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Its the guy in the gr craig developing at eleven, administrators at a south Florida Hospital on alert, after a man came into the facility and threatened to open fire today. Belkys and this developing story in myiami, the Police Found Drugs inside and a bedridden elderly woman, in that home, also taken to the hospital. Hello and welcome everyone, i am aep belkys nerey craig m Craig Stevens and seven news continues again at eleven. This is seven news at eleven. Craig first, Officials Say that a man walked into Baptist Hospital today and threatened to go on a shooting spree, hello and good evening, he asked a nurse how to get to a secure area of the hospital and that is when he made the threat. Belkys the night team, Walter Morris is live, with the details on this. A man, making a disturbing threat inside of this hospital, today and the patients and staff, told to be on the look out, and now the seven news, obtaining this picture, take a a good look at that man in the gap hooddy, and now the Baptist Hospital, security calling the Miami Dade Police after this man represent he hadly tried to enter a part of the hospital, when he was denied access he made that threat, and here is what he said. Saying, you heard of shootings at theaters and schools, now, u will hear about a shooting at a hospital, today. And i just want to have a little murder. And now, meanwhile, we have the video that we want to show you, this was the seen outside of Baptist Hospital, here on north, kendall drive this evening, and there was no, visible police presence. And we are told that the investigators notified the department of home land security and while that Investigation Continues from the outside it appeared to be business as usual. In a statement to seven news, Baptist Hospital, saying in part, when made aware of a situation, at the hospital, the Hospital Security followed protocol and alerted authorities, and the individual was seen, leaving the hospital and back out here, live and now if you know anything, that can help the police, track this guy down, they do want to hear from you, go ahead and a take look at his picture, again and therere you can see him, he is described as heavy set, 59 in his 30s and if you know who he is, call crime stoppers, that number, 305471tips. And now, keep in mind, if you have information, that leads to an arrest you may be eligible for, a cash reward. And you can remain, anonymous, porting live, outside of baptist, hospital in kein. Night team. Craig and developing ston, a police at a home in miami saying that they found, drugs inside there. Belkys Danielle Knox joins us live on this scene again, danielle . Reporter that is right, we are live here in miami, northwest, fifth street and 36th avenue and i am going to go ahead and guys, and step out of the picture so that you can get a better idea of house that we are talking about here in miami, where the Miami Dade Police and investigators have recovered in marijuana, some ectsacand, with we understand thatwo other suspects have been detained and they are in this miami dade, Police Cruiser that you are looking at behind me here right now. As they continue to sit in that cruiser, lets go ahead and take a look at some video tape that we shot just a little while ago, we can see that the Police Actually entered this home here and they were tabling pictures inside of the home and we also ununrstand that this was one of the subjects grandmothers house wh lives here and she is a woman in her 80s. She is has been transported to the hospital, as a precautionary measure because of ongoing, m h had cal issues. And we also spoke to a neighbor who did not want his face shown on camera, but he says that finally the police are doing what he hoped that they would do for years. That was happening about a year and a half, two years. Something going on. Most of the time. And then, in the nighttime and like a friday to a saturday and sunday. And you see, a lot of cars coming in. And big car. We are talking about mercedes and cadillac. Reporter and back here live, as you take a look at the Miami Dade Police cruiser with the two subjects inside, that neighbor said that the neighborhood has been going down for a while now and so he hopes that this will start to turn things around. Again, this is an ongoing investigation. Two subjects in custody, right now, as the Police Continue to investigate, this house here behind me. That is the very latest, reporting live from miami, im Danielle Knox, seven news, night team. Now at eleven, bullets from a driveby, hitting a south florida, school. A bunch of kids are started running because i heard a shot like pop pop pop. I think that we avoided tragedy in a dramac way. The police are searching for a shooter after the close call. Craig it was a close call, a dangerous day at school. Belkys the police have now identified a suspect in this case, the night team Robin Simmons is live at carroll city, Senior High School in Miami Gardens with this. Reporter the Miami Dade Schools Police tell us that this susuect is a known gang member with a violent past and they say that he whats seen, running from the scene. Take a look, Miami Dade Schools Police releasing this flier, hoping to track down stanley reagan, a 19yearold they say has a violent history. He was reportedly seen running ay from the carroll city, high school with a firearm, impact glass, the only thing keeping the bullets from entering the building, the students from the outside, when the bulleted started flying, telling how the staffers got them to safety, about 50 students still there for extracurricular activities. The shots and i didnt understand it sounded like the foot stomping. And a bunch of kids started running because i heard a shot like bop bop bop and they told us to get inside. Today was a real, tangible threat against human life. And i am very proud of the fact that our Administrative Team led by principal dunn, and the teachers reacted professionally, curiously and first and foremost, protecting the ds. Reporter it happened 40 minutes after dismissal, a pedestrian, heading west as a car was driving east, when they started shoowing. Canines and officers, from Miami Dade Schools Police and Miami Gardens police founding at least, 8 bullets two hitting a fence and part of it removed by the miami dade fire rescue for evidence, and two other bullets hitting Office Windows and another instance of violence, too close to a miami dade school. Over 60 shootings, over 20 kids shot and killed in miami and today it appears that we hadd as close as one can get to the driveby shooting near a school, surveillance cameras catching partf the action, investigators analyzing the video for clues. We have a number of leads, we have a number of pieces v information that come in. And we are aggressively pursuing that right now. Reporter allllright, lets take one last look at stanley reagan, again, 19 years old. The police say that he has a violent, past a a in fact he has active warrants right now. A known gang member. If you have any information, as to where he is, or more information on exactly what happened here, call crime stoppers, 305471tips. And you can remain, anonymous, and could be eligible for a reward. There was one injury. Someone running away, injured trying to escapee the gun fire, reportrtg live in Miami Gardens, Robin Simmons, seven news night team. Night team. Craig now on the night team, Police Across south florida, grabbing the s7eaters and jackets again and bundling up for a cold night tonight. Belkys the temperatures are dropping as we speak, a live look outside o our north bay, village studios on this, i am not going to go with chilly, it is cold. Phil ferro. Forget chilly, i was out there, it is cold. Phil that is right. Belkys i amearing a coat. Phil for us it is on the cold side and the temperatures are forecast to drop into the 40s. Models areeing persist ant about that. However, there is still the cloud factor. If a lot of clouds stick around, it could act as aittle blanket and keeping the temperatures from getting so cold. Over night. And even though, tomorrow, we are still looking at the cold air, sticking around and it will be a cool thursday here across south florida. Right now, the Storm Tracker showing everything is dry all of the cold air has moved in and with the very little moisture and our next best chance is the showers androbably monday and tuesday. And 51, palm beach, already, in the mid 50s across Fort Lauderdale and miami, and even, 54 degrees, in marathon right now,he warm spot. You can see the clouds, slowly clearing out. Pleatly, there is no reason, why we should not see the over night lows in the 40s. Typical, low this time o year, 62 degrees. And models are calling for the upper40s, we should wake up to 56 on friday. And then, a nice gradual warm up. As we move in through the weekend. And i will have a lot more in our chilly foreclose forecast a little bit later on. Belkys also in the news tonight, a cruise ship finally back at port after Stormy Weather and roaring seas, cut a dream vacation short. For thousands, that ship left on saturday and tonight everybody is back home. Ryal caribbean anthem of the seas w w sposedo t be with elinto a 7day cruise to the bahamas by now, but they had to turn around after sailing right into hurricaneforce winds off the carolina coast on sunday. Moments ago, passengers who were on that cruise, spoke about their experience. We are happy to be on land. It was a scarey couple of days. It was horrendous. There was little communication. It felt at one point i thought that i whats not going to see my family again. 150 mile an hour wind and 30 foot waves and the whole ship was on a 45 degree, angle for four or five years. If you turn the facet on the water would hit the wall instead of going downn the drain and glass woz fly o of the counter and the safest place to be was on the bed and just facee downn because if you sat up, just the motion sickness was out of control and we were unhappy and eight to ten hours and it would not d. Well the passengers recorded damage with their cell phones and the Deck Furniture was seen flying around and the outdoor areas were flooded from waves as high as 30 feet and also there was damage to the public areas ana some state rooms. Coast guard teams will now board the vessel to survey, the damage. And ey will interview the crew and make sure that the ship is seaorthy before it is allowed to set sale again. Royal caribbean says that four passengers did suffer some minor injuries and in a statement tonight, the company, again, apologized for what the pass wentthrough, and they said that they are strengthening the storm avoidance policies and the passengers on board of that ship will get a full refund and a certificate forr 50 percent off of a future cruise. News about us tonight, wsvn company, the Parent Company has reached an agreement with at t to resume, carrying programming seen here on clanle seven. We are happy that we have come to the agreement with at t, and ware thrilled that the viewers of seven news and south florida will be able to receive our news and ramming on fox. Craig in a statement at t says that we appreciate our customers patience while we sought to resolve this matter as quickly and reasonably as possible. Belkys still ahead here on seven news at eleven, a man who was attacked at a south florora, business by a man wielding a sword. Speaking out tonight, about this horrific attack. Craig and a criminal taking into a car and unleash the power of dough. Give it a pop. Its always worth remememring. That icing the Cinnamon Rolls is a privilege not a right. Unleash ththpower of dough. Ve it a pop. Craig the victim in a sword attack is sharing his story tonight with the night team. The victim is not the only one injured when the man grabbed a weapon and started swinging. Belkys the night team liz nagy has more from the swap shop where this alarming attack happened. Mosos of the people say give me the money and theobbery or something. It is not like that. Reporter it wasasot close to that, the attack was so much worse. He wanted to kill me. Reporter the Surveillance Video above his booth, at the swap shop sunday morning, shows it all. The police say that is 22yearold, walker, violently swinging a 3 foot samurai sword, and he did not stop. Just follows me for no reason, i just run. I just run and go to the next stor and i just, and he was too close for me and i just run to the next shop. And i was stuck over there. And i dont have anythg to protect myself. Reporter you can see by standers and other shoppers and vendors standing there in disbelief and screaming. And everybody was shopping and they dont know what to do how to protect this man. Because every shop like this, reporter so was sing except he did not have time to stop, walker would not relent with the samurai sword. He hit me and i just push my feet and two or three times he pushack and does not close to me. Reporter another sven der pinned him to the ground. Life rngs i was thinking about the next Life Reporter the police say that walker had already, beaten shs 81yearold, roshe inside of a nearby shell station. I didnt know that he had anything in his hand, and he struck me. Somehow he stood up from that attack, badly cut. It was a cut here and two times. And this side. And hit me behind. And his arar is tightly bandaged. When he is hitting me, i feel like, oh, this is, this is from that is it for me. I mean that he is going to kill me today. Reporter but he is alive. Singays that he hopes to go back to his job at the vap shop after he has been cleared by a doctor. He had to undergo, nerve surgery on his hand as a result of this attack. As for walker, he is still in the Broward County jail, charged wiwh multiple charges, including attempted murder. He was supposed to appear in bond court today butu that has been postponed because of medical reasons, liz nagy, seven news night team craig a man gunning for from a retired, new York City Police officers car, the video shows the guy walking up to the vehicle outside of his oakland park home yesterday. He manages to disable the alarm, breakknto the car and then just grab the hand gun, before taking off with it. It is now in t t hands of somebody who could, you know, cause harm to a civil an or a police officer. Is ripping my heart out to think that it is out there. Craig and ts is the picture of the smith and wesson that was stolen and a look at the guy who stole it, if you have information, call 954493tips. Belkys coming up here at eleven, we are feeling the 50s tonight and it is going to get even chillier. Here is chief meteorololost phil ferro. Phil we could dip into the 40s and as you know, us, and i is chilly for us and so be careful, please with those space heaters. And keep them away from walls, and furniture and any sort of away from all of that stuff you will be nice and warm and safe andde will have more on the cold out look in just a couple of minutes. Belkys and after the news, why give a car, when you can give a message in a bottle . This Valentines Gift comes with something to make your heart happy. It is a very, bubbly deco drive, at 11 30. Now seven weather with chief meteorologist phil. Phil the windsds out of the west at 12 miles per hour, and Fort Lauderdale, the humidity at 66 percent and again, partly cloudy, d the temperature of 55 for you. Meanwhile, key west, stillll some clouds around, and the temperature of 62, with the wind out of the north, at around, 5 miles per hour. And everything, tonight will be key, on the cloud cover, if can move out, there is certainlyo reason why the temperatures cant drop into the 40s. The Storm Tracker still dry, and it has been dry for the last few days,he next best chance of some rain fall will probably be the early part of next week, as a little moisture returns, across the area. So you can still see that we have a line of clouds draped right across south florida but the skies are clearing out ever so slowly in our direction and all of that blew up north and that is still snow, impacng the ohio river valley and the great lakes and the north east. As far as we are concerned, we will be watching the cloud cover, over night and a bigger chill in store. By tomorrow, the high pressure, still builds in and the highs will be in the 60s, typical highs about 76, 77, and degrees, and then as we move into the day on friday, the high pressure, still dominating our weather and not as breezez and another front setting up shop for the weekend, and right now, however, it lks like it is going to lose a little bit of steam, and we m m lose the 50s, as far as over night lows are concerned no advisories tomorrow and the winds out of the north east, look at that 8 feet sees, in the current and biscayne with a light chop. And threw out the florida keys and the wind at 50 knots and the reason for the caution will be the seas, building from four to six feet and meanwhile, for tonight, the skies continue to clear out, rather slowly, the wind out of the northwest, ten to 15, and the coastal temperatures should be in the mid to upper 40s colder in the western suburbs and 50s for the keys, and then for tomorrow, should see some more sunshine, and the breeze still comomg in, out of the north, we will keep us cool and the highs will b in the mid to upper 60s here is your extended o o look, friday and a little warmer, warmer still on saturday, and valentines day and near seasonal temperatures, the same for t president s day, and then we will warm up, for tuesday, high how is your with steve shapiro. Steve you realizedow far the heat have to go when you om the west. They got crushed last night by tony parker and the san antonio spurs, 119101, and there is parker and there is the center and whiteside and he lost the cool and we showed you this, and he ellows him in the face and ejected from the game, and the coach sent him home before the media could get to him. You know, you never turn your back on your team mate, but at the same time, you know, you are not always in a position where you can grab somebodys hand and walk them through every step of the way. Sometimes you have to live with your decisions that you make. And you know, the biggest thing for him is that he hoped that he learned from it and we said that last year and he has been good to this point and hopefully that he jumps on the saddle and he can be here when we need him. They are in the allstar break. At home, tonight against golden state, morris and good win, they ge into a fight earlier this season, the sunz suspended morris for two games for throwing a towel and the then coach jeff hornacek. And Barry University hosting georgia tech, and scores 41 points for the second straight game and becomes the first player in the division two to score, 40 points and three times this season. And barry, wins again. 10488. State championships in the two a, finals against Tampa Catholic and ransom and green, and trailing one nothing, and the turn around shot. And ties the game, 11. Again, and the lose balance in front and stewart scores again and he will be a big, big man, and ransom, wins, and the first state soccer title in school history, congratulations. That is all that i got. I dont have too much. I am steve, back to belkys. Craig good for the ransom, and good. Belkys just enough out of you, thank you very ch. Go home, that is a wrap for seven news at eleven, chow chow we are all going home, im belkys nerey thanks for being with us have announcer this program is a paid presentation for omega xl and is brought to you by great healthworks. Welcome. Im larry king, and im here today to report on a significant healthrelated investigation thats been taking place for the past couple of years. The information i will provide you during the course of this show is relevant to everyones health and wellbeing. Several years ago, i w introduced to ken meares, founder and c. E. O. Of great healthworks. This man has dedicated his career to improving health and fitness, and he created a product called omega xl, a patented, allnatural omega3 supplement that relieves pain due to inflammation and is supported by over 30 years of Clinical Research. As you all know, i would rarely become associated with any product, as ive built a lifetime career on being an independent investigative news anchor. But there was something intriguing about ken and omega xl that drew my interest. Today well talk with ken meares, along with dr. Sharon mcquillan, a boardcertified physician specializing in preventative medicine and Clinical Research. Were going to discuss why omega xl is so important to your health and your quality of life. All this and more coming up next on a larry king special report update. Announcer pain can ruin your day. The biggest problem to your body is inflammatoryrelated conditions. Almost one in three americans will suffer from chronic pain in their lifetime. We are living longer than ever before, which can cause wear and tear to our bodies. Nearly 70 of americans are taking prescription medication. Every day, people suffer from aches and pains from everyday activities, including back, neck, knee, and joints. If you want to fight us. Welcome to the larry king special report update. I want to introduce mr. Ken meares. Hes the founder and c. E. O. Of great healthworks, the makers of omega xl. When we first met, i was not interested much in omega xl. You said to me, just try it. I take two every morning, two every night. I know, when i take this, it works. Do we know how it works . Yes. Its a oneofakind oil extract with 30 years of science and research. How did you discover it . My passion is heaeah and fitness and wellness. Ive been in the health and fitness business for a long time, but, in 2002, i discovered this oil extract, created omega xl, and were here today with you. I used to get joint pain every morning. Id get up and id, oy. Nothing. No pain at all. I get up and im ready to go. Why is this happening to me . This little teeny softgel has the meat of 10 to 12 greenlipped mussel from the waters of new zealand. Many say its the cleanest waters in the world. They grow on vines about 35 feet long. Takes 18 months to get to the perfect size about 4 inches. We then harvest them. We take them to our own facility. The mussel is then opened. The meat is taken out. The meat is put through a process. And after that process, it goes to our extraction plant. And that oil extract has over 30 years of Clinical Research and trials. Omega xl works. Might be called a powerful little package. It is a very powerful omega3 with 30 different essential fatty acids. Itll outperform fish oil over and over, hands down. And tests and studies prove that. Now, what makes new Zealand Special . The waters of new zealand are considered the cleanest waters in the world. Really . Pure and cold. And this is a greenlipped mussel its not a fish where many fish oils or fish products, omega3s come from qaters around the world that are certainly a lot less than clean. Some are pretty bad. But you have no idea where the oil comes from. When Fish Oil Manufacturers are making fish oil for human consumption afd they get the fish, the meat of the fish is often sent to restaurants or to make pet food. And then w atevers left over the head, the tail, the eyes, the bones, the gills they grind all that up, then they boil that, and then they put it in a pill, andoure swallowing that. You got me involved in this. I was a a eptic. Admit it. You were a skeptic. Came to your house. This is it. As you said last time, your team your handlers, like you said, your army. My army. Around you they said, oh, no, no, larry can just say this is good. I went, oh, no, no, no, no, no. Heheas to take it. If it works for him, then we want to work with him. And you said, and why do you want me to do it . And heres the answer. Because you are larry king. Do you know why . In the last two years, lar, hundreds of thousands of people who were suffering with jointrelated pain because of inflammation are taking this product because of you. And what we do we tell them the candid truth. Omegegxl relieves joint pain due to inflammatioio and thats one of the reasons it helped you so much. That bottle cannot talk for itself. But what you say, people listen to, and youve cnged hundreds of thousands of peoples lives. I hear om people all the time, because i enjoy connecting people with something at works and that can help them. When we come back, were going to get an expert update in the field of medicine and medical research on the growing list of omega3 benefits in omega xl. Do not go away. Announcer do you suffer from swelling or joint paint in your back, neck, knees, or elbows . Have you tried taking fish oil but have n n seen results . Has the burden of pain taken over your quality of life . When you experience discomfort, thats all you can think of. Dont give up and accept living if you are ready to find relief, try omega xl. This natural a aiinflammatory is effective at relieving pain and the mptoms of inflammation. Omega xl is not fish oil, so it does not share its side effects or fishy aftertaste. Order now and find relief from your discomfort with this small and easytoswallow softgel. As part of this show, if you call now, you will receive a free bottle with your first order. Omega xl is not sold in stores, so you must call now. We a a so confident in our amazing omega3 supplement that we are offering a 90day moneyback guarantee, so you have nothing to lose. Omega xl can help you relieve pain and discomfort because it works. I dont feel that pain in the simple things of going up the stairs and down the stairs. Im not weighed down by the burden of pain. Its changed my life. Omega xl it works. Give omega xl a try. It worked for me. Since ive been taking omega xl consistently, im not as sore. I feel like i can move with ease. My flexibility, my ability to walk again. Omega xl has brought me to new heights. It has revived me start taking g is product, and youre going to be really happy with the results. Its the first product that has relieved the stress and the discomfort ive had in my back. Nothing has worked as well as this product. Joining us now is dr. Sharon mcquillan. Shes a boardcertified physician specializing in preventative medicine and Clinical Research. Doctor, ll me about the studies on omega xl. We have many diffffent studies that have been conducted over 30 years, and the studies are reliable. All of these studies on joint discomfort are conducted in a clinical setting with medical researchers, and they qualify as very good science. I, as a Clinical Researcher and with the amount of science that we have. When i first became interested in the product, i asked the company to supply me with the scientific studies, and i was overwhelmed by how much science this product had, especially compared to most Natural Products and many pharmaceutical products. You wouldnt have said this without those studies. Before i ever tried the product, before i prescribed it to my patients, before i recommended it to my friends and my family and before i actually taught many other physicians about the product, i had to review all of the Clinical Research and make sure that it was s lid, make sure that we had the science, because, larry, even if i think sothing works, as a physician, i actually have to have medical science and proof that it works before i can recommend it to a patient. We asked professor timothy mickleborough, theheead researcher on this study, to plaiaithe results. Lets take a look. My name is tim mickleborough. Im a professor of exercise physiology in the department of kinesiology in t school of Public Health at indiana university. My area of research is looking at how diet can potentially influence pain. Heres the product, omega xl. This is what we used i iour study. Again, proven to be a very, very effective aninflammatory agent. Theres a lot more fatty acids in omega xl, compared to fish oil, and that makes it very, very effective in reducing inflammation. Muscle fatigue is usually associated with after exercise, so any time youre going to exercise, of course youre going to fatigue. Fatigue can happen to everyone, whether its an old person pushing a cart in a supermarket or youre on your feet all day. It doesnt matter. If theres unaccustomed exercise, its going to result in delayedonset muscle sosoness. The good thing about this product is, one, its all natutal, and, two, claims that are made are backed up by scientific evidence. What is delayedonset muscle soreness, and why does it cause discomfort . Larry, delayedonset muscle soreness is something weve all its the soreness that you have one to three days after you exercise. So, if youre a trained athlete, you may not experiencet. Its when you do an unusual activity. Wu did a study, and they found that omega xl reduces the experience of delayedonset muscle soreness after activity. And this is important because we know, and we have proof and science for 30 years, that omega xl helped with joint pain related to inflammation. But this actually proved that we now have reduction in muscle pain that is dueo inflammation. Announcer if you are r rdy to find relief, try omega xl. This natural antiinflamtory is effective at relieving pain and the symptoms of inflammation. Omega xl is not fish oil, so it does not share its side effects or fishy aftertaste. Order now and find relief from yo discomfort with this small and easytoswallow softgel. As part of this show, if you call now, you will receive a free bottle with your first order. Omega xl is not sold in stores, so you must call now. We are so confnfent in our amazing omega3 supplement that we a2e offering a 90day moneyback guarantee, so you have n nhing to lose. Omega xl can help you relieve pain and discomfort because it works. I used to go home at night and put an ice pack in my lower back every night after work. It was really, really bad. I heard about omega xl and tried it. I made a special trip overere today just to recommend this product. Omega xl its wonderful. Is back discomfort a common problem . Back discomfort is the leading cause of disability in this country, and it affects over 30 Million People at any given time. It can be caused from discomfort the discs or the joints in the spine. But the common problem with those structures is inflammation, and omega xl reduces the inflammation, so it was able to reduce discomfort in all those structures and help patients with back pain. Thing. You. And many people lose hope. Theyre sitting at home right now watching this on television having difficulty getting out of their chair. Maybe they have their cellphone in their hand. They should just call the number on the screen and try omega xl. There are so many people in life that go to work, from policemen to Truck Drivers to firemen, people that are in retail environments, that have to stand on their feet all day. We overuse our bodies. And when people go home at night, they look for relief. Omega xl gives your body the chance to recover. Heres a number, larry. 50 Million People or more have sleep deprivation trouble sleeping directly connected inflammatory related pain conditio 50 million. Now, how cranky does anybody feel when they cant sleep, and then they wake up and they wake up and they wake up, cant get a good nights rest . 50 people or more. That an amazing number. Announcer omega xl has been shown to be more powerful than regular fish oil in ntrolling inflammation. Omega3 fatty acids are essential because the human body needs them for many functions, from building healthy cells to maintaining brain and nerve functions. Greenlipped mussels are rich in epa and dha free fatty acids, which are needed to fight papa and inflammation. The natural antiinflammatory power that is packed into the greenlipped mussel is so amazing that even nasa researched it, searching for nutritional and medical benefits for astronauts. Omega xl is a pure, potent, and highly concentrated easytoswallow capsule. So, tell me medically and i asked them this i know i feel betterl my friends feel better, family feels better. I asked them, we know that it works. Do we know how it works . We do, larry. It is by controlling inflammation in the body, because we have, with our western diet, overabundance of omega6 fatty acids that overwhelm the number of omega3 fatty acids that we have in our diet, it creates an imbalance that makes our body have what we call a proinflammatory state. And so inflammation, which normally protects us, becomes overly aggressive. Oo much. And causes tissue damage and joint pain and the things youve been hearing about. So, omega xl has been demonstrated to reduce inflammation and reduce pain associated with inflammation. What is standard fish oil . Your question is a really good one, because most physicians who are recommending that their patients take fish oil dont know this. But fish oil its 18 epa, 12 dha, and thats a standard fish oil. It contains very few other meaningful fatty acids that actually reduces inflammation. And then the extraction process yields something called free fatty acids. And free fatty acids are more what we call bioavailable. So, what that means is, your body can immediately utilize that substance. It doesnt have to go through a lot of steps before its absorbed. So, fat is not a bad word in that connection . [ chuckling ] no. Some fatty acids are good. Fatty acids are absolutely essential for your health. Omega xl is, you know, omega3plus, because it contains the 30 different fatty acids that are not contained in any fish oil. And look at the difference. I mean, this is really important for compliance. If a patient cant take the pill, then its nogoing to benefit them. He omega xl capsule is so small that its just its so simple to swallow. You get most of these pills that have that are huge to take, to swallow. Itsyou know, very hard. But these, the omega xl capsules are very small, very easy to take. Announcer do you suffer from swelling or joint paint in your back, neck, knees, or elbows . Have you tried taking fish oil but have not seen results . Has the burden of pain taken over your quality y life . When you experience discomfort, thats all you c think of. Dont give up and accept living a a fe with pain. If you are ready to find relief, try omega xl. This natural antiinflammatory is effective at relieving pain and the symptoms of inflammation. Omega xl is not fish oil, so it or fishy aftertaste. Order now and find relief from your discomfort with this small and easytoswallow softgel. As part of this show, if you call now, you will receive a free bottle with your first order. Omega xl is not sold in stores, so you must call now. We are so confident in our amazing omega3 supplement that we are offering a 90day moneyback guarantee, so you have nothing to lose. Omega xl can help you relieve pain and discomfort because it works. Simple joint pain. Mmhmm. Everyday kind of simple things. Talk about that the simple aches and pains of daily life. Let me grab that before the doctor does. [ chuckles ] your hands. Millions and millions of people use computers every day for creating income. Or texting. Or texting. But imagine all the millions of people and i had no idea the gamers that play all these games. Unbelievable. On the internet, into the people causing carpal tunnel. Thumbs, for young people teenagers having thumb problems, joint problems, restrictive nature. So, here you have an inflammatory condition. Then, you have people that are just using their hands all day. Then, you have people, at night, theyant to come home and do gardening. Theyre down on their knees, sometimes in damp dirt. And they have problems with their shoulders and their arms. So, like everybody. The whole body. The whole body is if you ache, if you hurt, and you have pain from jointoveruse condition shoulders, back, nds, knees, feet try omega xl. It works. You have nothing to lose. And thats what youve been saying on this show. It works, it works, it works. Im a landscaper in florida, and i work outside all day. I had a lot of infmmation in my arms and also my back. The wawaa time where, i mean, i couldnt even hold a fork. The pain would keep me up at night. Ive tried fish oils in the past. Pain as much as omega xl did. Its just a far better product than any other product that ive experienced. I live a very active lifestyle. Ive been Teaching Group fitness exercises for over 30 years. I was sore. I was real sore my elbows, my wrists, my knees. My hips were popping. I was pretty much in pain from the neck down. Living with pain a lot. It wasnt until somebody mentioned omega xl t me. I began to wake up in the mornings without pain. Im a true believer, and id consider taking it the rest of my life. I love to run, play with my grandkids, and now i can do that again, all because of omega xl. I actually went to the local pharmacy to look at labels o o some of the fish oils sold on the market. Most dontven list the waters that the fish come from. Many use all sorts of different fish in making the oil. What is that about . Oils that are sold in stores because obviously i will look at it as competitive products that say the waters where they come from. There may be one or two, but im not aware of them, but theres 30, 40 feet of fish oils in nany stores, and you have no idea where the fish come from. A power essential fattyacid combination from the Pristine Waters of new zealand. And were proud to state that. Its sustainable. Its green. We use the musse we use the shell. We grind the shells up after theyre used, turning them into road tiles or construction prpructs. And then were back in the same cycle, but its a constant cycle. Announcer Quality Control is of the utmost importance, and it starts with the quality of the water in which these mussels are grown. They are farmed in the mamaborough sounds of new zealand, home of some of the purest waters in the world. In a recent marine Ecosystem Management study that assessed how Different Countries managed their marine resources, new zealand came in first ple. Sustainability is also a top priority. The greenlipped mussels go through an 18month journey before they are harvested. This process is carefully monitored to ensure they are not harvested too rapidly and to guarantee that a constant supply of the greenlipped mussel is always available. Greenlipped mussels are naturally high antioxidants. This phenomenon piqued the interest of researchers around the world who became amazed at the Study Results of the greennpped mussel. Because of this extensive research, we now have omega xl. My name is sue landerman. Im a sculptor. the years have gone by, and its taken its toll. I was doing damage to myself. The agony in my hands it was so piercing. I was watching tv one night, and larry king was on. I believed what he was saying about omega xl. I thought, im going to order that. I dont wake up all night in pain anymore. Here i am, up on scaffolding and doing what i do. I wouldnt be able to do that if it wasnt for the omega xl. Omega xls done it for me. I keep summing it up. It works. You know, today, with all the choices of healthcare and all the different policies and the hmos and medicare and all the differt ways you can choose a provider, if you will, the best provider is you. Thats why they call it selfcare. You may be fortunate to find a tremendous physician someone like dr. Mcquillan who really cares about people, who practices functional medicine, integrative medicine, who is into research and science. And its very, very important that you first practice selfcare. Inflammation is the foundation of so many chronic problems chronic pain, inflammatory conditions, discomfort. You can wrap them all into one, but the minute you start feeling discomfort or pain, you want to deal with it. You want to find something that will work. And, larry, as youve said, omega xl works. Theres over 40 million caregivers mostly women caring for their mothers because wometend to outlive men. But if a mother is 40, 50, maybe 100, 150 miles away from the daughter, the mother has difficulty opening a jar in the kitchen, providing her own meals. When we get a lot of daughters calling us and saying, i bought this forory mother. My mother r w can take care of herself. I dont have to drive there every single day. Id like to, but i just cant the mileage. I have my own family to take care of. In fact, larry, were gonna have 10,000 people a day turning 65. Every day. Right. Until 2029. So theres gonna be a few more of us. Everybodys not young like the doctor. I understand that you have some testimonis youve brought along so that we can hear from others. We did. Larry, you know how important truckers are in our society, filling up the Grocery Stores and bringing things to us. If they werent rolling, it would just cripple society. Theres millions of Truck Drivers, and a High Percentage of them have lower back pain. We had a testimonial an unsolicited, unpaid testimonial and i call it the bigtruck testimonial. This is an amazing testimonial by a man who almost had to quit his profession, didnt know how he could continue to support his family, but, thanks to omega xl, hes able to be back on the road. Lets watch. My name is vern wilder. I drive up to 1111ours. Thats allllhe law allows you to drive. Snow, rain it doesnt matter. It pays the bills. When it comes to flatbedding, its prettdemanding, physically, when you sit down for up to 11 hours a day. I was pretty much in pain from the neck down. And after years of chaining, strapping, and tarping, it took a toll on my joints. Pretty much hurt just to drive the truck. The job was just getting harder and harder to perform. I saw a commercial on tv and decided to give it a try. Oh, omega xl has made my job easier i mean, of course, you know, with less pain. If it wasnt for omega xl, i would have had to move on down the road to another profession. I would give the product a try, because it worked for me. Thank you, omega xl. Got me back to work. Oh oh oh oh ohoh oh not bad. Larry, thats what makes me passionate. Thats what changes. Thats what just gets your heart pump. It works. 1 it works. Were telling all of our stories. Mine is simple. I knew the hearthealthy benefits of omega3s but had never experienced the painrelieving benefits of omega3s until i started taking omega xl. The Health Benefits ive experienced from this omega3 super oil have profoundly changed my wellbeing. Im doing activities now i had trouble doing a few years ago. Im a more active father, a better husband, because i simply feel good again. I want to thank ken meares, i want to thank you. Sharing omegegxl with me and the world. And sharon doctor you are the best. Thank you very much, larry. I salute you. We think youre the best. And remember, omega xl. It works for me. Itll work for you. [ chuckles ] thanks for joining usus larry, thank you so much. Thank you, ken. Thank you. Announcer omega xl is effective at relieving pain and the symptomsmsf inflammation, including back, neck, knee, and joints. We are living longer than ever before, which can cae wear and tear to our bodies. If you finish your day in pain, then now is your opportunity to do something aut it. Omega3 fatty acids are essential because the human body needs them for many functions, from buildg healthy cells to maintaining brain and nerve functions. Omega xl is a pure, potent, and highly concentrated antiinflammatory in a small, easytoswallow capsule. You dont need to suffer anymore. Omega xl will help your pain, and you can live the life you deserve. Do you suffer from swelling or joint paint in your back, neck, knees, or elbows . Have you ted taking fish oil but have not seen results . Has the burden of pain taken over your quality of life . When you experience discfort, thats all you can think of. Dont give up and accept living a life with pain. If you are ready to find relief, try omega xl. This natural antiinflammatory is effective at relieving pain and the symptoms of inflammation. Omega xl is not fish oil, so it does not share its side effects or fishy aftertaste. Order now and find relief from your discomfort with this small and easytoswallow softgel. As part of this show, if you call now, you will receive a free bottle with your first order. Omega xl is not sold in stores, so you must call now. We are so confident in our amazing omega3 supplement that we are offering a 90day moneyback guarantee, so you have nothing to lose. Omega xl can help you relieve pain and discomfort because it works. This program has been a paid presentation for omega xl and is brought to you by announcer the following is a paid presentation for cize, brought to you by beachbody

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