Second year and the video shows a man walking in front of hannah. He stops and then walks behind her. Police say thats the witness who has since come forward. He is very cooperative with us. And we obviously look at things from every angle. So we will go through what his statement is, and description we have, and see if we can identify this person and make our determination. Reporter at 1 20 a. M. , a text message sent from hannahs phone to friends, it reads she was lost. Then her phone went silent. On the uva ground tonight, a candlelight vigil to bring hannah home. The idea here is to celebrate the hope still out there, still with hannahs family and friends, with all of us, we think, to keep that hope alive we are going to bring her back. Reporter that candlelight vigil set for 9 00 tonight on the uva grounds. Were going to be there and share more of the students gathering tonight on news4 at 11 00. In charlottesville, virginia, im david culver, news4. A former profiler with the fbi tells us the concern over who hannah encountered is real. We spoke to clint van zandt. He says hannahs behavior could have made her a prime target for a sexual predator. A lion will go after a gazelle with a bad leg or something. A sexual predator will look for that person who is by themselves, who looks like they may not be in full capacity of themselves. Predators many times will practice this. They will know the area theyre going into. And all they do is sit and wait for that particular victim that theyre looking for to come walking down the street. Vanzant says predators are sometimes willing to wait years between attacks. He also says in his years of experience, it is rare for a victim to return unharmed after being missing for so long. Now to that foiled isis terror plot. The plan was designed to shock, horrify and terrify the public by beheading random strangers in two cities in australia, according to prosecutors. The plot was uncovered tuesday when prosecutors intercepted a phone call between two alleged isis members. Police fanned out overnight in the largest anti terror sweep in australias history. Now six people are under arrest. But the apparent ring leader remains at large. This next comes as the senate votes on president obamas request to arm and train moderate Syrian Rebels to fight isis on the ground. Steve handelsman on capitol hill now with more on this. Steve . Reporter thanks. Two more votes, about a half hour, and it looks like the senate will definitely pass the continuing resolution which incidentally keeps government from shutting down. And in that is the authorization to train and arm these socalled moderate Syrian Rebels. The beheading of those two u. S. Journalists dramatically changed the opinion of lawmakers, but the need to fight isis and now comes the charge that the socalled Islamic State is already trying to export that signature terror tactic. An isis suspect far from iraq and syria. This was sydney, australia. Police are holding six people who the Prime Minister charges got orders from a senior isis leader to behead random australians. To conduct demonstration killings here in this country. Reporte americans will take u. S. Passports after fighting with isis after training with isis to come back and commit unspeakable acts of terror here at home. Reporter to fight isis, the senate is set to follow the house and okay training and arming moderate Syrian Rebels. So there are moderates. If we train and equip them, they can be effective. Part of the president s determination that it would not be in the National Security interests of the United States to put american boots on the ground in syria in a combat role. Reporter but some see another iraq war that could end in chaos. Intervention is not always e answer, and often leads to unintended consequences. My fear and i think the fear of the American People is, we have all heard this before. We have all lived through this already. So do nothing . But this is not iraq. This is a totally different thing. Reporter near baghdad today, the iraqi army cleared roads and set out to take territory back from isis. The australians sent military advisers to help. And the french formally announce they will bomb isis in iraq. The white house and state department rushed to praise the french, but so far, not one arab nation except iraq has publicly pledged to bomb or to send grouped forces. Im steve handelsman, news4. Steve, thank you. Meet the press Moderator Chuck Todd joins us with a closer look at what the plan making its way through congress would entail. Chuck, it seems like everybody is in agreement we want to go after isis. Its how to do it. And theres a lot of concern about how to keep the weapons out of the wrong hands. Right. A lot of skepticism. We saw, its been interesting to follow in this day and age when we think everything is red versus blue and Foreign Policy issues, the old divides, intervention isolation and republicans. Were seeing the unusual bipartisan makeups of this both in opposition and support. But thats what kerry and hagel struggle to do this week. I think is answer the question. Okay, you get rid of isis, but how is this moderate opposition going to work . By the way, how do you make sure those weapons dont end up in the hands of isis. American weapons are already in the hands of isis. They saw it once. There is that skepticism. And then there is the part of this that says if the moderate opposition if you try to arm them and it doesnt work, now isnt the u. S. Responsibility to send their own combat troops to make it work . Because if you have a vacuum, extremists fill it. Senator durbin said today after elections in november theyre going to take up some legislation that would authorize i love that, after the election. Classic politics in there, right . But theyre going to authorize military force against isis. Do you see that playing out . Well, they need to do this. I dont understand why the president didnt demand it. He just said it would be nice if you did it. This is somebody who the administration has said, get rid of this old authorization, because but theyre using it as their legal justification to go into syria. I think they need it. Because there is some real legal questions about whether the u. S. Legally can be bombing in syria. The u. N. Is not going to give them any legal cover. I think the u. S. Congress is the only one that can. I think they have to do it. A whole lot of details to be worked out, chuck todd. Thank you. We voigt invite you to join chug for meet the press. Thank you, chuck. It is official now. Home depot data breach is bigger than the one at target. Home depot says 56 million payment cards have been affected. It took place between april and september. The breach is larger than the Security Breach at target earlier this year. Home depot realized its payment data systems were compromised on september 8th. Pin numbers and Online Shopping Payment Information was not affected. Could be a pivotal evening in the race for d. C. Mayor. About an hour from now, the three major candidates will square off in their first debate before the november election. Among the hot button issues, whether to legalize marijuana use. According to our new poll, twothirds of voters support that idea. News4s tom sherwood will be the moderator of tonights debate at American University, and he joins us live with more on what we can expect. Tom . Reporter doreen, the first thing you expect is that the line inside for this forum already is long. Our poll on legalizing marijuana is one of the Big Questions tonight. Your signature right there. Reporter the d. C. Group trying to legalize Marijuana Possession turned in 57,000 petition signatures to get it on the ballot. Nearly three times the number needed. And now a new nbc 4 Washington Post marist poll shows strong support for initiative 71 in the november 4th general election. An overwhelming 65 of voters favored legalization. 33 dont support it. And only 2 of voters are undecided. Voters understand that marijuana is one of the Marijuana Legalization is one of the civil rights issues of the 21 sven tree. Reporter pedestrians seem to support the poll findings. I dont have a problem with it. Im for it. Reporter why . Recreational use, man. Reporter are you for the Marijuana Initiative 71 . Yes. Reporter why . Because i might want to use it someday and i cant. Reporter if it becomes law, initiative 71 would allow adults over 21 to possess up to two ounces of marijuana and grow as many as six plants. Some oppositionists starts to form against initiative 71 say marijuana ruins lives and increases Public Safety problems like driving under the influence. But both mayoral candidates muriel about how sooner and david kattana support the initiative. Candidate Carol Schwartz says she opposes legalization. Its likely to be an issue when those candidates meet tonight at American University for the first forum of the fall campaign. And this forum starts at 7 00. If youre not already here, you probably could not get inside. But you can see it on our website, nbcwashington. Com. Im tom sherwood. News4. Thank you, tom. Next up, the search for two missing toddlers in maryland takes a new turn. Tonight, how the mothers own journal entries could shed some light on what happened. More trouble for the nfl. Well reveal the results of a new poll. Americans weighing in on highprofile scandals. A big vote for scotland. Should they stay in the u. K. Or should they go it alone . What does that mean for us . Why am i wearing this . And why am i eating that . The story coming up. News4. I love the kilt. Out there today, we have seen some clouds, we have seen a few showers, but were going to see cooler weather. Ill let you know whats coming up for the allimportant weekend, as well. See you in a minute. Youre watching news4 at 6 00. In just about six hours, we should learn the initial results of an historic vote overseas. Polls in scotland closed just over an hour ago. Voters there have decided whether to remain part of the United Kingdom or end that union thats lasted more than 300 years. Back here in our area, we do not have a say in scottish independence, of course. But that didnt stop pat collins, kilt and all from engaging in public opinion. Pat . Reporter vance, its not like we dont have a stake in that scottish election. I mean, the scotts have contributed a lot to our country. So lets begin now with a little taste of scotland. Here it is. How would you describe it . Crunchy. Reporter its haggis. Its a scottish delicacy. Its made of lamb hearts, oats, lamb liver and many natural flavors. Mmmmmmmmm. Whats it look like to you . It looks like dog food i dont want that. Reporter its a scottish delicacy. I like your skirt, though. Reporter its a kilt, please. On this day of the big scottish vote, we decided to salute the contributions the scottish people have made to us. And what better place to do it than alexandria, founded by a scotsman back in 1749. Its a delicacy from scotland. No thanks. Reporter the invented golf. And without golf, life would be it would be miserable. Reporter do you think i can play from the red tees now . Yes, you could. Reporter meet now doug wylie. Hes from scotland. Hes been living here for about four years. He says leaving the United Kingdom would be a big mistake for the scotts. Scotland is awesome. Im very proud to be scottish and also very proud to be british. Reporter so youre voting against. Im voting against leaving england, the United Kingdom. Reporter want to taste a little hall guess. Oh, i love haggis. Thats great. Reporter good stuff. I bet you its good with scotch, hey . Always with scotch, just to make it a wee bit better. Thats lovely. I want to take it home. Reporter so no matter how this thing turns out, our hearts are still with our scottish friends. Live in alexandria, pat collins, news4. Nice look there, pat. I thought you were irish, though. Reporter yeah, i am a little bit of irish. This is my first kilt experience. Whatever, man. You are killing that kilt. Reporter its very becoming on you. Doreen, what do you do with these things . It keeps pulling me downward, if you know what i mean. I do know what you mean. It depends on what youre wearing under your kilt, pat. Reporter i dont want to have a Marilyn Monroe moment. Stay away from the grates. No, i think what he means, we Better Change the shot real quick. Yeah. Thanks, pat. All right. Good stuff. Thank you, pat. A nice day to wear your kilt and blow up your skirt a little bit. Exactly right. Hey, weve got a cold front that made its way through the area and all in all, pretty nice out there across the entire region, even though we had a few light showers that made their way through too. And a few clouds, as well. There they are, those clouds that are across our region. Most of them down to the south of d. C. Right now and theyll continue to move south as that cold front continues to do the same. Right now across our region, notice Something Else in this picture right here. Lets go to the city cam. There it is. Notice starting to see color in the trees here. Supposed to be a very good year as far as the peak color in a month. Well wait for that, of course. 77 degrees the current temperatures. Winds going to be on the light side. Dew point now at 59. The dew point has been coming up and we will see moisture during the day tomorrow as we see an easterly flow. 70 degrees right now in annapolis, 73 in fredericksburg. Leesburg coming in right now at 75 degrees. Once again, looking pretty good temperature wise. But tonight we cool. As you look towards the radar, not much to show you until you go toward Prince Georges County. Look at this. Right along 301 here, right around Upper Marlboro, a few light showers. We saw a few towards Calvert County, st. Marys county earlier and one more across the st. Michaels area, seeing showers there across the bay. So these showers will continue to move to the south. And if you notice, most of us will stay on the dry side. But as we talked about yesterday, dont be surprised to see a sprinkle or a shower on your windshield this afternoon. Heres that frontal boundary. You can pick it out fairly well as the clouds continue to move towards the south. The front yesterday was in canada. Today its moving right across our region. Now, were not seeing cold air. But were still seeing cool air for the month of september. Average low temperature this time of year around 62. Well be a little bit lower than that tonight. Future weather taking you right on through the night. Theres those showers were talking about. Theyll move down to the south and tomorrow want you to notice something. We have some sunshine early but watch where the clouds and the chance of showers come from. They come from the east. And any time we have that easterly flow, we could kick off a shower or a sprinkle or two. Once again, just like today, tomorrow will be mostly dry. I dont think youll need the umbrella at all, but may want to take it with you just in case. A few more of those during the overnight hours on friday and maybe even isolated shower on saturday. Thats when the flow starts to change out of the south. And with that, we start to get a little bit warmer. High temperatures into the 20 80s. Tomorrow, 73 gaithersburg. 75 in la plata. Temperatures going up. 81 degrees on your saturday. Look at sunday. 86. That is ahead of another frontal boundary. Chance of storms late in the day on sunday. And much cooler, 76 monday, but then look at these overnight lows. Only in the low to mid 50s most of next week. That puts most of you in the suburbs into the low to mid 40s. Yeah, weve got some cooler air moving on in. Sounds good. Thank you, doug. A mystery virus is on the move. Hundreds of kids have been hospitalized and tonight new Details Behind the confirmed cases now in virginia. Some controversy over cell phone towers new schools. Another one being built. Parents say its coming at the cost of the health of their children. How do you get to the airport . Catch a cab . Theres a new push to regulate Car Sharing Services like uber here. Im adam i thought itd be bigger. dad theres nothing i cant reach in my subaru. vo introducing the allnew subaru outback. Love. Its what makes a subaru,a subaru. New at 6 00, a battle is brewing over how people are getting to the airport. Tonight, some are challenging whether Car Sharing Services like uber should be regulated. Transportation reporter adam tuss is at rean National Airport with a closer look at this issue. Reporter the dropoff and pickup at the airport. The game is changing. No doubt theres now a shift from standard taxis to Car Sharing Services like uber. Its fabulous. It picks you up wherever you are and takes you directly to the airport. Reporter many Amanda Murray on her way after catching an uber. Right behind her, another uber dropoff and another and another. He showed up two minutes after i plugged in the app, and we got on the road. Reporter all of this has forced the Airports Authority to start thinking about the way it should regulate these trips. The authority tells news4 by virginia law all prearranged pickups at both dulles and reagan are allowed. And right now uber falls into that prearranged category. But uber certainly is making other more established drivers a bit frustrated. Right now, this is the way it works at the airport if youre a registered taxicab. You sit here, you wait with all the other cabs, until your number is called. Then you get sent out. While the taxicabs are over there at the airport, here at a little pullup called roaches run where the uber drivers hang out. Reporter Duane Napoleon owns his own Sedan Service and is not thrilled with uber. And doesnt think they have enough regulation. And the commercial insurance we have to have, you know, they dont pay that. So theres a lot of money that they dont have to cover that we have to cover. Reporter for all thats going on, uber continues to chug along. The company sent us this statement saying we know that uber can help administrators tackle long taxi cues and we welcome the opportunity to work together. Uber also tells us its happy the authority is exploring sensible regulations. Of course, all of this means more options for consumers and most happy with that. At reagan National Airport, adam tuss, news4. A mans heart was broken 46 years ago when somebody stole his jag. Not just any jag. The 67 etoip. Remember that one . Now this guy is getting his car back. That classic british roadster was discovered in a shipping container in california. Border agents ran the vin, found it was stolen in new york city decades ago. They tracked down the original owner, who is now 82 years old. He used to be a trial lawyer. He bought the car back in the 60s. Paid 15 grand for it after he won a big case. The car is now estimated to be worth 112,000. Wow. The owner plans to have it restored and shipped to his home in florida. No word yet on how that car ended up in a shipping container headed for the netherlands. We are happy for him he got that car back. We are. Still no sign of two missing children in maryland. How relatives are keeping hope alive as Police Search for clues from their mothers personal journals. New insight into the corruption trial of former Virginia Governor Bob Mcdonnell and the real reason one of the jurors was dismissed. And a local math teacher makes history on national tv. Details behind her milliondollar payout playing wheel of fortune and why her boss knew she would win big. Holding out hope. Im hoping theyre together, because sarah is a good big sister. What the family is asking you to do to bring the children home. Some parents in maryland are outraged. They learned a deal has been struck to build a cell tower at a high school. But the public was never notified. More nfl players charged with Domestic Violence amid growing calls for Roger Goodell to step down. Tonight, new poll numbers reveal where the public stands. First at 6 30 tonight, investigators are scouring through the journals of a woman in maryland, hoping that journal will lead them to her missing children. Jacob hoggle was last seen september 7th. His sister sarah, the following day. And after ten days of searching, the family is Still Holding out hope that they will be found unharmed. News4s Kristen Wright is in germantown where she just got some new details from police. Kristen . Reporter doreen, yes. Interesting new information from investigators in just the last hour. We learned that police today searched an area along interstate 270, and found nothing. But heres what they have uncovered. Sarah and jacobs father talks with Montgomery County Police Captain darren frank this evening. Frank wants to believe the children will be found unharmed. But says the situation is grim. As an investigator from what i know from interacting with catherine from what shes told us, from all of the investigation we have done, the hope of them coming home alive is very, very slim. Reporter he says catherine hoggles attorneys have kept her from talking, but her personal belongings may help. Were going through her writings, were going through interactions shes had with family and what the family can tell us about her as a person. People keep journals. People keep journals, write notes, things of that nature. So as they find that, it could be a clue. Reporter sarah and jacobs grandma says her family must believe the two children are coming home. My hope is that just like they found catherine, that with everything were putting out, the children will come home. Well find them. Were going to get together, 8 30 in the morning, have people coming through here, send them down to seneca valley, the parking lot. There is going to be a huge search from 8 30 on. You dont have to be here at 8 30 to be involved. You know, get here when you can. If you can give us an hour, the weekend, whatever you can give us, were taking. We need as many people as we can out there. Reporter the chickfila parking lot in germantown on aircraft has become the Meeting Place for family and friends who are doing their own search for sarah and jacob. This is a big weekend for them. Theyre mobilizing for that right now, both saturday and sunday. This is the staging area for a big search that they have planned and theyre asking for volunteers to come and help. Live in germantown, Kristen Wright, news4. Thank you, kristen. Several weeks after a juror was dismissed from the corruption trial, of former Virginia Governor Bob Mcdonnell and his wife, we learn details. Louis denitto was kicked off the jury because he talked about the case at a bar steps from the courthouse in richmond. Mcdonnell and his wife were convicted of several counts of corruption involving gifts and loans they got from a area businessman. Denitto calls his removal from the jury unethical. And even though he hadnt heard the whole case he says he believes the mcdonnells were not guilty. Other jurors witnessed him being taken out of court. The next thing we know, two marshals come in and ask him could to him out. So were all kind of like whats going on . And he left. He just disappeared. Reporter juror Robin Trujillo says the judge warned them not to talk about the case after denitto was removed. Sentencing is scheduled for january. The mcdonnells plan to appeal the verdict. Fairfax County School officials are getting ready to make their case for later start times. The proposal calls for high schools to begin at 8 00 a. M. And middle schools to begin at 7 30. Research shows that allowing students to sleep in improves their mental and physical health and academic performance. The recommendation by the schools will be presented at the School Boards miss business meeting at 8 00 tonight. After that, a final vote in october. Cell phone towers at schools are a big moneymaker, but some parents dont want them near their kids. Now some parents in Prince Georges County say plans to build them were kept secret. And as county bureau chief Tracee Wilkins reports, parents from a neighboring county are joining the fight. We all need cell phone towers but how many and where to put them is becoming a heated issue in Prince Georges County. There are 73 proposed cell phone tower sites all on Public School property. Nine in the development stage, including one at flowers high school. A few parents seem to know about it. The naacp is blaming the school board for that. 85 of the problem is communication. Letting the Community Know whats going on. Reporter the prince georges naacp is calling for a stop to the process until health and Environmental Concerns are addressed. The community could have raised the issue way in advance about where theyre going to go, whats the best location for them. And why school properties. The Parents Coalition is about transparency and accountability in our Public School system. Reporter now the Montgomery County Parents Coalition is also getting involved, and is accusing the prince Georges School system and the county cell Tower Commission of signing leases and brokering deals without the publics knowledge. They have sent a formal letter of complaint to the maryland open meetings compliance board. We would like to see parents able to be involved in the process. We think they have been left out of the process, and we think that this is a problem statewide. Reporter the prince georges County School system released this statement, saying the board of education approved the master lease for cell phone Tower Construction during a Public Meeting in 2010. As chief executive officer of the prince georges County School system, dr. Melvin m. Maxwell has authority to sign leases on behalf the board of education. We welcome input from the public about the placement of cell phone towers. There is a process for Community Input at each proposed location. Every time one of these cell phone towers gets built, the prince georges County School system gets 25,000 in its general fund. In spring dale, im Tracee Wilkins, news4. The allclear has been given at two fairfax County Schools one week after the sighting of what might have been a cougar. Two people reported seeing a large cat near riverside elementary and mt. Vernon high school in alexandria last thursday. Animal control officers have been patrolling that area. They set up cameras to watch for any animals. They say all they have seen are deer, fox and domestic dogs. A state trooper ambushed and killed on the job tonight. The manhunt intensifies as the suspect is added to the fbis most wanted list. A rare virus that sent hundreds of kids to hospitals across the country has now been confirmed here in virginia. A cold front moving through the area right now. Were looking at a cool night tonight, looking towards reston and good around our region. But the cool air moves in for just one day. Summer, not quite done with us just yet. I got that allimportant weekend forecast coming up. [ male announcer ] at northrop grumman, we know in the cyber world, threats are always evolving. At first, we were protecting networks. Then, we were protecting the transfer of data. And today its evolved to infrastructure. Finance. And military missions. Were constantly innovating to advance the front line in the cyber battle, wherever it takes us. Thats the value of performance. Northrop grumman. An accused cop killer now in the fbis top ten most wanted list. The search for eric frain intensified today in pennsylvania. Police say he ambushed two state troopers outside their barracks in the pocono mountains last friday. Corporal brian dixon was shot and killed. Hundreds of Law Enforcement officers from across the country attended his funeral today. While investigators warned his accused murderer is armed and dangerous, they describe frein as a selftaught survivalist who hates police. Im convinced he is engaged in a personal battle with Law Enforcement, particularly the Pennsylvania State police and will likely stay focused on that fight. A second state trooper was also wounded in last weeks attack. Schools in the scranton area were closed today as the manhunt continues. The police in california have arrested a man they say might be responsible for setting a destructive wildfire. What theyre calling the king fire outside sacramento, california, has doubled in size since yesterday afternoon. It has now burned more than 71,000 acres and it is threatening about 2,000 homes in the town of pollack pines. Wayne huntsman has been locked up. They accused him of setting that fire on saturday. His bail has been set at 10 million. That fire, they say, is only 5 contained. U. S. Border patrol agents will soon begin testing body cameras. The move is an attempt to address criticism about agents using excessive force. A small group of activists has been pressing for the cameras. The testing will begin later this year at the Training Academy in new mexico. No word on whether any of the 21,000 agents in the field will be wearing them any time soon. More cases confirmed seven children in virginia have now tested positive for a rare respiratory illness. And that number could grow to more than 30 as more test results come back. More than 150 people in 18 states have come dn with enterovirus 68 since the middle of last month. All of the virginia cases are in the richmond area. The average child infected with the virus is 6 years old. The virus starts out like a cold, but can leave children, especially those who have asthma, gasping for air. There is breaking news on capitol hill tonight. The u. S. Senate has just voted approval of a proposal that would arm and train moderate Syrian Rebels in the fight against Islamic Militant group isis. Some democrats argued the move would be risky. They said the rebels might not be a reliable ally for the u. S. The final vote, 7322. The house has already voted in favor of that plan. The resolution now goes to president obama. Still ahead, new poll numbers just released. What americans are saying about how the nfl handled the recent scandals and whether commissioner Roger Goodell should keep his job. Should keep his job. And how a in cases of rape and incest, just should keep his job. And how a like the rightwing republicans in congress. They want to overturn roe v. Wade. So does she. I think roe v. Wade should be overturned. Barbara comstock even voted with rightwing republicans to require women seeking an abortion to undergo transvaginal ultrasounds. Thats all i need to know. Im john foust and i approve this messge. The nfl has a growing image problem, and the fans know it. A new nbc news marist poll shows 57 of football fans disapprove of how the league has handled reports of abuse. Despite that, less than a third say commissioner Roger Goodell should resign, and 85 say the scandals are not going to change how much football they watch on tv. Nbcs jay gray has more on the controversy. Reporter Jonathan Dwyer is out of jail. Did you know charges were going to be filed . No. Reporter and off the field for now. Do you hope to play football again . I will. Reporter the cardinals running back is the latest nfl player tbe charged with Domestic Violence. Police say he left the mother of his young child with fractured bones after multiple altercations in july. After she was physically assaulted, he took a shoe and threw it at their 18monthold child. Reporter dwyer has denied the allegations, but the cardinals immediately pulled him from the roster and banned him from all team activities. Joining ray rice, Adrian Peterson and greg hardy, all players now on the sidelines after accusations of abuse. I think from a league standpoi standpoint, we need to address it. Reporter its been more than a week since nfl commissioner Roger Goodell has been seen or heard publicly. Goodell has made himself the face of the nfl, and hes now invisible. You know, thats part of the big problem now with this going on. You know, hes just not there. Reporter and there is a growing push from outside the league for the man dubbed the most powerful in sports, just 18 months ago to step down from his throne. He bears tremendous responsibility, because now metaphorically, its like hes been hit. Hes been hit and the creditability of the league has been hit. Reporter Public Relations and legal hits that keep coming in a league that now three weeks into its season is still dazed and staggering. Jay gray, nbc news. A teacher in maryland is quite happy tonight after she won 1 million on the game show wheel of fortune. Loud laughter can you use 1 million . Oh Sarah Manchester is only the third person in the shows history to win the milliondollar prize. Shes a math teacher atta coma park middle school. The principal says she didnt know manchester had done so well but shes not surprised. I didnt have any idea. I knew that she had been on wheel of fortune. And i thought maybe she had done pretty well, because i played her in scrabble. And shes excellent at scrabble. So i thought she would be a strong contender. But i didnt know she had won. Manchester also won a trip to the dominican republic. She would be hard of hearing ata at Takoma Park Middle School for 15 years. Might go to dr and stay there. After taxes, its like 47 bucks. So, yeah. Well, in any case, she is a math teacher who won at the word game. A multitalented person. Exactly right. We have been pretty darn lucky here too as far as weather is concerned. Have we ever. It just keeps coming. The nice weather keeps coming. If its too cool, weve got warmer weather coming up. If you dont like that, cooler weather coming up. And this is a really great shot from our city cam, showers down through Prince Georges County now. Right along 301. This is from the cam out at the airport. Lets show another Vantage Point as we look down from northwest, right on down by the cathedral. One shower right here and another shower right there. Pretty cool, a great picture tonight. 77 degrees. Under mostly sunny skies, at least at the airport. 76 degrees at 7 00. Dropping to about 70 degrees at 11 00. So temperatures will cool tonight. 70 already in gaithersburg and already down to 69 in both bowie and annapolis so a fairly cool night. Thats really what we have seen over the past couple days. The radar. Storm team 4 radar. I showed those two showers. Here they are around Prince Georges County toward Calvert County and anne arundel county. We zoom in more here and i can show exactly where these are, right along 4. Heres Upper Marlboro moving right over route 4 in through portions of Southern Anne Arundel county and down around the cheney area too and this other storm just to the south and east of rosariville. We have seen the showers in rosariville and Upper Marlboro, showers continue to move east. Dont be surprised down there. For the rest of us, the viking forecast looking good. 78 degrees where we are right now at 6 00. 77, dropping to 75 by 8 00. If youre thinking about taking the bike out, youre in for good biking weather. But again, 7 12 is the sunset tonight so goes down fairly quickly. Sky cast 4 for you, 7 00 on your thursday, notice the shower activity. Thats what weve got going on around our region. Also notice this. By tomorrow morning, we wake up and we see plenty of sunshine. Tomorrow a nice start to your friday and calling for a fantastic friday. Cant rule out an isolated shower, especially around the chesapeake. Most of us remain dry. 76 on your friday. Here comes the warmup. 86 on sunday with a chance for lateday storms. But the day will be dry. And then we get a lot cooler. Highs in the low to mid 70s. Low temperatures in the low to mid 50s. Most of you waking up to the 40s on wednesday and thursday. Got to love it. Thank you, doug. This weekend, we invite you to join us to help bring the stigma of suicide out of the darkness. The washington, d. C. Out of the darkness walk for Suicide Prevention takes place this saturday from 530 to 7 30. Just last weekend, wendy rieger and jim handly led the out of the darkness walk in rockville. This time ill be there to host as thousands walk around the mall and tidal basin to raise awareness. Got Football Game coming up sunday that matters. Dianna . The redskins head to philly and Desean Jackson returns to face his former team. Why exactly did the eagles cut him last year . Plus kirk cousins gets the start. But what happens when robert returns healthy . The news4 team is going to get heated on the table and well debate this. What should the redskins this is the xfinity sports desk. Brought to you by xfinity. Your home for the most live sports. Okay. I want to talk some other kind of football. Weve got to start with this. Were going on two full weeks now, stories involving nfl players and Domestic Violence. Today another case. Just hours after deactivating running back Jonathan Dwyer for an alleged Domestic Abuse incident, the cardinals cut the guy who may have replaced him, chris rainey, has a history of Domestic Violence issues. In 2010 while in college of florida he was arrested for stalking a girlfriend. He pled guilty to a misdemeanor. Then in 2013 cut by the steelers after being arrested on a battery charge. Rainy was not accused of any wrongdoing with the cardinals, but the Team Released him after cnn started asking questions about his violent past. So the redskins have a big challenge ahead of them this weekend against last Years Division champs, the Philadelphia Eagles who are 20 right now. The story taking over the papers in philly, though, the return of Desean Jackson. He spent six successful seasons with the eagles. The wide receiver is nursing a hurt shoulder right now, but tells us people play him sunday. Last season, he had career highs in catches and yards. But he was suddenly cut by eagles head coach chip kelly in march. Days later, he signed with the Washington Redskins. Jackson says hes never really got a good explanation as to why he was released. There were rumors, however, he had some gang affiliations which he has since denied. Thats their decision. They made their decision, and, you know, they moved on. I moved on. So you know, im just blessed, like i said, to have an opportunity to play here in washington, and, you know, its not about them anymore, you know. Its about what were doing over here. Burgundy and gold are my colors now and thats all im going to worry about. Were you ever worried about all that off the field stuff going on, all the headlines coming out of philly when you guys were bringing him here . Not really. We did our Due Diligence on him, and ive known some people that worked with him, and none of that Bad Reputation things have followed him if he had one or not, i dont know. Hes been fine with us, like i said, on time, worked hard, prepared hard. Actually, i really like him. Hes a fun guy to be around, every now and then. All right, guys. So new team for deshawn and new quarterback now. Kirk cousins is starting this week, and i want to start debating here. I want to get my news4 colleagues on the record. Week three here, rg3, kirk as a starter. Who will start when rg3 is cleared by doctors to play again . Jay gruden says we will cross that bridge when we get there. But were going to cross it now. First up, who gets that start the next sunday after robert is cleared . Its not a tough decision, depending on how kirk cousins plays. If hes winning, this is how it goes. All right. Kirk could you saykins. Cousins. My man, kirk. Were all in agreement . I agree with that. If kirk cousins is playing well, you cant change it if its working. So you guys are telling me if the Washington Redskins franchise quarterback who is supposed to be the face of the team will lose his job to the backup quarterback. I told you this the other day. If kirk cousins does well, it is his job to lose. And one of these guys will not be here next season. I will tell you that right now. Youre telling me Robert Griffin iii was just the starter at the beginning of the season, hes not the true starter, he can lose his job. Also, we have no time line for rg3 coming back. Also Something Else that comes into play that will show something for the future of this organization. If rg3 comes back and gruden decides to keep kirk cousins because hes playing well and the team is doing well it will Say Something if hes successful with that about the dan snyder and the future of this team. If rg3 is his boy as was alleged all of last jere and gruden says no ive got to have kirk could you sayins and schneider goes along with t it might represent something. Yeah, it may represent they made a really bad decision drafting Robert Griffin iii and giving up those draft picks. It is a good point. Only because of the injuries. We have to finish up here. So the nats have nine games left in the regular season. The National Leagues best record at stake. The nats off to a slow start. Manager Matt Williams opted to play backups in the final game against the braves last night. They will play tonight. Just trying to wrap this up. Should have given us five for minutes. I know. Lets just take this over dinner. We could take calls. We got you on the record. On our broadcast tonight, plan of attack. An isisinspired plot to kidnap people at random off city streets and videotape their executions. Foiled by a massive counterterrorism operation in australia as the feds now in this country step up security. Midair scare, a frightening scene on board a jetblue flight. An engine apparently explodes, smoke fills the cabin forcing an emergency landing. Blowup, the exploding fire in california that has now grown to the size of atlanta. And too close to call, the polls have closed in scotland as they close the votes. A cliffhanger that could change the course of history. Nightly news begins now. From nbc news World Headquarters in new york, this is nbc nightly news with brian williams. Goodni

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