cheers and applause ] . . Announcer from 30 Rockefeller Plaza in new york, its late night with seth meyers. Tonight senator bernie sanders, from snowden actress shailene woodley. Music from young the giant featthe uring band with matt garstka. [ cheers and applause ] ladies and gentlemen, seth meyers. Seth good evening im seth meyers its late night how is everybody doing tonight . [ cheers and applause ] good to hear. Very good to hear. In that case, lets get to the news. Donald trump called Ford Motor Company a disgrace in an economic speech today after the Company Announced it will open factories in mexico because Everybody Knows that reputable

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