Transcripts For WRC News4 At 6 20130617

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angry he looks like he is angry at the united states. >> reporter: on a web chat today, snowden reveals what he's claiming is the nakedly aggressively criminal acts, not operations against military targets. the u.s. government is not going to be able to cover this up by jailing or murdering me, said snowden. truth is coming and it cannot be stopped. as the revelations reverberated at today's summit, obama and nsa staffers compile what they say is proof that the nsa programs have stopped terrorist attacks in the u.s. and more of those details could come out as soon as tomorrow when the nsa chief again comes up here to testify. i'm steve handelsman, news 4. irs supervisors in washington are being connected to the scandal targeting the tea party. a former leader tells investigators that she looked over 30 applications from conservative groups. the irs blamed a small group of agents in cincinnati. all tax exempt organizations, including liberal ones, were called tea party. this does not show proof of the ordering of the groups. the irs has not commented on her testimony. the man accused of cutting women on their backsides inside local malls admits to everything. he still has not said why he did all of that. in a fairfax county courtroom, the man pleaded guilty. at least nine women were injured during the incidents back in 201 2011. pimentel is facing up to seven years in prison and will be sentenced in september. an airline passenger stood up and said he poisoned everyone on board. he was restrained midway between hong kong and the airport. the plane landed safely at newark where the man was taken into custody. so far, there are no reports of anyone getting sick. the tornado that hit parts of montgomery county is one of the longest ones ever recorded in maryland. that tornado carved a path of 17.3 miles. it touched down in north presidepotomac and stayed on the ground on thursday afternoon. it was rated ef-0. that's the weakest category for a tornado. the longest tornado on record in maryland is the one that hit back in 2002. that one was 38 miles long. we had a few little incidents out there but none of them very strong. doug, what are we looking for? >> that's our camera from the city cam. this is our tower cam. we have a pretty strong shower right now in the d.c. metro area, including southeast d.c. take a look at these cameras high atop our northwest studios. look at this rain shaft. here's the cloud and the base of that cloud and everything underneath is the rain. that's called the rain shaft. as we look at the city cam, we're looking at that rain from downtown and right over towards memorial. it's actually obscuring the view just a little bit. 82 degrees and winds out of the south at 15 miles per hour. taking a look at the radar, not a whole lot going on. this is the shower we're looking at right in southeast along the suitland park area. as you move towards prince georges county, heavy rain around anacostia as it continues down towards the south and east. i'll show you where this goes and what is coming next for the next couple of days coming up. residents of a fairfax high rise are coming home learning that two of their neighbors have died in a murder-suicide. this happened near the bailey's crossroads area. mark is joining us with the latest on this story. mark? >> reporter: neighbors tell me that they heard arguing and then what sounded like a woman screaming and then gunfire. as many as five shots rang out. >> it's tragic and it's awful and i just can't believe it. >> reporter: the calls to 911 started coming in as people were headed out to work and to school. >> we got a call from apparently someone inside the apartment itself. don't know who that is. don't know the relationship between the descedents. >> when police arrived on the 24th floor of the skyline towers, they found two people, a man a and a woman both dead. >> it is believed to be domestic in nature. we believe that it is in fact a homicide-suicide. >> reporter: while some neighbors were shocked to hear what happened -- >> it's shocking because this is a family friendly environment. >> reporter: others were simply scared. >> i think it was saturday night we had someone getting tasered in the lobby. i'm sick of it. it makes me think about moving. i don't know who impassing in the hall and i don't know what they are going through and i don't know. i'm not used to this. i just moved up from a small town. >> reporter: police won't say that it's definitely a murder-suicide but they did say they recovered the weapon inside the apartment and they are not looking for any suspects. >> no lookout for a threat to public safety. it's could ntained to that one incident. >> reporter: now, the taser incident was not related to the murder here today. police are not releasing the name of the victims but so far they have not been able to determine that they have had any previous 911 calls for that apartment. reporting live in fairfax, news 4. we go back to our news desk now following about that deadly crash in calvert county. jim has more. jim? >> this involved a calvert county paramedic in an suv who was responding to a call driving down route 4 here. another car crossed its path. the man driving that car died on impact. the medic vehicle driver is in the hospital right now with serious injuries. these again are live pictures from chopper 4. we'll continue to monitor the impact on the traffic in this area and the crash investigation as it comes in to news 4 at the live desk. i'm jim handly. back to you. troopers found the body of a man in the middle of a highway median. the medical examiner's office is trying to figure out how the man died. they found the body along route 50. at this point, investigators have not identified that man. a shadow campaign helped elect mayor vincent gray in 2010. the accounting firm acknowledged its staff made improper campaign contributions to a variety of candidates over the past decade. a principal of the firm is due in court later this week. it could be a grakthrough in the two-long investigation. >> the city will review the contract with the firm three people have pled guilty in court. the shadow campaign allegedly was financed by long-time city contractor jeffrey thompson. on friday, thompson's accounting firm bazilio said that its staffer campaigned for a decade. the firm says it is cooperating with federal authorities. lee calhoun, a principal of the firm, is expected to plead guilty for handling fake contributions. lawyers familiar with the investigation say the new developments and guilty plea are a breakthrough for a u.s. attorney and his wide ranging investigation of gray and others. >> this is a very broad-based scheme that you're trying to connect the dots to. >> our job is assessing all of the facts and hold those culpable. >> basilio has held several contracts for city businesses. the mayor declined to comment on the investigations but told news 4 he'll ask city officials to review basilio's work with the district. >> yeah. i certainly will go back and talk to our folks about it. i really don't even know exactly what contracts they have. but given the circumstances, it certainly warrants us taking a look. >> basilio says despite the fake contributions, the firm has done good work for all of its clients, including the city. but this is a new window into the whole fake contributions. >> and on it goes. >> on thursday we'll have more details about it. >> thank you. a former lacrosse player will have a chance to argue new issues that he has. his lawyers are also taking a shoot with the impartiality of some of the jurors. hugely was convicted last year for the 2010 murder of his ex-girlfriend. his name was yeardley love. he wants that sentence overturned. police say they know who killed her son but she's afraid the system is not doing enough to hold them accountable. a major ruling from the u.s. supreme court. a woman paralyzed during last year's derecho. >> i remember getting the green light and heading up the road. i don't remember anything else. tonight, hear from the local woman who survived that storm and how she's using that experience to inspire others. it's been years in the making. we'll talk to the artist behind the alatest attraction at the u.s. capital. . iran's next president is hoping for a better relationship with the united states. hassan says both presidents should look to the future. rohani won the election over the weekend. he was seen as iran's chief nuclear negotiator in the '90s and got his political start as the follower of the iotola. the arizona law forcing people to prove their citizenship when it comes to voting goes too far. that came from the u.s. supreme court today. more on what this means to voters around the country. >> reporter: the 1993 voter registration act requires citizens to promise that they are citizens. justices told arizona it went too far. >> 90% of people's applications that were rejected because they didn't have proof of citizenships were u.s. citizens. >> reporter: striking down the arizona law impacts four other states, alabama, kansas and tennessee. what's so important about this ruling is saying that you can't make it harder for voters to vote. >> reporter: the arizona bill was passed on as illegal immigration crackdown. >> you have all of thigese alie walking around. >> this decision gives the federal government over elections, by eliminating the state's ability who is eligible to register. i'm diane lee, nbc news. right now, eight men and women are getting to become america's newest space explorers. nasa introduced its new astronaut class and half of the candidates are women. that's the most ever. nasa says this group will help lead the first human mission to mars. they will start training in august. >> i applied. >> wow. you're one of the 5,990 that didn't make the cut. >> i picked up a call, thought for sure it was nasa. i just sat there waiting. >> sorry, doug. maybe next time. >> we have showers coming down pretty good over towards southeast d.c. you can see the showers in the capitol hill area. at the airport, 82 degrees. wind at 15 miles per hour. dewpoint is 68. any time it is near 70, it feels uncomfortable. 83 in hagerstown, 81, annapolis, very nice and warm across our region but we're looking at a few showers and some of these are increasing in intensity. i want to take you to where one storm is progressing. this is right around the silver hill area and pennsylvania avenue. also in southeast portions. we're going to continue to see that. watch out for showers moving down towards the south and east at 15 miles per hour. it's raining on you now but heavier showers in the next 15 minutes. same thing for marlboro. these are the thunderstorms developing between warrenton. notice the lightning associated with that one. won't be surprised if we see areas with lightning strikes. that occurred near culpepper county, too. heads up, most of us should stay on the dry side but don't be surprised to get a pretty good shower as you move through the evening hours. tomorrow morning, we wake up to warm and muggy conditions. temperatures in the upper 60s to around 70. could be some fog early in the morning. just know that when you're waking up and heading out the door. tomorrow afternoon, look what happens. around 3:00 in the afternoon, widespread scattered thunderstorms. some of these should be on the stronger side. no need to worry about these. locally heavy downpours. things start to clear out and we see the cloud cover remain but the storms are gone. d.c., 66. leesburg, 66. high temperatures in the low to mid-80s. 85 in d.c., 85 manassas and thunderstorms throughout the a ever noon and the next couple of days, 30 chance of storms with a high of 81. 82 degrees on thursday. plenty of sunshine. thursday is looking beautiful. on friday, the first day of summer, 85 degrees. actually starts at 104 in the morning on friday. friday will be the first day. let's just make the first weekend of summer a hot one. 86 on saturday. 90 on sunday and 93 on monday. right now this weekend looking pretty good. if you're thinking about heading down towards the beaches, looking good for you all across the next couple of days, especially starting on thursday. >> all right. thank you, doug. it's been a tough year for a woman who was hit by a derecho. the motorcycle enthusiast was on her way last june when a tree crashed down on her and her bike in northwest d.c. itse it severed her spinal cord. she's been getting support and is stronger because of it. >> the changes that i've gone through made me not just grow but to see my strengths and weaknesses and it also helped my friends and family find what their strengths and weaknesses were. >> she mentors young girls in the latinas leading tomorrow group. she can't wait to get back to her job as an office manager. coming up tonight, a parents' plea for help after a baseball fan was attacked at camden yards. >> why the fbi chose to search a field for the remains of federal apth agents are hoping to find the remains of jimmy hoffa. they were looking in a field. they have been talking to an ailing ex-gangster who says he knows where the body is buried. he's believed to be involved with the mob when he disappeared in 1995. he was last seen in a detroit suburban restaurant. a pilot landed his solar-powered plane in the dead of night at dulles airport over the weekend. it's the only solar power plane that can fly at night. as transportation reporter just discovered, that unusual sight caught some people by surprise. >> reporter: in the wee hours of sunday morning people looked into the night sky and saw this hovering. thought it was truly a close encounter. we now know that the unusual landing came from this plane, the completely solar powered solar impulse aircraft which is now in chantilly. can it operate day and night because of the enormous solar power capacity it has. not everyone knew this plane was scheduled to land. >> bring everyone. >> this cell phone video sent to us by the general manager of a restaurant, the plane is just a feint leg in the distance in this video but what is big and bold, the excitement of those that thought they were watching a ufo. >> i think it's moving. yeah, dude. it's like a mother ship or something. >> reporter: the person said it looks like the color of a bug zapper except much more intense. others called 911 about the unusual plane and watch closely as the feint light in the sky disappears. >> what the -- it just turned all of its lights off. >> reporter: the pilot said he was just having fun with people on the ground. >> i did a little bit on purpose. i ignited the 16 landing lamps when i was flying around the airport and i was sure some people would think it was a ufo. >> reporter: and he is happy that his tricks got a reaction. >> by turning the lights on and off, people say, i was witness of this arrival. >> reporter: here's an interesting look at this plane. all of the solar panels stretching across the plane, if you want to see this in person, the next chance you'll get is in about a week and a half. that's when the plane will fly to new york city. proje project leaders will let us know a day and a half before the plane takes off. now to another look at the breaking news we're following on a deadly crash in cal vefvert county, maryland. jim? >> this is in the prince frederick area and it's still closed at this hour as a result of this crash and will probably stay closed for some time as the sheriff office investigates. this involved a calvert county paramedic in an suv. she was responding to a car when a car crossed her path. the man driving that car died on impact. the medic driver was taken to the hospital with serious injuries. we don't know anything else about her identity or the man who was driving the car. we'll have more, jim handly, back to you. a deadly stabbing at the woodly park metro station. prosecutors are considering lesser charges against the teens that killed her son there late last year. she spoke with chris jordan and surveillance photo shows how brutal that attack was. >> that's my son. that was my baby. >> reporter: she is sad and angry after prosecutors told her that they are considering reducing the charges against the teenager in the stabbing of her son after robbing him of his expensive jacket last november. >> i cried and cried and cried and explained to them that it's unfair. >> reporter: the stabbing occurred november 19th at the woodley park metro station when a group of teens had allegedly robbed him earlier that night in adams morgan, taking his helle hansen jacket and iphone. a fight broke out and griffin was stabbed in the chef. chavez myers was charged with first-degree murder. but mrs. griffin says prosecutors are proposing reducing the charges against myers and five other teens in the case. >> second-degree murder and everybody else against manslaughter which holds 7 1/2 to 15 years. 7 1/2 years for someone's life that i think is unfair. >> reporter: the attack here was captured by a surveillance camera. prosecutors are using the video as evidence and will not release it to the public at that time. the video shows he's surrounded. >> two on the right and one behind him and as my son looks to the side, that's when chavez stabbed him in the chest. >> she says her last words to a witness were, tell my mother i love her. >> you cry so much, there's days that you try to keep yourself tofth and believing in god and then there's days that you breakdown that you can't believe what's happening. >> reporter: chris jordan, news 4. police want to talk to witnesses at a nationals orioles game. witnesses may have watched a terrible fight there. baltimore officers arrested two men accused in a fight that left 25-year-old matt with a fractured skull. it happened last month. police say the men were heckling him. they threw a beer at him because he was wearing a yankees cap. he climbed off the wall near where one of the them was sitting and punched him. that's when he fell several feet and caused life-threatening injuries. he's out of shoblg trauma and is in a rehab facility trying to learn how to speak again. >> he's starting to understand things a little more, started to ask some more questions. starting to recognize some people more but then in the next breath he could say something totally off the wall that makes no sense. >> the men were charged with assault and released on $50,000 bond. tonight we have learned that police have charged the driver who plowed into a wendy's store in laurel, maryland, over the weekend. that man is now in jail charged with driving under the influence. customers and employees scrambled to get out of the way when the suv came crashing through the glass window and into the lobby. this happened last friday night on wendy's on annapolis road. five people were taken to the hospital. they are all said to be okay right now. one of the more famous former slaves is about to get his place in the d.c. capital. a statue of frederick douglass is moving from its current home. >> yeah, that's a big bird, isn't it? >> steven has been admired by millions. from the the united nations and his work stands aline. >> for the last six years, this statue has rested in the library of the judiciary square. wednesday it will find a new home in the capital. >> this right here is the original model for the proposal. >> it's a lump of clay, a vision, an historical vision built on lofty expectations. but whitesman took on the challenge. >> i set up the same lighting and then create the rendering and clay to become it. >> the father of the civil rights movement led the fight for equality and advised president abraham lincoln. >> so i wanted to show him in motion. i wanted to show him dynamic. i wanted to show him emoting and wanted him to have some elements that would speak to who he was if you didn't even know who he was. >> born a slave, he became educated in the process and called d.c. home for nearly two decades. it's why many still today consider him moving into the fabric of the community. much of this statue of douglas came to life at whitesman studio here in brentwood, mare layland. >> you know, i'm just privileged. i'm just fortunate. i don't know how tools say it. >> the unveiling will take place at emancipation hall in the visitor's center. coming up, a local nurse celebrating quite the milestone into plus, passengers weigh in on $100 million improvements for a once crippled cruise ship. >> some thunderstorms are down around portions of prince georges county, along the beltway, stronger storms there. i'll show you where those storms are heading and what to expect the carnival cruise line "triumph" completed its first crew since its renovations. you might remember in february an engine fire left it adrift and without working toilets for five days. many of the passengers from today's cruise praised the company for the noticeable improvements. the breast cancer charity known as the susan g. komen for the cure has a new leader. leaving her job currently as chief operating officer at the institute of medicine. the board of directors announced that she would step down to focus on fundraising. that decision came after komen decided to stop giving grants to planned parenthood. brinker later reversed that decision. there was quite a day for a 71-year-old nurse who celebrated 50 years of working in the emergency department there. mama d. is her nickname at the hospital. she started working there june 17th, 1963. back then she made just $1.40 an hour, wore an old nursing hat and a starch white uniform and even had to use lanterns at night so the emergency crews could see. today her colleagues surprised her as she started her usual night shift. >> i don't think anybody could imagine i would have been here. it was my comfort zone, it was my friendship zone, it was my family zone, everything i have, it's unbelievable, that it started right here. >> listen to this, she met her husband while working at the hospital. he was a patient. she gave birth to both of their children there. she plans to retire next year. 50 years in an emergency room. a lot of people couldn't last 50 minutes. >> indeed. coming up tonight, a few showers today. doug is coming up with a look at what to expect for the rest of the week. coming up in sports, the nationals trying to turn things around in the city of brotherly love. the spurs now one win away from another title. into plus, alex in college park just ten days before the nba draft and he says his nba ♪ ♪ for a store near you go to hello, everybody. meteorologist d meteorologist doug kammerer here. airport temperatures are at 82 degrees. 80 by 7:00 and could see a few storms in parts of the area. temperatures, 75. here are the storms. you notice where they are, south of winchester, a couple of big ones and then watching one towards prince georges county that came to the district around the mall, about an hour ago. it continues to move right along route 4. you're probably seeing rain around camp springs and andrews air force base as it continues to move off the east at 15 miles per hour. upper marlboro, seeing that around the route 4 intersection. we'll continue to watch that. your rain will get heavier. back towards the west, this is where we see most of the lightning. right along route 15 straddling north of warrenton, i wouldn't be surprised if they came together. 70 degrees overnight tonight. you'll see rain move on through and then a pretty nice night. tomorrow, high temperatures in the mid-80s, once again, highs around 83, 84, maybe even 85 degrees. a better chance of storms for most of us. >> i would imagine that nobody last year, the nationals would be struck at 500. >> i'm surprised you didn't come out of the box and say i'm surprised it this didn't happen because that's usually what you do. >> i'm a reformed man. >> he's more relaxed. >> i must admit, i think you are correct. john gets the call for the phillies and the nats will struggle, hovering around .500 for most of the season, they are looking for a winning streak. they wouldn't won more than three in a row in a month. the nationals were 2 for 11 with runners in scoring position. no outs. man on first and third and jason wirth and how about no runs across the plate. runners on first and third with one out. another wasted opportunity. and how about on the seventh, bases loaded. line drive caught and steve doubled up at first. bad mistake there. the nationals failed to score a run. shut out 2-0. it hasn't been an easy few days for the manager or his buddy who is the phillies' manager. >> i slept okay considering. but it's a new day. renewed hope. just talking to charlie, we cried on each other's shoulders about our offense. i think it will be all right. maybe we just relax and everything will work out. >> help could be on the way somewhere down the road. brice harper had his knee checked out. the swelling is down and the treatments that he received have been working. next step, strengthening exercises like walking. so no timetable for his return just yet. in the nba, the spurs lead the finals thanks to one of their veterans who made their first start of the season and erupted for 24 points leading the spurs to a 3-2 series advantage. two different tales. he returned from the witness protection program while danny green kept his hot shooting alive. green knocking down six three-pointers in the game. he now has 25 through 5 games. green finished with 24 points. manny also had 24 points, which is a season high for him, to go along with ten assists in the previous three games combined. he had just 17 points. afterwards, all the talk about manu. >> he wants to play well and wants our team to do well. and just like a lot of us, we lose games and we take the blame for it and he's just the same way. and he wanted to play well. >> as i said before i needed it, i was having a tough time scoring. i needed to feel like the game was coming to me. i was being able to attack the rim, make it to the free-throw line. >> i overheard you talking about the finals saying that this is the best nba finals that you've seen in two decades? >> in a long time. >> you never know at the beginning of any game who is going to win the game. >> right. >> as the series goes, that's coming doub exactly, as might expect it to be, i'm loving the quality of this basketball game. i'm also loving the fact that they may put up a sign that if you come in here -- >> no trespassing. >> you will know pain. you will suffer pain. i love the way these guys are playing ball. >> i love the jordan, barclay, the celtics. but this is one of the most entertaining finals. >> i think it's one of the best. >> i can't disagree with you there. allen iverson has lost most of his $150 million fortune and now his wife is accusing him of kidnapping. according to court records, allen had permission to take the children on a short vacation to charlotte. they left on may 22nd and were supposed to be back by the 26th. she has not seen them since. and a top ten pick and today he was in college park working out. he had a surgically-repaired ankle. he's met with a lot of teams but has not been able to work out with them because of his surgery. he hopes to be off crutches within a week and hopes to be at training camp, wherever that may be. >> just be a good teammate and energy to practice every day. >> he's been a pro every day since he's been here. i mean, he works -- you have to dial him back. on game day he'll be on the treadmill and i'll have to run him off the treadmill he's been a pro's pro since he's been here. >> some think alex should have stayed in college park. a report out of new orleans says that the cleveland cavaliers are leaning towards making alex the number one pick in the draft. isn't that crazy? >> i don't know enough about his game. >> high upside. >> that's what i'm thinking. glad to see him working on his upper body, though. because he's going to need it, don't you think? >> i went out and watched the kickoff game last summer. he added 35 pounds of muscle during the off season. he came in as a tooth pick, 35 pounds of muscle. if he's the number one pick -- >> a long time ago. >> that was a long time ago. >> thank you, dan. why this ready? happy birthday! it's a painting easel! the tide's coming in! this is my favorite one. it's upside down. oh, sorry. (woman vo) it takes him places he's always wanted to go. that's why we bought a subaru. (announcer) love. it's what makes a subaru, a subaru. doug is here with more on the weather. >> across warrenton, a lot of lightning around the 17 and 15 and back out through southern 66. watch out for that over prince georges county beginning to cross across 301. heads up as you make your way out and about. getting hit pretty hard. tomorrow, a better chance of showers and storms. 80% of the storms developing across the region and we start summer on friday and right now the hottest weekends of the season so far. 86 on saturday night coming up on monday. >> feels like summer already. thank you. back on april 25th, 1788, at mt. vernon in virginia, george washington wrote a letter to his friend john armstrong. the nation was undergoing a bitter and contentious debate on whether to ratify the constitution. the previous year, washington spent a long, hot summer in philadelphia presiding over the drafting of a constitution. his letter to armstrong is an elegant and forceful defense of that document. christie's auction house in new york expects to sell that letter now for as much as $2 million. george washington was exceedingly careful about his papers and mindful of their role in history. that's all f anncr: competition makes us rivals. but kids bring us together. america's beverage companies voluntarily removed... full-calorie soft drinks from schools. and we replaced them... with lower-calorie options, and smaller portion sizes. now, there are ninety-percent fewer beverage calories in... schools nationwide. it's just one of the ways we're helping everyone make more... balanced choices everyday. to learn more, visit new revelations from the american who exposed the u.s. spy program. speaking out again from overseas. as the issue injects tension into a summit of world leaders. fighting breast cancer with a new approach yielding remarkable results. it's cheaper, the recovery is easier, and women bounce back

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