Reporter at her home, police found a 12 gauge shotgun, ammunition, and material to build pipe bombs. Everything she purchased was legal, legal purchases, the shotgun, the ammunition, the fireworks, the hardware, the pieces of pipe to construct the bombs, everything that she did was within the law. Reporter sheriff Charles Jenkins who lives near catoctin high said while it may have been a tough decision for the father to turn his daughter in, that decision saved lives. I mean, just imagine if it were your 18yearold daughter, knowing what the ramifications were, to go out and tell authorities that your childs planning on carrying out Something Like this . You have to really weigh into the conscience on that. Well, thats exactly what he should have done. Yeah, he was a good dad, really. Yeah, you cant let Something Like that go without taking some kind of action. Reporter cevario and an honor student at catoctin high, she had never had any trouble with pole until this. We felt this was going to be carried out. Theres no doubt in our minds that we averted a disaster up there. Ive never seen anything like this, to be honest with you. Reporter now, cevario remains in a local hospital under mental evaluation. Once released, shell be arrested and charged with several felonies. In addition to being an honor student, she was also taking criminal justice classes at Frederick Community college. To give you an idea of how long she had been planning this, detectives say according to her diary, she had been plotting this attack on her school since mid december of last year. Thats the latest in frederick county. Thank you, mark. Tonight the government is calling out sanctuary cities and using a high profile attack in Rockville High School as an example for the need to take action. The Trump Administration is continuing its tough talk against sanctuary cities which shelter People Living in this country illegally, by refusing enforce immigration laws. Attorney general Jeff Sessions is urging maryland lawmakers to ditch a plan to make the state a sanctuary. That would be such a mistake. I would plead with the people of maryland to understand that this makes the state of maryland more at risk for violence and crime. It is not good policy. The Obama Administration had a similar policy in place. Marylands governor larry hogan opposes the state sanctuary bill and said he would veto the measure. Shes been arrested at the white house three times in just one week. Twice she scaled the security fence. Tonight we have more details in the case of marci wahl. Scott macfarlane has been tracking this case and is in the newsroom with the latest. Any idea why she was trying to get on white house grounds. We do now have details about that. According to an affidavit, the u. S. Secret service has been seeing a lot of shoelaces from the white house fence tuesday, and that she was ordered to stay away from the white house by a judge. But in court today, prosecutors say wahl not only violated that stayaway order, she did so twice. Arrested outside the gates friday, then arrested after allegedly scaling the fence again yesterday morning. The judge today ordered wahl jailed until her next hearing, saying theres reason to believe she wont abide by any more stayaway orders. Shes facing charges including contempt of court to which she pleaded not guilty today. The Court Filings shed some light on the case. An agent said wahl claimed to be motivated by the recent successes of other fence jumpers, in particular the jumper who made it inside the building at the white house in 2014. And that she said she was seeking a meeting with the president. And having failed three times, agents say, she said shell ask her state senator to arrange a meeting between her and the morning, wahl was carrying maps of the white house ground and told agents, i feel like im supposed to be here, according to Court Filings. Wahl said little in court today and she will face more legal trouble tomorrow when shes charged with a federal crime of unlawful entry on white house grounds. Scott, thank you. Now to the white houses effort to turn the page on last weeks health care defeat. The president is setting his sights now on tax reforms, but its being overshadowed by new wrinkles in the russian hacking investigation. Tonight there are calls for the ouster of House Intelligence Committee chairman devin nunes, this after we learned about a secret trip to the white house before his explosive claims. This story gets more confusing all the time. Y d every day. So now the question circling on capitol hill, can the house impartial . This comes after that revelation from the committee chairman. The republican chair of the House Intelligence Committee under fire, acknowledging he was on white house grounds last week. Thats when he received the latest information that the president and his team may have been caught up in surveillance. The president needs to know that these intelligence reports are out there. Reporter that white house grounds trip coming the day before nunes briefed the president and the press on the new evidence before briefing his own committee, raising questions about how he got the information, and his ability to run an impartial investigation into the president s ties to russia. Who is he meeting with . Was it a source, or was it somebody from the administration . It raises a lot of questions. Reporter questions the white house did not answer today, instead referring reporters to nunes himself. Im not going to get into who he met with or why. The president s soninlaw and close adviser before the senate Intelligence Committee about setting up meetings with the Russian Ambassador during the transition. This as kushner is set to take over a new task force, bringing together some of the countrys top Business Leaders to help the government run more smoothly. Now were in power, we gotta work together. Reporter while the white house tries to turn the page on the failed Health Care Bill and look ahead to tax reform. And about that tax reform, handling that now could prove more difficult without the savings that republicans were hoping to get by repealing obamacare. Chris, back to you. Thank you. You mentioned russia and the white house is taking aim at russia is calling on the kremlin to release all the Peaceful Protesters who were arrested over the weekend. Russia accused the demonstrators of provoking violence, but demonstrators say they were protesting the alleged corruption of the prime minister. 60,000 people turned out to protest in more than 80 cities and Police Detained more than a thousand demonstrators in moscow democrats delayed a vote on the president S Supreme Court nominee. They planned to vote on whether to cent the nomination of neil gorsuch before the full senate, but democrats used a tactic to push it back a week. Senate minority leader Chuck Schumer plans to filibuster the nomination, potentially forcing the gop to go with whats known as the nuclear vote option, which would require fewer votes for approval. Democrats on the Committee Also delayed a vote on Rod Rosenstein for Deputy Attorney general. If confirmed, he would oversee any investigation into alleged russian interference with our election. Attorney general Jeff Sessions has recused himself from that one. Apparently all that warm air that rushed in here is dragging something behind it. We got a lot of sunshine today, but were watching the radar. Because its a good chance for showers later tonight and again tomorrow. Dougs tracking it all for us. Especially during the day for along with some thunderstorms in the forecast during the day tomorrow. Today, the temperatures, yeah, you mentioned it, nice and warm. 73 degrees at this hour. A very nice evening, 77 degrees towards richmond. 71, hagerstown. So its warm everywhere. New york, remember the cool air we saw yesterday . Still around new york, only 51 degrees. But were on the mild side. Not only that, couple of showers towards the blue ridge, towards parts of the mountains, the shenandoah. Weve been tracking this shower, just a small one along route 28, making its way towards Princ William county. But a very small shower. More shower activity along with this storm. Pretty strong storm here, lot of thunderstorm activity, severe storms, couple of tornado warnings. We dont expect the Severe Weather to move our way, what will will be tmove our way the. And then rain late in the week and mild into next week. Ill take you hour by hour with the rain tomorrow, show you when you have the best chance of needing the umbrella. Thank you, doug. Shots fired inside a cincinnati nightclub. New accounts from those inside as Police Reveal what happened in the moments before the shooting started. Separating fact from fiction when it comes to missing persons cases in the district. Whats being done to keep our young girls safe. In that house on the basement floor, the crime of rape. The victim, just 13 years old. Did you know slow internet can actually hold your business back . Say goodbye to slow downloads, slow backups, slow everything. Comcast business offers blazing fast and reliable internet thats 10 times faster than slow internet from the phone company. Say hello to internet speeds up to 150 mbps. And add phone and tv for only 34. 90 more a month. Call today. Comcast business. Built for business. Two men are facing a series of charges in the district, including child sex abuse. Theyre accused of raping a 13yearold girl. Tonight were hearing from a woman who lives near the home where it allegedly happened. Pat collins is at the scene. Pat . Reporter doreen, there are two suspects in this case. Two 21yearold men. The victim says she repeatedly said no and tried to fight them off. The crime here is rape and that victim is just 13 years old. Fran Hopkins Maxwell lives right next door to where it happened. This is a really good neighborhood. Its really disappointing to hear Something Like thats going on. Reporter the scene, the basement of this large house on 25th street in southeast. According to Court Documents obtained by news4, this is how it went down. A 13yearold girl says she began talking to one of the suspects on social media. That she agreed to meet him here in d. C. She says she snuck out of her house in maryland and took an uber to this home on 25th street. According to Court Documents over the next hour, the victim says the two suspects took turns having sex with her. The entire time, she says, she repeatedly said no and tried to push them off her. Eventually, she got away after being in the house for about two hours and 35 minutes. Did you see any young men i havent seen any young men, but i have seen young girls there before. Really . Yeah, probably Junior High School age. Really . Yeah. Anything that aroused your suspicions . Not really, no. Reporter now the charge here is child sex abuse. Those two suspects are being held without bond. Chris, back to you. Thank you, pat. Right now, police are still looking for the people who shot up a nightclub in cincinnati. One person died. At least 16 others were wounded on sunday morning. As mark barker reports, police say it all started with a dispute inside the bar. Reporter the city of cincinnati is looking for answers after a violence erupted inside a bar over the weekend. Before it was over, 17 people were shot. So far, many questions remain about what led up to the incident, but Police Believe there were multiple shooters. It was a dispute that occurred escalated into the gun violence. Reporter about 200 people were inside the Cameo Nightclub around 1 30 a. M. Sunday when the shooting began. Scared patrons immediately went into survival mode. All i could do was dive on the ground and get to safety. I started screaming and hollering and crying because the bullets is not stopping. Reporter the citys mayor is expressing outrage over the gun violence. 17 people shot for going out to have a good time. Thats totally unacceptable. Reporter several offduty Police Officers providing parking lot security were on scene and quickly responded. Police say the club, which has a history of violence, uses private security and metal detectors or patdowns as people enter. But its not clear how many weapons were used or how the guns were smuggled inside. The mayor says hes confident the shooters will be brought to justice. Mark barker, nbc news. Tonight, british investigationors say theres no evidence groups. Khalid masood used an suv and knives to kill four people in westminster last week. Police say he clearly had an interest in jihad, but they havent found any direct link to al qaeda or to isis. Masood, a britishborn muslim convert, was killed during the attack. His mother released a statement today, saying she is deeply shocked, saddened and numbed by her sons actions and said she does not support his beliefs. Meantime, the family of a u. S. Tourist killed in that attack spoke to the media today in an emotional news conference. Curt cochran ran a music studio in utah. He and his wife were in london celebrating their 25th anniversary. They were walking on Westminster Bridge when they were mowed down by the attackers vehicle. Melissa was badly injured. The most difficult part of all of this is that curt is no longer with u he was an amazing individual who loved everyone and tried to make the world a better place. Melissa cochran has a broken rib, a badly injured leg, and a cut on her head. She is still in the hospital, but her family says she is improving. A veteran civil rights activist and journalist died on sunday. Roger wilkins was 85 years old. He held a key civil rights post during president Lyndon Johnsons administration, and help the Washington Post win a pulitzer for coverage of the watergate scandal. He was most recently a history professor at George Mason University and he died at an assistant living facility in kensington, maryland. His family said he had been suffering complications of dementia. A surprise plea in court from a man behind the wheel of a crash that left five people dead. Tonight a look ahe that would have been presented if the case had gone to trial. Im in front royal where a 17yearold High School Senior is behind bars, accused of causing the death of a 19yearold woman. She was found screaming in the middle of this road on saturday night and later lost her life at the hospital. Coming up, what we r new video, a strong storm hits parts of the south and midwestr from the sky and damaging car windshields. Similar scene in texas with softball sized hail. Also reports of a tornado in north texas yesterday. I guess its that time of year where you get the warm air and the cold air sort of colliding together. Well, we were happy with what we had today, but maybe not so much tomorrow. Its coming, thats right. Were going to see some storms, but i dont think well see anything quite like that. I saw one report of grape fruit sized hail. Talk about damage to a car, that will go right through. I got a better shot for you. Take a look at the Cherry Blossoms down close to the capital. Nice. Isnt this is a great shot . These definitely looking pretty good there, even if theyre not as brilliant in past years, yeah, that still looks pretty good across your region. Now to the shot with plenty of sunshine, seein plenty of high clouds and a sun dog right here. Thats what it is. Looking pretty good across our region. The sun doesnt go down until 7 27 tonight. So close to 7 30. 70 at 7 00, into the 60s around 10, 11 00. Were tracking a couple showers and we may see some this evening, but most of us should be dry. 75, leesburg. 71 in hagerstown. Annapolis, cool at 64. And the river which was at 76, now down to 61. Now, some showers back down the i81 corridor. Now around the manassas area, seeing some shu seeing showers too. This is a very light shower. Earlier it had some downpours assoed going on with that. All part of a storm system connected to what we saw earlier with this storm, which is now bringing some snow up towards parts of maine, but you can trail a front, and then another storm back to the west. This is the one that had all the Severe Weather yesterday into parts of oklahoma and texas. You can see it still spinning here. And look at the thunderstorm activity, lot of severe warnings with this and its moving our way. Timing wise, its not good for Severe Weather. But we could still see a couple of stronger storms during the day tomorrow. Ahead of it, nice and warm. 78, raleigh. 73 here. Notices this. Remember the cool air come all the way down to us yesterday, and then its back on the retreat today. Much nicer weather, little bit of a roller coaster, upper 70s saturday, in the 40s yesterday in the afternoon, back into the 70s today. Tonight, couple of showers, even around 9 00. So dont a shower. Do you need the umbrella tonight . Probably not. But if youre always worried about the rain, keep it handy. 7 00 a. M. , better chance of rain back to the west, and then look what happens during the day here. We see showers around noon and a much better chance tomorrow afternoon of seeing some of those showers and storms. So tomorrow, i would recommend taking the umbrella with you. Again, some of these could be on the stronger side, but it should all be through here by around 0 10 11 00. Tomorrow, mostly cloudy. Showers likely. Thunder possible during the dapdapy. Next couple days, temperatures remaining mild. But thursday and friday, this is close to average or a little bit below average. Rain on friday, thats a good chance of rain coming up on friday. Ill talk more about the weekend and next week at 6 45. Thank you, doug. A College Student is dead, now her boyfriend is facing charges. What the victims father is sharing only with news4 as police work to piece ttogether the bizarre circumstances surrounding her murder. Plus, the faces of the missing. We take a closer look at the effort to bring these girls youre watching news4 at 6 00. Tonight, a grieving father is sharing new detail a death over the weekend. Yeah, the victim, you see her there, shes 19 years old. A front royal College Student with a promising future. The suspect is her 17yearold boyfriend and a senior in high school. The victims father believes that drugs may be to blame for this tragedy, which unfolded along kerfoot avenue. Reporter 19yearold leah adams was in a loving family, they moved from wisconsin to virginia, and her dad said she was determined to make her mark here too. Studying at the community college, working at a bank call center. As she was getting older, she had a good job, she was going to school. She worked hard. She was full of personality. She had places to go and it was too soon for her to go. Reporter leah had also just moved into her own apartment in front royal. Her father said it was there saturday night that her keys to take her car. Blocks away, tragedy. Residents found her screaming for help, lying in the street bleeding. The car driven by her boyfriend had also just struck this mailbox. He drove off, bailed out, and was arrested soon after. The suspect whom we cant name because hes a juvenile, is now charged with murder. Well, the 911 call first came in as a hit and run, police say she died of a stab wound to the chest. Leahs dad said the kroubl had only been dating for a few months. Her family, stunned at what happened. They think the suspect might have been under the influence of some type of drug. Its possible he was on some type of drug that made him go crazy. The relationship, they got along very well. So we were shocked to hear everything that happened. Reporter robert adam said hes torn between anger with the teenage accused of killing his another persons family struck by strej. Part of me wants to hate the kid, but i have a really strong faith, i have a really good church, and part of me wants to forgive him. Reporter the suspect appeared this afternoon in a closed hearing. He was given a courtappointed lawyer, and hell be due back in court in early april. Im julie carey, news4. I shared this story on my facebook page, because robert adams said he wants to thank the community for the outpouring of support as they deal with the loss of a young woman he called the rock of our family. Tonight a sunset vigil will be held for a maryland teenager gunned down in his own neighborhood. 15yearold Dennis Taylor remember him as a good kid who cut lawns to earn extra money. He was shot on saturday i i heard the gunshot and i heard everybody yelling and screaming and i seen him laying on the ground. His Little Brothers looked up to him, all that. Its just terrible. Police say they found a gun on the scene, but have not made any arrests yet. Jury selection was supposed to start today for a driver who hit and killed five people, but in an unexpected twist, he pleaded builty. Closure is hard to come by, but the victims families are getting closer to justice ask it and its been a long time coming. Tracee, did this even catch you by surprise . Reporter well, it did, because there had been so much time that had passed. Why get all the way too trial and then plead guilty. I talked with the defendants attorney. He said at the end of the day, they thought it would be better for them to take their chances with sentencing, with a judge rather than to go trial. Will Kenneth Kelley get a lighter sentence because he admitted to killing five people . His Attorney Says he hopes so. Meanwhile, the state wishes he could get more than the maximum ten years per life lost. With the vehicular cases, they are always a little hard to accept, and very difficult to say to a family 50 years, when five people are dead. Reporter it was one of the deadliest crashes in recent memory. It happened october 2014 on livingston road and oxen hill. It took a year to gather evidence and place him behind the wheel and months to gather his bloodalcohol level. We were also waiting for dna results which we got in the spring of 2015, which is when we filed our indictment, and then a warrant was issued for him and we had to wait for the warrant to be served. Tameika and typhani Hassan Boykin and khadiua ba were also killed. In the striking vehicle, dominique green was killed, but the driver survived. Prosecutors say kelley was drunk when we got behind the wheel that night. Today a jury was expected to be selected, but instead he pleaded guilty to all counts. After he spent three years waiting for a trial, the question is why . They felt like they could do better by accepting responsibility and going with a judge. We would have been proving that he was driving under the influence and that in his driving, he killed five people. Reporter they were hoping initially, the defense anyway, that maybe he could get ten years for this manslaughter charge or his conviction rather than 50, and all five lives count for just ten years. The States Attorneys Office didnt agree with that and thats part of the reason this in may w is sentenced. Reporting live, im tracee wilkins. Back to you all in the studio. Tracee, thank you. The Rockville City Council is considering a new smoking ban, it would prohibit smoking at Outdoor Dining areas across the city. Leaders want to hear what you think about the idea. Theyre holding a public hearing at rockville city hall. If the law passes, rockville would become only the second city in maryland to enact such a ban, and the first in our area. In the district today, mayor bowser announced a Million Dollar program to empower young women in middle and high school. The mayor and chancellor Antoine Wilson say the program will include afterschool activities, International Travel and other special programs to encourage academic and social skills. The mayor said the Girls Program will be around several schools. Reign will support women who agree into leadership roles, because we know young women can be leaders, but they have to be told that and learn that every step of the way. Remember it was just last year that the city created a specific separate College Prep School to focus on encouraging teenage boys. New revelations in a decades old murder mystery. What we know about the last people who saw the lion sisters alive, and what they reveal about their final hours before vanishing from a maryland shopping mall. Communities in southeast have been hit the hardest by the missing girls in the city. Today, Community Leaders are reaching out to students to tell them where to find help should they find themselves in crisis. That story at 6 00. And im tracking a strong storm right now, making its way to us. Chance for showers and thunderstorms tonight and into the day torrow. Illom s announcer while everyone discusses the future of health care, 18 million americans are already choosing it. 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Com take a look at this dramatic body camera video that shows an officer pulling an injured man away from a burning car. The oklahoma sheriffs deputy saw the flames yesterday and slid down a ditch to get the car. He asked the man if he could walk, realized he couldnt. The deputy dragged him away from the fiery wreck. We dont know the extent of the drivers injuries, only that he had to be flown to a hospital in tulsa. Four people will have to find somewhere else to sleep tonight after a fire chased them out of their home. Happened near forbes boulevard. We told you about the fire earlier today and now that its caused 40,000 worth of damage. Investigators dont know how to started. A firefighter suffered burns to his hands, but is expected to be okay. Saturday marked 42 years since two young sisters vanished from Montgomery County. Sheila and kathryn lions disappearance rocked the entire have never been found. Later this year, a man will go on trial for their murders. Our news partner is taking a deeper look. In this episode of the investigation continues, were talking about the eyewitnesses who saw sheila and kathryn lion in the last few minutes before they disappeared from wheaton plaza. We spoke about a girl by the name of darlene, who was a friend of the lion sisters. She saw a 20ish young man, who was leering at the lion sisters in wheaton plaza. She said it struck her as creepy. She said she didnt speak to the girls, but she told the man, why dont you take a picture, it will last longer. She eventually did give a description to a Montgomery County detective but she wasnt the only person who saw the lions sisters. There was a neighbor of the lion sisters who described seeing a 50ish man, a welldressed man who had a microphone and was trying to coax young girls into talking into the microphone while at wheaton plaza. A couple days later, Montgomery County police did put out one sketch. It was of the man that jimmy saw. And he came to be known as tape recorder man. That was the iconic image that people in this area for looking for, for years. Darlenes image was never put out to the public. But 40 years later, when police named a person of interest, it was the person who darlene had described that was a dead ringer for the person of interest. Fascinating podcast. Investigation continues are released every monday. You can find it on itunes, podcasts 1 and wgop. Com. Even actes viola davis is paying attention to the biggest story on our nbc washington app. The Academy Award winning actress tweeted this video, a call to action, drawing attention to young girls missing from the district, while one missing child is one too many, there are a lot of misconceptions, it seems, about all this right uptick in the number of girls missing from our area right now. Still most of those teenagers who cannot be found, hail from the same part of d. C. News4s Kristin Wright is in southeast washington to explain the grassroots effort directed at kids in that neighborhood. Kristin . One missing child is too many. And here, east of the Anacostia River in southeast d. C. , the disappearances of young girls, and sometimes boys, have hit the hardest. Many leaving home on their own. I think its a telltale sign that our city has a long way to go to really fix some of the inequalities faced in many parts of our city. Reporter markus batchelor, on the state board of education, calls this neighborhood home. My main concern is that we get to the root cause of why young women and young men as well feel like the only option to feel safe is to leave home. Reporter bachelor other volunteers to meet at the high school. Flyers listed numbers to call, instead of running away. Also, where to find help in cases of domestic violence, human trafficking, and any crisis. Were not going to downplay runaways. Reporter mayor bowser announced new initiatives, assigning more Police Officers to the children and Family Services division, establishing a missing persons evaluation so that families get the right services after young people come back home. Also, more Grant Funding for nonprofits that help runaways and their families. One thing that weve done differently is to say that every critical missing person report deserves attention, deserves the publics attention, and deserves all of us trying to make sure that these kids are reunited with their families. Reporter to markus batchelor, this community is a village. We need our whole village to wrap around your young women and men in crisis. Reporter he says its just the beginning and theyre going around the city to information. This story is in the nbc washington app. Back to you. Thank you, kristin. Theres a lot of misinformation out there about the missing teens in d. C. After an inaccurate social media post went viral. Weve posted a deeper look into whats true and whats not about the missing person cases in d. C. You can read it during the break. Open up the nbc washington app and search missing girls. The little girl who has been staring down that wall street bull, wont be backing down anytime soon. The fearless girl statue has become very popular since it was erected earlier this month. Today new york city mayor bill de blasio said the artwork has inspired a lot of people and fueled some powerful conversations about women in leadership. The statue was supposed to be removed on april 2nd, but the mayor says a longerterm permit will allow it to remain in place through february of next year. I loved seeing all the social media pictures of girls so, doug, whats the timeline look like for the wet weather moving in . We got a little bit tonight, and tomorrow morning, then the bulk of it its off and on between then. When youre up, it could happen. The big thing s take the umbrella. It could happen. The rain trying to make its way here. But its beautiful right now. Look at the Cherry Blossoms through the rest of the evening hours, a nice night to get out and about. Temperatures sitting at 73 degrees, winds out of the northeast, three miles an hour, not much in the way of wind. Temperature of 74 in twin brook. Look at beverly beach, 66 degrees. Right now, the one thing people have been asking me about today, tree pollen is on the moderat and that will probably be going up. Although the rain tomorrow may help. Look at the showers now. Not much in our region, but just back to our west, towards parts of the shenandoah valley, we are seeing shower activity here and these will move over the blue ridge in the next couple of hours. Even a storm with this, just down to the south, around charlottesville and harrisonburg, that could move to the east and could affect culpepper over the next few hours. More showers coming in, but the bulk of the action, back to the west. Where we have a line of strong, to severe thunderstorms. Theyre moving our way, but as we go down with the sun, the energy of the atmosphere also goes down. Not expecting too much overnight tonight. Tomorrow afternoon, a better chance for stronger storms during the day, around 4, 5, or 6. A chance of showers just about all day tomorrow off and on. Not a washout. But a good idea to take the umbrellah thursday and friday. Highs in the upper 50s. Maybe heavy rain on friday. Saturday and sunday looking good. Highs around 60 to 65. A pretty goodlooking start to april. But tonight, tomorrow morning, tomorrow afternoon, have the umbrella with you. Coming up in sports, max scherzer versus tim tebow, i hope theyre talking about baseball. As the caps push towards the playoffs, whats behind the hairraising experience at picture day . But first heres lester holt with a look at whats ahead. Ahead for us tonight, the congressman leading the russia investigation pressured to explain a secret whitehouse meeting as the Top Senate Democrat calls for him to step aside. Also the surprising drug showing great promise against a major depression. And does Breast Feeding affect a childs behavior o stronand restoringding a a fathers faith. Its standing tall after one surgery. Not six. Stronger is being a typical kid. Despite a rare disorder. Stronger is finding it earlier. And coming home sooner. Stronger is seeking answers. And not giving up, until you find them. Because we dont just want your kids to grow up. We want them to grow up stronger. This is the xfinity sports desk. Do you realize its only three to four degrees warmer than it is right here . Yes. I didnt realize that. No clue. Thats what you were doing on your phone during the commercial break. Honestly, it was the same way when i was down for spring training, and my hawaha story wasnt working. The nationals have baseball on the brain, because theyre facing the red sox beginning the final stretch of the exhibition season. Opening day, one week from today. The guys are coming back on friday this week. Not sure from now until then how much more well see the likes of bryce harper. He certainly looked ready, and hes not the only one. Max scherzer on the mound, making his second start this spring. And look who he is facing. Number 97 is tim tebow. Also what scherzer hit on the radar going against him. Tebow goes down, three straight pitches, 96, 97, and another 97 miles per hour. Straight heat good outing for scherzer who strikes out over five scoreless innings. Bryce harper continuing to rake. Harp with two home runs in the game, including a towering shot in the fourt this spring. Trey turner also homers twice as the nats blank the mets, 60. Buck showalter and the orioles taking on the red sox today. Keep an eye on this guy as roster decisions are being made. Trey mancini now batting. 357 this spring, 3 for 3 today, including this tworun double in the fourth. Playing right field this afternoon, the number five prospect in the os organization doing his best to stay up with the big league club. Tied at five in the fifth. Former nats catcher sends a shot to left. J joey rickard cannot find it in the sun. Check the stands. Grand slam for leon. Red sox win it 119. Theyll be at nats park for an exhibition game on friday. As for the caps, on theyre on the road. But before they get away, team picture day, and like last year, hairraising highlights, just like they stole my teeth. Reporter caps picture day. Justin williams and andre burakovsky. In picture day, we stand up there for 15 minutes, our legs get tired, we filter in, and we all look the same. Trying to have someone say, oh, look at that guy. I had a deal that im not allowed to cut my hair until after the season. Obviously its getting big and justin came up with the idea of doing it. I think he was trying to copy him. Biggest form of flattery is copying him. Youd think getting that hair pictureday perfect would take extra prep, why not a little heat . Not here. Burke is like that every day. Thats what it is. He wears two helmets. It took him 30 seconds. Stood it on up. Willy said he shampooed twice to get it extra poofy. My hair gets really big anyway. So i just comb it up and thats it. Its pretty simple. Trying to get it as big as possible and when its good. They went for it and got it. Thats how we wake up in the morning. In case you missed it, we are posting different clips from our chat on the web with ted leonsis, a lot of people talk about the difference in his management style from the redskins, and i asked him specifically about this, and his reaction about not being cavalier about firing people. Its worth a listen. Atoday its official, Maurie Joseph is the full time mens basketball a fiveyear deal for the 31yearold after mike lonergans firing. Forgot how young he was. I know. Hope he does well. Thank yo tonight, a mystery plot twist. A secret meeting on white house grounds hours before a powerful republican claimed he had evidence of the trump team was monitored by u. S. Spies. Did the bombshell tip actually come from a trump insider . Your internet privacy, the new law critics say would give anyone access to what youre searching for on the web if willing to pay. Treating depression, e surprising drug doctors are using to pull suicidal patients back from the brink with dramatic results. The u. S. Womens hockey team takes a stand for equal pay and equal rights as the men. And lemonade for love. A 6yearold girl on a mission inspiring americans. Nightly news begins right now. Announcer from nbc

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