Transcripts For WRC News4 At 5 20131203

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genitals. when officers arrested washington, they found his camera, but the pictures were deleted. police were able to recover 12 pictures of the girls and 23 others of naked women including two other juveniles. cathy lanier issued this statement, to learn of an allegation of this kind is shocking and disturbing. we are fortunate someone came forward to alert us of this behavior. >> hold washington until a hearing. he's facing a minimum of 15 years if convicted. washington did not enter a plea today. that will come at a hearing on thursday. now police do say they think there are more victims and asking anyone who knows anything to come forward. they won't release a picture of washington. coming up at 6:00, why officer washington had time to delete the photos before he was arrested. reporting live, mark segraves, news 4. now to a developing story. the d.c. council has approved a bill to change the lives of many people who work in the district. they voted to raise the minimum wage from 8.25 and hour to $11.50 an hour by 2016. his first full day as a cant for re-election, mayor gray battled with reporters. he wanted to talk about economic success. tom sherwood reports gray was pressed on his record and 2010 campaign that remains under criminal investigation. tom? >> gray was there to talk about his success as mayor. the event got off on a bad foot before it started. arriving for a news conference on economic development, the security staff blocked reporters from his elevator. >> that's it. that's it. >> why can't reride up, mr. mayor? >> it was nonfunctional. >> reporter: the mayor spoke more than an hour. >> a vital, breathing, growing city, making a city safer. >> reporter: he bris led when asked if his successes were from the former mayor. >> you are wrong, okay? you are plain wrong. >> reporter: they came over to challenge the reporter, aaron wiener. >> that's what they did. a lot of ground breaking with little in the pipeline. there's no funding for it. >> reporter: when gray said he was running on his record, the federal criminal probe into his 2010 campaign. >> have you cooperated? >> mike, i want to talk about the future of the city, okay. i want to talk about the future of the district of columbia. i am a native washingtonian and have given my life to this city. >> reporter: reporters followed him out the door. >> the washington redskins game? i'm done, all right. i'm done. >> it's a clear campaign tactic to rebuff reporters asking questions, but unclear how it will play when voters ask the same questions. we expect them to do so during the campaign. >> feisty tone. >> the mayor usually lets us ride up in the elevator and jokes with us. much more tense. i was surprised. we are getting our look inside the new walmart. they are celebrating grand opening tomorrow. earlier this year, walmart threatened to pull out of the city because of the bill that would have required workers to be paid $12.50 an hour. mayor gray vetoed that bill. these are the first to open in the city. any minute, we'll see the lights go up on the capitol christmas tree. john boehner is presiding over it. this year's tree came from washington state. these are live pictures. at 88 feet, it's the second tallest ever used outside the capitol. the tree has more than 5,000 homemade ornaments from kids across the country. in a couple hours, a fine performance at constitution hall in tribute to members of the military and in honor of those who lost their lives in the mass shooting at the navy yard. there will be a performance on stage with dan band named after the character from forest gump. gary will make sure the people that work at the navy yard will know they are not a lot of time throughout the year making sure the men and woman who serve our country are honored, remembers and served. we can never do enough for those who serve our country. we want to support them and do what we can for them. >> the performance is open to service members and civilian employees. a winter warm up out there. folks don't expect it to last. >> there are a lot of changes that we are in store for later in the week. storm team 4 chief meteorologist doug kammerer is here with more on the roller coaster weather. >> yeah, guys, it's been a bit of a roller coaster over the past week or so. way down, then going back up. starting to climb the hill a little bit. the chain has the car and we are going to the top. take a look at the weather story today. finally warmer. we saw a high temperature into the mid-50s. it's the warmest afternoon we have seen in ten days. 59 in fredericksburg. 55 in gaithersburg and leesburg. we go warmer the next couple days. we continue to go up, then we have a big pattern shift at the end of the week. heavy rain potentially. cold to the west. wild in our region. we have a good storm system that could give us a lot of rain, then the cold tries to move in. i'll have it in the full forecast. so far, the alcohol tests are negative for all the crew members aboard that new york commuter train that derailed and killed four people in the bronx over the weekend. the results of other drug tests are still pending. the national transportation safety board says the engineer is a 15 year veteran. sunday's deadly trip was part of his regular route. investigators said the train was going more than 80 miles an hour along a 30-mile-an-hour turn when it went off the tracks. fire investigators confirm that a man intentionally set himself on fire before running into an ocean city church and setting the whole building a blaze. the 56-year-old bought gasoline before going to st. pauls bay the sea last tuesday. he used the gas as an axel rant. he died in the fire. another woman is still in the hospital being treated for burns. the autopsies are under way. tonight, a los angeles coroner is expected to identify the bodies of actor paul walker and his friend. the two died saturday when the car they were riding in crashed into a light pole and tree, then burst into flames. the neighborhood is popular among street racers. today, police said they don't believe the two were racing anyone. new developments in the affordable care act. president obama's chief of staff says had more than a million new visitors yesterday and he says the site is stable and faster for users. but, they are not out of the woods yet. the university of notre dame is suing over the mandate that its insurance plans cover birth control. school officials say it goes against the catholic church's teachings and violates their right to religious freedom. they put the public focus back on the benefits of the law. >> now that we are getting technology fixed, we need you to go back, take a look at what's actually going on because it can make a difference in your lives and the lives of your families. >> our team coverage continues in our next hour. ahead on news 4 at 6:00, steve handelsman reports on how to be sure you are really covered once you enroll on at 7:00, new reaction to the president's push. detroit will be allowed to shed billions of dollars of debt in the country's largest ever bankruptcy filing. a judge ruled that detroit met every test, including failing to pay debts and provide a minimum level of service to residents. retirees and pension funds are likely to bear the brunt of austerity measures. >> the council voted to appoint franklin. he's a democrat and serving his first term on the council. cam pose is the first to serve in a leadership position. she's accused of taking advantage of an autistic student. it's turned into a worldwide search. delays with the silver lines. now our reporter is digging deeper to learn what's really going on with the metro project that could impact thousands of leaders. the queen of delray. a decade later, police don't know who murdered a ved real estate agent. her family is looking for clowe sure and speaking out to news 4. >> it's hanging out there. it would be nice commuters who were waiting for an easier way to get to parts of virginia will have to wait longer. >> metro's silver line was supposed to open but now there's a delay. >> adam tuss spoke with the head of the silver line project today. adam, what's the hold up? >> reporter: well, pat, you look at the metro stations and say to yourself, they look like they are ready to open. this is the tyson's corner station. they are 99% complete. but the problem is not on the surface. we have watched the progress come together station by station, the new silver line taking shape. with the finish line in sight, a new problem. it's being called a software glitch. >> we are just at the stage of testing where this issue came forward. as recently as last week, it came forward. we don't have time to recover. >> reporter: telling news 4, this is basically an issue of computers not talking to one another. the glitch has to do with keeping trains evenly spaced along the line and it's not isolated to one section of the tracks. >> it's the whole line. it affects the whole line. >> as far as the time line for opening, this will push things back. they wouldn't guess on a time frame, only saying he doesn't consider it a long issue. with the testing that has to be done, it looks like late winter or spring before the line opens. that means people who wanted to ditch the car here and ride the train, they have to wait. is it a pain to drive here every day to get through? >> it's a pain to drive anywhere in northern virginia. >> reporter: he works at capital one headquarters and is not excited about the news. >> i moved with the intention of using the silver line. >> reporter: where did you move from? >> to clairen don. >> reporter: there are four new stations people want to use. coming up at 6:00, drivers are upset about this. they want the other drivers off the road. they want them to get on the train. now this delay will push it back a bit. you'll hear that coming up next hour. reporting live in tyson's corner, adam tuss, news 4. the owner of the nationals is making a automobile to keep the team in prince george's county. he briefed supervisors about progress. he says he's close to a naming rights contract for the proposed 6,000 seat stadium. the new stadium would become part of stone bridge in woodbridge. the nationals are a minor league team affiliated with the washington nationals. it's december. doug, we could get used to this stuff. >> you can. it's going to get warmer. high temperature in the mid-50s. later this week, the nationals could have a practice outside on thursday. coming up friday, it's downhill from there. outside right now, toward the capitol, we have the christmas tree lighting. there's john boehner getting ready to light the christmas tree. we will be live at the white house later on friday with the christmas tree lighting there. that one there behind him, 88 foot spruce. as far as our weather is concerned, the mild side. winds 7 miles per hour. we have clouds, but not a lot. saw sunshine across the region after starting off with morning cloud cover. temperatures on the mild side. 48 in manassas. the clearing skies cool quickly. 48 in gaithersburg and camp springs. i think we'll see the clouds on the increase. storm team 4 radar shows things are clear. that is the case as far as the rain is concerned for the next 48, even 72 hours taking us through early friday morning. then we are going to see rain. first, the clearing skies. now the clouds that are starting to move in. i expect to see a lot more in the way of cloud cover tomorrow as a result of the storm system making its way our way. the future weather, nice and mild tonight. you know that. as you head out the door, you need the jackets. tomorrow, continued mild. temperatures close to where they were today. cloudy skies as we move through the day on thursday. more of a southerly wind. say hello to the 60s. near 65, 66 degrees on thursday even with the cloud cover. thursday is looking like a mild day. then you look back and say, what's that cold front doing back there? that cold front is the same cold front bringing drastically colder weather to areas out west. it won't have the same effect here. it provides a focal point for the rain and yes, it gets colder here. 66 on thursday to 40 during the day on saturday. there will be colder air moving in for the weekend. highs tomorrow into the 50s. once again, 55 in d.c., 55 fredericksburg and 54 gaithersburg. thursday looking better with a high temperature of around 66 degrees. then plain rain on friday with a high temperature of 80 degrees or rather a high temperature of 60 degrees and 80% chance of rain happening. a cold front moves through. look at the weekend. a high of 41 saturday. 36 on sunday. sunday, there could be a chance for wintry precipitation meaning ice or snow late monday into monday. monday we rebound nicely, back up to 48 degrees. that is something we are going to watch and continue to watch here from storm center four. in a couple days you'll be able to ride a marc train between d.c. and baltimore. weekend penn line service will begin on saturday for the marc rails. there will be nine round trip trains saturday and six on sundays. it will cost seven bucks to go one way between d.c. and baltimore. the trains stop at new carrollton and marshall airport. pope francis makes a surprising revelation. find out about his night life before becoming pontiff. check out this wild all that loose change travelers leave behind at security check points really adds up. last year, americans left $531,000 in change. today, the house decided to donate to the uso. it will be used to make airport layovers more comfortable for the troops. delta airlines is apologizing for bumping dozens of passengers to accommodate the university of florida basketball team. the team was supposed to be on a flight that was on a delayed flight. they decided to put them on the next flight. that bumped 50 very unhappy customers. good news for folks with student loans. if you are looking for a deal on furniture, hold up on buying right now. today is giving tuesday. how you can give back in the midst of all your shopping. liz crenshaw has the stories. if you have a student loan and have had trouble with the company that handles it, listen up. the consumer financial protection bureau will start supervising company that is manage loans on behalf of lenders. the companies called student loan servicers manage the accounts and process the payments. cfpb has been regulating the banks. now the supervision has extended to non-bank student loan servicers. regardless of whether the loans are federal or private. 50 million borrower accounts will be covered under the new regulation. it will be better able to ensure bank and non-bank services are playing by the same rules. if a big screen tv is on your holiday wish list, you might want to ask for something else. kiplinger announced the list of things not to buy during the hol dais. topping off the list, the brand name big screen tvs. hold off until the end of january, before super bowl. it's when you get the best deal on those. march is the best time to buy luggage since sales slowed. if you want to spruce up your living room, hold up on the new couch. a better deal on furniture after the christmas holidays. black friday, cyber monday, they are behind us. did you know today is called giving tuesday? it's the brain child of nonprofits who thought while folks are in the spending mood, make it easy to donate to good causes. more than 8,000 non-profits are part of this year's second annual giving tuesday. last year, more than $10 million were donated online on giving tuesday. a reminder, check out the charity or non-profit beforehanding over your money. visit our website, for more. >> that's great. i like the matches the charities are doing. >> it's nice, you are in the spending mood, give a little back. >> thanks, liz. black friday is over. >> at least one shopper is dealing with the fall out from a fight at the mall. >> reporter: fists and unmentionables go flying. we'll show you more of this new video of the brawl at a local victoria's secret store. a young teacher flees the country accused of having a sexual relationship with a student at a private school. the victim's father speaks up about it. >> because of my son's autism, the trauma will be long and slow. recovery mission after a deadly shipwreck makes a deadly turn. how the cook on a sunken ship survived for days fast forward through the headlines. prosecutors tell us mark washington forced a 15-year-old girl to undress so he could take photos of her responding to a call at her mother's home. police later found nude pictures of other underage children as well. tomorrow, president obama will talk about the economic benefits of the affordable care act. it's part of the push he launched today to shift the focus from the troubled launch to the potential benefits of health care reform. d.c. mayor vincent gray wanted to talk about economic success during a news conference today. he wound up battling with reporters who questioned him and about his 2010 mayoral campaign under federal investigation. yesterday, gray announced he's running for re-election. the search for a teacher accused of sexually abusing her student has police looking half way around the world. >> tonight, we are hearing from the student's parents. the suspect is sharon kuai. pat collins is live in gaithersburg with an update on this unusual case. pat? >> reporter: jim, the victim is 15 years old. he's autistic. the suspect, she's 25 years old. she's his teacher. now police say she went to house while his parents were at church and sexually abused her student. we begin our story now with words from the victim's father. >> because of my son's autism, his trauma will be long and revealed slowly. >> reporter: ron harding is a minister, with a 15-year-old autistic son. he says his son was a sexual assault victim. the suspect, sharon, his son's teacher at the frost school in aspen hill. a school for children with special needs. in an extraordinary and emotional act, reverend harding and his wife went public today to talk about how this sex assault hurt their son. >> as we drove to meet cps, and we drove by the school, he began to literally rip pieces of the door panel off the inside of our car. it's challenging for him because with autism, he does not display his emotions but feels them deeper than most of us. >> reporter: according to court documents, the teacher and teenager exchanges sexually explicit messages, then later the teacher went to the residence while his family was out and had sex with the 15-year-old student. >> this teacher chose, in her position of trust over him, she chose to violate the trust and further chose to harm this child.te the chronology of the case, november 10th, the parents discover the text messages from the teacher. they tell the school, they tell police. november 11th, the frost school fires the teacher, police search her home and get an arrest warrant. by that time, the teacher has left town. november 13th, sex assault suspect sharon kuai flies from new york to hong kong. now you can imagine what people in the neighborhood are saying about all of this. voices from that neighborhood coming up at 6:00. live in montgomery county, pat collins, news 4. new developments on the death of a young autistic boy in the district. scott macfarlane at the live desk with details. scott? >> the d.c. medical examiner releasing details on the death of 7-year-old michael kingsbury. he died of hypotherm that and it was an accidental death. he wondered from his d.c. home. his body found in a hot car 40 yards from the house. police believe temperatures from that car reached 120 degrees. many people passed by the car when searching but never opened the doors. the medical examiner said there was no sign of trauma. they are calling it an accidental death. at the live desk, i'm scott macfarlane. right now, police are looking for suspects in an assault in an annapolis mall. it happened on black friday at the victoria's secret store. a 17-year-old says two women approached her, one accused her of assault, knocked her to the ground. she told police she has never seen the women before. the woman accused of splattering green paint at the national cathedral is required to get a further mental evaluation at st. elizabeth's hospital. she was charged in july for defacing the cathedral. she's suspected of similar vandalism at the lincoln memorial. the court records claim a psychologist believes she will eventually be able to go to court. police believe they have caught two copper thieves after a chase in bethesda. police got the call about a suspicious van on locust hill. they spotted the van after 1:00 on wisconsin avenue. the car crashed in the backyard of a home on royal dominion drive. they believe they were responsible for a string of copper thefts in the area. it could be three hours before people get their water back. the big one on south arlington mill drive. that break flooded the road and caused the elementary school to close for the day. residents also lost water. crews are working to repair that main. another water main break on 24th street near south monroe street has been repaired. >> reporter: i'm julie carey in alexandria. she was the queen of delray. this week marks ten years as the unsolved murder of nancy dunning. i talked to her son and niece about their hopes for the ongoing investigation. the newest edition to the volkswagen family. this is the xl-1. i'm david culver in herndon. coming up, we are going take the most fuel efficient car on the planet for a spin. ooh, the xl-1. say degrees after a high of 56. the warmest day in ten days. we'll talk about the roller coaster, we go way up, then crashing down in time for the weekend. i'll show you how it goes, next. right now, a car called the most fuel efficient in the world parked outside volks waggen's headquarters. >> it looks hot, too. david culver checked out the new xl-1 and explains it koub a sign of what's to come. >> reporter: volkswagen employees couldn't help but quauk. we get to bring you up close. a lot of hype around this car, why? >> we only have three in the country. there are 250 worldwide. they are available for sale in europe. we are not selling them in the u.s. it is the most aerodynamic car in the world and fuel efficient. >>reporter: the hybrid diesel gets 250 miles per hour. >> a lot of this car is with the design. you can look at the wheels, they are narrow, made out of magnesium. >> then time to take it for a drive. the butterfly doors cool looking, but a bit of a reach. >> that's the most difficult part. >> reporter: i feel like i'm in a spaceship. >> a cocoon. >> reporter: at $140,000, it's beyond most of our budgets. >> there are no side mirrors. there are cameras. >> giving a clearer view of what's behind us. this car, a glimpse of the future. >> usually, when you put out a car like this, you are exploring what you can do with the technology. you will see it make its way into the mainstream product line up. >> reporter: it won't be on u.s. soil for long, it goes to new york then back to germany. i'm david culver, news 4. >> that is a cool ride. simply an amazing story of survival. a man survives a shipwreck 60 feet under a high profile murder mystery has haunted alexandra ya now for a decade. for the first time, the victim's son is speaking on camera about it. >> nancy dunning was found dead in her delray home ten years ago thursday. northern virginia bureau chief, julie carey spoke about this unsolved murder. julie? >> after ten years they acknowledge their family had to move on with life. new members have been added, babies born but they are making sure her murder is not forgotten in the hopes police will still make an arrest. she was noun as the queen of delray when nancy dunning was shot to death in her home ten years ago, it sent shock waves through alexandria. her son discovered her body when she failed to show up for a lunch date. >> this time of year, i seem to be more in a funky mood for a couple months at a time, maybe. >> reporter: speaking on camera for the first time, joined by his cousin, he thinks she was targeted. >> i think she was targeted but nothing has happened to me, it's been ten years. again, i just -- you can't sit around and be afraid to go out of the house. >> reporter: though a decade passed, they hope by keeping a spotlight on the murder, an arrest might come. >> every year we hope something is going to break, somebody is going to step forwards. >> reporter: not long after the murder, her widower moved away and he died in 2012. tomorrow, police will hold a news conference to say his death does not change the nature of the investigation. a third set of detectives are leading a review. >> i hope they keep an open mind when looking at all the facts of the case. >> reporter: kate says she was struck by the recent murder of another high profile resident, ron kirby and the similarities with her aunt's death. >> you can't help but notice that. it's the same time of year, ten years later and we are looking at very similar facts. >> reporter: along with other friends and family, they will remember her placing luminaries on the street. they will sing her favorite christmas carols. >> i used to joke with her saying, you are turning delray into a christmas village, but it's a great place. >> reporter: they continue to hope for the closure an arrest could bring. >> i would feel safe knowing this person is caught. >> it will take place on friday evening from 6:00 to 9:00 in the delray neighborhood of alexandria. >> julie, thank you. an incredible story of survival under the sea. >> he's alive! alive! >> this newly released video shows a rescue that happened. three divers off the coast of nigeria recovering bodies from a sunken tugboat. surprisingly, they found the ship's cook alive when his hand reached out to them. he survived nearly three days in an air bubble. >> give me a thumbs up. >> survivor. >> the rescued cook spend time in a decompression chamber before returning home to his family. didn't feel much like december today. >> sure dnlt. we said we could get used to this. you have more in store, is that right, doug? >> it's going to feel like spring or late fall across the area. temperatures continue to rise on thursday. then they will come crashing back down. first off, i want to show you what happened earlier toward the capitol, the capitol christmas tree lighting. look at the 88 foot tall christmas tree was lit there. >> three, two, one. >> the second largest tree on the capitol, outside the capitol. what a great view that was and a great night for it, too. temperatures were around the 50 degree mark. what a great picture that is. how did they get that star up there. 50 degrees at national airport, 47 in college park, 55 in camp springs. dulles coming in at 51 degrees. as far as what we are dealing with for the rest of the night, this evening, if you are making your way out, temperatures fall through the 40s. 49 around 7:00. we'll call it cool. it won't be cold as it hanover the past week or so. we are not going to see chances of that. don't worry about that, storm team 4 radar is clear. next four day, 55 tomorrow. 66 on thursday. then 60 on friday. that friday temperature is deceiving. we have a cold front that's going to move through on friday. temperatures come down friday afternoon with a high of 41 on saturday. 36 on sunday. a very cold weekend. we could have ice mixed in here sunday into monday. it's something we are watching out for. let's talk about the warm up. we are seeing temperatures on the cold side recently. how about these numbers? a high of 66 in d.c. 67 in fredericksburg. 64 toward frederick. that's thursday. for friday, it is the rain and eventually, it will be a cold rain. most locations picking up between an inch and inch and a half of rain. we could be talking about heavy rain during the day on friday. could last into early saturday, becoming a very cold rain. once again, we have one heck of a roller coaster as far as temperatures and rain and ice chances go. we'll continue to keep you posted here from storm center 4. >> thank you, doug. football in this town is not as bad as many folks think it is. >>ecause we are not talking about football. dianna? >> not talking act the redskins, pat. you are right, the maryland terps are headed for a ball game. you may not realize, like robert griffin iii from the redskins, cj brown is playing coming off an injured knee. he's been remarkable, especially after learning he only started playing football at 14 years old. now you realize most people start playing football at 7 or 8 years old. >> well, it worked out, didn't it? >> reporter: no bitterness or frustration for the star quarterback when he talks about last year's knee injury that almost destroyed his career. >> when i hurt my knee, i look back like wow. i try not to do the whole woe is me or things of that nature. you sit back because out of a lot of time on your hands. you think about the what ifs. >> reporter: brown was leader of the terps. coming back with a rehabbed knee, nobody expected him to return as the same guy. even he was wary. >> for the first game, i was nervous. i had the butterflies going. after you take that first hit, it goes by the wayside. >> reporter: brown shook the nerves and finished with 12 rushing touchdowns and passing for 11 more. his parents watch every game, worried about that knee. >> my mom is a wreck from what i have heard. sometimes my dad walks away because my mom is a nervous wreck, whether i get hit or if i'm okay. been to every game. they are a huge support staff. i love them to death. >> reporter: they are headed to play their first bowl game, brown watched robert griffin iii struggle coming off the same injury. do you feel his pain and understand what he's going through? >> i do, to some extent. it's a completely different position and team. you know, it's unfortunate that it's coming down to, you know, everyone is blaming the knee. it's a tough injury to come back. he has tremendous respect for rg iii quick return and understands how mentally challenging playing with a rehabbed knee can be. as for maryland, they will find out which bowl game they will play in. good sporting news in this town. >> feels good, he's getting it done. thanks. who is the mysterious lady in pink? police are on the hunt for a bank robber with a flair for fashion. a potomac we are just getting information about arrests at a gas station. scott macfarlane has details at the live desk. >> two young men both caught in washington d.c. and both charged with murder. a mug shot of alex marshall, 22 years old has been arrested. prince george's county police tell us. that's dominic payne. her accused of murder of a man shot and killed at a bp gas station. at the live desk, i'm scott macfarlane. let's check out the stories trending online. vin diesel thanking fans for their tribute to paul walker. he stopped by the makeshift memorial where he and a friend died over the weekend. >> i just wanted to say to all of you, if my brother were here right now and saw all the love you are bringing here, if he could see for himself that all of you have showed up to show my brother love during this hard time and the family gets to see all of you show the love that you have shown paul, it's going to stay with me forever. i just wanted to say thank you. thank you for coming down here and showing that angel in heaven how much you appreciate him. thank you. long before he became leader of the world's catholic's, pope francis spent time kicking rowdy people out of a nightclub. he revealed he used to be a bouncer. he told them his later teaching jobs taught him how to get people back into the church. in prince george's county, police are asking for the public's help in identifying this woman dressed in pink. she robbed a bank in landover at 5:00 last night on annapolis road and 60th avenue. she passed a note to the woman demanding cash. the woman is believed to be in her late 20s. she wore a pink head wrap, a pink coat and holding a pink cell phone. the city of hyattsville is the first in prince george's county to pass a strong new antidiscrimination law. the law prevents discrimination in the workplace when applies for a loan or looking for a home. what makes it unique in prince george's is the law includes protection for transgender people. zachary kiesch has more. >> reporter: currently, state and federal laws in maryland do not protect against gender identity like race, sex and religion. >> it's a broad array of people whose gender identitity is different from their sex. >> reporter: a gender nonconformist. >> in the state of maryland, you are not protected on gender identity. what good is it if someone can fire me for looking the way i do but not who i love? >> reporter: they passed a bill that makes discrimination against the wall. >> hyattsville is the first jurisdiction to pass the legislation. >> reporter: it means people in the lgbt community in hyattsville can now go to a restaurant, get an apartment and know they are protected by law. >> four jurisdictions, montgomery county, baltimore county and the city of baltimore. >> reporter: currently, 16 states in d.c. have statewide nondiscrimination laws. they hope what's happening in hyattsville sends a message to state legislatures. >> i think it's a big help. the civil rights act didn't end racism. i don't think this is going to end homophobia or transphobia. >> reporter: zachary kiesch, news 4. right now at 6:00, d.c. mayor vincent gray talks up his administration after announcing he will seek re-election but gets testy with reporters who challenge him on skal dal allegations. >> i'm done. i'm done, okay, i'm done. plus, a d.c. cop facing charges of child pornography for pictures he took on the job. why there could be more victims. president obama taking on critics of the affordable care act. >> the bottom line is, this law is working and will work into the future. good evening, everybody. i'm jim handly in for jim vance. >> i'm doreen gentzler. we begin with the fast moving race for d.c. mayor a day after vincent gray filed for re-election. reporters peppered him with questions about a federal probe of his 2010 campaign for mayor. tom sherwood reports all gray wanted to talk about was what's ahead. tom? >> the mayor is proud of the city's economic development, but he didn't like some of the questions he was getting. the nation's capitol has been undergoing a decade old economic boom and mayor vincent gray running for

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