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Ever one on one talks about Irans Nuclear program. The white house is denying it. The report came from the new york times. It said iran is waiting to negotiate until after the election, so it knows which administration its dealing with. There have been back channel discussions, and israel was aware of them. Diplomats told the times they were not kept in the loop. The National Security council said the president has made clear that he will prevent iran from getting a nuclear weapon, and we will do what we must to achieve that. The election is a little more than two weeks away here, and in maryland the president ial race not the only election people are talking about. Questions six and seven continue to be contentious issues on the ballot. Darcie spencer spoke to voters at a debate about why these two initiatives are so important to them. Its clear many voters are undecided on these important ballot questions. One would provide for a casino, the other for gay marriage. Todays forum was meant to help voters desired how theyll cast their ballots. Recent polls show maryland could become the first state in the country to approve a referendum on same sex marriage. Those for and against the issue explain their view. Kathleen dumay is for the civil marriage protection act. You have to be married to be granted over 1100 rights over federal law. If youre not married youre not entitled to those rights. Derek mccoy pointed out that similar measures have failed in dozens of states. We believe that we can love our gay and lesbian friends, family we understand that, we dont think we have to redefine marriage and that word specifically. Reporter the discussion drew dozens of people to the Friendship Heights community center, there was also a discussion on question seven, anotr ballot question that would provide for a casino in prince georges county. Possibly national harbor. It would also allow for table games at game iing spots. It will help our other priorities which many of us share. Reporter but heather mazeer spoke of not enabling gambling. If we hold our leaders accountable for job creation. Some of those at the forum today say some of this suggestion may have suede their vote. Others say it didnt change their mind but has helped them make an informed decision. Georgetown Public Safety officials are looking for a man they say burglarized a home near campus and attacked two students. This happened in the 3500 block of o street. Two students found the guy in their home, the suspect reportedly hit both students and ran off in the direction of the university campus. Drag racing may be to blame for a deadly crash in prince georges county. Two drivers appeared to be racing last night. One car hit the back of a metro bus and burst into flames. The driver was killed. Police say it looks like alcohol was also a factor. Two people inside the other car were taken into custody of suspicion of dui. More than 40 people were on the metro bus, no one was seriously hurt. Huge mess at a Baltimore County day care today. No serious injuries here. A woman swerved to avoid another car around 1 00 and drove straight into the joy of learning child care center. There was no one in the building. The driver was taken to the hospital with minor injuries. Turning to the race for the white house tonight. Foreign policy will be the focus of the third and final president ial debate on monday. President obama is preparing this weekend at camp david. Governor romney starts his debate prep tonight after a fundraiser in florida. Running mates continue to stump for votes today. Paul ryan in pennsylvania and ohio. Joe biden wasida. Thats where the final presentation shall debate will be on monday. As for the other key battleground state of virginia, the most recent poll shows governor romney with a threepoint lead. Jesse jackson, jr. Addresses his hospitalization for the first time in a new robo call. In that call, jackson asks his constituents for patience as he continues to recover. His help is improving, he still has a long way to go. The congressman has been on a fourmonth leave of absence. During that time he was hospitalized for treatment of by polar disorder and depression. Clouds today across the area. I think youre going to like tomorrow. Especially if you like today at all, youre going to like tomorrow even better as of the 11 00 hour, our skies are mostly clear here in washington where our temperatures back down to 55 degrees. A little bit of a north breeze out there. Temperatures in the upper 40s and even upper 40s across Charles County and Prince William county as well. A mostly clear sky, we have a little patch of clouds coming our way, which may briefly interfere with some of our meteor gears. Ill talk more about that, and give you a look at the last week of octobers forecast coming up. Easy for you to say, chuck. Well see you in a little bit. Homecoming at the university of Maryland College park today. Tailgating, lots of food and drink. There were also some games and impressive ice sculptures. Turks took on nc state in the big game and had to play mix and match at quarterback. Well have a full recap coming up later in sports. Also homecoming today at howard university. Todays parade was one of several events taking place throughout the week to celebrate. The celebrity grand marshall for this years parade, famous for his roles in big movies like avatar. Traffic alert to tell you about tonight. A construction problem has closed northbound lanes of the baltimore washington parkway at west nursery road. Crews say the existing bridge deck shifted while they were working on a bridge replacement project. Part of the road is also closed. The maryland state Highway Administration says the roads will open on or before mondays rush hour. Thousands of runners will be lacing up their Running Shoes for tomorrows army ten miler. The race gets underway bright and early 8 00 in the morning. Lots of major roads will be closed along the race route. Metro will open at 5 00 a. M. Tomorrow to help handle the crowds. For a list of road closures, check our website and check 10 miler. Things will be busy moving again when the escalators will be turned on at dupont circle. New technology that as governor, i cut five billion dollars in spending and balanced the budget every year. And tim kaine and i both cut our own pay as governors, to lead by example. Mark warner and i reached across party lines to get things done. We were a great team in richmond and well be a great team in washington. Im tim kaine and i approve this message. Because well Work Together to restore fiscal responsibility, grow our economy and create jobs. [ male announcer ] tim kaine. Bringing people together to tackle the challenges of tomorrow. Musical guest. This is an exciting saturday night at dupont circle. Why . Escalators at the stations South Entrance are back open. An official Ribbon Cutting will be held tomorrow at noon. The entrance has been closes for the past eight and a half months so all the escalators could be replaced. There they are moving again. Thousands spent their saturday, biking walking and running around the National Mall at the third annual best buddies challenge. The event featured a 5k run and walk along with a 50, 0 or 100 mile bike race. Organizers say the event raised more than 2 and a half million dollars. It all goes to the best Buddies Organization which works with people with intellectual and developmental disabilities. Nbc 4 a proud sponsor of the event. The new technology that gives you a customized shopping experience, just by taking anncr sevenhundredthousand jobs. Thats what the plan george allen supports. Would cost our economy. Newspapers called it economically destructive. Like allens votes to give tax breaks to companies. That ship jobs overseas, his economic plan would. Help big corporations, devastating the middle class. Allen ev voted against tax breaks for small businesses. Virginia cant afford to go back to george allen. The Democratic Senatorial Campaign committee. Is responsible for the content of this advertising. [ female announcer ] at yoplait, we want you to feel even better about your favorite flavors. So when you call, tweet, and post, we listen. Thats why yoplait light and yoplait original are now made with no high fructose corn syrup. And why we use only natural colors and Natural Flavors in yoplait original. So, anything else we can do for you, let us know. But youll keep it to yogurt, right . cause we shouldnt really help with your love life. Yoplait. It is so good mary gshe also has asthma. So she sees her allergist who has a receptionist susan, who sees that shes due for a mammogram. Mary has one that day. Thats when she finds out she has a tumor. She has a Successful Surgery and because her Health Provider has an amazing connected system, she has her life. I dont know what you have but i have kaiser permanente. Kaiser permanente. Thrive weekend next. You may already be using ap like facebook and foursquare to check in. But what if you just needed your face. Theres a new technology out there, it uses a camera to scan your face, gets linked to your facebook profile and coupons are sent to your smart phone. People already checking in using facebook and foursquare and other applications already. Were making it that much more intuitive to allow them to check in. Products still being tested right now. Theres some privacy concerns being worked out. More funding is needed for the project before it will be available to the public. Some exciting stuff going on up in the sky this week. Video of a meteor shooting across the night sky on wednesday captured by a news photographer out in fresno. Meteor showers are expected to peak tonight overnight. Are we going to be able to see any of that . We will. Thats amazing. That would be unusually bright. Most of what were going to be seeing are the pin lights drifting across not that bright. Most of them are a little smaller than that. We may have a cloud challenge to deal with during the late night hours as well. The further north and west you live, the clearer your sky will be. And the further youre going to be away from the city lights. That will help your view indeed. Look for orions belt in the late night sky. Get away from the city lights, and now that the moon is down, our sky will be nice and dark. So just be on the lookout for orions belt in the sky. Not a bad night, still a little mild. 55 degrees still with a light wind out of the north at five miles per hour. Temperatures around the rest of the area 40s and 50s. Nearly everybody will be back down in the 40s to get your sunday morning started. Chilly, bright start. Well call i mid to upper 40s around town. Well jump easily into the mid to upper 60s today. The redskins are often the road. That doesnt mean we forget about the forecast. In new york tomorrow, 62 to 66 during game time. Sunny and mild. Perfect weather up in new york city. Nothing showing up on doppler, nearest raindrops to us, across parts of western new york. Area of low pressure that brought the clouds to us today is going to be lifting out. As it 340e6shs out, High Pressure moves in. That spells not only nice weather tomorrow, but a nice stretch coming. This ripple of clouds right there, its coming right at us here, its moving really fast. About 110 miles an hour on the jet stream. These clouds will be in and out quickly. They will dim our view of the sky between now and 1 00 or 2 00 in the morning. That will be our cloud challenge for the meteor viewing tonight opinion for the most part, clear and chilly, the further north and west you live, the clearer your skies are going to be. The further south and east. A little more in the way of cloud cover. A nice chilly start tomorrow. Sunday sunshine will make for a gorgeous afternoon. Get out and see some of the fall color. Warm and dry weather coming our way for the entire last week of the month of october. Overnight, skies will be clear by the time you get up in the morning. Even with the clouds, those too will be gone. Great weather for the running of the army ten miler, 30,000 people have run up signed the race tomorrow. It will be perfect running weather indeed, nice and cool. Then the rest of the week, its going to be warm around here. Temperatures flirting with 80 degrees again. Wednesday, thursday, i would not be surprised to see 80s within a whisper close of Downtown Washington for at least one or two days this week. You can stay ahead of the weather on our web tight. As governor, i cut five billion dollars in spending and balanced the budget every year. And tim kaine and i both cut our own pay as governors, to lead by example. Mark warner and i reached across party lines to get things done. We were a great team in richmond and well be a great team in washington. Im tim kaine and i approve this message. Because well Work Together to restore fiscal responsibility, grow our economy and create jobs. [ male announcer ] tim kaine. Bringing people together to tackle the challenges of tomorrow. Imillion dollars for maryland one hundred schools. Ty. Question seven will double it. Rushern baker question seven will add table games and. A new casino, generating millions of dollars. Every year, without raising taxes. Leggett and audits will ensure the money goes. Where its supposed to. More jobs, and millions for schools. Baker question seven will be good for our kids. Our teachers, and our schools. Leggett keep maryland money in maryland. Baker please vote for question seven. Leggett vote for question seven. Left with broken hearts on homecoming. Carol has the highlights next. What was that . It was a barn burner. Did you guys watch it . Parts of it. I mean, fans are not soon going to forget that one. No, theyre not. The maryland football broadcast probably had thousands of viewers doing and saying the exact same thing, putting a hand over their mouth and saying something they shouldnt in front of the kids. Maryland and nc state today was that crazy. Lets see if the highlights can do it justin. Stephan digs says bring it on. Homecoming game. Randy edsall also ready to go. Terps down 103. Perry hills is interceptied. Is he trying to make a tackle . He gets pushed down by ricky dowdy. He would not return, and in comes devin burns, whos a converted wide receiver. Third quarter terps down 179. Burns on a naked bootleg, hes walking into the end zone. 50 yards rushing on the day for burns. And earlier missed extra points, had the terps go for two. They dont get it 1715. After regaining and losing the lead, terps trail at the final 32 seconds. Burns has the legs, row has the arm, they put the freshman in, he steps up, after a 17yard completion, 11yard run, he hits nigel king. Terps in great position to win it with a field goal. Two plays later, Brad Craddock a chance to win it. A 33yard attempt, no. Off the upright. The true freshman is crushed. Terps fall 2018. Heres andy edsall after the ga game. Well, thats a very heartbreaking and disappointing loss that we had out there. But the guys competed and played very, very hard and gave everything they had and we ended up having ourselves in a position, you know, to win the game there at the end. And just came up short. Just this much short. Virginia tech lost to clemson twice last year, they came in extra fired up for a road upset this season. Playing good football early. Logan thomas is like a surgeon out there. Perfect strike to cory fuller who will bang into the end zone. Tech takes the early 70 lead. Good times wouldnt last for the hokies. Clemson up 107 and thomas throws a perfect pass to the defender. Jonathan meeks with the interception. Hes got some speed. Burning down the sidelines, 74 yards on the return. Clemson runs away with the win. 38 3817. Hokies now 44 on the year. Mike london is pumped, and Thomas Jefferson is pumped. Uva hosting wake forest. Wake up 70, phillip sims drops back, finds tim smith. Smith finds the end zone. Wahoos tie it at 7. Uva down 1610. Theyre driving here. Sims drops back, and lost one. Wait for us, well get it. Kevin johnson with the int and the demon deek ans hold on to win it 1610 is the final over the wahoos. High five for homecoming at annapolis. They trail 3430 late in the fourth quarter. Keenan reynolds is going for matt aiken, a fouryard touchdown pass, and navy goes nuts. 3130, navy records its Third Straight win. West virginia hosting number four kansas state. Gino smith not much of a factor in this one. It was the colin klein show. Third quarter, k state up huge, 317. Chris harper for the touchdown. Wildcats roll west virginia. Gino smith throws for his first two interceptions of the year in the loss. It was also homecoming at howard. Bison beat morgan state 2120. Howard improves to 52 this season. Now for another kind of football under the rfk lights. Dc united they needed a win or draw over columbus to extend their season. Ben olson was a player the last time d. C. United made the playoffs. 59th minute, united down 21 after a cross from andy nahar. Sarah gossa delivers the game tieing strike. The game is knotted at 2. All united needed was a draw to get the playoffs. The black and red werent done. Ahead to lewis neil who nets his second goal of the season, united wins 32. They clinch a spot in the postseason for the first time in five years. Thats cool. Isnt that cool . A win guarantees them a home playoff game. Nice for them. Good news, because they were selling playoff tickets. Yeah. Ten days ago. A little ahead of themselves there. They knew they were president obama im barack obama and i approve. This message. Anncr victims. Dependent. Thats what mitt romney called fortyseven percent. Of americans. Including people on medicare. But what about his plan for you . Romney would replace guaranteed benefits with a voucher system. Seniors could pay six thousand dollars more a year. A plan aarp says would undermine medicare. Youre no victim. You earned your benefits. Dont let mitt romney take them away. Good evening there Hofstra University in hempstead, new york. Im Candy Crowley from cnn state of the union. [ applause ] welcome to the second president ial debate. Tonights debate is a town hall and our audience is 82 undecided

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