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in fairfax. arlington near 40. low 40s in washington. near 40 prince george's county. look at e mountains. low 20s there in many locations western maryland and west virginia. and colder in the upper midwest where they will be getting snow. for us we're off to a dry start. increasing clouds, though, later this afternoon. temperatures are going to be chillier today than yesterday. a blustery northwest wind as well. 40s throughout most of the morning. briefly touch the low 50s by early afternoon. sunrise, 7:00. sunset, 4:49. by then wehould be mostly cloudy. temperatures will be back down into the 40s by this evening. and then by dawn tomorrow we'll have it down into the upper 30s. after a cloudy night we may have a few sprinkles as we start off thanksgiving morning. a look at thanksgiving day at 6:11. >> tom, checking things out. 395 northbound, min delay for folks merging off the g.w. parkway. that's looking pretty g. under 395 is movingnicely outbound 14th street bridge looks fine. american legion bridge, no worries in either direction. travel lanes are open. let's head over with one more stop to springfield. southbound traffic on 95 leaving springfield right side of your scen a little volume there. and northbound traffic left side looks typical for this time of the morning. metro and vre, no lays. marc had one delay, brunswick 870, six minutes behind schedule. joe and eun. >> thankou, jerry. if you are traveling somewhere fo thanksgiving, be prepared to wait in line. >> whether it's on the airport or at the roadways, many people will be trying to get to their destinations. it could be an especially tough day for those of you who are flying because of several security measures in place. megan mcgrath is at ronald reagan national airport where travelers have been lining up sie very early this morning. good morning psh. >> reporter: well, good morning. the up close and physical patdowns. there's actual a call for a boycot of those body scans today. it's the national opt-out day. a protest that got going on the internet. folks are asking people to opt out and ask for the patdowns instead. that procedure, of course, takes a lot longer. so there are conces that could really slow things down at the security check points. let's take a look at video we shot of the security checkpoint here at reagan national airport. so far so good. it really does not look bad. the line is certainly moving here. a little bit of a line but not a bad wait at all. we've been talking with folks asking them what they plan on doing, whether they will opt out or not. we're fiing most people, although not wild about it, are willing to do those body scans. we only found one so far that is going to ask for the pat-down. >> i've already been talking with friends about this before getting here this morning. i'm already feeling violated before even doing it. i think for me what it is is i'm upset that it has gotten to this point. some people have saidould you rather fall out of the sky at 37,000 feet, well, no. i'm upset that it has gotten to this point that this what we have to go through to get this. >> i really didn't want to go through either. >> reporter: would you go through a pat-down if forced >> yes, i would. >> reporter: why? >> i'm afraid in ten years we will find o these things cause cancer. >> reporter: too new for you? >> yeah. >> reporter: you're taking a live look outside the terminal. thingsre starting to pick up. we're expecting more and more people as the day progresses. this is really the first push here early this morning. early birds trying to get out of town to beat the rush. the good news here is so far at least we are not seeing any major problems at the security check points. that could change if people do, indeed, opt out and ask for the patdowns. the best bet is just to give yourself extra time. back to you in the studio. >> thanks very mu, megan. amtrak is bracing for a very busy travel day. as many as 127,000 passenrs are expected to board the trains today. union station was already packed with travelers yesterday. if you do plan on traveling from union station you must have a reservion. union station is typically the second biggest rail station in the country, following new york ci city's penn station. aaa says 42 million people will travel 50 miles or more. megan mcgrath is at ronald reagan national airport ere investigators trying to get to the bottom of a deadly stab anything oxen hill. 3100 block of brinkley road. instigators are looking into the possibility that the person who lived in the apartment stabbed the man when he tried to break into the apartment. police have not released any other details. the u.s. will stand by south korea in the wake of an artillery attack by the negotiate. good morning, aaron. >> reporter: good morning, joe. this morning word of two more south korean daebts resulting from the attack on yeonpyeong island. two south korean marines were also killed the shelling and 18 oths injured. president obama oke with south korea president bak last night and promised to stand shoulder to shoulder with him in south korea. >> the younger kim is being encouraged to show that he can be strong, that he's a tough guy. and so this is probably not the last such provocation we are going to see. and these arereally acts of war. >> reporter: all tol the attack killed two civilians and two south korean marines and left 18 wounded. south korea moved reinforcements the dputed border wle 29,000 troops are not moving to avoid any escalation. the u.s. is sending uss george washington for joint military xeshgzs to the south. >> thanks very much, aaron. a tragic end to a rescue mission in new zealand. all 29 miners trapped in a new zealand coal mine are believed to bdead after a second blast underground. a drilling team broken a narrow shaft in the mine whe the men were thought to be trapped. the miners had not been heard of since the explosion on friday. if any had survived the blast this second explosion could have killed them. a buildup of methane gas is the suspected caus 6:08 is the time now. american college student convicted of killing her roommate is back in court this morning. how this could be her final chance at freedom. metro unveils a new device to keep you safe on the roads. 44 degrees right now as we get a little bit brightening skies out there this morning on this travel day. weather and trafficogether o still to come a thief today president obama will have the distinct honor of pardoning two lucky turks. they will travel to the white house to receive the official pardon from the commander in chief. >> the national turkey and the alternate national turkey in case the national bird can't fulfill hits duties will be sent to the washington mt. vernon estate where they will live out the rest of their days in peace. >> except they will have to deal with all the tourists. the first was with george h.w. bush in 1989. a little daylight early at 6:12. sunrise is sti 50 minutes away. temperatures around the region are chilly under a clear sky. 40 in washington. prince george's and arlington. mountains, only in the 20s now. ne 50 near the bay andthe lower stern shore. we'll have sunshine this morning. clouds will be on the increase today with highs briefly touching low 50s by early afternoon. a blustery northwest wind. cloudy tonight. thanksgiving morning, cloudy. chill. highs near 50. rain likely friday night. saturday, sunny but cold in the morning. afternoon highs in the upper 40s. a lookat sunday, monday, tuesday coming up at 6:21. and a national look for the big travel day in just a couple minutes. jerry, how is traffic. a developing situation. south capital street is closed. some kind of police activity. that's just in. new york avenue, no big surprises making the trip into town. let's see how we're doing onhe interstate. maryland, picking up a little volume getting to silver spring. so far metro and vre are okay. marc, brunswick 870, slightly delayed. thank you, jerry. 6:13. congressional chief of staff is bued. american college student convicted of killing her roommate is back in court. how she tried to overturn her conviction. one woman goes to great lengs to stuff her blizzardarnings and treacherous driving conditions cover parts of the country this morning. >> it is the day before thanksgiving, also known as the day for long security lines and lots of traffic. millions of people will be traveling ahead of tomorrow's holiday. and if you're driving the i-95 corridor between d.c. and new york it was just named the busiest route in the nation. for those of you who are flying there could be longer lines because of new security procedures that are now in place. metro ll provide relief by having extra buses to all three airpts today and on sunday. and amtrak is also expectg its heaviest travel day of the year. before you head out, though, you'll want to hear this. homeland security has a new message for the white house. >>reporter: guys, we're just sifth through this new information coming in. apparently homeland security wants to get rid of the color-coded terror alert system. we wouldn't see them disappear altogether but it would transition to a more descriptive system. it is now eight years old and uses a rainbow of five colors. critics have long said the system was too vague to be very useful. officials confirmeded the recommendation and told the press other federal agencies are privately weighing in on the idea and no final decision has been made as of yet. the details, including the words to describe threats, are still being worked out internally by multiple government agencies and the white house. guys, the homeland security department could be getting rid of that color-coded terror alert system. back to you. aaron gilchrist in our newsroom. thanks for the update >> whether flying or driving you may hit nasty weather. an early winter storm in washington state brought blizzard-like conditions to utah overnight. check out the snow that is blowing sideways near salt lake city. despite warnings to stay home, some braved the whiteout conditions. a wide variety of weather on this weapons. no travel problems up a down the atlantic seaboard. a new flurries in new england. rain in central indiana and illinois and maybe strong thunderstorms south along the mississippi river valley to the gulf coast. and some snow for the upper midwest. wisconsin, minnesota, northern plains, central and southern rockies. the storm that hit utah is moving into the colorado rockies and wyoming. if you're heading out farther west, no travel problems into washington state, oregon or california. perhaps flight delays. check with your airline before you leave. and that's the way it looks right now. >> thank you, tom. amanda knox was back in court in italy along with her boyfriend. the appeal lasted about 15 minutes, and the judge adjourned the hearing until mid-december. knox is serving a 26-year sentence in italy. she, her boyfriend, and another man were convicted of murdering a woman during a sex game. they are questioning dna on the scene and plans to call new witnesses to the stand. this morning a congressional chief of staff is off the job after he was caught in an internet sex sting. police arrested robert deshine on friday and charged him with soliciting sex from a minor. congressman steve rothman, a democrat fronew jersey, fired him. in a statement he called his alleged tions shocking, appalling and indefensible. police in ohio are looking for a woman who stole two fur coats. >> she did it by stuffing th down her pants. take a look at this video. you can see the woman looking at the rack of coats in the store. there she is. then she hikes up her dress and shoves the coats inside her drawers, i guess. >> mercy! >> the coats are valued at $5,000. police say two other people were caught on tape distracting the store employees while it happened. she is still on the loose, by the way. there she is just casually walking away, hoping nobody noticed that. >> well, maybe she can keep this video for old time's sake. >> my goodness gracious. >> hope theyatch her. she have not caught her yet. >> walking funny, too. 6:21. weather and traffic >> happy to report no travel problems here locally. off to a dry start. it is chilly. layer up this morning. temperatures near 40 in ince george's. upper 30s in fairfax, montgomery. mid-40s around the bay. near 50 in parts of the virginia tidewater region. only in the 20s in the mountains. off to a clear start. increasing clouds today. highs reaching the low 50s. cloudy tonigh during the morning hours thanksgiving day, a sprinkle. otherwise, cloudy and chilly tomorrow. rain lookly late thsday night into friday. dry for surday a sunday. cold in the mornings. afternoon highs to near 50 with sunshine. maybe rain tuesday. how is affic? off we go along interstate 66. >> as well as 95 and 395. a little bit of volume. no big accidents. good news, dry pavement. let's head over into town. police activity on south capitol street. that appears to have been cleared. southeast, not bad at all. out on the rails, we're doing fine. metro, vre and marc with no current delays. joe and eun. d.c. councilman marion berry caught in aurkey controvey. also ahead, burglars trash a local school which received an extreme makeover. the ne warning device metro is testing to keep you safe on the ad. burglars trash a school which recently gained national attention. three men are facing rglary charges this morning after police say they broke into a d.c. school. but it didn't stop there. police say they then loaded the stolen items into stolen taxis and trashed the school as well. it happened at the school renovated in february by the tv show "extreme makeover home edition." the alarmystem alerted police who showed up and caught the men in the act. the school offers after-school tutoring and art programs to about 300 children. etro is hoping a new pilot program will cut down on pedestrian accidents in crosswalks. >> pedestrians, the bus is turnin >> pedestrians will hear that alert as metro buses are making turns. bus operators will get an alert of their own. a voice command will remind them to look both ways. street testing of the device began this month in d.c. metro officials will decide whether it is working appropriately. we have live team coverage of the from the run way to the roadways. and don't miss meteorologist tom kierein's forecast. we'll have ♪ ♪ [ dad ] yeah! [ cheers and applause ] [ male announcer ] achievement gets points for living life. earn pnc points for your credit and debit card purchases. ♪ find out more at pnc. for the achiever in us all. up next a check on the roads on this busy travel day, oñiñ stop and go. that might be the phrase in the craze and the malaise of the day especially at airports across the country. not only is it one of the busiest travel days of the year, it is also national opt-out day. >> driving might not get you whertour going any faster. travel experts are already predicting a 20-mile backup. >> yuck! good morning. welcome back to ne 4 today. i'm joe krebs. >> i'm eun yang. it is wednesday, november 24th, 120, the eve of thanksgiving. we'll take a live look outside at6:30. beautiful sky. 45 degrees. decidely chillier. >> the sun is not up but it is teasing up. beautiful sky. >> a lemon glow. turquoise above that. sunrise 30 minutes away. certainly a big change from yesterday morning. we're down intohe 30s in the western northern suburbs. d west and north of i-95. washington, low 40s. south and east of 95, southern maryland, eastersuburbs, around the bay, temperatures there in the 40s. it's only in the 20s in western maryland and west virginia. colder in the midwest if you're headed that way. and also some big storms there. snow, rain, and storms in the upper midwest to the mississippi valley will likely cause fligh delays later today. no travel problems up and down the northeast corridor between here and new england or down towards atlanta. lots of sunshine today. a breeze coming out of the northeast. highs in the low 50s. clouding up and ovnight tonight. sprinkles by dn thanksgivg day. a look at thanksgiving friday and saturday. tom, we'll check out the i-270 corridor righ now at hyattstown, southbound traffic, right side moving along well from frederick to hyattstown, frederick. northbound on 270, route 80 an accident just moved to the shoulder. shouldn't have too much ofn impact. virginia, no big surprises. about 50/50 split in volume right now, which is what we expected for this time of the morning. and heading into town, moving along very nely over the sousa bridge. met metro, vre, marc, no delays and that's a great thing. eun. >> jerry, thank you. it will be a busy day at all three local airports. this is a look at the line at reagan national early this morning with people already avingfor the thanksgiving hole day. those lines could be longer because of new security ocedures in place. some people will be selected to enter a full body scanner. they will be given a time-consuming pat-do if they opt out. both created controversy. >> i'm feeling violated before even doing it. i think for me what it is is i'm upset it has gotten to this point. >> yeah. i think it's something that's needed for safety. i don't have any problem with it. >> some people around the country have vowed to take part in national opt-out day. they will by boycotting they can jam the lines. . 27,000 passengers are expected to take amtrak today. you must have a reservation if you plan on traveling today. union station is typically the second busiest rail station in the country, following new york city's penn station. and it should be a much smootheride if you plan on taking vre. trains on manassas line were delayed two hours when one train broke down near burke. hundreds of riders were stuck while that train was pushed up the track. they finally brought in buses and taxis to get back to their destination. >> many families on the road on this thanksgiving travel day. live look is moving along at e moment. expect delays later ontoday. kimberly suiters is live in oxe hi. >> reporter: i am boycotting driving anywhere near the thanksgiving holiday. washington are out on the road. most people are not going to work. aaa says traffic will be up 11% this thanksgiving, a record number since 2007. 95% of you are driving by car, up the 95 cridor from d.c. to new york, it's been nailed the most congested area in the nation. also in the top ten, the beltway. 495 from murraield to landover, maryland, that 30-mile stretch you know can be carefully slow on a good day. if you haven't left y you might as well wait until late tonight, say 11:00 or early on thanksgiving day. although the drivers we talked to don't buy the advice, in their experience they say thanksgiving day traffic is always bad. >>he worst day to travel. my family lives in new york. and no matter what time of day you travel, there's always traffic. 4:00 in the morning, midnight, 6:00 in the morning. >> if i had to travel during the lidays on thanksgiving all throughout the year i wouldn't do it again. it's too much of a hassle it's stressful. but when you're going to see your loved ones i guess it's worth it. >> reporter: itetter be worth it. you're looking at 95 north over the wilson bridge. traffic moving at a good clip. unfortunately if you're going all the way north to the newark toll plaza, there are nine lanes there usually. today, though, only six. three of them a under construction. backups therare predicted to be 20 miles long extending back to the maryland border. wrap your brain around that one. reporting live, kimrly suiters. back to you, joe. >> thanks very much. >> reporter: you're welcome. >> yeah, thanks. new today, prince george's county investigators are trying to get to the bottom of a deadly stabbing overnight at exen hill, 3100 block of brinkley road. investigators arlooking into the possibily that the person who lived in the apartment stabbed the man when he tried to break into the apartment. police have not released any other details. why marion berry and giant are pointing fingers at each other. we already know the date and the venue of the royal wedding. now even more details are revealed. 44 degrees at 6:36. daylight arriving here now in washington. we'll have weather and traffic together on the ones nex still to come, new games, new ways to win. the d.c. lottery is making some changes. tonight on news 4, a must see. how buying the wrong gift can turn into a mistake. liz crenshaw will break down the restocking fee tonight at 5:00 >> golden globe. a buttery horizon. the sun is getting ready to come up in ten minutes. yeah. right around 7:00. good morning for weather and traffic on the ones. i'm meteorologist tom kierein. a cold change from yesterday morning. right now down into the upper 30s in montgomery. low 40s in washington and prince george's county and southern maryland. farther west, though, only in the 20s this morning out of the mountains. we have a clear start here. should not have any travel problems between here and new england or atlanta. if you're heading into the midwest we'll likely have travel delays from the upper midwest, upper plains, to the colorado rockies and down to the gulf coast. now right now we are chilly. but later today it should briefly touch low 50s. a big change from yesterday. lots of sun this morning but cloudson the increase this afternoon. cloudy tonight. and during the morning hours on thanksgivi thanksgiving, we'll have sprinkles. after that, just cloudy and chilly with highs near 50. and then likely rain moving in late thursday night and into friday. and temperatures will plummet from the 50s on friday to the upper 20s on saturday mning. saturday, sunny but highs only in the upper 40s. national travel outlook will be ten minutes. jerry how is traffic. off we go checking things out on the i-95 corridor, route 17 interchange. still moving northbound and southbound pretty well. we'll check things on the american leej bridge where ere are no significant delays. and over to virginia, along i-95 at the beltway in springfield. that southbound traffic, a little volume. northbound a little volume. things moving along all in all pretty well. metro, vre and marc reporting no delays. jerry, thas very much. 6:42 the time. games and changes at the d.c. lottery. controversy over a turkey giveaway by marion berry says a supermarket has ruffled his feathers. >> show of force from the united states heading to the korean peni >> still to come what the good morning. well, for many today begins the start of the long holiday weekend and marks the day of long lines and long waits. millions of people will be traveling ahead of tomorrow's holiday. if you're driving the i-95 corridor between d.c. and new york, it wa just named the busiest route in the nation. for those of you who are flying, there could be longer lines because of new security procedures that are now in place. we'll have a live report from the airport and fm the roadways coming up in less than ten minutes >> this morning tension between north korea and south korea is at it highest level in more than a deca, this after a barrage of artillery shells through the two countries. aaron, good morning. >> reporter: good morning, eun. new reports say two more south korean bodies have been found after the attack on ynpyeong island. this time they were civilian casualties. the president called the south korea president last night saying the u.s. will, quote, stand shoulder to shoulder with his country. the north dropped as many as 100 artillery shells. that led to an hour long back and forth. when south korea refused and began firing artilly into disputed waters, the north retaliated. >> the younger kim is being encouraged to show th he can be strong, that he's a tough guy. and so this is not the last such provocation we're going to see. and these are really acts of war. >> reporter: he is referring to this being a show of aggression from the leader of north korea, kim jong-il and his son will take his place in the not too distant future. the death of two marines and wounding of 18 other south korea moved reinforcements to the region. the u.s. is also sending an aircraft carrier, uss george washington to the korean coast for joint military exercises wi the south. aaron, thank you. well, the busiest time of year for manna food center but they will working shorthanded after someone stole one of thr delivery vans. as well as food from another vehicle. they will continue to serve the most in need but it would help to have that van back. it has a manna food logo on either side. police ask that you call if you see it. marion berry wilhold his ward 8 turkey giveaway today. it wasn't exactly easy getting those birds. he planned to hand out turkeys yesterday but giant food stores did not have them ordered because berry did not pay up front. he raised $17,000 of the $26,000 needed and said he would pay the rest later. but giant required a full down payment. berry called giant's decision pathetic. in a statement to the "washington post," a giant spokesman said, quote, while we're disappointed in his comments, giant is committed to delivering the remainder of the turkeys so hundreds of families in ward 8 can enjoy their thanksgiving meals. and no new games for lottery lovers in the district. it replaced its original vendor yestery. a keno style game allows customers to bet on computer-generated horse races. the city hopes the new firm will boost revenue by attracting new players. d.c. currently takes in about $80 million a year from lottery games. more stores are opening up their doors tomorrow. gap, abobanana republic, walmar smart. and toys "r" us and sears for the first time will be opening thanksgiving day as well. the amount of holiday shopping online is expected to increase this year. cnbc's courtney reagan joins us live with more on this story. not a big surprise i would guess. >> reporter: not a huge surprise but definitely good to know the consumers are expected to be spending. and it could be a very happy holiday season for online retailers. sales will arrive 11% this year. online account for 7% of the total retail pie. deep discounts are starting even earlier this year. it cost a lot less to buy thanksgiving turkey than it took to produ it. wholesale turkey prices are up a third to $1.07 a pound. roasting turkeys are actually a lostleader. at the retail, turkeys going for less than 50 cents a pound. >> that's pretty interesting. they make up their money on all the other stuff you buy. >> yeah. >> potatoes, yams, cranberries. urtney have a great day, have a wonderful day tomorrow. >> reporter: you too. happy thanksgiving. a date for the royal wedding has been set and everyone is talking about what and who will there. prince william will marry long time kate middleton at westminster abbey on april 29th. william chose the abbey because of a connection to his mother, princess diana. that's where her funeral was held 13 years ago. the abbey can hold 2,000 guests and heads of state are expected to be invited. there are reports out ofritain that president obama and the first lady are eager to attend. for those who can't fit in the abbey, there arelans for concerts, parties and extravagant street parades. everyone is going to want to be part of this big event. >> i noticed you put in vacation time at that time. >> i'm getting into it. >> the invitation will arrive any day. >> i have to squeeze in there. good morning, tom. >> an interest in local weather. good morning. we're off to a clear but cold start. areas just west of interstate 95 are down int the 30s in arlington, fairx and montgomery. washington, low 40s. near 40 in prince george's county. weather watchers reporting in thmid-30s around the blue ridge. and farthe west, only in the 20s this morning in western maryland, west virginia, even colder than that in the upper midwest. we have a clear start here. no travel problems between here and new england. a fu flurries in northern new england or between here and atlanta. but we'll have clouds on the increase coming from a storm system that is developing. the one that hit seattle a couple days ago and utah sterday. now it's snowing heavily in northern corado and parts of oming. they'll be getting snow from the southern rockies, central and northern rockies to the upper midwest later today. rain around chicago and through india indiana and parts of ohio. and south of there some thunderstorms may cause flight delays along the mississippi river valley to the gulf coast. east coast looks settled and so does the west coast for polite delays. chk the airline if you're flying int the midwest, or on the plains today. a breezy and dry day. sunrise a few minutes away. quite a bit of sunshine. clouding up late this afternoon. highs only reaching the low 50s. sunset, 4:49. cloudy tonight. it will be down near 40 by dawn tomorrow. thanksgivingorning we may have some sprinkles. otherwise, a cloudy and chilly day with highs around 50. rain likely moving in lte thursday night, into frid. highs friday in the 50s through morning and midday. and then temperatures will drop into the upper 20s by dawn on saturday. so a big change as we get into the weekend. saturday, sunny. highs only in the upper 40s. and more of the same on sunday. cold in the morning. upper 20s to aund 30. sunny sunday afternoon with highs around 50. it looks like it will be a bit milder as we start off next week. could get some rain on tuesday. now let's check traffic for this wednesday, jerry. how is it looking now? >> we're picking up volume alg i-95 northbound, the right side of your screen. couple of stretches between heavy affic. a bit slow between landmark and shir shirlington. northbound ayou head up towards laurel, route 198, initial reports of an accident. a couple travel lanes closed, again, northbound i-95 north of the capital belt way. let's see how we're doing on the top side. college park to silver spring, volume only. won't be too much longere'll see sunshine inner loop delays. metro, v re and marc all doing fine. get ready for theravel rush of 2010. it is the day before thanksgiving. that means the airports and the roadways will be packed. kimberly suiters is live in oxen hill. we'll start with megan mcgrath live at reagan national airport. what does it look like so far? >> actually, so far so good. we're seeing fks arriving, going through the security check points and the like but we're not seeing any major lines. we're not seeing any major problems. of course new security screeng techniques are in place. this is the first big test, the first g holiday with those procedures. we're talking about the full body scans as well as mor intensive physical patdowns. now, there was a call by some for a boycott of those body ans. they're asking people to opt out, to ask for the physical pat-down, a procedure that takes a lot longer. and there are concerns that that will slow down the securit checkpoint. the big question here is how many people will opt out? will this, indeed, cause a problem? will it, indeed, slow things down? we spoke to john pistole, head of tsa, a short time o. he said there will be no random patdowns. they will only use that as a secondary check. >> the pat-downs are a secondary. so it wouldn't be random. if you're alarme on something or you opted out of the technology, less than 3% have received padowns. it's a small percentage. we just ask the traveling public to work with us. i think everybody recognizes the threats are real and the stakes are high. the better job we can do in partnership the better off everybody will be. so in order to be one of the people that gets one of the patdow, a couple things have to happen. either you opt for it, meaning you ask for the patdowns or if you go through e body scan and they see something that causes them concern, then you would be pulled out of the line and given th pat-down. otherwise, they'llse t other techniques. the hope is to get people through security as quickly as possible. now a look at the roads. we'll go to kimberly. how is it looking? that's right. thanks, megan. just like you said, so far so good in the northbound lanes of 95, wilson bridge. but take a look over in the southbound lanes. this is the first slowdown we've seen of the morning. a record number of people are expected to travel this thanksgiving holiday. since 2007. aaa says traffic will be up nearly 11%. the 95 corridor from d.c. to new york city is now considered the most congested in the nation if you're headed north. also in that top 10, the beltway. 495 to landover, 30-mile stretch can be painfully slow. aaa says if you haven't left yet, leave late tonight or ely thanksgiving day. but the drivers we talked to don't buy any of that advice. worst day to travel. my family lives in new york. and no matter what time of day you travel there's always traffic. 4:00 in the morning, midnig, 6:00 in the morning. if i had t travel othe holidays during the thanksgiving, all throughout the year i wouldn't do it again. it's too much of a hassle. it's stressful. but when you go to see your loved ones, i guess it's worth it. deep and true if you're driving north on 95 all the way to new york at the newark toll plaza. we're told they'redown to six lanes instead of nine. backup could extend 20 miles all the way back to the maryland border. i'm kimberly sters, news 4. joe, eun, back to u in the studio. >> thank you very much. union station will also be very crowded today. 127,000 passengers are expected to take amtrak today, the busiest day of the year. if you plan to traveling from union station you must have a reservation. unn station is typically the second busiest rail stion in the country, following penn statn. at 6:57, news 4's aaron gilchrist has this mornins top stories from the newsroom. a developing story out of prince george's county. a deadly stabbing overnight in oxen hill in the 3100 block of brinkley road. the person stabbed may have been trying to break into an apartment, but they're still investigating. amanda knox back in court appealing her 26-year prison sentence. she was convicted of murdering a british woman in 2007. knoxs questioning the dna on the scene and plans to call new witnesses. in new zealand, all 29 miners trapped in a coal mine are believed to be dead after a second explosion underground. the minersadn't been heard from since an explosion on friday. today two turkeys will receive an official pardon from president obama. the sparederdz will be sent to george washington's mt. vernon estate to live out their days in peace. that's a look at the headlines. guys, back to you. that's right. that's wonderful. thanks very much, aaron. >> all right. final out the door look at the forecast. >> no travel problems weatherwise locally or in new england or between here and atlanta. if you're heading into the midwest there could be flight delays upper midwest to the gulf coast. in the rockies as well. here, we'll have sunshine this morning. clouding up this afternoon. into the low 50s. a chilly day thankiving day. may get sprinkles in the morning. greater chance late thursday night and friday. much colder for the weekend. itwill be below freezing in the morning saturday andsunday. afternoon highs in the 40s to near 50. but we'll have some sunshine. jerry, how is traffic. live look on 395. slow traffic in a couple spots. pack your patients if you're heading out. we'll head over to maryland side of the beltway near prince geor's county, air force base, looking pretty g. have a wonderful holiday. be careful on the roads. >> thank you, jerry, very much. d that is news 4 today. thanks for starting your day with us. >> the "today" show is next. we'll be right back here tomorrow morning at 4:30. until then, have a great day. see you tomorrow. >> bye.

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