Wearing a wire. What . no, ii already told the d. A. scoffs no. Okay, well, then you can just go back to the joint. Ii cant do that, either. Well, then youre gonna talk to choinski. sighs groans meet the piadina the newest addition to Olive Gardens lunch duos menu paired with your choice of unlimited soup or salad starting at just 6. 99 think of it as a quesadilla that speaks fluent italian olive garden [ female announcer ] it can creep up on you. Dry skin. Thats why theres lubriderm daily moisture. It contains the same nutrients naturally found in healthy skin. Skin absorbs it better and it lasts for 24 hours. Later gator. Lubriderm. Your moisture matched. soft, calm music hi, youve reached emma. Im out of the office right now but will get back to you your call is important to me. Join Princess Cruises for exclusive discovery at sea experiences. Limited caribbean fares from 549. Call your travel consultant or visit princess. Com. Princess cruises. Come back new. Found it. Appliances. 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Not likely to survive. Not a shooting. If someone involved turns and sa, you owe me a favor. Yeah, i can see that. Your kid did it. laughter linda danny. That would never happen to you guys. Well, never say never, but. Whats your answer . He said, she said. Im with you on that. Right . Erin they ought to teach a course at law school, because trying to get to the truth of situations like that is like trying to deconstruct a milk shake. Whatd you catch . Girl says, hes stalking me, harassing me. Is there any hint here of she had it coming . Implied. And how old are we talking . Just out of college. Any record, history of harassment . None that i could find. Erin you might want to take a look at his college files. I know the ferpa laws are a little difficult to get around, but you might find a cooperative ear if you dig. Whichll just turn up more, wait for it he said she said. Yeah, but it might turn something up, so you got to do it. Henry mmhmm. Okay. cause, boys, if what she said doesnt count because it was a she who said it, it has no place in police work. A good cop can also be a gentleman, when the situation warrants. I taught you that. Good advice then, good advice now. knocking on door yeah. Hey. Hey. Look, im thinking maybe u were right. I did some digging at his college. He went before a Disciplinary Board twice for stalking and menacing two different exgirlfriends. What do you want to do . Christina has problems, doesnt mean she deserves to be abandoned by us. I say we check on her, make sure shes all right. M. Ill take a dozen wellfleets to start, and a petite filet, medium. Bonein rib eye, black and blue, side of spinach, nothing to start. Thank you. Well, my friend, where are we . You give me that look, i want to vote for you twice. Its a gift. What . I looked into it, like you asked. I didnt like what i saw. Well, i didnt ask you to likit. I asked you to make it go away. Its just a summons to appear. Only because i asked my officer if he could find a way to knock down the charge. And you lied to me about jess weinstein. Not at all. I told you she was important to me. Come on, ted, im a cop. Frank, things have been over that way between laura and me for a long time. Its none of my business. Ok, exactly right. But my officer did get the distinct impression he was in the middle of a lovers spat, and you did ask him to call me. So . So, if he is told that even the summons to appear wentway, and what adds up is his pc got bought off. So . Hes some cop. I dont look at any of them as some cop, ted. Hey, frank, you are pc in significant measure because of me. And ill always be grateful for your support. Yeah, well, you dont know all that i did to support you. Hows that . Like the grand jury decision not to indict in 86 around an iffy Police Shooting where a lot of people thought you perjured yourself to protect your partner. I testified truthfully under oath. And the Mayors Committee never even heard about it because of me. Well, its still floating around out there. I dont like being threatened, ted. In this climate of antipolice sentiment. Come on, i can just go to the mayor myself. Its not gonna scan. Theres people out there th are ready to jump all over this thing. Ted, when i pit the loyalty of even one of my men against some inconvenience for you in the news cycle, its no contest. And thats not gonna change. We just ordered. I gave up steak for lent. Ive been thinking about that rib eye for two weeks. Im not going anywhere. chuckles christina, its officers reagan and janko. Anything . Its ringing. Not hearing a ring inside. And you wont ms. Henley left a few minutes ago. Alone . Yeah, but i think the boyfriends back in the picture. She was all dolled up. She wouldnt trust him again, right . Until she did. sighs where would they meet . Somewhere they were good. The williamsburg bridge. August of 86, my partner and i were returning to the squad when a call came out over the air. Woman who was screaming for help. We were two blocks away, so we lit it up and responded. But when we arrived at the scene, the perp had already smashed the victims face and was in the process of stealing her watch from her wrist. We got out of the car, grabbed the perp, cause he was fleeing. What we did not know is two other perps were waiting in a parked car. They jumped out, shots were exchanged. Jerry hit one of them, who went doa at the scene. The other perp got away. Unfortunately, the doas gun. Was never recovered, making it a questionable shooting. Thats truth. Thats what i testified to. And the grand jury ruled it a justifiable homicide. sighs some in the press wrote otherwise. So, mccreary greased the wheels for you to become pc by keeping this out of sight of the mayor . Or at least he thinks so. And now he wants you to return the favor vis vis the girl in the car with him. Thats about it. If you were cleared, then thats that. I. No, those grand jury hearings if there was talk, then three decades is plenty of time for the talk to ripen into legend. When legend becomes fact, print the legend. Look, my dad was pc back then. Theres no way neither he nor i would pull any strings. But somebody thinks theyre doing you a favor. They could pull stris without either of you knowing anything about it. Time to shake the trees. Meaning . When theres a girlfriend you can see, theres a dozen others you dont see. cause you dont know to look. Not my style. Corruption, then. You dont spend 20 years in albany by keeping your nose clean. No. What do you mean no . Youre just gonna hang fire . I have no idea what im gonna do, which means neither of you are going to do anything. All this for what a summons to appear . All of this so officer eric landau knows his mmissioner cant be bought. Christina . Trevor. I came. Yeah. Look, those cops told me whatappened. I just, i want you to know i wasnt behind it. You were so mad. Yeah, i know, and it was a big mistake. Just like breaking up with you. Really . Yeah, really. Lets take a walk. Ii dont know. Come on, babe. You can trust me. Ii dont want to. Please. Christina. I dont want to go, okay . Come on. Stop screaming what a stubborn bitch gasping for air hey, trevor let her go trevor grunting hey, hey let go shouting indistinctly i got you. Stop it i just wanted. Stop fighting. Christina shut up. crying lots of vitamins a c, and, only 50 calories a serving. Good morning, indeed. V8. politely wait, wait, wait you cant put it in like that. You have to rinse it first. Thats baked on alfredo. Bakedon . Its never gonna work. Dish issues . Trust your dishwasher with cascade platinum. It powers. Through. Your toughest stuckon food. Better than finish. Cascade. When your type 2 diabetes numbers arent moving in the right direction, it can be a burden. But what if you could wake up to lower blood sugar . 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Thats why i backed out of working for the da. cause choinskis smart and hell know hes not gonna get squat from you, okay . Look, im just saying. Maybe tomorrow night. cause if i go in there all nervous, hes gonna, hes gonna make me. Look, he trusts you, right . You used to trap out cars for him, and you went to jail instead of ratting him out. So, youre gonna go in there and youre gonna get him talking about killing Brent Madison and then you will never have to worry about him again. You hear me . Yes. All right, 15 minutes is all it should take. 15 minutes in there. Oh, my god. Or 15 years back in prison. Pretty easy choice. Get to it. sniffs all right. Youre good. Go. Im ready, im ready. All right. singsongy im ready choinski so, there i was in warsaw. Lukas . Lukas come over here mr. Choinski, milena. speaks polish i havent seen you since you free. Oh, you know. Yeah. Im trying to keep a low profile till im off parole. Ah, yes, of course. And when youre off, you come back and you work for me. Really . Yes, of course. You are a go boy lech is very loyal to his friends. Well, so far, so good. Okay. milena clears throat na zrovie na zdorovie ha exhales sso whatwhat ive heard about victor bajek. Is true . Really . Whatd you hear . Lukas that he. Got in some trouble. Yeah, but hes a good boy. Hell be out not too long, and i take care of him. Lukas, why you sweat so much . Me . Yeah. Take off jacket. Rreally, im fine, thanks. Come on. Come on, keep going. Why, uh. Wh. Whwhy take care of victor . I mean, hes a punk. Well, yes, but hes my punk. You had him kill that chef . sighs come on, get a name madison . Whats so funny . Only people believe that are cops, man. quiet chuckle sso he didnt . Of course not. Then who did . Youre writing a book . laughs no. Then why so many questions . Stupid men. Whats that, milena . Oh. You think women can only be secretaries . So foolish. I killed madison. Got it. Im more valuable than you. He wasnt gonna pay. Had to be done. Milena, you. You think that lech would choose any of you idiots to do the job . Wait, i dont have take this from her. lukas yelling grunts what are you gonna say to that, huh . yells hes wearing a wire choinski you son of a bitch ill kill you myself danny drop the knife hands over your head freeze danny drop it get back milena shouting in polish against the wall freeze dont move milena continues shouting hands overour head get em out of here. groans you all right . Get him a bus. Yeah. U okay . Okay. panting lukas grunts good. Good work. What are you so antsy about . Im not antsy. If anybodys on the hook here, its me. chuckles im t as dumb as i look, frank. You dont look dumb, you look antsy. If somebody you worked for rare took your advice, youd be wondering, too. Wondering what . What he was up to. Why would i be up to anything . You said it was a winwin your problem goes away, my problem goes away. Theyre ready. garrett sighs she have everything . Everything we have. Youre equivocating. Everything that we know of. And were agreed on the terms . Yes. The first question and full response has to make the cut, or the entire interview is off the record. sighs okay, then. I cant control how shell shape the narrative. Thats the risk were taking. Youre taking. Were taking. Im doing this upon your advice and counsel. sighs garrett. Look, im taking your advice because its damn good advice. Or not. Thanks for coming. Wouldnt have missed it. You ready for th . clears throat well, i think thats what i should be asking you. Then yes. Man sound. clears throat softly man 2 rolling. Woman and five, four, three, two. Commissioner reagan, thank you so much for sitting down with us today. My pleasure. So, as you may know, rumors have surfaced that in 1986, when you were a detective for nypd, you and your partner were involved in a Fatal Shooting that may have been a tragic error. Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa. Garrett, were rolling. I got this. anne clears throat softly . Rumors that it may have been a tragic error, that it may have been swept under the rug. And that subsequent internal reviews may have been tainted. Would you careo speak to those rumors . In august of 1986, my partner and i were returning to our squad when a call came over the air. It was a woman screaming for help. We were two blocks away, so we responded. Chief kent is here, sir. Well, lets have him, baker. Thank you. Hey. Hey, hey. Man voted least popular by the gangs of new york. chuckles thank you very much. Please. Its an honor. On the other hand, youre sending so much business over to the das office that they owe you a thankyou note and a nice bottle. And every one is a good collar. And by the book. Then they owe you a case of nice bottles. I wont hold my breath. Seriously, don, great work. Incredible results. Were getting there. Briefing said youre mopping up. As we speak. Well, then take a rest on your laurels for a minute, starting now. Im good. And hows maggie . Shes great. chuckles taking her out to lunch today for our 30th. Department should have a medal for the wives that put up with us. Ill work on that. And lets book a date for dinner, just the three of us. That sounds good. But you know maggie will want to bring along one of her girlfriends for you. What, shes still on about that . Same as it ever was. But you got my back, right . Until you say otherwise, boss. Little something to wear at your lunch. What did you do . Wow. You rned it. Like father, like son. As of now, you are officially a twostar chief. Dont know what to say, frank. Then ill say it for both of us

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