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Get pot workweek. Feel the chill more because of blustery winds that are beginning to pick up this morning. Watch out for deer. I saw quite a few deer lurking on the roads. This the time of year they go out for dinner and dancing. This morning weve got a chill in the air. Were in the 40s. Not as cold as yesterday morning. Low 40s Shenandoah Valley. Out in the mountains only spot below freezing. Nearby suburbs 40zvs,c 50s c chesapeake, montgomery, fairfax, prince georges upper 40s near washington, right nearcniu 50 the cbay. Rr t hahp hc storm team 4 radar showing rain in norfolk, virginia, easterncoc thatr htajjt to head out to sea. Not showing any rain. Dry pavement. Quite a bit of a cloudiness over the region right now. Theres the capital lit[cco morning under partly cloudy skies. c weatherco headlines, chilly morning and blustery winds this afternoon and a cold start monday. We may have c our first free the season right in the city tomorrow morning. A look at our warmer pattern for the thanksgiving week in a few minutes. Thank you, tom. Right now isis allegedly planning a series of attacks around the world including one in atlanta for today. The fbi says its aware of wwe c the Hacker Group Anonymous said they uncovered the plan. Fingertip ills arena wrestling event kaufld survivor series. The fbi said it did not have credible evidence of a planned attack there. That event did go on. Well send out breaking stories on the nbc washington app. A bomb threat on a plane leaving new york city caused an Emergency Landing inc]i cocanr the Turkish Airline plane had to be diverted to halifax after authorities received information of a bomb threat yesterday afternoon. The plane with 256 people on board landed safely. Police searched that plane. No word on what they found there. This morning, belgian capital on high alert. Monitoring serious imminent attack against brussels. Citys mayor recommended cafes, bars close early. The subway is shut down and u. S. Embassy in belgium urged americans to shelter in place and remain at home. Somec businesses decidedmy to c inside. Doesnt make usj c angry. Lifec is likeu mythat. ti r our life so better to be like that. At least one paris attacker and and abdelsalam. A woman remembered, one of 19 who died when gunmen stormed Radisson Blu Hotel in manietr t she leaves behind ac 7yearol son. Democraticc president ial personally. Ko she said she represented the best of american spirit working for an International Development firm in the district. Prince william taking a look at policy to check immigration status of those stopped by police. The board of supervisors asked an internal auditor to investigate whether police are following that policy. It requires officers to check peoplemy arrested ic they are rqfur ed to te imgraying and Customs Enforcement if they find a person with a warrant against them. Prince William County has one of the strictest immigration laws in the country. We have a tragic end to a story thats been developing all week. A troubled Washington College student whose disappearance force add school to lock down is dead. Found in a wild Bird Sanctuary yesterday afternoon. He was in a land rover Darcy Spencer has mort. Reporter Jacob Marberger disappeared with a gun prompting officials to close the campus until after the thanksgiving break while Law Enforcement acceptinged for the teenager. Marberger was found dead from a selfinflicted gunshot wound saturday afternoon in pennsylvania. Washington college real add statement that said in part, this is a terrible blow to our community. The outpouring of compassion and support we have shown each other will help us through this difficult time. We need to continue to be supportive of each other as we mourn individually and as a community. Marbergers parents alerted the school that their son had returned home from the college which is on marylands Eastern Shore in chestertown and grabbed a rifle case. They werent sure if he was armed but he was later spotted on Surveillance Video at a walmart in pennsylvania buying ammunition. His dad spoke at a candlelight cma cccnbccjacob, wherever whatever indiscretions youve done, they are all recoverable. But then he was kicked out of his fraternity and forced that resign his elected position as speaker of the Campus Senate right before he disappeared. Counseling services will still be offered to students when they return from the holiday break. Developing this morning tragedy in myanmar. Landslide leaves dozens dead as the search continues today for survivors. Coming up, panic at the movies. Why some of the theaters thought they were in danger and needed they were in danger and needed t they were in danger and needed t this is more than just a town. This is our home. And Small Business saturday. Is more than just a day. Its our day. To shop small at the places we love. With the people we love. For stuff we cant get anywhere else. And food that tastes like home. Because the money we spend here. Can help keep our town growing. On Small Business saturday, lets all shop small. For the neighborhood, the town, the home we love. On november 28th, shop small. A developing story in myanmar. 100 people remain missing after a deadly landslide there. The slide near a jade line in myanmar yesterday afternoon. Search crews will continue looking for survivors today. The region is home to some of the highest quality jadec bringing in[ billions au cy at a new jersey theater last night a domestic dispute led some to believe there was a bomb threat. Police did not find a bomb. They say at least one person inside a theater was yelling and behaving strangely evening jumping over seats. Thats when other people in the theater got scared and started leaving. A minor injury reported with a person trying to get out of the theater no arrest made. Louisiana will have accoc brsndnewnico governert januar. Democratic representative John Bell Edwards defeated david bitter in a runoff election. Edwards becomes first democrat to win in the state since 2008. His opponent was ahead in the polls at one point. During the concession speech he announced he would not seek reelection to thec cseat. c currun, governor bobbkcu c jo m0climits. Well,zv it has definitely gotten chilly. Those temperatures, checking with tom, they are going to struggle to get up there today. Tom is still doing radio were told. Were going to took a look and stretch behind the scenes. Can you see right there its a clear morning right now. 6 11 in the morning and hopefully warm up a little. Talking to tom a little earlier, you said things will turn blustery. I was just on wtop, we do wtop weekend weather throughout our mornings here, too. Tv,cjfc starting off, auto an the temperatures were in the 40s. Much milder than yesterday morning, those clouds are kind of acting like a blanket holding in some of the warmth from yesterday. Reagan national at 48. Mid40s prince georges, fairfax, shenandoahni valley,v gqap eake bay in the  40s. Overall a pleasant cmorning, although quitec awm c chill air. Storm team 4 showing a few showers southeastern virginia around norfolk, eastern north carolina, outer banks getting some of that over the next hour or two. Going to head out to sea and pull away. Storm team 4 radar not showing any rain in the vicinity. Actually just had a few scattered flurries in the highlands of West Virginia over the last couple of hours. Here is sky cast 4. Through the morning high clouds coming through. Through the afternoon, partly cloudy skies overall, some sunshine coming through and a pleasant day. Then this evening well begin to see clouds clearing out. Sunset early at 4 50 p. M. Im still not used toc citck ei the sky will be clearko all through the evening hours. What to wear today, dress like these folks. Youll need a couple of layers, wind breaker, sunglasses. Wont need umbrella or rain coat. Well have a nice day and a good day to get out and get exercise. Invigorating again. Temperatures midmorning upper 40s, noontime near 50. Hovering low 50s during the afternoon. Those winds will be blustery, gusting around 20 to 25 miles an hour. Look at our temperatures by dawn on monday. Right around the bay it should be a little above freezing. Away from the water, near 30, southern maryland, eastern suburb, northern western suburbs the upper 20s. Ought to be in the upper 20s around blue Ridge Shenandoah valley. Mid20s to low 20s out in the mountains by dawn tomorrow. Check your tires, tire pressure can lower with colder temperatures coming in. Tire pressure warning light going off. Make sure you inflate tiresc t theco proper u pressure. Bus stop forecast psjju hahp hc 7 00 toc 8 00 a. M. , 8 00 to 9 a. M. Just getting above freezing by then. Storm team 4 forecast midafternoon monday the mid40s. Then tuesday, wednesday, great travel weather with sunshine, highs low to mid50s. Beautiful day on thanksgiving day. Should be up around 60. May hit low to mid60s on friday. Next chance saturday, highs near 60. Thats the way it looks. We are grateful for that. Ill take it. Next we have reporters notebook. Back in 15 minutes with more good cmorning. P stories. Im pat lawson cmuse. Welcome toc reporters notebookc d. C. s number one cconcern. c ne says for the first time in nearly a decade d. C. Residents are more worried about crime than any other issue. More than one out of three said crime is the biggest problem in the city. One out of four said they either feel too safe or not safe at all in their neighborhood. Six in ten residents criticized the way the mayor handled crime, although her overall rating is 58 . Thats the Approval Rating. Police chiefs Approval Rating is 61 but thats down since last year. Interestingly, joe, although their positive marks are down by a two to one margin, people say d. C. Police are doing a good i think whats happening, it used to be crime might have been concentrated in one or two, maybe three wards. Now whats happening, the reason you have the poll the way its coming out, its happening in all of the wards. I think people feel that the police in the face of everything thats doigoing on, i think peo want to give police a little extra. You have black lives matter. You have so Many Police Officers being criticized. O r t hahp h this mightni reflect, dependingc who answered ec poll, that they arec trying  to giveni . nkc te extra ccumph. Shenag says people shouldn think crime is out of control. She points out even though theres a spike in robberies and homicide, crime is down c5 . c i thinkcnr one of the issue here, bill clinton was saying about the economy, ifc people dont feel like they are doing well, that will be the perception. Thats whats happening here. Do you feel safe. I think the fact that residents say they dont, this is going from anacostia all the way up to capitol hill. This isnt isolated in just one area. I think whats interesting about in the numbers. If you go into ward 8, only 13 say they feel safe. If you go inwards 2 and 3 where a lot of development is doing, 70 say they feel like thety is moving in the right direction, a little safer. I will say one of the interesting numbers, though, capitol hill, that is down 50 . They say they feel safe. Handgun violence is up 50 there. Many of those residents are quoted as saying they dont feel safe walking the streets. Dave, you do live in the district. I do, uptown near the park. What do your neighbors say . Do they feel crime is out of control . Do theyc feel csafe. Thisirc isnt scientific b neighbors, i dont a 9aqrjnb therewup uneasiness. This goes back to subjective kind of thing. If you have had an incident or hear of somebody you know has it, you begin tocc wonderc ac wondering about things. c reportingc tells me, the polic chief held in national regard, she gets National Headlines for handling in the city. The mayor is the new mayor. One of her new initiatives is to fight crime. People are giving her the benefit of the doubt on nithat. Of news situation. Of i think they are willing to ive the mayorc thuc benefit of the cdoubt. Washington. The president of the Greater Washington board of trade says hes not worried about tourism, pointing out the region has always been a target, pointing out a state of readiness. Meanwhile tour buses keep on rolling. Have they been able to strike a balance between encouraging people to remain vigilant kn.  o cc. Its not to let the terrorist win. The one thing isil and others are very good at is marketing. Thats what they do. They market terrorism. The worst thing that could happen is for people to start canceling the field ips, family reunions, and mayors across the country are saying this. We cannot allow them to win by virtue of hiding and locking the doors and afraid theres a terrorist behind every tree. By the way, for people listening, this is a city that has more Police Agencies than any city in the United States of america, if not the world. That is reassuring . It should be. It may not be for parents. I can understand if you have children coming from outside th area and you dont know as much about washington, d. C. , only that its the Nations Capital. To joes points, theres more security here than any place in the world. Youre going to say, wait a c minute, i dont know if its pcounty, thoseko adjacent to district, they didc not cancel this field trips. That says to me they havqy a f whats goingvjijzc in the d[ictc andc thec loca police force and the nationalu cccco force. So i think in the environs around Nations Capital you may have a different perspective, even in Carroll County away from the district. The phrase, in abundance of caution where we have to think about this. I work in one of those buildings people dont want to go and see or some of them dont, the capital. I personally think thats one of the safe i think im safer there than anywhere else. Other buildings have equal amount of protection around them. The question is, as joe brought up earlier, if you give into the concern and feeling the terrorist have won. Im not advising people what to do, think twice when you cancel something. Weve got to take a break and will continue right after this. ]i syrianc refugees not cc hogan says hiscc first prioriu the safetyu andc security ofk marylanders. Hes requesting federal authorities stop the settlement of Syrian Refugees until the government can offer appropriate assurances they pose no threat to public safety. Joe, theres a growing political divide over the issue. In this region only Governor Hogan has taken the position. Absolutely wrong. c firstw3c of all theres a refu policy. This is different than visas. It starts with the United Nations. They first have to go through the United Nations. Everything is checked. Passports, photographs. If not passports, letters, relationships. They even do now scans of refugees. And once you get through the United Nations you have to go through a series of vetting of different agencies. Fbi, homeland security. Its about nine agencies. Then they only put Syrian Refugees in states. They make sureco thuyc dont overload the areas that have high unemployment. This is nothing more than ni politics. Doing isscposturing. Herecc isc theo7o finalni c itc takesc twonr yearsir to process a syrian refugee. The United States really doesnt have a great track record historically on these limiting those coming into the country, either through wartorn countries. We can go backc obviously to t n the 40s backc obviously to t and all the way back to the 20s. You haveym this issue,c too issue, valuesu of america, protecting america. In many ways its about fear, being afraid of being the one who let these folks in. If we talk about numbers, hogan real shaky ground with this. Just since 2011, only 100 have 4x n come into the state. Than thatc most recently. Only 2000 have come into the state since 2011. Hence, stepping out, i will say this, bishops, catholic bishops are maryland are countering larry hogans position saying there needs to be more compassion and understanding these are refugees that are fleeing war not coming here to bring terror to the nation. Half of them are women and children. Dave, its been a huge issue on capitol hill. Its huge. Onto go back to Governor Hogan, republicans, their view we dont want to stop syrians, mother and children, we want a pause where we reevaluate everything were doing. Even some democrats we talk so say thats worth doing but lets let the experts tell us whatc making political points. The other thing we have to think about is we did have a series, a situation in 9 11 where a terrorist from another country did come in and did slip through the cracks. Everybody is worried about that happening again. Finally, do you want to be the person who voted for a bill, or do you want to be the person who okayed a procedure and somebody got in, got through the cracks and we had a horrible event as a result. Do you want to have that on your conscious . You also have to ask the question, where was all this concern when we were letting refugees in from russia. Youkc know, we had the boston bombers. These arec folk who its always interesting how we dont let the haitians in, we dont let certain africans in, we dont let middle easterns in. Other people when they have problems, whether in europe, european country, its okay. We dont see let me put it this way, we see a double standard. Finally, i dont think it makes United States look good when you look at france, these attacks in paris recently and thatcym country is letting in of thesec Syrian Refugees wher the United States is trying to reduce numbers or eliminatec t pr itc willc be illegal to smoke electronic cigarettes. Everywhere smoking is in the county. They want to limit exposure to vaping. It wont apply to mgm at national harbor. Lets talk politics. Have you a 1. 2 billion casino built. A county council that passes 81. Someone says, wait a minute, what about the mgm casino coming, folks that may want to come in and smoke there, all this money and tax base, what do we do here cu ok]i okay,co[n wait a minute. c maybe wellc hold off and see w were going to put this through the process until the mgm is built. I think it makes the council look like they are kowtowing to entity thats going to bring money into the county. I dont think thats going to look good. If youre going to put the law in effect, put it across the county. The thing is smoking is a no no. I talked to senators they consider this smoking as dangerous as a regular puff on a cigarette and there ought to be one rule for everything. Its changing. Its really its about money. I would imagine mgm did a heck of ac lobbying job to get this exemption in. Thats what its about. Any casino you go to, its liquor, cigarettes and gambling. The Homeless People who were in tents down across from the Kennedy Center were moved on friday. What did you think about that issue . They wanted to stay. They had this tents set up. The city says youve got to be moved. Well, thenr cityc isv nyc i elly. c the lawc passed in tlcc 80sg you cant have temporary shelters in any publictype places. I think the interesting thing here is and weve all talked about this, where are they going to put them. The mayor says they have a place to put themcozv but they haven been cspecific. They do havec a place2tm pu them. U hn]eless.  are veryni real withv sanitation, crime, safety. What neighborhood do you put them in. Tents in their neighborhood . No one does. The argument they have other places for barracks not barracks but rooms and motels, whatever it is. The mayor has worked on this. Shes got an initiative going. Theres a strong argument they ought to be moved. Thank you, gentlemen. Thank you. Thank you. Thats reportersmy nknoteboo. News 4 today continues. A loot at this mornings top stories. A tragic end to a story developing all week. A troubled Washington College student who forced a school to lock down is dead. Police found his body at a wild Bird Sanctuary in pennsylvania saturday afternoon. He was in the land rover authorities are searching for. Right now isis planning a series of attacks around the world including one in atlanta for today. Fbi says its aware of that threat against todays wwe event but they have not found any credible evidence. An area mugger killed in thm mali terror attack is still remembered. Anita datar was one who died after gunmen stormed the hotel in malis capital. Datar leaves behind 7yearold son. Democratic president ial candidate new datar personally. Clinton said she represented the best of americas generous spirit. Good morning and welcome to news 4 today, im angie goff. Im adam tuss. Hope youre having a great day so far. Thats right. The windchill a factor this morning. Lets go to storm team 4 meteorologist. Wind starting to gust 15 to weve got a lot of clouds around keeping it warmer holding warmth from yesterday. A live view fromc;ctv storm t tower camera. Were 20 minutes away from sunrise. All around our region today, were going to have chilly temperatures for the morning hours. Right now were in the mid to upper 40s, much of the metro area, low 40s north and west, near 47, prince georges, montgomery, fairfax county, the district near the bay. Theres shower activity here. Some light rain right along the atlantic seaboard from near ocean city to norfolk, outer banks. Thats going to head out to sea. Storm team 4 radar dry, dont have to worry about rain around. Weather headlines for sunday. Chilly morning, blustery afternoon then ac cold startu coldest temperatures of the season so far. V look at a warmer pattern for the week ahead thats coming up in a few minutes. Thank you, tom. Developing this morning, new video shows the aftermath of that deadly terrorist attack on the hotel in mali. A British Television channel showed footage of wrecked hotel rooms and damage to the Hotels Restaurant and bar. Nineteen people died after terrorist took staff hostage. 18 of the dead were guests, the other was a military police guard. Two terrorists were killed but there are fears three of the gunmen may still be on the loose. Happening today a Community Muslim Group Holding a bloodcu . Drive incc honornic of thec mosque in chan ccctilly, vir starts ato[ cc] [10 00. nic they will lead an interfaith prayer vigil after the blood drive. c qsure governors that refugees hahp hc willc underc rigorousni secur3 ]i their state. ]i governors not wanting to accept refugees. They were outside the white house calling out people who make a link between refugees and terrorist cocattacks. There is a tie they are making with terrorist actions even though there has not been rj been convicted of terror action. The group is asking people to contact their elected officials and ask them to aw refugees. Also at the white house a woman caused a lockdown after tossing an apple core over the fence of the lockdown happened about five minutes yesterday afternoon. Secret service took the woman in for questioning but she was not charged. Im calling about my son. I think he has gotten into pcp and having a reaction and actini youc hearymc him bou wall. I need somebodyc soon. A concerned mother onc that own bedroomym whilec shec waic police to arrive on thursday. The woman said the 41yearold son started acting erratically inside their home in Prince Georges County. Officers say the man was nearly 500 pounds and it took six officers to control him and get him into annb ambulance. After he got into the ambulance and he was pronounced dead at the hospital. Suspected kidnapper that shot a tulane student. In this Surveillance Video here you see the suspect dragging an unconscious woman to her car. Medical student tries to help the woman. The suspect turned the gun on gold. The part of the video we chose not to show you shows him shooting gold then the gun jammed. The suspect got away with the woman. A man under way to find them. Goldc survived the shooting. In chicago we are monitoring the airports to see how badly your travel plans. Take a look at that. Powder in the midwest right now. Chicago got more than 15 inches of snow this weekend alone breaking a 100 year record. Nbcs leanne gregg how this storm has millions under winter storm warning. Reporter a fall snowstorm stretching from south dakota to parts of the midwest has dumped record breaking snow. Itsc heavy. Hard becausesitcc sticks to t shovel. These bushes have fallen completely down. Northern suburbs of chicago, 17 inches making it the citys s flightcsw cancellations and c inc northeasternc cillinois, whiteoutc ccconditions, snow rates, 1 to 2 inches per hour. Snowplows try to keep up but smallerc streets remained untouched. The ice and heavy snows causing dangerous driving conditions and multiple accidents. In iowa city, iowa, the stadium buried in snow last night but ame. If they are playing in it we can be in the stands and still support them. S leanne gregg, nbc news. co cwell, theu womanc accusen plowinmi intocni av homecc University Last month was not drunk. Thats according to court records. The day of the cw3niincident, bloodg konrni j alcohol level. To be under the influence youco have to register 0. 08. She was accused of killing and injuring. Her fathers attorney said she had a history of mental iillness flight, 14. 5 million goes to looking for the flight. Most of the passengers were chinese. This was march 2014. French investigators identified a washed up debris found in july on a Remote Island in the indian ocean as part of the plane. An ongoing search costing more than 20 million. On the beltway in virginia, could be coming to 395 as well. Virginias transportation secretary says he wants to extend the lanes all the way to d. C. Line. Here is ac look at lanes would go. Its part of 395 currently in blue right there. You see that the stretch of road has hov lanes at this point but official want to add tolls to that road which would change depending on traffic volume. Thats how 95 and beltway express lanes work. They want to expand the road to three lanes. More than 300 guns off the streets right now thanks to gift cards for guns event yesterday. You are looking at what Prince Georges County police recovered saturday. People brought their guns to First Baptist church in vannarden, they got gift cards of 50 to 100 depending on the guns returned. Part of the initiative to cut back on gun violence. They were able to turn in guns remember acoc calvert cou couple killed on halloween. They will participate in a ghost bike ceremony ride for john and lynn later this morning. The couple was killed by a drunk driver while they road a tandem bike in the afternoon. They will ride to the site where they were mykilled. The first tandemc ghost bikec the ccountry. Nbc 4 hascym a longstandi commitment to promoting adoption. Yesterday more than two dozen foster children entered permanent homes 29th district adoption day in the district. Barbara harrison was there to introduce each child and their family as the judge signed the paperwork in the court. 4zmnpacc family since she was years old. She now has somebody to call home. Probably other than being born one of the best days of my life so far. Overall so much more rich and joyous having him in my life. It brings tears to my eyes talking about it. Im so proud of him. While children today have loving homes, there are plenty of other kids who are not that lucky. You can learn more about how to adopt by going to nbc washington app and searching wednesdays child. Of f the airline damages orcc loses your cbag. Getting reimbursed. Right now wont be long before the sun starts to pop up. Before the sun starts to pop up. Tom, before the sun starts to pop up. Tom, this is more than just a town. This is our home. And Small Business saturday. Is more than just a day. Its our day. To shop small at the places we love. With the people we love. For stuff we cant get anywhere else. And food that tastes like home. Because the money we spend here. Can help keep our town growing. On Small Business saturday, lets all shop small. For the neighborhood, the town, the home we love. On november 28th, shop small. Depends on whos in the sidecar. Its pretty comfortable in there. Lets go for a ride. Alright. Definitely misread this one. Geico motorcycle, great rates for great rides. Swing and a miss United States is fighting isis and whether or not that strategy is working. To talk to out bows that, moderator of meet the press chuck todd. Thanks for talking to us. Good morning. I noticed on the show youre going to have johng  kasich. It seems like thec president h de himself. What are we hearing on the other side . I feel like he still hasnt been able everybody saying he has a bad strategy but we havent heard details, everybody saying we need to support military brass in office. Thats the show today, why we have leon panetta on, former secretary. Everyone talks about coalition. Together and figure this out. The biggest problem is what to do about syria and assad. You hear a lot about strategy. The criticism that seems to take the most hold and bipartisan is the speed. Strategy. The biggest criticism people are making, has he a good longterm strategy but we adopt have time anymore. Isis has accelerated their efforts to become a terror organization, attack the west. There needs to be an acceleration trying to deal with them in the middle east themselves. I think youll likely hear about that. By wait we have alate add to secretary of homeland security. Hell be at the top of the show. Well get him to tell us weve hardy whole lot of threats in the United States over the past 48 hours. Seems like the president s hand is support with jv comment and all that kind of stuff so hes got to deal with that. Now were hearing about refugees. How can the state mandate this. Its not like we can stop people at the borders of the states. We cant. Campaign. Isisco operativesni sehking n]o thisu country, you should hope they apply for refugee status. Thats the best way we have of vetting them. The problem is if you look at who the paris attackers were, many of them were french Nationals Holding french passports. We have a Waiver Program in this country where you dont need a visa to go if youre a French National to come into this country. One less level of vetting, somebody from china would get, for instance. So the that isc the real this is where the president ial campaign, fervor, were going to talk about this, is this real or islamaphobia. Theres an argument stirring up fear. Leon panetta, who else . We added jeh johnson, bill bratton, new york city. Ill ask bill bratton, interesting comments cathy lanier madec about7swo cc bec a]i what is the best w deal with activeu c shootingc situation, she said take out th shooter something you havent heard m i remsder, you can seemy meet the press every sunday right here on nbc 4 right after news 4 today. Lost luggage, the worst kind of feeling. Ko person}andingko at thec baggag it does happen. cc reports on damage. Reporter describing the route to their honeymoon. Turks and caicos is a glsmorous place. On yourc honeymoon you want to feel nicec so icniym packedc clothing. On the way, the airlines lost their luggage. Wasnt a good way to start, me crying in the airport. Airlines mishandle more than half a million bags. It estimates that includes a small percentage of lost luggage. While the airline did offer a 50 credit for future flights owed7scoc o[e. What isc likelihood of this couple seeing acu return on t after a month its pretty cc low. Ki hudson ofc nonprofit flyers rights says there are a few things can you do to maximize the potential of getting a reimbursement. [ this is accocc picture ofe bag. This is another picture of the bag and what it currently retails for. Hudson also advises consumers to submit a claim as quickly as possible. Keep in mind you wont see any extra cash for items with co f1 o tro goodsi up to 3500 but hec say 3c90 of the ctim. One finalc tip from hudson,c c yourcc rentersc or homec inc jt r r t hahp hc ow have a provision for theft loss even if its outside the home. As for these newlyweds, they are now looking for a new airline. I think its a shame foom thm because were both young. We like to travel and we have a lifetime of that ahead of us and they will never see another dollar of our business. cnic erika cnfogonz eez, n washington. Voting with their wallet there for sure. Since we sat down with the newlywed couple, she got her luggage back and the airline reimbursed her for the clothes she bought on the trip. Her bag was missing for more than a month. Airlines america said the rate of mishandled bags has fallen year over year because Airlines Continue to invest in technology to better move and track bags. Tom, you have a way of dealing with this, right . cc you always carry cni. cc im hearing in my ear to carry on. Moving directly forward as we start off sunday morning, a lot of clouds that held in warmth from yesterday. Here is sky cast 4socu for the of the nrcday. Quite a bit of around. Sunrise before 7 00 in about 10 minutes. During the afternoon well go partly cloudy. By sunset, near 40, still not used to it. The winds still blustery are diminishing. Temperatures in the 40s north and wegs of the metro, Shenandoah Valley north of the mountains 40, only tu below freezing wayni outc in oajeandy 28. Prynne goerges county mid andc upper 40s. Much of montgomery countycc l to mid40cs. In the[ mid40sc incc fairc virginia. Layers this morning, then youll be comfortable with one layer during the afternoon. You wont need your umbrella or rain coat but a wind breaker, well have blustery winds, sunglasses, heat index. Storm team 4 radar not showing travel problems around seaboard, rain around norfolk, outer banks. Thats continuing to track off to the east pulling east of the atlantic beaches. Right now storm team 4 radar locally, dont have any rain c leaf rakingni forecast for toda. The wind may take care of your leaves. Bluster winds north and west may proceed believes into your neighbors yard if you havent raked them yet. Its going to be chilly. If youre going for a morning run through the leaves, good day for that, out to do some hiking. By afternoon winds gusting 20 to 25 Miles Per Hour throughout much of the reason through the afternoon. I love crisp and cool autumn days. I took this picture friday afternoon. Its going to be cold overnight tonight. By dawn on monday temperatures f the metroccoco areacatures in the upper 20s. May hit the mid20s in parts of Shenandoah Valley and out in the mountains under clear skies. Right in washington near freezing for the first time this year. Maybe a freeze right downtown, right around the bay mid30s. Check your tires this time of year is when we get these cold temperatures, that can really lower tire pressure. Tire pressure warning light may come on on your car. That may  be because of cold temperatures. Make sure tirescn 7 inflated t properu pressure. School bus stop tomorrow morning 7 00 to 8 00 a. M. Upper twin,c 8 00 to 9 00, a littlec above v freezing, sunshine, cold morning tomorrow. Storm team 4 ccfourday forec mid40s. Lighter winds and gom travel highs low to mid50s with sunshine and a Beautiful Day on thanksgiving day near 60. Milder friday. May make it low and mid60s. Next chance of rain, that may not come until next saturday with highs in the low 60s. Thats the way it looks. Like the back half of that forecast. Thank you, tom. Coming up, a welcome that will make an army veteran right atc home. Home. Ancc inspiring show home. Ancc inspiring show this season, purchase or lease a new 2016 volvo, and get your first three payments on us. Volvo cars is proud to be the founding sponsor of alexs Lemonade Stand foundation. Members of Suntrust Bank and military warriors presented a brandnew home yesterday. He was moved by the ceremony. Its a beautiful home. The neighborhood is great. To have an opportunity like this and walk into Something Like that, its amazing. It took an army of contractors to get the home ready. It needed major repair work in. What a beautiful house. Yes, fantastic. We have much more ahead on news 4 today. That includes an hour by hour look at your forecast with storm team 4 meteorologist tom kierein. Stay with us. Were back in a minute. The 7 00 error. What the fbi is saying about a series of worldwide threats including the u. S. A local college in mourning. What were finding out about a student who led to a campuswide lockdown. Weekend. Can we expect more of the same imc tracking your travel extremely busy travel week. Good morning[rj rj sunday, hope0youre having amy great o. Im adam tuss. Talking about the weather, get ready. The chill in the air. You need the hat and gloves probably this morning if youre going to walk the dog. Right, tom . And pants. Dont forgetc those. And warm shoes. As were starting off, not as cold as yesterday morning. A live view fromc towerni came county. You see quite a bit of cloudiness with us early on this sunday morning. Theres our city cam view, jefferson memorial. All is calm and quiet. Clouds holding in some of the warmth from yesterday but chilly morning nonetheless. Blustery afternoon. Winds picking up, cold start. Subfreezing temperatures. Right now above freezing, in the 40s most of the area near 50, Shenandoah Valley, bay most areas abovew3 freezing. Storm team 4c showing rain  virginia. Pull awayc fromc us. cccmy locally we dont have any rainn morning. A look at travel weather midweek warming trend developing in just a few minutes. Thank you, tom. Right now isis with a series of attacks around the world including one in atlanta. Fbi says its aware of the threat against wwe event of the Hacker Group Anonymous said it uncoveredc thec cplan. Uiu c thth alleged attack plannedc a thc arena forc aw3c wrestling called survivor series. Doesnt have credible evidence go on. Well have information on nbc washington app. A Turkish Airlines plane had to be diverted to Halifax Nova Scotia after authorities received threat of ai bomb. Itu landed csafely. Policeu searched cit. No word yet on0whatcccc th onc highestni ale a9n government officials2say they imminent attackc against mi brussels. Cafes, bars and discos close early. Suck way shut down. They have urged americans to shelter in place and remaple at home. Some businesses decided to stay open but understood why so many decided to stay in. nrcu c ed doesnt make us angry. Life is like that. It had to be like that to save our life so better to be like that. At least one paris attacker and and abdelsalam. Police saying he may be the reason. A woman killed in the mali attack being remembered, anita datar one of the 19 who died when gunmen stormed she leaves behhid a 7yearold r soe. Candidate hillary cliza knew her pers]nally. 78pr t hahp hc she said she represented the best of american spirit working4 for an international developmeno firm here in d. C. Prince william taking a look at policy to check immigration b status of those stopped by police. cocnr; r t hahp hc7 c the board of supyy m im5adcw7[i investigate whether police sre following that policy. It requires officers to check immigration standing of all people arrested. They are required to tell immigration and Customs Enforcement if they find a person with a warrant against them. Prince William County has one of the strictest immigration laws in the country. We have a tragic end to a story thats been developing all week. A troubled Washington College student whose disappearance forced a school to lock down is dead. Found in a wild Bird Sanctuary yesterday afternoon. He was in a land rover c ni78pr t hahp hc Darcy Spencer has more. Reporter Washington College student Jacob Marberger disappeared with a gun prompting officials to close the campus until after the thanksgiving break while Law Enforcement searched for the teenager. Ply say marberger was found dead from a selfinflicted gunshot wound saturday afternoon in pennsylvania. c Washington College released ac statement that said in part, this is a terrible blow to our f aaa scuj urp e shown each other will hedp us through this difficult ti u ip r t ha community. c marbergers parents alerted ther school that their son had u c returned home from the college which is on marylands Eastern Shore in chestertown and grabbed a rifle case. They werent sure if he was armed but he was later spotted on Surveillance Video at a walmart in pennsylvania buying ammunition. ci7 vigil during the manhunt. ci7 jacob, wherever you are, ]ions youve ircokc done, they are all recoverable. But then he was kicked out oc his fraternity and forcmliu at resign his elected position as c speaker of the Campus Senate right before he disappeared. Counseling services will ck students when they return from the holidayu c7cbreak. Five pqsq hurt at ti q t. Broke out yesterday afternoon. Flames seen shooting out of the window as an apartment filled up with smoke. Firefighters contained that fire quickly but People Living on that floor have to stay someplace else for now. It was ruled accidental. V. Dot wants to make sure your travel is smooth. Vdot says roads will be most congested moon before thanksgiving and 10 00 in the morning until 10 00 at night h next sunday. c tragedy in myanmar. cu landslide leaves dozens dead as the search continues today for survivors. Coming up, panic at the movies. Why some at a Movie Theater thought they were in myanmar. A deadly landslide te4n the slide near a jade line in fternoon. Near a jade line in ujuahu s continue looking for survivors today. cnc cc ew jersey theater last night, a domestic dispute led some to believe there was a bomb threat. Police did not find a bomb. They say at least one person inside a theater was yelling and behaving strangely, even jumping over seats. Thats when other people in the theater got scared and started leaving. c ainor injury reported with a nis person tryino uo get out of thec theater. So farzvu c noc arreagjc hav r t ho t includingccco a had to be rescued from a burning boat. Take a look at this. This is cell phone video. Shows the crews putting out the fire on the 33 foot boat. This happened in Marina Delray yesterday morning. Officials say four adults and a 4monthold were on thecc boac no cause found. c wasting anu hour ac dayd because of crowding an congestion. Leaders in Northern Virginia say it could be worse. Commuting in Northern Virginia is tough but there are things like the express lane, silver line and new bus system coming on line fast, whereas in maryland, not much at all. Ive talked to folks in suburban maryland this side of the river, maybe excited about it. Maybe jealous. Chairman of the Northern Virginia transportation authority. I think they have reason to be jealous of the fact we have an opportunity to address problems they havent been able to providemy fundinr doc involv yet. All lighthearted chiding aside, everyone agrees the region needs to Work Together for congestion and transportation issues. The issue is pretty clear. A lot of cars. Very hard to get where your going. Sometimes two hours is not enough. Too many cars a problem all over, certainly something Northern Virginia leaders have identified. Take a look at this photographic. It explains it all. 12 take the bus, 78 in a car or ride a motorcycle. The rest7 are the rails,ccv or bike. Here in tysons the idea is to capture everyone in huge Housing Units around the silver line. Thats so people wont need a car and can walk or take the line wherever they go. Life without a car in Northern Virginia. Hard to envision but sounds like a welcome solution for many. 7 0011, coming up huge upset in thec bayou state. The upsetco that leddq c aym thousands on the roadc this week. What kind of weather p youc expect on some of the2 busies travel days of theco year. Tom has the answer. Well, get your credit cards ready, tickets for annual Virginia Railway express santa train are about to go on sale. Tomorrow at 9 00 a. M. You can start buying. More than 7,000 tickets usually go withinym minutes. Ticketsc arec 5c it qu cyt outlet and 6cu conline. c louisians willc havec ac Democratic State representative John Bell Edwards defeated u. S. Senator bitter in a runoff election. Edwards becomes first democrat to win in the state since 2008. His opponent was ahead in the polls at one point. During the concession speech he announced he would not seek reelection to the seat. Current governor bobby jindal is term limited after eight years in office. A German Shepherd puppy will be given to honor. The 7yearold shepherd died during a raid during the paris attacks. Nice gesture. Turn our attention to the weather. A little cold coutside. Not as cold as yesterday morning. cni mildebxf above freezkn justw3 about everywhere. ni andy tookok x sc selfip while wasni running. c she does 80 miles a day. Amazing. Look at that. Manages not to slip. Angie has a heart of gold. Weather woman. Ill admit it. Good morning for a run. Youll need to layer up, blustery, 40s in the morning. Just not warming much. It will level off in the low 50s by midafternoon because of these gusty northwest Winds Continuing to pump in some colder air coming in out of the northc an west. Clouds around this morning. But then by midday by noontime, heat index, breaks in the clouds during the rest of the afternoon. Overall a very pleasant november day on this sunday. By sunset, which today is at 4 50, will be mostly clear. A clear sky tonight. The winds diminish and the temperatures plummet. Right now, though, enjoy this while you can. Its going to be 20 degrees colder this same time tomorrow morning. Its in the 40s now all around the region from the blue ridge to the bayym and blue ridge wes shenandoah into the mountains. Most locations hovering around 40 degrees. Metro area, low to mid40s. Montgomery prince georges, fairfax counties. Right downtown upper 40s. Layer up a little bit today. Youll need a wind breaker, sweater, sunglasses. Wont need the umbrella. Wont have any rain around today. There is rain southeast of virginia along the carolina coast. Thats going to stay off to a northeasterly flow moving away from the atlantic seaboard by perhaps another 3 or 4 hours. Metro area allc dry u now. Storm team 4 radarc notcw7c pi up any rain anywhere around thec by this timec tomorrow cmorni in mid20cs. c in out in the 2mountains, closer washington, shenandoah upper 20s. c muchym of thec region,nizv mos upper 20s by dawn, near freezing for the first time this season right in the city. c 30. Around the[c bay may be on t but away from the waters, frosty cold start to monday morning. At the bus stop tomorrow morning waiting for the metro, youll need to layer up. Upper 20s 7 00 to 8 00 a. M. , 8 00 to 9 00 a. M. , begin to get a little above freezing. Storm team 4 fourday forecast will be just in thpnr mid40sc tmfrrow ourc coldest day over fhe next sevenc days. Then a bit of a warming trend as we get into tuesday. Good getaway day, near freezing in the morning, afternoon highs low 50s and sunshine. Big travel day on wednesday. Mid50s in the afternoon. Mid30s in the morning. A great day there, too. Good travel weather up and down the atlantic seaboard and in and out of the midwest. On thanksgiving day a Beautiful Day near 60 with sunshine. Then friday into the mid60s with clouds around. Into next weekend our next chance of rain is on saturday. Showers looking likely with temperatures in the low 60s. A big change on sunday. May be just in the upper 40s. That is next sunday, next weekend thats the way it looks. Thank you very much, tom. Coming up, good luck trying to find a cheap flight for the holidays. Are actuallyv c takingu off e . News 4 following the shooting death of jamar clark. Witnesses say clark was in handcuffs when shotc and kille by police last n 7week. Investigate. A key issue during the visit is whether authorities should release video of thec fatal v shooting. Now authorities havec resisted releasing footage because they say it doesnt show full incident. Making the recordings public would compromise their investigation. Express lanes on 95 and beltway in virginia eventually virginiegj transportqt9 here is a look at where lanes would go. Part of the 395 system currently in blue. Right now the stretch of road has hov lanes. Officials want tolls to the road which would change on traffic volume, want to expand to three lanes. Amid hectic travel system, its so hard tou believe local flights are taking offu irni e. No passengers at the gate. c nonoo passengerskov c actually plane. Guess what, were paying for it. Doesnt make much sense. Scott mcfarland and news 4 iteam investigates while hundreds of millions of flights with so few people on board. The crowds, the lines, the noise. If you walk into an airport, especially this time of year, usually you are consumed by people and by stress. Ladies and gentlemen, we are boarding. But not here. Hagerstown airport midday with dulles. There are tsa offers at the checkpoint but not always that many passengers to check. Hagerstown one of several dozen airports in 34 states nationwide part of a program called the essential air service created by u. S. Department of transportation in the 1970s to boost small cities. The flights take off whether actual or empty says steve ellis on Watchdog Group taxpayers for common sense. For how little used the program is, it does seem to have passionate backers. News 4 iteam rolls thursday afternoon as a flight for pittsburgh touched down in  hagerstown withc no zvpassengec fl passeglrs. Another day we boug t a pair ow sun air airline. Only one other passenger aboard. As you can hear, it is noisy aboard the planes, no seat assignment on the ticket. They moved me to the back of the plane to better distribute the weight. Flying these flights is expensive though our tickets cost 39, taxpayers paid 1,000 for the two of us to make this flight. We bought tickets for essential air service from Shenandoah Valley airport in stanton, virginia as did linda cassidy. Myccc family canuc drive minutes from shenandoah. So i dont have a choice. The essential air service cost taxpayers a quarter of a billion dollarsnikoc nationwi year. Essential air service is acs Critical Link between small cities in the nations aviation system. A life line to small and isolated cities it says. But ellis doesnt think these flights are essential at all. All these small towns feel like its part of their identity and they will be less of a town if they dont have an airport so they fight for it very hard and their lawmakers fight for it very hard. Not all laup q s. Anc amendment in congrwss in jc vo kill the progrqs butok tha amendment was defeated. For the people who do take these flights, they say they hate to see the program grounded. How crowded was the flight . It was me and one other. Mark from Frederick County took his first hagerstown flight this summer, paid 39 and breezed through nonexistent security line easier than driving to dulles and cheaper because parking is free. Small towns in america afloat and a greatjfni service ,gn pe mall towns and want to see them cthrive. c3,000 passengers fly frmr hagerstown, average two and a half passengers per flight, 15,000 a year in stanton. Congressional sources tell iteam the program is not likely going anywhere any time soon even if they dont have that big airport holiday feel. Scott mcfarland, news 4 iteam. Well, sun Airlines Told the iteam its flights are reliable with 90 on time arrival. People in small cities deserve access to the u. S. Aviation system. Developing right now, new video reveals the damage from a terrorist attack in mali. What were finding out about the search for whoc isc nicrespo tleeds a lockdown at the white house, what was thrown over the fence that caused secret service to jump into action. A chilly start to the morning. How long will that last. Tom is there we go. Tom tracking what kind of weather to look forward to on this busy travel week. Well be right back. Patients across the country have spoken. They recently rated their Care Experience at over 3,500 hospitals nationwide in a survey conducted for the centers for medicare and medicaid services. Fewer than 10 received 5 stars. Among them was Cancer Treatment centers of america in philadelphia. Learn more at cancercenter. Com eastern. Cancer Treatment Centers of america. Care that never quits. Appointments available now. Its gotten squarer. Over the years. Brighter. Bigger. Thinner. Even curvier. But whats next . For all binge watchers. Movie geeks. Sports freaks. X1 will change the way you experience tv. Call and switch to x1 from xfinity today. c topc stories a washingto College Student whosenini 7y disappearance caused the school to lockcn 7 down is dead. Police found hiscni kttkko at Bird Sanctuary saturday he was in thec land roverw7[ authorities searchingok nrcfoz right nowc isismy e nning world including one innzatlanta for today. Threat against todays wwe event but they have not found any credible evidence. An area mugger killed in the mali terror attack is still anita datar was one who died on friday. Datar leaves behind a 7yearold son. cmy democratic sbm 9q 1cmyczv candidate Hillary Clintons ir she new eqtar saying she americas generous spirit. Welcome back im angie goff. Im adam tuss. Hope youre having a great start to your sunday morning. A little chilly if youre going outside. Were dealing withc bluster weather. Winds picking up. c anotccniccco seeingu sun, towerc camera, eastern sky c sun should be breaking through ic so. A pdtqi r southeasternsvirg the eastern carkrasni and righc along atlantic seaboard up to ocean ]icity. Thats going to track off to the east and pull away. Well have a dry day. Storm team 4 radar not showing any rain. Temperatures warmer than yesterday morning. Were in the upper 40s near 50 right by the bay. Southern maryland mid fours. Nearby suburbs low to mid40s. Upper 40s in washington. 7sg near h valley. Freezing out there in oakland. Not going to warm much today with blustery wind. A look at that and our coldest morning of the year. So far this time of the morning thats coming up in a few minutes. Tom, thanks. New video shows the deadly aftermath on the attack on the ai 5m andc damage to the l restaurant and bar. 19 people died after terrorist took guest and staff hostage. Maglis interior minister said 18 of the dead were guest the other a military police guard. Two terrorists were also killed but there were fears three of the gunmen may still be on the loose. Happening today a communityc muslim Group Holding a blood drive in honor o ]he paris cc attack victios happening at thec mosque in chantilly, virginia starts at 10 00. They will lead an interfaith prayer vigil after the blood drive. Refugees are welcome here. President obama wants to ensure governors that refugees who come to the u. S. From syria will undergo rigorous security vetting process. ccc the paris attacks several governors said they would not accept refugees in thmis state. c Governor Hogan is among governors not wanting to accept refugees. Protesters gathered outside the white house yesterday calling people who make a link between refugees and terrorist attacks. There is a tie they are making with terrorist actions even though there has not been one refugee thats come into america thats been convicted of terror action. The group is asking people to contact their elected officials woman caused a lockdown after tossing an apple core over the fence. The lockdown lasted about five minutes yesterday afternoon. Secret service took the woman in for questioning but she was not charged. Im calling about my son. I think he has gotten into pcp c and having a reaction and acting all crazy and everything. You hear him bouncing on the wall. I need somebody soon. A concerned mother had to hide in her own bedroom while she waited for police to arrive on thursday. The woman said the 41yearold son started acting erratically inside their home in Prince Georges County. Officers say the man was nearly 500 pounds and it took six officers to control him and get him into an ambulance. Emts could not find a pulse c  they got him into the . X ambulance. The man was pronounced dead at the hospital. A 10,000 reward offered for the suspected kidnapper who shot a tulane student. Take a look here. In this Surveillance Video here you see the suspect dragging an unconscious woman to her car. Medical student peter gold drives up to try to help the woman. The suspect turned the gun on gold. The part of the video we chose not to show you shows him shooting the student. While the man reloads and tries to shoot the student in the head but the gun jammed several times. The suspect got away with the woman. A manhunt under waycoym to try find cthem. Gold, thankfully,co[c survived shooting. A developing storyc in chicago. Were monitoringc airportsu te powder co the midwest isu pounded with t show. Chicago got more than 15 inches of snow this weekend alone nbcs leanne gregg how this storm has millions under winter storm warning. Reporter a fall snowstorm stretching from south dakota to parts of the midwest has dumped record breaking snow. Its heavy. Heavy. Hard because it sticks to the shovel. Completely down,cco o[[ir northern suburbs of chicago, 17 inches making it the citys largest november snowfall in 120 years. At ohare and midway, hundreds of air travelers stranded due to Flight Cancellations and delaysy in northeastern illinois, ;nk whiteout conditions, snowfall rates, 1 to 2 inches per hour. V psmaller streets remainedcc cb untouched. c the ice and heavy snows causing dangerous driving conditions and multiple accidents. In iowa city, iowa, the stadium buried in snow last night but cleared in time for todays game. If they are playing in it we can be in the stands and still support them. A major prethanksgiving storm, still a month away from winter. Leanne gregg, nbc news. Well, the woman accused of c plowing into a home coming parade at oklahoma statp]m sjhutbhot drunk. V thats according to court records. The day of the incident, her blood alcohol level was 0. 01. To be considered under the influence in oklahoma you have to register at 0. 08 . She was accused of killing and injuring dozens at the parades last month. Her fathers attorney said she had a history of mental iillness and sought treatment twice. China pledging millions in the searchc for missingw3ko;cn airlines cflight. 249 people were on board back in march. Most of the passengers were chinese. French investigators identified a washed up debris found in july on a Remote Island in the indian ocean as part of the boeing 777. An ongoing search costing more c than 120 million. Coming up forczv cdecades local couple spent their weekend riding their bikec u together. O choosing to honor their legacy. A moment kids have been waiting for for years, the touchin welcome back, cyclists around the region will remember a couple killed on halloween. They will participate in a ghost bike ceremony ride for john and lynn. The couple killed by a drunk driver while they rode a tandem bike at 3 00 in the afternoon. The group will ride to the psych where they were killed for installation of the first ghost bike ride in the country. More than two dozen area foster children are now in permanent homes. News 4 on hand for 29th annual adoption day in the district yesterday. Our own Barbara Harrison was there to introduce each child and their new family. As the judge signed the paperwork at superior court. Barbara talked to one adoptee who has been looking for a family since he was 9 years old. Cannr call cmom. Someonec he probably outside of being born its one of the best days of my life so far. It is much more rich and joyous having him in my life. Its great. Brings tears to my eyes talking about it. Im so proud of him. While the kids have loving homes, there are plenty of other kids who are not that lucky. Can you learn more about how to adopt by going to nbc washington app and searching wednesdays child. Its one of the busiest weeks of the year to travel. What if your airline loses or damages your bag. Were going to share the secret to getting reimbursed. Its a little chilly out. We may hit freezing on monday. Tom is tracking what you can expect for your Holiday Travel week. Imagine a world where the holidays were about people again. Where doorbusters referred to loved ones pouring through the front door. And the fourletter word that defined the season was love and not sale. What if the only reason to wake up at 3 a. M. Was to spot a reindeer in the sky . And coupons were only used to redeem one more kiss . Thats the world t. J. Maxx, marshalls and Homegoods Stores live in. Where theres no need for sales because we offer amazing prices on popular brands everyday. And where you can always save on thoughtful gifts thanks to weekly arrivals of new products. Lets put more value on what really matters. This season bring back the holidays with t. J. Maxx, marshalls and homegoods. The today show is next. Live from new york, sunday morning. Hey, adam and angie. Good morning, guys. Sunday morning on today take a is a terror Group Targeting wwe in atlanta . More on that, plus president s comments about how to battle extremist groups. Also ahead, hailed as a hero, the tulane medical student who took a bullet helping save a woman from attacker, allout manhunt from gunman. Plus meteorologist dylan heads to Clown College to see what its like for hundreds of volunteers who do it every year parade. Well do that plus try out unique ice cream flavors when we get started sunday morning on today. Thanksgiving inspired. Thanksgiving ir spider and not necessarily by the desert table. Turkey ice cream. Turkey backin. Well let you know. Well watch. Thanks, guys. Well, in the week ahead, marks one year since marionzv barry died. On mondaynic revealed recommendations to honor the former mayor. Tom sherwood spoke with his widow. Shes part of a commission appointed to honor the often controversial barry. He spent four terms as mayor and spent 16 years on the d. C. Council. As time goes on, people are focusing more and more on what he did for the city and for people and less of what he did to himself. The requisite statue or bust, school, street, stuff like that. Congressionalconr cemetery on capitol hill. His wife said the headstone still being designed. Your destination only to find your luggage gone. Erika gonzalez reports on ways you can get reimbursed if your bags are lost or damaged. We flewnrnico out of dulles. Glamorous place. On your honeymoon you want to feel nice so i packed nice clothing. On the way, the airlines lost their luggage. Wasnt a good way to start, me crying in the airport. This isnt a new story. This summer alone, department of transportation saidnigkb airli mishandled more than half a it estimates that includes a small percentage of lost luggage. While the airline did offer a 50 credit for future flights and reimbursed her bag fee, elizabeth feels like she was owed more. What is likelihood of this couple seeing a return on their money and a return on their bag. After a month its pretty low. Still paul hudson of nonprofit flyers rights says there are a few things can you do to maximize the potential ofi getting a reimbursement. First, itemize everything in coo elizabeth did that and one better, she included pictures. This is a picture of like the this is another picture of the bag and what it currently retails for. Hudson also advises consumers to submit a claim as quickly as possible. Keep in mind, he says, you wont see any extra cash for items with sentimental value and the airlines will likely try to depreciate the value of your items. Technically airlines can reimburse travelers for lost goods up to 3500 but he says airlines reject those claims about 90 of the time. One final tip from hudson, check your renters or Home Insurance policy. Most home owners policies have a provision for theft loss even if its outside the home. As for these newlyweds, they are now looking for a new i think its a shame for them because were both young. We like to travel and we have a lifetime of that ahead of us and they will never see another dollar of our business. Erika gonzalez, news 4 washington. Voting with their wallet there for sure. Thats a big old pain when that happens. I was just looking here. I had heard about this and its true. The tile have you heard about the tile people stick in their luggage and its a gps tracker hahp hc bag. nrmoz when i lost my keys thekic toe about it and i;ct found out it used for luggage. Everybody loses everything. We need our jacket today. Weve got to go find that. And pants you mentioned. Thats right. If youre going to be raking leaves, the wind may take care of the leaves, blow into your neighbors yard. Wind picking up. Dress accordingly off to chilly gita.  wellni[mz aboveu x nofreezing, feels col with niblustery wind. Windnr breaker, wont need rain coat or umbrella. Stay dry. Youll need a sweater and sunglasses. Well get sun breaking out through high clouds shortly. Sky cast 4 showing by the time we get into the latter part of the morning get sun breaking out, high clouds drifting over us. By sunset before 5 00, mostly clear skies into the evening, temperatures will plummet. Near 50 chesapeake, Shenandoah Valley, mountains, right around 40. There is colder air coming into western maryland where ifs belowok cfreezing. c forco your morning run andc m hiking, biking, getting out, enjoying this crisp, invigorating november weather, its only going to make into the low 50s. Its really not going to warm much from where we are now, maybe 5 or 6 degrees. Winds gusting around 25 Miles Per Hour through midafternoon. By sunset they will really diminish. Storm team 4 radar, not showing travel problems, new england to carolinas, light rain, eastern carolinas. Most of the rain in southeastern virginia around norfolk heading out to sea, pulling away from atlantic beaches. Storm team 4 radar all dry sunday morning. For leaf raking, winds will be blustery and a chill in the air. Post your pictures like nelson c c cardon. Millipond. Love that zvphoto. c post yoursc onc twitter andc nelson posted that on my facebook page. Temperatures by dawn tomorrow. This time tomorrow morning the coldest morning of the season so far. Nose numbing temperatures down into the 20s much of the region. Washington, bus stop, metroni tooorrowc 3wnmorning,c uppers. c withc a cf1 om 4zmaat above freezing by midmorning on monday. Then monday afternoon only making it to the mid40s with sunshine, lighter wind. Milder weather moves in. Good travel weather, tuesday, wednesday, highs, low to mid50s. Beautiful on thanksgiving day up near 60 degrees with sunshine. Milder friday mid60s. Our next chance of rain next weekend looks to be on saturday. Highs in the low 60s. Chance of showers. Drying out and turning chilly next sunday with highs in the 40s and sunshine returning. Thats the way it looks. coc thank you, tom. Ten minutes away from the 8 00 hour. Four things to know nrctoday. i right now isis planning an qqq in atlanta today at a wwe event. The fbi said its aware but they have not found any credible evidence. A woman caused a lockdown at the white house after tossing an apple core over the fence. Lockdown lasted five minutes yesterday afternoon. Secret service took the woman in for questioning. She was not charged. The Washington College student causing a shutdown was found dead. The parents told authorities he had taken one of their guns and disappeared. After his mother sakd he took its one of the most iconic buildings on the national mall. Most7s of the smithsonian is s off to the public until cnow. The Smithsonian Castle completed back in 1855. A medieval style unlike most of official washington. This public room near the entrance contains the remains of founders James Smithson who never in his lifec visitedc ud states. Working castle 39 years. Now he delightsc showingnrc hc upper floors mostly used tore staff and executive offices. Like this desk that belonged to john quincy adams. It didnt start out as a desk. Upright piano made in london. Of course security there has a picture of what the piano originally looked like. These are floors. The public doesnt get to come up here. Thats right. Only special tours. Special tours and some behind the scenes tours on the weekends. In one Conference Room Charles Lindberghs 1927 leather helmet right next to 1965 gemini space helmet. Basketball great Michael Jordans 1996 jersey shows its not allc ancient history. Youni workr q building that stuffed withc history. c]i do you see myit . Yeah. c you know, thecoc problem ys th tae smithsonian is locatedccc everything even in 40 years. But he says hes going to keep on workingc andc lookingc in thec district tom sherwood, news 4. An . Xp myc veteranc receiv georges county. Police escortczv andc big ame flag helped make jerry horsely feel at home. Cameras are there as members of suntrust and military warriors presented him with a key to his brandnew home yesterday. He was moved by the ceremony. Neighborhoodc is great. c to be able to have anc opportunity anvo walk in like that, is amazing. It took an army of contractors to get the home ready. It needed major repair work before horsely could move in. Looks good now. Looks great. That place looks great for him. Thank you for your service. If youre going to be ights,c youco ay cn may be struggling withc strand leavesw3 will be swirling, win gusting 20, 25 Miles Per Hour this afternoon. Highs reaching low 50s. Cold start monday morning, coldest start of the season. Cold afternoon, only mid40s. Warming trend, dry weather. Good travel west tuesday, wednesday, thanksgiving looking great. Sunshine near 60. The day after, too. At lot of events and parades. Perfect to round out the week. Thats all for news 4 today depends on whos in the sidecar. Its pretty comfortable in there. Lets go for a ride. Alright. Definitely misread this one. Geico motorcycle, great rates for great rides. Swing and a miss delicious and packaged with nothing to hide. No secrets. Just like our family. Well there is one. Folks, im not your grandma. Just a handsome kind hearted drifter who wandrered in years ago and stayed for all the yummy sausage. Feel bad about lying. Nap time. I got her. Seriously . I feel like i just woke up. Ha ha ha fully cooked johnsonville breakfast sausage. We dont make sausage. We make family. And sausage. Talking tough. President obama vowing this morning the u. S. Will not stop in the fight against isis. We do not succumb to fear. As security is ramped up, the fbi looks into a reported isis threat against a wrestling event tonight in atlanta. While in europe, the desrate hunt continues for one of the suspected terrorist attackers last seen entering belgium. Search for the shooters. Police in new orleans looking for the gunman who shot a hero student who stopped to help a woman being attacked by the gunman. Tricky travel. Heightened terror concerns and nasty weather across the northwest dont

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