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Itll be because of a person you chose to dishonor. And if you succeed with your life, youll succeed because of a person you chose to honor. I cannot change your world until i change who you choose to honor. I hear the scorn about preachers and chstians. I hear the sound of sarcasm, about those who believe in the bible and want prayer in their public schools. America will not unravel. Because of the taliban or alqaeda. America will not come apart because ofbortion or the homosexuality. There is one rson America America refuse to honor the god of this universe. The god. [applause] dishonor is the seed for loss. Dishonor is the seed for tragedy. Its why absalom hung, because of dishonor. Im asking the holy spirit to teach me the law of honor. Ive always been taught to be polite and to be gracious. You can have behavior. From a heart that has no honor. You can learn how to say nicey words to people and still not have a heart of honor. Honor corrects. Honor submits. Honor yields. Honor is willing to listen. Honor. Your reaction to an instruction from your boss reveals your understanding of honor. Something as simple as opening the car door for a lady reveals your code of honor. Something as sma as taking care of your elderly mother. Is the proof of honor. I can create through honor what i cannot create with knowledge and intelligence. Anwhat i lack in experience and what i dont have financially i can create honor is a seed that will outlast my lifetime. If no one taught you how to honor someone because of their achievements, and therere seven reactions that reveal honor. Your reaction to greatness. Your reaction to the weakness of another. Your reaction to pain. I wanna know your code of honor. What do you consider worth honoring . A Church Deacon ard called me in and said, talk to us about a salary for our pastor. They told me what he made. And they said, what do you a salary . I said, well you, your children have your children come to god under his ministry . Oh yes, all of us. We were saved and da da da. I said, so this man has driven back the darkness. This man is your intercessor. This man is the one who has developed your conscience. This man is the one who protects you from hell. Can you put a price. Can you put a price on the anointing of a man who has driven back the demon powers around your home . Honor. Honor. Write this down. Number seven the law of the seed. And i wannpray in about three or four minutes over your life. The law of the seed. Write this down, the law of the seed. Corn comes up. If a husband puts a seed in the womb of his wi, a baby is born. God had a son. But he wanted a family. So he planted his son to create a family. Words are the seeds for feelings. Forgiveness is the seed for relationship. Honor is the seed for access. Gratitude is t seed for more. According to the scriptures, god looks at our offerings to him as in 1 kings 17 elijah looked at the widow and he said, im hungry. She said, i hadnt met a preacher who wasnt. He sai i would like one of your pancakes. She said, all of you preachers want my pancakes. And he looked at elijah. Or elijah look at her. And this is what he said. If you will bring me a little meal first, throughout the famine your meal barrow will never run dry. Your crews of oil will not fail. God will miraculously sustain you through the famine, from this one meal. Isnt that incredible . He gave her a picture of her harvest. Why didnt he pull out a picture of the dead bird and said, do you remember i told you how god a raven . It died. Heres a picture. It died. Heres my newsletter. My little bird died, yeah. Remember the miracle water i told you about . It dried up on me. Yeah. No. He didnt talk to her about the brook. He talked to her about the harvest from her seed. And he painted on her mind a picture of her future. In mark chapter 10 jesus heard peter muttering something. And he says this is what he said. Weve given up everything to follow you. And jesus could have said, right. Three catfish and a boat, but he didnt. Jesus looks at peter and he makes an incredible statement. He said, anything you give up 100 times. What was he doing . He was giving him a motive for sowing. Motive means reason for doing something. Motivation. He painted a picture. Whatever you give up for me will come back 100fold during this lifetime, and life everlasting. Malachi 3 is a fascinating chapter. As god begins to paint a picture about bringin him an offering. And notice that he didnt say have you read malachi 3 . I know you have. He didnt say, bring me an offering. Why . Because the angels were eating more than we ever dreamed. Ossie [laughter] the cleaning bill for the robes is astounding. Budget. Please bring the offering so we can pay the angels off. Heres what he gives for bringing a tithe and the offering. See if i wont open the windows of heaven and pour you out a blessing that you dont have room enough to receive. The apostle paul, the brilliant explainer of the gospel transition of the human heart said in 2 corinthians 9 6, if i sow bountifully, i will reap bountifully. I have never met a christian who did not believe in sowing. It is as natural as breathing to a believer to believe in sowing. Ive never met a farmer who did not believe in sowing. Ive never met a preacher who worthy of our seed. But ive oy met a handful that believe in reaping. Only a handful. Now we sow to god based on his qualification to receive. But we cannly reap proportionate to our confidence that were worthy to recve. Theres a little catch. Mike, is it possible for somebody to sow seed and not get a harvest . Yes. Yes. Because if all i needed to do was to sow seed. A rich man could purchase god in his favor, and a poor man wouldnt have a chance. He added the word expectation. Its not enough to plant a seed. That seed must have an instruction. It must berapped with expectation of a harvest. What do you mean . He that cometh unto him must believe that he is and that he is a rewarder of them that diligently seek him. Without faith, not without a seed, without faith fah is confidence in god. Without faith its impossible to pleasure the heart of god. Does your seed impact god . No. Faith for the harvest from the seed. My seed is what i sow. My faith is why i reap. My seed decides what im sowing for. But my expectation decides what we have all been taught to plant seeds. But we have not been trained to expect. I had a man come up to me. He says, brother mike, when i give to god i expect nothing in return. And i said, i wrote a little song for you. How dumb thou art how dumb thou art [laughter] brother mike, i dont like you saying dumb. Well, i dont like you bein dumb. Thats why theres teachin. You can bring me a rollsroyce and i take off one tire and nothin se works. You can do everything exactly anleave out expectation and die broke. Until you realize the jehovah jireh of this universe said, if you being evil know how to give good gifts, how much more does your heavenly father want to give good gifts to those. [applause] i want to pray for three harvests to happenn in your life. I wanna tell you what happened in mine, and then i wanna pray for you there at your house. On your recliner. I do believe that the next 90 days. Can be the most powerful 90 days of your life. Months ago that we were entering an investors paradise. That every christian should claim a debtfree home. And people who put great value on a financial anointing should believe god for seven homes. Seven homes. That will be your Retirement Fund in your latter years. I really felt strong about that. I cannot change your life til i change who you trust. If i know who you believe i can predict your decisions. And every decision schedules a season. There are three harvests want the holy spirit to give your life. Number one is a debt free home. And i dont mean one that nobody wants to see. I want god to give you a home that your enemies cant quit takin pictures of. Youre nobody til somebody hates you. If youre enemy has not thought problem. I do believe its the will of the lord to have a home for safety of your children, to nurture a godly family. A home where you can study and read and feel safe and protected. God wants you to have a debtfree home. I really believe that with all myeart. The Second Harvest is that god wod give you, and i wish you would remember this, god would give y uncommon financial wisdom. Wisdom is more important than a miracle. A mirae has a conclusion. Wisdom is a factory for the product. Im not gonna ask god to give you a financial miracle. Thats a onetime experience. Igonna ask god to give you a financial anointing. A mantle for financial wisdom. That every decision you make, for 90 days, will create increase and not decrease. That god would give you wisdom toward the people who have and third, that god will put one person in your life who decides to bless you. You dont need everybody likin you, just the right person likin you. You are one person away from everything youre wanting. Those three harvests, it can happen in 24 hours. Many years ago i came out of a very troubled situation. I lost my home, my marriage. I lost my desire to live. I lost everything. I didnt even have aitchen table or kitchen chairs. A friend had given me an old black sofa. I pumy head, weeping like a baby, on luke 6 38 give and it shall be given back to you, good measure, pressed down. I was crying like a baby and i bible, i can sow my way out of trouble. If you lied in luke 6 38, i dont believe what you said in john 3 16. If you lied about money, ill never believe you about heaven. If god lied to me about sowing seed for a harvest, hes a liar. And the last person i wanna be around for eternity is a liar. I cried and cried and wept like a baby. And i said, according to this, i can sow my way out of trouble. And i began to sow everything i could. Theres three times in my life god told me to give away everything i had. Three times. A kitchen chair and kitchen table. Im gonna buy me draperies, cause i had sheets tacked over the windows. And i was called here to charlotte, North Carolina to participate in a telethon. I didnt know a whole lot about telethons. They were raisin money for somethin. And im sitting there d suddenly the preacher says, i want all of our partners to pray about planting 1,000 seed. And i had never. Id never heard of somebody sowing 1,000 in my life. I was 100 man myself. My father said im the only murdock in the history of the murdock family who ever gave an offering as big as 100. And im sitting there just like im thinking, lord, i hope some millionaires are watchin this program. I really did. cause i thought you had to be a millionaire to sow 1,000. Good night, who could do that . And suddenly i felt a sickening sensation in the pit of my stomach. And the holy spirit said, i want you to plant one of the five thousand dollars you just got from your songwriting royalties. Of course, you know when something ke that happens you, hallelujah, praise god. Hallelujah, praise god. Devil, you will not get my money. In the name of jesus, devil, you will not get my money. But i knew his voice. I sowed 100 that day. Went back to the hotel room. Mike, did you feel good . Not really. Not really. I wanna say this. Preachers who feel so good when you give big offerings. I. It just maybe im not spiritual. When i ge a large offering, i feel sick for days, hopin i did the right thing. I mean, i really do. I think, lord, i hope thats god. cause sometimes i feel like i get carried away. You know how theyre playin, singin. And the music, the drums. And then the service ends and you get out in the parking lot and youre sitting there in the car staring at the steering wheel. And theyve all gone home and youre sitting there. Man, they took me. Why did i do that . They took me. They took me. Oh, i never feel good after i give a big offering. I feel horrible for days, asking god, confirm that. If this is really, let three camels walk in this building right now, in the name of. If this is really you tellin me. Ossie never do. But i knew his voice. The following sunday morning i did. I sowed another thousand the next day, in theelevision station. The following sunday went to preach for a preacher in dallas and the holy spirit spoke to me to plant another thousand in their church that morning. And all that afternoon i was just like, i was just in a state. I was. I was just like a melancholy. And at 5 00 that afternoon, they had started church, and i was kneelingat bert allbrittons church, first family church, and i was kneeling in his Little Office and this is what i said to the holy spirit. I said, five days ago i had 5,000. I felt like that was my harvest. I felt like you had blessed me with money to buy a sofa and some chairs and some draperies. I now only have 2,000 left. If this is not you. Inspiring me to plant seed, stop left. And he spoke back to me about five wisdom keys that changed my world. And these were the wisdom keys. When i talk to you about a seed, i have a harvest on my mind. Nothing leaves heaven til something leaves the earth. When you open. Your hands, i will open. My windows. And then he spoke a wisdom key that blew me away. I was like 36 years old. I didnt even have a kitchen table. Id lost everything i had to my name. And this is what he says. The seed that leaves your hand will never leave your life. Goes into your future whe it will multiply. I rember thinkin, i hope so. I hope so. When i finished eaching that night, a man walked up with a book of rare automobiles. He turns, and ive told this everywhere i go. He points to a book of rare automobiles. He said, read that. Sixteen of those automobiles made in the world, only sixteen. Nineteen. Excuse me, nineteen. Only nineteen of those automobiles. He said, i have serial number one of those nineteen. Itsy favorite car. While you were speaking god told me to give you that car. The next day a man walks in my office said, i here you need a van for your ministry. I said, desperately. He said, the ho spirit spoke to me to buy you the best van available. Order the best you can buy and tuesday a lot of jealously here tonight. Ive never seen so much jealousy in one place. On tuesday a man walks, calls me and said, meet me for lunch. I sit down at a restaurant. He said, i couldnt sleep last night. In the middle of the night. The holy spirit wokee up and said, bless Mike Murdocks ministry. And he pushed across the table a check for 10,000. My life. [applause] my life has never been the same. My life has never been the same. I broke the back of poverty. I broke the back of poverty. I broke the back of poverty with 1,000 seed. Theres another part of the story i wont go into except to tell you that my songs went around the world. I am blessed. You can make it. God will outlast your storm. Hes a healing jesus. Oral roberts ministry. And every time i turn on the tv id hear one of my songs. Thousands and hundreds of thousands of dollars of royalty and my songs went everywhere around the world. God blessed me beyond my wildest drea and imagination. When i let go of whats in my hand, god will let go of whas in his hand. And god gave me another wisdom key. What youre willing to walk away from determines what god will bring to you. I was willing to walk away from 1,000. Ive looked back many times and thought what if. What if id have sat here in charlotte, northarolina, in a television environment, what if id have sat there and said, youre not gonna get my thousand . But i let go of what i could see and god let go of sothing i couldnt see. We signed contracts. Bill gaither sent me an nbc, they made a movie using some of my songs. And i liked that check. The difference between seasons is often a seed. A seed is not losing. Its investing a part of today into my future. Its moving a piece of now into tomorrow. I have no idea why im so stirred to pray for 300. But in the next 17 minutes, and i want them to do a countdown for 17 minutes, after i finish my prayer. I have no idea why thats so electrifying to my spirit. But i feel like theres gonna be a 17minute window. And god is going to prove who he is in your life. If you cant tru god with your with your life . If god would lie to you about your money, whwould you even believe the word of god . Everhing i have a man asked me one time, he said, mike, what got you sowing thousand dollar seed . I said, i realized that my dreams were a lot bigger than a thousand anyway. A thousands not enough for my dream. I cant buy a good car for 1,000. I cant buy a good house for 1,000. So i take what ive been given and i plant it, wrapped with expectation. Oh, we could tl you about the people thats gonna be saved and healed and set free and homes healed. I could talk to you for about 2 or 3 hours on how many people have been changed through inspirational ministries. I could talk for hours on how many miracles this ministry has but my focus is your harvest. cause when i get involved with goddream, he gets involved with my dream. When i get involved with gods family, he gets involved with my family. In fact, im going to add a fourth harvest for the 300 people that i pray for. And do not, were not gonna put up the clock until i have finished my prayer. But im gonna add a fourth harvest. And that is household salvation. I was standing in front of a lady one time and the lord said, tell her because shes planting a seed to spread the gospel, every member oher family will be saved. And i had never heard of anything like that and i just stopped. And i had everybody to praise the lord. And then i went over to the side and i said, god, this is crazy. I cant tell this woman cause shes writin a check to spread the gospel that youll save the members of her family. Thats nuts. And the holy spirit said, and ephesians 6 that what you make happen for others i will make happen for you . That if you reach out to the afflicted soul i will turn on your light in your night time . And the seed that she is planting, somebodys husband will be saved because of h seed. Somebodys daughter will be set free. Somebodys son will get outta prison and preach the gospel because of her seed. Because shes involved with my family. [audience clapping] ill be involved with her family. I wont you to add that as a fourth harvest, that in the next 90 days you say, well i dont believe in putting a timeframe on god. Well, i do. So, work with my faith. I believe that faith decides divine timing. My faith decides divine timing. If nineveh could stop judgment with one conversation, and a thief nging next to jesus could instantly wipe out his with the apostle paul and abraham and isaac and jacob, with one conversation, i can bring a seed to the most high god, wrapped with expectation. Gideon had 300, 300, and i feel an elerifying through me. I actually believe, and i hope they will reair this teaching, because i believe its an electrifying, theres an anointing. But im gonna pray for 300, and when i finish myrayer, they will start a 17minute countdown. And do not call, do not call, do not call, until i have completed our prayer together. And im gonna rushhis book. I want to sow 300 copies of our new book cled 7 laws you must honor to have uncommon success. This book will change your world. Waited for to unlock your future. And im gonna rusht to the 300 who plant your thousanddollar seed tonig, today, while im talking to you. Listen cefully. Its possible to sow it on your credit card and if i were u, i would ask the lord to wipe out your Credit Card Debt with this seed as part of the authorization, i really would. Now you cant buy a miracle with a check. A mans a fool w thinks he can throw god a 100 bill to get a miracle. A mans also a fool that thinks god will not give you a harvest when you pnt a seed to lift his name to the universe. God had a son, but he wanted a family. He pnted a son to create a family. A missionary in africa said, mike, will this law of the seed work anywhere in the world . I said, i think so. Work in africa or not. I said, you have any fruit in africa . He said, well, yes. I said, you ever have any trees in africa . He said, lots of trees. I said, then maybe the seed is growing. Do you have any fish in your lakes . Yes we have fish in our lakes. Yall have any kids in africa . The law of the seed is international, as long as theres a god, seed time and harvest. Seed time and harvest. I feel stirred for 300 miracles. 300 miracles. You may want to plant the entire thousanddollar seed and i would urge you to, oa credit card, for your convenience. And i believe that your se begins to grow the moment it enters the soil. You may want to sow a portion of but whatever it is, if its something that you want to sow over a 90 days period, i still want you to call us when i complete my prayer for your life. You need something money cant buy, so i turn my money into a seed so i can create a harvest that no money can buy. Holy spirit, ive told your family tonight what you told me to share, about the seven laws you must honor to create common success. Ive talked about the law of difference, and the law of place. Ive talked about the law of two. Ive talked about the law of honor d the law of the seed. I ask you for 300 miracles in 17 minutes. I dont know who the 300 are, maybe a pastor or a business man, a young couple whos just started a networking business. Maybe a widow, who has a fixed income. I dont know. This if what i have said about the law of the seed is just for Mike Murdocks personal gain, may a cursee on me and my ministry. And may my tongue cleave to the roof of my mouth. If what i have said about the law of the seed and the harvest is the will of god and the word of the living god, i ask you for 90 days of the greatest miracles your family has ever seen in the history of their life. In the name of jesus, in the name of jesus. Right where youre sitting on the sofa, the recliner, i come into a covenant with you as you are one of the 300. That the next 90 days will be the days of the most gloris favor you have ever had in your lifetime. I set myself in agreement that out of this 90 days will come the seed for the hvest. That god will give you a testimony of supernatural provision. I decree with you that there will be household salvation, that your daughter will come to jesus. Your son will be saved. That youhusband will have a change in his heart. I set myself in agreement for a mantle of financial wisdom, that the decisions you make will bring increase and not decrease. I decree and declare that the person, there will be a financial boaz, that will step out of the shadows of your life and choose to bless you and honor you. And in a single day you will see divine favor like youve never seen in your life. That god will receive this thousanddollar seed for spreading the gospel for the glory of god. Aside for a special vacation, or to buy a car. It may be money out of a bank account that youve been saving for equity in a new home. I dont know where the 1,000 is. All i know is that when god holds it, it multiplies. If i keep what ive got, thats the most itll ever be, but if i sow , its the least itll ever be, in jesus name. It is done. It is done. Ossie amen. It is done. Praise god, praise god, praise god. Im asking them now to p a phone number on the screen and i want you to go and i want them to do a countdown of 17 minute i have no idea why the holy spirit has electrified my heart s incredibly important that you move toward the phone there in your room. Youre off the recliner, reach for the telephone. Do it now, do it now. I want you to call the number thats on the screen. Do it right now. And this is what i want you to say to our counselor on the phone im one of the 300, im one of the 300 do it swiftly, do it quickly. Because delayed obedience is always disobedience. You cannot afford another year like this last year. You need a change. You cannot afford for the next 12 months to be like the last 12 months. And for some reason, i feel like this should be a 90day faith promise. I really do. And i have no idea why there must be something gods trying to thrust it and i want you to quickly, quickly go to the phone. When you call, say, i want Mike Murdocks new book, 7 laws for 7 laws. Ive been teaching from it. Quickly, quickly, go to the phone, dial the number thats on the screen. If you want to sow it on your credit card, do it right now. And i was serious about if you have a credit card indebtedness. I dont let my credit i use my credit cards for documentation, and i pay em, you know, as soon as they come due, i pay em o. If i were you, i would add that harvest on your list and say, lord, even as im sowing from my credit card. I heard a man of god say this one time and i got so stirred, and he said, mike, i found. He said, i used my credit card to plant a seed in the work of the lord because god spoke to me and said, the card that got you into trouble can get you out of tuble. and he said, i used my credit card to plant a seed that wiped out my credit card indebtedness. Isnt that crazy . But i believe god is quickly go to the phone, quickly, go to the phone. Delayed obedience is rebellion. Get off the sofa, dial the number thats on the screen. When you call, say, im one of the 300 and i want to plant a seed of 1,000. You say, well, mike. Im a widow. Im a young husband. I just been married three months. And i dont, i would have to delay somethg else. I would have to not buy y me furniture. I really do believe that when you put god first, god will prove himself to you. I was on this network, teaching, and i was sharing and i was preaching. And the lord stirred me about the seed for a 1,000 seed. And gods soul just stirred and stirred and pounded in my spirit to emphasize the seed, for inspiration ministries. Watching me in new york. They are pastors. Id never met em. Didnt know who they were. Until i went to new york and i met with about 200 of my strongest partners and they showed up on the front seat. They said, we would like to tell our testimony. She starts crying. She said, we heard mike murdock on inspiration ministries. Talk about the 1,000 seed. She said, we heard him say that he had broken the back of poverty with the 1,000 seed. And she said, i looked at my husband and said, lets plant a 1,000 seed. he said, we dont have it. she said, lets borrow it. Now, i never recommend that, but they did and her next sentence blew me away. She said, dr. Murdock, in 30 days, after we planted our 100 million in 30 days from that 1,000 seed. [applause] we have about 13 or 14 minut left to this focus right now. Quickly, quickly. Go to the phone. Quickly, quickly. Quickly. Call the number thats on the screen right now. This is critical. Its important. I felt so stirred like gideon had 300, you know, i believe therell be a second. I believe there will be a second group of 300, as we replay and reair this message, because its electrifying. Something. I want you to look at me. Something in my hand, is controlling my future. When i let go of whats in my hand, god will let go of whats in his hand. When godalks to me about a seed, hes got a harvest on his mind. I had a preacher say, how did you feel about that woman and her husban the pastors, getting a 100 million . I said, puzzled. Why hasnt that happened to me . I said, she got a harvest; i never got 100 million. But god promised a hundredfold return. Quickly call. Quickly call the number thats on the screen. I believe we have some phones that are available. And if you call, and cannot get through, stay persistent. I really believe that even your persistence, even your persistence, becomes a seed in the eyes of god. I feel so stirred that theres 300 miracles on the other side of the seed. Get off the sofa. Get off the sofa. Dont sit there. Dont sit there. Dont sit, dont you let this hour close with your hands closed. Everything youve got came from god. You dont have anything god didnt give you anyway. Your eyesight came from god. Your hearing came. I cant get cocky. About planting a lite 1,000 seed. My hearing came from god. My ability to speak came from god. Everything i have came from god. I dont have a cottonpickin thing god didnt give me. Without god, i have nothing. I wouldnt even have my mind sane. My mind is too fragile to stay sane unless god protected my mind. This 1,000 seed that youre going to sow, i believe its going to schedule the greate 90 days of miracles. No, you cannot buy a miracle with a thousand dollars. God wouldnt sell ya one for a billion. But can you expect a harvest from this seed . Yes. Yes. 10 minutes. 10 minutes. 10 minutes. Quickly. Quickly. Quickly. Dont you let this 17 minutes past. If you have just tuned in, to whats happeni here at campmeeting, and you say, i what happening . We have been teaching from my book the 7 laws you must honor to create uncommon success. I shared about the law of difference. The law of place. That where you are matters as much as what you are. That all success is geographical. You must be where gods assigned you. I talked about the law of two. That two are better than one. One cannot multiply. Two can multiply. I talked about the law of honor. That if you fail, itll be because of a person you chosto dishonor. That the difference between failure and success is honor. That all the 10 commandments are about honor. Every sin is a sin of dishonor. That the first four are about honoring god. And the last six are about honoring people. Then i dealt about the law of the seed. That something ive been given can create something else. Ive been promised. God said, shut up. You have a sling shot. Moses said, god, i cant talk good. God said, shut up. You have a rod elijah looked at the widow. She said, i dont have a meal. He said, youve got some food. Its eugh to create a future. They said, what do we have . Two loaves. And a few fishes. Five loaves and two fishes. Whatd he say. Its enough to create a future. We have about eight or nine minutes left. Quickly, quickly go to the phone. Do not ask me to explain the 17 minutes. All i know, is that god said, im going to give a 17 minute window. Its not the only window. You can plant this seed over the next 90 days. But i felt electrified in my spirit, that these four or five miracles will happen for those o work with your faith. I want to remind you, when you call, when you call, ask for this book, 7 laws. For uncommon success. Call right now. Delayed obedience is rebellion. I wanna say something. Nobody can use your faith for you. I cannot change your life until i change the voice you trust. If i know who you believe, i can predict your decisions. I said earlier that the bible, to me, is not merely a book about destiny. Its a book about decisions. The most important scripture, out of the 800,000 words in the bible is hidden in a little chapter over in numbers. God is not a man that he should lie, nor the son of man that he should repent. If he spoke it, he will do it. Sevens the number of completion. Quickly call. Quickly call. Theyre ing to show me the phones. Its very important. I feel so, theres not a 1,000 seed that youll ever plant more powerful than the seed that youre planting. There is not a seed. Ossie theyre telling us that the phones are jammed. So i wanna watch those. Just remind people as theyre dialing in to be persistent. Take your ti. Dial the number correctly and stay on the line. Because there is aessage you hear. Just stay on the line. Well get to you as soon as possible. Theres also a website. They can. Its secure. They can go right. Inspiration. Org and make their commitment, sow their seed online, very secure environment. People are calling from all over mike. You know i feel so stirred, i. On this household salvation. I feel so stirred. The only part of the gospel that works for you is the part you know about. And the only parts you know about is the part that youve listened to om someone you trust. Believe a lie. There are thousands of people that do not even believe that jesus chri heals. Theres millions of people that do not even believe in the holy spirit. I cant speak german. I cant speak portugse. I cant speak spanish. I took spanish, 100 an hour f 8 hours. At the end, i knew one word. Si. [laughter] 800 later, one word. But somebody speaks anish. Somebody speaks spanish. This part of the gospel, some people dont know. That when i get involved with gods dream, he gets invved with my dream. When i get involved with something thats on gods mind, he gets involved with whats on my mind. What i make happen for god family, he makes happen for my family. You have every right to expect a supernatural reaction from god. You have every right to believ that what you make happen for others, god will make happen for your son, your daughter, your in a single day, god can change your world. God can change your world. Holy spirit, we have five minutes to this part. And i do not know who the 300 people are. All i know is there is 300 miracles waiting on the other side of this telephone call. I have shared with our family, inspiration ministries, i have shared with our family, the possibilities of a seed. I have told them what you did for me. How that i broke the back of poverty when i didnt. I couldnt even buy a kitchen table. You spokto me about a harvest. Father, let this harvest come swiftly. I ask you especially, lord, for those who are asking for household salvatn. I set myself in agreement, that every unsaved husband will come to jesus. I come into a covenant with you right there at your house, that your daughter will come to jesus. Somebody he trusts, in the next 90 days, a come to jesus. I come into a covenant with you, for a new anoiing to come upon you for financial wisdom. Not a miracle that ends, but wisdom that gives birth. I come into a covenant with you, there at your house. Right there on your recliner. That something you put in the hands of god, will be multiplied back to you, wherever you need it the most. Dr. Oral roberts was driving me in his car one day, in tulsa. And i said, dr. Roberts, whats the greatest secret youve ever learned in your. Lifetime . Ill never forget. He said, mike, i dont think anybodys ever asked me that. He said, the greatest secret ive evelearned in my life, is sowing my seed for a desired result. Get up off the sofa. Quickly. Quickly. Get off the recliner. You have 90 days to sow it, but you could sow it even by credit card. And for some reason, i feel like, the credit card seed is going to have an impact, i feel like, i really feel like the moment that your seed enters the soil, the harvest begins to grow. Can i read the first name . Is that okay . Ossie go right ahead. First name and where. Mike tony, from miami. Kenyan, from arlington. Thats my part of territory. Carol from prather, california. Catherine, from munsey, indiana. Dardle, from dearborn, michigan. Heres someone from bethlehem, pennsylvania. Trenna from virginia. Wayne, from charleston, south carolina. Suzanne, from stowe, ohio. Something is happening. Something supernatural. I cannot change your life until i change the voice you trust. If you choose not to trust god, who would you believe . I dont have anybody else to believe but god. He said, gods not a man that he should lie. We have two minutes left. Quickly. Quickly. Get off the sofa. Call the number thats on the screen. Two minutes left of this segment. Quickly call. And when you call, say, i want the gift book. Im sowing this as a seed. Barbara. Call the number thats on the screen. Two minutes left of this segment. Quickly call. I am so thankful. Its incredible what god is doing. There is something supernatural happening right now. Ossie you know people like katrina from gainesville, virginia, called in. But she sowed 1,000 on her credit card. The entire amount. Mike, some people are calling in, theyre asking the question, mike of course. How about 100 over 10 months . Can they do that . Oh, if its between you sowing and not sowing, i really believe everything, everything, everything youve got, everything that youve got hinges on gods favor. Get off the sofa, get off the recliner. This 17 minutes is not the end of the harvest. Theres something, and stay on the line. Stay on the line. If youve got us, stay right there. And there will be, i think a recording that comes on. There will be a wa well have somebody to meet what youre waitininfor. Let me just say this. If this 1,000 seed, im in charlotte, North Carolina, live right now, as were doing this. This was where my world turned around. Charlotte, North Carolina. The home of inspiration ministry, this is where i planted the first 1,000 seed i ever planted in my whole life. Now, i want them to continue. Im gonna remain because i want the, every person thats on the phone, stay on the phone. Stay on the phone. David mike, i can hear you. I can hear you. Barbara and i are standing here, live in jerusalem on the mount of olives, and ill tell you what. What a powerful word from the lord about 7 habits, 7 habits, 7 laws that weve got to obey to be successful before god, and i love that word you said about how our decisions decide our future. And how the bible is a book about decisions. People right now have a decision to make. Decision whether theyll believe god. Decision whether theyll believe the man of god. A decision whether theyll put their faith into action. A decision whether theyre willing to sow 1,000 seed. T i know that that decision will determine their future. I know that their seed is their only bridge to the future. Their seed is the only thing that can possibly speak to their future. And i pray that right now, those phones right now. But i pray that people will begin to speak to their future through their seed on the altar. Tch what god is gonna do in your life. Mike, im sending it back to you before we get ready, so we can get ready to pray. Mike praise god. Praise god. Father, your sheep know your voice. Your sheep know your voice and another will not follow. I thank you lord. You have spoken to my heart that there were 300 miracles, on the other side of this seed. When we let go of whats in our hand, you will let go of what is in your hand. Nothing leaves heaven til something leaves the earth. Erything we have came from you. David mike, ill tell you. This is a powerful word from the lord tonight, and i know that god is getting ready to get invoed in the dreams of his people because theyre getting involved in gods dreams. And its like you said tonight. What we do for god, god will do for us. When we get involved with his dreams, he gets involved with our dreams. When we release the seedhats harvest thats in his hands, and i love what you said earlier, that the seed that leaves our hand never leaves our life. It goes into our future. Our seed is what speaks to our future. Our seed goes into our future where god multiplies it. He multiplies it back into our life. He multiplies it back into his kingdom. Hes gonna multiply it into the reaching of souls around the world, through inspiration ministries. But hes gonna multiply it back into the lives of our partners who are sowing right now, in their family, in their finances, in their physical body, in their boaz anointing, and im praising god for the 300 people who are about to experience a powerful move from god in their life. I believe it. Im expecting it. Gods getting ready. You get ready for god to get involved in your dreams, like youve never seen him get involved in your dreams before. Why . Because youve taken a step of faith and gotten involved in gods dreams tonight. From jerusalem. You can probably hear in the background the 4 a. M. Call to prayer here. But ill tell you what, theres a greater call to prayer going up before the lord right now, and thats the prayers of gods people that are upon this altar, as theyre takg god at his word. As theyre sowing their seed. As theyre putting the offering upon the altar, god is getting ready to get involved in their dreams ia powerful way. Bless you. Hallelujah we worshiyou for who you are we worship you hallelujah [music] dr. Charles stanley and the wonderful thing about god is, he doesnt cause us to measure up and then choose us. God takes our inadequate areas of life and he uses them to do something in our lives thats

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