forecast. we have a little snow in our forecast, as well. >> get to know your shovel. it does look like we'll have enoughor shoveling byhis time tomorrow morning. as we take a lk now, no travel problems as we get going on this thursday morning. we have a partly cloudy sky and that bright pull moon illuminating the landscap right now it's near freezin in the rural eas. closer to washington, mid-30s. downtown, near 40. and right near the bay in the upper 30s. it's cd in the mountas, ough. many locations in the 20s and around t bay it's general in the 30s, although a little bit away from the waters, it's dn near the freezing mark. over the last 12 hour, we've had this cud coverreaking up east of the appalachian, however, into west virginia, it's cloudy anthere is light snow falling in kencky and indiana an i will moi. that's part of the system affecting us by late tonight. this morning, sunshine with p its low to mid-s and then briefly hitting mid to upper 30s midafternoon as the clouds begin to s in. latehis this evening, perhaps around 11:00 or midnight, light snow developing and then light sn continuing all the way until around dawntomorrow. and we may have one to thr inches on the groundround our region the map i think is the way it may be looking by theime it tapers o and endsid-morning on friday. anywhere from abt a coating to an inch. farther to our west and north, one to three inches is likely. lighter arms, just sleet and rain. we'll take a look he weekend in ten minus. how is trfic? >> we're doing fine. clea dryoad surfaces. interstate66, eastbound and westbound, everything moving along nicely on the dry pavement let's head over andake a look at the american legionbridge. there's the outer and inner loop. no concerns. there was a bunch of overnight road work but it should be pick up in the next 15 to 20 minutes. >> thank you vy much, jerry. >> happening today, the district will hold a bed bug summit the d.c. department of health says it's hosting theecond meeting of its kind because of the overwhelming demand. organizers will provide sidents with information o how to prevent bedbugs and h to get rid of them. anothe hearing is scheduled toda in a muslim right's group an attempt to get a teenager detained in kuwait home. they filed a lawsuit again the deral government earlier this week claiming the 19-year-old was put on a no fly list witut any reason. mohammed lives in alexandria and was detained last month after ying to renew his visa at a kuwaiti airport. an elderly man after being struck byn off duty state trooper. it happened in hollywood. police believe that the 88-year-old was walki in the middle of theoadway directly into oncoming traffic. witnesses also say he was pushing a lawnmower which he wa known to dofrequently the toper who was drivingn unmarked car tried itwerve but eventually hit him. investigation is under way. a memoria svice will be held at the university of maland tonight for a student who was recently murdered. 22-year-old justin overkosh was found shot to death inside his home. a gun man walked into the house asking for him. th think dgs may have had something to do with his. his mher says her son wasot a drug dealer, but he was upset with some things that were going on inside that house. >> our son said to a professor that things were going on that were upsting him that he did not like,ut he could noteave until his lease was up in may of 2011. >> the memorl service will begin at 6:00 in e univeity chapel. police are offering a $25,000 reward for information lding to anrrest in the case. this morning montgery county police say they know who stole thousandsf dollars worth of art from a bethesda museum d sold it for scrap metal. investigators ha a warrant out for the northwest washington sidents. he stole five large bronze sculptures last weekend. the pces worth about $90,000 were sold at a recycling plant in rockville in exchange for $150. the artas been returned to e muum, but investigators say it's been damaged beyond reir. when rested, police say he'll face several charges including theft and destruction of property. guns can now be carried openly in virginia state pas. in a controversial move, the governor called forn immediate end to a ban p. the republican governor nt a reiptor to the conservation and recreation department saying it lacked the authority t enforce ch a ban. ncealed weapon pmit holders were already pre-to carry firearms. critics say the move is bador public sety and for tourism. and this mornin a 13-year-old is fighting for her lifene day after her home went up in flam. her young sister died ithe fire which broke out early yesterday avenue on 40th enue. tracee wilkins is there now with the test. >> reporr: good morning. this is a tight knit cmunity and people whoive here are pulling for the recovery of this will 13-year-old girl who officials says i grave conditio these devastating pictures show exactly wteighbors have been describing to us what happened here around this this time yesterday morning. everyone we tked to say that they smelled the smoke and in the time it tk for them to call 911, the home was completely engulfed in flames. it started at 4:00 a.m. yeerday morning. ere were two parents, an unc and four ds. the parents rescued two children. firefighte rescued two others. the parents and unc made it t fine on their own. 9-ar-old kimberly hernandez died. she was a fourt grade. her 13-year-old ster who is a twin is described to be in critical condition. thother two sisrs are recovering from their injuries. now, at this point, fire officialare ruling this fire accident. they know where wre it started. they say it started i the dining room here at thisome, but the don't know exactly what caused it. i'm tracee wilkins live this morning in high atsville. it now 4:37, 37 degrees. ahead on news 4 today, all eyes on you. who wants to add thousands of security cameras around the district plus, here it comes, snow is on the way. how muchou can expect where u live. and nex it's right there in black and white. a new deal the arcrescent you ve on holiday. e are the ones e on a friday. piury escent pza poc. with just a feingredients, u veany to make di. the cresthe other 364. the gia pandas will stay another fe years. that's right, you can still see them at the national zoo. chinese and.s. officials will sign the $2.5 million agreement this morningt 10:00. both sidesgreed to the deal last month. esident obama said the nation zoo will connue to dazzle children and visitors with the be loved pandas. alwaysdorable. >> i wonder h old they are in panda ars? >> i don't know. are they the same in wil dog years? >> i don't know. we'll have to k. >> they ill look great. >> our director, who is alsohe employee of the month, that is noa pda in there, it's a man -- >> i demand a recount on the ployeef the month thing -- . >> hey, this moing temperatures around the region are cold, but not as cold as it has been. last several months. most areas are above freezing, although we do have a few isolated spots where it's just at or below freezing. over the last 12 hour we've seen some light snowoving in to kentucky, southern oh, indiana, ilnois. that's the lding edge of a storm that will be affecting us later tonight. butor toy, by no, mid-30s and peeking in the upper 30s. here's tonight's forecast. we'll ve slight snow developing by around 11:00 or midnightnd then between midnht and dawn, some light snow and we'll be right at or below freezing, it's going to stick and i think we're probably going to get one to thr everyoninches across norern virginia. the farther west and north, three inches plus. and thenlustery winds after it independent ends mid-morning friday and sun back. colder. falling into the 20s by late fray night, the teens saturday morning. saturd afternoon, only the upper 20s. teens again sunday morning. sunday afternoon again only upper 20s. we'll look into next week at 4:51. w is traffic? >> it's going to be a long month. the trip around town, 295 northbound, everything moving along very, veryicely. let's see if that's the case elsewhere as e rush hour continues. the-95 cordor northbound and southbou, travel lanes are open. anone more stop, let see if kurtill be nice to him, gw parkway, a butiful picture therover at reaganational airport. kurt really is one of the st dictors in the wor and he knows exactly what h is doin back to y. >> how did heake you do tt? >> i don't know. >> magic, jerry. thanks so much. still to come, if you feel like you're throwing ay precio time during traffic jams, the's now research on to prove that yore right. and n problem for metro's often cranky and now creekky escalators. and next a new milestone in the amazing recovery of gabrielle giffords. blue diamond almonds re bold flavor! more variety! morealue! more of what you want... not what you don't. blue diamond almonds. (play-bylay announcer) it's up and it is...ood! more than a snack. oh yes hi. can you put my grandma on the phone please? thanks. excuse me a se another rson calling for her grandmother. she thinks it's her so huh? i'm told she's in the garden picking hbs. she is so cute. okay i'll hold. she's holding. wha? (announcer) prresso. you gotta taste this soup. cayou enjoy vegetables with sauce and still reacyour weight loss goals? you can with green giant froz vegetables. over twenty deliciou varieties have sixty calories or less per serving anare now weight watchers-endorsed. try green giant frozen vegetables with sae. up her those are hardater stains. trh is, 85% of us have hard water. unlike the leading all-purpose clear, lime-a-way ispecially formulated to conquer hard water stains. for lime calcium d rust, lime-a-way is a must. 4:45 is your time now. time for a check of this morning's top stors. a 13-year-ol girl is in critical condition a day after a fi torehrough her home. investigators are stl trying to figure out wha caused the fire. house republicans will begin working on their rlacement health care billtoday. last night theouse voted to repeal preside obama's health care law. anyhanges to the original bill will still have to be approved by the senate andhe president. president obama and the first lady hosted state dner for hu jintao at the white hous before dinner, both men made tots. they praised the status of china u.s. relations and a willingness work together in the future. encouraging news t of the tragedy in tucson. gabrielle giffords important rent milestone in her recovery, she ca now stand up. a hospital spokeerson in tucson sai medical staff helped her stand on hereet and lk out her om winw yesterday. this comes less than two weeks aftethe congresswoman was shot in the head while hosting a political event outside a grocery store. her fami plans to move her to a rehabilitation facility in houston as early a tomorrow. and that facility is the texts a institute rehabilitation a research. it specializes in traumatic brain injuries. the location in houston is close to where her husband, mark kelly, lives and works as an astronaut. he's trying to decide whether he will continue to serve as the commander ofhe space shuttle "endeavour" which idue to take its fin flight in april. neighbors say they're impressed by giffords' determination. >> it says a lot about her spirit, how she is as a person and that she can make it through just about anythin >> decembefight her progss, doctors say at this poi they cannot determine whetherhe congresswon will beble to speak or how well she c see. oday the nation marks the 50th anniversary of psident john f.kennedy's inauguration. that's when he said the fams remarks ask not what you c do for your country, ask what you can -- ask not what yourountry can do forou, ask what you can do for your country. congressional leaders wl host an officia tbute at noon at the citol tunda. this aftnoon caroline kennedy willaunch p an outreach program to reengage america's youth. he was onef the last links to the kennedy white house, the neral services are now set for sargent shriver. kennedy appointed shriver, his brothein-law, the founding director of the peace corps. slifr died tuesday. heuffered from alzheimer's disease. aublic wake will be held at ho trinity catholic church in georgewn on friday, tomorrow from 4:00 unt 8:00 p.m. a private funer mass is set for saturday at our lady of mercy church. sargt shriver was 95 years old. today family and friends will say a final farewell to a long time d.c. community and educatioactivist william lockdge. he died last week. his funeral bins at 10:00 this morning. % the may and several council members will be in attendance. new research will follow up on cancer clusteroncerns at ft. detrick, a 2009 study to look at human eosure to possible polluted ground water at the army post in frederick, maryla. eaier this monthesearchers briefed people who lived nearby inheir study in envirmental con tap nation was not linked to lol health problems. the maryland departmenof health did two rounds of preliminary studies andid not find signifint higher rates of cancer. the national academy of science will n review those findings. results ar expected in september. d.c.'s homeland security agency will soon begin keeping a much closer eye on everyone in e nation's capital. that's accordingo the washington exam per. the agency plans to add thousands of new security cameras. sueillance cameras already are watchi in u the districtnd soon d.c. wil have a lot more eyes trained inour direction. the city'someland security agency is plaing to add thousands of security cameras from private businesses arod the naon's capital and the metro system to the thousan of electronic cameras tha are already monitoring the area /7. d.c.'s heland security management says there are more than 4500 ceras operated by the d.c. department of transportation. his morning neighbors in northern virginia community are worried that their house could be targete next ia burgly spree. more than 20 hous have been hit in recent days in the dell ray section offal alexandria. craig melvin spoke with one mother who say she looked a burglar right in the eyes. >> it soundedike someone was ramming a telephone pole in the side of the house. >> reporter: othe third ram, she jumped from her computer desk. >> i could see the book flew. >> reporter: and she stoodace to face with a g trying to break in >> he didn't say anything. >> reporter: did you say anything? >> iaid plenty. >> reporte the only part we can air -- >> i yelled what are you ing, get out of my house. >> reporter: 22 houses in the dell r section have been hit since november 1st. >> we don't know if they're connected, but they're simar enough that we're worried about . >> reporter: the that he have strikes at broad daylight when many are at work and scho. he has not worn a mas and usually kicks in doors or windows to get inside. >> laptop, purses, money, jewelry, just things they can grab quickly. >> we're exchanging e-mails, messages and talking abo it and obvioly you're very paranoid which house will be next. >> reporte nervous neighbors are not jt worried about their houses. in the past week and a half, ten cars have also been burglarized. >> these ten have all bee unloed vehicles in the front of houses or in driveways. >> rorter: alendria police say they are flooding the neighborhood with extra officers. the shaws now remind themselves to keep their alarm on all day. >> we do, we have to catch him. >> reporter: for the cars, lice say it's common sense, simply lockour doors. with the houses, police say know your neighborhood and if y do, you should recognize when someone doesn't belong. when tt happens, call police. from alex anandrea, craig melvi. news 4 today. we keep having near misses. are we really goi to ha snow this time? >> it does look like it. certainly enough on the ground by this time tomorrow morning to shovel righnow, though, no travel problems on this thuday morning. it's cold, down into the low to mid-30s. most area though, are above freezing. 39 at national airport. ar the freezing mark montgomery county. the mountains have did tipppped the upper 20s. central virginia, southeastern virginia, 30s to near 4 there. and we do have some snow beginning to show up over the last 12 hos. we've hadhat cloud cov from yesterday baking up and now this morning we've got that bright full moon coming through. and we do hav a leang edge of some light snow into kentky, ohio andndiana and lot of areas under a winter weather advisory and warnings from the northern part of the eastern shore all the way up the atlantic seaboard acrs pennsyania, all the way into the midwest. we'll likely have winte weather adviries up for us, too, later today. for today, we'll have increasing clouds, some sun this morning and we'll be above freezing a day long and then after sunset, we'l see the clouds thickening and lowering and we'll be down ar freezing by late afternoon and by then light snomaying be forming and certainly aer mitt night, light snow beginning to accumulate. by dawn tomoow, we'll hav the snow binning to move on in. here is e micro cast showing e advance of the snow will be coming in from the west to east and the heavier amounts will be in tho dark blue areas out of the mountains and across the pennsylvania border up into southern pnsylvania, but it will bclose enough to us to give us it does appear maybe one to three inches in our area and off farthe to our west and north, three incs plus western marylands, highlands of west virgin. faher south and east, sleet and rain, so probably not any accumution there. so by dntomorrow, we'lle slipping and sliding and we'll be here for you to he you rough it. sun back in the afternoon with a gusty wind. we'll fall out of the low 30s. the teens on saturday mornin and a frigid weekend to follow. we'll stay blow breezing saturday and sunday and monday, as well, and then another storm may be here on tuesday. now let's check traffic. >> looking fin this morning. the beltway as you travel both directions,nner loop and outer loop arounroute 210 moving along nicely and clear dry road surfac, so very good news there. one more camera shot, we'll head on over and check things out. canal ro at foxhall, yesterday we had the bken downvehicle. not so. very light volume moving along extremely we. well, you already knew traffiwas bad in the washington are but did you know drivers here spend nearl three days a year uck in traffic. live now a look at the 14th street bridge. researchers at texas a and m found no one snds more time stuck in traffic than d.c. area drivers. they found drivers lt hours per year, that's almosthree full 24 hour days crawling in traffic. the congestion ties with chicago. loangeles comes i third with 63 hours lost in traffic per year. if you take metr you m have noted it's very noisy. all that noise, metro is in the process of replacing its aging escalators and some of the ones that haven't been replace placed yet ar very loud. metr workers began replacing all three at the foggy about the station on monday. the project is expected to take about a year. it will cost about $4.5 million. meanwhile, metros close to naming a new permanent general manager. according to the "washinon post," metro board members reache an agreement and are negotiing a contract. they had been interviewing three candidates, including the interim geral manager. >> after the break, how rude. >> how rude indeed. >> who says manners a lacking here in the nation's capital? so next, newly planted trees creating a b fight3q experts from a leading consumer publication recently tested autotic dishshing detergents. theyated finish quantum number one, being the competition ! try fini quantum foamazing clean and shine. satisfaction guaranteed or your money back. a date or property rights has flared feels in the district. the debe involve as natnal park service pla to replace sick more trees along trail opposite the waterate complex. the parkervice replaced the tree which died in the late 1970s with young siycamores, bu they say the trees will then block eir view of the river an

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Alexandria ,Al Iskandariyah ,Egypt ,Texas ,United States ,Kentucky ,China ,Indiana ,Virginia ,Washington ,District Of Columbia ,West Virginia ,Rockville ,Nebraska ,Bethesda ,Hollywood ,California ,Maryland ,Montgomery County ,Pennsylvania ,Houston ,Ohio ,Kuwait ,Chicago ,Illinois ,Kuwaiti ,Americans ,America ,Chinese ,American ,Odell Ray ,Craig Melvin ,Gabrielle Giffords ,Caroline Kennedy ,Kimberly Hernandez ,Sargent Shriver ,

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