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Racesful well be on for a full hour and tonights show will begin at midnight. Between now and then, download the nbc washington app for breaking electio results as soon as they come in. So depending on the weather, a lot of times that makes people decide whether or they go out to the polls. We need to check in with tom to see what kind of day well have. Tom, no excuses today, right . A good day to get out to vote. Off to a chilly start in the 40s, but highs today will be near 70 degrees in washington. In montgomery and Prince Georges County, low 70s. Much of fairfax county. Across Northern Virginia, some spots are going to be pushing the upper 70s. Fredericksburg, upper 70s. Mid70s from manassas to leesburg, quantico in the mid70s as well. Southern maryland, highs in the low to mid70s there as well. A beautiful day. Just clouds coming through. King george may get into the upper 70s there in the western part of the northern neck. And near the pennsylvania border from Howard County into frederick and washington, the panhandle of West Virginia, should be right near 70 degrees. The Shenandoah Valley from martinsburg down to shenandoah and lorain, winchester, mid to upper 70s with a southwesterly breeze sweeping up the valley and clouds coming through. Out of the mountains, many locations there in the upper 60s to right near 70 degrees. Coming up next weather and traffic on the 1s at 4 41, a look at the election day forecast in the metro area hour by hour and the breakdown on that. Now well check on Road Conditions with melissa. Some construction popping up right now. Were talking about New Hampshire avenue nord at powder mill. We have one lane and one shoulder closed because of that emergency road work. Hoping thats going to be out of the way before things pick up too much. A wider look at things, inner loop, outer loop looking good. In and out of town, no major problems. Well keep it that way. We do still have this that i told you about a few minutes ago with a water main break in Silver Spring on deal drive between pershing drive and kingsbury. Th shut down. We hope to get that out of the way shortly. Taking a live look in virginia, 66 at Virginia Visitor Center is looking good. Ill be back in ten minutes at 4 41. Thank you. 4 33 right now. Today Virginia Governor Terry Mccauliffe heads to the airport where they screen passengers for ebola. They are also given a kit that includes a thermometer, pictures outlining symptoms and information on who to call if they become sick. This morning a lockdown in dover is over following a shooting that hurt one student. This happened yesterday afternoon outside a red dense hall near the main campus. The victim is expected to be okay. Police are looking for the shooter now. The University Leaders say even though the gunman is still out there, there is no threat to any other students at this time. Right now d. C. Police are looking for the person who shot a man near the shaw metro station. The shooting happened near eighth and r. Streets northwest. This morning traffic in the area is moving. Police blocked off the area during the investigation as you see here. That victim is expected to be okay. A Montgomery County school is now informing parents about an alleged Sexual Assault on campus that happened a month ago. A letter was sent home to parents of john t. Baker middle school explaining the october h incident. A contractor was arrested after being accused of inappropriately touching a student. The incident was not made public in order to protect the privacy of the student. This morning a man from annapolis is facing federal charges accused of threatening to kill president obama and the first lady. Investigators say Christopher Obrien sent threatening emails to the white house on october 16th. Obrien eventually admitted to sending the email but never intended to carry out the threats. Angie goff with new information on a sad story we are following out of newport, oregon. The body of a young boy was found in the bay after a Woman Told Police she tossed her son over a bridge. The 6yearold body was recovered below the bay bridge, which is 100 feet above the water. As officers searched, the mother told them voices told her to throw him off the bridge. Police believe the body is that of the womans son. Right now the mom is in police custody. Aaron . Angie, thank you. No ordinary election day for voters in West Virginia. Why the results tonight will make history in that state. Plus, making sure youre not turned away at the polls. Were showing you what i. D. Will be accepted if youre casting your ballot in virginia. A cool start to the morning, but dont get used to it. The changes youll see during the day when you head out to vote. Vote. Our hourbyhour electio she did as a legislator, doors, hoping yobarbara comstocke. Pushed bills benefiting her special interest client, then failed to disclose she was paid thousands by that same client, failed to disclose 85,000 in extra compensation. The Washington Post called comstocks behavior an apparent breach of congressional ethics. We just cant trust barbara comstock. Patriot majority usa is responsible for the content of this advertising. Welcome back at 4 38. We are answering your election questions. Our producers found fewer Campaign Signs in maryland this year. They did digging and found state workers removed thousands from the road. 3,000 signs were taken down in montgomery and prince georges counties alone. Maryland does not allow signs in the median state roads because they could distract you and make the roads unsafe. In the district you will not only decide the next mayor but decide whether to legalize marijuana. You a choice to vote yes or no to Ballot Initiative 71 which legalizes the cultivation and possession of a limited amount of marijuana. The supporters of the initiative will hold an Election Party as well as a fundraiser for the d. C. Kitchen. While this legalizes possession of marijuana, it does not legalize the sale of marijuana. The d. C. Council is currently working to come up with regulation laws. Were also keeping an eye on the West Virginia u. S. Senate race. Whoer wins will make history there. Republican congresswoman Shelley Moore capito is running against natalie tenant. Either candidate will be the first woman elected to represent West Virginia in the United States senate. Capito is leading in the poll. Both are trying to pick up the seat from senator Jay Rockefeller who is retiring. Polls in West Virginia open at 6 30 this morning and close at 7 30 tonight. We know that many of you want to know whether the weather will be good for you to vote today. Storm team 4 meteorologist chuck bell is in the 4x4 to a polling location in mcclain this morning. Chuck . Repor hey, good morning, aaron and eun. Indeed, a chilly start but a dry start here. No weatherrelated problems whatsoever anywhere in maryland, virginia or the district today. No weatherrelated problems to interfere with you ability to get out and cast your vote for whoever you think is the best person. Temperatures here in mcclain, a little chilly. 46 degrees in the storm team 4x4. There are a lot of 40s on the map, so you need a lightweight jacket out the door first thing this morning. But it will be a mild day today. Even with a fair amount of cloud cover coming our way. Temperatures will rise from out the door in the 40s to lunchtime temperatures up into the upper 60s to near 70 degrees. Then back down into the mid60s when the polls close around the region by 6 00 to 7 00 this evening. No rain chances for today, so thats definitely welcomed news. But nonetheless, you may want to at least have your jacket ready to go. Coming up in ten minutes, tom will be talking more about the big temperature change coming our way just in time for the weekend. For now, a quiet start. We hope to a Tuesday Morning traffic with melissa mollet. Good morning over there in the first 4 traffic center. We are looking good with no major problems, but we have a couple construction things hanging around. Nothing really impacting the commute. 66 at 95 here in virginia. Looking good as we take a wider look at the beltway. Everything is moving along quite nicely. Lots of green and a lot is rolling at a good speed. Taking a look up in maryland, the bw parkway in and out of town, 95, no problems there. We are looking pretty good as we have construction that popped up a little bit ago. New hampshire avee at powder mill. One lane and one shoulder closed. I back in ten minutes with more on the water main break in Silver Spring. Taking their fight to the airwaves, the new tactics being used by opponents hoping to force the red skins to change the team name. Plus, you may find the fight over transportatio funding on your ballot today. The measure that could change the way maryland pays for construction 16 before the hour right now. We want to show you a live picture from mcclain, virginia, this morning. Well show it to you later. Hopefully the polls will open in virginia a little more than an hour from now at 6 00 a. M. They will close at 7 00 tonight. In maryland and d. C. , polls open at 7 00 a. M. And are open until 8 00 p. M. Tonight. If youre headed to vote in virginia, youre going to need an improved or approved i. D. To cast your ballot. You need a drivers license, passport, employee i. D. Or College Students can use their university i. D. S. If you show up emptyhanded, you can fill out a provisional ballot and show your i. D. By friday in order for your ballot to count. No matter where youre voting today, let us know if you see any problems at the polls. Give us a call at the number on the scre, write this down and save it in your cell phone. 2028854444 or you can send an email to tips news4iteam. Com. So analysts are predicting low attendance at the polls despite the high stakes. Tracie potts is live on capitol hill now with what it will come down to. Tracey, good morning. Reporter eun, good morning. Ultimately it comes down to your vote, especially if you are one of the eight states we are watching closely. Because the big issue on capitol hill is control of the senate. Republicans need to pick up six seats today in order to control both houses of congress and we may not have the answer because states like georgia and louisiana are likely for runoffs. And we have states that are doing mailin ballots and a lot of early voting thats already happened. More tn one in four, more than the last election. A big chunk of votes already out there. Some may not show up until after election day. And they will be counted. We are watching very closely not only the 36 senate races but also the 36 governors races around the country. Half of those are considered tossups. We could see changes by party there as well, not to mention every seat in the house. 435 of them. So this is a pretty big midterm election. And its to some degree a referendum on washin and president obama, even though hes not on the ballot. Were watching the senate races very closely. Eight states that could decide the balance of power here in congress. Eun . Tracie potts live on capitol hill for us. Thank you. You wont just be voting for people today. In Prince Georges County you can choose wheth leaders have longer terms. Right now the Council Members and the county executive can be in office no longer than two terms or eight years. You can vote to extend that limit to three terms or 12 years instead. Were keeping track of all of your choices. You can also vote to change marylands constitution today. Question one would require the state to change how it uses the transportati trust fund there. Right now it pays mdot costs for other uses. If you vote yes, it will only go to buildings and other bonds. You may remember the House Majority leader eric cantor upsetting the republican party. Virginia seven district runs through parts of ma nasa and fredericksburg federal investigators are finding piec of e Virgin Galactic spaceship scattered across the mohabi desert in california. They found pieces 35 miles from the main wreckage. The parts were small enough the wind may have carried them away. The crash killed one pilot and injured another. The spacecraft was designed to take up to six people on sightseeing trips to space. Investigators ar s trying to figure out what caused fridays crash. Closer to our region, investigators will piece together a timeline of what happened in the moments before a rocket exploded after liftoff from wallis island, virginia. They will join federal investigators to determine what happened. Rocket carried the unmanned spacecraft bound for the International Space station. It exploded a week ago today. Now time to take a look at the forecast. A bit warmer to start our day, which is not a bad thing at all. And it will only get better, right, tom . A great day to exercise your civic duty and vote today. Beautiful weather. Off to a chilly start. Not as cold as yesterday morning. First things first, you have to walk the dog before you vote. As temperatures are going to be rather chilly for walking the dog between 7 00 and 8 00 in the mid40s. And a little sunshine in and out, partly sunny, still rather chilly between 8 00 and 9 00. It should be in the upper 40s to near 50 by then. Driving this morning, youll need to have that heater on. Well be in the 40s for the morning commute. Then for the afternoon, absolutely gorgeous with the sunroof open and the sunglasses handy. Well be up around 70 degrees by midafternoon aro the metro area. And parts of Northern Virginia may hit the mid to upper 70s. Right now we a just in the 40s. And in Montgomery County, the low 40s, mid40s for prince georges. Low to mid40s in fairfax county. Most locations just in the 40s. Already near 50 in win chester down to front royal. And around the bay its near 50 degrees as well. Inland away from the waters, northern neck, southern maryland, eastern shore, its generally in the 40s. Storm team 4 radar scanning our sky off to a dry start. We have dry roads. No travel problems weatherwise this morning. And temperatures again mild sn w afternoon. Then a change blows in on thursday. Cool front sweeps through on thursday. Morning lows in the low 50s. As the front comes through, occasional showers now looking likely on thursday. Maybe even have a little bit of thunder on thursday afternoon as that front sweeps on through. It will be cooler with highs in the mid60s. We do need some rain so well get benefici on thur. Then on friday, turning quite windy as that storm passes by. It moves to our north and actually intensifies. So we may get gusty winds from that gusting to near 30 miles an hour on friday. Partly cloudy and cooler with temperatures just in the mid50s. Storm team 4s sevenday outlook, the allimportant weekend. If you have outdoor plans on saturday, its going to be quite chilly in the upper 30s in the morning. Saturday afternoon, ill make it to the low 50s. Then on sunday, most of the day is looking dry now, but there is a possibility of a shower, perhaps on sunday afternoon. Highs in the upper 50s. Getting back to work and school on monday, we should have highs in the mid50s. So a cool change coming in friday and through the weekend. Melissa here now to look at the traffic. Everything rolli well, right . Too early for problems, right . Especially on election day with a lot of kids off to school. Its too early to have issues, and thats why we dont have any at this point. 270 headed into town, youre totally fine headed southbound. Northbound as well we have a little bit of a Construction Zone out there by 85 earlier that is now out of the way. No problems there. A wider look at the beltway, you can see into town and out of town were looking quite good inside the beltway. Inner loop and outer loop, just fine. A little bit of a slowdown because of earlier construction here on 395 headed out of town southbound there. Right past duke street. Taking a look at Prince Georges County, branch avenue, pennsylvania avenue, indian head highway, all is rolling along. A live picture, my favorite is colesville road. My beltway barometer is moving this morning. Hopping down to 66 now, if youre hopping on Prince William parkway in the centreville area headed into town, youre fine past oakton and vienna all the way in. Virginia 95 at mine road is moving as well. And then we do have this situation, this water main break in Silver Spring, dale drive between pershing drive and kingsbury. I back in ten minutes with a live picture in Prince Georges County. Uncovering a deadly plot. How police learn of a maryland teens plan to carry out an attack at a school. But first, trying to bring change. How opponents of the redskins name hope to force the team to change it. Plus, getting an early jump on your Holiday Shopping. How early some stores will be opening on thanksgiving for those black friday sales. Those black friday sales. Your time now she did as a legislator, doors, hoping yobarbara comstocke. Pushed bills benefiting her special interest client, then failed to disclose she was paid thousands by that same client, failed to disclose 85,000 in extra compensation. The Washington Post called comstocks behavior an apparent breach of congressional ethics. We just cant trust barbara comstock. Patriot majority usa is responsible for the content of this advertising. Welcome back. If you drive on the beltway, beware. A new plan to crackdown on maryland drivers is underway. Police are targeting drivers who do not move over for emergency vehicles. So people learned the hard way over the weekend as state authority gave out 60 citations on friday through sunday. They are also looking for drunk drivers and speeders. And Prince Georges County has new eyes on you, too. If you dont stop before making a right on red youll get a ticket in the mail. There are a half dozen new Traffic Cameras using the new technology. The cameras record a 12second video of each right turn on red violation. Officials review them and some will be thrown out. It may make drivers think twice and result in you getting more citations. The light is red and its clear to go, why would i have to come to a clear stop. Its just a way for them to get money out of all of us. The cameras will also catch more than one driver who runs a red light. In the past, it only reported the first driver. This morning Maryland State Police need your help finding this man. Take a look, surveillance cameras show a man police say stole Bank Information from atms by installing a skimmer and small camera. Investigators say he stole more than 100,000 in ann arundel, frederick and maryland counties. He may be the same person who up stalled them at Sandy Spring Bank over the summer. 4 257 now. The redskins name controversy is making waves to the west coast. Several native americans in california are asking the fcc to deny license renewals to local tv stations who use that name. George Washington University Professor John bonsoff iii is helping to file the petition. He gained air time for a similar battle in the 1970s. The Justice Department is suing Southwest Airlines for failing to fix maintenance issues. The department is seeking 12 million in civil penalties. The faa fined southwest for hiring a contractor who failed to follow proper procedures to prevent planes from cracking. The ceo disputes the allegations and says southwest looks forward to the opportunity to vigorously defend their record in court. Its still early for a bunch of you, but as you start to think at your Holiday Shopping list, sears and kmart are the latest to announce they will be opening while your enjoying your thanksgiving dipper. You just get too full and need a break. Take the turkey leg with you. Sears is opening their doors at 6 00 on thanksgiving day. Kmart will open at 6 00 a. M. , are you going to miss your thanksgiving holiday . They are going to stay open for 42 hours straight. Last week macys was the first retailer to announce opening hours. They are letting shoppers in at 6 00 p. M. , two hours earlier than last year. Stores are eager to capitalize on predictions that you will spend 4 more this year than last year. 6 00 a. M. . Heres what were finding, you have people who are willing to shop just to get good deals, they go whenever they need to go do it, and then a whole host of people who dont observe thanksgivi or would like to be working on that day for whatever reason, so you put them together, open the store and make some money. There you go. News4 today all quiet right now at this about an hour voters will turn out to make their decisions on a number of key races on this election day 2014. Good morningever. Im aaron gilchrist. Im eun yang for this tuesday, november 4th, 2014. Well take a live look outside right now. It is 51 degrees outside of our studios. A much milder start to your morning. Storm team 4 meteorologist tom kierein is here with your forecast. Go morning, tom. Good morning. Thats a live view from the storm team 4 city camera this morning. Headlines this morning, off to a chilly start. Followed by a mild afternoon. And then milder, warmer pattern will be continuing over the next 36 hours all the way into tomorrow. So enjoy this while you can after we had have very cold start yesterday morning. Right now storm team 4 radar is scanning the sky. We have no rain anywhere around. West virginia, virginia, maryland, delaware, in the district, a dry start this morning. Dry roads all around the region. Temperatures are chilly but not cold like yesterday morning. All above freezing. Its in the 40s in the Shenandoah Valley. The mountains of West Virginia, a few spots are in the 50s. Some of the mild air is pushing up to petersburg. Now 57 degrees. Closer to the metro area, we are generally in the 40s. But a couple spots have dipped down into the upper 30s including dulles down to ma nasa. In Prince Georges County, the mid40s. Montgomery county, voters are heading out early near 40

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