Transcripts For WTKR NewsChannel 3 News At 11 20160211

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[boxes rustling] [beeping] this is detective 720. i need a 1085 forthwith. burglary in progress at 307 east fifth street. freeze! ah! no! no! [screaming and crying] brad! no! lieutenant... mr. woodlief lives across the street. saw the shooting out his window. did you see the shooter? white kid, young. had a hat on, but looked familiar. from the neighborhood? maybe. looking at mug shots right away. okay? thank you, sir. perp was after something, but it oiously wasn't loot. i mean, there's over $1,000 worth of cameras in here. who lived here? some dude named gary blanchard. the neighbors thought he moved out two days ago. i got his informatio i'm gonna run it down. ah, the press will be all over this. and you know who's starting in the squad today. yeah... detective beauty queen. yeah, i talked to her captain. he was cagey. not very complimentary. well, you know what they say. the better you are, the more trash they talk. detective nina cassidy. anita van buren. ed green. hey. welcome to the 2-7. your transfer ming down as fast as it did, i don't know much about you. except, of course, what i rd in the papers. that's tabloid stuff, lieu. i didn't seek any of that out. and there was a lot that wasn't accurate. you been to cic or taken the homicide investigator's course? next month. i know they're nypd databases, but i've never had to use them before. well, your assignment, until i tell you different, is watch and learn. yes, ma'am. i'm gonna go fill in carvahal's c.o. see if his wife is up to talking. i want to be helpful, but i don't know what to tell you. he heard a noise, and then... a minute later, he was shot. had you had any problems downstairs in the past? we never saw or heard the tenant. we kept opposite hours. my brother jimmy was in uniform with your husband at the 9-7. he always spoke very highly of nick. i saw your photos in the paper. the shooting at the beauty salon. you were very brave. we're gonna find who did this, mrs. carvahal. i promise you that. excuse us a minute. detective. [police radio chatters] you just promised to close this case. i was only offering condolences. watch...and learn! what are you gonna do if the case falls apart? what are you gonna say to the widow then? i get out of work and i go to the store, and somebody's, smellin' around, "mmm! i smell cookies." i say, "oh no, you just smell me. i just got out of work. that's honey bunches of oats, that's all." i sa"don't eat me now." crispy m&m's are baaaack. what are you doing? not those fans! did you mean this fan? no. (annoyed grumbles) what about that one? there's a fan in the break room, oh! and in the....(trails off) so good, they're back. hey there, starting your search for the right used car? i don't want one that's had a bunch of owners just say, show me cars with only one owner find the cars you want, avoid the ones you don't plus you get a free carfax report with every listing it's perfect. start your used car search at i'm billy, and i quit smoking with chantix. i had a lot of doubts going in. i was a smoker. hands down, it was, that's who i was. after one week of chantix, i knew i could quit. along with support, chantix (varenicline) is proven to help people quit smoking. chantix definitely helped reduce my urge to smoke. some people had changes in behavior, thinking or mood, hostility, agitation, depressed mood and suicidal thoughts or actions while taking or after stopping chantix. some had seizures while taking chantix. if you have any of these, stop chantix and call your doctor right away. tell your doctor about any history of mental health problems, which could get worse or of seizures. or skin reaction to it. if you have these, stop chantix and call your doctor right away as some can be life-threatening. tell your doctor if you have heart or blood vessel problems, or develop new or worse symptoms. get medical help right away if you have symptoms of a heart attack or stroke. decrease alcohol use while taking chantix. use caution when driving or operating machinery. most common side-affect is nausea. life as a non-smoker is a whole lot of fun. ask your doctor chantix is right for you. by 1924, mrs. stouffer raised two boys. inspired a business in cleveland. and raised the standard for easy homemade family meals. today her high standards live on. it's why we use freshly made pasta in our lasagna. topped with real mozzarella and aged parmesan. and no preservatives. just a delicious meal you can feel good about serving your family. made with love. the way mrs. stouffer made it. stouffer's . wake up! what? shh! mmmmmm hey! what are you doing?!, go back to sleep! now...where were we, hehe. hehehe. lay's. one taste and you're in love. i can't think why anybody would want to rob my old place. do you think it could have been random? thief was after something. listen, what is it you do, exactly, mr. blanchard? yeah, i take shots at dance clubs and i post them on my site. it's subscriber-supported. right. catering to whom? well, the kids. i shoot. they see their photo on my page, and it's like their 15 minutes of fame! yes! you are the beauty queen. no. shh. actually... ho, ho, yes. detective beauty queen. all right, sit your ass down! hey, come on! we did mention that a police officer was killed, right? i'm sorry about that. i am. i am. stop being a smartass. i'm sorry. you know, but i thought i was the victim here. we'll be in touch. hey! [camera clicking] smile, babe! you're a star! [camera clicking] hey, lieu... ballistics ran the slugs that killed detective carvahal. they're a match for an open nightclub shooting that happened last year. how many suspects? 40 yeah, something like that. but one of them stood out. this guy, jay sitrick, he's a bouncer. they didn't have enough to charge him, and they never found the gun. anything further on blanchard? he doesn't have a record. i take it he wasn't very helpful, that it wasn't a pleasant interview? it shows. he emailed the squad contact address. he was being disrespectful. and we don't have time for it. not with this case. so handle it better. talk to sitrick. nina. come on. last night i was bouncing at the beirut. 11th street, first ave. 10:00 p. to 4:00 a. check it out if you want. oh, we will, and that doesn't mean you couldn't have provided the gun for this robbery, mr. sitrick. a gun that never proved was mine in a shooting i wasn't a part of. yeah, but you were the only one interviewed with gunpowder residue on your hands. that test was inconclusive. guys, look, i understand. [motor runs] when one of yours gets killed, you gotta be out there and you have to-- [motor dies] sorry. couldn't hear you. [sighs] i had nothing to do with the robbery. you got anything to do with blanchard? [scoffs] he's a dirt bag. a guy did time because of him. did time for what? him and blanchard got drunk at a soho-ey art show and they stole a painting. the d.a. put one deal on the table. blanchard flipped first. the guy who got sent up just got out. i'd be talking to him. you know this ex-con's name? teddy gullo. he threw that painting in the river! i saw him do it! look, we don't think that you went by his place to kill anybod teddy. i didn't go to his place. so where were you, 10:30 last night? here! you checked in at 11:15. i was copping, all right? which is a parole violation. surprise, rprise. name of your dealer? i didn't kill anybody! so why'd you nearly take blanchard's head off at the bowery pool hall? he owed me some money for a job i did. he threatened to welch, so i convinced him to pay. what kind of job? he's getting into selling stalkerazzi photos pictures of stars with their hair in curlers, scratching their ass? the job was to sit outside chelsea palace and follow sky sweet. the actress? the holy grail being if she came out with her little baby. which she did. so i called him. he tailed her and offered 10% off of any photo sale. so how come he didn't want to give you the money? because she put an injunction against him selling the photos. i didn't care. i wanted my 10 grand. the photos were worth 100 grand? photos doing what? something she didn't want in the papers, i guess. those photos are confidential. that's why we got the injunction. do you understand th they may have led to a police officer being killed? yeah. well, do i need to explain the importce of that to you? i was taking sophia for a walk in the park. she threw her noony. when i bent down to pick it up, she slipped. she was fine. right. blanchard caught that on film? i looked up and there he was, blasting away. she needs a change. yes, ma'am. there have been other photos in the press concerning your parenting? yeah, a scumbag in l.a. got pictures of her in my car alon five minutes, while i went for a frappuccino. it was, like, 60 degrees, and the windows were cracked. right, and we understand that that led to questioning from child services in los angeles? so what? ever occur to you that another public incident might lead to an interview from child services here in new york? a pointless one, yeah. that's why i wanted the pictures. they were out of context. was blanchard willing to sell? we're negotiating. how high's the number? you accusing me of something? look here... you and your baby daddy been running around town like you're bonnie and clyde. hanging out with hard core rappers. now, some of them... are real thugs. they have real history. including robbery. blanchard wanted 400 grand, which is about what i spent this year on sweatpants. so it was the principle. not the money. i didn't need them stolen. now, i'm exhausted. page six has you partying all over the city this week. i liked it better when you didn't talk. well, since the floodgates are open, you got an infant in the room. [whispering] no smoking. no, they're not the guy. not even close. mind if i hit the head? down the hall. nina... we got nothing on that recanvass. ditto for mr. woodlief. right. and, u.. i know i lost my temper with little miss superstar. mmm, now that seemed justified. yeah, but i get it if the boss has to know. if you knew me a day longer, and you were a dude, i'd pop you in the mouth for saying that. if i have a disagreement with you, i'm gonna say it to your face. you're not gonna hear about it through the lieutenant. how many lessons are there, exactly? there are 740. exactly. excuse me, but this was in the bathroom. you can leave it there. no, i think the cover photo is the man who shot the policeman. j-train smolka? that's sky sweet's husband. estranged, till recently. yeah. are you sure? don't let a cracked windshield ruin your plans. trust safelite. with safelite's exclusive "on my way text" you'll know exactly when we'll be there. giving you more time for what matters most. 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[richard] a thousand people win one thousand dollars. every day at h&r blo. you can still win. come in! it's refund season. i thought i married an italian. my lineage was the vecchios and zuccolis. through ancestry, through dna i found out that i was only 16% italian. he was 34% eastern european. so i went onto ancestry, was eastern european. this is my ancestor who i didn't know about. he looks a little bit like me, yes. ancestry has many paths to discovering your story. get started for freet j-train. real name's justin. they've been married two years. his hard-partying ways have forced a separation, but only as far as the guest house of her bel-air mansion. but if you sniff around online, there's talk of a reconciliation. fabulous. i was getting a little worried. [laughs] i mention it because they were spotted at a restaurant in the city, so he's in town. all of which you know from the tabloids. but, lieu, j-train matches the general description the witness gave at the crime scene. young, white male. right. but mr. woodlief came to this photo on his own. he--he was sure about it. and you take the celebrity part out of it, it's a husband standing up for his wife, right? all right, what do you know about this j-train? he has a reputation as a hothead and seet thug. does his sheet support that? in his bugatti in miami. is there any connection between him and blanchard? blanchard said he'd gotten emails. all right. dcpi said word's out that you talked with sky sweet. is gonna be camped out wherever this j-train is. cassady... do me a favor. keep your face out of the press. [hip-hop music] j-train up in this joint yo, cut the track, g. got it. [music stops] yeah, i wrote blanchard this email. so you threatened to "cap his bitch ass." [chuckles] that's just talk, you know what i'm sayin'? no. not when a police officer's been murdered, no. i don't know what you're saying. how's that on me? stealing photos from blanchard might have bolstered your street cred. that rep was invented by a publicist. i'm from orlando. about gunplay with you. smashing up hotel rooms. i got no gun. and trashing that hotel was staged. i'm trying to sell records. well, if everything's staged, why'd you get an injunction to freeze photos of your wife dropping your baby? because that wasn't staged. that was some scumbag taking advantage. but we get it. he's just looking to earn. everybody knows it's a game. it's a game. so why were you seen leaving blanchard's place la night after the shooting? [scoffs] whoever saw that, i wouldn't trust 'em. i was working last night. you better hope you're on the security cameras. no, i wasn't here. i was with our girl who runs the fan site and handles the mail, beth swailes. [chuckles] and any more for me? you can talk to our lawyer. but i'm sorry about your homey, yo! you might as well turn around. you've got someone to talk to. justin smolka's cell records show a bunchof text messages to a michael whalen. he's got a sheet a mile long. on the lower east side. yeah, well, it turns out he was also questioned at the nightclub shooting last year, where a murder weapon was used. he could be the source of the gun. he could be the shooter. beth swailes backed up justin's alibi. i don't know. a long-time employee as an alibi witness... she had her story straight. well, stick a pin in it. [police siren] i'll have uniformed backup meet you at whalen's apartment, just in case. you're staying here. boss, i know this whalen. i know his big rottweiler. we got rapport. if he's the shooter, i don't want you going through that door. i'll hang back. you'll hang here. how's that fit in with watch and learn? ed, they'll be waiting for you. watch out for the dog. all right. lieutenant... look, i'm sure you had a hand-picked replacement for when detective fontana retired. you're absolutely right. first grader. a lot of years on the job. and you gotta feel i was shoved down your throat because of all the press around me. you know, my only issue with you is that you're green. okay? i cop to it. i was in the wrong salon at the right time. but i did hold my gun straight, and i'm here now. you know, it's something that takes a police officer years to achieve. homicide is not about writing summonses or kping the peace; it's a skill. a skill learned from experience. which i'm hungry to get. fast. isn't that what you came in with? oh, much more. five years in the bag. seven undercover in narcotics. that's where you got your street chops. i'm getting mine here. and until you get those chops, you're a liability to yourself and your partner. you don't go through doors. [pounding on a door] whalen! it's the police! hey, listen! [dog barking] just let me walk out of here, or i'm gonna sic him on you! you do that, and i'll blow his brains out. now call him off. i didn't do nothin'! you got two seconds to call him off. bubba! bubba, come here. clear. come out wh your hands up, whalen! can i just say good-bye to him, please? all right, get up. get up! up against the wall. detective! gun. come on. hey, lieu. the lab confirmed that it is the gun that killed carvahal. crime scene's running prints now. what do you know about him? dad was a drunk. beat him. when mike was 10, he found the old man hanging from a shower rod. then his older sister took care of him. and the mom's in a state mental home in albany. well, boss? just take it slow. listen, whalen... i'll put in a call to mrs. strasnik and ask if she can take bubba till you can sort this through. but only if you are completely honest, and stop actg like a baby. my mom called. she said she saw you in the paper, and that she's real proud of you. how proud would she benowing where you're at right now? hmm? how about lorraine? [crying] lorraine is dead. would she be proud after spending all that time teaching you right from wrong? but i didn't do anything wrong. then why is a police officer-- like me, your friend-- murdered, and the gun that killed him in your apartment? mike... all that time i spent with you... buying you food when you had nothing to eat. peeling you off the sidewalk and getting you home. you gotta stand up now, mike. do the right thing. earn all that kindness. or else you and bubba, you're done. [sniffles] his name is smolka. he's famous. why was it so hard to admit? because i was at the robbery. you were in the apartment? no, down the block. driving getaway. and you got the gun? no, he asked me for a gun, and i had one, so i lent it to him. wait, hold up. how do you know him? i met him at a club, and he parties with meth sometimes. no, i swear. he just said that he needed a piece and a wheel man. and i needed the $50. please don't tell my mom. [sobbing] [knock on door] crime scene lifted smolka's prints off the murder weapon. go get him. go. [hip-hop music] my drink is hennessy once i call it henny diamond girls that try to keep up end up losing hymen all right. yo. what's up? [music stops] you're under arrest for the murder of nick carvahal. [laughs] you have the right to remain silent. anything you say can be used against you in a court of law. [crowd shouting] back it up! back it up! out of the way. out of the way! i want my lawyer. you'll get your lawyer. hey, yo, it's a frame-up, yo! soup and sandwich and clean and real, and feeling good, sort of. and 500 calories or less. the clean pairings menu. at panera. food as it should be. our clothes can stretch out in the wash, ruining them forever. protect your clothes from stretching, fading, and fuzz. ...with downy fabric conditioner... it helps protect clothes from the damage of the wash. so your favorite clothes stay your favorite clothes. downy fabric conditioner. wash in the wow. what about this guy? this guy's... been through a lot. dogs bring out the good in us. pedigree brings out the good in them. feed the good. caring for someone with alzheimer's means i am a lot of things. i am his guardian. i am his voice. so i asked about adding for moderate to severe alzheimer's. it works differently. when added to another alzheimes treatment, it may improve overall function and cognition. and may slow the worsening of mptoms for a while. vo: namenda xr doesn't change how the disease progresses. it shouldn't be taken by anyone allergic to memantine, or who's had a bad reaction to namenda xr or its ingredients. before starting treatment, tell their doctor if they have, or ever had, a seizure disorder, difficulty passing urine, liver, kidney or bladder problems, and about medications they're taking. certain medications, changes in diet, or medical conditions may affect the amount of namenda xr in the body and may increase side effects. the most common side effects are headache, diarrhea, and dizziness. all my life, he's protected me. now i am giving back. ask their doctor about once-daily namenda xr and learn about a free trial offer at male penguins show their love with... a pebble. some males, however... are smarter than others. save up to 30% on select diamonds in rhythm. every kiss begins with kay. guys, valentine's day is almost here... right now, kay jewelers has the perfect valentine's day gift at the perfect price. so don't wait - come to kay... docket number 101672. people vs. justin anthony smolka. charges murder in the first degree. how do you plead, mr. smolka? absolutely not guilty. ada rubirosa, light a fire under it. your honor, the defendant was burglarizing an apartment. and in the course of the burglary, he killed a new yorkity police officer. if that doesn't earn remand, i don't know what does. except there's no physical evidence connecting my client to the scene-- there is an eyewitness who puts smolka at the scene. there is also an alibi witness who puts him three miles away. his prints are on the murder weapon, he had motive, and his wife has more money than god. and, if anybody's interested, detective carvahal's widow gave birth to a health baby boy this morning. fendant's remanded. [pounds gavel] [hip-hop music] i'm comin' hard from the prison yard with a untouchable squad maybe it's generational, connie, but this is incomprehensible to me. it's incomprehensible to anyone without a lobotomy. but he's famous? you know who he is? justrom what i've read in the checkout lines. he's a, uh, failed actor. failed singer. they actually met when he was doing a bit part in one of her films. she, on the other hand, makes $7 million a picture. so they could easily buy the photos of sky sweet dropping her baby. why stl them? the real question is, why keep them from the press? those pictures of her leaving her kid in the car, they made headlinesfor weeks. will the accomplice stand up, mike whalen? a lifetime drug addict with a lot to lose? i know i'd tear him apart on the stand. you may need a deal for his testimony regardless. now, you've got a decent eyewitness and smolka's prints on the gun. but smolka's got an alibi and a howitzer in his back pocket. you try any profile cases in c.c.? just workaday career criminals. straight "as" since first grad

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Miami , Florida , United States , New York , Beirut , Beyrouth , Lebanon , Orlando , Italy , Italian , Justin Anthony , Mike Whalen , Los Angeles , Anita Van Buren , Michael Whalen , Nba , Nina Cassidy , Gary Blanchard ,

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