Transcripts For WRC News4 At 6 20140317

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>> reporter: president obama repeated the warning to russian president vladimir putin. >> this was a clear violation of ukrainian constitution, and international law. it is not going to be recognized by the international community. >> reporter: he slapped u.s. sanctions on 11 people who said to help putin grab crimea, including outgoing presidenti yankovich who lives like a king. and if they continue to interfere, we will impose more sanctions. er. >> reporter: today, there were more sanctions granted by europe, but not just on putin. and the republicans on the hill are outraged. >> i wonder when the president and the advise rers are going to wake up to what he is all about. >> reporter: and there is a land grab here that is seen by many that is liberation. >> it feels like we have, i don't know, freedom and justice. >> reporter: 97% of crimeans voted to leave crimea and join russia, and putin recognized that choice as the world watched to see if russia moves into more of ukraine. to try to prevent that, president obama who is, himself, going to be in europe on the previously planned trip will put more dramatic pressure on putin. i'm steve handelsman, news4. here at home, more evidence from the alexandria murder investigation. for the first time authorities have linked charles severance to three high profile murders in alexandria. nancy dunning and ron kirby and ruthanne lodato were all gunned down at their home. they were all active in the community. and today, there was more talk of what evidence there is against charles severance. and mark segraves there at the russian embassy where he allegedly wanted to have asylum granted to him. >> he is inside of that jail, because he is fighting extradition. he would rather be in russia. ten days ago, he showed up here asking for asylum and turned away. secret service, and police followed him up to the national cathedral where his car was parked. a few days later, severance drove five hours to wheeling, west virginia, where he was arrested. he is still there in jail where he is going to stay up till the judge decides what to do with him. >> reporter: charles severance refused to answer any questions today, even when the judge asked him his name. the public defender told the judge that he advised his client to remain silent. prosecution made it clear they want him held without bond, because of the possible c connection to the alexandria murders. the prosecutors said he is wanted by alexandria police in connection with the three murders. >> that is what i said in court, he is dangerous, and dangerous to the public and a flight risk. >> reporter: he told the court they are looking for more evidence in the case. they are searching for two guns that severance once owned. and the pictures of him leaving the russian embassy with passport in hand was evidence that he might flee the country. he was arrested at a local library without incident at the library. he was arrested with outstanding gun charges in loudoun county. he had checked into a local hotel with a maryland driver's license saying he was there to see the historical site. and he can be seen with the try-cornered hat and the poncho that he he wore to the russian embassy. >> he is being ordered to be held without bond for extradition next week. and it is that alexandria police have said that they are looking for those two guns that he once owned, but they stress that he has not been charged with anythi anything. mark segraves, news4. for the family of nancy dunning, it is a painful and decade-long ordeal living with the unsolved murder. coming up, julie carey spoke to aelative to see if the developments means that the eng end of the anguish may be in sight. and we will find out new details of what is happening in the search for the missing malaysian plane. the search is going to be more difficult if time runs out on one of the tracking devices. jim ha jim handly is at the news desk with more information. jim? >> well, with one of the biggest developments coming in, malaysian developments say that the last radio message from the cockpit is spoken after someone had begun disabling the plane's tracking system, and it is a quote, good night. and the plane disappeared from the radar and diverted from the flight path, and they are increasingly convinced that the plane was taken off course by someone who knew how to turn off the tracking system. they spent hours this weekend, the police, searching the homes of the captain and the co-pilot, and now 26 countries are search searchi searching. the flight data recorders could send out a ping for 30 days, but after the batteries die, the plane is going to be harder to find. at the live desk, i'm jim handly. >> and virginia police say that the bus overturned on i-95 in stafford county, virginia. the bus driver is charged with wreckless driving, and police say he was going too fast for the snowy conditions. the tour bus had 58 passengers from new york to georgia. four of them seriously hurt. they are all expected to survive. the company made the arrangements to get the other passengers to their destination. tonight, more people are digging out from the snow they got last night. some places got more than 10 inch, and it is the most snow that the people in the city proper have seen all season. loudoun and prince george's county counties are on one-hour delays. and there is a new threat that could create problems from the morning's commute. >> and looking at the video, the montgomery roads are cleared, and this is the scene this morning in germantown where they got between 2 and 6f inches of sn snow. they had the tenth snow day. >> some schools did not get the day off. that is some of the kids in fairfax county, and some of them were out shoveling snow. that district has now lost 11 days, because of the bad weather, and now the school officials have to figure out how to make up the days. the classes have been extended to june 24th already for the days lost. >> isn't it hard to believe that the cherry blossom days are upon us? it is time for the cherry blossom festival. they are to be at the peak from the 8th through the 12th, and doug, will it start to feel like cherry blossom season any time soon. >> well, it is two days ago and seven degrees saturday, and then, some locations picking up 10 inches of snow, and now over the radar, you can see the light snow right through 1:00, 2:00 or 3:00 in the afternoon, and since then, we have dried out across the region, and we will continue to do that. we have seen impressive totals, and 7.2 inches total at the airport, and the most this season. and 8.5 in gatorsburg, and anne arundel county, and now back to marshall, and fauquier kocounty there is 9 inch, and we have seen a lot of snow in the last few week, and when will we see the spring-like temperatures? well, spring officially arrives thursday. i will have that for you coming up. >> thank you, doug. you can can track the kconditios hour by hour, and all you have to do is to download the storm team 4 weather app store at the app store the or google play. and the court-martial of a former naval academy football play player, and the officer tate was accused of assaulting a classmate in a car outside of the house in 2012. the woman said she was too drunk to know what happened, but she had had sex with a number of pa partners. and tate is the only one who is still facing charges. >> and a defiant battle cry tonight from the attorney for d.c. mayor vincent gray. and the attorney says that gray won't plea bargain and will go to trial if he is charged. we have the latest campaign drama overshadowing the early voting in the district today. >> reporter: even has the early voting got under way this morn ing for the april 1st democratic primary elections, the scandal has hung over mayor gray. under investigation for three years for a shadow campaign that helped him win in 2010. last monday, businessman jeffrey thompson pleaded guilty in federal court to finance the shadow campaign and directly implicated gray. and saying that gray partially asked for hundreds of thousands of dollar, and mayor gray denounced it as all laws, and the 2010 scandal. and there was more drama added to the political case saying that gray is in a battle with the u.s. attorney ronald ma cwh is out to get the mayor. i hope he is not indicted he said, but if he is indicted, he will go to trial and not make a plea. bennett said that gray has not been personally interviewed by the prosecutors even though gray is innocent. they are out to get the mayor. and if he goes out there to get something they don't like, they can charge him with a false statement, and let me make it clear, i d'thi that mayor gray should be indicted, but if he is, we intend to go to trial. and gray is facing zen challengers, but in the split field gray has led all of the challengers in recent polls. in the district, tom sherwood, news4. coming up tonight in texas, the death toll continues the rise after a driver plowed into a crowded street party. >> and questionable takedown, and the local sheriff is telling his side of the story after a marine says he is roughed up, and it is caught on camera. and we will report how student a third person has died after a street festival in a austin, texas, the music festival, and the 26-year-old victim died from her injuries tod today. two others were kill can and 21 injured last week after a suspected drunk driver crashed into a barricade at the south by southwest festival. police say he was trying to get a way from a sobriety check point, and now rashad owens is facing capital murder charges. and now today, new recalls from the ceo's request for comprehensive internal safety review, following that company's review of the faulty ignition switches. the company is recalling 1.2 million suvs because of the defective side airbags. the auto maker recalled 3,000 commercial vans and cadillac is a vans for separate problems. and the recall today is separate from the ignition switch recall, and you can find a list of the affected vehicles at the website. washingt you can find more on our website and the snowplows have been out 33 times this winter, but more busy in montgomery county and d.c. and virginia each sending the plows out more than 25 times. chris for gordon spent the day out. >> with well, i am reading a #snowverit. it says, dear winter, i'm breaking up with you. it is time that i started seeing other seasons, but the question is, is it really over? >> reporter: this evening as the temperatures drop below freeze, wet roadways could be dangerous. >> there is going to be icy conditions, and you know, people sliding around and crazy madness that always goes around this area. >> reporter: and stormy monday, residents brace for st. patrick's day with shovels and brooms and feeling a seps of deja vu in this winter of discontent. >> well, it is gone on a little too long, i think. >> reporter: john hill must have seen the camera coming. what have you got? >> well, you can see the mark right there, 7 inches. >> reporter: now this is not an authorized pat collins' snowstick? not official. >> no, it is what i use, and it is good fuf for me. >> reporter: and now you are a cowboys' fan? >> yes. >> well, okay. see you. and the schools are preparing to open up tomorrow, and you and the family have to be proud there is no school today in montgomery county? nothing, huh? and the dangers of walking two dogs after a fresh snowfall. >> well, they might be lost in the snow, but they always come home. >> reporter: the cal ep dendar that winter ends this week. >> no, not happy. not happy. >> reporter: he speaks for many of us, even though spring is three days away, we won't believe it until storm team 4 says no mas. chris gordon, news4. >> we can only hope. thank you, chris. with all of the snow, testing for the advanced placement seats could be moved back. the college board tells the news4 i-team they can apply for alternate versions of the i.p. exams depending upon the number of days they have had and push back the dates, and waive the fees. we have not heard from any of the schools in the district if they plan to apply for the late testing. >> we have word that fairfax county schools are on a two-hour delay tomorrow. so we will have lots of closings, and delays and stuff coming in. and you just have to laugh, doug, because otherwise, it is going to be a cry. >> well, i spent the night crying here. last night i was watching it 11:00 watching it come in, and the cold air came in so fast last night and started earlier with the stick on the roadways by 8:00 or 9:00, and we saw a big mess along the roads out, there and take a look at the cameras there on the front yard and 8:00 or 9:00, boom, there goes the snow. we saw upwards of snow up to 10 inches. this is the rain up to 24 hours from what we are seeing. the storm team 4 radar showing the snow showers. but you can see this is what is showing coming in and starting to come out he h i have, and we saw instances of 1 to 2 to 3 in inches of snow per hour. and actually a little bit of flurries here sh, and we will s the light snow showers as we move on through the night. and snow days and snow totals, and reagan national has 15 snow days and that is how many days it has snowed. and we are double the average. and dulles 19 days with snow, and nearly 48 inches, and bwi marshall, 17 days. and 38.8 inches of snow, and that is amazing. you look to out to fredrick and da m damascus, nearly 60 inches of snow this winter. we have friends here in northern virgin virginia. have you had enough? >> yes! >> you have to be loud. one of them wants more. and 32 degrees out of 13 miles per hour will give us a windchill into the 20s. it is a cold night tonight, and with the temperatures at or below freezing, we will see it refreeze tonight, and give yourself a lot of extra time, and that is why we are seeing the delays from the school districts, and 26 in d.c. and 25 in pawtucket river, and we will see it freeze there. and watch out for the driving and everybody is going to have a problem with ice. and back to the west, slick conditions here, and we may see the freezing drizzle early tomorrow morning, and then we will have another chance for that early wednesday morning, and this is something that we will watch closely as the cold air sits across the region, and chilly tuesday, and we will see some of the sun, but not much, and then wednesday, looking at the freezing rain trying to make its way up to leesburg or manassas and orange, and that before the warmer air moves in changes to rain. we are talking about the showers wednesday, and not a lot of rain out of this, but it could start as freezing rain early wednesday morning. we are not done yet. spring arrives thursday, and so mother nature says the 50s. 55 on friday and the 66 on saturday. that comes with the chance of showers, but at least we are on the warm side. are with we going to stay there? i'm done, and i will tell you more later, i'm out of time. and next, new details about the elderly man's last moments trying to save his companion from a fire. and the latest push from rg3 that has donations pouring in. and plus, a spark in the maryland marijuana law. and why some people in southern california are still feeling the aftersocks from the earthquake that woke many of them up this morning. it was a 4.4 magnitude quake and centered 15 miles from los angeles. the shaking was visible on security cameras across the city, an anchors at one tv station ducked for cover live on the air. it is the first significant earthquake to hit l.a. in more than five years. >> it sounds unlikely, but colorado's marijuana laws are making it a destination for children with families who are dealing with their seizures. they are looking for a strain of marijuana called charlotte's web, and that is because legalized marijuana use in colorado. one father credits the active ingredient there to save his daughter. >> the pharmaceuticals were not working for her, and kids with her condition are passing away from it. so it is a matter of life and death. >> reporter: the american epilepsy society says that the marijuana treatment looks promising, but warns there is not enough scientific evidence to advocate the use. and there is not enough drugs that it needs to carry out executions. and that disclosure in court is the nationwide shortage of the chemicals used in lethal injections. oklahoma allows for electrocution or firing squad, but only if lethal injection is found unconstitutional, and they are denying to say if they are pursuing one of those options for an execution scheduled later in the week. and a high speed chase land s a man in handcuffs, but wa happened next could lead to a lawsuit. and we will hear from somebody who came face to face with charles severance a few years ago. it is a violent en koucounter h won't soon forget. whew! this is this is doug gansler. i'm running for governor - but this campaign is about you more than me. it's about brianna, who will breathe cleaner air because as attorney general i forced polluters to put in place $4.6 billion dollars in pollution controls. for caren, i fought big banks, winning $1.6 billion in mortgage relief for her and thousands of marylanders. for myra and her kids, they're safer because i brought the beltway snipers to justice, and fought child pornography and internet predators. for eric and mickey, i went to court to fight for marriage equality. for hundreds of baltimore kids, i started an inner city lacrosse league. and when a judge blamed an 11 year old girl for being sexually abused by saying "it takes two to tango," i took that judge on. i don't put up with things like that, it's not who i am. i take on tough fights and get things done for the people of maryland. the all-new chevy silverado: from the family of the most dependable, longest-lasting full-size pickups on the road... the truck that beats any ford f-150 in fuel economy... and the 2014 north american truck of the year. and now, during chevy truck month, the price you see is the price you pay, for a 2014 chevy silverado now use special truck month pricing to get a total value of over 75-hundred on this silverado all-star edition with best in class v8 fuel economy. get to truck month at your chevy dealer today! now at 6:30, a local sheriff is accused of crossing the line. >> once i was pulled over, i was yanked out of my vehicle. >> and that man now is planning to sue. we will see the dash cam and the sheriff's response only on news4. he is linked to three high profile murders and tonight, we are digging into charles severance's past. and we will speak to a man at the receiving end of a violent outburst. and we will have a desperate attempt to save the couple insoo inside. >> and first at 6:30, and rex coffey is going to defend the actions after pulling a driver from the vehicle in a traffic stop. video of the arrest is caught on the officer's dash cam, and the driver says he is injured, but he will never allege police brutality. and tracee wilkins is go g ing give us more on the story. >> reporter: well, there is a provided dash cam video in the incident that is considered primary evidence in the pending ca case. h this is video of ocharles coffey being pulled from his vehicle slammed to the ground. i talked to the sheriff about what happened that night. the department asked to tape the interview for themselves. 2:00 a.m., october 25th, jason was driving at a high rate of speed in waldorf according to the police report. they say that miles led the deputies on a high speed chase. >> he went by me without head lights on at 90 miles per hour. >> reporter: he would not stop so he rammed the side of the suv with his patrol car. >> and now he can't go anywhere, because he is blocked, and so he turns into the car dealership, and then he bumps back around. >> reporter: but he said that he never saw highrenes or saw the taillights. >> i thought it was any other accident when i pulled over. and when i pulled over, and yanked out of my vehicle, i did not know what to think at that time. >> i was pointing with one hand with my gun here, and down to the ground he went. >> reporter: soon after sheriff coffey yanked him to the ground, you can hear someone yelling to watch the camera, and that is when the captain walks over to the car in an attempt to block the camera, and that is when miles says he was beaten. >> when you are not expecting any of that sort coming from the local sheriff's department. >> and did you kick jason miles? >> no. >> did you punch jason piles? >> no, and no one with else did to the best of what i saw. >> i believe my client, and i believe that he was injured subsequent to being taken out of the vehicle. >> reporter: attorney dale robinson says they are going to file a suit alleging police brutality, and that he was beaten by members of the sheriff's department that night. after reviewing the case, the state's attorney's case dropped all charges from miles. >> we are troubled why the charge charges are dropped. >> reporter: miles who left the scene with a visible eye injury, and concussion according to his attorney after leaving the scene. and the captain was disciplined whether he block ed the camera r not. >> i disciplined him viewing what was the right thing. >> and coffee says that this is the last year in trial, and he believes it is brought up by some of his opposition. and i asked him why he was patrolling at 2:00 a.m., and he said that is because that is what he is does and he loves it. a man is fighting extradition to our area. charles severance was in court today since he was arrested last week. he is being held on an unrelated firearms charge in loudoun county. but he is being linked to the murders of nancy dunning and rob kirby and ruthanne lodadatlodat. the prosecutors wanted him held because he went to the russian embassy looking for asylum. julie kcarey is at alexandria courthouse to see if they believe an end is in sight for this mystery? >> well, the family of nancy dunning has waited ten years waiting to know who killed the well known real estate manager, and they say that while there is hope, the wait is not over. >> when the news first came out, we were hopeful that the end is in sight to this. >> reporter: that is kate more ann's first reaction to the word on friday that this man, charles severance was under arrest in west virginia and could be solved to the unsolved murders of nancy dunning and rob kirby and ruthanne lodato. today n a west virginia courtroom, they made a strong statement saying that he is wanteded in connection of the three killings, but moran says that until she hears it from the alexandria police, she will not be relieved until she hears it. >> so i think that until the alexandria police came out to say that he is a actual suspect or a confession or some other piece of evidence that links him to it, i am hesitate to make any judgment one way or another. the stakes are way too high with this. >> and the alexandria residents who have had ties with him are following the developments. ron has a strong e memory that he was once attacked by severance. he was running for mayor as an independent, and he was upset when he found out that he could not participate. >> he said, why can't i talk, and he said, go talk to the moderator, and i was standing in the aisle and without warning he hit me in the head and i went down. >> reporter: he says an officer took him away, and he did not press charges burk in spite of that, he is doubt fful if he is connected to the murders. >> it struck me as really implausible honestly. i think it is a stretch. i will be surprised if he is connected to either of the recent murders, but i could be wrong. >> and it is important that even with the new urging of evidence, they say they stand by the statement that charles severance should not be considered the only possible suspect in the unsolved murders and underscore the fact that he has not been charged with anything in alexandria. reporting live outside of the alexandria police headquarters, i'm julie carey. we have an update about how a community in virginia is rallying around two girls who suddenly lost their mother last week. 24-year-old jamie rowley was killed by a car as she was jogging in ashburn. and since that accident, donors have given more than $90,000 for a fund set up for rowley's daughter. quarterback robert griffin iii is one who showed support by creating a link to the page. and there is also going to be a fund-raiser in ashburn this week. and why gun dealers are now taking the stand in the oscar pistorius' trial. tonight, we have new cell phone video to show you how fast moving this fire was. and the officials are putting a price tag on the winter weather, and how much it costs to keep the roads clean. doug, any relief in sight? >> not in the next couple of days, doreen. it is a bad morning tomorrow with overcast and refreezing and slick pavement tomorrow, and when you step out of the door, take some extra time, and we will have more video of a snowplow in action is calling those moves unacceptable, and now we have new reports at the live desk, jim? >> yes, this was recorded and put on youtube after the snowplow nearly crashes into him. this is a snowplow on military avenue plowing the wrong side of the street, and blind curves and a car facing the plow has to veer into the snowy part of the street, and the driver says that his car did a 180-spin after that. and so he decided to follow the plow. and we are told that the driver was taken off of duty immediately due to completely unacceptable plowing technique. they are going to bel following up with the driver tomorrow. at the live desk, jim handly. oscar pistorius' knowledge of guns took center stage at the trial today. they say that pistorius was obsessed with the guns, and they say that he was once so startled by a noise in the home, that he wept into combat mode, and it was a washing machine. they say that pistorius also passed a written test on self-defense prior to getting a gun. he shot his girlfriend in south africa last year in his home saying he thought she was an intruder. >> and loved and then lost. an elderly man died after trying to save his companion from a fire in west virginia. why this we have breaking news coming into news4. a tanker truck has overturned on route 50 and bowie and these are live pictures coming in now. the driver is trapped inside of the cab as firefighters and ems are working to get him out of eastbound 50 and the airport are shutdown. expect major delays as the fire trucks and the ambulances are causing traffic problems in the westbound lanes, too. we don't know what the truck was carrying, but crews at the scene says it does not appear to be hazardous. at the live desk, jim handly. >> thank you, jim. we are learning more about the victims of a deadly house fire in arlington. neighbors tell us that a man went back into the burning house to try to save the woman he called his partner. neither of them made it out. we also have new cell phone video that shows how awful the flames were. kristin wright has the report. >> the black burned out house against the backdrop of snow make for a dark image on langley street, and ronnie parker looks at the house, and remembers vividly knocking on the door when he saw flames. >> and that is what he did, he came to the door. and everybody else came out, and he went back in, and he closed the door and went back in. >> reporter: the elderly man went back into the house to try to save his come ppanion. >> two or three minutes. >> reporter: the elderly woman died the day before her 74th birthday, and her daughter says that she was confined to a wheelchair, and she couldn't have gotten out on her own. cheryl johnson lives across the street, and she has known the families since the '60s. >> she was a family woman, and took care of a lot of the family members, and they were all close sfwlr she was a retired nurse with nine children and deep root s in the arlington community. >> she was here for a long time. they went away and came back, and a family-owned house for a long time. >> reporter: but by all accounts, the fire was too fast. >> we heard two or three booms, and that is it. >> by the time i got to the porch, it had been flamed up. >> reporter: and neither made it out of the house again. in arlington, kristin wright, news4. everybody is tired of the long winter, but you know, it is also coming with a big price tag for the transportation officials across the area, and adam tuss is in vienna with a look at the financial impact of all of this snow and ice. hey, adam. >> hey, doreen. i can report there are flurries coming down in vienna, and it won't stop. and the transportation crews are so ready for the winter to be over from metro to the roads to, yes, this has been a very, very costly winter. getting the

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Malaysia , Arlington , Texas , United States , Alexandria , Al Iskandariyah , Egypt , Damascus , Dimashq , Syria , Stafford County , Virginia , Loudoun County , California , Russian Embassy , District Of Columbia , Russia , Washington , Ukraine , West Virginia , Oklahoma , Prince George County , Colorado , Fairfax County , Maryland , Montgomery County , Vienna , Wien , Austria , Capitol Hill , Germantown , Baltimore , Anne Arundel County , South Africa , Marylanders , Ukrainian , Malaysian , Russian , Russians , American , Dale Robinson , Chris Gordon , Jim Vance , Rashad Owens , Jamie Rowley , Bwi Marshall , Steve Handelsman , Tom Sherwood , Los Angeles , Doreen Gensler , Vladimir Putin , Pat Collin , Jeffrey Thompson , Ron Kirby , Ronald Ma , Nancy Dunning , Rex Coffey , Cheryl Johnson , Doug Gansler , Ronnie Parker , Julie Carey , Kristin Wright ,

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