Transcripts For WRC News4 At 5 20150416

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you how he's being portrayed. the question that arises is how did he violate air space in let's go to news4's pat collins with that part of the story. >> reporter: chris we spend bundles an bundles of money protecting the security of our city. and it's hard to believe that something like this could happen, that a man on a flying bicycle could buzz into our town and land, undetected on the capitol lawn. how much do you think we spent on homeland security a year? >> 100 billion? >> 50 billion. >> 20 million. >> i'm probably low-balling. >> reporter: we have a lot invested in protecting the air space over the nation's capitol. missile sites strategically located around the city. fighter planes at the ready, poised to intercept airborne intruders, special orange helicopters that circle the city with warning message boards to tell stray aircraft to turn back. yet, with all of this, yesterday 61-year-old man on what he described as a flying bicycle penetrates the restricted air space of our city and lands smack-dab on the lawn of the capitol capitol. did he fly under the radar? did the radar not pick him up? norad said it didn't know this flying lawnchair was there until after it was there. by phone today i talked to major jamie humphreys of norad. >> i can tell you that we didn't send up any of our air assets, but, as far as take pick being it up on radar, i can't tell you yes or no whether we did or didn't. >> our radar coverage isn't good enough or somebody was asleep at the switch. that's what it tells me. >> reporter: that's michael owe han lan, a homeland security expert associated with the brookings institution. >> this is not something that you just sort of pooh-pooh away and say, well, we didn't quite have enough advanced notice or we should have listened to the guys in tampa more. no. this is a gap that needs to be fixed. >> reporter: how much do you think we spend on homeland security each year? >> hundreds of billions of dollars. >> reporter: are we getting our money's worth? >> probably not. >> reporter: by the way, the budget for homeland security is said to be more than $30 billion a year. now, coming up at 6, congressional reaction to this gyrocopter caper. back to you. >> pat collins. if you want to see more video or pictures of gyrocopter in flight check out our nbc washington app. making it tougher to climb and jump. now the changes just approved for the white house fence as the u.s. secret service tries to make the executive mansion more secure. only on 4 i-team reporter scott macfarlane has pictures and details about some of the bolder security upgrades proposed but then scrapped. >> reporter: one of two federal agencies that must approve changes to the white house fence did so today, approving the temporary addition of new steel spikes atop the fence to make it less climbable. they also approved changes to the white house ellipse fortifying some of the vehicle checkpoints. news4 cameras in the room as that agency did so, the commission of fine arts. they heard a presentation from the secret service and national park service about what happens next. you'll have the temporary measures in place for a year. then they'll work on a permanent replacement fence. news4 has learned they're considering a ten-foot-high fence to make it more secure, to reduce the risk of gate jumpers. they're also considering a double fence putting a second fence to reinforce the current one. we've also learned about some permanent ideas that they considered but decided against including the installation of barbed wire along the white house gate, the use of a moat, and potentially the use of an electrifyied rail and something they call permanent never dry paint along the rail. all of which they think would have made it more difficult for people to climb the fence but all of which were rejected for various reasons. when will all of these changes actually happen? when will you see a difference here at the white house? that story tonight at news4 at 6. tonight at the white house, scott macfarlane news4. talking about a couple of showers after what has been just a beautiful, beautiful day across our region. temperatures right now into the 70s in many locations, we've seen sunshine all day, but now we're starting to see the clouds move in and the showers movinge inging in too. light showers along the potomac through the northern neng in southern maryland through warrenton manassas winchester and toward the north, martinsburg. they'll continue to move into the d.c. metro over the next hour or so. we're not expecting much so don't worry too much about it. you may need the wind cheeld wipers for a brief ten-minute period, maybe the umbrella quickly. a few more showers back toward the west. that's going to be the case as we move on through the next 24 hours or so. take a look. the forecast, a few showers in the headlines tonight, then here comes the heat. not quite the heat but we get a lot warmer. then the heavy rain. i'll show you when that moves in coming up in a minute. thank you, doug. charred wooden frames appear to be all that's left of a home after a massive fire in argue toon. a man called to say his garage was on fire. by the time firefighters arrived, they found the house engulfed in flames. you can see crews working to put out the hot spots here just off columbia pike. no one was hurt. at this point, no word what may have sparked this fire. a former police spokesman facing child pornography charges is going to be back in court tomorrow for a bond hearing. william "bud" walker made his first court appearance today via closed circuit television where he did not make any comments. the former public information officer for the fairfax county police is accused of uploading child porn to an online blog. police say they got a tip and traced images to walker's home. a step forward tonight in a lawsuit filed by a deaf man against the arlington county sheriff. abraham zamadogega says he was held in the arlington county jail for six weeks without the ability to communicate. the ethiopian immigrant doesn't read or write english. he claims the sheriff and a virginia department of corrections violated the americans with disabilities act. >> he was in jail for six weeks. it had to be obvious to the verify's employees that our client was suffering. >> attorneys for of the arlington sheriff and state corrections department tell us the lawsuit should be dismissed. the judge will rule on that in ten days. no motive yet, but investigatings in fairfax county looking into the possibility that last month's murder in herndon was gang related. tonight 18-year-old moses dominguez of sterling is under arrest in the killing of william leva. leva was found dead last month in woods near a walking trail off hidden brook drive. and a man is dead after police say he sped off during a routine traffic stop in southern maryland. crews were out repairing a utility pole that police say the man slammed into while he was trying to avoid a trooper. we're told this all started when the trooper noticed a car with a taillight out. the driver sped off. the trooper found the car upside down along action lane just off crane highway in waldorf. they have not released the man's name. bond is denied for the parents of a lively boy who was found dead in a septic tank near his family's home in southern virginia. paul thomas and ashley white are charged with child abuse and neglect neglect. their 5-year-old was found dead last month after an extensive five-day search. police say autopsy results on the boy are still pending as they try to figure out how he die fd. tonight, the greenbelt metro station is back open. a day after that pedestrian bridge collapsed onto the tracks. the collapse was caused by a construction crane hitting the bridge. this happened around 3:00 on the bridge at the time. green line service and mark service was restore around 6:00 this morning. but there will be extra police at the greenbelt metro this weekend, a emergency response drill set for sunday, 8:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. emergency crews are going to simulate the evacuation of passengers from a train. future drills are planned for the district and virginia. they'll test the responsive coordination of emergency works. it's a smoother ride home on the green line but still delays if you're trying to catch a train into the district. metro tells us tonight there was an arcing insulator at the ft. totten station here this morning. there have been single tracking there and delays for much of the day. and it's a $15 million state-of-the-art fire station in alexandria. but it can't open its doors. northern virginia bureau chief julie carey explains why. >> reporter: a d.c. couple who say they were threatened with a fine about posting flyers about their missing dog have found their dog ollie thanks to those flyers. the story coming up. >> reporter: i'm tom sherwood on the stage at the longtime nightclub on georgia avenue. there will be some dancers here soon, and former d.c. council member jim graham is going to bring them to you. i'll have the story coming up. i'm pat lawson muse at the live desk. a passenger has been taken off a southwest flight in chicago for allegedly stabbing another passenger sitting next to her. the flight was about to take off from midway headed for manchester boston regional airport when southwest says the woman poked a man with a pen to stop him from snoring. nbc news has spoken with several passengers who posted about the incident on twitter. >> they tell us the woman stabbed the man in the arm. southwest says the flight is on its way to boston the woman has been taken off the plane and will be put on a different flight. at the live desk, pat lawson muse. well, it's not the first thing you think a defeated politician might do once he's lost an election. >> former ward 1 d.c. councilmember jim graham is going into the nude dancing nightclub business. tom sherwood got the scoop from graham himself. >> reporter: you know this jim graham on the d.c. council 16 years, defeated for reelection, out of office last january. what does he do next? well cue the music. ♪ >> which one of these do you like? >> reporter: cue the laser lights and fog machine. that's right, jim graham is becoming a nude dancing in pra sar yoe. >> i cast about for various things an i decided to go into the adult entertainment industry. >> reporter: in his old ward starting sunday, graham will host nude male dancers for gay men and thursday nights male nude dancers for women. are there nights for women to watch women? >> that's something we're actively exploring. >> reporter: today where graham was having lunch customers here were a bit surprised by the new gig. do you know what he's doing now? >> i don't know. >> reporter: he's going to open basically a strip club on georgia avenue. >> good for him. >> reporter: the house has been in business since 1979. in a neighborhood that is fast gentry phiing. the former public official who also consults on homeless and drug abuse issues knows to keep the neighborhood happy. >> we'll do the right thing by the neighborhood, no question about it. >> reporter: in the district, tom sherwood, news4. the arizona police officer who stopped a suspect by hitting him with his cruiser apparently faced a lawsuit ten years ago for alleged excessive force. at that time, he worked for the nypd. according to court documents a man claimed the officer threatened to shoot him, cuffed and choked him. both the nypd and that officer denied the allegations. they later agreed to pay the man $20,000 if he dropped the claim. the deputy who was caught on camera shooting an unarmed man in oklahoma is disputing claims that he faked his training credentials. an attorney for reserve deputy robert bates is responding to a report in the tulsa world. it says supervisors at the tulsa county sheriff's office were ordered to give bates credit for field training he never took. the sheriff's office calls that report a rumor. bates says he shot the suspect by mistake when he thought his gun was a taser. he has been charged with manslaughter. an ohio man is now charged with supporting foreign terrorists ex-'s accused of going to syria to get training from islamic militants last year. he learned about breaking into houses explosives, and hand to hand combat. a militant leader told him he should go back to the u.s. to commit terrorism. investigators believe he planned to attack american soldiers and police. well, a new report is shedding some light on some of the gifts former illinois congressman aaron shock bought using campaign funds. according to this report filed with the federal election commission, it includes more than $3100 at tiffanys for donors gifts along with $3400 spent at the famed garrett's popcorn for volunteers and shock still owes nearly $314,000 in legal fees to a d.c. law firm. shok resigned you'll recall at the end of march. running back adrian peterson is going to be reinstated to the nfl tomorrow. the minnesota vikings player was placed on the exempt list last fall after he was charged with child abuse. he pled no contest to a misdemeanor for disciplining his son, his 4-year-old son, with a switch. today the nfl told peterson he will be an active player with the vikings starting tomorrow. peterson and his agent have said that he wants to play elsewhere next season. groups challenging an epa proposal to cut heat tramming pollution from coal fired power plants could face an uphill battle. two of three judges from a federal appeals court appeared to side with attorneys arguing against the challenge today. the country's largest coal companyies in 14 states argue it would kill jobs and cripple demand for the coal. lawyers for the epa call the lawsuit premature saying at this point it's still just a proposal. this is a story that's generated a lot of buzz on our facebook page. it's about a local couple who says they were threatened with a massive fine for their missing dog flyers. that dog has now been found. darcy spencer caught up with the owners and with their dog ollie. darcy darcy? >> reporter: the petry tie fied little dog was found here on the campus of howard university hospital. we got onto this story late last week when the owners told us they were facing a big fine for posting flyers all over the city. now they want to change d.c. law. ollie is dirty and scared but otherwise okay after spending a couple of weeks on the run. >> it's just an amazing feeling. >> reporter: he's getting a checkup at the friendship hospital for animals. he had been lost since march 30th. this morning his owners got the call they'd been hoping for. ollie was spotted on the campus of howard university hospital. >> we went, and miraculously my wife just sat down and he came right to her. >> reporter: ollie is an adopted rescue dog who had been shot by his previous owner. he took off when a car backfired. today he was spotted by an officer who recognized him from one of the many flyers posted in the city. >> we're just so lucky and so blessed that the man called. >> reporter: these flyers got the owners in potential legal trouble. they say a police officer told them they'd have to take down thousands of flyers that have been posted or face a hefty fine. that's because they violated d.c.'s sign ordinance. >> you know, someone was having a bad day, and most of the police officers we've talked to have been super helpful and really weren't worried about lost dog flyers. >> reporter: a washington humane society spokesman told news4 in that the organization was also unaware of the sign rules and will work to have them changed. they want to make it as easy as possible for owners of lost pets to get the word out. >> we're just really thankful that we haven't gotten fined yet and that the flyers worked and we're just so happy to have him back. >> reporter: a d.c. police spokesperson told me late this afternoon that the department is very happy that ollie has been found and they simply enforce the rules an laws that are already on the books. if you want to see what those rulz and laws are that apply to these posters go to and search "ollie." back to you. a top military honor for a local teenager. but it was the big surprise during the ceremony that makes this story so memorable. a beautiful day today. as a matter of fact, take a look at the numbers 74 in d.c. 74 back towards fredericksburg. a little cooler back to the west, only in the 60s. the reason the rain showers and cloud cover, moving into the rest of t . >> announcer: and now your storm team4 forecast. we saw the sunshine today. we saw temperatures in the low 70s. a great day to get out there toward the tidal basin, do a little paddle boat action, satisfysee what's left of the cherry blossoms, you can see they're still on the trees out there. yeah, they've been coming down the last couple of days. what's coming down right now? some shower activity and the temperatures, too. take a look outside right now across the area toward the tidal basin, you can still see we're looking at more and more color. we'll continue to see it. herewith's the white house off in the distance. one thing you notice the sunshine has given way to clouds. we'll continue to see those throughout the evening. 71 degrees, winds out of the south at about 10 miles per hour. we have the shower activity. you can tell where it is, notice the temperatures, 71 d.c. 71 huntingtown, but 59 in winchester, 66 martinsburg, 61 in luray. that's where the rain is right now, back to the west. it's making its way right across into the d.c. metro area. some of the heavier rain around martinsburg and 1 chester, cull pecher. again, this is really light rain. it's going to move through fairly quickly. will you need the umbrella? maybe a little bit. just a quick windshield wipe here and there as you make your way up i-95 from woodbridge through the 95 area. to the west and manassas, nokesville seeing some shower activity. as i mentioned, very light showers. that will be the case as we move on through the rest of the night. we have more showers back towards west virginia more of a system down to the south and all of this is trying to move through our area. what it's going to bring tomorrow is something a little bit different. future weather showing overnight tonight what happens by 11:00, a few light showers. that's all we'll really see. make sure you take the umbrella with you, the small umbrella. future weather tomorrow, 3:00 a.m., the best chance to see any significant rain. really it's not that significant because it moves through and by 8:00 a.m. time for rush hour, i think we're on the dry side. a few showers but not bad. even tomorrow afternoon around 1:00, not bad. even some sunshine and the more sun we get, the warmer we get. the warm he we get, the better chance for thunderstorms to develop. i think we'll see a couple of thundershowers develop around 4:00, right around the 95 corridor, then maybe a little stronger around 6:00 toward the northern neck, southern maryland. we're not talking a lot of rain or anything strong or severe but just a general thunderstorm risk during the day tomorrow. so your exercise impact get that run in early. the rain chances go up in the afternoon. should be something you can run on through. 11:00, 66 up to 74 by 3:00 before the rain starts to make its way in. it woefrnt be rainy all day. most of the day will be nice. temperatures in the low to mid-70s, nice and warm, 76 in fredericksburg and 73 up towardses gaithersburg area. next couple of days, 75 on friday. i told you about this great day on saturday. look at this 80 degrees with plenty of on sunday, most of s showers late sunday night. that is actually rain that comes in sunday night into monday. i'm thinking we could pick up a lot of rain, upwards of an inch in some locations sunday night and monday. monday could be a wet day. but look, we rebound very nicely, back into the low 70s as we make our way toward the middle of next week. there are new clues tonight about what may cause alzheimer's alzheimer's. >> why you should pay special attention to your sleep patterns. >> and what do you do with a brand-new firehouse that doesn't have any firefighters? news4's julie carey looks into an unusual problem. plus a disney disturbance up on capitol hill that lawmakers won't soon forget. >> come on. ♪ let it go ♪ a big ribbon cutting ceremony was planned this weekend at alexandria's newest fire station but it's been canceled. julie carey joins us live to explain what went wrong. >> reporter: well, check it out. a brand-new fire station near the van dorn metro, badly needed in the rapidly growing southwest section of alexandria. just one problem here. there's no firefighters inside. right now just one paramedic crew is working out of the station, and it may be 2016 before the department can staff it with firefighters. there were initial plans to transfer some firefighters from a north old town station. but residents in that part of town were up in arms. the fire department also says it's had far more retirements expected, leaving them short of firefighters. with so much uncertainty, council members became uncomfortable with the idea of a festive ribbon cutting. >> i know some of us felt very reluctant about opening this with such enthusiasm because it's hard to be enthusiastic about opening a fire station firefighters. you've heard me say that it's like opening a library without the books. you don't do that. >> reporter: now, naturally, residents in this yves unhappy with the near-empty station. they have launched a petition drive. a look at their demands cox pg up at 6. the woman who tried to kill an 8-year-old prince george's county boy in his sleep will find out her punishment tomorrow. helen newsom is said to be sentenced for attempted murder. she confessed to trying to smother her ex-boyfriend's son in landover in 2013. the boy says he used karate moves to push her off him and run for help. the dad believes he was angry over their breakup. four people from an assisted living facility are going to have to find a new place to stay after a fire. chopper 4 over the scene along princess garden parkway in maryland earlier where you see smoke coming from the roof. we're told everyone did make it out safely. that fire appears to have started from some kind of electrical malfunction. well, it's now been eight years since a gunman opened fire on the campus of virginia tech killing 32 students and faculty members. today members of the corps of cadets surrounded a memorial on campus, standing guard for 32 minutes, one for each victim. students signed banners and walked by the memorial to pay their respects. school officials also encouraged them to make this a day of service. 153 years ago today the slaves were freed in the district of columbia. today celebrations around the city are marking this emancipation day. pat lawson muse joins us with details on how you can participate. >> it's a day filled with events to mark the day when more than 3,000 slaves were freed in d.c. right now there is a concert under way at freedom plaza that runs until 8:30 tonight and features performances by brian la nair as well as eric bennett. the festivities started this morning with the parade featuring community groups, civic organizations and first responders. people we spoke to say this day is a reminder to reflect. >> i think people should appreciate and think back from the past of myrrh grandmothers, great-grandmother great-grandmothers, why they're able to do and get what they have now. especially their education because education was denied. >> the celebration wraps up after the concert tonight with fireworks at 8:45 followed by a free screening of the movie "selma." d.c.'s emancipation day came just eight months before the signing of the emancipation proclamation. and we invite you to join us this saturday morning on nbc 4. we are going to take an in-depth look at president lincoln's assassination. i'm going to take you inside the peterson house as we recount the president's final hours. that special starts on saturday morning at 9:30. and check out this view of reston from 17 stories up in the air in tysons corner, one of many incredible views from the newly renovated tower club. just a few minutes ago the club kicked off the celebration of the end of the renewal project. it originally opened in 1989. >> this afternoon is the celebration of our reinvention of the club. we renovated our dining room, added an anytime lounge for our guests a collaborative work space for our guests and enhanced all of our av technology for our private events and also changed the design of the club. >> proceeds from this evening's event will benefit the charity still brave which provides supportive care for children with cancer. and a local teenager took care of his three siblings and excelled in school, all while both of his parents were serving in the military. today he was honored for his efforts with a surprise of a lifetime. ♪ let it go ♪ oh, boy, what happens when "frozen" interrupts a meeting up on capitol hill? we'll be righ ♪ ♪ stop dreaming. it's time for the volkswagen stop dreaming start driving event. get a $1000 volkswagen credit bonus. hurry in, during the final days of the volkswagen stop dreaming start driving event and you can get 0% apr, plus a $1,000 volkswagen credit bonus on 2015 jetta and passat models. don't wait.offers end april 30th. kansas republican pat roberts is going to turn 79 this month so it was kind of a surprise when he interrupted a senate hearing today with a ring tone from the disney film "frozen." "frozen." >> ah come on. ♪ let it go ♪ just let it go. >> the interruption came as agriculture secretary tom vilsack was answering a question during a hearing on u.s. terrify policy. lady antebellum's hillary scott got quite a scare when her tour bus in dallas caught fire. a tire blew out and caught fire on interstate 30 here in garland, texas. this cell phone video captured the blaze that damaged one side of the vehicle. the bus was transporting members of the band to dallas for the american country music awards. on her instagram account we checked, scott said in part quote, everyone is safe and sound. scott, her husband and the band's tour manager and driver were the only ones on board. >> and the heroism of two police officers is getting some national praise because it was caught on camera as the officer saved a family and their dog from a burning home. in ft. worth, texas, last week. they were on their regular patrol when they spotted the smoke. they ran up kicked down the door. it was all caught on the officer's body camera. everyone is expected to be fine. a replica of the french ship that helped america beat the british is about to set sail for virginia. it made a ceremonial departure, on saturday will sails from france to yorktown and retrace the journey from 235 years ago. it's expected to take 27 days. after virginia, it will head up to nova scotia before returning to france. and there's new research tonight that links alzheimer's with the way you sleep. the one thing you need to know straight ahead. then we're going to tell you about a campaign launch right here in washington that will help you take advantage of the national parks like never before. i'm tracking shower activity right now on storm team4 radar. i'll show you when the showers are moving in. and we'll talk about the chance of storms, next. >> reporter: a surprise of a lifetime for a virginia teenager and his brothers and sister. their mother has been deployed overseas, and they have missed her. the emotional reunion coming up tonight on news4 at 5. electronic cigarettes are so popular, more teenagers are smoking them than regular cigarettes according to a new report from the centers for disease control and prevention. about 22,000 teens were asked if they'd used e-cigarettes over the last month. more than 13% said they have. that's about three times the number of users from just two years ago. >> the fact that youth are even experimenting with these products which we know can have lasting effects on their developing brain, can cause addiction and lead to sustained tobacco use is concerning to us. >> last year the fda proposed a ban on e-cigarettes sales to kids under 18. final regulations on the product are expected later this year. if you have a snoring problem, there's another good reason to see a doctor. there's a new study that finds that sleep apnea may be linked to early memory loss. researchers at new york university's medical center studied 2,500 older adults, and those who had bleething problems while they slept had memory decline ten years before those without sleep apnea. but the good news is that the patients that got help for the sleeping problems were able to delay their memory loss. online craft marketplace etsy is now a publicly traded company. today marked the initial public offering up on nasdaq. the company set up a marketplace in the middle of times square. its stock opened at $16 per share but quickly doubled in today's early trading. the etsy web site offers buyers and sellers arts and crafts as well as marketing and payment processing. the head of north carolina community colleges is becoming the president of northern virginia community college this fall. he served as the head of north carolina community college system since '08. nova has 75000 students in our area. well, some virginia scientists are caring for some challenging babies. they are two black bear cubs. they were orphaned within a week of each other. one was found sleeping under a porch. its mother was nowhere to be found. they are now in the wildlife center in the shannonenandoah area. the women take turns feeding the cubs with a bottle. no baby bonding here because the goal is to keep them as in tune with the wild as possible. >> right now i'm trying to transition to bowl feeding so i don't have to actually use the bottle anymore. that will greatly reduce our human interaction time. when i went to go grab him he kind of threw a little temper tantrum, which is great. >> if you do see an abandoned baby animal in the wild don't approach it. call wildlife officials for help. >> they are cute. but look out, they'll be big. >> yes. wow, what a day out there today. >> spectacular. >> and i've been bringing them to you a lot lately, haven't i? all right! >> weather swagger. >> you go from february to march where everybody is yelling at you all the time, it feels good. >> what do you have for us today, doug? >> now we've got good stuff finally. >> enjoy it. >> it's good to talk about. temperatures into the 70s today. plenty of sunshine. boy, do i have a great forecast for you coming up for the weekend. let's take a look, show you how things are across the region. we saw plenty of sunshine today but that sunshine now gone in most locations dealing with cloud cover toward reston. here is our live camera looking toward reston town center, little bit of traffic on the dulles toll road on ruston parkway. it will continue on through the rest of the evening, xpoeshl when the showers begin to develop. your evening planner, sun goes down 7:46. with the clouds, we won't be seeing that sunset. 71 degrees kushtly, down to about 67 with showers, 64 by 9:00, and 60 by 11:00. it will stay mild, fairly nice. could be some showers even around 9:00 or 11:00. but we're not talking a lot here. let's look, first off the temperatures, 71 in rockville 70 manassas 69 toward huntingtown the cool spot 66 in manassas. turning the corner. here's the radar right now. you notice the scattered showers just around the area, no real big areas of heavy rain. we are looking at some of that toward shannon dough wa county, page county, we'll zoom into leesburg, where we're looking at a little bit more in the way of that rain coming down, through parts of loudoun county, around sterling centerville and oakton, fairfax starting to see some of those showers right now. we'll move down to the south, bring you down through fairfax county, newington, springfield seeing some showers. these will move right on through the district over the next hour back to the north and west, let's take you up toward west virginia back towards western part fz loudoun county, middleway toward hagerstown up there bluemont about to see shower activity. right now winchester once again, toward martinsburg and hagerstown, where some of the steadiest rain is along 81. this is all part of a system that's making its way through the area and it will continue to do so. now, tomorrow here's your forecast. clouds aund sun scattered showers like today, but thunder could could be possible. temperatures 71 to 77. we're not talking severe storms, not even any strong storms really. but don't be surprised to hear a rum will of thunder or two. all in all, friday is nice, most of the day dry. best chance of showers comes after about 3:00 in the afternoon. 75 degrees on your friday 80 degrees on saturday, 80 degrees! saturday will be beautiful. but what about sunday? well, let's talk about it. first off, as i mentioned sunny and beautiful on saturday. clouds on the increase on sunday, most of the day dry. so a dry day. but a wet evening and a wet overnight period on sunday. monday morning will also be very wet. we could be seeing upwards of a hax inch to an inch maybe more ng about a pretty good amount of rain. but we get better tuesday, wednesday and thursday. all good as we move into the middle of next week. >> thank you, doug. for the third year in a row nasa ranks as the top federal agency among an annual employee survey today. on the other end of the spectrum, homeland security ranked dead last among all cabinet agencies. dhs had the biggest drop among government agencies from last year's survey. speaking before a house oversight committee hearing, secretary jeh johnson talked about how he plans to change that. >> i want to personally get in there and say, we are on an aggressive campaign to improve morale. one of the ways that you improve morale is to stop continually telling my work force that you have lousy morale. >> among mid-sized agency, the fdic ranked at the top and for small agencies, top honors wept toed the surface transportation board. two are recalls to tell you about both involving tools that are supposed to help you with yard work. both home light and owt industries are recalling their electric leaf blower because they can overheat spark, catch fire. the recalls affect more than 1 million of them. what's more, there have already been reports of about 1400 of these blowers sparking, smoking burning. the products are sold at home depot and walmart. so are they really good for you? the fda is cracking down now on the popular kind energy bars, those snacks described as healthy and tasty. but the fda says that four flavors are too high in saturated fat to be labeled as healthy. but kind and some nutrition experts argue that the bars are different because nuts are what's causing the high levels. >> if kind bars can't be called healthy, because of their fat content content, it implies that almonds can't be called healthy because of their fat content or walnut uz because those are the sources of the fat in the kind bars that is causing this controversy. >> nutrition experts argue that consumers should look past the marketing and focus on getting a good balance in their diet. tonight, the apparent secret life of a new york cardiologist is unraveling to the shock of his devoted patients. he is accused of paying two men to set fire to a rival doctor's office. the prosecutors say that when that didn't go as planned he plotted to have that doctor killed. he's accused of selling prescription drugs, heroin and guns to pay for this hit. but the buyer police say was an undercover officer. >> this is truly a case of dr. jekyll and mr. hyde. the man schooled in saving lives betrayed his oath and began to lead a life of a common criminal. >> this is a man who wasis going to vigorously defend these charges. >> the doctor is free on $2 million bond, and he has already pleaded not guilty. more families will likely start planning trips to disneyland again. measles outbreak linked to the california theme parks could be coming to an end. state officials there will declare it officially over if no new cases are found today or tomorrow. the outbreak began back in december. more than 130 were infected. it reignited the vaccine debate, many of those infected hadn't had their immunizations. next year the national park severance will turn 100 years old. to get ready for the centennial, the national park foundation kicked off a special campaign today. zachary kiesch is live at the national mall with more on the story. >> reporter: it's a change in world, jim. who would have thought ten years ago you could, you know, take a virtual tour of parks like yellowstone right on your phone. that's just the beginning. you can check out these apps all on display here as part of a new push called pick your park. it's an opportunity to really encourage all people in this country, all americans, to get out and enjoy some of their local parks. it's a beautiful day here at the jefferson memorial. a lot of folks out here to celebrate. it's twofold. in many ways it's about improving access and also knocking down some barriers. the future of the national park service and our national parks lies with you. we hope that through this movement everyone will realize the importance of preserving our nation's treasures in another 100 years and beyond. >> reporter: you can see all of the folks out here today. it's really a lot of youngsters. that's who this new push is for. of course, 100 years ago we didn't have technology like this. but they're adapting and trying to, as i mentioned increase access to everybody. reporting live here at the jefferson memorial, zachary kiesch. back to you. local prison inmates are training these homeless dogs so the dogs can be adopted. coming up at 6, i'll show you how this program is benefitting ever ♪ there is no royal blood in this country. nothing is reserved for anyone. it's all just out there... ...waiting... ...for someone to reach out... ...and take it. and the ones who do... ...these are the kings and queens of america. ♪ moschetto. a local young woman is being honored by place home front. she'll receive a military child of the year award from the air force. she lives in qatar where her father is now deployed. sarah is the founder and president of girl up qatar, a club promoting the rights of women and girls in the middle east. >> basically everything that i've done has been the opportunity that i've been given by being a military child. so i think it's really nice to be able to have recognition from such an amazing organization that supports military families. >> operation home front is awarding six young people military child of the year awards one for each branch of the service. another recipient is a boy scout, a standout student, and about to head off to west point. but he's also had to serve as a substitute parent to his three siblings while his parents have been deployed. as news4's kristin wright reports, now today he was awarded for his sacrifice and so much more. >> dear caleb -- >> reporter: caleb parsons was named military child of the year by operation home front the group that supports military families is honoring caleb for his leadership role and what he's done for his brothers and sister while both parents are serving away from home. >> it was very difficult at first because first i had to figure out, how do i run a household? >> reporter: caleb's mother was deployed to qatar last year. she's a civil engineer in the air force reserves, a mother of four. parsons' children had no idea she was coming home to virginia to see her oldest receive the award. the surprise of surprises, mom is home. >> it's awesome. it's awesome. i just want to hug them for the next 24 hours and not let them go. >> reporter: lost for words caleb's face said it all. >> he'll always be my baby. no matter what. he helps them with their homework every day. he drives them to boy scouts, to swim practice. he takes them to friends' houses every week. >> reporter: caleb gives a lot of credit to friends in his military, his military family. >> it was huge for him to be able to step up to the plate like he did with such confidence. >> he's almost a better parent than me. >> reporter: caleb's mother p return from her deployment in july. right after caleb begins his first year at west point. in ashlg ton, kristin wright news4. right now at 6, as the gyrocopter pilot leaves court, who's coming out in support of his stunt? from the d.c. council to a strip club, jim grakham's new business gig. plus, hundreds of wounded soldiers say they were abused by the very people who were supposed to be helping them to heal. the results of a nine-month investigation. good evening, everyone. >> let's get right to the latest on that security scare on capitol hill. the pilot of that gyrocopter, doug hughes, is free tonight. we now know he is facing two charges, operating an unregistered aircraft and of course violating national air space. that incident is raising new questions about protecting washington. we have team coverage of this story tonight. let's start with chris gordon who was in the courtroom for hughes' hearing this afternoon. >> reporter: well, this flight of fancy has captured the imagination of many on social media some calling doug hughes a hero and others acknowledge it's a serious breach of security. hughes appeared here today at federal court with a lawyer appointed to represent him. pilot doug hughes previously announced he intended to fly into restricted air space. as a result, he faces federal charges for violating national defense air space and operating an unregistered aircraft. if convicted, he could be punished by up to four years in prison. in court today, hughes was ordered released on his own recognizance with conditions. he will be held in home detention in tampa florida. he is prohibited from flying any aircraft and must stay away from the capitol and the white house. hughes previously said he was delivering 535 letters to congress protesting campaign

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