You know, we screwed up, man. Big. Jeremy, would you chill . You said it was going to be a couple packages, not ten keys. Ten keys, man. Thats serious. Its going to be all right. No, man, its not. I dont want to do ten years, man. Yo, officer, you missed the exit to lockup. Youre not going back to lockup. And why not . Hey, i said why not . Where are we going . Your uncle paul has arranged for you to go away. Youre getting out of the country. What . Hey, no way, man. Hey. No way, man hey hey rn us back around hey hey, hey, just sit back. horn honking hey tires squealing when we landed, the doors opened and that cs out cold. That h we sold, it wasnt exactly ours. It belonged to paul bullard. We found some other buyers willing to pay more. We thoughted show jeremys uncle paul that we, you know, had some savvy. And these other buyers were cops. It was entrapment, man. It was you being an idiot. Wheres paul bullard now i swear, i dont know. Im not high enough up on the chain to know where they are. Know what . Im not buying it. All this so bullard can kick his nephews ass before he sends him away . Beam doesnt mess around. Jeremy. Jeremy, stay awake so we know macs taking jemy to see paul bullard. And we can assume the daughters being held someplace secure. Winnie, contact guns and gangs of any properties known to belong to the bedlam crew. Copy that. And, boss, i have Something Else might be relevant. Go ahead. Theres an i. A. File building against sergeant maccoy. Internal affairs . What do they want with mac . They said it involves unusual bank activity. I. A. Uncovered regular payments from an Investment Company suspected of having ties to the bedlam gang. Thanks, winnie. So thats why he didnt call when leslie was taken. He was afraid we were going to find out he was working for bullard. Parker or he thought he could take care of it himself before the accident. When his wife was sick, he flew her all over the country looking for treatment. And then when he was trying to help leslie get clean paying for rehab, supporting her. Why didni see it . Because you always see the best in people, scarlatti. Hey, kid. Were almost there. All right, jeremy, wake up. Please, just let me go. Sorry, kid, i cant do that. groans that looks pretty bad. Please, i dont want to die. Thats not going to happen. Youre going to be okay. Do you promise . Promise . Ll tie it off. Hold this. yelling in pain now, look, i can loosen this up when the bleeding stops, but you got to keep moving the fingers in your hand. You got to keep the blood in your hand going, all right . Thats it. Good, good. screaming one more. Come on, keep moving those fingers. Show me. Thats it. Thats right. Okay, we got to go. Winnie boss, gangs unit just sent me a full list of addresses known to be associated with bedlam or any of its members. Im forwarding it to you now, but, boss, theres 50 places on ts list. We know hes headed downtown, so we eliminate everything west of kipling, north of dupont. That still leaves us over 30 properties. Even if we split and get backup, theres no way we can check them all in time. Boss, if we talk to mac, we can tell him we know about leslie. He might let us help. Spike, he left his phone so we couldnt track him. Right, and he disabled the journeypath gps for the same reason, but theres a chance he didnt unhook the intercom the one for roadside assistance. I might be able to route a call directly through the journeypath server. Okay. Okay . Parker intercom sergeant maccoy. Its greg parker with the sru. Mac, its spike. If you can hear me, we know about leslie. We want to help. We also know that youre working for bullard. That youre on his payroll. Internal affairs has been building a file. Theyve been tracing payments. Unless you tell me otherwise, unless you tell me bullards just trying to frame you, trying to make it look like you did something wrong, if you tell me that, mac, im going to believe you. Mac, please. Spike, you got to know id never do anything that would get anybody hurt. It was just information. One of their places was going to get hit a bedlam member was going to get picked up, id let em know, thats it. I never meanfor any of this to happen. Mac, you took an oath. I spent every penny i had trying to save rosie, and she died anyway. I had to do something to take care of her. But this . Letting two convicts go . Howd you think you were going to get away with that . A couple guys overpower me while im getting gas. Whos gonna blame me . Besis, when bullard asked me to do this, of course i said no, of course. But i had no choice. Dad, i dont know whats going on. Im so sorry, dad. Im so sorry. Hes got my little girl, spike. You know shes my whole world. Let us help you. Tell us whe youre eting bullard, okay . Well back you up. Triangle lounge, queen street. Triangle lounge on queen street. You got that . On our way. Copy. sir wailing okay, hold on. Our team can be there in ten minutes. I cant do that. I got to get the kid there in less than five or bullards going to kill my girl. siren wailing ill make sure leslies okay. Ill try to stall bullard as long as i can till your am gets there. All right, mac. Okay, mac. Its going to be okay, okay . Shes going to be okay. I got your back. sirens wailing all right, im here on time. Were you followed . No. Give me a hand with him. Give me your gun. Your gun. All right, take it. Just give me a hand getting him inside. Put him in my truck. We got to take him to see bullard. What . Wheres bullard . Hes not here. Wheres my daughter . Dont worry. Shes safe. You can have her back after you get the kid to his uncle. All right. Come on, kid. door closes woo. Hey, ted. Hey. Hows it going . Good, how you doing . Lifes bleachable moments need clorox bleach. Before fibromyalgia, i was on theo. I was organized. I was doer. Then the chronic, widespread pain drained my energy. Oc my dtor and i agreed moving more helps ease fibromyalgia pain. She also prescribed lyrica. Fibromyalgia is thought to be the result of overactive nerves. Lyrica is believed to calm these nerves. For some patients, lyrica snificantly relieves fibromyalgia pain and improves physical function. With less pain, i feel better and can be more active. Lyrica may cause serious allergic reactions or suicidal thoughts or tions. Tell your doctor right away if you have these, new or worsening depression or unusual changes in mood or behavior. Or swelling, trouble breathing, rash, hives, blisters, muscle pain with fever, tired feeling or blurry vision. Common side effects are dizziness, sleepiness, weight gain dont drink alcohol while taking lyrica. Dont drive or use machinery until you know how lyrica affects you. Those who have had a drug or alcohol problem may be more likely to misuse lyrica. Fibromyalgia may have changed things but with less pain, im still a doer. Ask your doctor about lyrica today. Lyrica, move forward with less fibromyalgia pain. Love drama . Go on a first date. My passion is puppetry. Here . I think were done here. Hate drama . Go to cars. Com research, price, find. Only cars. Com helps you get the right car attention kmart shoppers. This year, throw the ultimate ultimate game party. Can i have a dorito . Sure, when pigs fly. Take it. Good boy announcer you taught him how to hit a baseball. How to hit a receiver. The strike zone. The net. You taught him how to hit the upper corner. You even taught him how to hit the open man. But how much time have you spent teaching him. s your turn. thumping ronnie, go check that out. muffled cry ronnie . Yo, ronnie sru sru put down the weapon get the ground drop down all shouting indistinctly get on the ground get down hands behind your back leslie spike wheres your dad . I dont know. He never showed up. Boss mac never showed up. Wheres bullard . Wheres bullard . one last time, where did they take Jeremy Bullard . I dont know, man. Havent seen the little snitch. man grunts snitch . Jeremy. Over here. Bring him over here. jeremy groans in pain hes lost a lot of blood. I stopped the bleeding, but hegoing to need a doctor soon. Sure. Of course. There you go. groans that better . Yeah. Good. Were gonna get you taken care of. Okay, kid . First, i have a few questions to ask you. Nobodys saying anything about where bullard is. Staff sergeant from 52 division says jeremy was down there with his lawyer and thprosecutor. He cut a deal. Reduced sentence for testimony against his cle. Hes not planning to send jeremy out of the country. Hey, boss. A uniform on a driveby reported seeing that truck from a security camera. Where . Outside a garage, other enof the waterfront. Spike barry leslie, its okay. Its going to be all right, okay . So, both know you got something to tell me. So lets clear the air, and we can move on, yes . Uncle paul. Its okay, kid. Just say it. Paul, he needs a doctor. Tell me, and its all going to be good. panting the heroin. Im sorry. I dont care about the heroin. Just tell me about the cops. You met again with them this morning. Didnt you . To cut a deal . What did you say . I didnt want to do ten years. What did you tell them . And the shipments from boston. But thats it. I swear to god, thats it. Yosee, that was easy. Thats all i needed to know. Now john over here is going to take you out for a little ride, get you all sorted out. Uncle paul . Paul, just. Let him go, like you said. Giving me orders again, officer . Stay out of this. Uncle paul, please. Im sorry. I didnt have a choice. Please. Youre done. Uncle paul finish it. Hey. Big mistake, maccoy. Yeah, i know. Its one i made a long time ago. gunshots put the guns dn right now sru indistinct shouting hands in the air get down put the gun down stay right there dont move go, go, go. Stay. Dont move a muscle. Jeremy over here we need help mac officer down. Officer down we need medics in here right now leslie . We got her. We got her. Shes okay, okay . You just hang on. groans sru. Swoop in for all the glory. coughing spike . You t to take care of leslie. See that shes going to be okay. Youre going to do that yourself, okay . As soon as you feel better. Spike, promise me she wont be alone. Ill do what i can. strained promise. I promise. I promise wheezing and coughing coughing mac . wheezing mac . wheezing stops mac i could be sold in an instant i could be saved in the same i could die in a day it could be fading. You should take some time. He was a good cop. Yes. Thats why when he saw a young man facing execution, he did something about it. You know why he was able to do Something Like that . Because he knew you had his back. He knew youd be there for his daughter. You know what else that guy did . What . He taught you everything you know about being a good cop. And youre one of the best ive ever known. Full of creatures both wicked and wild. knocking on door hey. Hey. Thats it. And ill comby tomorrow after shift, and ill help you clear out the rest from his place. You dont have to, spike. I can handle it. I know, but youre going to be seeing a lot more of me from now on. So youd better get used to it. Full of creatures thanks. Both wicked and wild. Youre welcome. Um, i need to show you something. Thanksgiving one. I found this when i was packing up my dads place. Who knows what weve done another revolution he followed your whole career. Of the sun look. He was so proud of you. Of the sun that was our first day. Another revolution nice hair. Captioning sponsored by cbs captioned by Media Access Group at wgbh access. Wgbh. Org i s oh, sor s oli, thank you. There you go. Thank you. Er ou,, thank you. There you go. I cant believe you remember that. Whatare you kidding me . You singing everybody hurts . Oh, sorry. Yeah, my r. E. M. Phase. Are you sure it didnt have anything to do with what i was wearing, maybe . Uh, black leather miniskirt, white tank top. Seriously, though, you guys were good. Coulda went on the road. I dont ink so. Okay, you know, i i got a confession. Your best show, 5 00 a. M. , morning after graduation, on the roof of the gym. What . Youd just got dumped by curtis at that party. God, i dont believe this. Took your guitar, you went up to the roof, and you came up with this really gentle song. You were up there . You were singing. Im sorry. Its just, after i heard that, i thought. I felt like i. Knew you. You know, theres this winetasting thing at niagaraonthelake next weekend. I was thinking, you know, maybe we could go . Um. I mean, we dont have to stay over, it could just be a day trip. I was just thinking, cause we havent seen each other for a while. Yeah, yeah. And its been really great. What was that . That was gunfire. people screaming wait, hold on. Steve wait tires screech, horns blare man hey, watch it hey, what are you doing . Jules stop man somebodys been shot winnie, its jules. Oh, hey how are you enjoying your y off . Jules ive got shots fired inside the sultan grill, on the danforth. Guys, guys whats happening . Are you okay . Were outside the restaurant right now. Is the shooter still inside . Jules i cant see. Someones shot, jules. I gotta, i gotta get in there. No, steve. We need to wait for backup. The shooter might still. Jules lets go jules, hantight were coming team one, hot call suit up he could be dead before they get here. Dont go in there steve winnie shots fired at the sultan grill on the danforth. One confirmed victim down. Gunman i warned you i asked you a simple question, all you had to do s answer. Eric . Now one more time whoa, whoa, whoa. Tell me where he is i dont know wheres riyaz . Im sorry, i dont know who that is. No. No cell phones. Okay, all cell phones on the floor, now. Now go get em. Collect them gunman now anyone caught attempting to communicate with him will be shot, do you understand me . Its gonna be okay. Total communication blackout. All right . Im a medic. Im gonna help you. Youre gonna be okay. Hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey easy, easy. What are you doing . He just wants to make sure that hes okay. Okay, ll, get away. Come on, get away get away from him you. Lock it lock the door you. Barricade it. Tables and chairs, come on. Nobodys leaving until i get some answers. All right. You. Knives, forks, uh, corkscrews, any sharp implements. If i fd anything that can be used as a weapon. Go come on, come on, come on thats good. Get against the wall. Hands where i can see em. Set up a perimeter. Get the uniforms and keep all these people back. Lets do it now were deali with at least one shooter. How many hostages . Ed ten, maybe more. Sam jules . Limited vantage. Looks like the front doors are baicaded. Maybe jules can feed us information from inside. Nah, if that gunman finds out jules is a cop. All right. whispering hey. Quiet get hey you guys clear out of here. Go i nt everyone to keep quiet. I gotta. Think. You. On the floor. Knees here. Hands behind the head. You know what this place is, right . Its its a restaurant. Ye yes, yes, yes, it looks very much like a restaurant, but do you frustrated sigh do you know what it is . exhales what are you looking at . pda buzzes gunman you know what its really for . You know who meets here, and what they want . Huh . pda chirps parker jules is okay. She says theres one gunman and 18 hostages. Whats the gunman want . Gunman riyaz should be here now. Where is he . pda chirps parker looking for riyaz. Whos riyaz . Hey, spike. Parker see if theres a connection between the sultan grill and someone named riyaz. On it. You told him not to come, because im here. Didnt you . I dont even know what you mean. I gotta try to talk to him. gasping jules sir . Hey you stay where you are. Im gonna stay right here. All right. Gd. My names jules. Whats yours . Oh. laughs youre looking for somebody named riyaz . Yeah. What . You know him . No, i dont. But maybe i could help y find him. Oh. Well, he knows him and if he had just told me where he was, when i asked, then this wouldnt have happed. sirenails no. Oh, no. No, no. Okay. Uh, everybody. Go to the front. Everybody go, go, go against the front. Go. Against the door. Go, now hes lining up hostages against the window. Hes making a human shield. M . No vantage. Im coming down. Hey. Hey what are you doing . Sir, this man is losing a lot of blood. He needs to go to the hospital. I said no ones leaving okay. Well, this is my friend steve. Hes a paramedic. If you let him look at him, maybe he can help him, and then y c find riyaz. Thats what you want, right . panting ye. Just hang in there, buddy. Hang in. Okay, hes rely conscious. Look, im going to need some napkins, clean water and plastic wrap. I can get them. Okay. Go. Stay where i can see you. Comen. Come on. Move fast okay. We know who were looking for. The owner of the restaurt is riyaz fayad. Neighbors, disgruntled employees . Whats going on, eddie . All right. We got an air vent on the roof. Might be able to fd a snake cam throh that. All right, go for it. Lets do it. Is eric going to be okay . Hes got decreased breath sounds on the left side. What does that mean . His lung collapsed. Oh, my god. Look, he needs chest decompression. You dont happen to have a kit in your purse, do you . Can you improve . Yeah. I need a pen. I need some vodka. A knife. Sir . A knife . What do you think i am, idiot . I promise were going to hand it back as soon as were done. Please. All right. Jules whoa, whoa. What are you doing . If you try anything, im going to shoot her. woman hyperventiling im going to get the vodka. Okay, go

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