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Of silence being observed by the people here in brussels, belgium. That is a place called the place de la bourse. It is about a mile and a half from where im standing. Moment of silence, part of the kind of trying to come to terms with what has gone on here in the last 24 hours. As i mentioned, im here in brussels. Savannah is back in new york city. Savannah, weve got an awful lot going on right now. Breaking news on the investigation into these attacks. We know the names of the suspects in the airport bombings. Two brothers. Khalid and ibrahim bakraoui, identified as the suicide bombers. The third man, the man in white with the black hat, hes been identified as Najim Laachraoui, already wanted in connection with the paris attacks. There are some reports he has been arrested. I want to say that nbc news has confirm those reports. Now, raids are being carried out all across brussels. One of them led to the discovery of what investigators are calling a bomb making factory. The attacks are inspiring a show of solidarity around the world. Iconic landmarks across europe and the u. S. Have been lit in belgiums national colors. Black, yellow and red. There is a lot to get to this morning. We want to start with nbcs keir simmons, joining me right now here in brussels. What can you tell us . Conflicting report, but a key suspect has been arrested, its not going to help the tension here. There has been fear here in the city and across europe ever since the paris attacks. What yesterday did was shatter peoples confidence. A sense that europe is under attack. Reporter in europes rainsoaked capital this morning, soldiers questioning outside the subway. Today, just going to work is an act of defiance. Frightening. Yes, yes, absolutely. But youre still determined to get to work . Yes, i have to. We cannot give into fear. Its going to we have to show that we can go on. Reporter on the same streets, an urgent man hunt to find killers who struck in the name of isis. The two suspects suicide bombers at the airport, seen in security video, identified overnight as brothers khalid and ibrahim bakraoui, each wearing inin ini on one hand, investigators trying to figure out why. Transporting their suitcases to the airport in a taxi. The man with them identified as Najim Laachraoui, now wanted by police. Already many questions. How the men easily entered the airport, smoke, fear. Maelbeek metro an hour later . Subway doors blown out, passengers escaping along the traps and echoing along the tunnels, screams. [ sirens ]. Reporter there are some answers. In schaerbeek, a makeshift bomb found. Ingredients for explosives and an isis flag. Nbc news learning authorities have found additional suitcase bombs. There is mounting criticism of europes intelligence agency. For failing to prevent this attack four months after the paris massacre. Overnight, we crossed european borders with ease. Weve just crossed the border into belgium. No checks, no sign of police. If the suspects wants to escape to another part of europe, they may just drive. Reporter among the injured, missionaries from utah. And this couple, mi families say. This man was dropped off at the airport by a friend when the bombs went off. I saw this bright light, followed by a huge explosion. I was just stunned. Reporter this morning, he is wearing the same clothes. He left his bags behind when he fled in terror. The french Prime Minister this morning saying europe has closed its eyes to the rise of extremist ideas. They want to destroy our way of life. He says this has the potential to have a profound effect on the way folks in u. S. View europe. That may have already happened, keir. Thank you very much. Good to see you. As the hunt for more potential suspects intensifies and continues, what are we learning about the attackers who have been identified . And their suspected ties to isis . Bill neely is also in belgium. This he has that part of the story. Go there are reports of an arrest close to here. Belgian media are quoting sources as saying it is the main surviving suspect from yesterdays attacks. But nbc news cannot confirm that. What we know here yesterday, in the suburb of schaerbeek, police raided an parapartment over the and found explosive material and an isis flag, all of it part of an isis terror cell much bigger than police ever understood. Reporter brussels, the capital of europe, woke this morning to a man hunt after a massacre. This is the prime target, Najim Laachraoui, a 24yearold belgian who has already eluded police for months, escaping after the attacks in paris. He and the two bakraoui brothers, khalid and ibrahim, are seen here in the airport. They are wheeling their suitcases themselv blowing themselves up. They both had criminal records, one for shooting at police. Laachraoui, for some reason, didnt explode his bomb and escaped. The death toll here could have been higher. Police began gathering bags of debris from the attacks, searching for clues on how the bombs were made. They believe there may be a single bomb maker behind the attacks in both brussels and paris. Very alarming to find out how many people involved in this, and their ability to get ahold of or to make high explosives and to set them off in such a spectacular fashion. Reporter late yesterday, Police Helicopters and snipers honed in on a house in brussels where it was thought some of the men were based. They searched it, led to the address by a cabdriver, who had taken three men with heavy suitcases to the airport. There have been other raids, other arrests, but so far, no e accomplice. As Police Search for suspects, belgian troops are on the street, protecting key locations. Metro stations are open, but people are being searched as they go in. This is a nervous city. Reporter last week, Police Arrested salah abdeslam, who took part in the paris massacres, at a brussels apartment rented by one of yesterdays bombings. It is clear theyre all part of the same isis cell. Police suspect his arrest triggered their plans to attack brussels. Police were braced for some sort of attack, but not on this scale. This was clearly a massive intelligence failure. But if reports this morning are true, that someone has been arrested, this could be a break through in cracking open europes deadliest isis terror cell. Matt . Bill, it would be welcome news to a lot of people around here. Bill neely, thank you very much. Now a chilling account of the attack at the airport in american jeff hoffman, a consultant for nato, lives here and was dropping off his girlfriend when the bombs went off. We talked to jeff yesterday. Happy to have you with us. How are you . Doing okay. A little shaken still . Yeah. I dont think itll go away any time soon. We talked yesterday. You were eloquent in describing what you went through, but i got the sense you were in shock a little bit yesterday. Have you come to terms with other emotions in the last 18 hours . You know, its funny, i dont think there has been too much to come to terms with. I think i woke up this morning, and it was okay, that happened. We were uninjured. We got out. Consequently, personally, i move on from that. All the what ifs and the other questions you can ask yourself, i really dont. Your boyfriend described dropping you off at that airport, standing inside the departures terminal when the first blast went off. What do you remember about it . I think old normal, i guess, lady handed me my baggage tickets. I turned to look at him, and he smiled his little grin. Then i remember it was a whirlwind. It was almost like a tornado going off behind him. Stuff flying everywhere. That hit me. I felt it before i heard it. I still didnt know what was going on. I didnt understand what was going on until he was coming towards me. I thought, oh, an accident happened. I dont know. It was pretty clear after seeing the terror on his face, that that wasnt an accident. I have to say that watching the video is hard enough, but there have been portions of the video that weve listened to the audio of. Hearing the screaming, hearing one young child calling, mommy, mommy, mommy, were you aware of the sounds going on around you, as well . For me, after the first explosion, which i turned to, there was a lot of screaming. I dont think i really was able to filter through and hear specific sounds. The unsettling thing for me personally explosion, was dead silence. We talked about that yesterday. That was the most unnerving part. In an incident like that, you almost expect that you would hear Police Activity, people shouting. It was quite literally, if i can kind of compare it to anything, it was almost as if everyone was gone in a moment. As in, we were the people around us, i was crouched beside the counter and she was behind the counter, it was as if we were the only people left in the airport and it left you feeling exposed in a way. I dont want to bring up a difficult subject, as if this all isnt difficult, but you were on your way home. Im assuming youre still now trying to get home. Yeah. That would require going back to the airport and boarding a flight. How do you feel about that . He says everything is going to be okay, so i want to believe him. I dont really ever want to set foot back there again, but i need to get home. Im going to do what i have to do. Its g you have to be brave, i guess, be strong. I mean, im lucky enough to be able to go home and get to see my family. A lot of people arent that lucky. I try to keep telling myself that. Dont think youre going back to a terrible place. Its your catalyst to get home. Good way to look at it. Great to meet you. Nice to meet you. Good to talk to you again. Thank you so much. Lets go back to you, savannah. Matt, thank you so much. As you would expect at home, security is being stepped up at airports, train and subway stations across the country in response to what we saw happen in brussels yesterday. Pete williams is at Union Station in washington, d. C. This morning. The train station there. Pete, good morning. Savannah, good morning to you. Rail commuters across the country can expect to see more security on the ride to work this morning. Airline passengers will see it, too. It is a precaution. Officials say theres no intelligence warning of a similar attack here. Reporter on commuter trains and Subway Police are out in a highly visible show of force. Beefed up security, too, in miami, chicago, and atlanta, with heavy armed foot patrols. More security, too, at many of the nations airports, especially in the outer lub, where the Airline Ticket counters are. Nationwide, specially trained units and bombsniffing dogs. Plain clothes officers, too, and search of bags. We want communities to feel confident that were here, were able to respond. We have enormous capability if we need it tactically. Reporter amtrak is adding police and randomly screening luggage as passengers board the trains. Its an aggressive presence in new york city, with 50 officers surging into times square. The mayor made a point of riding subway to demonstrate the safety. Expect to see extraordinary nypd presence out over the coming days, as a sign of our readiness to protect people at all times. Protecting mass transit there is a big chore. We employ a lot of technology, and we pay very close attention and learn from attacks that have gone on around the world. We deploy and train accordingly. Reporter most commuters say theyre taking the extra security in stride. Ill be cautious and aware of my surroundings, but i also know i have a choice not to let it hold me back. Reporter train and subway riders and airport passengers will see more security for at least the next several days. And fbi agents are stepping up surveillance of terror suspects, looking for signs of copycat attacks at home. So far, Officials Say no sign of that. Savannah . Pete williams, thank you. General Michael Haden served as director of the cia. Good morning. Good morning. These attacks show we need to up our game, your words, and be better prepared. What does that mean in practice . Is this cou we are vulnerable, but not nearly as vulnerable as our european friends. There are a lot of things that are different. We have very good intelligence and security services. Its not a universal condition in europe. Were distant from the battlefields and, frankly, savannah, we are a different society. We assimilate immigrants better than our european friends do. The level of threat here is not zero, but its not nearly what it was yesterday in europe or, frankly, is today in europe. You mentioned the failures of intelligence. We now know that authorities are looking for the socalled man in white, a person by the name of Najim Laachraoui who, in fact, was being sought for the paris attacks. Does that ind koicate theres b a breakdown in terms of Law Enforcement overseas . Obviously, there was a failure because the attack took place. It may be a question of limited resources, as opposed to anything else right now. Many of the services in europe are small. The belgian particularly small. Then, savannah, i have to add, theres been this grand debate over the last several years about the proper role of intelligence collection and individual privacy. The europeans have come down very strongly on the side of individual privacy, criticizing the United States. There was an interesting column in this mornings post, where it said the europeans are turning to the american intelligence for intelligence products. Even though they object to american intelligence collection. We need to have that conversation over again with our european friends and, frankly, i think, make it a little more factbased than the conversation we had over the last 12 to 24 months. Very quickly, this all has taken place in the context of a president ial election here. You see proposals, particularly from donald trump, saying, lets close the borders temporarily to all muslims. You have ted cruz coming out saying, maybe there should be patrols and neighborhoods. They say that Political Correctness, their words, made us less safe. Do you agree . I think we need to have an adult conversation about the role of islam and the civil war within islam. Savannah, the main point here is in the United States, we may have radicalized individuals. We do not have radicalized communities. We have it within our ability to create radicalized communities and some of the rhetoric in the president ial campaign trends us toward that great, great problem. General michael hayden, good to spend a few minutes with you. Thank you. Thank you. These attacks are reignited debate in the president ial race over the best ways to protect our country. Voters in three states were heading to the polls on tuesday, and the results are in. It was a split decision on the republican side. Donald trump upon big in arizona. He stopped ted cruz by more than 20 points. Cruz took it in utah, grabbing all 40 of that states delegates a heres the overall count this morning. Trump with 744 delegates. 468 for cruz. John kasich behind. On the democratic side, Hillary Clinton took arizona. Bernie sanders won the two other states up for grabs, utah and idaho. Lets look at the democrat delegates. Clinton leads, 1,637 to Bernie Sanders 928. As we mentioned, all of the candidates have had a lot to say about the attacks in brussels. National security and how to best deal with the terror threat. Nbc National Correspondent Peter Alexander is covering that angle of the story. Good morning to you. Good morning. First, a surprise announcement today. Jeb bush is endorsing ted cruz, in his words, to overcome the divisiveness of donald trump. This follows a day that focused on policy and turn sboed into a personal feud. Reporter terror aprod folbr followed by tough talk at home. Were coming after you. Reporter trump says police, in his words, patrol and secure muslim neighborhoods here in the u. S. Before they becomrade calizcal i become radicalized. We need to stop isolated communities from festering jihadism. Reporter the head of the nypd slamming cruzs comments. I take great offense at his characterization of that whole population. Reporter donald trump crediting cruz for a good idea. John kasich, more critical, warning against alienating muslim americans, needed to combat terrorism. Just because you happen to be a muslim doesnt mean that you are a radicalized person that wants to destroy somebody in the west. Reporter the competing responses underscoring stark contrasts between the candidates. I would close up our borders to people until we figure out whats going on. How high does the wall have to be to keep the internet out . You know, thats not the world we live in any paris bomber and other terror suspects, trump embraced torture tactics. Waterboarding and more, he said. If they would have put him through the grill ten minutes after the capture, he probably would have ratted them out and maybe stopped this horrible terror attack. Reporter a new ad from an antitrump group that targeted mormon voters is turning heads. With, meet melania trump, your next first lady, to r yor you c support cruz on tuesday. Trump said, be careful or ill spill the beans on your ad. Cruz said if you attack heidi, youre more of a coward than i thought. Classless. The next faceoff is wisconsin, less than two weeks now. Peter alexander in washington, thank you very much. By the way, well be talking to republican candidate ted cruz. Well ask him about that a little later this morning. Let turn to dylan, in for al coast. Very nice warmup. Temperatures approaching 70 degrees in the northeast. Through the upper midwest, were talking about a winter storm. We have a lot of snow expected through parts of denver, under a blizzard warning now and lasts through this evening. Into parts of minnesota into wisconsin also watching for severe storms in the midwest. Thats a look at the weather across the country. Your local forecast is coming up in 30 seconds. Good morning cs morning. Temperatures are in the 50s. Not producing any rain at all. Later today more sunshine. Highs soaring to the mid70s. Another day like today tomorrow. Morning showers on friday afternoon sun back with highs mid 60s. Into the easter weekend, saturday sunny. Chilly in the morning but afternoon highs mid60s. Upper 40s on sunday, thats your latest forecast. Matt . Dylan, thank you very much. Coming up, well remember the victims in brussels, as the tributes for them continue to pour in. But first on a wednesday morning, this is today on nbc. Just ahead, the troubling scenario in the wake of brussels. How do you defend restauran good morning, everyone its 7 26 on this wednesday march 23rd. We continue to follow the tim pact of the brussels terror attacks. A look at the airports where uniform security is not as noticeable as yesterday. However officials are focusing on securing the open areas of the terminals where anyone can walk around. Thats where the suspects detonated bombs yesterday in brussels. To the rails. A lot of people are doing the same thing folks in brussels were doing during the morning rush hour yesterday. Taking the subway before a bomb exploded. The metro attack there has metro here stepping up security as well. The agency added more continue at the area remains on heightened alert. Some officers will be in plain clothing. Speaking of the commute lets check in with melissa mollet. Good morning. Speaking of metro, no delays now on metro. Had earlier problems that are utoof the way. Inbound indian head highway, we have the right lane blocked. Eastbound 7 at tollston road crash in the left lane. Inbound on 7, 270 at falls light volume. Great weather. See the Cherry Blossoms. The weekend outlook, saturday sunshine afternoon temperatures mid 60s after a chilly start near 40. Easter sunday, lots of sunshine up around 70 and balmy. Weather. Between now and then, mild weather mid70s. Maybe 7 30 now. Its wednesday morning, march 23rd, 2016. Its the start of three days of National Mourning in belgium for the victims of the deadly terror attacks on Brussels Airport and subway system. Of course, the sadness and the questions will go on for much longer than that. Matt has made his way to brussels for us this morning, and i cant imagine that was an easy journey. Considering, matt, the transportation closures there, including the airport. Thats right, savannah and dylan and tamron. You cant fly into Brussels Airport. We flew into paris last night, landing early this morning and made the three or three and a half hour drive from paris down here to brussels. We saw a lot of Police Activity along the roadway. There are a couple officers checking traffic, mostly going away from brussels. Then there was one section of the road theyd closed down to one lane, and there were a lot of heavily armed police again actually looking into cars and stopping a few cars. I want to show you some of the newspapers out this morning. This one is the evening paper. It just says, tenir bon, meaning hang on. This one needs no translation. It just means, the horror. Its what people here are feeling, the horror of the attacks. Even as the Investigation Continues to go on, that is whats topping our headnes today. The men involved in that airport attack here, seen in this surveillance image, have been named overnight. The socalled man in white who fled, identified as 24yearold Najim Laachraoui. He is also a potential suspect in last years paris attacks. Belgian were starting to hear some people walk back those reports. Theyre not exactly sure if that has taken place. The two men he was with, the socalled suicide bombers, theyre the ones dressed in black, theyre brothers. Khalid and ibrahim bakraoui. Again, all now have been identified. Still unclear if that third person has been arrested. Savannah . Of course, we had an election yesterday in the president ial race. Hillary clinton and donald trump added to their leads. Ted cruz topped trump in the republican caucuses in utah, winning all the delegates there. Bernie sanders beat clinton in both utah and idaho. President obama arrived in argentina overnight. A twoday state visit is planned there. He wrapped up his historic trip to cuba. We see him there at the baseball game. Matt, back to you in brussels. Savannah, thank you very much. Now back to these attacks here in brussels. And the tributes are pouring in for the reporter adele was at the airport heading to new york to visit her mother with her 3yearold daughters when the bombs went off, killing her and injuring her husband and one of the twins. Ruizs brother confirming his sisters death to a tv station and writing on facebook, its very complicated to describe this pain were feeling at home. My sister, adelma tapia, died in the attacks and wasnt able to survive the jihadist attack well never understand. Stephanie and jeff were at the airport with their mother, returning home to kentucky. Moore waived goodbye to them while going through a security checkpoint, when she was knocked off her feet by a blast. Dazed but uninjured, she tried to reach her daughter and soninlaw. This is what she looks like. My husband called the american embassy, and sta l reporter theyre still among the missing. Among the injured, sebastian, a belgian pro basketball player who played in the states. According to media reports, the 37yearold, 69 athlete, was thrown some 65 feet in the air by the explosion. He was l in the line at the counter to check in. Dropped him off, six minutes later, the bomb went off and he was within radius of it. I was told hell be fine. We dont know the extent of the injuries. Reporter two jet airways crew members were injured in the airport blasts. The Indian Embassy in belgium tweeting, theyre out of danger and being treated by embassy staff. Mason wells of utah suffered Second Degree burns and hit by shrapnel. The 19yearold was at the airport along with mormon missionaries, joseph empey, Richard Norby clain. All are recovering. Mason was in paris when 130 people were killed in last years terror attacks. And also survived the Boston Marathon bombing. I think that experience of the chaos and civil unrest prepared mason for what he experienced today. Sadly, attacks like these have become a new and almost terrifying new normal here in europe. Nbc news analyst Christopher Dickey is the editor for the daily beast. You spent the last 24 hours here. I just arrived. They say there are stages of grief. What stage of grief would you say the people in brussels are in now . Well, id say close to not to denial but close to that. I think we saw this in paris, too. In the immediate aftermath, what you think is, its a horrible thing but maybe its over. Thats the most dangerous time. If there is another hit now, if people are absolutely shattered. Even in paris, when it didnt come off, but there was another attack, when we heard one was being plan and had disrupted, it was a terrible shootout, i remember people were shattered. What questions will be requested . What questions need to be asked of the Intelligence Services here, of Law Enforcement here, of the politicians here . Well, first of all, belgium is a tremendously disorganized country. Went for almost two years without a government. It has multiple layers of belief. It tries to cooperate with the other services around europe, but it even has terrible difficulties with its internal operations. Its failed to integrate its Muslim Population well. Theres only 500,000 muslims here, but theyre not well integrated into this society. Those are all problems to solve. But theyre all problems that everyone has known about for a long time. Can you solve them now that this has happened . Probably not. Youve also tald personally and privately about, you know, several different manifestos that laid out almost this exact scenario years ago. More than ten years ago. The most important one for this is one that said, basically, europe is the soft underbelly of the west and he can hit europe and divide it. There is a large Muslim Population, and the population should not be able to choose it should have to choose between being on our side, the side of islam and terror, or the side of the europeans. He wants to eliminate the gray zone in between. He wants to force the contradictions in the society. Terror is the tool to do that. You see it happening. Results of the last six months would say were moving closer and closer to that reality. Sure. Christopher dickey, always good to see you. Thank you so much. Thank you, matt. Back to savannah in new york. We turn to big weather story in the midwest. Yesterday in denver, it was 73. Today, theyre under a blizzard warning. We are going to see blizzardlike conditions. Not so much because of a ton of snow. We should see about 4 to 8 inches of snow. Its very, very windy. Its going to reducegoing to reduce visibility. This storm system is going to stretch into the Northern Plains and the upper midwest. Look at all of these winter storm warnings, its a small band but includes Northern Iowa, southern minnesota and most of wisconsin. This is the area where we could end up with 1216 inches blowing snow. Here we may have blowing blossoms. A little bit of a breeze. Highs reach the mid70s and increasing sunshine. All the pollen count is going to continue to climb. On friday morning, showers coming through. May wash the pollen out. Sun back in the afternoon. Highs mid 60s. The weekend looks great but chilly on the mornings in saturday and sunday. Highs mid 60s thats your latest forecast. Dylan, thank you so much. Coming up, republican president ial candidate ted cruz will be here. Well talk about his win in the utah caucuses and his controversial call for police to patrol muslim neighborhoods. And coming up next, security risks here in the u. S. Exposed by the attacks in brussels. Soft targets, are they impossible to de you know we said wed take a look at our Retirement Plan today. Not now im cleaning the oven yeah, im cleaning the gutters washing the dog washing the cat well im learning snapchamp chat. Chat changing the oil. vo its surprising what people would rather do than deal with retirement. Pressurewashing the. Roses. Aerating the lawn vo but with nationwide its no big deal. Okay, your Retirement Plan is all set. Nationwide . Awesome. Nice neighborhood. Nationwide is on your side brmilk and fresh creama. And only sustainably farmed vanilla. Breyers has fresh cream, sugar and milk. Breyers. The good vanilla. Our milk and cream come from cows not treated with artificial growth hormones. This is so good get 30 off every guest every ship in the caribbean but hurry, this offer wont last long come seek the Royal Caribbean book today at 1800royalcaribbean. Youre unpacking already . Yeah, help me find some mugs. 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By definition, soft targets are simply easy targets and not easy to defend. Reporter look around. Soft targets are everywhere. Busses, schools, hospitals, restaurants, shopping malls. Any place where people come and go freely without significant security can be considered a soft easy for terrorists to attack. If you have a determined terrorist, who is willing to give up their life, its almost impossible to prevent that across the board. Reporter weve seen it multiple times with devastating effect. London, 2005. 52 dead, 700 wounded after coordinated suicide attacks on the subway and bus systems. In paris last year, terrorists struck a theater, a restaurant and a kosher market, all soft targets. 130 killed, hundreds wounded. And in this country, a selfradicalized couple working out of their home shot and killed 14 people, wounding 21, at a holiday party. Police later found three pipe bombs and speculated the terrorists had planned more attacks. In democracy, there are certain places where, by definition, you need lots of people to go there. And you cant have checkpoints set up where there is security because you couldnt have the flow of people you need. Reporter in the airports worldwide has been beefed up this morning. Outside security screening areas, they can be as vulnerable as shopping malls. Airports are not built like castles. Theyre not built with security in mind. A lot are built for shopping. Transportation and shopping. Reporter experts say especially when it comes to soft targets, the public has to be extra vigilant, looking out for people who seem to be surveilling a location, gathering information about things like shift changes, and testing security with false alarms. It boils down, and this is a saying thats a cliche but i believe it, see something, say something. Its a cliche because since 9 11, weve been hearing it, for 15 years. Thats the danger. People wont do it anymore. That has been the most effective deterrent to stopping terrorist attacks. If you see something, say something. Savannah, back to you. It works. Tom costello, thank you. Ted cruz will join us to talk about his controversial recommendation in lig o brussels attacks. Well have that story right people think californians live in our own reality. With our heads in the clouds. Like a bunch of space cadets. Huh . What . Ive drawn a blank. Whats my line . [director] reset maybe we do live in a fantasy. In our own little bubble. Just hangin out as if were not completely down to earth. But just a bunch of dreamers . No way were just like everyone else. You know, average joes. Start dreaming big at visitcalifornia. Com lowes oanyo can haventee a beautiful garden. Finally, something in this yard as beautiful as me. Enjoy. Now get 20 off all corona® garden tools, at lowes. Each day is a game of chance. Feels like i wanted to put the odds in my favor. 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Most allergy pills only control one inflammatory substance. Flonase controls six. And six is greater than one. Flonase changes everything. Not yet. Not yet pull the peach mmmm, yoplait. Good morning, everyone its 7 56. Lets get a check of your morning commute with melissa mollet. Good morning, right now brandnew crash george town pike at seneca road sounds like we have a overturned vehicle. Inbound indian head highway, its looking better than it was. As youre headed inbound on 210, 66 and 95, no major problems. Well have your out theoor d approaching 8 00. Temperatures in the low to mid 50s. Great weekend for viewing the blossoms. Saturday chilly in the morning it will be in the mid60 in the afternoon. Sunday, 40s in the morning. Dry weather for the weekend. It will be balmy today and tomorrow. Highs mid 70s. Chance of showers on friday morning. Drying out after that. Another chance of showers monday afternoon and ev hes begun forgetting words. Forgetting where he lives. But when the day comes when he forgets who i am, ill still know who he is. The first time we said i love you we didnt use words. We simply held each others hands. We still are. I lost my dad to alzheimers. Im david trone and i approve this message. Its 8 00 on today. Coming up, evil has a name. Three suspects in the terror attacks in brussels identified overnight. The airport suicide bombers, brothers, the man in white, already wanted by police for his alleged ties to the paris attacks. As belgium pauses to remember the victims today, wednesday, march 23rd, 2016. Welcome back, everyone, to a split edition of today on a wednesday morning. Im matt lauer in brussels. We have savannah back in new york city. Good morning. Good to seemorning to you. There are a number of developments in connection w airport in brussels will remain closed until at least tomorrow night, matt. Yeah, and thats not surprising, given all the damage we saw in that video over the last 24 hours. Sources also tell nbc news that the bombs used in that attack were made of amomonium nitrate. They weighed 44 pounds each. The suicide bombers and the man who was with them, the one who got away, have been identified. Reporter europes most wanted man. There are conflicting reports from belgian media and Najim Laachraoui has been arrested. The only accomplice from tuesdays attack believed to still be alive. A manhunt continues with a continent on edge. Late tuesday during a series of raids, authorities found a house turned bomb factory, where the brussels attacks were believed to be planned. Co explosives, chemicals and an isis flag. A cabdriver led authorities there also recognizing security images on the news. As laachraoui and that little and ibrahim bakraoui, identified overnight as brothers, as the passengers he took to the airport tuesday morning. He told authorities the three acted suspiciously and carried extremely heavy luggage. They didnt want him to handle. After 8 00 a. M. On tuesday, two suitcase bombs exploded in the Brussels Airport, killing at least 11. According to authorities, the devices contained glass and nails. Xray of one of the wounded showing one nail embedded in his chest. An hour after those dual explosions at the airport, a Second Attack ripped through a brussels metro train at the maelbeek station, killing at least 20. And forcing passengers to evacuate through the systems witness to the metro attack. Its incredibly sad, when a city as great as this is scarred by these awful attacks. Reporter u. S. Intelligence Officials Say their working theory is this, the brussels attackers and paris massacre accomplice, salah abdeslam, are part of the same terror cell, linking brussels, paris and the attempted attack on a french train last august that was thwarted by american servicemen. One Senior Intelligence official said they picked up chatter on terrorist networks three or four weeks ago of an imminent attack somewhere in europe. Adding, it is possible that last fridays arrest of abdeslam could have thrown that plan into high gear, or that another attack could still be in the works. American evan lamis works in brussels. He was riding in the metro train that was behind the one that was attacked by the took dramatic photos of the evacuation through a smokefilled tunnel. Nice to see you. Than ks. You were in the train when you were reading about the attacks at the airport, right . I was on the way to work, checking the news, reading about the attacks at the airport. I was on the metro going toward the m a,aaalbeek station. We felt a blast of air, my ears popped and the blast went off at that point. Did the connection to the airport bombings cross your mind at all . It took a while for things to register. Every now and then, a metro will stop because of time problems, you know, a metro is a little too slow. At first, i thought it was a regular occurrence. The air blast i felt wasnt anything more than what you would feel, a breeze coming through the window or a fan. Then we heard some thudding in the dice it really wasnt clear how close we were to the explosion. Were they making announcem t announcements to explain why they stopped the train . What were you hearing . When the train stopped, they put an announcement over the sound system saying there was a disturbance on the line and they were going to work to resolve it as quickly as possible. It was a few minutes before someone came from the front of the metro to the back, which is where i was, they installed a ladder and had us evacuate on to the track. Smoke in the tunnel yet . There was smoke. Smoke started to come a little into the metro, as well. It wasnt difficult to breathe, but there was definitely smoke lingering in the air. As you got aboveground, you had to then start to understand what was going on. Were you seeing you were a stop away from maalbeck. Were you getting reports on your phone . As we were exiting, i tried to figure out where it was goi distance. I first used my phone to try to contact a few family and friends, to let them know something was happening but i was okay for the moment. Then immediately checked the news, at which point, there was con ffirmation that there was a explosion and that it was an attack at maalbeek station. The lives of everyone living in this city have been changed forever. Can you foresee a day when you will comfortably go back on the metro system here and ride without constant fear . I think so. I mean, weve been under high security alert for some time. That had kind of become normal and part of everyday life here. I think life will eventually go on. You have to get used to things as they are. I think its good to trust the authorities, to the extent that we can, about what to do to be safe. Life will go back to normal eventually. Im sure ill take the metro to work once its running fully again. Maybe a minute earlier, had you gotten on the train, youd have a different story this morning. Iap thanks. Thank you so much. Not only evan but some of the other people weve spoken to, lucky to be able to tell their stories. 31 people confirmed dead in the attacks. That does it for us from brussels this morning. Of course, well keep posted and keep you posted on any developments on this investigation. Savannah, back to you. Matt, thank you and stay safe. Well take a turn now to tamron, in for natalie, this week. Youre covering the president s trip. Were getting caught up on the president and other news stories. Overnight, president obama arrived in argentina, making the first state visit by a u. S. President in nearly two decades. The commander in chief will meet with the president later today in an effort to reset diplomatic relations and trade ties with the country. President obama begins the twoday visit. It follows the historic trip to cuba, where tuesday, he defended his decision to attack a baseball game, despite the terror attacks in brussels. Republican president ial criticism, including ted cruz, who we will hear from in a moment. You want to be respectful and understand the gravity of the situation, but the whole premise of terrorism is to try to disrupt peoples ordinary lives. The president later said the attacks serve as a reminder, the world must yunite. Police recommend misdemeanor charge for the mother of a 4yearold boy who shot her with her own handgun. Jamie, an apparent gun enthusiast, placed the loaded handgun underneath the front seat of her pickup truck, which slid to the backseat. Her son was riding in a booster seat. The boy reportedly unbuckled himself, picked up the gun and fired through the front seat, hitting his mother in the back. Police are recommending a charge of allowing a child access to a firearm. Happening today, nfl commissioner Roger Goodelll rah to boca raton, florida. They are voting on a number of changes. Goodell is expected to address the 19 proposed changes. And for the patriots to have their first round draft picks returned following last years deflategate controversial. Washington, d. C. s famous Cherry Blossoms have not been affected by the weather. The blossoms can remain on the trees for four to ten days. The capitals National Cherry blossom festival runs through april 17th. Something perhaps that will put a little smile on your face. A big smile. Coming up, well talk to senator ted cruz about his controversial comments in the wake of the brusz el attacks, and his victory in the pres sarah palin. You might be surprised what shes setting her sights on now. Girls the citi double cash® card comes in very handy with cash back twice on purchases. Earn once when you buy, and again as you pay. Thats cash back now, and cash back again later. Its cash back deja vu. 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And at sprint, you can still save 50 on most rates from verizon. At t. Or tmobile now, get two amazing new Samsung Galaxy s7 phones for the price of one. Well even cover your costs to switch up to 650 per line. So switch today. Now becomes skinactive. New Garnier Skinactive introducing clearly brighter. A new active moisturizer to brighten dull skin. Packed with antioxidant vitamin c, e and lha. Clearly brighter does more than moisturize, it actively smoothes, boosts radiance and protects with spf 15. Clinically proven. See brighter skin in just one week. New clearly brighter from Garnier Skinactive. The active way to better skin. Janes always on the move. Luckily her light fit protein smoothie can keep up with her. Packed with 12grams of protein and no added sugar. So she can watch her calories and where shes going. Light fit feel free to enjoy. Now to republican president ial candidate senator ted cruz. Hi picked up a crucial win in utah overnight. This morning, got a major endorsement from his onetime rival, jeb bush. Hes also facing some criticism over comments he made in response to the terror attacks in brussels. Senator cruz, good morning. Good to have you with us. Great to be with you. Normally i start an interview like this after you won a victory in utah saying congratulations. And i do. Thank you. You picked up an endorsement. Given whats happening in brussels, lets start there and talk about that. Let me start where we just mentioned, you said yesterday in a Facebook Post that we need to empower Law Enforcement to patrol and secure muslim neighborhoods before they become radicalized. How would you describe a muslim neighborhood . Is there a percentage of muslims that have to live there . Do you have to have suspicion theyre being radicalized, or is it the mere fact theyre muslims, in your mind, means Police Officers should be securing and patrolling those areas . Well, lets start out w yesterday. All of us, our thoughts, our prayers are with those who were murdered, those who were injured. Yesterday, i think, reminded everyone, really underscored, that we are facing a war. It is not this was not an isolated lone wolf. This was not an isolated incident. Radical islamic terrorism, isis has declared jihad on the United States of america. No question about that. I guess the issue this morning is the response and trying to understand what it is youre recommending. Ill point out, you say theres no question about that. Ill tell you who disagrees with you. Barack obama. Hillary clinton. The entire Obama Administration refuses to utter the words, Islamic Radical terrorists. This administration is mired in Political Correctness and wont acknowledge this threat. When it comes to Law Enforcement, proactive Law Enforcement. You know here in new york under mayor bloomberg, there was a proactive policing program, to work cooperatively with the Muslim Community to prevent radicalization. To target and find out who may be affiliated with radical islamic terrorism, who may be becoming radicalized and stop terror attacks before they occur. Mayor de blasio, in an example of Political Correctness, def befitting of obama and Hillary Clinton, said we wont continue the program has been disbanded. A former supervisor of the program said in six years, it never led to one piece of intelligence, not an arrest, not a conviction. In fact, the supervisor was quoted as saying that it involved paying undercover officers to sit in cafes frequented by muslims, drinking tea and eating sweets at taxpayers extense. You need a concerted focus on stopping it. For example, if you have a target the neighborhoods where Gang Violence is prevalent. You work to root out the gang members. Would you then for example, youre saying, Gang Violence, you look, where is there Gang Violence, and well patrol those neighborhoods. When you talk about patrolling muslim neighborhoods, would you require suspicion before you patrol the neighborhood . Im talking about focusing Law Enforcement and National Security resources on areas, on locations where there is a higher incidence of radical islamic terrorism. One of the tragic reasons we saw this yesterday in brussels is europes failed immigration laws allowed vast numbers of radical islamic terrorists come into europe. I have to ask you about a series of tweets between you and donald trump last night. He criticized you, falsely i might add, for putting up an ad that featured his wife melania in undress. Then he added, you should lay off his wife, and if not, hes going to spill the beans on your wife. It seems like a threat against your wife, and you took it that way. This is a pattern with donald trump. When hes unhappy, when hes scared, he lashes out. He yells, he screams, he often curses. He threatens people. Donald is a bully. I told him last night, dont you try to attack my wife. Donald is unhappy that he got clobbered last night in utah. Wasnt even close. He lost by 69 . Utah was now the tenth state where weve beaten donald trump. What does he do . Tries to change the subject. The way he tries to change the subject is by lashing out and attacking my wife. Im not going to stoop to that level. Youre not responsible for the ad that featured melania trump, but do you think its inappropriate . Its not something i would have done. Donald is trying to threaten my wife, speaks volumes about character. Sor well get a check of the weather. Dylan is in for al. We are going to see a round of stronger storms develop later on tonight. Weve got this area right in through st. Louis, down through little rock and stretching into northeastern texas where we could see strong storms with hail damaging wind gusts and isolated tornados. Most of these storms will hit overnight. So anytime you get these storms overnight into the darkness thats where we do see added problems. Well see that start to predeast as we go into tomorrow. On thursday our best chance of stronger storms include tennessee, alabama, same threats. Were looking at heavy down pours larger hail, damaging wind gusts and isolated tornados. This will start to fizzle out as it moves to the east. On the northern side of the storm, we have snow, we could see 1216 inches northwest iowa and southeastern minnesota chance of rain monday afternoon and thats your latest forecast. Dylan, only one thing to do now and thats trending. Well start in england, where the government asked the internet for help. Now its probably thinking, maybe it wasnt a hot idea. Not always a good idea. The task was, what should we name our new Research Ship . A ship that is worth nearly 300 million. Well, the government asked the public for suggestions. They got some good picks. For example, the sir ernest shackleton, named for the british explorer. Appropriate. The endeavor do you want to know which one is winning . This is the best. They want boatty mcboatface. Yes, world. By more than 28,000 votes. I love it. I love it. The ship does look like a character. So cute. Boatty mcboatface. There it is, in all its glory. There she goes. There she blows. Take a picture with boatty mcboatface. I love it so much. Hold it to them. They should have to paint it. Its like the r. S. S. Boatty mcboatface. They have the final say. I guess its not a true democracy. Im rooting for it, though. I think everyone is. Heres a story about how a wrong number led to a new friendship. A georgia couple, mark and lindsey, had their first child, a boy. Marks family members, started a chain. By accident, she texted a stranger named dennis. Instead of ignoring the chain, dennis responds, struck up a conversation with the family. You can read it there. Nobody knew him. But they did invite him to stop by. Guess what . He did. Dennis stopped by, posing for a picture, brought his brother. There are the new parents. Dennis also brought diapers, bottles and a pacifier. They named the baby boy dennis jr. No. No thatd be amazing. I love that. How did they accidentally text someone who lives close enough . It was a cousins cell phone number, no longer their number. Right area code. They used to keep it forever and you wouldnt get it back in circulation. I love it. The mom sent this out, like a lot of personal information. He was like, i dont think im and he showed up. Heartfelt tribute by adele. Why court will be in session for sarah palin. Adele in london on tuesday took a moment to honor the victims of the brussels terror attacks. It happened during her performance of make you feel my love. She asked the audience to light up the arena. It made for a show of solidarity. After the song, adele said shed never been so moved at one of her own shows. Next to sarah palin. Not a judge but shell play one on television. The former Alaska Governor will take on judge judy with her own day time court show. No law degree, but governor palin did appoint judges. On her new show, shell call them like she sees them. No title yet but production is expected to begin within 18 months. Finally, its not Throwback Thursday just yet, music flashback . Mm bop next month marks 20 years since the release of mm bop by happenso s hanson. The brothers say we have been singing it all wrong. Heres the lyrics. Mmmbop, ba duba dop i was spot on. You have to get all the nuance there. Thats your pop start today. Thank you. I was too old for it originally, so plus 20 years, i dont know what to say about that. Just ahead, Allison Williams is here. Shell talk girls, weddings and making her first movie. Hi,is first, a check of your local news and weather. Good morning, its 8 26 on this wednesday march 23rd. Im aaron gilchrist. Well start with the commute. Right now northbound 9th street northwest mount olive we have an overturned truck and the northbound lanes blocked. Outer look at the beltway top of the beltway were slow. Inbound 395 slow. And d. C. 295 as youre headed into the city. 66, 95 no major issues there. Thank you. Check out the fresh new look on Mcdonalds Mcpick 2 menu try a flaky filetofish made with sustainably sourced fish, a big mac made with 100 beef, or a quarter pounder with cheese seared on the grill. Pick any 2 for 5 bucks. Bada ba ba ba ill see you at home. The egg mcmuffin. Made with a fresh cracked egg and real butter. Only at mcdonalds. Im lovin it. Great day for a bike ride. Temperatures in the low and mid 50s. Noontime mid and upper 60s. A breeze, more sunshine by midafternoon into the mid 70s. Tomorrow highs mid 70s a sun back in the afternoon. For the easter weekend, sunshine saturday, warmer on sunday. Tom, thank you and you can get the latest Kathleen Matthews if we want to be heard, we need women in congress. It was the women who forced republicans to include Womens Health and contraceptive coverage in the Affordable Care act. In congress, ill fight for pay equity, family leave and tougher gun safety laws. And, as an environmentalist, ill work combat climate change. I know as a journalist and as a Senior Executive in business that when women are at the table, we get things done. Im Kathleen Mathews and i approve this message. It is 8 30 on today, wednesday, march 23rd. What a pretty day on our plaza. We have a huge look at the crowd. Rolling spring break goes on and on. Happy to have them with us. Coming up, imagine if you could have access to all of the designer clothes prices. That sounds good to me. Well check out a new app that promises to be netflix for your wardrobe. This, i have to hear. I like that. Plus, well talk weddings, movies and more with girls star Allison Williams. We are entering the final countdown to our big fat today wedding. Well check in with the couple and see if they have any knots in their stomach about tying the knot. T minus 24 hours and counting. The queen of italian cuisine is here, serving up the perfect brunch, especially if youre having people over for easter. If you can leave, easter is this weekend. We may have another wedding. This woman is in love with carson back here. She has the i heart carson sign. Give her a hug. First, lets get a check of the weather, dylan. Its going to warm up. We are looking at a warmup in the northeast. In the southwest, thats where we do have chance of red flag warnings. The chance of the fires could spread quickly because of dry conditions combined with winds and low humidity. And that area in pink that goes into the pan handle of texas and stretches into oklahoma. Thats where we have extreme fire danger today. So just keep that in mind. Ahead of that front were looking at the winds and a chance orf stronger storms in te midwest. To the north side we have a winter storm. Windy conditions, 5060 Miles Per Hour wind gusts. Thats a look at the weather across the country, heres a peek out your window. Good morning, our pollen count dropped last weekend. But now its climbing again as were drying out. The tree pollen into the moderate range for cedar cypress juniper and elm. Today it will b great day for a bike ride or hike. If you have spring break off this wonderful wednesday. Highs mid 70s. Tomorrow more of the same. Maybe showers on friday morning drying out into the easter thats your latest forecast. Savannah . Dylan, thank you so much. A new app is launching today and it could revolutionize how you buy clothes. Porti promises unlimited access to designer labels at half the cost. Reporter she does everyone bedeman by demand. Lauren is a professional trend forecaster with a career that keeps her busy with events and travel. Literally, every minute counts. Reporter to get things done, she turned to technology. Ive had the entire day, where the whole day was from morning to night, all through her phone, she orders rides from uber, and help with almost anything. You can get anything on an app and save money because it is cheaper. Reporter according to one study, 80 of consumers are demanding new ways to, well, consume. Wanting to rent, subscribe and share things instead of just buying everything. So far, only 19 of us have actually used one of these new services. Laurens latest find, rent the runway unlimited, a new Subscription Service for clothes. You pay 139 each month and get your choice of three items that you keep as long as you want. When you send one back, they send you a new one. You get one of these shipments every week . Every week. Sometimes twice a week. Twice . Yeah. Today, i got a cool floral rom p romper, perfect for summer. Reporter founder of rent the runway dib azena azena as netflix for fashion. This is about giving yourself constant newness. We took the clueless closet or Sarah Jessica parker closet from sex in the city and multiplied it. Reporter the average American Woman guys 64 new items of clothing each year and half is worn three times or less. Jens solution, buy the basics and rent your trends. Lets talk about the value here. 139 a month, over 1,500 a year is a lot of money. When youre getting unlimited clothes, the average rent the runway subscriber is getting 30,000 worth of clothes a year. Reporter for lauren, the variety alone makes it worth it. With instagram and social media, you get tired of seeing people in the same tops. It makes it easier to change things up. Reporter plus, shes definitely running out of olivia stearns, nbc news, new york. Netflix of fashion. Living in new york, thats my biggest problem. Just send the clothes back. They have it for men, too. The black tux. I use it. Is service like that for tuxedo, its great. We have Allison Williams here, talking about married life, making her first movie and we have to talk about girls. Fi were back at 8 38. For five seasons weve watched the cast of girls make their slow march to maturity. Now, next season is going to be the shows last, were witnessing major milestones for the foursome, including, yes, a wedding. Marnie quickly discovers that marriage doesnt necessarily equal marital bliss. Do you know you just recoiled from my touch . Like im a monster. Oh, my god. In all the months we courted, i never dreamed you could be this cruel. Cruel . Yeah. Are you serious, cruel . Yeah. I dont want to get a scone with you this morning and now im cruel . Allison williams, good morning. Morning. Scones are important in a relationship. Sconegate, i guess. Yeah. So you were left at the altar we know that but she doesnt. I think shes definitely sensed something is amiss. She had no examples of successful marriages around her, so shes making it up as she goes along. On sunday, we see how she reacts to the fight we just watched, which sets off a little bit of an excursion. Sunday night is a marnie episode. It is. Youre not going to tell me anything about it. Its one of the few times in the history of the show where i have spoilers that i could spoil. I dont want to you know the more you say that, the more i want to know what the spoilers are. Thats the idea. I try to get you to watch it. Its weird because this is a show where its not that plot heavy, but there are a lot of things that go down on sunday night. Im excited about it. Well, weve watched marnie grow up, of course. Yes. I like to think of the arc of her character as kind of like, she was little miss perfect. Yup. Then a hot mess. Totally. Hot is generous, by the way. Piping hot, smoking. Thank you, savannah. Oh, my gosh. Where is she now . What does it look like to be in a healthy marriage . What does it look like to be a productive, kind, loving wife . Shes making it up as she goes along. Shes working with kind of an infuriating partner at times. I think shes doing her best to be the best wife she can be, but everyone has their limits. I dont know. Well have to see. This is season five. Yes. There will be a season on you. This is the penultimate season. I love that word. I knew you would. Went to yale. Great sat word. Are you going through the stages of grief . I am. Where are you . Through all of them each day. Its exhausting. No, its so weird, i always knew it was going to end, but ive been texting everyone associated with the planning and schedules of the show. Being like, could you put it off a little bit longer . I dont want it to end. Once it starts, its the beginning of the end. Then its unlike every other year, i cant say, ill see you next summer. Its like summer camp is ending. My counselor years is over. Ive stretched it to the max. Its creepy if i hang around. Maybe there will be a reunion. Every decade, check in with the girls, see how theyre doing. Wear a name tag, otherwise i wont recognize you. No, no. Theyre family. Its cliche that everyone says that when a show is ending. Theres a reason we all say job in particular, the show we do. It is intimate. Exactly. Its very intimate. For example, to show how close our show is, jason, who is our boom operator who has been in some very vulnerable situations with us, just directed a documentary for lena and jenny. Were a family. Speaking of family, you recently got married. I did. Tom hanks officiated. Who . Hes a struggling actor. I thought he was a guy we hired. So embarrassing. Woody, right . I should have recognized him. He was great. How is married life treating you . Its good. It feels very much the same. I got a lot of delayed props for not being as crazy as a bride as marnie was. That was nice. My friends have a newfound appreciation for the monster i could have been but decided not to be. Its opinion nice and scary they thought i had that in me. We just did a round trip to alabama and back because i was shooting a movie. Got the dog in the car. I wanted to ask you about the movie. Its a horror movie. Its a thriller, yes. That was my last question. Did you get to do a blood curdling scream . I did not scream. Do you want to scream now, to get it out . Nope. Im worried i will break the eardrums of whoever kind people are on the sound. Thank you so much. Looking forward to seeing whats next. We still have a little girls to go and a big marnie episode on sunday. Yeah. Up next, another big wedding to talk about. Our couple kaitlin and john, t minus less than 24 hours from tying the knot live on this show. Its going to be amazing. Well check in with them. First, this is today on nbc. I kw itnos now were back at 8 45. We have the final preparations for our big fat today wedding. You voted on the rings, the dress, the cake, flowers, really everything. Tomorrow, it all comes together live here on today. We have big plans for a reception. Inside one of the most storied spots in the world, the famed rainbow room. Reporter when the rainbow room opened in 1934, 65 stories above rockefeller plaza, it was called the apex of new york style. When im on stage at the rainbow room, it makes me feel exhilarating. Like youve arrived somewhere. Reporter brian is lady gagas band member and often plays there. Its who has hung out there, not just who played there. Reporter the likes of Frank Sinatra and muhammad we can aspire to and achieve. When we get there, weve reached the top. Reporter the supper club cost about 4 million to build, translated today. It was the setting of movies, like prince of tides. We spent the last few hours at the rainbow room. Reporter and sleepless in seattle. Great table. Thanks. Reporter with countless references on the small screen. Either one of you been to the rainbow room. Is it real expensive . How was the rainbow room . We had to leave early. There was a monetary discrepancy regarding the bill. Reporter in 2009, the rainbow room temporarily closed its doors, undergoing a fiveyear renovation. The original chandelier, rotating dance floor and dome, all restored. Every detail paying homage to the history of those who danced before. Stars. The reopening of the rainbow room in 2014 is acknowledgment of the past and a look toward the future. It is still great, as it was when it opened more than 80 years ago. Youre in a time machine, taken back to another time. Its the best room in new york city. Only the best for our couple, kaitlin and john. You guys are here. 24 hours. I know rainbow room. Your family is coming in, last night and today. Yeah. What are you most excited for . Im most excited for the experience, i think. I mean, to marry him and be able to do it in such a unique way, i think is so exciting. Have they told you anything . Do you know what youre wearing . Do you know what the choices are . No. We literally dont find out the ring until its on my finger. Youre kidding we know more about your wedding than you do. Its crazy. You know about andy grammer, providing some music. Yes. He sent you a message. Congrats, im psyched to see you on thursday. Its going to be awesome. That is so cool. You started having your friends and family alive. Tomorrow is the big day. Yeah. What have you been doing . So fun. We went to dinner last night. We were sitting there and were all in new york. This is nuts. It kind of soaked in. I was like, wow, this is incredible. Im like, were trying to get enough sleep but we want to show them everything and time is going so fast. Were trying to balance it all but have a good time. What has peoples reaction been . Youll get married on televis n television. Friday will be interesting, Walking Around new york city. Its unbelievable, everything. Just to be a part of it, everyone is thrilled. Its exciting. Were all just trying to soak it in and have fun and enjoy it. Yeah. As much as we can. Its been a good introduction to our families, too. He has so many cousins and theyve been texting me. Im like, its nice youre excited for us. Its cool. Tonight is the last night not married. Go to bed early. Sleep in the bathtub . Yeah. Separate rooms, but itll be nice. Were excited. It all happens in the blink of an eye. It will happen in the blink of an eye tomorrow. Well doing something i dont think we have before. Cant wait to see it. Sleep well tonight. Thank you. Well have it live tomorrow. Few surprises, too. Put that out there. Quick reminder, my big fat greek wedding 2 opens this friday. Coming up next, a delicious easter brunch smells so good. This is the italian way to serve your family and guests. First, this is today on nbc. Fios is not cable. Were wired differently. In the last 10 years our competitors have received a few awards. But weve received a few more, including jd power who ranked us highest in Customer Satisfaction for the third year in a row. Only fios has the Fastest Internet on the most awarded network. Now get superfast 100 meg internet tv and phone for just 69. 99 per month, online. Cable cant offer internet speeds this fast at a price this good, only fios can. We are back now. It is 8 52. Its brunch week on today food. This morning, a crowd pleaser. The family and friends heading your way. Lydia, the author of lidias mastering the arts. Good to have you here. Welcome. This is italian from your cook book. What are you making . Breakfast, bacon and egg. Beautiful. Lets get the like. Spaghetti works great. B bacon. Yes. Onions, oil, egg yolk, just yolk, and of course you finish with some pepper. I add to the onions scallions for freshness. The egg and the pasta and people get scared. Is this difficult to make . It is so easy. By the end, youre going to go home and make it for your wife. Ill make it. Your wife is a good cook. This is one of her favorite pastas, actually. First, we get the bacon done . Nice a crispy. Then what i do, i put it on the side. Here, i put the onion. Put the onion . Split the pan and do both . You know why . The onion is crisp, and the bacon is crisp but the onion will cook. If you mix it, the onion doesnt get and cooking it in the grease, which is good. Get it going like that. You know you add to this, to make the sauce, grate fresh pep n pepper. Yes, maam. Im getting a facial here. This is nice and hot. This is how you make the sauce. Are there a lot of pastas that use the pasta water . All the time. Use it to loosen up your sauce. When in doubt, when you simmer, simmer, the density of the sauce, and then the pasta. I always get the question of how much salt. I go one, two. A pinch . There we go. Thats a bunch. For this, i would say, its one pound of pasta. You have about four or five quarts of water. This much salt will do. Put that in before th okay. This is cooking. I just you want to fish it out . You got it. Thats still the mixture, the pasta water and the onions and bacon . Yeah. Im going to go on and you dont strain this, just put it right in . Yeah. You dont need to strain it. You could strain it. But you know what . Dont put in dont put in oil in the pasta water, and dont rinse the pasta. Everybody downstairs is eating. You guys i couldnt be enjoying this more. Perfect brunch, right, Easter Sunday . Heres the best part. Pasta water in here. Half of this. How many eggs . Two. And you add that. Go ahead. Stir that. Yes, maam. Okay. Go ahead. Get on the fire. On the fire. You dont want to make thats the whole thing here. See how creamy . You added the egg to the pasta water. How long do you cook the egg . You know what . If theyre afraid, use pasteurized eggs. Shut the fire. Keep mixing, carson. Eat up, guys. Today. Com food for this great brunch recipe. Back after your local news. Thank you, lidia. Recipe. Thank you, lidia. Good morning everyone its 8 56 on this wednesday march 23rd, lets start with a check of your morning commute with melissa mollet. Good morning, right now inner loop after the springfield interchange we have the left side of the roadway blocked at the bottom of the beltway. Inner loop after the mixing northeast mount olive we have an overturned truck and northbound good morning, mostly cloudy mid 50s. Life view from the tower camera. The cloud cover should break up during the afternoon. High reaching low to mid 70s. Tomorrow lots of sunshine 50s in the morning. Highs mid 70s. Might get rain on friday morning then sun back in the afternoon. Highs mid 60s. Over the easter weekend, sunshine on saturday. Cold in the morning near 40. Afternoon highs mid 60s. Easter sunday with the sunshine up near 70 in the afternoon. Near 70 in monday, this morning on todays take, we have a fuller house. Lori lois our cohost. Plus, Ewan Mcgregor in his wild ride in his new movie. Plus, mindbending magic. All that and more coming up now. Announcer from nbc news, this is todays take with al roker, natalie morales, willie geist and tamron hall, live from studio 1a in rockefeller plaza. Good morning, everyone. Welcome to today on this wednesday morning, march 23rd, 2016. Happy birthday to my brother. I just realized. Happy birthday to your natalie and willie are off. Our guest cohost is fuller house and when calls the heart star Lori Loughlin. You picked out our jam. This song will be in my head the rest of the day. Its catchy. My buddy,. Cake by the ocean. Its all you need the know. Youre so busy. Im doing a series for hall sq hallmark, when calls the heart, and a mystery series, garage sale mystery. How do you keep it straight . I dont know. Its all these characters. Oh, there you are, lori. Jou just pop up. How do you keep this balance, with fanfare of fuller house, hallmark. Everyone wants a piece of you and were lucky to have you. Thank you so much. Its been amazing. The reception for fuller house has been off the charts. When calls the heart, we are growing every week in the ratings. Not only that, we have a great fan base called the hardies. We tweet every sunday night. Were the number two show on twitter thats trending behind walking dead. I figure, if we add a zombie on to when calls the heart, well take over twitter. What is it about for people who havent seen it . When calls the heart is a period piece but it is relatable to today. I play a woman, abigail stanton. When we meet her the first season, she lost her husband and son in a mining accident. Now, its about starting over and prevailing. In the third season, i find a adopting a child. Oh. Its a great, great show. Its not just for women. Its a family show. Its a feelgood show. Its a forget your problems show. Makes you laugh, makes you cry. Check it out if you havent. I think youll enjoy it. Fuller house in 1910. Exactly. Fuller house has been picked up for another season . Exciting, right . I dont think any of us didnt think it would be. Everyone was obsessed with it. The excitement was big. Were inundated with so many things. Often times when you reboot or look back, its not done right. You did it right. I think we did, yes. Thats kudos to Jeff Franklin and john stamos. They made sure we found the right home. I think netflix is cool and the place to be right now. I think it was the perfect way to bring it back. Its a spinoff show with candice cameron, Jodie Sweetin and amber basher. What have been your kids reactions to the show . Theyre selfsufficient. I think they miss me but its good, little independence. Taking care of themselves is good. Plus, their dad is with them all the time, my husband. We saw a picture of you guys together. You clearly share the genes here. Strong genes. Beautiful family. What is it like, having a 16 and 17yearold . Oh, my gosh, its butterflies and sunshines eve every day. Oh, theyre so lovely. They shower me with hugs and kisses. Its fantastic. What was the last drama with the teen girls in the house . Doesnt matter what i say. Yesterday, i was texting my daughter. I kid you not. I was giving her advice about something, and she writes back, you dont have to be so angry. Gr delete, delete, delete. I have learned though that moms are not always, you know sh t the texting is to the point, heres what i need to say. The Younger Generation uses smiley faces. And one word answers. Ill send a paragraph or two and not get back, not just yes. Ya, ya. Do you have a bit moji . I do. Reply with that. Im not kidding around. Ill line it up. Can we show this throwback . Oh tell us about this picture. John stamos is going to kill me right now. Hes eating a plate of pasta. Its wednesday. It is wednesday. Its a throwback wednesday. That was from craft service. We were eating food on set. I think that picture was taken 25 years ago. How good is his hair . Its still good. When i posted that picture, he texted me, what is up with that picture . Now its on the today show. Hell be really happy. Maybe payback for john is this. Here is a throwback wednesday. Look at the commercial. Oh, no mmhmm. Very classy but very affordable new recipes for less. Lean, tender roast beef and topped with tomatoes, lettuce and mayonnaise, all on a deli roll. Come to arbys. That is so embarrassing. One of four price delis at arbys. Arbys for life for that . That is embarrassing. That was revenge from john stamos. How high was my voice . I dont remember doing that. Remember the ch arbys every day and be like, im the arbys girl. I own you, arbys. I dont know how old i was. Maybe 14. I dont even know. I dont really remember doing it. You started that young . I started modeling when i was 11. I did start young. Then i did a daytime soap opera, the edge of night. That was three and a half years. Next time, you should dig up some of those clips. Thatll really another clip that caught our attention. This time, its a movie. Bridget jones. I like it. We got our glimpse of the new film. Bridget jones baby. Thats the name. Returning, of course, is rene, colin firth, patrick dempsey. Heres your moment. Im ready for this im ready making sure it was the british humor from the first one. Thats going to be really fun. September 16th in theaters. Thats my daughters birthday. Thats my birthday. I knew i loved you. Thank you. Now youll never forget my gift. Never. Arbys for life. Lifetime Gift Certificate to arbys. I have it laying around. Forgot about it. Somewhere in my mothers attic. Producers asked what romcom sequel youd like to see. I was torn between groundhogs day, which is that a romcom . I thought so. Bill murray. Its not caddyshack. Oh, i thought thats a love story . Bill murray, there you go. I went with youve got mail. Tom hanks in any romantic rom id like to see pretty woman. Where are they now . I think theyre madly in love, living a fabulous lifestyle. Mine was noting hill and love actually. Julia roberts in both of ours. Where would everyone be in love actually . Its the best. Best christmas film. If willie and al were here, they would say, no, no holiday . Die hard. Die hard is a holiday movie . Thats their holiday pick. My husband agrees. I love the holiday. That is good. Cameron diaz. Same story with a bunch of things happening about once. Who doesnt like puppies . Its National Puppy day. I was hoping wed have a litter of puppies here. Im a little disappointed. We have pictures. Pictures of came out. Theres this artist thats a dog, complete with a bourree. Dog vinci. He loves to paint. His owner says the paintings are selling between 50 and 200. All proceeds donated to animalrelated charities. So sweet. He loves to pick out his own colors toor colors, too. My golden retriever is a slacker. Whats her name . Bianca. Shes the best. She always loves me and is nice to me. Never sends mean text messages. Dont be angry. We have more fun planned with lori. Meanwhile, we have the the fore snowstorm. I feel like we havent talked about many snowstorms. Now were in the spring were talking about snowstorms every other day. We have the snow through denver where we have blizzard warnings in effect until 6 00 local time. We have snow will extend especially into parts of Northern Iowa and into southern minnesota and wisconsin. Thats where were going to see our heaviest band of snow. The winter storm warnings are lining up in that area. If you time it out well see the snow exit denver as we go into tonight and heavier snow starts to work into sioux falls just south of minneapolis and eventually it will continue to spread eastward and bring a wintry mix and some snow to Northern New England with snow expected in the Higher Elevations in the ski resorts, too. Heres a peek out your window. Unless you have allergies today will be great day to get exercise. Well have temperatures warming nicely. 11 00 near 60. By 1 00, near 70. Hovering low mid 70s between 2 00 p. M. And 6 00 p. M. And more sunshine in the afternoon. The pollen count will be climbing today and tomorrow as temperatures climb mid 70s on thursday. Friday morning, might get a few afternoon. Easter weekend looks nice. Another chance of rain late monday. Thats your latest forecast. One of your daughters does a youtube with makeup tutorial . Olivia jade. Shes doing well. She is. Really cool. More with lori later on. Up next, Ewan Mcgregor tells us about his wild ride in miles alright, lets do this. I got minds to twist and values to warp. Mr. Tyler, your skittles portrait. That is e to the z oh twiddly deesgusting you havent heard me sing diddlyding yet. Dream on higher. Dream on i think a little higher dreammmm onnnnnnnn dreammm onnnn rock the rainbow. Taste the rainbow. We stop arthritis pain, so you dont have to stop. Because you believe in go. Onward. Todays the day. Carpe diem. Tylenol® 8hr arthritis pain has two layers of pain relief. The first is fast. The second lasts all day. We give you your day back. What you do with it is up to you. Tylenol®. I cant believe it has 40 fewer calories than butter. I cant believe its made with real, simple ingredients. I cant believe. Were on a whale. [whale] i cant believe they talked me into this. I cant believe my role isnt bigger. Real, simple ingredients. Unbelievable taste. Oh its real enjoy i cant believe its not butter rightabreva can heal itold sore, in as few as two and a half days without it the virus spreads from cell to cell. Only abreva penetrates deep and starts to work immediately to block the virus and protect healthy cells. You could heal your cold sore, fast, as fast as two and a half days when used at the first sign. Learn how abreva starts to work immediately at abreva. Com dont tough it out, knock it out, fast. With abreva. Janes always on the move. Luckily her light fit protein smoothie can keep up with her. Packed with 12grams of protein and no added sugar. So she can watch her calories and where shes going. Light fit feel free to enjoy. You can find a recipe for almost anything. Baby cousins gonna love that isnt she. And gather all the right ingredients. Were gonna make the same meal this year. I wish sarah was here. I know, mom. But the happiest moments in life dont always come from a cookbook. Look whos joining us. Happy easter. They come from the heart. Find low prices every day on fresh food for your easter meal. Walmart. Actor, producer and director Ewan Mcgregor has appeared in over 70 films and tv shows, from adventures such as the star wars prequels as obiwon kenobi to black hawk down, and the occasional musical, like moulin rou rouge. Now, hes in a biopic about miles davis. Hes a journalist attempting to wr musician, but its proving more difficult than expected. Id rather hear it in your own words, you know . In my words . That would be great. All right. Okay. I was born, moved to new york, made music. Thats it . I guess ill fill in the blanks later. A lot to fill in. Fill in the blanks about your character. Dave is down on his luck. Journalist. Life started unraveling. He finds out where miles davis lives, and he feels like if he can get the scoop interview because at this period of time, miles davis had disappeared from the music scene, i think, for five years. He feels like if he can get in there and get this story, then it could save his career and get him back on track. So he pretends to be a journalist from Rolling Stone magazine, though hes not. Hes not . No. Hes pretending to be. The character is fictional, too, right . Yeah. I mean, hes a sort of i suppose they drew from the record producers miles might have had. But my character is entirely made up, yeah. Is it true that you get the call, set up a meeting at your own house and you almost miss the actual meeting . Its embarrassing. Makes me really embarrassed. I like motorcycles and id taken delivery of a brandnew motorcycle the day before this meeting. I met don once or twice and i really like him as an actor, person, i wanted to be involved in the film. I said, come over to my house and well talk about it tomorrow. In the morning i took my kids to the school. When i got back, i said, ill take the motorbike out for a quick ride. I forgot about my meeting with don. I was riding along and suddenly went, oh how fast did you get it up to . I was so late. He was reading an article in my living room when i got back. He said to me since, i just felt, oh, yeah, hes that guy, is he . Makes me wait at my house and hes not there. I have to sit and read an article. Okay. It was embarrassing. What was it like working with don as an actor and a director . It was my First Experience of being directed by the actor youre working with in the scenes. I learned a lot from him. Ive done it since. I directed a film recently that i also acted in. I realized i learned a lot from watching don and how he tackl hes very, very it makes the thing more inclusive as an actor. You dont have somebody coming from the other side of the monitor. You have somebody thats in the scene with you. It makes you feel more included in a way. I think its nice. In the moment, youre acting and hes like, ewan, can you just take the edge off . No. Remember the motorcycle incident . Cut, cut, cut. The first couple times you get direction from your acting partner, its awkward, yeah. Then it becomes the normal. Fantastic movie. Thank you. Thank you for stopping by and being on time. Thoughtful of you. Yeah. Miles ahead opens nationwide april 22nd. Thank you for having me. A match made in music heaven. Katy perry and dolly parton. Find out what theyre talking about. Gillian anderson and a return of xfiles and her when my doctor prescribedbad, medicationan opioid. It really helped but it came with some baggage opioidinduced constipationoic. Sooo awkward. You sound like youre ready for the movantalk opioids block pain signals. But they can also block activity in the bowel, causing constipation. Movantik can help reduce constipation caused by Opioid Pain Medications. Do not take movantik if you have a bowel blockage or a history of them. Serious side effects may include a tear in your stomach or intestine. And can also include symptoms of opioid withdrawal. Common side effects include stomach pain, diarrhea, nausea, gas, vomiting, and headache. Tell your doctor about any side effects and about medicines you take as movantik may interact with them causing side effects. Im so glad i had the movantalk with my doctor constipated by your prescription Opioid Pain Medication . Ask your doctor if movantik is right for you. If you cant afford your medication, astrazeneca may be able to help. One. Is all it takes. To turn the tables. Crest 3d white toothpaste. Removes 5 times more stains. Than the red box. For a smile like that, crest 3d white. Is the way to whiten. The newest addition to Olive Gardens lunch duos menu paired with your choice of unlimited soup or salad starting at just 6. 99 think of it as a quesadilla that speaks fluent italian olive garden treat fto wholesome,ed hair intensely nourishing repair. New whole blends by garnier. Blending our best into new honey treasures haircare. Parabenfree formulas combined with the essence of royal jelly, whole blends nourishes deeply. Heals and rejuvenates to the ends. For shiny, revived hair, whole blends is true repair. New. Garnier whole blends honey treasures. Wholesome loving care blended for naturally beautiful hair. Find your blend. Brmilk and fresh creama. And only sustainably farmed vanilla. Breyers has fresh cream, sugar and milk. Breyers. The good vanilla. Our milk and cream come from cows not treated with artificial growth hormones. This is so good if you have allergy congestion muddling through your morning is nothing new. Introducing rhinocort® allergy spray from the makers of zyrtec®. Powerful relief from nasal allergy symptoms, all day and all night. Try new rhinocort® allergy spray. Raise your hands in the air because the club is open. A little hump day pop fix. Now put your hands down. One of the most infamous sports stories is going to be on the big screen. Tonya, topranked athlete and, of course, we know her career ending. The connection to the attack on rival nancy kerrigan, which happened one month prior to the 1994 winter olympic games. While there is no word on who might play nancy kerrigan, margot is producing the movie and looking for an actress. Huge year, starring in two highly anticipated movies this summer. The legend of tarzan, and i cant wait for suicide squad. Katy perry and dolly parton are expected to perform a medley of dollys classics. Katy could barely contain her excitement, tweeting, my prayers have been answered. I am but one sequence on this Living Legends costume. Might be one of the best tweets of the day. Itll be a big night for dolly. Shes receiving an award for her tv movie coat of many colors based on her childhood in tennessee. You can catch them at the acm awards on april 3rd. Were excited about that. How about these dance partners . Channing tatum and his wife jenna are teaming up for an unnamed dance competition show airing on nba. Jenna will be a judge and mentor, while channing will executive produce the show. No word if the magic mike star we can only hope. Its a return to their roots. They met costarring in the 2006 hit step up. Yes, they did. The movie also launched both of their careers. Im thinking, since my club never has anybody in it to dance, what if Lori Loughlin decided to be my dance oh, look at those moves. Yeah. Shake it out. You should see lori do the whip the perfect brow new brow drama pomade crayon from Maybelline New York. Our 1st creamy, pigmented wax crayon sculpts and tames as it colors, in one easy swipe. Maybellines new brow drama pomade make it happen Maybelline New York dmade with the perfect balance of raspberry ice cream, luscious raspberry sauce, and belgian chocolate. Good morning, 9 26 on this wednesday march 23rd. Im aaron gilchrist. This 38yearold gaithersburg man is missing. His family says he only uses public transportation. They say he visits several restaurants in rockville. Today the Cherry Blossoms are starting to be in peak bloom. You can expect to see blossoms for four to ten days just in time for this great weekend to see the Cherry Blossoms in washington around the tidal basin and all around the region. Saturday well have temperatures hovering around the mid 60s during the afternoon. Sunday, should make it up to around 70 degrees. So a terrific weekend for that. Between now and then, we tomorrow. Maybe rain on friday morning, aaron . Thank you. You can keep an eye on the forecast anthed in light of brussels and other recent attacks in europe, the u. S. State department has issued a travel alert. It advises americans in europe to avoid crowds and be extra cautious during religious holidays and at large festivals or events. Terrorist groups are planning near term attacks targeting sports events, tour sites, restaurants and transportation. It expires on june 20th. New Research Suggests plastic may affect your waistline. The study found exposure to a substitute chemical often used to replace bpa in plastic, encouraging the formation of fat worth. Researchers created a human cell model to test the exposure to the replacement chemical bps. After a 14day period, they found cells exposed to the smallest amounts exhibited an accumulation of fat. Starbucks is launching an effort to donate 100 of its leftover food to u. S. Food banks. The coffee chain has been donating unsold pastries for years. Now it found a safe way to add perishable items like sandwiches and salads to the end of the day pickup. Starbucks will work with feeding america, a Nonprofit Organization which runs a National Network of food banks. It hopes to donate about 5 million meals this year. They say money talks and were learning it might also say a lot about your age. A new survey finds a generational divide when it comes to paying for purchases costing less than 5. According to a Study Released today by credit cards. Com, 41 of those under the age of 50 prefer cash for small transactions. 40 prefer debit cards. Among those 50 and older, cash is key. 74 . Millenials are the most likely to use debit and credit cards. Lets get a check of the forecast, dylan. There you are. Well do the swap out. Got a spring snowstorm to talk about. Its going to hit from the rockies where we have blizzard conditions in denver and extend up into the upper midwest. Also a stronger storms, especially overnight in this area in yellow, including missouri stretching down into arkansas. Large hail damaging wind gusts possible. Tomorrow well lose the wide spread nature of the snow. Risk of storms spreads further to the east. Heres a peek out your window. Good morning, right now in the mid 50s. Later today climbing into the mid 70s. Thursday, mid 70s. Cooler after we get a little bit of rain on friday morning, sun back in the check the latest forecast nbc washington app. Mid 60s on saturday near 70 on sunday. Highs near 70 on thats your latest weather. Tamron . Thank you, dylan. Speaking of weather, now that spring is here, the afternoon showers are soon to follow. Here to help us stay dry and fashionable, the style director from Good Housekeeping magazine. Good to see you. Good to see you. Its all about fashion and function in the rain. Ill let you launch in for us. How cute is mooshu . Doll doggy umbrella. Does it work . Lori loughlin is laughing at us. Because she loves it. The owner, mama sherry, who is a Good Housekeeping staffer, has this jewelled 75. Functionable and fashionable. And these cute flats. Yes, theyre waterproof. Waterproof . Dont you love that . How much are those . Under 25. I love that. Thats cute. And now you know how everybody bikes these days . Yes. I dont. I do every day. Amazing. This is for you, tamron. We put sam here in an American Eagle outfitters windbreaker, super cute and waterproof. We also gave her these Old Navy Stay white jeans. The different thing about these is theyve been treated. We pray a little water on sam, and youll see it starts to bead up and slowly tread down. See how its falling . Incredible. Under 50. Awesome. Now, heres the part i want you to know about. This is called the city seat. This probably happened to you. You dont want to get your booty wet when you sit. Not in public, no. That sounded horrible. I meant like brush the water off. Its been treated. Youre a pro. Theyre like 35. Keep it with you and look super fashionable. You dont have to you know what i do . I put a plastic bag i found from the trash. Heres a gift for you. Okay. Moving on. Good morning. We have a total professional girl here. Shes in this trench coat from sears. 35. The bags. I spend a lot of time in vancouver. I need this. 25 and itll protect your fancy bag you have. Great. The other thing we want to talk about, have you ever dropped your phone in the water . Yes. Weve all done it. Not pretty. Devin is going to take her phone and put it in this pelican case. Oh drop it in. 80. Or another 400. Exactly. Itl we cant forget about the professional guys. Mr. David, our Good Housekeeping staffer, as well. Target trench coat under 50. Nice. Also has a waterproof tie. This is from vardama. Dip in your tie. Its under 90. Even a little further. It kind of beads off. Look at that. Waterproof ties. We cant forget about our umbrel umbrele umbrella. From hsn, the ultimate umbrella. No amount of wind will ruin this. It comes with an app. Lets check our phone. Still works, folks. This is the ring alert. If you buy this umbrella, you get the app and it dings you if you have a 40 chance of rain. Fun stuff over here. Ill go through the wind and the rain. Over to our wonderful family here. Well start with grandma, watching the kids for her kohls. A softer color, really light. We gave her this reflective umbrella from uncommon goods. 35. When youre walking at night. All about safety first. Though they look great. We have mr. Luke in his raincoat. I hear you can roar, huh . Can we hear the roar . Real quickly, we want to talk about the boots and the jacket. Come on in here. Theyre 30, love it. Cute little boot and fashionable jacket. Lena over here in her zara transparent raincoat. And her hat and cute boots. It was a lot. I want every single one of these in adult versions. Endorsement from the weather. I approve of all these items. Up next, a magician who can impress even the biggest stars. Get ready for Amazing Things to happen with ifor all the wrong reasons. Gical you may be muddling through allergies. Try zyrtec® for powerful allergy relief. And zyrtec® is different than claritin®. Because it starts working faster on the first day you take it. Try zyrtec®. Muddle no more®. Fan favorites burbon st. 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At the corner of happy and healthy. Hes becoming one of the hottest magicians in the carbo. He pranks unsuspected people with magic tricks. Including one thatll leave your head spinning. Check it out. Press the green button. Little quicker. Thats scary. It feels so good. Press the red button. Itll take it the basic oh, a little bit oh oh, my gosh oh, my gosh. Im okay. I understand what happened. The remote is a little wacky. I freak out watching your show. You are back. Welcome. Good morning. Thank you very much. For a new season. What sort expect . People dont know im a magician, so i get people to think theyre having a crazy day. They believe in this stuff. One clip featured Shaquille Oneal helping you out in a trick. Was he the biggest prop youve ever used . When people dream of a lovely assistant, you immediately say, i would love shaquille oneil. He wouldnt wear the dress but he was wonderful. We did a great trick and it made it real for the person there. He was great. Is it tough being a tv magician. That people can go back in slomo . I perform live, too, which is always better. Im going on tour soon, so its great to meet the fans and have them see me perform magic live. These are hd cameras, right . I would hand. It feels real, right . Yeah. This is an hd ready hand. What does that mean . People cant slow it down and watch them. Will you try something with me . m shaquille oneil. Upgrade. Ill pull your chair out. The real magic mike. Hands go on top of the table. Two middle fingers are touching. Glad i got a manicure yesterday. Youll do what i do. Keep your elbows straight. Im not tall enough. Try and bring your right hand in toward yourself. How far in can you get the right hand . Like that. The one hand. Keep it coming toward yourself. Oh. There you go. Release them. How far can you go . I have mine almost all the way over. How do you do it . Its an hd hand. You have to stretch it for that. Oh, my goodness. Lori, if i grab my wrist, i can pull it more. The cameras can see, it has to be stretched for hd. See how far over it can go . How are you doing that . If i can click it. He has no all the way around. Oh, my goodness. It looks real. It does look real. Are you a contortionist . I watched it go around. Its hd for the hd cameras. The hand used to be they say the hand is quicker than the eye. With hd cameras, the hand is slightly slower. Does that hurt . Ive had it replaced. I cant get my arm that way. I had my head replaced for the other trick. Theres no way you can get it around. No, not without hd. We do have wow. Michael, thank you so much. Absolutely. Imoi how can you do this . The new season of the carbonaro effect on oh, look. Another antiwrinkle cream effect on in no hurry to make anything happen. Neutrogena® rapid wrinkle repair works. In one week. With the. Fastest retinol formula available. Its clinically proven to work on fine lines and. Even deep wrinkles. One week . 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Luckily her light fit protein smoothie can keep up with her. In and no added sugar. So she can watch her calories and where shes going. Light fit feel free to enjoy. How do they make starburst taste so juicy . They use wicked small fighter jets to shoot the juiciness into every starburst. [ pilot ] its about to get juicy. Whoo i feel so aliii. It takes guts. [ female announcer ] starburst. Unexplainably juicy. Doesnt just moisturize eucedry skin,sive repair it intensively repairs it. With a unique triple action formula that exfoliates hydrates and fortifies skin. Leaving it looking healthy and radiant. With intensive repair, from eucerin. Brandois heaven in a jar. Thats because our ingredients come from. Like cagefree eggs. Mmm. Heaven. Real ingredients. Thats how were working to bring out the best. If youthen youll know howouth, uncomfortable it can be. But did you know that the lack of saliva can also lead to tooth decay and bad breath . Well, there is biotene, specially formulated with moisturizers and lubricants. Biotene can provide soothing relief and it helps keep your mouth healthy too. Biotene, for people who suffer from a dry mouth. You know her as fbi special agent dana in the hit show x files. Now, Gillian Anderson is in sold. Its a story of a young girl sold into a trafficking ring and what shell do to get her freedom back. Good morning. We were talking in the commercial break, this film is a call to action. For everyone who sees it. This is a film about a young girl who is trafficked from a small town in nepal to a prison brothel in kolkata. But Human Trafficking is a 150 billion global industry. Its one of the Fastest Growing black market sale of children for the sex trade. This film is based on a true story. Yeah. Often, these people think theyre trading their children to being a housekeeper or what . Usually if they need extra income for their just within their family, sometimes they can be coerced to sending their child away in order to make money, in order to bring extra money in. What they dont realize is theyve just sold the child or given away the child to a trafficker, who has sold them to another city and they never see the child again. The child ends up going into the sex trade and doesnt get paid themselves, beaten and threatened and treated like a prisoner. You play a u. S. Photographer. Who is your character based on . Shes based on a humanitarian photographer who worked for many years documenting human slavery. They estimate there are between 20 million and 30 million slaves in the world our own cities we live in, washington, d. C. , new york. She has gone to extreme lengths to document people who are in human slavery. This character is based on her work, and she ends up leading some of the local Law Enforcement to do a raid on this brothel and save this girl and many other girls who are imprisoned there. Its really the light of this child and her determination which, at the heart of this film, makes you so moved by the subject matter and her story, which is the story of hundreds of thousands of children around the world. Tell us about the campaign. Its a campaign to raise money and awareness to get children into schools. Its determined that if children are educated up to the age of t of being trafficked. Its an effort to just get kids into schools, period, so they can learn vocations and have an education, a better life. This is a problem at home, too. Yeah. Its not just overseas. Its in our own backyard. Every single day, girls are on the missing lists in new jersey, new york, washington, d. C. , who go missing. What they find out many years later is they were actually trafficked into sex slavery. The film opens april 1st. Well be right back. Its time to get out and explore. Look beyond the expected. Hidden among the trees. Theres a special place. Where getting away. Brings us so much closer. Spring into fun and save 50 sch gardens williamsburg. A whole other world awaits. We want to thank lori. Lori, lori love her. Love rheri. As a Small Business owner, you know things have a way of moving fast. But if your network cant keep up, it can really slow you down. So switch to the 100 Fiber Optic Network of verizon fios. Youll get 99. 9 network reliability, and the fastest wifi available. Get fios 50 meg or higher internet and phone for your last chance to get 250 back. Hurry, this offer ends soon. Call or go online today. Small business is better on a better network. Light fit, 15 delicious flavors, each 80 calories. Try to beat that good morning, everyone its 9 57. Pepco is giving away a thousand trees to washington, d. C. And maryland. If you were on a waiting list to get a tree from last year, you will be first on the list this year. For more information on how to get your free tree, you can head to the nbc washington app. All right. Lets get a check of your fine weather. A lot of people coming in from out of town to see the this weekend looks great. Saturday morning 40, but in the afternoon sunny and mid 60s. Sunday, balmy, 40s in the morning but afternoon highs around 70. Well have afternoon highs today in the low to mid 70s with increasing sunshine. Mostly sunny tomorrow in the mid 70s again. Might get rain on friday morning and clearing out friday afternoon into the weekend. Another chance of some rain maybe on monday afternoon and evening. Breezy and chillier on tuesday. Highs in the 50s. Thanks, tom coming up on news 4 midday. The latest on stronger is blasting her tumors. Without risking her bones. Its training her good cells. To fight the bad guys. Stronger is less pain. New hope. More fight. Its doing everything in your power. And everything in ours. Stronger, is changing even faster than they do. Because we dont just want your kids to grow up. We want them to grow up stronger. We need women in congress. If we want to be heard, it was the women who forced republicans to include Womens Health and contraceptive coverage in the Affordable Care act. In congress, ill fight for pay equity, family leave and tougher gun safety laws. And, as an environmentalist, ill work combat climate change. I know as a journalist and as a Senior Executive in business that when women are at the table, we get things done. Im Kathleen Mathews and i approve this message. From nbc news, this is today with Kathie Lee Gifford and hoda kotb, live from studio 1a in rockefeller plaza. Hello, everybody. Its wine day wednesday. March 23rd. Thats called tshirt. We have a great show today. Three time emmy awinner is here. Going to tell us about the role that hes been playing that he says is one of his alltime favorites. And im looking forward to your trip today to

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