clear sky. that has brought in cloud cover, that will be with us during the day. partly cloudy over washington. by 9:00, in the mid 20s, increasing clouds. briefly will get above freezing by mid afternoon. traffic trouble. >> tough morning for trucks, the outer loop, the exit from the outer loom loop to go west in northern virginia, crews deeping with an overturned trash truck. the outer loop, 495 to go west on i-66 is closed. westbound 66, out of falls church is blocked. no continuing on 66 westbound, past the beltway, out toward vien a the only way to access is off the loop. the outer loop of the beltway. near the mormon temple, one lane right now, and the beltway delays are substantial and in the back up, unfortunately, the outer loop between new hampshire avenue. trouble on the rails as well. problem on the red line with a broken down train, and rockville, the train is cleared, lingering delays there. broken down freight train on marc and shady grove metro will honor your tickets. >> 6:02, breaking news in montgomery county. police found a mother dead insi terrace in silver springs. tracee wilkins with the latest. good morning. >> reporter: montgomery county police wrapped up their investigation here on the scene. you can believe this investigation is continuing. inside this apartment building, over my shoulder here, quebec terrace and silver springs, police got a call on a pay phone, a man said he killed his wife hours ago. police arrived at the pay phone, and a man took them to the apartment with elizabeth vazquez was found. there was severe trauma to her body. the man called police has been identified as 32 year-old ricard o -- the couple has children, investigators say they weren't inside at the time of the murder. new, fire investigators looking into the fact that a space heater may have sparked a fire in greenville. fire fighters say five were inside, and able to get out safely. and our crews were busy at a barricade, it came to a peaceful demonstration. found a man holed up inside a residence with a gun. several streets were closed as a result. the suspect walked out peacefully, and taken into custody. prosecutors in the chandra levy trial said the man convicted of killing her should spend his life behind bars. he faces a minimum of 30 years in prison, and life in prison. he has a history of violence toward women. chandra levy's disaappearance became world news when she was linked to then congressman, gary condit. >> a peaceful scene, as the protests enter their third week. there was a massive protest in the squeer. 250,000 gathered in a peaceful, yofial celebration. army units brought their children, he is not apoed to the protest, he warns that government can't put up with it much longer. >> talks between northern korea and south korea have broken down. new developments this morning. in the koreas, talks between the north and south are falling apart. this is video from their first meeting, the two countries can't even agree on a date for the next meeting. it could be weeks or months. three car bombs, including three police officers two of the explosions were aimed at police. local cars and phones were targets. they are worried more car bombs are planned. we know the name of a man who died in iraq. pearlman was a retired recover, working as an advisor, he worked for the u.s. government for 30 years. sharing the news of his death, we keep those in mind that work hard to preserve our freedoms a local teacher is accused of choking first graders in the courtroom. >> now, the midwest is getting hit with another monster storm. >> no snow here, just cold 6:10 is your time, still trying to figure out what to make for bek fast? how about eggs? they have 14% less cholesterol than the last time they were tested. they believe the improvements came with the improvements in the chicken's diet. >> it not the eggs that get you it is the benedict. >> three pats of butter or olive oils. >> we go through cartons of eggs at our house. >> it is very cold outside. bone chilling, teeth chattering. back with those words. >> nose-falling off cold. >> ding, dang cold. >> it is down into the teens much of the regions, single digits in the mountains, overnight, five inches of snow. i am meteorologist tom keern. clouds from the west. by 9:00, in the mid 20s, by noon, mid 30, and getting above freezing and mostly cloudy. we will take a look at the night planner forecast. a cloudy night. and by dawn tomorrow, the northern neck, may get a dusting. to half an inch of snow. that will stick. bad morning for trucks out there. authorities continue to deal with two major accidents, the first in northern virginia. overturned trash truck on the ramp from the outer loop of the beltway, west on i-66. it is overturned on the side right now. outer loop of the beltway to, go west on 66 s completely closed. >> one lane of traffic out of falls church will get by. a changeable, fluid situation. the ramp from the inner loop is open. southbound, 66 west remains cloefsed. closed. another truck overturned, carrying a load of kant lop. we will take a look at the delays, they have grown rapidly. in addition to the truck accident in silver spring, and new hampshire and university boulevard, tying up the last lane. red line trouble clearing out. continuingings issues on the brunswick line, trains 892, 894 are cancelled. commute bus 991 will transport you to the shady grove metro. they will honor the ticket. >> 6:13, lindsay lo on felony threat charges. drink in the rich, bold taste... of premium roast coffee -- 100% arabica beans. it's so rich, but so just a dollar. on the dollar menu at breakfast. and that's what we'rma of. ♪ ba da ba ba ba my sistersundays are just tofor watching football. believe that? [ thinking ] relax. you ordered off mcdonald's dollar menu at breakfast. everything's so good and just a buck. so go. he's a jerk. [ thinking ] the simple joy of being smart. ♪ 615, a first grade teacher accused of choking nine of her students will appear before a judge. police arrest ed susan burke, nine students claim sheer choked them. news 4 spoke to the sister of one of the alleged victims. >> our teacher was choking us. >> did he say why? >> no, he didn't say y in a letter sent home, the principal said that allegations against burke are serious, that the school system will not tolerate any behavior toward the students. >> former chanceler rhee, it was rule ruled, the teachers were not told why they were fired and didn't give them a chance to refute the decision. they are reviewing the decision, haven't decided how to proceed. this morning, we are learning about a scary situation for a baggage handler from reagan international. the plane was getting ready for taik off, and they heard something. it turns out another baggage worker locked him inside. the plane went on without any further problems. >> the great planes are getting slammed after one week of getting buried. in oklahoma city, jay. >> reporter: the snow is picking up here, as you can no doubt see, and the wind as well. gusts over 30 miles an hour in oklahoma city. the snow will fall until mid day. eight to ten inches expected today. the same situation in kansas right now. in texas and arkansas, they will be snow and ice throughout the day today. and this is round two for the southern plains, just last week, experienced blizzard conditions here and across the south. they continue to get the snow here as they talked about. schools and businesses have been closed and continue to be closed. officials urging you to stay inside. this storm will be shorter in duration than the last one. this is a fast mover. they expect things to clear up by the end of the day. to be in the 20, possibly 30s tomorrow. remember, that is still 25 to 30 degrees below the norm here in oklahoma. joe, back to you. >> it looks awful. it looks like you are caught in a snow globe caught in a blender. get inside. prosecutors in california say they will charge lindsay lohan with theft of a 2,500 necklace. detectives obtained a search warrant, but the assistant returned the necklace before they got there. >> what lindsay lohan is claiming that she borrowed the necklace from the store and the stylist forgot to return it to the store. >> lohan remains on probation for a drunken driving case, and a judge threatened to throw her in jail if she got in trouble again. it carried a three-year sentence. it turns out the white house party crashers did not crash the super bowl. they were in the super bowl suite, but not guests of jerry zones. they had game tickets, not for the suite level. the cowboy spokesman said the couple knows a member of the jones' family and stopped by to say hello. >> and good bye. >> winter came crashing in. weather watchers reporting clouds coming in. that is coming from the storm in the midwest. quite a bit of clouds, and by noon, freezing in the afternoon. and around dawn tomorrow, could get a dusty of light snow in fredricks burg in the south. back on thursday, most of the day below freezing, except in the afternoon, near 40. warmer, into the mid 40s with sunshine, and perhaps warmer sunday and monday, with highs of 50 those days. >> continuing to to follow breaking news. carrying a load of trash, a truck is turned over. and out of fall its church, one travel lane getting by. headed toward vienna. that ramp is open six westbound. we will keep you updated on your commute. folks traveling southbound on the beltway, that is clogging up very quickly. again, you can see the location of the overturned trash truck on the side. the ramp from the outer loop to go west on i-66. >> the other big story, on the beltway, north of town. a truck overturned carrying k t cantaloupes. there was an accident between new hampshire and university, authorities tell us that is on the shoulder. any problems on the metro rail are cleared. brunswick. a disabled freight train at the fredrick station, metro rail will honor the tickets. >> 6:23 is your time. how you can look like a princess for a little over $300. >> maybe you. and a violent crash is ♪ [ male announcer ] when sean was looking at mba programs, he wanted a curriculum designed to meet market needs, with faculty who brought real-world perspective on where the business world was headed and the practical experience to help him make an impact. my name is sean blankenship, i'm making the electric car more accessible, and i am a phoenix. [ male announcer ] learn more about the school of business at welcome back, 6:26, if you love kate middleton's style, the cream color dressed by the london designer sells for $310. it is selling fast in all of the stores, throughout the u.s., one on wisconsin avenue in georgetown, maybe there will be a line out there this morning. >> a bus crash, you may find this disturbing, you can see the passengers on board the bus in turkey. 18 were injured. no word on their conditions. you can see the end result, where the truck ran into the bus into an electrical tower. >> it is 21 degrees. why some mothers were outraged at the smithsonian, preparing a protest this weekend. >> and big problemos i-66 on the beltway, and a num 6:29, breaking news, look at this. traffic problems in virginia and maryland. an overturned tractor trailer on i-66 on the beltway, and outer loop of the beltway in maryland, kacantaloupe cantaloupes, a truck crashes. >> a hestic wednesday, february 9, 2011. school delays to tell you about. in allegheny county, mountain ridge district, two hours late. pendleton, garrett counties are two hours late this morning. >> here is tom joining us. >> they got five inches of snow in the western slopes of the appalachians. here, clouds racing through. look at that dawn. a blue berry and peach sunrise, and it is a frigid morning, into the teens, near 20 degrees. out of the mountains, colder. single digits. many locations, western maryland and west virginia. we have had clouds rolling in from the storm that is hitting the southern plains there, is the sky right now, the purple waters reflecting the lavender sky. mostly cloudy, a cloudy afternoon. getting briefly above freezing, we will be below freezing, mercifully, much lighter winds. a look at the night planner. >> we continue to follow breaking news. the overturned truck, a major problem. it will be for some time. now that we are getting light out there, you can see the truck on its side. outer loop to the capital beltway to go west on i-66. authorities on the scene. westbound out of falls church, closed earlier, one travel lane will get you guy. inner loop of the eltwray, that ramp is open. easy access there. and the outer loop of the beltway, southbound, 495, go to 66 wempt police are on the scene. keeps you updated on that a big mess. we will show you where the back up begins, solidly from the i-95, west to the accident scene. checking the trains, metro rail, no delays, marc no service out of the fredrick or menoccess station. >> we have had a change in the situation here. very recently, as you mentioned, one lane of westbound 66 getting by the scene of the accident. they have now changed that. because of where the accident is, and the clean up that they need to do, they have made the decision to close all the westbound lanes of 66. that is where we stand. they will force you off at the beltway. and the 49 a, ramp, 256 closed as well. a major choke point. folks will be sent around the accident. those who are charged with the clean up, it could be an hour, possibly an hour and a half. it was a dump truck, carrying garbage, hit a wall, and the cargo, trash fell out across the roadway. because of the trash, again, 66 westbound, completely closed. closed is the ramp, southbound beltway lane, 2.66 just to avoid the area, for a while. an hour and a half, before everything gets back to normal. >> we will keep you up to date with all of this. >> 6:34. breaking news out ofityny. prosecutors requested that prime minister stand trial over accusation that is he paid for sex from a 17-year-old girl and used influence to cover it up. a judge must decide to indict the leader or dismiss it. >> now, breaking news out of montgomery county. police find a young mother dead, and the suspected killer nearby. >> montgomery county their investigation into exactly what led up to this. police say at around midnight, they got a call from a they say the man told them he had killed his wife. police arrive at the pay known and the man lead them to where the was body of the. the man who called police, a three-year-old ber2345rdo flores, he is now in police custody. no, according to investigation, the live in silver springs, back to you in the studio. >> five people were in the home at the time, they all got out, nobody was injured. >> arlington county leaders have dropped a lawsuit against the hot wings protect. v-do the said it would not pursue toll lanes in alexander yampt the state plans to build a toll lane along i-95. and drivers may soon be able to pull over drivers, now, the state senate passed a new set of bills, so drivers can be pulled over for just texting alone, and drivers can be pulled over for talking on a hand held devic >> some of the presidents from the state of the unit. h how. a nine-month extension for three parts of the patriot act did not pass. the bill allows for roofrs records. it must go through the reg news. weather and traffic on the ones, host: could switching to geico really save you 15% or more on car insurance? host: does it take two to tango? ♪ ♪ anncr: geico. 15 minutes could sa on car insurance. good morning, time for weather and traffic. 6:41. a live view. it is cold! a cloudy afternoon. here is your night planner. upper 20s later in the evening. and may have a few flurries. around the fredricks burg. a look at thursday, friday, is the, 6:51. >> the scene of the overturned trash truck it happened just before 5:00 this morning. this is the truck that is overturned. 9 ramp from the outir loop of the beltway, west on i-66 in virginia this. is 66 inbound, headed for the inner loop. this is the ramp from the inner loop to go west on 66. that is where the trash truck is overturned, no access getting by. and a big change in the last couple of minutes, 66 westbound, leaving falls church. can't go any further than the capital beltway. coming out of fallschurch, you won't have access beyond the beltway out toward vienna. we will keep you updated on the huge mess with the delays developing quickly. >> trouble in maryland. a couple of accidents have been cleared. over to the shoulder. a lot of activity to look at. the it. hru lanes are open. 95 southbound, near route 90 in laurel, accident should be out of the area momentarily. you come out of you will have to stay left to get by. >> metro rail and vre. this morning's rush hour, we expect to have full service for this afternoon. right now, metro will honor your ticket. find out who is making the man van. >> a new report out this morning 6:46, breaking news out of virginia of the a live look from chopper 4, a truck has overturned, closing 66 westbound, west of 495. meagan mcgrath joins us. >> reporter: a troublesome and stinky accident on 66 westbound. this is a tru, a dump truck, left over on its side. it was carrying a load of garbage. that garbage, 66 westbound is closed completely. we are standing on the lanes of 66 westbound. they had to right the truck. it is scattered across the roadway. that ramp, from the southbound lanes of the beltway to, 66 that is closed. you will be turned around at the beltway, or use route 7 as a work-around as well. a real mess here. it will be there for a while. >> is there anyone out there cleaning up the trash? >> not as of yet. they are working on getting that equipment in here to right that truck. they will have to pick that up once they do that, they will get around to picking up the garbage. it stinks. we managed to get our hands on a brand new report about theesque lafrts, they are breaking down at a fast are rate and taking longer to fix than ever before. escalators breakdown, three hours longer than it took in 2008. 40% of the breakdowns were preventive maintenance. metro boasts the largest number of escalators than any transit system in north america. >> local mothers are planning a protest in support of breast feeding. a nurse-in. outside the museum this weekend. because a local mother was told to leave for feeding her 11-month-old daughter in public. security told her she could nurse in the bathroom. but the d.c. law is that mothers can nurse wherever they want. >> the smithsonian released a statement to tell her to leave and nurse on the toilet and they have been retrained. organizers said they will give out laminated cards. >> the first lady is celebrating the one year anniversary of the "let's move" campaign. coming up on the "today" show, she will talk about the program. >> and her husband, the commander in chief, has not had a cigarette in almost a year. and today, federal reserve chairman bernake will be questioned, as to why the feds brought the treasury bonds. the committee chairman said it could cause inflation. >> two more airlines making it more expensive. >> yes, they are increasing the fares,ant lifts say, the business travellers are less likely to cancel the trip because of the prices. thinir and lighter than the original model, it could cost the same as the current ipad. that is good news this. isn't your momma's mini van. it is a tricked down version, with standard black on black interior, no -- the so-called man van hits show rooms in april. starting at over 30,000. there you go. >> it is called a mini van, though. regardless of what is in it. >> the tricked out version and the man van, you will see more of that coming up. >> don't call it a manny van, either. >> would drive one? >> i have to see it. >> would you drive one? >> if it had a heater. a frigid morning underway. a flannel and wool morning. temperatures near 20 throughout most of the region. and the winds have settled down. the windchill, 10 to 15, and over the last few hours, coming in from the midwest, the plains are getting snow. there may be a dusting in southern maryland. and from the river to fredricksberg, it may be a light dusting. for students at the bus stop, teens in the near 20s for the next couple of hours, look at that sunrise over. and during the afternoon, then, a bit warmer friday and saturday. remaining dry and nev 50. >> we continue to follow the breaking news, with the overturned truck. this is the wrap hamakes you from the outer loot, right side of the street, can you see everything all over the place. you can see, there is a lot of work to be done. 30s have close d it and a chang were from kerl -- traffic out of falls church will be slow. inner loop, 495, the left-hand exit remains open. that is a smooth commute right now. leadsing over to maryland. the delays have not reached back to the american league bridge. that is a hopefully sudden >> wrapping up an accident, out of the roadway, jamming up no service out of the brunswick. >> breaking news, all escalators are out of service at the wheat metro station. the western hemisphere in fact, the settle surface at the wheaton station are out of service. sgr right notice, it is quiet, but the egyptian government is running out of patience. 250,000 gathered in a peaceful, snof j place. >> this morning, the teachers are getting their jobs back. a a teacher at green elementary school is arrested for assault. >> we will see you tomorrow. bye. ♪ i thought it was over here... ♪ [car horn honks] our outback always gets us there... ... sometimes it just takes us a little longer to get back. ♪ looks like it's bumper to bumper on the interstate. i gotta get to cleveland! remove your belt, your watch, your shoes. i wonder what gas costs today. seven dollars for a pillow! an extra bag costs what? i hate traffic! ♪ [ child ] the train is now arriving. [ male announcer ] the train has arrived indeed. amtrak guest rewards members, take two roundtrips on northeast regional and get one free. details at

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Arkansas ,United States ,New Hampshire ,Texas ,Falls Church ,Virginia ,Turkey ,Greenville ,California ,Oklahoma City ,Oklahoma ,Rockville ,Quebec ,Canada ,Washington ,District Of Columbia ,London ,City Of ,United Kingdom ,West Virginia ,Iraq ,Egypt ,Arlington County ,Phoenix ,Arizona ,Maryland ,Montgomery County ,Vienna ,Wien ,Austria ,Kansas ,South Korea ,America ,Korea ,Egyptian ,Lindsay Lohan ,Meagan Mcgrath ,Elizabeth Vazquez ,Kate Middleton ,Nba ,Susan Burke ,

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