The seventh one was an uncommon seed, uncommon seed. Always creates an uncommon harvest. See, god knows our seed. He sees our seed. I felt so strong for 300, i dont know if it was because of gideons 300. I cant tell you why, but i felt impressed as we came into the studio, i god wasnt going to talk to everybody, but 300. I want to pray a brief prayer for you if you have just tuned in. This incredible ministry, Inspirational Network, is reaching millions. 20,000 children have written this Ministry Just in the last 12 months, thousands, a thousand teenagers a week write programs here needing a touch from god, wanting a touch from god. I believe when i get involve wide somebody elses son, god gets involve wide my son. I believe what i make happen for somebody elses daughter god makes happen for my what i ke happens for somebody elses marriage, god makes happen for my marriage. My reaction to a man of god determines gods reaction to me. My reaction to a man of god determines how god reacts to me. And, were asking the lord for 300, 300 who want this next 12 months to be the most glorious months of your life, to set aside a seed of 58. Representing 58 blessings i found in the bible. You may find more or less, im not trying to buy a miracle from god. God wouldnt sell you one for 58 billion dollars, but sowing a seed that means something to you. Somebody me what helps you plant the 58 . Several things. First, god is always precise. Always seven times dipping in seven days aroundthe walls of jericho, and seven times on sunday god is specific. Tithe, 10 percent. Very specific, 70. God told moses, moses if you willtake 70 men who believe in the anointing that is on you, i will give them the same anointing that is on you. Every time i give you a miracle, i will give you one. Every time i bless you, i will bless them. I felt when god spoke to me about the 58 seed, he had a reason for the 58. Secondly, i knew i needed more than 58. 58 will not pay your house off anyway. 58 will not buy you a new car it is certainly not going to buy a good suit or put your kid through college. I realized 58 was not that much anyway. It was the seed. If what i have is not enough, it is not my harvest. It is the seed to create a i also realize Something Else, that everything that god talks to you about is a testour reward. Everything that happens in your life is a test or a reward. God was testing my ability, im a very logical rson, practical person. I love, one, two, three, four, he was testing my ability to hear his voice and obey it. Hear him and obey him. I was in houston, texas on a sunday night and the holy spirit said have everybody here, gene bosticks church. Have everybody here plant 58 seed. I said, god, they are not going understand that. He said tell them. A young man comes up after the service and said, i hope this thing works. Why . I get evicted on wednesday. Did you plant the 58 seed . He said, yes, i said that was obedient. The seed of obedience is always the seed of authorization for god to get involved with your life. It is not the 58, it is act of obedience. His sheep know his voice. Less than 10 minutes he comes running back from his car. Church was over, shouting, it works. He looked at me and said, when i sat down in my car and started the engine, a woman came to my window and looked at me and said are you asking god for a miracle. He said yes. What are you asking for . He said i have to have 745 by wednesday or get evicted from my house. When you walked by me the holy spirit spoke to me and said write him a check for what he is needing. She wrote mim a check for 740something he was needing. One of my close friends, bob rogers, pastors a church in louisville, kentucky called evangel temple. He is the greatest authority on fasting and prayer that i know. Got a book 101 reason to fast. It would blow you away. If you get a chance, order it. Phenomenal man of god. I was sitting on the front row of the church on a monday morning at his church, where i speak each year. A woman comes up behind me, she said, i hear you pray for people to become millionaires. I said, yeah. Lifetime. Right now we have eight, right now we have 12. My is for 300 people to hear the wisdom god gives my heart for them to become millionaires for the sake of the kingdom of god. Tospread the gospel. Not a consumer prosperity, but she said, i think im supposed to be a millionaire. Will you take my Business Card . She heard a have a ayer book called. I take peep wills Business Card and pray for them. She hands me a Business Card and i say, i will take it to my secret place where i pray and i will ask god about your life, your prayer, your business and ill write you heart. Then she says, you told us yesterday to plant a 58 seed. I said, yes, that is a covenant blessing. She said, i aint got 58. She said, if i gave you a 58 seed right now it would bounce. She said i owe the Internal Revenue service 3500. I know you told us to plant a woulyou take the closest thing i have . She hands me a little tiny check for 5. 80. I said, sure i will. You couldnt buy god anyway. It is obedience that attracts him. This 58 seed each month, you are not buying god, you are impressing god, authorizing god. Seed of obedience. This is not for everybody. This is not for everybody. Im asking god for 300 partners for Inspirational Network who believe this ministry ought to continue preaching the name of jesus to the earth. Im talking to 300 people who want to have a part in everybody that David Cerullo reaches, everybody this ministry reaches, i want to have a part in every family that is heal restored, every divorce aborted and stopped, from drugs and alcohol. I want to have a part so god will get involve wide my family. When i get involve wide gods family, he gets involved with my family. You may not know where the 58 is going to come from. You may be sitting there and say, mike, i want to be one of the 300, but dont know where i would get the 58. I want to Say Something, out of sheer passion for god, you ought to get off that sofa and go to the phone. Get off the sofa and go to the phone and say, im supposed to be one of the 300. The first 300 that call, were going to give you a gift copy of the book, the three most important things in your life. You will never be the same. I share some of this in the book and much of what i have spoken about. Much of what i have spoken about is in this book, the listen carefully, time passed, on elizabethtown, kentucky preaching for harry potter and the goblet of fire the holy spirit said have every person here who can do it and believe that god wants them to, plant a 58 seed. Count 58 days and see what ppens. Have 12 people plant one for every member of their family. So i told the people what god spoke to my heart. Some people said, you mean god spoke to you . I wouldnt serve a god that couldnt talk to me and couldnt help me hear. Went into the pastors office sitting there quiet and he walks in and pulls out this businesscard and said, do you remember this businesscard . Yeah, yeah, i pray for that card everyday. I am praying for peopleto become millionaire for the sake of spreading the gospel. He said, they are here. They just planted 158 100 58 seeds. They want to tell you about. They walked in and laid out on the floor their Financial Statements on day 58 after her 5. 80, their business hit the first million dollars. She looked at me and said our tithe check today was for 10,000. Then she pulls out of a box all these little products that they were involved in in kentucky. I said, my lord, i said, she had a bunch from a grandson. Everywhere i go, i see these products. They literally made a fortune. I said, i go to walmart and i go to mcdonalds, i see beanie babies. God had blessed their socks off through beanie babies. What is it . Act of obedience. There are four harvest promised in the 58th chapter of isaiah, four harvests. If you are one of the 300 that were asking the lord for today, i want you to use your faith and ask god for a harvest back in these four areas of your life. Not trading money for a miracle, my, lord, no. I believe when you let go of something in your hand, god lets go of something in his hand. When you let go of something you can see, god will let go of something you cant see. Spring forth speedily fompt cus a 58 seed each month for the next 12 months. Ask for health and healing. The lord will guide you continually. You can make one decision in the next 12 months that will make up for every bad decision you ever made your whole lifetime. If you can do one thing wrong that lasts for 10 years, you can do one thing right that can outlast your lifetime. He said, the lord will guide you continually. Third is financial favor. A video comes on, my Birthday Party and a friend says, go outside, happy birthday to you. I walked outside and there was a gorgeous, brand new black corvette he provided just for me as a gift. Im looking at a 25,000 rolex watch that a friend of mine had just bought and he was he stops and says, god just told me to give it to you right now. In a day, i had a brand new black corvette and a 25,000 rolex. Do you know miles monroe . Yes. What a gift to the body of christ he is. He and i travel some together and do meetings together. We were in england and a big tall athlete walks through the turnstyle at the airport in london. He said, know who he is . No. He is one of the top three soccer players in the world. I didnt know soccer. The guy walks over and he and miles hug. I want you to meet mike murdock. He says mike, i know you, i got all your books. He went inside and comes back with a huge stack of money. English pounds, pounds like 1. 50 in american money. Telling me i cant be around you without sowing something. I was going on a plane and got all this money. I remember thinking, they are going to think im a drug dealer just as sure as the world. I got all this money stuff indeed my pockets. As i am walking down toward the plane, the holy spirit whispers something to me. I can get money to you anywhere you are. Anywhere you are. You are as close to a miracle as you are to a tragedy. Miracles can happen as quickly as tragedy. If in a single day on september 11th, if something horrifying can happen to america, just that fast, a miracle can happen to your life, satan cant do anything faster than god can. Been, by the way, the fourth thing is family reconciliation. Let me tell you something crazy, a young man travel me sat in the service one night and i felt stirred to tell the people about the 58 seed. I dont blame you for think is stupid, because i thought so. I said tonight i want you to write out a 58 seed as just a cumented covenant with god. Write in the lefthand corner where you would love to see the harvest the most in your life. Give your seed an assignment. People have discovered that. God had a son and wanted a family. It was the secret of first kings 17. Elijah looked at the widow and she said i dont have enough for you. He said i understand, but if you will get your seed, you will never lack in the family. This is what happened. Within 14 days he had his first meal with his entire family he had ever had in 15 years. He hadnt seen his eight and thirteen year old daughter necessary five years and got to spend a week with them. Two sisters gave their lives to christ. His mother gave her life to christ. This is what happened in 14 day a 58 seed. His father, 86 years old, within 90 days, 86 years old, gave his life to christ. He had a sister who had left home 48 years before. They had not seen her nor heard from her since she left home in a big angry fight. They didnt know if she was alive or dead. They found her within 21 days, in fact, she was literally within 15 minutes from our daas offices. Flew her back and had a family reuniin los angeles. That happened within days from what is it . Oral roberts is a treasured friend and montor in mylife. I talked about it with him. Dr. Lester summerall was a major part of my life before his passing. His sons are treasures to me. I dont understand the power of the 58 seed, but i have enough brains to know a seed of obedience attracts the heart of god. If you just tuned in, i want to say briefly, pray a brief prayer, we have asked god for 300 homes, 300 miracles, not 10,000. 300. Who will set ase a 58 seed months. Give your seed an assignment, give god four seasons, 12 months to see what he can do you may say, mike, 58 is no moy at all. Maybe not for you, but ill tell you somethingsometimes we, there is people on a fixed income, it is a lot. I have a partner in honolulu that makes 525 a month, that is fixed income. I was with her a few weeks ago. I want to tell you, some people for 58 is a lot. Their back is against the wall , it takes every penny to survive it is nothe amount, it is the act of obedience, seed of obedience. Ive asked the lord for 30, listen carefully, 30 out of the 300 who will call, tosow an extra 58 seed out of your business. It may be a networking business. It may be a beauty salon. It may be a music store. I dont know what kind of asked god for 30, the tithe of the 300, who when you call say, im going to be sowing an extra 58 seed out of my business for 12 months. Give god an opportunity to get involved to get involved. Just before we read some of the first names of some of the first ones who have called. Weve asked god for 300. The first 300, we will rush the speed of appreciation, the moment, the day, your first 58 seed arrives, we will rush the powerful book over 200 pages, the three most important thingsn your life. It will literally answer questions youve asked god for a lifetime. For a lifetime. Holy spirit, i told your people what you told me to say, nothing more, nothing less, i felt impress tod fly here today to talk to these 300 new partners for Inspirational Network. Sowing and reaping is for personal gain, my my tongue cling to the roof of my mouth. If what i have said is the word ofthe living god, let today be the birthing of the 12 greatest months of our life. In the name of jesus, i come into a covenant with you, there on your sofa, your recliner, the next 12 months will be the most glorious months of your life. I come into a covenant with you that as you set aside a 58 seed, to help this incredible ministry, Inspirational Network, reach 18 million broken liveand homes, remember 20,000 children have written this ministry in the last months. As many as a thousand teenagers a week have reached for help. When you get involved with gods dream, he will get involve wide your dream. If you are one of the 300, get delayed obedience is disobedience. Go to the phone and say for 12 months, if you cant trust god with 58, how coulyou trust him with your soul . Mike, i dont know where i would get 58. Step out by faith and just when you call say, as god provides it, if god doesnt provide the 58, then you cant do it. You are free from that. But give him a chance, an authorization, and just say, as the lord provides, somehow as god provides i will set aside a 58 seed each month for 12 months. And see what god will do. Then mark the 58th chapter of isaiah, im claiming uncommon health, wisdom and decisions, uncommon financial favor with somebody in a position to bless me. An uncommon family restoration. Amen. When the woman in knoxville husband. He came to christ 14 days later. Another woman whose teenage son ran away from home five years before came up with her son. He came back home, called her, ii recall, five days after she planted a seed with his name on it. She comes up and said this is my 58 seed. I was in Happy Caldwell is a close friend of mine. If you are ever in little rock, arkansas, agape, i will never fort it. I was in the airport and heard a shout, mike murdock. A man comes running up and said, im an attorney here in little rock, arkans. I heard you talk about the 58 seed. I got to tell you about my miracle. I get that everywhere i go. Ive had skycaps and every kind, every vel of life people tell me. No, i think it is the seed of obedience. Gods only pleasure is to be believed. For the next 12 months i want you to give each seed an assignment. Lord, t somebodys name on there, your husband, wife, childs. This is where id love to see the harvest. Your business. Your business. I felt strong on the 30, 30 is tithe of the 300. 30 of the 300 need to plant an extra 58 seed out of your business. Let god be your partner. Just for 12 months. 12 months. God doesnt bless your socks off, documee key to the harvest. Mike, people are planting a seed all over the country believing god for uncommon harvest. Faith, hearing the word of the lord. He is hattie in charlston, South Carolina. Here is steve from chester, virginia planting a seed of 58 a month. Thank you, steve. Here is another steve from mason city, iowa, planting a seed of 58 a month. Thank you, steve. Louise from raleigh, North Carolina planting a seed of 58 a month. Roberta from unt carmel, pennsylvania planting a seed of 58 a. Mike, these are people, i believe, they are part of the 300. God gave you a number, 300 would be watching. We are not speaking to the masses or thousands. God is speaking to 300 people right now to get up from your couch and go to the telephone and plant the seed. To partner with god and expect uncommon harvest. I cant get away from this. All night long the lord has hath ear to hear, let them hear. There is a lot of people watching right now, you are hearing, but not acting on what you are hearing. There is a lady who had an issue of blood inthe bible. She was dying and went to all the doctors and spent all she had. She heard a message there was a man named jesus walking the streets of israel healing the sick f. She could get to him, god could heal her. God would heal her. She heard a ssage, but acted on that message. She did the unthinkable. This woman who could have been stoned for being in public with Common People because of the disease she had, pressed through the crowd and put her faith into action and touched the hem of jesus gar ment and was healed. She had ear to hear and acted upon her faith. She put her faith into action. There is 300 people watching right now, some of you are part of that group of 300, but you have heard, but you havent acted. Get up off your couch now, go to the phone and plant a seed of 58 a month for the next 12 months and believe god to give you a season of harvest after harvest after harvest. You know, mike, Something Else is impressingny now from the lord. When jesus was resurrected and appeared, the bible said to over 500 people, he said, i want you to go back togerusalem and want until you are endue wide power on high. We hear about the at a of dent cost. Only 120 people, the bible speaks about on the day of pentecost, what happened to those other 380 people . Where did they go . They heard a message and decided they were too busy, this isnt for me. They heard a message and said, i have more important things to do and 380 people missed 380 people missed the opportunity of what god wanted to do through their life because of the 180 120 peep whole showed up on the day of pentacost, those 120 changed the world. They made their appointment and had a divine appointment with god. You have a divine appointment with god right now. I believe god has sent mike murdock here with the word from the lord for you. You need this more than anything else. I want you to get up right now, get off the couch, the sofa, the recliner, and get to the telephone and put your faith into via part of the 300 people that tonight god want to do something for you, god wants to release into your life uncommon harvest. Yes. You do something uncommon for me. Roberta in mount carmel. Steve in chesapeake. Another louise in stanley, virginia. Amarillo, texas, johnny planting a seed of 58. Betty in ogden, utah planting a seed of 58. Mike, the list goes on and on. People are hearing the word of the lord and putting faith in action. I know god is speaking, he that hath ears to hear, let him hear what the spirit of god is saying tonight. I know god speaking to you. Dont miss your divine appointment, your opportunity with god for him to release a harvest into your life unlike any harvest you have ever experienced before. I believe it will happen when you put your faith into action. That widow lady in elijah, that filled up not when she heard the word of the lord was was baking the cake to give to the prophet. It didnt fill up that cruise of oil and barrel didnt fill what the prophet had said and put into hihands and released it, released it out of her hands into the prophet of gods hand, then the miracle happened. Yes. I want to pray a special, there is a person right now you have a desire to plant, you want to be one of the 300, who in the next 12 months will set aside a seed of 58 for this Incredible Television ministry. You are sit and want so bad to go to the phone and want to be one of the 300. By the way, those who are, be sure when you call as you call in, tell them that you are one of the 300, you want a gift copy of the three most important things in your life. This is our gift to you, the very day that your 58 seed arrives here we want to rush this back to you. As a gift to celebrate this covenant of the 58 seed. Magic or miracle to the 58, i believe it has to do with obedience, obedience. One man told me one time, he said, sneered and said, i dont see what is so big and important about 58 seed. I said, then why are you fighting about sowing . If it is not important and no big thing, why are you fighting it . You spend more money on that on tennis shoes for your kids. Tim and pam was making 20,000 a year painting. 14 days after 58 seed, they called my office and had received contracts and said, we will make 375,000 in the next 12 months, within 14 days. I dont understand those things. I do not understand those things. All i know is if you will let go of what you have in your hand, god will let go of what nothing leaves heaven, leaves the earth. Just before we have a special song so you can be free to go to the phone i want to pray a brief prayer. There are four harvests in the 58th chapter of isaiah and i want to pound this into the spirit. God had a son, he wanted a family. He planted jesus for the family. Yes. He said, if i would reach out to the afflicted soul, and there is any Ministry Today that is reaching people it is Inspirational Network. 1000 teenagers a week have written this ministry, 20,000 children have written this ministry in the last 12 months. Families are together because of this ministry network. There are people who have put down the gun that was going to blow their brains out because of this ministry and according to ephesians chapter 6 and verse 8, what i make happen god will make happen for my family. When i get involved with gods dream, god gets involve wide my dream. Were asking the lord for 300 new partners, for Inspirational Network, 300 new partners in the next 12 months. I believe god has more an 300, but we felt so strong to pray for the first 300. I hope we will be able to reair, later, but i want you to be one of the first 300. Go to the phone, dial the number on the screen, both numbers are toll free. Quickly go to the phone and dial either number. Just say, tell mike murdock and brother david that i am one of the first 300. Somehow as god provides. I want to say this to a person watching me right now, that is debating and negotiating with god, you know like i know that when you negotiate, you establish a limit. So dont argue with the holy spirit. Dont argue with him. Delayed obedience becomes disobedience. If god is talking to you about a 58 seed for each month for the next 12 months, what is the 58 seed . I was sitting on the Miracle Faith Center platform in washington, d. C. On a sunday morning. The holy spirit spoke to my heart, how many kinds of blessings are in my word . I had gone through the whole bible and circled the pictures and categoriized them and found 58 different kinds. Some people wont find that that. Is how many i found. The holy spirit spoke to my heart to plant a 58 seed as documentation of a covenant with god. When you ask god r a you an instruction. Yes. Every time you ask god for a miracle, he will give you an instruction. Gods only obsession is to be believed. Gods only pleasure is to be believed. Let my word be true. God has obsession without faith it is impossible to please god whampt does that mean . Until god is believed, he feels no pleasure. His only pleasure is to be believed. I think that is the power of this 58 seed. It is a step to believe god. If you wouldnt believe god for 58, what would you believe him for . Would it be 10,000 . I want to say to the person watching me right now, you know, mike, that 12 months, first i love Inspirational Network. I love brother david is doing and i know this Television Ministry is reaching millions i could never reach. Little when it is a seed of obedience, nothing is little to god. Maybe dipping in jordan seven times may be total nahum, but wasnt little to god. It was instruction from god. Walking around the walls of jericho appeared illogical, but it was the secret to the walls falling. When you ask god for a future, he will require a seed and when i release my seed, god opens the windows of heaven. I want to pray that the four miracle harvest of isaiah 58, will come swiftly and quickly and by the way, the address the appear on the screen. I believe the sooner you get your seed into the soil, the quicker the harvest grows. As soon as we receive your seed, every person whose seed arrives in the next seven days, as soon as your seed gift copy and our ministry, the mike murdock ministry, Wisdom Center in dallas, texas will sow the first 300 to the 300 who called in. Holy spirit, i told your ople what you told me to say, i felt impress tod fly here and spend time with brother david and what he is doing. Lord, we asked you for 300 new partners in the name of jesus, i release into your home the peace of god. I come into a covenant the next 12 months as you plant a 58 seed, strive cannot stay in your home. I decree uncommon health. Disease cannot come near your body. I declare psalms 91 for you, he that dwelleth in the secret place of thmost high shall be almighty. Uncommon, uncommon wisdom. Yes, lord. The investment you make in the next 12 months will make up for every loss in your mutual fund, every loss in the every decision god enables you to make the next 12 months will make up for the setback. I declare financial favor with somebody. In position to bless you and provide for you. I come into a covenant with you for uncommon family restoration, that your family will rise up and repair and rebuild. And your daughter will be set free. There is a person watching me now going through a great legal battle. There is a person watching right now it is killing you inside, actually not the money as it is eating you inside you are involved in this legal wrangle it is eating you inside. I come into a covenant with you that as you become one of the 300 who plant a 58 seed for 12 months, i dont know how god will do it. I come into a covenant god reverses this legal thing in your favor. In your favor. I doncare if it comes the person attacking you drops the case or the person, whatever it is, i ask god to use this 58 seed in the next 12 months each month to turn that legal thing around in your favor. Amen. So be it in the name of the lord. Amen. Q. As we goto a song to minister to you, we have a special song coming up righ now, quickly get up off the sofa and recliner and go to the phone and say, tell mike murdock, im one of the 300. By the way, when you call, mention to our prayer counselor, if you try to call and you cant get through for any reason, persistence is also a seed. Be tenacious and just wait about one minute, one or two minutes and call us right back, if you go to the phone and call and cant get through, if you will just be persistent, turn around and when you call, mention your gift copy and say, mike murdock said he was going send me a personal gift copy of his book the three most important things in your life. How do you know your gift . How do you know your skill, what you are called to do . Ur assignment is the only place financial provision is guaranteed in your life. You must be where you have been assigned. Fish require water, birds require air. And god created you for a specific place where your gift will eemergency, your skills will come alive. Now, i dont know about you, but i believe this day is the turning point of your life. You will never go back to where you have been. You will never go back to where you have been. I was in pittsburgh, pennsylvania and a man walked up to me and said i have been without a job for six months and you came on tv and said if 58 seed for 12 months and give god a chance. Two weeks later i got a job. Im siing there and they are saying and im asking my salary. Of coue he is ecstatic because he has a job two weeks after being off six months. They said somewhere between 55 and 62,000 dollars. He said, would you tell me for sure exactly how much . They said, we got to do figuring and they looked at him and said your salary will be 58,000. Let me tell you something crazy. Paor v. J bulee and hiwife drove four hour to my bible study. I am preaching on deuteronomy chapter 1 and verse 11. A thousand times more faith. When i got through teaching i said im going to pray tonight seed you plant. V. J. And his wife came up an they had just started a Little Church four hours from dallas. Theyjust started a Little Church, she comes up tears streaming down her face, she has a 58 seed in her hand. She said, we need to find a house and were going tosow this 58 seed and ask god to give us a house. We need to buy. Okay. That is fine. She comes back with this crazy statement. She said, we believe gods going to give it to us debt free. My first reaction was not for 58 bucks he is not going to give you a debt free house. Ive always taught a seed needs to be proportionate to a harvest you are sowing for. Yes. The holy spirit smote me this faith and i didnt have the heart, everybody in bible study, didnt have the heart to look at her and say 58 is not enough for a debt free house. Be glad god helps you find a house. She was so excited. Here is what happens. Two weeks later they find the house. They find the house. The lady that sells them the house brings the contract to th and she looks at them and said, i put something in the contract that if anything happen to me, the house is yours debt free. And v. J. s wife says, the little spry woman, nothing is going to happen to you. She said nothing is going to happen to you. Two weeks after they sied the papers, the lady has a heart attack. The nine children do not j. J. Bulee and their family got the house. They did appraisal on the house. They planted a 58 seed. The appraisal comes back on the house for 58,000. Exactly one thousand fold. If got is a liar it will show up in your money. If god lied it will show up in yourinances. He said if you being evil know how to give good gifts how much more does your heavily father. Psalms 84, verse 11, no good thing will he withhold from them that walk up. There is a man of god watching me right now. I want to say this. If you will obey the holy spirit telling you to plant the 58 seed, it may be out of i believe god will put financial boas in your ministry at your church. I believe it will shock what happens within the next 12 months of your life. You say, i have never heard of planting a 58 seed for 12 months. Hey, i didnt either a. When you want something you will ner have, you have got to do something you have never done. Just before they are this special song, in fact i wish they would share that one they shared earlier. Sing that one if you could. Can you share that song you shared a few moments ago . They had a powerful song, and i want them to sing that again. I want to pray over your life. I want to pray over your life. Nobody can use your faith, but you. When you get involved with gods dream, god is going to get involve wide your dream. Lord, i told your people what you told me and what you have uncommon seed always creates an uncommon harvest. Lord, i dont know who the 300 people are, buyour sheep always know your voice. I come into a covenant with you, as you set aside a seed of obedience of 58 each month for 12 months as a part of Inspirational Network, healing 18 million broken lives, reaching people you and i could never reach, i ask god for four uncommon harvest from isaiah 58, uncommon health and healing, uncommon wisdom for decisions you are making, uncommon financial favor with somebody in position to bless you, and uncommon family restoration. I believe gods going to put a hook in that husbands mouth that has run ay from you and left home. I believe god will put a hook is away and running away from god and even your hand. I love that song, the singers argoing to sing cast all your cares. The next three minutes quickly, dont let this hour close with your hands closed. Delayed obedience is of kendall Bridges Church in houston, texas. When you want something youve never had, you got to do something that youve never done. Please get off the sofa and dont just keep looking, go to the phone and sa persistent that will be a seed god honors, too. Quickly go. Here they are inupon him. [applause] thank you, singers. Weve asked god for 300 people to hear the word of the lord for their faith to be put in action, to go to the phone and plant uncommon seed to expect uncommon harvest of miracles in your life. Brother mike, they are calling from all over the country. Here is barbara from greenville, South Carolina, with 58 pledge. Here is karen from chester, South Carolina, with 58 seed. Corellia, from kingsport, tennessee with 58 seed. 58 a month. Here is louise from birmingham, alabama, 58 seed per month for the next 12s. James from North Carolina, thank you, james, planting a seed of 58. Robin from concord, North Carolina. Tonya, from charlston, South Carolina. Coming in from west virginia, iowa, west virginia, missouri. Columbia, annie from columbia, South Carolina. Lavonne young and his wife sarah are in columbia, South Carolina. God bless you, i was in their church can i Say Something . Sure. I was in columbia, South Carolina take it back, charlston, South Carolina, where lavonne and his wife pastor, charlston, south arolina. On a sunday morning the holy spirit spoke to me and said tell everybody to plant a 58 seed. I had sench people plant one for every member of their family. A lady pastor, a lady preacher was sitting in the service, pulled out a checkbook and started planting 58 seeds for every member of her fami. She had been buying medicine poverished. A few weeks after she planted the 58 seed for every member in her family. The old man died suddenly. When she he wasnt broke after all, david, he left her a church paid for, two houses paid for, 27 acres of ground pa for, they did a geologic report and they had found gold on her 27 acres of ground. This makes you want to shout. This happened after a 58 seed. Tell you what, mike, barbara is not here tonight, but we are going to get in on this. I am not letting this 58 pass us by. For barbara and i andure children and grandchildren. Praise god. This is good ground, folks. This is inspirional network is good ground. Together we are reaching into the homes of 18 million homes. That is over 36, 40 million everyday are hearing the gospel because e word is going out because the light of the gospel is being turned on in their home. And i just thank god for those who are calling right now, those who havent gone to your phone yet, please, i know the lord is speaking to people now. I know you have been waiting and wondering is this for me, god. Come on, lay down your struggle, cast your cares upon the lord right now. Get to that telephone and dont miss your opportunity right now for god to release the harvest of uncommon miracle intos your home, brother mike, im expecting god as phone lls come in from all over the country, virginia, vermont, new jersey, michigan, im expecting god. I can just see uncommon miracles happening for gods people all over the country. Yes. You know, i asked the lord one largest seed ive ever planted at one time was 55,000. I asked the lord one time, why a little 58 seed. I can understand god blessing a 10,000 seed or 100,000, why a little 58 . He said obedience, it is the seed of obedience. Seed of obedience, anybody can plant 58 seed if they really want to and look for it. One woman came to me and said what if i cant find 58. I said, one of my car system a beautiful black jaguar, if i sold you my jaguar for 58, if you could have it in one hour, could you find 58 . She said, you Better Believe i could. I said, then it is not the amount, it is the passion, the motivation. I want to pray a brief prayer before you go to the phone. If you are just tuning in and been sort of scanning, were Inspirational Network. 300 miracles. Yes. For 300 families who will set aside for 12 consecutive months a 58 seed representing the 58 kinds of blessings i found in the word of god. The first 300 who call will receive a gift copy of our book the three most important things in your life, you will never be the same, this book will answer queions. You will wonder how on earth you ever succeed without this book. It is our gift to you. There is four harvest and i want to release them now. Jesus, i told your people what you said about the 58 seed in my heart, the miracle that is happened and according to 58th chapter of isaiah, we can expect uncommon health, uncommon wisdom, uncommon financial favor and uncommon family restoration. I release the greatest 12 months you have ever had in the hiory of your life in get up off the sofa, go to the phone and say, im one of the 300. I believe there is goingto be a double portion of the 300. I believe it. Tant things in your life. I tell you, the only difference between present and future in charlston, South Carolina. Here is steve from chester, virginia planting a seed of 58 a month. Thank you, steve. Here is another steve from mason city, iowa, planting a seed of 58 a month. Thank you, steve. Louisthis more than anything else. I want you to get upright now, get off the couch, the sofa, the recliner, and get to the telephone and put your faith into via part of the 300 people that tonight god want to do something for you, god wants to release ind say, im one of the 300. I believe there is going to be a double portion of the 300. I believe it. Last hour, call now and let us hear from you. We thank those who have called. We appreciate your partnership. Thank you for the seeds that you have planted tonight. As you have planted the seeds, expect, expectancy is a key to receiving your harvest. You expect god to give you back the uncommon harvest. Our phone lines are still going to be open. We are not right now, get off the couch, the sofa, the recliner, and get to the telephone and put your faith into via eing you again next [music] dr. Charles stanley and the wonderful thing about god is, he doesnt cause us to measure up and then choose us. Of life and he uses them to do something in our lives thats [music] the following is a paid presentation for the Bissell Proheat 2x revolution. Got a pet . Get a bissell. The bissell revolution. Got kids . Get a bissell. The bissell revolution. Got carpets . Get a bissell. Introducing the amazing Bissell Proheat 2x revolution. It truly is a revolutionary carpet cleaner from americas 1 brand in carpet cleaners. 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