we'll do that later because we're going to do "who knew?" >> i guess we could do it right now. >> that would be a good idea. right now. >> it takes the earth to orbit the sun 365 days plus five hours and 46 minutes. so you add up the -- >> four years. >> you have an extra day. so if you're born on this date, and 200,000 leap year babies are and 5 million people worldwide, it's a little confusing. when do you celebrate? the 28th? on the 1st of march? >> most people do on the 28th. >> they do? >> i would think so. i was thrown into a tizzy today because i do my devotion every morning. >> devotion. >> and most of my devotion books don't have a february 29th. >> oh. you went ahead to march 1st? >> i sinned instead. >> you did. here are some kids who are celebrating a leap year birthday. abby rose, 4 years old, from reno, nevada. >> precious. >> wesley is 4, too. emily is 8 years old from maine. >> stop it, emily. >> amie evans is a baby. >> this one's trouble. >> celebrating her 7th official birthday because she's 28. >> we're going to find out who was the genius who came up with that concept. >> wow. okay. >> i bet you don't know. >> i don't. >> you might be related. that's all i'm saying. >> what? what are you talking about? >> uh-huh. you'll see when we do "who knew?" >> so yesterday matt had a big interview with lindsay lohan, who came to the studios, arrived on time, ready to go. >> actually early and ready to go. >> the full interview doesn't air until tomorrow, but matt had a sneak peek of his discussion with lindsay lohan. should we check it out? >> simplest, blunt question. you clean and sober? >> yes. i'm clean and sober. >> how long has that been? >> it's been a while. it's been -- it's been a long time. but i -- and i -- it's nice to feel that i have -- i also have a lot of great people in my life that are in the same position so i can always turn to them. and i've had great people that i can talk to at any time and that have helped me kind of figure myself out. >> can you go to the night life, to parties, to clubs without suffering the temptation that's going to get you into trouble? >> i don't -- i mean, i thought i could, but i don't -- that's not my thing anymore. i went out actually a few months ago with a friend, and i was so uncomfortable, not because i felt tempted, just because it was just the same thing that it always was before. and it just wasn't fun for me. i've become more of a homebody and i like that. >> hmm. >> okay. >> we're all pulling for her big time. she's got a very big weekend coming up hosting "saturday night live". she's such a talented girl. i hope this is a renewal of her life and her career. something that troubles me is her answer to how long have you been sober. most people i know who are going through this program, struggling with this can tell you to the hour, to the day at least, and definitely the year when you're a longtime -- you're never -- you're always either -- you're always -- >> always an alcoholic. >> but, yeah. >> they would know from the day she stopped. she said it's been a really long time. yeah. >> that troubled -- that concerned me. >> sure. it will be interesting to, one, see the rest of the interview, and also to see how things play out for her. you're right, a big week, snl, a couple other projects going and, you know -- >> playing elizabeth taylor in a movie. i'm just very, very proud of matt. always am, anyway, but the fact he could keep his eyes on her eyes with that outfit is pretty amazing. that is a trained professional, i'm telling you, because that was hardly morning fare. >> you know, there was a lot happening there. there is a young man in london, you guys -- >> a lot happening. >> a 35-year-old named andrew. he's looking for love. he decided to take this leap day to put out a video. >> yes. >> because he really wants to meet a girl and he's having trouble. >> he says he's very bad at walking up and saying -- >> hey, baby. >> i find that attractive when you cannot talk like that and you're a little shy. he doesn't feel he has much luck with the ladies. >> take a look. >> the reason i'm doing this is i'm just not very good at going up and talking to the ladies. let me tell you a little bit about myself. i live in london and i work in the creative industry. really passionate about music. >> oh, gosh. ♪ >> i'm really into fashion. i'm a massive romantic, but i just haven't had the opportunity. i got an idea it will happen on this special day, the 29th of february. i will be standing outside the station from 8:30 a.m. to 8:00 p.m. please come over, say hi. say anything. >> okay. >> he seems like a sweet guy. >> he is standing out there i guess right now as we speak from 8:00 a.m. in britain to 8:00 p.m. we'll see -- >> the worst thing is if nobody comes to see him. somebody might go over just as a mercy hello. you know? >> he's kind of cute. >> got that going on. >> we wish him the best. angelina's leg, we showed -- >> still trending. >> her leg is not huge but the impact of it. >> there were a whole bunch of ways this leg was making its way around the globe. i guess it got -- where is it? >> lightning in the sky, angelina's leg. hard to see that one. >> okay. anyway, nikki king took that picture. thank you. >> from our monitor we couldn't see. we have a guest on today that's bound to cause a little stir. >> yeah, some controversy. the french are known for a lot of things, great wines, terrific foods, things like that. there's a mom from the u.s. that moved to france who says french moms seem to be better at parenting than moms in the u.s. because they have a different technique. >> yes. >> than we do here. >> they completely approach it very, very differently. and it's going to be fascinating. but she basically thinks they're superior to us in the way they do. you know, we allow our children basally to run the home. >> yeah. >> and she says in france it's the opposite way. the children's toys are not all over the house. they're in one designated area. mother doesn't get off the phone because the child does not come over and say mama, mama. they just -- they seem to be able to compartmentalize. >> she talked about how, this is interesting, when your child is crying in bed and, you know, just kind of getting out of the sleep, they have something called the pause where they let the child be instead of running in immediately to try to scoop the child up. >> right, right. >> sometimes you wake the baby up because you're trying to comfort the child when you should maybe let them ride it out a little. >> there are different sounds they make. you know the sound your child is making when they're in danger or hurting or something like that. >> right. >> the other ones, i want attention. >> yes. >> when you keep giving in to the i want attention, you're confirming that behavior is okay. and then next thing you know you're in -- the one time cody threw one that i can remember, i was -- one of the very times i was alone with him, in bloomingdale's in middle of an aisle. of course everybody knew me at the time. you know what? i scooped him up and we got the heck out of there. you're not going to act like this. that was the only time i remember. cassidy, of course, was perfect. >> they say that kids here learn please and thank you, which are important words, but there they learn please, thank you, hello and good-bye. >> yes. >> because sometimes the kids think their world is the only world and when someone approaches they don't normally say hello. we'll talk to her. >> it will be interesting. are the french superior? >> oh. >> should yoga be an olympic sport? >> which sounds funny when you ask it. but organizers of an upcoming national yoga competition, they're going to lobby the olympic committee on that. when you think about it, some of the poses and how long they hold it, it's very difficult to do. >> i get so bored in yoga. i've tried to love it. everyone tells me it's the greatest thing in the world, your body will be limber. every time i'm in a class, i want out. >> you're an action kind of woman. >> and watching it on tv, i would shoot myself. nothing wrong with curling. >> come on. got to be better than curling. >> this woman i interviewed a long time ago, or maybe i didn't, i don't remember, anyway, she's 87 years old and she does yoga. i don't think i interviewed her. i think i just voiced it. but anyway, she can do all kinds of crazy poses, in great physical shape. look at her. yeah. is that amazing? >> well, and the fact that she's 87 and still doing it, she's probably 90 or something now and probably still doing it. the first time i heard about yoga in a modern way was years ago when i interviewed -- >> wait. look at this. airborne. airborne. go up. stay up. is that astonishing? >> yeah. raquel welch was the first time she did it religiously every day. to this day she has one of the greatest bodies of any human being. >> yeah. look at sting. and what about trudie? she made the move on frank a long time ago. >> yes. she's dead to me. here's the thing. >> what? >> a lot of us are very spoiled, we get in our cars and toast our buns, if you know what i mean. apparently prolonged exposure to high temperatures is not good for you. >> dermatologists are seeing it in the lower back and rear end from people using their seat warmers up to high. it's causing ashes and issues. you have to be careful. >> sort of like the laptop with men from another area. >> yeah. >> i don't know why this was an issue. but you know who you are. >> i can't stand being that hot. >> i can. i like it really hot. yeah, i do. come on. the hotter the better for me. let's talk about -- yeah? let's talk about the social cue thing real quick. phil galanos writes a column in "the new york times." this is interesting. a woman has been married to her husband for a couple years. she found old pictures of her ex's cheating wife. so she wanted to get rid of those boxes. she wanted to know if it was okay to suggest gently clearing out the old baggage. how do you think about that kind of stuff? >> i -- i don't know. i just -- i think people's stuff is -- it's their stuff. what was she upstairs rummaging around for anyway? i can't personally imagine keeping anything that belonged to another time in your life. but people have their reasons. a person's space and privacy should be that. what do you think? >> i agree. i have old pictures of people from my life, and i would be offended if someone took them and tossed them or asked me to. that would be weird. >> you're not joanne lamarca. >> she has an issue. >> huge shoutout to one of our favorite producers, sara, on the 26th of february she gave birth to her first baby, henry johnson. he was four days late. >> oh, my gosh. and it feels like she had been pregnant forever. >> forever! >> eight pounds, two ounces, walt and sara and the little baby are going great. >> congratulations, sweetie. sara needs to tell us about something. >> we're having a change. our ambush makeovers, which i know everyone looks forward to, is changing to thursdays starting this thursday, march 1st, so people need to come out for their chance to be made over by jill martin and louis licari. >> thank you, hon. >> coming up, the wisdom of french parenting. do they do it better? first we were told to eat like french women because they don't get fat. now some suggest we should parent like them as well. >> an american raising three kids in paris, where her children are reportedly better eaters, sleepers, and much more well behaved than yours. >> so on top of that, french mommys are more relaxed. pamela shares all their secrets in a new book called "bringing up bebe." hello. >> hello. >> it sounds crazy, i know. >> you have your wine. >> i always have wine in the morning. >> who would have thought a book on parenting would have caused so much of a ruckus? >> since the tiger mother. >> it did whip it up. >> is it because it's an us and them kind of thing? >> no. i think there's a lot of discontent among american parents now, parenting in a way we were not raised ourselves. it's so intensive. first of all, we question our own quality of life. what is it doing to us as parents we have to be so involved all the time? and we have to wonder is it good for our kids. i think there's a natural conversation about where we're going as a culture. >> you noticed it living in france and thought why are these women so relaxed and so naturally sexy, yet sexy women but moms and not running after their children and hovering. is it a french way of life? >> first of all, you have to let children learn how to play by themselves. you should stimulate them, read to them, talk to them but not all the time. really important. >> we're overstimulating our children. >> i was at a playground in paris, and doing a little picnic. and i was a mom who brought a bag of toys and books and stuff to entertain my daughter. and the woman next to me brought one ball to the park. and her daughter looks around and it's a very important life skill to be able to wait. french kids don't snack, another thing. i was the mom in the park with the baggie of pretzels and -- >> how does that work with snacking and french parenting? how do they work it? >> there's one snack a day in the afternoon. often it's chocolate. >> okay. >> a little bit of chocolate. that whole idea that you don't diet. you just give yourself a little bit of what you need. >> and eat all kinds of foods. escargot, greens. >> they let the child taste everything. >> that's what the mothers say. you don't have to eat everything, honey. you just have to taste it. a lot of things in french parenting i've heard american moms say. i've read so many parenting books. the french hone in on tasting. they would propose the same food, you know, 20, 30, 40 times. >> because you're going to miss out on something perhaps wonderful in life. >> they can't believe when i tell them american kids only eat pasta or -- >> chicken mcnuggets. >> what about a child sleeping through the night? that's a big one. they hear a cry and they get worried, they want to comfort their child. >> the french worry about comforting their children, too, but what they think is a child, even a little baby, is a person. an actual person. you can teach him things. you must teach him how to sleep at night from an early age. >> like 2 or 3 months they're saying. >> yeah. you wait -- you hear the baby crying and you just wait a little bit. not crying it out, not something extreme. >> not in danger. >> yeah. just teaching the baby how to connect his sleep cycles on his own. >> comfort themselves. >> comfort themselves, yeah. >> and they don't take over the whole house and everybody else's life. they have a place for their things. >> yeah. >> it's common sense. i think it's a great book. >> a lot of great stuff in this book and on the website, klgandhoda.com. don't be so sensitive. if you have problems with it, call her. all right. next up, it's all about crazy photos that you sent us. [ male announcer ] when do you take 5-hour energy? when i'm on the night shift. when they have more energy than i do. when i don't feel like working out. when there isn't enough of me to go around. ♪ when i have school. and work. every morning. it's faster and easier than coffee. every afternoon when that 2:30 feeling hits. -every day. -every day. every day is a 5-hour energy day. [ male announcer ] 5-hour energy. every day. ♪ signs, signs >> back with one of our segments we call "what the what?" >> she's at it again, our sara, endless fun. >> you don't know how fun. >> all the photos you sent in. she's here with this week's favorite. >> love it. >> we have some good ones. our first photo is from peter. he lives in maryland. misspelled but it's also a gynecology restaurant. it doesn't exactly -- >> what do they serve? >> exactly. it's in a hospital in maryland but we're not going to name it because it was unfortunate and that person may not be working there anymore. >> wow. oh, my god. >> terrible. >> yum. our next photo was sent in by amy cook from salem, alabama. can't say they didn't warn you. but go ahead. just drive on through. >> at 35 miles per hour. >> i love the weight limit, 13 tons. honey, you better get out and walk around it. >> ashley hughes from denver, colorado, submitted this photo. this should be one time you shouldn't be happy you got a free meal. a barbecue restaurant in denver. i'd cash in on one of those economically minded people. >> better than gynecologically minded. >> and a restaurant. forget we're eating there. next up a photo from mira from brooklyn, new york. this is a good use for parking. when do you park when you're driving through, people? >> i don't know, but -- >> the funniest thing ever. >> ever! >> i can't contain myself. >> from san antonio, texas, this photo. >> in queso emergency -- >> that's cheese. we didn't know if they didn't know the word -- >> i can't stop. is it over? anyway, we'll be back. and we're back on this wines day wednesday ready to play our weekly trivia game. you know the game. "who knew?" since it is the 29th of february and we won't be able to use this topic for another four years, we are taking advantage and testing your knowledge on all things leap year. kathie lee is across the street at the nbc experience store ready to hand out $100 for those who get the questions right. and to those who don't, you get kathie lee's cd free. olivia is here, the chief historian for the history channel. let's go across to kath. >> lovely lady from buffalo, new york. how many days are in a leap year? >> 366. [ bell ] >> yes. and she would be correct. >> 365. >> yep. well, you know, it takes the earth 365 days and six hours to go around the sun. >> okay. >> those six hours add up. after four years you've got 24 hours, a whole day. so every four days -- every four years we add one extra day. >> got it. back across to kath. >> this lovely lady is from clifton, new jersey, but her brother is here as well. you're 16 and 17. looking good. leap day is the only day that it is socially acceptable for a woman to do what? wear slacks, propose marriage to a man, wear makeup or ride a horse through the city. >> propose to a man. [ bell ] >> you are one wise woman. >> of course she's right. an old british or irish tradition called the ladies privilege that a woman could propose to a man and he better accept. and it takes place -- you know, only once every four years because things were pretty strict about how women were supposed to operate in the relationship. the old cartoonist resurrected this concept in his cartoon li'l abner. and it was sadie hawkins day. >> i remember the dances in junior high. back across to kath. >> this lady is 15 years old from texas. a leap baby, too. which event normally happens every leap year usually during july with over 200 countries participating? the summer olympics, the world cup, the super bowl or the u.s. open. >> what was the second one? >> the world cup. >> no. it was first one. [ bell ] >> darn, she's smart. >> taking all your money. >> smart cookie there. the summer olympics happens every leap year. >> that's right. 150 days from yesterday will be the opening ceremonies in london. >> right. >> of the summer olympics. the end of july to the early part of august and it's going to be right here. >> in london. >> all right. back across. this guy is from new hampshire. he's got a tough one. what are the chances of being born on leap day? 1 in 100, 1 in 1,000, 1 in 1,500, or one in 2,000 chances. >> 1 in 2,000. [ buzzer ] >> almost. no, it's good because he's going to love this. >> okay. the correct answer is c, 1 in 1,500. >> that's right. you don't have a big chance of being born on leap year day. >> back across to kath. >> oh, hi! we're back. from new jersey, true or false, in greece it is considered lucky to get married during a leap year. >> true. [ buzzer ] >> oh! for some people it's good luck to get married at all, if you know what i mean. >> why is that? >> it's an old superstition. and different countries have different attitudes towards leap year day, but in greece it's considered unlucky to get married in a leap year. >> thanks for joining us. we learned a lot. kath will come back across the street. from the hair you want to the hair you want removed, we have some life-changing beauty products. get your pens and papers out. you will want to write them down, right after this. hoveround power chair? the statue of liberty? the grand canyon? it's all possible with a hoveround. tom: hi i'm tom kruse, inventor and founder of hoveround. when we say you're free to see the world, we mean it. call today and get a free hoveround information kit that includes a video and full color brochure. dennis celorie: "it's by far the best chair i've ever owned." terri: "last year, 9 out of 10 people got their hoveround for little or no money." jim plunkitt: "no cost. absolutely no cost to me." breaking news...when you call today, we'll include a free hoveround collapsible grabber with the purchase of your power chair. it reaches, it grabs, it's collapsible and it's portable. it goes wherever you go. get it free while supplies last. call the number on your screen to get your free video, brochure and your free hoveround collapsible grabber. call the number on your screen. with smooth caramel and chocolate. ♪ hmm twix. also available in peanut butter. ♪ beautiful girl >> time for today's beauty and marie claire's list of the products they claim can literally change your life from sunblock to home hair color. >> marie claire's beauty and health director has the top picks for the latest and greatest breakthroughs. nice to see you. >> nice to see you. >> no matter how old you are, there's something that can change your life. >> there are a lot of things that can change your life. we tested thousands, and this is a snapshot of some of our -- >> your favorites. let's start with miss lauren, very brave, here in a bikini. >> but she looks great. >> she does. she's showing off. >> and she's wet. this is about applying a sunscreen onto a wet skin, wet skin. >> you come out of the pool, you can spray it right on. >> i'll help you. >> do you want some help? >> yeah. so what's happening? is it working? >> the polymers are breaking through the water and going right to the skin so you come out of the pool, you can actually just spray it on, rub it in a little bit and you're protected. >> does it smell good? >> really good. >> stop sniffing her. it's weird. >> thank you. >> thank you, kate's friend. >> all right. so burt's bees. >> mango body butter. all natural. >> can you eat it? >> you probably don't want to eat it, but you can see how nicely it rubs in, how wonderfully it smells. shea and mango butter, only $13. >> that is great. okay. >> let's talk home hair color because we all at one point or another need it and it's so tough to do. >> you got yours done yesterday. looks a lot better. >> careful. >> you can get those results at home. what we love about john freida's -- >> you're coloring her hair right now? >> she can do it without a mirror, get salon results. takes 10, 15 minutes in the air. >> what are you talking about? with your hands? >> it's not going to drip. no tools. just swipes it on -- >> just on the hairline, do it along your roots. >> how do you know if that's the right color? >> well, we matched her before. >> apparently she doesn't care. >> coloring her hair on live tv. >> look how good her color looks already. two shades darker or lighter. >> you are brave. >> you certainly are. >> we thought bikini girl was, but no, it's you. >> thank you. what else is on the table? >> a dry shampoo, which is a wonderful hair reviver. you want some volume, don't feel like washing your hair, you spray it in and fluff it up and it smells great. >> let's move on to pretty lauren. what has she got going on? >> this is lauren. we have clinique's breakthrough bottom-lash mascara. >> bottom lash? >> it's not for smurfs, that tiny brush, but made for us girls. this is that tiny little brush to get into all the nooks and crannies. they have technology from japan that guarantees it won't smudge or flake, no raccoon eyes. look how easy that was. >> you love this stuff, kath. >> i do. >> this is the new radiance primer. so it has a little bit of finish to it which means you get the natural grow. >> it works on every skin tone. >> yes. >> and the facial hair remover. >> everybody wants that. >> you know, the balm and then you put on the hair remover and you don't get that red just come from the waxing salon. >> we have to run. >> all this is going to be on our website. >> thanks, ladies. you're all beautiful. >> up next, more soup, please! super jenny is here. >> she'll fill your tureen. we have a look at your forecast as we get this thursday going. a lot of picking up the pieces after the severe weather outbreak. looks a lot quieter in parts of kentucky, missouri as well. down into the deep south. still some lingering showers and storms along the coast of georgia, the carolinas, as well. still piling up the snow in new england where several more inches are expected. check ahead if you're flying through boston. 46 degrees in chicago. warming up in texas, all the way into the 80s from dallas and down towards houston. here's a look at your forecast on friday. unfortunately, another severe weather outbreak. portions of the ohio valley all the way down into the south. there could be more tornadoes out of this, as well. so another day to watch out for that. keep it tuned to the weather channel. and you've got the snow across the upper midwest and northern plains and wet weather in the northwest. temperature wise, very spring like ahead of that front. in the 70s in atlanta. you have that fish of cool air, and that will head towards the east over the weekend, with showers along the east coast, including new york city, washington, d.c., down through the carolinas and florida where there could be pop-up thunderstorms, as well. and cold air on sunday. so some snow moving into the ohio valley, as well as upstate new york. thunderstorms in parts of florida, as well. and most of the country catching a break with a few showers across the northern rockies. get the forecast monday through friday on the weather channel 6:00 a.m. eastern on "wake up with al." 2:30 in the afternoon, a lot to do, and you've hit the wall. but you got to get stuff done. so take 5-hour energy. just open it up, knock it back, and roll up your sleeves. 5-hour energy is faster and easier than coffee. man, does it work. you'll get that alert, energized feeling you need to get stuff done. a lot of stuff. wow. look at you go. 5-hour energy. when you gotta get stuff done. ...like i'm in italy... ♪ ciao! ciao! ciao! dude!? [ male announcer ] try the delizioso italian b.m.t., one of our fresh takes on italian. subway. eat fresh. it's time for "today's kitchen" and we're making soup. each morning at 5:00 a.m., jenny opens the door to souper jenny's at her eatery in atlanta. >> but today she's here to show you some of her most inspired soup and grilled cheese combos for the days you feel like curling up in a blanket and having lunch in front of the fire. >> how are you? >> good to see you. >> good to see you. the perfect weather in new york for grilled cheese and soup. we're going to dig right in. >> okay. >> are you going to help me? >> of course. >> we'll start with a grilled cheese. i love the combination of sweet and savory. the first thing we'll do is on one side you'll put a little of the blue cheese. >> how does it melt? >> it just gets soft. leave it out of the refrigerator for about an hour so it's a little soft. but it will melt because we'll put it in the panini press. put your favorite groan on top and that sweet and savory, a little built of the jam. i deal that for you. >> thank you. >> what kind of jam? >> this is a homemade strawberry lavender jam. >> lavender? >> made in georgia, where i'm from. >> of course it is. >> but you can use your favorite jam so you have that sweet savory. >> do you butter both sides of the bread? >> yeah. >> we're done, right? >> yeah. let's take that off. and you butter each side. >> that looks good to me. >> what about mine? >> oh, i'm sorry, hodie. >> fine. >> just throw it in there any old way. >> you'll see it's going to melt. >> it's fine. >> do you want to taste the finished product? >> that is very hot, souper jenny. >> i'm trying to kill her! >> oh, my god. >> enjoy, enjoy, enjoy. how is that? how is that? >> she needs a -- >> she needs something to drink. >> okay. the perfect thing to go with the grilled cheese is a fabulous soup. this is a roasted tomato and vegetable soup. we started with onions and garlic and fresh rosemary and oregano. the secret is roasted tomatoes. i took some roma tomatoes and roasted them a few minutes. this is my secret ingredient, unsweetened pumpkin. it's a great thickener without using dairy or cream. then we have fabulous vegetables. a little more tomato to thicken it up. then we've got butternut squash, parsnips, carrots, zucchini. >> pretty much anything in season, right? >> absolutely. you can see beautiful color. >> come on back. >> we have to dump the broth. >> it's wine wednesday. >> thank you for noticing. >> fresh spinach. >> come on. let's eat! >> and then we've got the finished product. i'll let you guys taste it. we've taken the handle blender and pureed the vegetable soup. we've got that. we also made a fabulous wild mushroom and fava bean soup to go with our -- >> that is delicious. >> yummy. >> so good. >> very little oil. >> we have to run, souper jenny. >> thank you. >> thank you very much. >> i'm going off to the emergency room now because of my mouth. >> up next, a special performance from johnny gill. you may remember new edition back in the 1980s with johnny gill and bobby brown. >> oh, yes. 30 years later the band is still taking their show on the road throughout the country. for the first time johnny gill has released a solo cd called "still winning." hey. >> you look sharp. you haven't aged since i first met you. >> thank you. >> i've actually been in the freezer. >> how is it going with the group? >> it's been great. we've had a couple little things here and there, but it's been beyond wonderful. >> nothing could have prepared you for the loss of whitney. >> and that was untimely. you know, but we're moving forward and carrying on. and, you know, just keeping the family in our prayers. >> oh, yes. >> it's also nice hearing you solo, because, you know, you're always in kind of a group so it's nice to hear you -- >> it's been 15 years since i had my last solo. >> what are you singing for us? >> for all the ladies, called "it would be you." >> take it away, baby. ♪ ♪ pinch me if i'm dreaming as a matter of fact i take that ♪ ♪ let me lay there inside of your love listening to your heartbeat ♪ ♪ girl ain't no feeling better than feeling on your body ♪ ♪ girl don't you move a muscle i just wanna touch ya if you ever took your love away, i can truly say ♪ ♪ i'd die right here today don't give me the world i just want my girl ♪ ♪ if i could have anything i'd put it on everything that it would be you ♪ ♪ you, you, you i just want you you, you ♪ ♪ if i could have anything i'd put it on everything all i want, baby ♪ ♪ it would be you, you, you, you the whole wide world you are my love ♪ ♪ and my love for you girl is all that i need if i had nothing more ♪ ♪ than our love i'd be just fine with our love ♪ ♪ your shoes can't be filled they cannot wear your heel the truth is in you girl ♪ ♪ there's nothing else real than our love i'll be just fine ♪ ♪ with our love if you ever took your love away i can truly say i'd die right here today ♪ ♪ don't give me the world i just want my girl if i could have anything ♪ ♪ i'd put it on everything everything that it would be you, you, you, you ♪ ♪ it would be you i just want you, you, you ♪ ♪ if i could have anything anything i'd put it on everything ♪ ♪ that it would be you, you, you, you it would be you ♪ ♪ if i could have anything anything i'd put it on everything everything ♪ ♪ that it would be you you, you, you i just want you, you, you ♪ ♪ sing it again if i could have anything anything ♪ ♪ i'd put it on everything that it would be you, you, you, you ♪ ♪ i just want you, you, you >> whooo! >> johnny gill! >> so fun. you were terrific. come back tomorrow, everybody. buy his album! -- captions by vitac -- www.vitac.com >> jimmy: hey, you guys. it's broadway week here at "late night." and right now i'm standing in front of the lunt-fontanne theatre on 46th street, where they're about to debut the musical "ghost." it hasn't even come out yet. you're going to get a sneak peek tonight. let's start the show. >> steve: from studio 6b in rockefeller center, the national broadcasting company presents -- tonight's guests are -- and featuring the legendary roots crew. and here he is -- jimmy fallon! [ cheers and applause ]