You cant learn from someone you despise. Parasites in your hand, proteges want what is in your heart. Parasites want what you have learned. Proteges want what you have learned. Big difference. Number three, what you make happen for others, god will make happen for you. Oh, boy. That is the single greatest success key ive ever learn indeed my whole lifetime. Singet greatest. God gave it at 2 30 a. M. On a fiveday fast in houston, texas. 2 30 a. M. In my garage. I thought, i know that, that is the golden rule. He said, no its not. Read it. I wrote it down, what you make happen. He says i will make happen for you. This is incredible. We had been taught our whole life if you treat somebody right they will treat you right. You ever treated somebody right and they treat you like jesus never taught that. He said do unto others that men would do unto you. He didnt say they would. He picks up in fieser ephesians 6 8, you will receive that from the lord. You reap what you sew. If i do something for brother david, you will do Something Back for me, i create a debt, it destroys a relationship. If i bless you and then turn to the lord of the harvest im only limit d gods capability. If i do something for somebody so they will do something for me, i limit their ability, their timing, there aratitude. If i lessthem and go to god for my harvest, god repays. Number four, the secret of your future is hidden in your daily routine. The secret of your future. Two forces creativity, which births and structure, which if you ever taste the reward of ritual it would blow you away. If you fail with your life it will be because of something that happened daily. Men dont oneil, every night practices free throws. Larry bird, basketball hero, practices freethrows. Where was Evander Holyfield the morning he got 22 million jump roping. Where was tiger woods at the big celebration . Same place he was at two andahalf years old when his father brought him out to the golf course, practicing playing golf. Something you are doing daily is creating your successes or your failures. I got ofthe plane a few weeks ago and a preacher friend of mine had lost 150 pounds since last year. I was shocked, thrilled shocked. Person. Jerry, how did you lose it . Mike, it is not that hard, instead of fried chicken, fatfree chicken. The secret of your future, secrry kay ashe died a few weeks ago, 1. 3 billion her company is worth. 1963, she took a sheet of paper and she started a habit. She wrote down six things she would do that day in the order of their value. She never missed a day. 30something years. Her personal worth was thert0 300 million. If you succeed it is because of a habit. Successful men do daily what unsuccessful men do occasionally. Five, your rewards in life are decided by the kinds of problems you are willing to solve. Garbage man, 10 an hour, lawyer 100 an hour. Your salary is not based on problem you decide to solve with your life. Money is not a mystery. Money is merely a reward for solving a problem. When you see someone with a lot of money, they solved a problem for somebody. A big problem for somebody, a little problem for somebody. When you see somebody that doesnt have any money, they are either not solving the problem got created them to solve, they are solving it for the wrong person or they are solving it with the wrong attitude. We think of joseph, wow, favor. No mystery to joseph, he solved a problem. He solved a problem. He was rewarded. I cant change income until i change the problem you are willing to solve. By the way, if you solve the problem closest to you, that is your door out of trouble. Lve it cheerfully, solve it with excellence. You will only be remember indeed life for two things. The problems you solve and the six, if you insist on taking something god did not give you, he will take back something he gave you. If you insi on taking something god did not give you, he will take back something he gave you. God gave adam and eve the garden, he didnt give them the tree, he gave them the garden. They wanted the tr, he took the garden. God gave david the favor of israel. He didnt give him bethsheba, so god took back israel. God gave us 90 rcent of our income. He did not give us thtithe. If you want the tithe which means 10th, he ll take back the 90 percent. They tell me that within six weeks from the time new money weeks, that new money has the traces of cocaine and every known disease. Anthrax is not the only problem. People become ill handling money. I believe with all of my heart that the tithe which means the first dime, the 10 percent of everything you create, it is not a yment of a debt to god. Because we owe everything to god it is acknowledgment of a debt. A man that keeps the tithe is documenting his gratitude saying, i owe you nothing, god. When i bring tithe to god, i am not paying a debt, i owe him my life, everything i got. My eyesight and aring came from god. Everything you got came from god. You dont have a cotnpicking thing god didnt give you. When i return the tithe, i document my gratitude it is acknowledgment of my debt. I believe the tithe is the away of what doesnt belong. And the tithe is the seed of authorization that authrises god. Purify my remaining 90 percent for reproducing in his world. Seven, uncommon seed will always create an uncommon harvest. An uncommonseed. I want to tell you a story that happened to my life that i want to pray before miracle to occur in the next 12 month necessary your life. A seed is anything that has value. Love is a seed. Time is a seed. Mercy is a seed. Forgiveness, patience is a seed. A seed is anything that can crea more. A man plants his seed into his wife, a child is born. God had a son he wanted a family. He planted jesus on calvary. Hates me. I bought him a corvette and sent him around the world. Mike, i give him money, that is money seed. If you dont like the harvest, change the seed. You are a walking warehouse of seed. You are a walking warehouse seed and must inventory what you have been given to sew. Stop inventorying needs and inventory seeds. Something in your hand create something in the future. Give him two hours a day of time seed whampt do you mean time seed . Your money seed is not working. Give him two hours a day of junondgmental climate. Gi him what he cant find anywhere else and he will return. When you give somebody something they cant find elsewhere, they turn. Remember that. Difference creates reward. On day five they were best friends going fishing. He changed his seed and harvest. Uncommon seed. There is five thing that is make the seed uncommon. I want to tell you about one. Maybe we will come back and tell you about another, but this is incredible. Uncommon seed may be a seed out of a sacrificial time in your life, a seed that you plant in a season of crisis, that will ma uncommon seed. Like the widow of zeraphath who was down to her last two pancakes and took one and ga to a man of god, that was uncommon because it was during a crisis in her life. Any time there is a crisis in your life what you sow back to god is magnified. Jesus noted when the window gave everything she had. Sometimes a seed is uncommon because of its size. I remember planting an incredible seed one time, the largest i had ever planted. With miraclei couldnt begin to tell you about. Sometimes an uncommon seed is simply a seed of obedience, it is not profound or 10 million. It is just a seed of abeadience. Gods only pleasure is to be believed. His only pabe pain is to be doubted. If you understand that about god, you understand god. His differences, integrity. Let my word be true. Brother david, i was sitting on Miracle Faith Center platform in washington, d. C. , pastor pastor alvin jones was receiving the tithe and offering and the holy spirit said plant, how many kinds of blessings are there in my word . I had gone through the entire bible, counted 58 different kinds of blessing. There may be more or less, that is how many i counted. The holy spirit said plant a 58 seed to document a covenant between you and me. That is the craziest thing i had ever seen. Dollars a month, but he wanted 58 a month. I knew his voice and wrote a check. He said plant one for your son, jason. My son jason was 12. His mother had married some other time and only been to one service. I had spent and lost over 50,000 in two child custody cases and couldnt get jason. God said, plant one for him. Well, any fool knows you cant buy god with money. You cant buy a miracle with money. You have to be a fool not to know you can expect a harvest from a seed you sow. I knew that. Seco kings, second samuel 24, david saw 70,000 people die. He want tod stop the plague and brought god an offering. The pulled out my checkbook and put a coveted check for 58. Said jason will be here in one hour. His mother decided he could spend the rest of his life with you. Within 90 days his mother sat in my living room, wept her way back to god and started sending my ministry 100 a month. When your exwife gives you anything that is miraculous as a wheelchair healing as far as im concerned. Miracle that is would blow you away. I made a tape to my mom and dad. Momma had a double bypass, 48,000, not a penny of medical insurance. They emptied their savings. I said, momma, if you never do it again, plant a 58 seed and see what god will do. She called me and said, i felt god on that 58. Momma, it is the most idiotic instruction god ever gave me, but i am seeing miracles. It documents obedience. She said, son, its been a week since i sent my 58 and i havent seen a miracle. Second week she said was i suppose tod write on the left hand side of the check or the right hand side of the check. Third week, three messages on voice mail, my everyday of his life. My dad said i cant catch my breath. We just got off the phone with st. Lukes Episcopal Hospital where momma had a 48,000 surgery. Theyve got it down to 26,000. They got a letter that said your bill just came to our attention. Once in a while we will do something good for somebody and decide tod mark your bill paid in full. And st. Lukes Episcopal Hospital gave my mother and father 26, 622. Here is what is crazy. There are four incredible miracles god promises to those word. Uncommon health, uncommon wisdom, uncommon financial favor, and uncommon family restoration. He said, your help will spring forth speedily and the lord will guide you continually is at i want to pray. Im going to pray in a few moments for four miracle to happen in the next 12 months of your life. Im going to ask you, listen carefully, im going to ask you for 12 months to expect these four miracles to happen because were partners with Inspirational Network that is bringing the presence of jesus to over 18 million homes in life. Gospel. When i get involve wide gods dream, god gets involve wide mine. 20,000 children have written if i get involve wide somebody elses child, god gets involve wide mine. What i make happen for somebody elses son god makes happen for my son. There are four miracle harvest i want to expect in the next 12 months. Number one, uncommon health. I believe you have a right to psalms 91, the protection of god of anthrax or no anthrax. Second is uncommon wisdom. The next 12 months you will make decisions out of the wisdom of god that will make up for every loss that you have encountered in the last 12 months of your life. Number three, he said he would call somebody to bless you, even in drought you would flourish. Im going to ask god to give you somebody, you dont need everybody, just the right person to show you favor. To show you favor. It only takes one person to move you from the prison to uncommon financial favor. Somebody who can bless your socks off. Number four, those that would be of you, your family, rise up. I was in tennessee and a woman walks up. She had a tall, lanky husband and she said, remember that 58 seed. I said, yes, maam. She said, looked at me and said, this is him. She had put his name on a check for 58 and said, god, im not trying to buy a miracle, im asking for a harvest. He was saved 14 days later. I pray today for 300 miracles in 30very 300 families. Im not talking to everybody, im talking to 300. Do not call until i finish praying for you. Sowing 300 book in Inspirational Network as a seed. Things more than i covered today. As my seed. Listen carefully, do not call until i finish praying. There are 300 people standing on the edge of the greatest chapter of your life. The only difference tween your present and your future is a completed instruction, act of obedience, seed of obedience. This ministry needs your help. When you get involved with what is on gods mind, god gets involved with what is on your mind. 300 people i want to pay for who will set aside a 58 seed for the next 12 months. Give god four seasons, 12 months, because if you have been sowing nothing, you got a schedule. Take 58 seed each month for 12 months and write on the your family, your husband, wife, children, or 12 needs over the next 12 months and give god a chance, the authorization to return a harvest to you, where you need it the most. Uncommon health, uncommon wisdom for a decision you are making, uncommon financial favor with the boss, somebody in position to bless your socks off. Four, uncommon family reconciliation. If behaim saying about sowing and reaping is for Mike Murdocks personal gain, may my tongue cling to the roof of my mouth. If what im saying is the word of the living god, may today be the beginning of theth most gloruous months you have ever had in your lifetime. There is a couple watching me, young couple, and you want to be one of the 300 who go to the phone in a few moments and call and say, i will plant by gods help 58 a month for the i need an uncommon breakthrough in my life. You are sit and scared. Where am i going to get 58 . Give god a chance to give it to you. When you call, say as god provides. My word, if you cant call 58 free. If you cant call in a seed to sow, hocan you call it a you couldnt. Nobody else can plant your seed for you. Nobody else. You will have to sow your seed. Dont let this hour close with your hands closed. Let go of the seed. Because the seed that leaves your hand wont leave your life. It just leaves your hand and goes into your future. Holy spirit, i told your people what you told me to say. People are. There is a young couple watching now that want to go to the phone, they just dont months. Incredibly. I ask you in the name of jesus recliner, i come into a covenant with you, for the next 12 months you plant a 58 seed, an uncommon seed creates uncommon harvest. I come into a covenant, the next 12 months you will see the uncommon, healing power of god. Uncommon financial favor, uncommon wisdom and uncommon family reconciliation restoration in the name of jesus. It is done. It is de. Praise god. It is done. Amen. Here is what i felt impressed. The first 300, i want to sow this book, well over 200 pages, you will never the same. I want to sow this as a gift of appreciation to the first 300 that go to the phone and i want you to go to the phone now. Quickly, dont wait. Dont wait. Look at me for just a moment. Is disobedience. Get off the sofa and go to the phone right now. Dont delay. If god is talking to you about 58 seed, hes got a harvest on his mind is not for everybody. This is not for everybody, this is for 300 people who want the next 12 months to be months. Nobody can sow your seed. You are going to have to sowit. Get off the sofa and say tell brother mike murdock and David Cerullo i want to plant as god helping me a 58 seed every month for 12 months to help this ministry do what god has told it to do. When you get involved with god, god gets involve wide your dream. Now when you tell them im one of the first 300, please tell them that, im one of the first 300 calling. Im going to give you as a things in your life. The three most important things in your life. Quickly go to the phone, dont wait for anybody else. Now i want to Say Something else that is very strong. Look at me for a moment here. Dan hyle settled the back seat of kendall Bridges Church on a sunday night. He had lost so much, he owed Internal Revenue service 123,000. His daughter janet hadnt been to church in years. He was in bankruptcy. And that night the holy spirit told me to tell them what im telling you. If you never do it again, plant a 58 seed for every member of your family. Count off 58 days and see what god will do. On day five his daughter janet gave her life to christ. The Internal Revenue service cancelled most of his hyle is a retired multimillionaire in houston, texas, who teaches grat us at some of my conferences and traces a major turning point in his life to a 58 seed on the backseat of kendall Bridges Church in houston, texas. When you want something youve never had, you got to do something that youve never done. Please get off the sofa and dont just keep looking, go to the phone and say, tell mike im one of the 300. Some how, some way, god helping me, im going to sow a 58 seed each month for 12 consecutive months. Why consecutive months . Consecutive sowing guarantees consecutive reaping. Sometimes our irradic sowing creates irradic harvest. Im going to wait for a i dont like you looking at somebody else when im talking to you. Okay, thanks. Nobody can sow your seed for you. You said, ive never heard of such a thing. I didnt either. I had the holy spirit speaking to me on Center Platform in washington, d. C. , pastor alvin jones and martha jones, it changed my life forever. Changed my life forever. In michigan, pastor joel brooks told me one of the many planted 10 58 seeds for members of his family. Less than 90 days later his boss called him in and gave him a bonus for 58,000. Isnt that crazy . Less than 90 days, less than 90 days after his seed. Helios aircraft holy spirit, i have asked you for 300 miracles. 300 miracles in the name of jesus, so be it. If god is not speaking to your heart tis not for you. His sheep know his voice. If you cant trust god for 58, you will never be debt free. It takes a lot more to get your house paid off, or get your car paid off. We have a special song coming up right now. We are sowing to 300 that plant a 58 each month, we will give you a gift copy of my book, the three most important things in your life. I tell you, the only difference between present and future is a seed of obedience here is a powerful song [applause] 30very people god is speaking to to plant the seed of 58 a month to reap an uncommon harvest in your life, go to your phone right now as persistence, we were talking about this before the program, persistence is a key to reaping a harvest in your life. If you are one of the 300 people, i know god is speaking to 300 people and ask you to to raise the level of your faith to be one of 300, no one of a multitude. You have ear to hear, hear what god is saying. He is speaking to 300 people and ask you you to raise the level of faith, plant an uncommon seed to expect god to give back to you uncommon harvest. Brother mike, this book is really changing my life. There are more keys to wisdom i mean, this is not something you can pick up and put down. It is like the proverbs, study them verse by verse and paragraph by paragraph and digest it and absorb it. The ings you share in here about our assignment, about the seed that god has given to us, i know it is already started to bring about a change in my life. I see it happening, see it happening in my family, my finances. I see it happening in my assignment. Im excited tonight. I am so excited that god sent you here with this message for us. Oh, sometime just the smallest truth can just t you free. Sometimes truth can be a bridge from your trip to canaan. Doesnt take god long to do Something Big in your li. If you have just tuned in. We just shared seven wisdom key that is have greatly