A 9yearold victim saying the school principal, michelle williams, knew about inappropriate behavior and didnt act. Williams has since been placed on administrative leave but criminal charges have not been filed. His personality, it was kind of quiet. Reporter pastor henry david is the pastor of first Highland Church of highland park. The same church Deonte Carraway attended. During his High School Years he sang in our choir and i would see him periodically. Reporter while pastor davis says he was shocked to hear about the allegations against carraway, he did notice things he considered odd. Strange part was that i never knew his family. He used to come by himself, and i did not know how he got what his mode of transportation was for him to get here, but i never knew his family. Reporter he says carraway was always alone, about you those who knew Sylvania Woods Elementary School say he was always around school. Now, again, this is still a very active and ongoing investigation. Law enforcement officials continue to press any victims out there, gardens of victi guardians of victims or anyone with information about this investigation. Theyre encouraged to call the tip line. This is not the first time the police have been called to this Elementary School. Investigators have been trying to solve a history in that building since last year. Scott . A different mystery. News4 has learned between 300 and 1,200 was reported missing from the schools safe at scattered showers Woods Elementary School and after the theft the principal reported installing hidden surveillance cameras in the building as a response. Thats information obtained by news4 in a public records request. The money went missing in mid2015 from a locked school safe and Police Suspect tool. A Prince Georges County Police Official says the principal is not suspected in that theft. And they say as of tonight the case remains unsolved. Separate information obtained from the School District says in response to the theft, the principal installed the hidden cameras in the Bookkeepers Office and indicated the Bookkeepers Office had some oversight of money in the safe. The School District says it was 1,200 unaccounted for. Police report said it was 300 and that it went missing from a gold envelope in the safe. But the district today was unavailable to explain that discrepancy. The Investigation Police say is ongoing. Scott macfarlane, news4. Our other big story tonight, the weather. Dangerously cold air gripping our region. Check out this video of people bundled up with their heavy coats and hats in northwest d. C. Doug is here to let us know just how long this cold air will stick around and will it be even colder tomorrow, doug . We got a little bit of a reprieve, maybe five to ten degrees warmer tomorrow, but then 15 to 20 degrees colder on saturday and sunday. So if you thought today was cold, just wait until the weekend. Look at the high temperatures today. Only 30 degrees for a high in d. C. 22 in hagerstown, 28 camp springs. But the windchill never head it above 20 degrees in many locations, and thats the case its going to be like over the next couple days. Tomorrow we get above 20 for the windchill, so at least thats, i dont know, good news. Saturday down into the Single Digits if not below zero by late saturday evening into sunday. Only in the Single Digits just about all day long monday. We do start to warm but we could see some snow on monday. Now, frigid tonight. Were talking about extremely cold night but it gets even colder for the weekend, and then tracking our next storm system which, yes, may start as snow. How does it end though . Ive got that forecast for new a minute. Thanks, doug. Firefighters say they found hoarding conditions after they arrived at today. Those flames broke out in the basement of a house this afternoon. At one point things got so dangerous that all the Emergency Personnel were pulled out of there. Last night a news4 iteam investigation revealed a fast rising number of fires fueled by socalled hoarding conditions. The iteams review found that in Prince Georges County it takes firefighters an average of five minutes to find and remove a victim of a house fire, but it takes nearly an hourv and a hal to do the same thing in the house of a hoarder. Theres new information tonight about the response into a babys death in d. C. Turns out the childs sibling did not call 911 as police initially reported, but a d. C. Firefighter did make that call, and now shes under administrative review. Mark segraves broke the story and joining us with the new questions being raised. Mark . Reporter yeah, doreen. And that firefight the call, turns out shes the aunt of the six children who were left unattended in this home in northwest washington, and she circumvented the normal 911 call procedure by calling a 911 supervisor directly. When firefighters arrived at the home on van buren street in northwest, they found six children, the oldest a 10yearold, the youngest a 7monthold baby who was in medical distress. He was pronounced dead at a local hospital. There were no adults in the home. Police officials originally told reporters one of the dying childs siblings called 911 for help. An internal dispatch report shows thats not what happened. And today the office of unified communications confirmed there was no 911 call. To clarify there, was no 911 call received by ouc. The call was received by the Fire Department emergency Liaison Officer who is on site at the 911 call center. The elo passed on the information to the f dispatcher who entered the information immediately ant dispatched the appropriate response. Late this afternoon a Fire Department official confirmed that sibling actually called an aunt, tarika hooks who is a d. C. Firefighter. Hooks then called a supervisor directly at the 911 call center. Hooks remains on active duty but a review of the incident is now under way. We can tell you firefighter hooks is under investigation. She was on duty yesterday and was never here at the home during the incident when the child died. We can also tell you that Fire Department officials confirm that hooks uses this address as her permanent residence and that is also a matter of the review because Officials Say they have indications that she may actually live in maryland. As for the five children, they remain in the care and custody of d. C. Child and Family Services and Police Continue to investigate the death of the child. Doreen, back to you. Mark segraves porting. Thank you. Health officials have just confirmed the first case of the zika virus in maryland. The victim travelled to a country in central america. The person has recovered and poses no danger to the community. D. C. Has three confirmed cases of zika, including a pregnant woman. And virginia has one confirmed case. While the virus is not spread by casual human contact, health Officials Say it can be sexually transm transmitted. Three metro employees have been suspended tonight after a train ran a red signal and came really close to another train on the same track. Today metro Board Members got new information about that incident and they were not pleased with what they saw. The trains were about 190 feet from each other at the smithsonian station last week. Transportation reporter adam tuss now with why these workers got to keep their jobs. Adam . Reporter yeah, jim. It our ur red signal as a train operator but in order for you to get fired for doing that, you actually have to be a repeat offender. All up and down the metro system, there are signals that tell trains when to stop and when to go. Blow through a red light once and you likely wont be fired. It takes at least two times to go through a red light before you can get fired, but it could be even more. No more than three violations, hes definitely terminated. Reporter is that too many . This this latest case, two trains came within a couple rail car lengths of one another facetoface. Jack evans doesnt see the need for a change in policy yet. Im willing to stake with the policy as it is for the moment. Reporter there were six other documented red signal violations between 2013 and 2015. Just what happened last week . Metro says as the train was trying to turn around, the train operator thought he could proceed through a red gnal when, in fact, wasnt given that permission. The train operator and control center even repeated back to each other incorrect catch. This exchange between board member tom bulger and rail chief rob troop. Are they blind . Mr. When it went through the interlock, i would have been screaming hair on fire. And nothing was said by the control center to this operator . The transcripts are still being reviewed at this point. You said you interviewed everybody. Reporter metro general manager says more supervision is being added in metrorail operations control center. And metro also tells us tonight that they are close to hiring a new chief safety officer. Jim, back to you. Democratic debate a few hours away now will report whats at stake as both candidates fight for votes in important battleground states. This proposed virginia bill would penalize adults who smoke in the car with kids. Coming up on news4 at 6 00, what commonwealth. Well tell you i lead the 11 oclock news with stories of gun violence. And like many of you, my family lived through l fight to expand background checks on guns and ammunition, ban assault weapons, and mandate gun safety locks, because too many kids die from accidental shootings. Lets show the nra were not afraid of them; as democrats, as americans, as parents. Im Kathleen Matthews and i approve this message. To president ial politics now. The focus is on milwaukee where the Democratic Candidates will debate tonight. The stakes are high. Hillary clinton needs to reassure supporters that shes in command of her campaign, and Bernie Sanders needs to preserve his momentum. Reporter on the heels of Bernie Sanders landslide victory in new hampshire, tonight is the first real showdown between the two remaining Democratic Candidates. The selfdescribed democratic socialist took a victory lap with public appearances in new york and meeting with activists and msnbc anchor reverend al sharpton. It is very important that he sent the signal that on the morning after a historic victory he would come to harlem and have breakfast with me. Reporter trailing Hillary Clinton among africanamerican voters, the vermont senator is courting the minority vote and touting his immigrant roots to broaden his appeal in upcoming diverse states like nevada and south carolina. I still love new hampshire, and i always will. Reporter despite her blistering loss in the granite state, the Congressional Black Caucus Political Action committee chose to endorse secretary clinton. Shes been our term. We believe shes made a difference. Reporter tonights debate will be clintons first public appearance after two days of private meetings with advisers about how to reenergize lagging support with women and young people. While the wisconsin primary is still more than a month away, tonights location at the university of wisconsinmilwaukee will help set the stage in this battleground state in the general election. Wendy woolfolk, nbc news, milwaukee. More on Hillary Clintons endorsement from the Political Action committee of the Congressional Black Caucus. At todays announcement john lewis dismissed Bernie Sanders work on social justice in the 1960s. I never saw him. I never met him. I was chair of the Student Nonviolent Coordinating Committee for three years from 1963 to 1966. But i met hillary according to the bio on Bernie Sanders Campaign Website he was active in two civil rights organizations in 1962 and 63 when he was a student at the university of chicago. Tomorrow lawmakers in virginia will vote on a bill that would penalize adults who smoke in cars with kids in the car. Some people are applauding that proposal. Others say its an overreach of government. David culver is here now with a look at the bill and the likelihood of it becoming a law. If it prevents one child from being trapped in a car with second hand smoke. Those words from the southwest virginia delegate who has proposed this bill. Republican todd pillion pushing for adults to be fined 100 if theyre caught smoking in a car with a minor under the age of 8. The pediatric dentist says hes seen the negative effects in the kids hes treated. And theyre chronically sick and they have asthma and they cant recover from theyre constantly exposed to second hand smoke in a very confined space. Reporter if passed, it would be a secondary offense, meaning you couldnt be pulled over just for violating that law. I want to know if this is something you support. Reporter we wanted to hear from you. Many of you logged onto our Facebook Live chat and weighed in. Sterling, youre writing in right now. R support this fine. There are more important issues that the state of virginia can focus on. Helen commented on our Facebook Page writing the government just trying to take one more right away. They want total control over everything we do. I dont feel like this is big brother government. I feel like were protecting little brother in the backseat struggling to breathe fresh air. Reporter it seems many others agreeing wi with the del. You say, yes, as a child of a smoker, i fully report it. The bill is making progress. It goes to a full pass . Im confident. Reporter you are. You believe it has a chance. I think it has a chance. Its gotten further this year than ever before. Reporter we used our news4 flash survey to ask you the question what do you think of the bill . Got to show you these results. The vast majority of you, more than 80 , call it a good idea. Others saying it just goes too far, and tomorrow is when the house in virginia will vote on the measure. If it passes the house, it moves on to the senate next week. Vance . There is a rare opportunity this month for a glimpse into Prince William county history. The Lucasville School is opening to the public on weekends for black history month. It is the only existing school used by africanamerican students after the civil war. The oneroom school operated from 1885 to 1926. If you want to stop by, it will be open from 11 00 until 4 00. Its just outside manassas. A lifesa dic hidden in plain sight. See what happened when our iteam went looking for this critical tool inside local malls, rec centers, and government buildings. Im julie carey in Fairfax County where there is a new option for Law Enforcement officers when they encounter somebody experiencing a Mental Health crisis. Its called the view you can get from space. Take a look a Lightning Storm from up above. A britishs s astronaut released this time lapse video. Hes aboard the International Space station. He captured dazzling images of storms. The footage shows a series of lightning bolts striking the earth. There are some of us who would consider this to be probably one of the most amazing, fantastic stories that we ever get to see or report ever. It has to do with something that physicists found that prove einstein was right. We have detected gravitational waves. We did it. An International Team of astrophysicists used a highly sensitive instrument to detect something called a gravitational wave. It came from two black holes merging in deep space hor than a billion years ago. The wave was recorded and the audible chirp was played back at a News Conference today. The Research Team includes a physics professor from the university of maryland. Its just a thrill. I dreamed of this day but i didnt know it would play out like this. We need to point out once again Albert Einstein envisioned this, it was part of his theory of relativity however many years ago it was. He was right. That was a bad dude. Indeed. Im not sure i fully understand all of this i dont either. But i know its exciting. Its fascinating. Vance, do you know when he first put that theory out . When . 1916. 100 years ago. You were in Elementary School then. Nice, doreen. High five right there. I like that. It was right there. Lets move on, doug. You got it, buddy. Wow, it took 100 years. It shows you how far ahead of his time einstein was. Well show you what were dealing with. That was harsh. I love it. Also harsh, the cold air. Look at the current temperature down to 26 right now but the wind has been howling all day. 20, 25mileanhour winds, windchill down to 14. So some incredible cold across the region. Down to 19 in gaithersburg. 24 in culpeper. 21 in luray and look at the windchills now down to 4 in gaithersburg. Manassas at 12. 8 in frederick. 11 at joint base andrews. You know were in for an extremely cold night. It gets a lot colder than this over the next couple days. Today we were brutal across the region with the cold, but this weekend it becomes downright dangerous. The temperatures and the wind chills will be 10, 15 colder than they were out there today. Something else to note, nothing on the radar right now. It would be snow. But tomorrow evening around this time we could see some snow showers. If that were to occur because of the cold air, everything would stick very easily so even a half an inch of snow tomorrow evening could produce some problems on the roads so we want to make sure youre ready for that, too. Here comes the cold. Weve already got it across the east. But we get a reinforcing shot that comes in and explodes across our region. Record low temperatures possible in parts of the northeast. Even as close to our area as philadelphia. For us i dont think well see any records but were going to come fairly close. Thats just how cold this air is. The coldest air of the season by far. Blustery winds up to 20, 30, even 40 miles per hour. And that puts our windchills below zero late saturday night into sunday morning and were talking about valentines day weekend. So you know its going to be quite cold for that. Think about the cars and the pipes. What should you do with those . Then check on the elderly, especially your neighbors. Make sure they have the heat on and bring in the pets. These arhe we have 23 things that you can do to get ready for the cold on our nbc washington app. Download the app today to figure that out. Now, 24 for a high on saturday, but temperatures fall all day. 23 on sunday, valentines day, and look at the low around 9. I want to show you the wind chills on saturday because theyre just that brutally cold. Here is the windchill saturday morning at 8 00. 2 in d. C. 1 below in martinsburg. 1 below in frederick. Normally during the afternoon we tend to warm, but thats not going to happen much as we move through the afternoon. Saturday at 1 00 down to 4 in d. C. , zero in martinsburg, and my sunday morning, look at these numbers. 3 below zero in gaithersburg. 2 below zero in martinsburg. And then on monday weve got a chance of snow. More to come with our next storm system. Its snow, then ice, then rain. The entire forecast coming up at 6 45. Next at 6 00, new information about the maryland deputies killed in the line of duty as the gunmansso about his fathers troubled past. He was a heavy drinker. He had iol problems. Also, an alternative to jail for some offenders. Its part of an effort to start changing minds. I was sick and i needed help, not jail time. And it can take up a lot of time when seconds count. Those precious moments make a big difference between life and death. Tonight the iteam investigates a problems with we are following breaking news in Prince Georges County where police are looking into a shooting that the theyre calling suspicious. A man was shot and killed but at this point theyre still trying to figure out if the victim or someone else pulled the trigger. Lets goat to news4s pat collins with the details. Reporter doreen, what really happened in that house over there, who pulled the trigger and why. Was it accidental or was it intentional . Were here at the scene on james farmer way right over the District Line in seat pleasant. Its a sad thing but, you know, it happens all over. Theres no exceptions here. Reporter a curious shooting death in seat pleasant. Was it an accident or was it intentional . Sources say police are going through clues talking to witnesses trying to out. Blanche malloy has lived here 20 years. She says shes not used to this sort of thing here in seat pleasant. We never had nobody get shot in nobodys house in the neighborhood, no. Reporter it happened around 2 00 this afternoon at this house on james farmer way. A man wounded upstairs. Medics called to the scene. They try to save him but he died later at the hospital. Maurice matthews, he lives in the house but he wasnt home when it happened, and when he came home, police were all over the place. Its shocking to me, you know. It hit me too soon. I wasnt expecting this. Reporter trouble. Trouble, yeah. Reporter so we have a man dead here from a gunshot wound, but how did it happen . Why did it happen . Theres a lot more to be known here. Live in seat pleasant, pat collins, news4. Here at the live desk we classaction lawsuit has been filed in connection with that child porn investigation. The one involving a teachers aide at judge sylvania wood Elementary School. A second victim is an 11yearold boy, in the fifth grade, has joined the lawsuit filed earlier this week by the family of that 9yearold victim. This comes right as parents are meeting with School Officials right now to discuss Deonte Carraways arrest. Hes been charged with sexually abusing students and recording it sometimes during school hours. So far police have confirmed at least 12 victims. Tonight flags in maryland are flying at halfstaff in honor of two horford county deputies killed in the line of duty. Deputy Patrick Dailey served in the marines and was a 30year veteran of the agency. He was a lifelong member of a volunteer fire company. He leaves behind his mother, girlfriend, and two sons. Senior Deputy Mark Logsdon had been on the force for 16 years. He children, and parents. Tonight were also learning about the man who killed the deputies and died in the shootout with officers. He is 68yearold david evans. Evans son says his mother was the one who called police to the panera bread restaurant in abingdon where all this happened. He said evans shot his mother 20 years ago and then disappeared. He had recently resurfaced and his mother believed he wanted to hurt her. She left the restaurant before deputies got there. My mom has been troubled because shes seen him. To go again and see if i was there and she went and there he was in the back of the restaurant. I think what happened was these cops came in there to arrest probably end up arresting him and thats what he saw. Being a 68yearold man, he probably saw the rest of his life in jail and he said im not going im going to try to get away. There are warrants out for florida for assaulting an officer. Jeremy evans says his father was a heavy drinker with he motion yool problems. Police in Fairfax County have a new option when they encounter somebody in a Mental Health crisis. If they think treatment would be better than jail, there is a new place to turn. Bureau chief julie carey got a closeup look today at whats been called diversion first. My name is kevin early and i live successfully with bipolar disorder. Reporter kevin early knows firsthand the importance of diversion treatment instead of jail when a Mental Health crisis leads to a minor offense. I was sick and i needed help, not jail time. I needed support. Reporter hes now a peer support counselor for others receiving Mental Health treatments but in his darkest times he was tased by police. You feel like youre a criminal. Reporter treatment and medication turned earlys life around. Thatw diversion first is now working inside the newly opened Crisis Response center. Its housed in the county building that already provides Mental Health services. When a Patrol Officer decides an offender might be better off with treatment they drive into the secure sally port and then transfer them to a specially trained officer or deputy. Clinicians do an assessment and sometimes this calming room is enough. Individuals can settle down and relax. Reporter some reforms were already in the works when a mentally ill offender, natasha mckenna, was tased during a transport at the jail last year and died soon after. It was ruled an accident but it accelerated a search for better ways to deal with mentally ill offenders. In the first month officers turned to this center more than 100 times. Officers understand this is the right thing to do and its needed, and now they have the option and the understanding and its going to be just a better care for our thoughts today but there is one concern, that the merge during it first month, a shortage of beds for those who need inpatient care. Thats something that will require action and more money at the state level, but as the sheriff said there today, they are asking for more Mental Health Treatment Centers be built, not more jails. Are these centers staffed 24 7 . This one is staffed 24 7. There are deputyinies and polic officers there around the clock. Not unlike that episode not episode but the event you covered a similar situation in arizona or something where theyre trying to provide these kinds of places. Texas is where we traveled with them last year to texas. They went and saw a Model Program there and now just six months later already up and running here in Fairfax County. They took it very seriously. Good for them. Thanks, julie. For more on nbcs changing minds project, including more on the diversion first project w invite you to our website. Once there, you will find a list of local resources to help people suffering from mental illness. Next, growing concern over the zika virus and the impact it could have on victims months or years down the road. And people are sharing their stories tonight. Well hear from passengers about those terrifying moments, hours even, as the cruise ship steered right into the path of a powerful storm. And for us windchills another big factor tomorrow. Not quite as cold but still we only get to 20 to 25 for a windchill during the afternoon and it gets a whole lot colder this weekend. That and . One of the ships on the Royal Caribbean cruise line is back in port in new jersey now after an awful experience at sea. That ship sailed into a powerful storm on sunday. 150mileanhour winds, 30foot waves. The captain decided to turn around on monday instead of continuing on to its original destination, the bahamas. Passengers had plenty to say about the brutal conditions as they got off that ship. Glasses were breaking, things were falling off. We were getting thrown off our bed. It was pretty rough. 30foot seas. It was pretty brutal. It was worse than bad when youre scared your going to die. It was very frightening. We thought the ship was going over. Passengers will get a full refund and a voucher for 50 off any future cruise although a number of them are saying they are never going to get on a boat again in their lives. A new warning about the zika virus from the nations Top Public Health experts. We know there is growing evidence that zika in pregnant women may be linked to miscarriage or the birth defect known as microcephaly in which children are born with abnormally small heads but today the senate learned that babies who appear to have been spared microcephaly are not necessarily in the clear. Were not sure whether the children who dont have apparent microcephaly are completely normal or whether they may have other problems as well. Were looking at that, but it may take years to sort some of these things out. The senate is considering president obamas request for nearly 2 billion in emergency funding to fight zika. It could be the difference between life and death. The iteam reveals that a lifesaving device might be hard to find. If its not in plai i lead the 11 oclock news with stories of gun violence. And like many of you, my family lived through the beltway sniper crisis. In congress, ill fight to expand background checks on guns and ammunition, ban assault weapons, and mandate gun safety locks, lets show the nra were not afraid of them; as democrats, as americans, as parents. Im Kathleen Matthews and i approve this message. The news4 iteam has uncovered a troubling trend within many government and private buildings. Lifesaving devices that come say cant actually save a life because not enough people can get to them. Since february is american heart month, Tisha Thompson and the iteam show us what they found when they troud ied to track th down. Reporter for three years Ashley Mendoza always starts her shift typing into the computer, answering the phone call for help now. Reporter while her coworker makes a lot of noise. Jones says she always tests the automated external defibrillator at the beginning of every shift. But never thought she would actually use the thing. Yeah. It came out of nowhere. Reporter 48yearold said he never felt any pain. I play badminton every saturday and one saturday i just collapsed. I jumped up, grabbed the aed because i knew exactly where it was. I opened the case, took the pads out, placed the pads and followed the instructions. Jones and mendoza say they started working on him within less than a minute because they knew exactly where to find the aed. Those precious moments make a big difference between life and death. Statistics show us if a patient is defib brill lated machine the first minute of cardiac arrest they have a 90 survival. For every minute after that, their chance of survival decreases by 10 . Reporter Montgomery County fire captain bob lindsey says if you can find a defibrillator, all you have to do is hit the button and the machine will tell what you to do. Shock advised. Reporter which is why the fire chief says the devices should be out available to everyone and never out of sight. If its not in plain sight, its not going to get used. Reporter when the news4 iteam checked out more than 100 aeds throughout our region, we couldnt actually find 20 of them without asking a lot of questions. For instance, at the smithsonian, we found these near the bathrooms at the portrait gallery but could not find them at the air and space museum. A spokeswoman told us the smithsonian keeps nearly all 100 of their devices behind their security desks. We couldnt locate aeds in many of the malls we visited including the Fashion Center at Pentagon City and Westfield Montgomery who told us their aeds are on site in Security Offices or on mobile units promising officers can call for one in an emergency. We did see aeds out in the open at d. C. s Wilson Aquatics Center and Martin Luther king jr. Library but could not find them in the wilson building. It took several days for a offices. If you dont know its there, you as a bystander cant call for somebody else to grab the aed. Reporter the chief says buildings need to advertise they have the Devices Available by putting them in the most visible place possible because, as the iteam found, multiple medical studies show the real reason people dont use defibrillators is theyre locked up or people just dont see them. When we have an emergency, we revert back to muscle memory, and we revert back to our most basic skills, and having to dig through a cabinet or open a cabinet or desk or locker to get to that medical equipment is not whats going to benefit the patient. Had we not had that aed machine, he would not have made it out of here. Reporter both jones and mendoza say they now look for the devices in every building they visit. Where is it . I want to be able to see the aed or know at least where it is. Reporter man is especially grateful for. I would have really died. Thanks it the defibrillator, i am alive. We visited a bunch of metro stations as well and found a lot of empty boxes. A spokeswoman told us they moved the aeds into the managers kiosk five years ago because, quote, this he offer a climate controlled environment for the aeds which can be negatively affected by the extreme heat and cold at some stations and that could render them inoperable. You can see metros complete statement along with the others on the nbc washington app and while you are there, watch our video to see how easy it is to use one of these aeds in case you ever need it. Tisha thompson, news4 iteam. Good to know. Thats a habit we should all get into, be on the lookout for those things. Know where they are at all times. Thank you. Doug, its awfully cold out there. Dont be mad at me. Who else am i going to doug im sorry. Thats how cold its going to be. It hurts. Shes pretty sharp tonight. I thought the same thing. Shes got knives out in every direction. She hit you earlier. Im bleeding all over the place. She got you good. I guess its my turn. Take a look and show you whats happening outside right now. You know its cold. Temperatures only in the 20s, 26 degrees right now. Look at the numbers going down into the low 20s. Frigid this evening. Whatever term you have for cold air, you can pretty much use it tonight. Look at the current windchills. Gaithersburg, the windchill is 6 degrees. 8 degrees at dulles. Joint base andrews, 11 degrees. Nothing on the radar right now. We could see some scattered snow showers in the here tomorrow. We want you to recognize that because you remember what happened with just that half inch to an inch we saw a couple weeks ago just before the blizzard . Well, that situation could play out again. Temperatures will be at or below freezing so when the snow comes in, wont be a lot, but again it could put down a quick coating on some of the the good thing about right now is most of the roads have a lot of salt on them. But breezy and cold tomorrow. Windchills between 18 and 25 degrees so that possible snow shower during the evening rush tomorrow night. Now, high of 34 tomorrow. Look at saturday and sunday. Were calling them weather alert days as heather our sports producer said cuddle alert days. We talked about the cuddle alert a little earlier. Okay, fine. 24 on your saturday. 23 on sunday. Of course, this is valentines day weekend. I think thats where the cuddle alert comes in. 24 degrees, but the windchills in the Single Digits, even below zero saturday night into early on sunday. And then monday and tuesday tracking our next storm system. Absolutely amazing. We go from 23 on sunday to 52 on tuesday with rain. But before that, we get some light snow in here possibly on monday. This is something well have to watch closely. Possible ice monday night for the transition from snow over to rain, and then rain and wind on tuesday. Pretty potent storm system. Behind it we get cool again, but the brutally cold air coming up thw thanks, doug. We have sports coming up. Wizards looking for some this is the xfinity sports desk brought to you by xfinity, your home for the most live sports. First game of that game against the new york team the knicks. They were on fire, and then it went away and came back. No lead is safe. Not with that team. If you can win in new york, you can win anywhere. No. Everybody wins in the garden. Nice try, carol. I thought i had a good line. The wizards in action, last game before the allstar break. Wizards in milwaukee tonight. A w tonight versus the bucks, it would be two in a row off that new york win. The lone allstar bringing it against the knicks on tuesday. Eyepopping numbers. 28 points and 17 assists in the w over new york. Really hes been stepping it up all season, especially in this month of february. The wall star averaging 25 points, 11 assists, and 6 rebounds a game. Wall and the wizards plus. Alex ovechkin and the caps in minnesota tonight taking on the wild. One of those easy games on paper, but beware the letdown. Caps, best team in the nhl. The wild, well, they have lost 11 of their last 12 games, and raps thats why a former player is calling out the minnesota head coach. Former wild enforcer recently tweeted this picture of a bunny his bunny hoppy with a sign yeo must go. He says im not saying hes a bad coach but of a a change is due. The coach said i was disappointed to see hopping holding that sign. So sounds like a hare raising tweet. Nice. Did you work on that all day long . I did. And heather mcdonough, the producer wrote this line. Im going to say it because its Maternity Leave, hop, skip, and a jump before spring training. Transition. Back here in d. C. Nats Youth Baseball Academy had a special visitor. Sharon robinson, daughter of baseball legend jackie robinson. Im Jackie Robinsons daughter. Im sharon. I told you. I told you she was Jackie Robinsons daughter. They were stunned by her mere presence. Sharon robinson toured the facility and spoke with students at the academy. It challenges them to submit essays about barriers they have overcome. This is a way to keep her fathers legacy alive. The fact im doing something now with kids, my dad loved children, so doing something with kids. I think he would be very proud of it and i know my mother is. And it m weve been able to find ways to continue his legacy with young people. Having so much fun. Meantime, remember the stoic face on eli manning as the rest of the manning family celebrated . The broncos scored late in the twopoint conversion. Eli did not look happy. Peyton on the tonight show with jimmy fallon says this has been a trend with eli over the years. Eli, guess what . The colts are going to draft me number one in the nfl draft home. Eli, ashley and i are expecting twins. Youre going to be an uncle. Eli, guess what . My neck is finally healed. Im going to play football again. Wow. The big moment. All the big moments in your life. Actually, i believe thats pretty funny. Thats funny. And you think if peyton comes back next year hes definitely going to give him that look. Absolutely. I got it on its the wizards on tsn and caps on csn plus. Heather before her Maternity Leave told me in my ear. Shes going tomorrow . This is it. Thank you, heather. See you in two months. Thats our broadcast for now. Nightly news coming up next. Tonight, dramatic surrender after a 40day siege, antigovernment protesters now in federal custody, as tens of thousands listened to every heartstopping moment. Its getting personal. Clinton and sanders battle for the black vote as the civil rights icon slams sanders. And a republican brawl takes shape in the south. The polar vortex, tens of millions bracing for the coldest air of the season. Al roker is here warning of a dangerous freeze. High anxiety. U. S. Olympic officials take action to calm fears over zika, after a big star says shes not sure shed go. And cruise nightmare. Passengers who thought they were going to die. Now, speaking out and wondering why the captain sailed right into a ferocious or

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