But he slammed the door. Oh, god. Can you tell me who did this to you . Megan, is it your boyfriend . [coughing] hey, pal. You gotta cough this winter . May i suggest. Tough love, mentholyptus halls with big time cooling flavor. Or soft love. Milder flavored honey halls with real honey. Tough love. Soft love. Attention kmart shoppers. This year, throw the ultimate ultimate game party. Next, on the fingerhut network. Bad news. You have need a new oneitis. What is it . Hows your tv . Need a new one. And your coffee maker . Need a new one. Oh my gosh, i do have need a new oneitis. What can i do . Go to fingerhut. Com and get a new samsung tv or keurig coffee maker. At fingerhut you get low Monthly Payments on over half a million items. Oh, thank you, doctor. Oh, dont thank me. Thank fingerhut. Fingerhut. Com. Get the credit you deserve and start shopping today. Tested wireless performance across the country. Verizon, won big with one hundred fifty three state wins. 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He said that that was how daddies loved their little girls. Benson and this has been going on ever since . No. He stopped after i got my period. Stabler how long ago was that . When i was fourteen. sighs did anything sexual happen last night . No. But we had a horrible fight. If he didnt have to catch a plane who knows what he would have done . Benson im not going to lie to you, megan. Its going to very difficult to prove a fouryearold rape. Stabler and we cant charge him for the earlier abuse because the statute of limitation only extends back five years. What about lilly . Whos lilly . My little sister. Shes seven. Thats the same age i was when he started molesting me. Well, did you see him do anything to her . I went to my parents to do my laundry and i walked in on them. And what did you see . He was touching her, just like he used to touch me. Hey, captain, we got some background on megans father. Im on my way to the mayors luncheon so lets make this quick. Okay, evan ramsey ns southerland pharmaceuticals and he just donated a wing to the east harlem childrens hospital. Well, if his daughters telling the truth theyre not going to be hanging his picture on their wall. Rebecca southerland is the wife. Shes also the daughter of the companys founding father. So he marriedinto the social register. Any other kids . Yeah, two jodie, 15, and lilly, 7. Lilly is the one that megan says hes molesting. So, basically, were working two cases here. A rape just this side of the statute of limitations and the possible molestation of a sevenyearold. Munch and fin are checking with Childrens Services to see if the familys got any priors. Well, where is the mother in all this . She and megan arent on speaking terms. Were off to see the mothe right now. When you have something to talk about. Ive been married to evan for nineteen years had three children with him. Id certainly knowif he was raping one of them. Youve always had a blind spot where hes concerned. Dad, please. Megans lashing out. Shes a very angry young woman. Charles where do you think all this anger came from . From that therapist shes been seeing. What therapist . Dr. Wharton. Megan starting seeing her when she went to columbia. Since then, my daughters become an expert on what she calls our family dysfunction. Ive tried talking to r, but she just shuts me out. Weve seen these kind ocases before and its very difficult for daughters to share this with their mothers. It isnt the first time shes made up little stories to get attention. Stabler has she ever made up anything like this . Nothing this outlandish but she has stretched the bounds of reality to gethat she wanted. God knows what shes been telling that therapi. I dont see why thats necessary. Stabler its routine. Whenever allegations like these are made wed like to talk to everyone in the family. Now shes putting her sisters in the middle of her little drama. When can we talk to them . Theyre in school. Stabler where . Ill not have you embarrass them in front of their friends. Benson then bring them down to our precinct after school. Stabler the sooner we can talk to them, the sooner we can close thiout. sighs theyll be there. Wharton megan came to me suffering from bulimia and depression. What was she depressed about . Uh. Eating disorders often signal a deeper emotional trauma. In megans case, it was childhood incest. Stabler when did megan tell you this . Only recently. She built a wall between herself and her father. The floodgates finally opened, and the truth came out. Why didnt you report the abuse . Megans an adult. I couldnt break confidentiality. The only reason im talking to you is because she gave me permission. What about her younger sisters . I repeatedly asked her if she thought they were at risk, and she always said no. Until yesterday. She called, and she said that she reported her father for abusing lilly. Is megan emotionally ready for the strain of a Police Investigation . Shes still healing, but. She came to you so that tells me shes on the road to recovery. Woman i had to go to the basement to dig up this file. W long has it been there . Seven years, when megan ramsey was 11. Fin who reported it . A resident in the emergency room at mercy general. Her mother brought her in megan told him shed been having trouble urinating. And when he noticed bruising on her backside he called. Your investigation turn up anything . Megan said she got the bruises riding horses at her grandfathers farm. Fin what about the other problem . We contacted her pediatrician. He told us megan had a minor urinary tract infection from taking too many bubble baths. After a series of followup visits, the case was closed. Thank you. Our complaining witness appears to have a history of emotional problems. Shes an incest victim. Doesnt necessarily make her an unreliable witns. This man is a community leader. Hes known for his good works and political clout. So, lets make sure we have our ammunition before going to war with his lawyers. Mind if i join the party . Cragen well, depends on what you brought. Evan ramsey was investigated for child abuse against megan seven years ago but the caseworker found no evidence to support the charge. Stabler rebecca didnt mention anything about that. Benson well, it wouldnt be the first time a wife chose her husband over her children. Since evans out of town theyre here. Cragen okay, separate rooms. See if either one confirms megans story. Meanwhile, ill see if ian wear down mom with my charm. Benson so, lilly doou spend a lot of time together with your daddy . Well, sometimes we go to the park and we ride the horses. Mmhmm. What else do you do together . He reads stories to me. And we play games. Yeah . What kind of games . What is it, honey . Why is everybody mad at my daddy . Well, what makes you think that were mad . Megan said he was doing bad things. What kind of bad things . I dont know. Lilly, does your dad ever do ings that you dont like . Sometimes he yells and says bad words. What else does he do that you dont like . Nothing. My daddy loves me. Jodie i dont understand. Well, did your dad ever touch you in a way that, uh. Well, made you feel uncomfortable . No, hehes a great dad. Hed never do anything like that. How about with your sisters . No. Sometimes he and megan would argue but he was just trying to keep her out of trouble. Yeah . What kind of trouble . He said her boyfriend was bad news. chuckles she thought he was trying to control her life. Uhhuh. Well, hows his relationship with lilly . He never yells at her. Mmhmm. He spend a lot of time with her . I guess. So what do they do when they hang out . They go to the park, and he reads to her. Just the usual stuff. Usual stuff . Anything else . It probably doesnt mean anything. So tell me anyway. Sometimes he goes to her room at night. And i hear crying. And . He still gives her baths with the door locked. And a few nights ago ii woke up in the middle of the night to get a drink of water and i saw him changing lillys sheets. She was crying in the corner with her bottoms off. Dad s acting weird. He said she wet the bed. But. But what . She hasn wet the bed since she was two. Rebecca i dont believe this. It cant be true. Mrs. Ramsey, i know this isnt easy ive heard enough. If you give us permission to search lillys room we just might come up with some answers. I cant take this anymore. Benson mrs. Ramsey . Theres someone here to see you. Megan. Detective benson told me youd be here. Its not true. It cant be. crying he raped me, mother. I was 12 years old. Where were you . Why didnt you help me . I didnt know. I swear benson were going to need physical examinations on jodie and lilly. And permission to search your house. Do whatever you need to do. I want my children safe. Hell be home any minute. Well handle the introductions. Stabler olivia what have you got . Kiddie porn, right under lillys mattress. There you go. Got something else, detectives. Mens underwear. Man rebecca well, bag it all. Is everything okay . You got it. What the hell is going on here . Evan ramsey, new york city detectives. Wed like you to come with us. Im not going anywhere till somebody tells me what this is all about. Look, you have no ght to. Please, mr. Ramsey, for the sake of your daughters lets not do this in front of them. lilly crying softly vo want to be happy with your next vehicle purchase . At enterprise, we guarantee it. Head to your neighborhood enterprise car sales and let the people who buy more vehicles than anyone. Change your thinking about buying your next one. From our home in new orleans to your kitchen. Possibilities are cooking. It just takes an idea and a little inspiration from zatarains. With more than 20 unique flavors. Zatarains. Jazz it up. 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I have tried to get through to her and she just keeps pulling further away from me. I mean, ii try to hug her she recoils like im contagious. She said she saw you fondling lilly in her own bed. sighs i was helping her put on her pajamas. Benson and what about the visits to her room in the middlef the night . She has nightmares, for gods sake. Nitmares, huh . I wonder if these caused them. What. . These are disgusting. Stabler well, we found them in lillys room along with a pair of your underwear. This is ridiculous the pictures were printed on a Digital Printer just like the one next to your computer. I only use that computer for business. Yeah . Thats some business. Look, i know this has got to come as a big shock to you now you get the chance to clear the decks get some help. Megan has already broken her silence. Its only a matter of time before your other daughters join her. I havent done anything wrong stabler do you have any idea whathey do to child molesters in prison . Im sure that theyll grow very attached to you once they fi out why youre there. I want my lawyer. Do we have anything to corroborate the rape . Only megans testimony. Any physical evidence is long gone. And lilly . Medical exam showed vaginal irritation but nothing conclusive. Jodies was negative. That leaves us with the photos and the underwear. But lilly still hasnt provided testimony linking them to her alleged abuse. Megan passed the poly. You know thats inadmissible. It confirms her story. We let him go, he goes right back home to his daughters. All right. Arrest him for the rape. Wheres my lawyer . Rebecca i want to know why rebecca, come with me. No, let me do this wasnt i enough . and i trusted you how could you even think that . My god do you think that i could ever hurt them . You disgust me calm down. Rebecca. Please dont do this stop judge mr. Ramsey, how do you plead . Not guilty. Cabot your honor the defendants Financial Resources alone make him a serious flight risk. Your honor, mr. Ramseys contributions to the community are well known. Hes not going anywhere and hes a danger to no one. Except, perhaps, to his daughters. Im setting bail at 500,000 or 5 million surety. Your honor, given the nature of the offenses charged the people request an order of protection barring the defendant from entering the family residence or from coming within 100 yards of his children. So ordered. pounds gavel so i hear that your daddy reads to you. Uh, whats your favorite story . Ii took her to see megans therapist. Afterwards, she rattled off the symptoms like a Shopping List thethe crying, the sleepless nights. She says lillys blocking it all out because its too much for her to bear. Its so clear now. Why didnt i see it . Because he went through a lot of trouble to make sure that you didnt. door opening can i talk to her . Please. Stabler well . She hasnt disclosed anything. Benson shes scared. Wouldnt you be . She knows her fathers in trouble and shes the cause. If we dont get her testimony by day after tomorrow i cant indict her case with megans. Megans case cant stand on its own. Ill do the best i can but its a slow dance, and i have to follow her lead. In the underwear to evan ramsey but we found nothing in the bed sheets or lillys nightclothes. What about the pictures . Even with ninhydn, we couldnt raise any prints. In other words, we got a big, fat zero. Mm, not quite. Take a look at the photo. This border was found in a trash container in lillys bathroom. You see how it matches the cut pattern on the bottom . Fin look at the date. February 13. Yeah. Thats the date they were downloaded. Tuesday. You thinking what im thinking . Evan was in baltimore on tuesday. Im computer illiterate. I cant even turn the damn thing on. What about your children . You cant be serious. Did it ever occur to you thatthat the date might have been set wrong . Well, well check that out, but in the meantime we need to cover all of our bases. My kids were at school and i was at my Lawyers Office filing for divorce. D where was megan . Megan doesnt live here. But she has a key . Yeah. Uh, and where were you Tuesday Morning . I was at the grocery store. Whether megan came home or not. All i know is megan has a chemistry class every Tuesday Morning. Did she go . Youd have to ask her. I dropped chemistry. I havent been able to concentrate very well this semester. So what have you been doing with your Tuesday Mornings . Im working with a tutor trying to catch up in my other classes. Tutor got a name . Michael tobin. And you were with him last tuesday . No. I thought you just said you had a tutor. He was my boyfriend. We broke up last week. So, where were you then . In the library studying. Anyone with you . Yeah, lots of people. Its midterms. Look, im going to be late for a class. Can we talk about this later . Munch you got to be kidding me. Hard drives dont lie. This one shows nothing but spreadsheets business corspondence and a couple of hits on a stock trading website. What about his laptop . Clean as a whistle. So his account was accessed by another computer. Mm. Soone who knows his password. Can you give us the location of the download . If evan didnt download those pictures, then who did . And why . The only one who can tell us what happened in that bedroom is lilly. Shes not talking, at least not to us. But she did talk to megans therapist. Does dr. Wharton accept walkins . Im not surprised shes resisting. We really need her testimony. Megans isnt enou . Well, without lilly to corroborate its just evans word against megans. cell phone ringing excuse me. Our psychiatrist thinks lillys protecting her father. She may feel more comfortable talking to you. Ive only seen her once, but we did develop a rapport. Ill clear my schedule. We appreciate that. Good. Okay. All right, bye. Munch checked with evans Internet Service provider. The kiddie porn was downloaded to a terminal at the Student Library at columbia. Benson those pictures were downloaded while your father was out of town. You put the pictures under the mattress. No. You planted your fathers underwear in the sheets. Why did you do it, megan . Hes going to get away with it again. Stabler well, tell us the truth. Maybe we can help. No one can help. s too powerful. When he came to my apartment he threatened to sue my therapist and send me to a mental hospital. sobbing who would believe me then . Some. Some crazy girl telling wi stories about her sexfiend father . I had to stop him. I couldnt let it happen again. Man in light of these developments we submit the people have no case and therefore move that the charges against my client be dismissed. Your honor, the evidence in question has no bearing on the rape case pending before this court. Man but it does bring into serious question the veracity of the complaining witness. With no physical evidence to support her allegations to meet their obligations under the law. Judge have the people anything new to present . No, your honor. Then i have to agree with mr. Wilmington. Case dismissed. Mr. Ramsey, you are free to go with the courts alogy. Megan, honey. I know you didnt mean to do this. I want you moved out by the end of the week. cell phone ringing what a mess. If megan hadnt screwed upthe investigation we might have nailed him. Stabler. She was trying to protect her sister. Yeah, well, the road to hell is paved with good intentions. It doesnt mean she wasnt raped. Now well never prove it. Benson and if shes telling the truth that means that he got away with it all over again. Look, i know youre a cow and all. And you may not know what im talking about, but, uh. The yogurt made from your milk, is delicious. Theres a voice of a daredevil in all of us. That urges us to shake things up, to turn up the heat, and take bigger risks. 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