Turn on this channel, and youre sick and tired of being in pain. Youre sick and tired of not being able to enjoy the quality of life that you deserve. Let us allow you to give you back that quality of life. Today is your day to get out of pain. You had mentioned you take how does it work . You take two capsules twice a day . Two capsules twice a day. Now, again, were not talking about a drug. Were talking about a natural approach. If you have severe joint pain like d joint pain. Every my knees, my back im not kidding. I always have a smile on my face, mike. You know that. You know me, i always have a smile, but i was living in constant pain, because i did i abused my body. I played football, basketball, i was a gladiator. I got beat up. Sure. I was always in pain. Im no longer in pain. How long does it take, really, for it to work . Because we were talking earlier. You were saying that because of the human body and because of the abuse weve actually on our bodies throughout the years, whether its through bad nutrition, through, like you said, through athletics, or just our everyday lives, people, sometimes, are looking for an immediate result because of these drugs that trick the brain. Right . How long does Something Like arthrid take . It really depends on the body. A lot of factors involved. Sure. How well are you eating . Right. Ive got a really good friend of my wifes, carolyn, and carolyns got two kids in college, and they go to Northern Illinois university, and carolyn tells stories of why she just loves, a couple times a and just seeing the campus with her kids. Imagine this 48 years old, not even 50 yet. The last time she went to visit one of her daughters on campus, her daughter had to push her around in a wheelchair because she couldnt walk around. Her knees and hips bothered her so bad. It was demoralizing. She was in tears. She said, jim, can you imagine . Im just going to visit my daughter at college, and she has to push me around in a wheelchair. And i said, carolyn, try this product. Back and said, jim, my hips no longer hurt. As a matter of fact, i started running again. She had to stop running. First, she stopped running cause it got so bad. Then she started power walking, cause she needed to control her weight, and guess what now shes running again. Thats amazing. Thats amazing, but it gave her back the quality of life that everyone deserves. If you eliminate pain, mike, so that the bones dont rub together, so you dont have friction, guess what. That is how you eliminate the problem, not a drug. Remember, we talked about the nail. First, take the nail out. Now, if you still need some pain, well address that, but lets get rid of the nail. Thats what arthrid does. It addresses the problem. The problem, not the symptom. Were looking at it all wrong. Doctors are looking at it all wrong. When you walk in to your doctor and you say, ive got pain, then instead of asking, lets figure out where the pain is coming from they just write you a prescription. Here, take this. You wont be in pain anymore. You wont have any pain. And you think youre all better. Yeah, and now they even open for pain. Its an epidemic in the united states. People are going to get drugs for pain. Now they got to go to rehab just to get off the drugs instead of addressing the problem. The problem is youve got to get your body back in balance. Youve got to get the cartilage in your body to start absorbing nutrients again, to absorb water, because its a cushion. That cushion protects your joints from colliding. Remember, collision when they start to rub together, youre going to get friction. Le example and im telling you, god is amazing, and i thank him every day that he brought me to where i am with this formula, because i told you knew earlier, my wife suffers. You had mentioned, too, that she had severe foot pain. Oh, foot pain. You cant even describe you talk about pain. Couldnt even walk. Its debilitating. She started taking this formula, and through her doctor helping us luckily, her doctor is a really great doctor, and he does believe that the future of hes been helping us take this product in conjunction with her drugs. Now she is able to take the lowest amount of her drugs because, mike there are some people out there like your wife, you said. They have been in pain for so long and its so severe that, realistically, theyre not just going to go off their drugs right away. Absolutely. Mike, thats a great point. Get with your doctor because, like you said, think about this the great news here in america over 50 of americans have now figured out that the way that were currently practicing medicine has failed, so they are seeking out alternative physicians. More people last year visited an alternative physician, a physician who doesnt use drugs, than the practicing m. D. s. Theyre calling them alternative now. Alternative now, yeah. Theyre called alternative because the alternative is other than drugs. Well, what happens is these doctors are now realizing that there are products like arthrid themselves down off of the pharmaceuticals while allowing arthrid to take away the pain, and hopefully, one day, get you totally off the drugs, because drugs are chemicals. Jim, earlier we talked about some of the people that have experienced results, but you also have some more amazing stories. Tell us a little bit about some people that have benefited from this formula. Let me tell you about randy. I told you i do a lot of training. I dont train athletes, i dont train movie stars i train ordinary people, and ive got a with for a while. Well, one day, he comes to the club, and he says, jim, you know, i didnt mention anything, but, you know, the last couple of weeks, he said, my joints have been aching. My knees bother me. My ankles bother me. Its not bad yet, but its bad enough. And he said, im thinking about canceling working out this week. That was the perfect opportunity for me to introduce him to arthrid. I said, randy, you know i dont push products on you, but let me tell about a product that ive been taking for about five years, and i feel like im 20 again. All my joints feel great. Gave him the product. Exercising, still working out as hard as ever, joint pain totally eliminated. Wow. Now, mike, lets talk about that. How did we eliminate the joint pain . Remember, we didnt mask over the symptom like the pharmaceuticals do. What did we do . We went to the problem and fixed the problem. Naturally. Naturally. Jim, we only have a couple minutes left. Are there any last thoughts youd like to leave our viewers . Absolutely, mike. You know, for years, i suffered with joint pain so bad that i could barely sleep, and ive tried every product on the market. Wellness industry for over 25 years. Trust me ive tried them all with no success. I found this formula a little over four years ago, and its changed my life. I know that it can change your life. Im so confident that arthrid can eliminate all of your joint pain that if you try this formula and it doesnt work for you as well as it has worked for me and thousands and thousands of other people, send the product back and i will im that confident, mike. Well, jim, its been an amazing show. Well have you back. Folks, if youve been watching and you suffer from joint pain, back pain, knee pain, elbow pain, if youre one of the millions of americans that suffer with arthritis, if youre suffering from joint pain, knee pain, foot pain, back pain, or if you know someone who is, pick up the phone and give us a call. Jim shriners product, arthrid, has been helping thousands, if not hundreds of thousands of up the phone and give us a call. Weve actually worked out a special arrangement with our guest, mr. Jim shriner, where youll receive a substantial savings off the regular price of the product. Plus, if you call within the next five minutes, ask how you can receive your first months supply absolutely free. Folks, this product is unconditionally guaranteed to work, so pick up the phone and give us a call. Jim, thanks again for being my guest. Appreciate it, mike. My name is michael alden, and announcer these statements have not been evaluated by the food and drug administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease. Announcer the following paid presentation for cooper chef is brought to you by Tristar Products incorporated. Are your kitchen drawers starting to look like a bad cookers, roasters, slow cookers. And just how many pots and pans does one kitchen really need . And every time you cook, cleanups a disaster. Scraping, scrubbing what a chore. What if you could replace all this with one single, nonstick pan . And what if this pan was innovative in design and made of the highestquality craftsmanship . And what if you could cook with it on the stove and in the oven . Introducing copper chef, the nonstick, allround square pan with ceramitech. Its a breakthrough in technology. Copper chef with extradeep sides replaces a roasting pan, a rice cooker, a steamer, a stock pot, a wok, and a baking dish. Even cook mac and cheese from dry right in its own sauce. Delicious no more boiling and straining ever again. Whats the secret . Copper chefs innovative stainlesssteel Induction Plate heats the pan quickly and evenly with no hot spots so you can sear meat in a flash. And watch this. Copper chef is heatproof up to 850 degrees. Features ceramitech, a new generation of healthy ceramic nonstick technology. That Means Nothing will stick to your pan. Watch. We burnt milk in the copper chef and a traditional steel pan. The steel pan was ruined. But watch as the milk peeled right off the ceramitech surface. Amazing look. Gooey cheese slides right off. Watch this egg slip and slide like its on ice skates. And because youre cooking with ceramic nonstick, you dont have to add all that extra fat and butter. Airpop popcorn without any oil ceramitechs coating is 100 chemical, ptfe, and pfoa free, so it wont chip, peel, or flake into your food. Now you can prepare, cook, and serve in one largecapacity, familysize pan. Make this scrumptious smores cake in 20 minutes. Nine egg biscuit sandwiches done at once. Incredible bananas foster flamb . In under five minutes. Amazing copper chef is your allround square pan that gets the job the amazing meals you can prepare with your copper chef pan. You know him as americas favorite onair tv chef. Eric theiss is a successful restaurant owner, author, and culinary expert. Hes here today to introduce us to an amazing new product that will change the way you cook in the kitchen. Heres eric theiss and denise repko. All right, denise, i got something to show you. Okay. All right. Take a look at this. Ooh what do you think . Heavyduty copper pot. How much do you think i paid for it . Id say 100 bucks, at least. 100 bucks would be a lot of sure. Over 500 bucks. Now, take a look at that. Ooh that is. Copper . Feel how heavy that is . Thats really heavy. Right. So coppers really heavy. But its the perfect metal for heat conduction, okay . It means your pans get really hot really fast. Right. But its so expensive and so hard to clean. Yeah. Im telling you, its a nightmare. Mm. Its that hard. So let me get aah thank you. Let me get rid of this. So, what we did is we figured out how to infuse it to the exterior of the pan, on top of our proprietary core, and then inside is gonna give you a lightweight, manageable pan that doesnt have all the hassle of the copper, but yet we get lots of the benefits of all of those expensive pans. Im gonna show you how we make steaks in the fancy steak houses, all right . Okay. What im gonna do is i want a really great sear. Whoa hear that . I can hear it, yeah. Now, because our nonstick can go up to 850 degrees, i dont have to worry at all. Im gonna get a crazy sear on that. Okay. Then, im gonna flip them, and then im gonna show you a secret. Stay with me right over here. cause what i did was i already seared off some beautiful pork chops. Wow. Yeah, theyre gorgeous. Look at the beautiful color that i was able to get on these. And remember, my square shape is working for me here, denise. Yes, it is. Because, look, i can get all of these pork chops in because i have four corners. Right, right. When you have a round pan, you just cant do that. Right. Its not as big. I get it. All right, denise, i think my steaks are ready. Okay. And lets check out our sear. Oh look at that. Nice, nice, nice. See . Thats what you want. You want to sear in the flavor. Gorgeous. Right. Okay. And thats why we want to cook them really fast. Nice. Now what were gonna do is im gonna take it to the oven. Okay. And were gonna cook it 500 degrees in the oven. I have those steel handles riveted on. Right. So now i can cook just like they do at the best steak houses. Fantastic. And, trust me, they cook hot. So, my steaks are cooking. Guess what were gonna do . Were gonna do something with cheese. How about insideout grilledcheese sandwiches. Oh, my gosh its like a doubledecker Grilled Cheese. Thats right. We took the cheese and put it on the outside. Nice. All right. So, now im gonna put one in. Two. They all have cheese on them. Three. Now, watch this. Oh, wow with the cheese, look how i can move these Grilled Cheese around the pan. Totally sliding. Now ill put the last one in. And then what i want to do is show you some of the hardest food to cook in the kitchen. Oh, i see. This is what scares the home chef more than anything else. Yeah. So, what were gonna do is were gonna put the skin side down. Okay. Thats the hardest way to do it, trust me. Right. Now, no fat, no oil, or butter. Were gonna do Healthy Cooking for our salmon. Oh. Hear that . Yeah. I think my pork chops might be done. Okay. All right . Look, i just roasted them in the pan, right on the stovetop. They look absolutely beautiful. They look delightful. So, now im gonna turn this guy off. Okay. And now were gonna plate these up. Okay. Look how gorgeous these pork chops are. They really are perfectly browned. Im telling you. Now, this is a great capacity. Aw, yum, yum, yum. Look at those beautiful pork chops with those bones. Yum man, oh, man. Ah brussels sprouts. Im telling you, slowroasted brussels sprouts are absolutely the best way to eat them. Now we want to take a look at our salmon. Hows my skin look . Why do i doubt you . [ laughs ] i shouldnt doubt you. Now what im gonna do is im just gonna dress it up. Were gonna make it taste really good. Okay. Were gonna put a little chili sauce on there. Still very, very healthy and delicious. Mmhmm. And now im gonna add some wine. Wine. Okay, okay. [ sizzling ] nice, nice, nice. Im gonna add my vegetables. Beautiful. Dill . Oh, please. Help me out, man. Come on. Absolutely. Get the dill on there. Nice. Now, what were gonna do is were gonna poach it. Okay. Were giving you a great lid. So, not only is it tempered glass, we have the steel handles on the top. Yep. We have this perfect, little vent hole on there. Okay. Yeah, yeah, yeah. Thats gonna allow the steam to come out, but keep our lid safe and secure. Now what were gonna do is take a look at our Grilled Cheese. This is our square pan working for us. Right. We get the same brownness in all four corners of our pan. Man, do these look good. Whoo wh nice. Now, i think my steaks are done. We roasted them at 500 degrees. Right. This is how they do it in the fanciest steak houses. Yes. The reason we do it, you want to cook steaks hot and fast. Right. We want to keep the juices in there. Okay. Gorgeous. We seared in the flavor. Look how perfect they are. Oh, man. Oh, i cant wait to cut this open. All right. Take a look at this. Perfect mediumrare. Seared on the outside. Thats right. Thats how you have to do it hot on the outside in a superhot oven. The only way to do that is with right. All right, now lets check our salmon. Look at that. Ooh absolutely bubbling perfectly. Nice, nice. No hot spots. We created a perfect poaching environment. Sure did. Now what were gonna do is were gonna plate this up. Okay. Get those out. Mmm, mmm. Now were gonna take out our squash. And, then, what i think im gonna do is i think im actually gonna slide the salmon right out of the pan. Really . Its gonna slide out . Its never gonna stick in this pan. Flaky and falling apart. Wow. Just the way you want your salmon to be cooked. Yeah. And look at the pan nothing stuck. Come on. Now i could just wipe this out and Start Cooking again. Announcer are your kitchen drawers starting to look like a bad garage sale steamers, rice cookers, roasters, slow cookers . And just how many pots and pans does one kitchen really need . And every time you cook, cleanups a disaster. Scraping, scrubbing what a chore. What if you could replace all this with one single, nonstick pan . And what if this pan was innovative in design and made of the highestquality craftsmanship . And what if you could cook with nonstick, allround square pan with ceramitech. Its a breakthrough in technology. Copper chef with extradeep sides replaces a roasting pan, a rice cooker, a steamer, a stock pot, a wok, and a baking dish. Even cook mac and cheese from dry right in its own sauce. Delicious no more boiling and straining ever again. Whats the secret . Copper chefs innovative stainlesssteel Induction Plate heats the pan quickly and evenly with no hot spots so you can sear meat in a flash. And watch this. Copper chef is heatproof up to 850 degrees. Incredible copper chefs unique, square shape means you can cook more food. You cant make this in a round pan. Plus, your copper chef pan features ceramitech, a new generation of healthy ceramic nonstick technology. That Means Nothing will stick to your pan. Watch. We burnt milk in the copper chef and a traditional steel pan. The steel pan was ruined. But watch as the milk peeled amazing look. Gooey cheese slides right off. Watch this egg slip and slide like its on ice skates. And because youre cooking with ceramic nonstick, you dont have to add all that extra fat and butter. Airpop popcorn without any oil or butter and no added calories. Ceramitechs coating is 100 chemical, ptfe, and pfoa free, so it wont chip, peel, or flake into your food. Best of all, cleanup is a breeze, and your copper chef pan is dishwashersafe. Copper chefs stainlesssteel for any surface electric, gas, ceramic, and induction. Now you can prepare, cook, and serve in one largecapacity, familysize pan. Make this scrumptious smores cake in 20 minutes. Nine egg biscuit sandwiches done at once. Incredible bananas foster flamb . In under five minutes. Amazing get your very own allround copper chef nonstick square pan, and thats not all. Well include this handy steam rack. Create a healthy and flavorful meal by steaming fish and rack. Cook a roast to juicy perfection. Theres also a versatile fry basket. Use it to make french fries, fried chicken, or make golden, crisp fish and chips in nutes you can even use it as a colander. And it makes the perfect pasta cooker. And were still not done. Were also including erics gourmet cookbook. These recipes have been created especially for the copper chef system. They are incredible. And the cookbook is yours free with your order today. Look, you could pay over 600 for just one copper pan thats not even nonstick, pay 500, 300, not even 100. Order now during this factorydirect offer and get the copper chef system, including erics cookbook, for just four easy payments of 24. 99. But hold everything call or go online right now, and well chop off one entire payment. You get the complete copper chef system for three easy payments of 24. 99. And just when you thought it couldnt get any better, it does call or go online, and well also include Free Shipping thats right. Pay no shipping and handling. Ceramic coating is so durable and resilient, it comes with an incredible lifetime guarantee. If it ever peels, chips, or blisters, we will replace it, no questions asked. Announcer call or go online to get your copper chef nonstick pan with temperedglass lid, the handy steam and roasting rack, the versatile fry basket, and erics gourmet cookbook, altogether an over 200 value, yours for only three payments of 24. 99. Plus, get Free Shipping. Remember, this is a special tvonly offer, and its not available in stores. This incredible offer will end without notice, so you must call or go online right now. Look at this. Oh [ gasps ] look at the size of that chicken. Yeah. This is a fivepound chicken. We put that helper handle on there, help you get it out. Love the helper handle. I buy these from the Grocery Store all the time, and theyre always dry. You know, the ones at the supermarket who the heck knows whats in there, right . Exactly. And theyre never that hearty. Theyre never that juicylooking. No. All right, so, now what im gonna do is im gonna get some of my vegetables out of here. Okay. And remember the other day you pointed out how a square pan gives you the pour spout . Right. Exactly. I love that. Look at that gorgeous meal. Saving another step. All right, denise, you know what i always say . You can talk about technology all day, but at the end of the day, its about beautiful, perfect results. Oh, yeah. Look at this gorgeous chicken. Yeah. Oh, look at the juices just pouring out. Look at the juices pouring out of there. I know this is one of your favorites. Yay. Ah how does that look . Oh, my gosh. Look at the size of this bread. I know i have three loaves of bread in here. Okay. All right. But ready . Heres the beauty. Are you telling me its gonna come right out . Oh, my gosh. [ laughing ] look at that seriously . All right. So, look at this gorgeous, steaming, hot oh, yeah. Its perfectly cooked. Now im gonna get a little butter on there. Just a little, yeah. I would have to go to the specialty part of the Grocery Store to get bread that looks like this. Here at the academy, we have a lot of students that come through our doors, and a lot of the questions they ask us how do you select the perfect pan . Copper pans expensive. Castiron pan heavy, hard to heat up. You need lots of fat, oil, butter. If its not cleaned properly and you see this rust in here, were gonna have a health issue. Aluminum pans are very cheap. The handles get hot quickly. The gauge of the aluminum is very thin, so the pan will warp. Not very good. This pan, it takes a long time to heat up, it cant go into the oven, and the coating will peel over time. Copper chefs my favorite pan. Goes into the oven, conducts heat well. It also has the Induction Plate. With the square pan, you have more surface so you can fit more the market very durable, easy to clean, gets up to 850 degrees, and chemicalfree. The copper chef gets a fivestar rating from me. All right, denise, you know what . I love mussels. I make them all the time. So, in order to make good mussels, we have that lid that holds in the heat. You want to get that pan really hot, get the mussels in. Ooh, yeah. And then get the lid down. Thats gonna get the mussels to open, and thats what we want. Gorgeous. Look at my beautiful mussels. They look pretty good theyre absolutely gorgeous. So, you know what were gonna do . I am going to plate these out. Now, look at this. Oh, my. I want to say i have a couple of hundred mussels in here. Wow. That is a lot of mussels. [ laughs ] its endless. This is what i do when i have company for breakfast. I always make a giant frittata. Ooh oh, my gosh. Okay. Its just a bakedegg dish. But im telling you, it is the easiest way to cook for a large bunch of people. And, you know, our pan is so i can get this out beautifully. But i can make a huge, giant frittata. Look at that. Thats a lot of eggs, yeah. And you know what . I could have made it twice as high. Its fantastic. Because of those deep sides, right . Of course, look at my pan. Clean as a whistle. Clean as a whistle. I just have to wipe that out, and then you know what . [ laughs ] right. I can make another one, depending on how many people i have. Of course. Oh, that looks really pretty, too. All right, so, now of course im gonna get in there. Cut it up were gonna check it out. Yum. Oh, beautiful oh, look at that potatoes. K this frittata. Look at that. Most typical pans dont hold up in an industrial kitchen, cause truly, theyre not designed to be worked the way we put them to work. The beauty of the copper chef, its very, very versatile. Its really strong. The riveted handle also provides a level of strength that you do need to have when youre working in an industrial kitchen. I can go right from the stovetop, directly in the oven, out of the oven, onto the dish. Like regular pans, and so impressed how easy they were to clean afterwards and how much they look like we just purchased them. So, now what were gonna do, a little flamb . What do you think . Ooh some bananas foster . Were not just gonna make a regular bananas foster. Were gonna add a little chocolate. I like that. You know why . cause chocolates sticky and gooey. And delicious. And delicious. Hello and what else is sticky, gooey, and delicious . Ah, marshmallows. You cant get more sticky than that. So, were gonna put a lot of marshmallows in here. The fun is just beginning, because you have to wear these. Oh, okay. All righty. All right. Trust me. Im a professional. Ah. All right. So, now what im gonna do is im gonna add our rum. Mmmmmmmmmmmmmmm. Were gonna get a lot of rum in there. What i want to do is i want to make a real dramatic impact. Okay. So, guys, can we lower the lights . And im gonna step back just a little. Yeah, you step back. Ready . Lets see. Ooh look at that. Now, ordinary nonstick, you cant do that. No. Our nonstick goes up to 850 degrees. Oh. Look at that. Aw, its beautiful. We want to plate this over. That looks good. Nothing is sticking, all right . Of course im gonna plate it up over some ice cream. Oh, my word. Now, look at that. [ gasps ] all right, now, i know you only care about the food at this point, but look at my pan. I have flamb . Ed it. Ive put marshmallows in here. I put chocolate in here. Wow. I torched it. I know. The pan was literally on fire. And now its clean as a whistle, and i could Start Cooking again if i wanted to. Announcer get your very own square pan, and thats not all. Well include this handy steam rack. Create a healthy and flavorful meal by steaming fish and vegetables. Its also an amazing roasting rack. Cook a roast to juicy perfection. Theres also a versatile fry basket. Use it to make french fries, fried chicken, or make golden, crisp fish and chips in minutes you can even use it as a colander. And it makes the perfect pasta cooker. And were still not done. Were also including erics gourmet cookbook. These recipes have been created they are incredible. And the cookbook is yours free with your order today. Look, you could pay over 600 for just one copper pan thats not even nonstick, but you wont pay 500, 300, not even 100. Order now during this factorydirect offer and get the copper chef system, including erics cookbook, for just four easy payments of 24. 99. But hold everything call or go online right now, and well chop off one entire payment. You get the complete copper chef system for three easy payments of 24. 99. Couldnt get any better, it does call or go online, and well also include Free Shipping thats right. Pay no shipping and handling. Copper chefs nonstick ceramic coating is so durable and resilient, it comes with an incredible lifetime guarantee. If it ever peels, chips, or blisters, we will replace it, no questions asked. Announcer call or go online to get your copper chef nonstick pan with temperedglass lid, the handy steam and roasting rack, the versatile fry basket, and erics gourmet cookbook, yours for only three payments of 24. 99. Plus, get Free Shipping. Remember, this is a special tvonly offer, and its not available in stores. This incredible offer will end without notice, so y must call or go online right now. Denise, my goal is to amaze you today. I made a lasagna. I did it right in this pan, right on the stovetop. Oh thats ingenious grab that plate for me, because you got to see this. Now, when i take the lasagna out, i know youre gonna want to see this ooey, gooey lasagna. Look at the layers look at that. Its absolutely gorgeous. Oh, and the cheese. That is lasagna for like 12 people. All right, how about a Chicken Pot Pie . Im gonna start the chicken on the stovetop. You add these for me. Okay. You know, this is a great idea for leftovers, isnt it . Yeah. You know, we always have some just have some raw chicken that you want to cook and brown on the bottom of the pan. Ill take that for you. Thank you. Now were gonna add just some cream soup. Wow. Ooh listen to it go sounds good, right . Right. All right, so, now, im just gonna give it a stir. Okay. Even when im stirring this hot, creamed chicken, nothing is sticking to the pan. Its not. Yeah. Looking good. Now, help me out. Oh, yeah, yeah of course. Were gonna put in these biscuits. Some biscuits. Look at that. Never thought of doing this. [ laughs ] this is how to do it the easy way. Right. I like it. Now im gonna take it right into the oven. Nice were gonna cook this at 375. Of course, i have an extra one made for you. Tv magic oh, look at this. Thats gorgeous. Ill get the oven for you. Oh, those biscuits are goldenbrown. They certainly are. Look at that. [ gasps ] thats pretty all right. Now, that handles hot, cause i just took it out of the oven. Okay. Oh, man. Are you kidding me . That looks fantastic. All right, lets get another biscuit on here. What do you think . Oh, absolutely. Oh, yeah. Lets get this one. Look at that. Havent had pot pie since i was a kid. And, let me tell you, it wasnt homemade. Yeah. You dont want to eat that. No good. Look at that. Oh, man. Thats beautiful. cause i said i wanted to get rid of every appliance in your cabinet and all of your other pots and pans, we had to give you this fry basket. Look at that beautiful fried chicken. Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. My favorite part is the crispy oh im sorry. You know what . Thats where it all counts right there. Mmhmm how about some snacks . Okay, snacks. All right. Surely, you need oil for popcorn. No way look at that. All right. So, i have the heat on there. Yeah. All right. Now, in order to airpop our popcorn, we have to put the lid on. So lets let that go, cause i have another dish i want to get rid of in your cabinet. Okay. How about your deepdish pie dish . Shut the front door. [ laughs ] thats right. Youre making a pie in there . I am making a pie in here. Oh, no way let me show you how easy it is to do. All right. Okay. So, you hold that plate for me. Gotcha. Now, i take four pieces of pie dough. And you get this in any beautiful lay them all down like this. And then. No way . I take this giant can of apples, right . Whoa or you can just use five regular cans. Look at the capacity, the size of this thing look at that. I mean, can you imagine . Look at that. All right, now, help me out. Okay. All we have to do is fold these over, just like this, yeah. Fold it over. Okay. 1. 2. 3. Thats it . [ gasps ] you get the fourth one. Oh, my gosh. It doesnt even have to be perfect. Right. Can you open that . Thank you. Yeah. You know i can. Now im gonna bake this at 375 degrees. Okay. And, denise, you know me. You know i had to have one ready for you. Thats what that is. That is, yes thats apple pie . This apple pie for like 16 people. Look at this. Are you serious right now . Unbelievable. Come on look at that. [ laughs ] all right. Now, take a look at my caramel sauce in here. Oh, yeah yes. Watch what happens when i pull across. This is like the stickiest substance in the entire world. Wow. Look at that. Yeah. That looks really good. Thats beautiful, right . Okay, so, now, im gonna give awesome. You know what i like . In a square pan, youve got a little pour spout built right in. Hey, you know what . Thats something i didnt even think of. Ah. Dont eat that yet. [ laughs ] okay. Still i cant eat it. Now what were gonna do is were gonna pour my peanuts. Oh, some peanuts . Put them in first . Yeah. Remember that snack we used to eat when we were kids . Yes of course. Thats right. Im gonna get the caramel sauce all over that. Oh, yeah, yeah, yeah. Can i stir that up for you . Oh, man. I wish you would. Okay. Now, look at how my caramel is sheeting off the pan. Look at this. Oh all right. You know what . I piece of apple pie with caramel sauce. What do you think . Im going for a spoon, cause i want to really get some caramel on there. Yeah, you get in there. Im gonna get in there, too. Okay. Bon app . Tit. Oh, man i can tell you, copper chef will be your goto pan in the kitchen time after time. Toss out your oldfashioned pans. Step up to the next generation of nonstick. Order your copper chef ceramic pan right now. Announcer are your kitchen bad garage sale steamers, rice cookers, roasters, slow cookers . And just how many pots and pans does one kitchen really need . And every time you cook, cleanups a disaster. Scraping, scrubbing what a chore. What if you could replace all this with one single, nonstick pan . And what if this pan was innovative in design and made of the highestquality craftsmanship . And what if you could cook with it on the stove and in the oven . Introducing copper chef, the nonstick, allround square pan with ceramitech. Its a breakthrough in technology. Copper chef with extradeep sides replaces a roasting pan, a rice cooker, a steamer, a stock pot, a wok, and a baking dish. Even cook mac and cheese from dry right in its own sauce. Delicious no more boiling and straining ever again. Whats the secret . Copper chefs innovative stainlesssteel Induction Plate heats the pan quickly and evenly with no hot spots so you can sear meat in a flash. And watch this. Copper chef is heatproof up to incredible copper chefs unique, square shape means you can cook more food. You cant make this in a round pan. Plus, your copper chef pan features ceramitech, a new generation of healthy ceramic nonstick technology. That Means Nothing will stick to your pan. Watch. We burnt milk in the copper chef and a traditional steel pan. The steel pan was ruined. But watch as the milk peeled right off the ceramitech surface. Amazing look. Gooey cheese slides right off. Watch this egg slip and slide like its on ice skates. And because youre cooking with ceramic nonstick, you dont have to add all that extra fat and butter. Airpop popcorn without any oil or butter and no added calories. Ceramitechs coating is 100 chemical, ptfe, and pfoa free, so it wont chip, peel, or flake into your food. Best of all, cleanup is a breeze, and your copper chef pan is dishwashersafe. Copper chefs stainlesssteel Induction Plate makes it perfect for any surface electric, gas, ceramic, and induction. Familysize pan. Make this scrumptious smores cake in 20 minutes. Nine egg biscuit sandwiches done at once. Incredible bananas foster flamb . In under five minutes. Amazing get your very own allround copper chef nonstick square pan, and thats not all. Well include this handy steam rack. Create a healthy and flavorful meal by steaming fish and vegetables. Its also an amazing roasting rack. Cook a roast to juicy perfection. Theres also a versatile fry basket. Fried chicken, or make golden, crisp fish and chips in minutes you can even use it as a colander. And it makes the perfect pasta cooker. And were still not done. Were also including erics gourmet cookbook. These recipes have been created especially for the copper chef system. They are incredible. And the cookbook is yours free with your order today. Look, you could pay over 600 for just one copper pan thats not even nonstick, but you wont pay 500, 300, not even 100. Copper chef system, including erics cookbook, for just four easy payments of 24. 99. But hold everything call or go online right now, and well chop off one entire payment. You get the complete copper chef system for three easy payments of 24. 99. And just when you thought it couldnt get any better, it does call or go online, and well also include Free Shipping thats right. Pay no shipping and handling. Copper chefs nonstick ceramic coating is so durable and resilient, it comes with an incredible lifetime guarantee. If it ever peech blisters, we will replace it, no questions asked. Announcer call or go online to get your copper chef nonstick pan with temperedglass lid, the handy steam and roasting rack, the versatile fry basket, and erics gourmet cookbook, altogether an over 200 value, yours for only three payments of 24. 99. Plus, get Free Shipping. Remember, this is a special tvonly offer, and its not available in stores. This incredible offer will end without notice, so you must call the preceding paid presentation for copper chef was brought to you by you by Tristar Products incorporated. Announcer the following is a paid advertisement for tai cheng, brought to you by beachbody. Wow, joy, look at these people they love you its regis, joy, and ive got big news for you. If aches, pains, and poor balance are slowing you down, keep watching this show because were gonna tell you about an incredible new program thats gonna fix everything. [ cheers and applause ] yeah announcer the facts are frightening. 1 out of 3 people over 65 fall each year, resulting in expensive hospital stays, loss of independence, or worse. I broke my hip. Oh, my god. What in the world am i going announcer the major cause aches and pains, which lead to immobility and poor balance. I am really afraid of falling again. Announcer but falling and losing your independence doesnt have to be a fact of life. Did you know medical experts around the world have been recommending gentle exercises like tai chi for years to help reduce aches and pains and to improve balance and mobility . The problem is, most americans find it difficult to learn until now. Breakthrough new program specially designed so anyone at any age or fitness level can master the most fundamental tai chi moves, plus amazing healthboosting routines right in their own home, step by step, in just 90 days. These gentle movements will help improve your balance and mobility, reduce your aches and pains, while strengthening your muscles and joints, making you feel younger and more agile. I started doing the exercises, and in the first week i could see the improvement. My posture is better, and my balance is a lot better. Announcer tai cheng was created by this man dr. Mark cheng, a worldrenowned martialarts master and a doctor that specializes in modern sports science. What tai cheng does is it retrains your muscles to move the right way, putting your body back into proper alignment so you can move better, feel better, and get a more responsive, stronger body. I do it every single day because it makes me feel healthy. It makes me feel like i can move, like im not gonna walk fall. Announcer today americas most beloved tv personality Regis Philbin will not only prove tai cheng works by showing you amazing success stories. This program gave me back my life. I can do whatever i want now. I feel so good about myself now that im gonna try something i havent done in 20 years. [ cheers and applause ] announcer . Regis is also going to show you how tai cheng got him off the couch and back on the court even after painful hipreplacement surgery. I did you see that . Thats what you get when you do tai cheng. Announcer if youre ready to feel younger, feel stronger and more confident, then keep watching for a special tai cheng offer that will make today the day you take the First Step Towards a healthy, longer, more independent life. Now heres regis and joy philbin. [ cheers and applause ] thank you. Never had an audience this good, joy. Ive never seen such energy. [ laughter ] well, we all know everybodys living longer these days, but heres the problem a lot of us start to have issues with balance and mobility, and that makes it hard, if not impossible, to stay fit. You know, its sad when somebody works hard all their life. Mmhmm. And then cant enjoy life when they finally have the time. Or even worse, they fall and break something. And then forget it. They stop moving forever. Yeah. Youve seen those commercials where the old lady falls down and she cant get up. Yes. Dial. That thing that they wear around its not attractive. She wears it around her neck. Mm. Well, we didnt want that. We wanted to find something that would keep us strong and improve our balance, and thats when we discovered tai cheng. We were shocked at how easy it was to master. Dr. Cheng developed a unique teaching method that really explains things in a way we can understand. And now youre holding a ball. Dont hold this to your body like so, but hold it off your body. He really americanized and because you get three viewing angles and an ingenious, simple footplacement grid, you always know where to put your feet. Its foolproof. If regis and i can do it, believe me, anyone can. What dr. Cheng has created here is truly amazing. Tai cheng makes you more flexible. It improves your balance. It takes away your aches, your pains. It makes you feel younger, stronger. It works joy and i love it. But the big question is, why does it work . To help us with that, please welcome ge dr. Steve salvatore. Welcome to dr. Steve [ applause ] dr. Steve. How are you . Good to see you. Great to have you here. Dr. Steve, i got to tell you tai cheng worked wonders for joy and i, but why does it work so well . You know, regis, im not surprised it worked for you. Tai chi has been around for literally hundreds of years. Its helped millions of people with flexibility and balance problems, make them feel younger and stronger. In fact, its been clinically movements will not only help strengthen your muscles and joints, itll help improve your balance and mobility. Tai chi is also proven to help relieve pain from arthritis, osteoarthritis, fibromyalgia, low back pain, many different types of joint pains. Well, how did dr. Cheng come up with this in the first place . All right, so, dr. Cheng is a tai chi master. Hes a martialarts expert, and he has a phd in sports medicine. So he knew about tai chi and he knew the benefits and he thought, i want to put all he americanized it and put that into tai cheng, a simple, easy way to learn tai chi. Heres the bottom line tai cheng worked for joy and i, and it could work for anybody. Take a look at julies story. Ive had a knee injury, and its been really painful. Nothing seems to help. My balance has gotten a little precarious over the years. And i took a fall, and i really hurt my lower back. I want to be more mobile and its amazing, the difference from the first week to now. Ive gotten stronger. My knee doesnt hurt at all. And my posture is better. I also think my balance is a lot better. The tai cheng program is really well thought out. Theres a reason for every move. The wonderful thing about dr. Cheng i feel like i have a personal instructor thats standing right across from me. As you turn the foot in, this turns into a fist, and then you start sheathing a sword as you bring the feet together. The best things about tai cheng is it makes you feel now i can get books off the shelf, and im not worried about wobbling. I can walk my dog and not worry about his pulling me over. I can run around with my goddaughter. I feel so good about myself now that im gonna try something i havent done in 20 years. Im gonna go waterskiing again. This is my time to shine, to really do the things ive always wanted to do. I think i will be doing tai cheng for the rest of my life. Wow yeah, here she comes julie, how do you feel . I feel wonderful. Yeah . And so much more active since tai cheng and im flexible and ive got my youthful figure back. So, what was your favorite part of the program . Well, i really liked the fact that i could do it, you know. And then as i was in the program, i noticed that i was improving as i went along. And i guess maybe the best is that i got my confidence back. Oh, confidence is important. It sure is. And thats a big part of the program, regis. Our confidence. Were worried that were gonna fall. We lose our balance. Were not steady on our feet. This is a huge problem. 1 in 3 adults over the age of 65 falls every year. Half of all adults over 80 thats half a huge number fall. And once you fall, we know that youre 2 to 3 times more likely to fall again. And heres the worst part 95 of all hip fractures are caused by falls. This is such a great program. Cdc as a great activity for older people. So, tai cheng simplifies it for you so you can do tai chi in your home, just like julie did, and get those kinds of results. Julie, thanks so much for coming to our show. You look wonderful. I feel great. [ applause ] how many things have you stopped doing because of pain or immobility or poor balance . Ill bet its more than you can think. If youre wondering if tai cheng can help you get back into the game, ill give you the answer yes. It worked for me. Ill work for you. So keep watching for an amazing offer, available today on this incredible program. Well be right back. [ cheers and applause ] tai cheng gave me balance. It gave me strength. Its been wonderful for me. This program gave me back my life. I can do whatever i want now. Announcer introducing tai cheng, the breakthrough new program specially designed so level can master the most fundamental tai chi moves, plus amazing healthboosting routines, right in your own home, step by step, in only 90 days. The gentle and lowimpact moves in this program will help strengthen your muscles and joints, improve your balance and mobility, help relieve aches and pains, and help reduce your risk of falls and other injuries so you can keep enjoying the things in life you love. Its so easy to get started. Just put in the dvd and follow along. Its that simple. Thats because dr. Cheng created a special footplacement grid and shows you each move from three viewing angles so you always get great visual cues. One of the best things about tai cheng is that its easy to follow. He goes slow and he explains it so well. Youre gonna pull in towards your shoulders and then down, as if youre closing a rolltop desk. Announcer and because theres always a modified option to follow, no matter your age or fitness level, anyone can follow along. If you have an issue with something, there are to use. That was very good for me. Announcer dr. Cheng is also including over 100 in free training tools to help maximize your results. He created an easy does it guidebook that helps ease you into the program and tells you everything you ever wanted to know about the healing powers of tai chi. You also get a tai cheng wall calendar that shows you which routine to do each day so theres no guesswork. Dr. Chengs even created a feel better food plan thats filled with delicious meals and snack recipes designed to promote healthy weight loss. You also get a free quickrelief foam roller. This roller will gently release kinks and knots in your muscles and joints like you just got a massage right in your own living room. And these 100 in training tools are yours free. So pick up the phone now and order the entire tai cheng program, plus 100 in free training tools for only 4 easy payments of 19. 95. But wait. Be one of the first 200 callers and youll also get 4 more free bonus gifts. Bonus number 1 is a 10minute workout dr. Cheng designed to help you get better at the game you love and keep golfing for decades, plus a special 10minute workout for travelers or anyone who wants to feel refreshed fast. Youre also going to get a free strengthtraining resistance band to help build your strength and balance even faster. You even get free 24 7 Online Support from our dedicated team of fitness experts and coaches whose job succeed and reach your goals. And these bonuses a 240 value are all free when you order now. So call now and get the entire 90day tai cheng program, plus over 240 in free bonuses. Altogether, thats a 500 value for only 4 easy payments of 19. 95. But hold everything. Order now and dr. Cheng will knock off one entire payment. So now tai cheng can be yours 19. 95. Plus, when you call in the next 18 minutes, well even give you a free upgrade to express delivery. Thats a 15 value free. And while most programs only offer a 30day money back guarantee, were going to extend ours to a full 90 days. Thats right. Try the entire program, and if youre not satisfied for any reason, youll get your money back, no questions asked, guaranteed. But you get to keep tai cheng for travelers and golfers, his special strengthtraining band, plus his feel bett as free gifts just for trying tai cheng. Thats a 60 value free. And because tai cheng is not available in stores and never will be, you must pick up the phone now to save 20 on tai cheng. Years i did something to my neck. And it is sore, and it is stiff. The lower back its sore. And even my ankles acting up. I love playing golf. I cant play anymore. Ive used everything medication, heating pads. Nothing works. I hope tai cheng is my answer. So, i started doing the exercises, and the first week, i could see the improvement. You can feel the stretch in all parts of your body. He works out your whole body, from your feet all the way up to shifting in, raising the glass, making the toast. I am free and clear of neck pain now. My back feels great. The food plan that comes with this program is great. It gives you a balanced diet. And i lost weight. [ chuckles ] that was a plus. This program gave me back my life. I can do whatever i want now. Ive been out about three or four times at the golf range, and now i can hit a regular golf shot like i used to hit when i was young. My grandkids are theyre but now i chase those little buggers around now, and im back with my grandkids. Im having fun with them. Now i do it all. Im back to where i was. [ applause ] and heres dave, everybody [ cheers and applause ] yeah, dave congratulations it must be great, dave, right to play golf again and play with your grandchildren . The fear i had when i got older was, you cant do the activities you did when you were younger. Now i can. It gave me back my life. I mean, i was giving everything and thats a key thing to remember. Just because youre getting older doesnt mean you have to get achy and stiff and become immobile. We know that by staying active and doing activities like tai cheng, it keeps you younger. It revitalizes you. It realigns your spine and helps with your balance and your mobility. I just wanted my flexibility back, and it gave it to me. It really did. Well, congratulations, young man. Oh, thank you. I feel great. Thats our dave right there [ cheers and applause ] if youre still not convinced tai cheng can work for you, take myself very badly. I am really afraid of falling again. Its very frightening going into very, very crowded places. Ive lost confidence with my balance, and im really hoping that tai cheng can help me. One of the best things about tai cheng is that its easy to follow. Dr. Cheng is an excellent teacher. Its very smooth and slow. It doesnt hurt your body. In the beginning, there were things i couldnt do at all. I had to modify. If you need to modify, remember use a chair. Modify as often. And its really working for me. I felt great. Its helped me with my balance. I feel confident walking down the street. I dont feel like im gonna topple over. I look at other people who have retired, and theyre just staying home all day, where every day, i do something. Tai cheng has allowed me to enjoy my life more. [ applause ] please welcome renee [ cheers and applause ] boy, oh, boy, oh, boy, youve been through it all. Yeah

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