highs reaching to low to mid 70s by early to mid afternoon. but then, we could have isolated thunderstorms popping up. not wide spread like yesterday, but isolated storms popping up from 3:00 p.m. to maybe as late as 8:00 p.m. some of the storms could have enough brief heavy rain, an inch or two in an hour out of the storms. that could cause localized flash flooding this afternoon. creeks and streams on their banks this morning. in the rivers will be near or above flood stage early tomorrow. a look at the night planner in ten minutes. the fog at the capital beltway in river road. reducing the visibility quite a bit, the inner loop and the outer loop between the 270 spur and the american legion bridge. so far, no accidents. hope it stays that way. but there's fog at ground level that will reduce your visibility out there as you approach the potomac river. the drive on i-95, virginia to lor ton, moving well. one more stop, head on over, take a look here along new york avenue as you wiggle your way through the work zone of florida avenue right now. minimal delays. good news as far as the train goes, start the commute this morning, metro, vre, marc, no delays. eun? >> thank you. to the breaking news that could affect the world economy. the chief of the international monetary fund resigned from his position overnight. dominique strauss kahn said he wants to fight all of the energy to fighting the sexual assault charges he faces in new york. tx rx acti tracee will kibs is live o-- w outside with the latest. dominique strauss kahn is in new york awaiting to go back to court again today where he's expected to ask for bail again. all of this is happening as he resigned to the imf. he sent a letter to the executive board. in that letter, he said a few things beginning with -- now, again, he is expected to go back to court today. 62-year-old imf chief dominique strauss kahn has been held on rikers as he faces attempted rape charges. he's accused of forcing a maid to perform a sexual act while he stayed as a guest at a mid manhattan hotel. kahn who denied bail on monday is expected to request in court again today bail again. according to the associated press, kahn will request $1 million and house arrest. he wants to be confined to his daughter's home. she's a grad student in columbia university in upstate new york. strauss kahn is one of the highest profile politicians and expected to be a candidate for president next year. he's scheduled to appear in court at 2:15 today. >> thank you. 5:04 is the time president obama will deliver a speech in the middle east on the wake of wide spread protest and the killing of osama bin laden. the white house says the president will use the speech as a moment of opportunity to call for modernization in the arab world. he will promise to reward and stabilize countries to move them to democracy by giving them economic health. it's unclear if president obama will call on the syrian president to step down. yesterday the u.s. imposed sanks on assad for human rights violations. this morning, we're hearing one of the last audio messages recorded by osama bin laden before he was killed. the recording was released by al qaeda overnight and posted on the terrorist monitoring site, in it, bin laden reportedly praises the protests sweeping through the middle east. he predicts that the winds of change will blow over the entire muslim world. bin laden was killed in a raid carried out by u.s. navy s.e.a.l.s. knew overnight, a bombing killed 17 people and injured 53 others in a police station in iraq. this happened in kirkuk. the second explosion occurred as officers investigated the first bombing. the city has been a flash point for several different ethnic groups who claimed the oil-rich city as their own. the mothers of two american hikers held in iranaid the two are going on a hunger strike. they're accused of spying. the sons are fasting while they wait for trial. sara short was taken with them but has been out of their custody for months. the trial has been postponed several times without reason. in the day ahead, what led to one of the worst mining disasters in u.s. history. an explosion killed 29 miners in the upper branch mine in west virginia last year. the independent investigators is expected to meet with the family of the victims once the report was released. federal, state, and the mine's owners' investigations are still under way. standardized test scores will be tossed out after a cheating investigation at "usa today" newspaper report found that several classrooms showed significant improvement in 2010 but showed a high rate of erasures from wrong to right answers. one confirmed case of impropriety, two possible cases of impropriety. the office of the state's superintendent of dc decided to invalidate the scores. according to the school system, the three teachers involved were not allowed to administer the exam this year. years of hard work pay off today for thousands of university of maryland students. they garaduate today. the school is holding the spring commencement. the campuswide event will begin this morning. the head of the nfl players' association will be today's commencement speaker. congratulations to all of the terps who gram wait today. >> and their parents. 5:07 is the time. donovan mcnabb talking about the future in dc. just not the redskins. >> plus, more in the usa. president obama's campaign is using the birther controversy as a campaign boost. fogged in, tough to see in fogged in, tough to see in many i never wear the same thing twice. not together, anyway. i'm in t.j.maxx every week. i get this season's designer clothes and i still get to eat. fashion direct from designers. savings direct to you. t.j.maxx. let us make a maxxinista out of you. northeast washington's street is back open this morning. strong storms brought down a huge tree. it came crashing down at 16th and monroe streets. no one was injured but the intersection had to be closed until the crews could clean up that mess. it's open up again at this hour. >> that's good news. dry right now. take a lookout side. 5:10, 63 degrees, pretty sky. but we could get more rain today. tom knows all about it. he's in the storm senter with the latest. hi, tom. >> gorgeous sunrise, lavender and peach on the eastern horizon around capitol hill. live picture from the city camera. we've turned tranquil. good morning, starting off thursday morning with patchy dense fog in the rural areas and suburbs, watch out for that. temperatures around the region are in the 50s from the shenandoah valley all the way to the mid atlantic beaches. closer to the bay, it's near 60. nearby suburbs in the mid 50s. washington is in the upper 50s and by 9:00 will be in the 60s. the sunrise is in a half an hour or so. by noontime, 70. quite a bit of cloudiness, though, in the afternoon, the mid to late afternoon will be mid 70s. also a chance of thunderstorms developing. some of which could produce heavy rains that may cause flash flooding this afternoon and into early this evening. but any storms ought to be ending by 9:00 tonight and partly cloudy after that, 50s tomorrow morning. a look at improving news for friday to the weekend to next week as well. 5:21. how's traffic, jerry? >> the fog is out there. a hit and miss proposition. all depends on where you are. some locations, crystal clear. landmark and shirlington, moving along nicely. not an issue to and across the 14-street bridge. interchangeable. bridges, the roosevelt bridge again. light volume of traffic there. if you're headed out to catch a train, you're good to go, metro, vre, and marc reporting no delays. ahead on news 4 today, starbucks and star power coming together. >> charlie sheen was not alone. the other a-listers who received an escort from dc take a look at this video. a burning boeing 747 that took off yesterday in ventura county, california. 150,000 pounds of fuel onboard. three people were onboard. all escaped with minor injuries. took four hours to put out the flames. the plane is owned by alex andry yeah-based omega air refueling and is being used for fuel, transportation, and fleet operations support. omega is now investigating. this morning, the body of a dog that attacked several students on a school bus will be tested for rabies. and county animal control is still searching for the dog's owner. the adult american bulldog similar to this one in the picture followed a group of kids on to the bus along lindbergh drive in clinton yesterday morning. once onboard, the dog began biting and attacking students. four take on the the hospital. some with puncture wounds. officers shot and killed the dog. if you have any information about the dog's owner, you are asked to call prince george's county animal control. we're learning more about the pay-to-play political scandal that shocked prince george's county two days after jack johnson pleaded guilty to corruption charges. we have the plea agreements with three others with whom he conspired. they involved two developers who paid bribes to johnson and the county's former director of housing and community development who funneled checks from those developers to johnson. the paperwork mentions the investigations to candidate a and lobbyist a and b and a former county official. none of those people has been named or charged. >> the dc council has filed court papers asking that mayoral candidate sulaiman brown be ordered before a committee investigating brown's campaign methods. so far he's refused to testify before the committee and has not responded to subpoenas. now the council is asking for a court order to compel brown to appear on june 6. if brown does not show up, he would face thousands of dollars in fines. today, the montgomery county council is expected to come one a tentative agreement on the 2012 operating budget. the final budget is expected to be $4.4 bm. the council will hold a final work session at 9:30 this morning. the budget will be adopted on may 26 and go into effect in the first of july. montgomery county employees will have to pay more for the little blue pill as part of the new budget. the council approved a plan to charge a higher premium for what it calls life style drugs including viagra. employees will only be able to get six doses of viagra every month. they wanted to do away with lifestyle drugs to save $400,000 in an effort to close a $300 million budget gap. but the council didn't want to define what prescriptions were essential for county employees. i'm not a doctor. i'm not in a position to see what the physician prescribes. >> it's a quality of life issue. a marital issue, a mental health issue, why do i want to complicate that. >> the plan will be adopted when the budget is approved next week. >> oh the price of booze is about to go up if you live in maryland. martin o'malley is expected to sign into law a tax hike on alcohol. the sales tack will increase from 6% to 9%. it goes into effect july 1. it could generate $85 million in revenue for the state in the first year. consider this is the next time you were stuck in grid lock on i-66. a new highway connecting northern virginia's outer suburbs. bob mcdonald is trying to resurrect plans to build what's being called the outer beltway. the north-south highway will connect william county to western loudoun county. the beltway would ease congestion on i-66 and make dulles airport more accessible. more focus on improving northern virginia's existing roads. >> for the future for the airport, we need a direct link between western prince william and the backside of dulles airport. >> this is not addressing travelers' problems today. this is diverting resources to build a new outer beltway that will really we think it's more of a land development scheme. >> the commonwealth transportation board would have to approve any plans for an outer beltway. so far, the state would not reveal where the road would be built. the obama campaign is having fun with those who question the president's place of birth. in an attempt to squash the rumors for where the president was born, the white house released the long-form version of his birth certificate. you can wear it if you want to. t-shirts show the president's face on the front, on the back, the image of the hawaiian birth certificate. it's the words, made in the usa. starting price is $25. or you can get a mug with the same mamgs for s -- images f. it's 5:20, time for 5:21. tom is here with the latest on the rainy forecast. no rain yet, tom. >> the scene behind you getting some sunshine, trying to break out now at the upper levels of the atmosphere. some won't be arriving at the surface for another half an hour. good morning. we have patchy dense fog in the rural areas and some of the suburbs in prince george's, montgomery county. the minimum visibilities are a quarter of a mile or a little less than that. watch out for that. temperatures in the 50s all around the region. shenandoah valley to the chesapeake bay. weather watchers are reporting on the eastern shore. upper 50s in washington. mid 50s in arlington, fairfax, prince george's, montgomery counties. look at the sky over capitol hill. no fog in washington right now. and the sky feels fresh and clean this morning after all of that rain yesterday. certainly washing the pollen out. and the sunrise is at 5:53 by 9:00. partly sunny rest of the day. mid 70s mid afternoon. mid to late afternoon, we could have thunderstorms popping up, some of which could produce brief, heavy rain that may cause some localized flash flooding late afternoon to early this evening. dawn tomorrow, partly youdy. a chance of an afternoon storm on friday. saturday and sunday near 80 both days. might get an afternoon storm on sunday, monday, tuesday of next week. and warm. how was traffic? there are a couple of spots on the 270 corridor with where the fog may be an issue in the next hour hour so. it does appear to be improving somewhat. down to clarksburg, germantown. travel lanes are open. the fog is still an issue at this hour. the travel lanes will be on the slow side. downtown, fog not an issue. take a trip on 17 street. street just off of connecticut avenue. authorities are checking on that. heads up. see what we're finding about them. good news all the way around. metro, vre, and marc with no delays. eun? what do charlie sheen, jay-z, and bill gates have in common. they all received high-speed police escorts from dc authorities. a new report from the associated press reveals that sheen wasn't the only celebrity to get a police escort as previously reported last month. darcy spencer explains how some officials are telling the department to come clean on this controversy. rapper jay-z, singer, taylor swift, and microsoft co-founder bill gates. these are among the entertainers, celebrities, and other notables who received dc police escorts in the last year according to a report issued by the associated press. fob head christopher bauman said these revelations need to be explained by the chief of police. >> this is a common practice. we do it on a weekly, if not daily basis. the problem here is that the chief of police came out, told the public, the politicians, the media that we don't do this. and that's demonstrably false. >> the controversy over paid escorts or reimbursable detames started last month after actor charlie sheen tweeted he received a high-speed escort with lights and sirens to dulles airport to constitution hall. kathy linear indicated protocols are not followed. escorts are for the president, vice president, and dignitaries. the use is much more wide spread. >> if the public wants us doing this. the politicians want us doing that. let's get the rules and going. let's make sure we know what the framework is. we can move forward from there. >> the use of escorts is being looked into. but city councilman phil mendleson said he'll hold a hearing on the issue because there have been inconsistent and conflicting statements on the department. >> when the news first broke about charlie sheen, i was told that we don't provide these escorts. this was the exception. it's clear that it happens over and over. >> mendleson said that hearing has been scheduled for next month. the chief will be invited to testify, answer questions about the escort policy. in northwest, darcy spencer, news 4 today. little monsters, put your paws up. >> now you can get your starbucks and your lady gaga fix in one. ♪ you're the criminal >> starting today, you can hunt for mother monster at starbucks, facebook, twipter, for square facebook sites. special access to see lady gaga in concert next year. this coincides with her album release of "born this way" that happens on monday and starbucks customers will be able to stream and download it at the same time. you scratch my back, i'll scratch yours. the coming nfl season is up in the air. the quarterback controversy is brewing. grossman and beck have claimed that he is next season's starter, ironically both started last year on the bench. yesterday grossman reacted to the controversy on espn. >> if you're asking me, i definitely feel like i'm the starter. but, you know, i'm not even signed yet. i'm assuming a lot of things here. i played in the super bowl. i feel i'm so much better than i was then that i would love to have the opportunity to have a full season with this offense and have a whole season to really feel like this is my team. >> >> the only quarterback that doesn't think he's leaving the team this year is donovan mcnabb. he joked if he's going to stay in washington, he'll probably have to do it playing for the nationals. >> he's got a good arm. >> other people have done it before. michael jordan, he's done two sports and bo jackson, of course. >> can hit the curve. >> played basketball at syracuse. >> that's right. >> can't take credit for that. matt told me that. >> doesn't necessarily translate to the baseball field. >> we'd find out. >> time right now, 5:27. [ giggles ] hey, max. [ announcer ] you can help significantly extend your dog's healthy years. a groundbreaking 14-year study by purina... proves that puppy chow, then dog chow nutrition, fed properly over a lifetime, can help extend his lovable antics up to 1.8 healthy years. long live your buddy. [ laughs ] oh, max. long live your dog. purina dog chow. double dog dare you to try better-tasting than ever purina dog chow. we know your dog will love it. >> breaking news. a surprise late-night announcement from the jailed head of the imf. plus, terror tape. this morning, a new recording attributed to osama bin laden. we'll tell you what the message sends. and schwarzenegger's secret. this morning, the tangled story of the former governor's love child looks even worse. good morning, i'm eun yang. >> i'm joe krebs. welcome to news 4 today on this thursday, the 19th day of may. a live lookout side. beautiful sky. clouds above us. the sunlight showing up. 64 degrees right now. >> looks so pretty out there. >> we can hear the sounds of silence. this morning, no loud hail or heavy rain or thunder and lightning. we've turned tranquil, thankfully, starting off this thursday morning. but we need a light jacket. cool start, mid 50s through much of the region, shenandoah county. arlington, fairfax, month guy rm, prince george's counties. upper 50s in washington near the bay. and we have patchy fog around this morning, weather watchers reporting fog visibilities are under a quarter of a mile in many area s especially in the rural regions. watch out for that. high water in the rural areas. creeks and streams overflowing dozens of roads. watch out for that. partly cloudy to mostly cloudy right now. sunrise, 5:53, by 9:00, in the mid 60s. the fog should be dissipated by then. noontime, partly sunny to the mid 70s. we do have a possibility of 60% chance of thunderstorms popping up mid to late afternoon. some of the storms will produce some brief heavy downpours. again, a threat of flash flooding. the rivers will be running high from the runoff of all of the rain yesterday and into today and tomorrow. rivers will be cresting quite a few feet above the flood stage as well. watch out for that. we'll check your night planner in ten minutes. how's traffic, jerry. >> looks like the visibility is beginning to improve a little bit in a couple of spots. that's good news. good morning, the trip in from west i-66, volume only right now. hay market, manassas, centerville, all the way to the capital beltway and vienna, along 66 long since been cleared. the travel to the bay bridge. the eastern shore, the toll booth looking good. wf, you can see the bay bridge span out in the distance coming in from the eastern shore, westbound, route 50, no concerns. you can see 50 heading from annapolis, bowie, all the way to the beltway moving along nicely. one more stop heading on over to check traffic southeast. south capital street to m street doing mine. on the rails, no delays, metro. vre, no delays, marc, brunswick, 870 is delayed. all of the marc brunswick trains may be delayed because of speed restrictions this morning. we'll stay on top of it. joe? now to the breaking news that could affect the world economy. the chief of the international monetary fund resigned from his position overnight. dominique strauss kahn said he wants to devote all of his energy to fighting the sexual assault charge he faces in new york. live outside the imf in northwest washington. good morning, tracy. good morning, joe. a lot is happening in this case. police are searching for dna evidence. strauss kahn heads back to court. he wrote from jail his resignation letter to the imf. in that letter, he made a few points. he goes on to say -- he did say he was going to go on to focus on his defense. since monday, he's been held on rikers island. a hotel maid accuses strauss kahn forced her to perform a sexual act as he stayed as a guest in the hotel she works. strauss kahn was denied bail on monday and is expected to do it again. his attorneys will request $1 million bond and house arrest with 24-hour surveillance. now he wants to be confined to his daughter's home. she's a grad student at columbia university. now strauss kahn was one of france's most noted politicians. he was expected to run for president next year. he's due in court today at 2:15. i'm tracee wilkins live this morning in northwest. back to you in the studio. >> thank you very much. and today, president obama will deliver a speech in the middle east, the first major speech since osama bin laden was killed earlier this month. the white house says the president will call for economic modernization throughout the arab world. he'll promise to reward and stabilize countries to move to democracy by offering economic health. it's unclear whether the president will call for syrian president bashar assad to step down. yesterday the president imposed sanctions on bah shard. one of the last audio messages by osama bin laden before being killed has just been found. >> the recording was released by al qaeda overnight and . he predicts that the winds of change will blow over the entire muslim world. bin laden was killed in a raid carried out by the navy s.e.a.l.s. united airlines apologized for reusing the numbers of two flights that took off. flight 105 was on boston to the south tower and flight 93 crashed into a field in shanksville, pennsylvania. united haven't used the numbers since 9/11. the airline blames a technical glitch and says the numbers will be removed from the computer system. >> we know the identity of the maid that had schwarzenegger's secret child. she worked at the home she shared with his wife, maria shriver. several celebrity websites report the child, the boy is now 13 and is born the same week as schwarzenegger and now estranged wife youngest son. that means they were pregnant at the same time. today a mother is due in court accused of killing her own son. police arrested marian mccreary in massachusetts. they found the young son's body on a dirt road over the weekend. also in the day ahead. we'll know what led to one of the worst mining disasters in history. an explosion killed 29 miners in the upper branch mine last year. the independent investors is going to meet with the family of the victim ms. federal, state, and miners owners' association is still under way. speeding up the airport screening process. but not for everyone. a local yardsale with a big twist. like nothing is actually being sold. the fog is lifting out there. some video you have to take a look at. some dog chasing down the street. look at this video, from roswell, new mexico. a bear wondered into that city looking for food. that's when daring dogs chased that much larger bear away. the bear did get away from the dogs and officially had -- officials had to close several streets before they eventually tranquilized the bear. >> the bear was outnumbered, first of all. >> the bear was glad to be tranquilized. >> get me out of here. >> nerves are on edge when the doctors are chasing it, i'm sure. >> tom kierein with the forecast. the sea of tranquility over the potomac river. the river itself is running high with a lot of debris. the current is running swift. stay off the river, it's dangerous for recreational use. partly cloudy skies, patchy dense fog in the rural areas mainly. temperatures around the region in the 50s in most areas. 59 in re gan national. and later today, the high tide comes later this morning. 2 1/2 feet above normal high tides in washington. that's going to be higher with the runoff and the rain in the night tomorrow. for the rest of the day, partly sunny skies in the mid 70s. we have a chance with early evening thunderstorms. it could produce some brief flash flooding. in the end of the week to the weekend, 5:51. how's traffic. northern virginia, right side, the inner loop, left side, the outer loop, looking good. good news traveling between springfield and i-66. the trip around town southeast. and still looks like it's moved a little bit there. i'm a little concerned. be careful if you're coming up to branch avenue to the intersection. see if d-dot can take a look and see if they can get that fixed. the situation, no delays. metro and vre. do expect some delays on marc-brunswick 870. all of the trains because of speed restrictions. joe, eun? >> jerry, thank you. 5:42 is the time. ahead this morning, the local toll that is going to charity today. also, the reason air force good morning, "endeavour." a special good morning to you today, greg. >> good morning, it's great to hear your voice. ♪ >> the crew aboard the space shuttle "endeavour" is up and working at this hour. nasa officials are getting an up close and personal look at some of the damage of the black thermal tiles on the belly of the space shuttle. nasa spotted the gouges and nicks on the heat shield while "endeavour" did a back flip the day before it docked at international space station. there's no cause for any concern, though. two tense moments involving the president and vice president's planes are making headlines this morning. first, an aborted landing for air force one. >> maintain 3,000. >> going to 3,000. >> actually, the vip just missed the approach. going to come back for another try. once he gets on the ground, expecting about 20 minutes or a half hour there now. >> the pilot decided to circle the runway yesterday because of the weather. the plane landed safely on the second try. the president made it on time to the u.s. coast guard academy where he spoke at graduation. meanwhile, the faa and ntsb are investigating much scarier incidents in chicago. >> two passenger jets nearly collide in the confusion of the landing of the vice president's plane on monday. the planes came within 300 feet of each other. the controller supervisor stepped in and ordered an inbound plane to abort its landing to avoid a jet on the runway ready for take off. the vice president's plane is not involve in that incident. traffic in and out of o'hare had to be halted briefly. a routine disruption when the president or the vice president flies into an airport. well, are you heading out of town for memorial day weekend. we'll find out today how many fellow travelers will be joining you on the roadways or in the skyways. triple a releases the annual memorial day weekend travel forecast today. it could be a good indicator of how much of an impact high gasoline prices will have on summer travel. triple a is expected to unveil a new app that will allow you to find prices and hotel prices and attractions on the travel route. good news. if you're tired to wait in the long lines for security when you fly. the tsa says it's developing a faster airport screening process for travelers considered to be low risk. the new procedures could include a separate line for those low-risk passengers. the tsa is not saying, though, when the changes would be implemented or how the agency will determine who the low-risk travelers are. the mighty mississippi continues the path through mississippi and is now setting its sights on southwest louisiana. as the flood waters head downriver, it's destroying parts of vicksburg, mississippi, destroying acres of farmland and decimating entire neighborhoods. the vicksburg police chief says people may have to wait until june to see their homes again. meanwhile, residents in southwest louisiana are keeping a close eye on the river as their area is next in line to feel the wrath of the mississippi river. 5:49 is our time. in georgetown, one month after this flooding closed businesses and forced people out of their homes, there's renewed concern this morning. high tide is expected at 10:15 this morning. the potomac river will be around a foot and a half above normal. meghan mcgrath is live along the waterfront. what's it like right now? is the sea wall up? >> the sea wall is up at washington harbor. that's the good news. if they see flooding, they should be prepared down there. they shouldn't take on any water. what's interesting this morning is how the potomac river is churning. take a look at this. it's pretty amazing. all kinds of debris, we saw a little while ago what appeared to be practically an entire tree floating downriver at a very swift clip here. you can see all of the sticks and all of the other trash and debris floating downstream. what we're seeing here is the stuff that's on the top. there's plenty of debris that's just below the surface. the dangerous situation for boaters and foeng folks on the . you want to be careful. the department of natural resources for maryland is issuing a warning for the upper potomac. they are telling people in that region to stay away from the river in the next two days. includes recreational fishermen and boaters because of the high tide, because of the swift and fast currents, and all of the debris that's in the river. now, here in washington, talked to the harbor patrol this morning. they say they don't have any specific warnings for folks. so there are no restrictions at this point. but certainly, taking a look at the river here, you're going to want to be very, very careful if you're anywhere near the river. you certainly do not want to be in a situation where you're caught up in these currents or if you're a fisherman slips into the river. very, very swift currents that we're seeing here today. we still have concerns about flooding because of all of the rain we had in the high tides. expecting high tide at 10:15 this morning. a foot and a half to two feet above normal here. the big high tide we're keeping our eye out for is tonight and into tomorrow. we could see tides three feet above normal. so we're going to have to keep a close eye on that. back to you in the studio. >> meghan mcgrath reporting live. thank you, megadpan. this time, property manager is not taking a chance to put up the flood walls early knowing there could be potential flooding. in addition to the potomac, many small creeks and streams out of their banks. dozens of the roads closed in rural areas in west virginia, virginia, parts of maryland. from all of the heavy rain we had yesterday. the creeks and streams live there. fog. we're getting enough daylight. there's a big thick fall bank over the potomac basin. that's what you' in the horizon. you may be flying along. visibility is fine. you'll drive to thick fog especially near rivers and the low-lying areas. the patchy fog with us in the two or three hours. in general, it's beginning to dissipate around the region. jerry is checking in looking at the traffic cameras reporting that visibilities are reporting thankfully that this is closer to washington. near the bay now, we have temperatures in the low 60s a few locations. upper mid 50s. mid 50s eastern shore. arlington, fairfax, montgomery counties. the predawn glow. the sun coming up here in about a minute. and it's just now beginning to skim right there on the bottoms of the clouds. a beautiful iridescent orange on that dark blue. we've got the gnats too flying around. it's turned tropical the last couple of days. no alligator sightings, though. by 9:00, in the mid 60s. a little bit of sunshine in and out. quite a bit of cloudiness in the afternoon as well. highs in the 70s. unfortunately, we could get more heavy downpours with thunder and lightning this afternoon that could cause more flash flooding that would be from some scattered thunderstorms this afternoon and to early this evening. after that, partly cloudy, by dawn tomorrow, the 50s. partly cloudy, saturday and sunday. a small chance of a storm tomorrow. afternoon and evening, warmer for the weekend and into next week, summertime. chance of afternoon storms each day. check the weather anytime on cable. how's weather, jerry. >> one kind of gnats we like around here, and they're not the kind that fly. things that make you want to go like that. south of town, wilson bridge. the outer loop moving nicely. the inner loop moving good. a report of an accident below montgomery village. if anything, it will be over to the shoulder with the travel lanes open. we'll check things out over the key bridge where we had dense fog earlier. still a little bit. all in all, not too bad. white's ferry is closed today because of the high waters -- meghan was saying. high water on the potomac. no service on white's ferry. headed out to catch a train, metro, vre no, delays. marc, brunswick. there's potential that all trains can be delayed because of speed restrictions. thank you. 5:54, tomorrow in and around washington, there won't be as much traffic on the roads, let's hope, because it's bike to work day. there will be 49 sites around the area with different events including raffle prizes, giveaways, and free refreshments. you can use metro bus that has bike rafts on the front of all of the buses, for more information on tomorrow's events, head over to bob mcdonald is considering a bold idea for reducing grid lock in northern virginia, a new highway. image up that. the governor is trying to resurrect decades-old plans to build an outer beltway or a portion of it. the north-south highway would connect the western part of prince william county and western loudoun county. that stretch of highway would ease construction on i-66 making dulles airport accessible. it should be more of a focus on improving northern virginia's existing roads. >> for the future growth of the airport, we need a direct link between western prince william and the backside of dulles airpo airport. >> this is not addressing travelers' problems today. this is diverting resources to build a new outer beltway that will -- we really think it's more of a land development scheme. so far, the state has not revealed exactly where that road would be built. today, your trip on the dulles greenway will help some great causes. all tolls from the 14-mile greenway which connects dulles international to leesburg will be donated to charities including the march of dimes and the loudoun abused women's shelter. this is the sixth annual drive for charity. in the past five years, the event raised $1 million for various groups. an ad for a yardsale in "the washington post" caught our eye because everything is free. pat mcilwain will prefer to call it a blessings sale. she's downsizing as her daughter heads to college. she's no millionaire and has had health problems, she feels so grateful for what she has, she wants to give away things to bless others. >> it would make me feel good knowing that i made someone else's home happy. >> mcilwain says there's one condition -- people have to need the items they take. if you're interesting, the blessing sale on sunday, noon to 8:00. >> oh what a nice thought. i wonder what her daughter has to say about that. wait a minute, it's mine. >> she wants to clean house. >> i'm sure she does. apple retail stores are celebrating the 10th anniversary today. >> instead of a major product launch, a lot of people are guessing, the stores are getting a makeover. the apple store 2.0. including in the revamp will be a new section of the store called startup section dedicated to getting people up and running on their new devices. stores will place paper size with ipad displays and demo and customer checkouts will be switched from the iphone to the ipad. coming up next, what married >[ male announcer ] want torried achieve more with your money? pnc virtual wallet gathers your spending and saving in one place. credit and debit purchases, checks, bills, and other financial information. it lets you see the details as well as the big financial picture. so you can do more with your money. see what a complete view of your money can do for you at ♪ pnc bank. for the achiever in you.

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