>>he president and first lady observing a moment of silence with all of us here in this untry. the president saying yesterd that it would be intended to honor the innocent victims of the senseless tgedy in tucson, arizona, including those still fighting for their lives. we saw imagesuring that moment of silence not only of the president and first lady on the south lawn of the white house but membe of congress gathered on the steps of the natios capital. this, of course, being observed in tucson, arizona, as well. chuck todd,ur white house correspondent and political director is standin by with more o this. chuck, after theoment of silence, are there any plans at the white house to have the president head t to tucson? >> there i no official plan yet, matt you can tel he's clearing part of his schedule. he was supposed to go to new yorkor an event tomorrow. that's been postpone the question is not if he's going to go, it when. there is a memorial rvice. that would be an appropriate moment. at se point it is my undersnding he wants to get to tucson and a a minimum visit with congresswoman giffos and also with the families of the fallen >> all right. chuck todd at the white house. that will do it for this n news special report vering the condition of congresswoman giffords as well as the court suspect. you can follow it live tonht from tucson. so of you will stay with us on "today others will lurn rurn to your regularly heduled program. good morni, everyone, and welcome to "news 4 midday." i'm bbara harrison. it's monday, january 10th, 2011. you've been watching an nbc special report. [ bell tolling ] president obama observed a moment of lence just minutes agwith white house staff on the south ln in honor of the victims of this weekend's shooting in arizona. it leftix people dead a several injured. this is live now, pictures from th capitol at this hour where house staffers are gathered on theteps to observe a momenof silence as well. the president has also signed proclamation calling for flags to be flown at half-staff. among those killed outside the tucson supermarket were u.s. district judge john roll and 9-year-old christina taylor green who was born on septeer 11th, 2001. she was feured in a book called "faces of hope" that chronicled one baby from each state born on the day terrorists killed nearly 3,000 people. others were kild were gabby mmerman, dorothy morris, dorwin stoddard and 79-year-old phyllis scheck. arizona conesswoman gabelle giffords, police believe, was the gunm's target. she remains in intensive ce today. the 22ear-old arrested for shootings willremain in jail for now. noelle walker has more from tucson arizona. >> reporter: flowers and canes multiple on the lawn outside the house are where congresswom gabrielle gifrds is in a fight for her life. >> tre are other people injured? >> there is multipl people shot. >> okay. >> oh my god. >> there is mounting evidence that giffords was likely the target of a lone gunman's weekend rampage at a political gathering in tucson that left 250 people shot, six of them lgado. >> the gunman didn't even paused, just continued to spra bullets at close range to the people that were there, and they were just falling in front of him. >> reporter: late sunday, giffords' husband issued a statement expressing the family's gratitude to the people of arizona and the nation for that you are support, adding, quote, gabby was doi what she loved most, hearing from her constituents, when this tragedy occurred. the police served aearch warrant on jared lee louger's home and found notes tt said, "i planned ahead. my asass nas," and then "giffos." he'll faceederal charges today including murderened the attempted aassination of a congrewoman. >> i am not gng to repre collude that additional chaes will be brought under domestic terrorism stamp utiliti as the investigatio continues. >> among the dead feral judge john roll and 9-year-old christina gree the girl was born on september 11th, t day of the terror attack, andeatured in a boo about 9/11 babies called "faces of hope." >> she began her le out of the tragedy of 9/11 and her life was ended with a tragedy here in arizona. so the tragedies were the book ends. e bulk of her life was wonderful d we loved every minutef it. >> at the house, doctors are cautiously optimistic about congresswoman ffords' recovery bu say they just don't know what tt recovery will loo like yet. noelle walker, nbc news, tucson. >> the nion's thought and prayers are with the victims in tucson. the cus in washington turns to keeping the rest of the members safe as members have t strike the balance between safety and nting to serve their constituents. tracee wilkins has more from capitol hill. >> reporte good morning, baara. the u.s.apitol police have been fielding plenty of questis from fol in congress and also the senate dealing with security. plenty of pple are asking the question, will what happened on saturday change the way that congress interacts with the public? congresswoman gabriel giffords was doing what every u.s congress pern does. she was meeting with constituents at anccessible and openforum. will saturd's deadly and tragic shooting make this event the last of its kind? >> i and my colleagues are absolutely determine to make sure that we continue to be accessible to our constituents. >> reporter: this morning on news 4 today, congressman chris va holland of marynd's eighth district said only time will tell. there wille a new ambulanbalanc reachein security versus duty. >> i think all of u will have a heightened sense tif ti and areness to ssible, you know, threatening calls that sometimes co into offices often dismissed, younow, as mebody who -- you know, some person who's way out there but not necessarily a real threat. so the capol police sergeant of arms office areoing to be hang a number of briefin to discus things thate may or may not be able to do. >> reporter: as the u.s capitol police move forward in the discussion surroundi security, some experts say the are resources that congrs can and should start using imdiately. >> i tnk as far as implementing security, it would be things like what happene saturday, is having local law enforcemt on site. that's kind of commo from time to time. you're going to have people of law enforcement stature in the area. think that's sort of something they should look at eh time they'r going to go out, have an event, do we ve local law enfoement here. it definitely is a deterrent. >> reporter: during last year's healthare debate, there were a number of members of cgress who experienced some kin of vandalism andiffords was one of those cgress people. now what experts are sing can happen wh security is that people who have experienc threatin the past definitely shoulde look at having more security around them and tha they should also taka look at the pces where they're holding some of tir events andaking re that those places don't have a history of issues in the past. on capitol hl, tracee wilkins. barbara, back to you in the studio. >> thank you, tracee. stay with news 4 for continuing team coverage of the tragedy in tucson a for more on the security concerns on the hill. also nbcwashington.com. the latest winter storm is parazing the south wh unusual snowfall. parts of northern mississpi which gets just under an inch for a year got 4 to 6 inches already. arkansas has 2 to 4 inches across that state. several accidents and power outages reported in both states but no serious injies reported. the storm i affecting flights around the country. deltaays as man as 1,400 ights could be canceled today. here's a liveook at reagan national. the cancellationsill likely on get worse as the storm continues to move up the coast. take a look tside right here in our area, and we've got gray sks. looks like thenow could be ming, and i can tell you it is ld out there right now. tom is here to tell us what w can expect within the next 24, 48 hours. >> it is still cold. in fact, most locations are still below freezing approaching midday on this nday. around our region, the clouds ll be thickening a lowering lout the advance o the storm. this is in the upper 20s to low 30s throughout the area, 30 at reagan national. these couies colored in blue under a storm watch. areas east of washington, northeastern maryland from this storm as it wilbe a coastal storm. it does include prince george's, charles, howard, anne arundel and around baltimore. a frigid morning in t mountain, onlyhe sgle digits to the teens in the last 12 hours. we've had this area of sw beginning to hit the carolinas and the coaal low will begin to form tomorrow. for morrow afternoon, mostly cloudy and cold,ighs to low and mid-30s. i'll sw you the forecast map in a few minutes. >> anxious to see that. thanks a lot, tom. let'check on the traffic out, there see how things are moving. ste hershorn is in this morning. good morning, barbara. a roh ride in northwest washington. there is a broken-down vehicle that is still there on inbound cana road near the whitehut frway. it's been there for over three hos blocking one lane so a tough ride heading in on canal read, the claraarton parkway and portions of mrthur boulevard. now on mcarthur boulevard, a broken dn vehicle at q street. tough ride into the geoetown area heading through northwe. you may want to completely avd that right now. over to springfield on 95 southbound, we have the roadwork set up, blocking the left lane today. >> thank you, steve. > police in the district are investigating h a woman died after they discovereder body ile bat allege fire. firefighters were originally calledo a report of a fire in the garage of a row hom along the 800 block of a street in southeast. that's where megan mcgrath joins us liveith more on the investigation. what can you tell us? >> reporte barbara, there are still a lot of unanswered questions, and investigato are trying toiece togetherxactly what haened. what police will say is thi appears -- this m be a very, very bizarre accident tha occurred here and they don't belie that there's anyanger to the large public. now this happened rht around 5:00 a.m. that's when the call came in for a fire in the 800 block of a street in southeast washington. a bmw suv was stopped a an angle partially in the garage of the home at that location. the vehle was on fire. w when the blaze was put t, what that's wn firefighters discovered the body of a woman inside the suv. what happened again sll unclear. not a lotf detail is being provided. bu preliminarily it looks like there was someort of crash that started a fire. >> well, t leading theory is at it was a crash. that's why theajor crash unit from the mropolitan policere here. again, the car was not necessarily entirely in the garage. again, there's a lot of things that we're looking at. any inveigation is the process of elimination, but again the leadingheory is this was a crh, then a subsequent fire. >> reporter: police say there are no signs of foul play. again, they don't believe there's an danger to any other memberof the public out there that this appearso be just a very strange accidenthat haened early this morning. in terms of thedentity of the woman found inside that suv, police have not released that informatn yet. they're ill trying to get in touch th faly. barba barbara, back to you. >> thank you, megan. prince george's cnty police chief trying to ste the violence after the hods homicides from the beginni of the year. he said he will sp the unexpectedly high lev of violence which has plagued our inner beltway community since the beginning of ts year. this will be a ncerted, sustained effort. together we are a formidable force that will bring cm to all segments of our county he says t crime fighting plan includes transferring 24 detectives to special criminal, narcotics and feder task forces, with one police major overpecial operations in the most highly affected areas and woing with community and busine leaders to get their help in smming the violence. two people are in the hospital this morni after being shot early this morning. it happened jt after midnight on the 5800 block of 63rd place in riverdale, maryland. police say theyound two adult n shot, one in the arm, the other in the legs. the injuries do not appea to be life-threatening. police say the shootings may have stemmedrom a robbery. >> 11:15 is o time right now. coming up, more on the man arrested for this weekend's shooting in arizona that killed six pele and ctically injured representative gabrielle giffor. some former classmates e not rprised by m jared loughner. and a new study on autism. whatt says about families with multiple children and the differencen age. [ male announcer ] are you watching cle? here's what you shld be watching: your cable bill. because you could be paying way too much. stop spending more for second best. upgrade toerizon fios and get tv, internet and phone for just $99.99 a month for a year. plus this spial bonus: over 25 hbo and cinemax channels free for 3 months including o go and max go. tch your favorite movies and shows anytime, anywhere. there's no term coract required. you can cancelnytime with no early terminatiofee. get thbest channel lineup, superior picture quality, more hd, plus internet rated #1 in satisfaction, speed and reliabity. y keep paying for cable? get os for just $99.99 a month -- plus hbo a cinemax, free for 3 months. call 1.877.717.fio call the verizon center for customers with disabilities that's 1.877.717.3467. at00-974-6006 tty/v. now yocan get more for your money. fios. a network ahead. we have breaking news from afghanista vice president joe biden is in kal on a surprise visito meet with hamid karzai, u.s. service members and civilian personnel, as well, a tour an afghan national training center the vice president last visited afghanistan in january 2009 as vice president pt elect. in just about an hour, president obama will meet with french president nicolasarkozy at the white house. sar yoezy who willerve as the president of the g-8 and g-20 summits in 2011 is lookingo get support from president obama reforminthe global financial syst. sarkozy thinks foreign markets should notely as heavi on the america dollar. president obama and sar yoezy are also expecd to discuss foreign policy and security issues. once considered one of the most powerful pple in washington, former house majority leader tom delay is now facing the possibility of life in prison. he's scheduled to be sentenced today after being found guilty of money laundeng. in november hwas convicted of funneling money to candidates in 2002. he faces a minimum sentence of five years, probation with a maximum sentence of life behind bars. and the weaer is making news all around the country, especially on the east coas rit now and in the south. ey're getting snow they're not used to getting could be headed to-in our direction. clod the atlanta airport, a major hub, so there have been hundreds and hundreds of flights canceled as a result of that storm. unfortunatelye're going to be looking at srled travel between washington and boston benning late tomorrow and into early wednesdayrom a developing coastal lowressure system that will be affecting our weher here beginning morrow. right now we have a few clouds coming in. you can see ice along the chesapeake bay. this is from choer 4. now, we don't get ice very often in the chesapeake bay, but it has been colder than avera all throh december and now through about the fst half of januy. you can see those areas of ice along the shoreline there, along the chesapeake y, pictures from cpper 4 this morning. ve view from the skywatcher camera, the cloud cover continuing to thicken. just 3at national airrt and certainly dry. we've had wind gusting to around 20 miles an hour. lows this morning we down to the uer teens through most of the region, bottoms out at reagan national at 25 and now in the upper 20s to near 3 in virgin and the eastern shore and parts of central virgia a little above freezi. these counts in blue under a winter storm watch. there is the potential for up to 4 inches or perhaps more of snow in these counties just east of washington and prince george's, anne arundel, calvt, charles, baltime county and points northeast of there and east of there. now, temperatures in theestern parts of our region and western maryland, west virginia are only in the l teens right now. sot is certainly cold enough for an snowfall to stick. as we're not going to get above freezing oer than a few hrs this afternoon. right now getting a few flurries. this is not part of t main storm in southern virnia and some of the high lanlds of west virginia. that going to pass east of us. we'll have cloudiness through the rest of the afternn. the wider view showing the extent of the snowfall. this is still a developing storm. it's going to bereorganizing, gets off the south carolina coast here. futurecast going into t next 48hours. showing this low, coming our way and off hatteras by noontime tuesday afternoon. by noontime, cape hatteras close enough to bri off the moisture in the atlantic. snow beginning to movento our ea by then. during the middle partf the day we m get enough warmt to perhaps get the snow to mix with some sleet durg the late afternoon and evening hours and maybe some rn along the atlantic seaboard. however, the low is a little farther to the et and that es appear to be the case. this will be all snow with just maybe a little bit of sleet. then it's going to become a larger storm heading towards new york city, southern new engld, boston and up tard maine. for us for the rest o the afrnoon, mostly cloudy. we veal our temperatures reaching just the mid-30s briefly with most othe afternoon we v below freezing and right back down below freezing by 5:00. sunset at 05. by dawn, still in the mid-20s. no snow in the morning but later in day it will begin to accumute. here are the amounts i'm thinking based on theatest information coming in. it dutz appear we may get a broad aa of 2 to 4 inches acrossorthern virginia, the district, and much of maland. northeast and weste maryland, they could get more. and maybe leiter amounts fending on how close that low comes. all this ending b late on tuesday night, maybe a lingeri bit of sw on wednesday morning early, then cold after that and dry. it's gng to stay cold than average all the way into the weekend th afternoon highs only in the low 30s and morning lows for washington. that is the way it looks for right now. course stay tuned, pay attention to the forecast, suect to change. we'll be csely tracking this storm. if the track goes farther east, it will all snow. comes back farther west, may get some rain mixed in making the totals a little bit lower. stayuned. we'll let you know the latest. >> ok. let's check on the midday traffic with stevhershorn. steve? >>all right, barbara. we'll start with the map again. in the distric there was a broken down vehle on bound canal road befe the whitehurst freeway before you get tohe key bridge. very heavy and slo heading down canal ad and the clara barton parkway. also a water main break in northet. third street at florida avenue rtheast for a water main break. springfield,e do have the roadwork south of nengton, and left lan closedut no delays even though the hovs are hding rthbound. thank you. stillhead on "new4 midday," a sneak peek at t cars of the future. we'll take you inside the detroit auto show. and a bomb-sniffing dog who disappeared in afghanistan is reunited with herandler after mo than a year. first here's a look at what's hot o nbcwashington.com. meet barney, a bomb-sniffing dog that waseparated from her handlein afghanistan more than a yoor ago aft a fight wit milints. her handler lost her and feared she would never see her again. but 14 mons after going missing, anmerican soldier spotted her and she's reunited with her handler. she'll bessessed in the next month t see if she can return to active duty. today in your health, having children quickly can boost the risk of autism. the effect was found in parents of all ages. experts aren't se what increases the risk but believe reduced nutrients in the mother could contribute. researchers say the study wl have to be replicated in order to solidify the findin. andt is now 11:28. in our next half hour of "news 4 midday," theeople who know the 22-year-old arrested for t arizona shootings that killed six people and critically injured a congresswoman are saying about the young ma and the latestrom presentative giffords' doctor. can the lawmakerecover from thehooting and brain surgery? and tom kierein will carefully track that storm that's briing us snow tomorrow. [ fema announcer ] to do well, kids need to eat well. and eating well means gettg enough whole grain and calcium. and general mills big g kicereals can help. d you know it's the only leading line of d cereals with at least 8 grams of wholerain and a good source of ccium? cereals they already love, like lucky crms and cinnamon toast crunch. give your kids more of what they need to be their best. grow up strong, with big g kid cereals. ♪ right now on "news 4 midday," peopleacross the country are remembering the victs of the shooting in arizona. president ama observed a moment at th top of the hour with white house staff on the southlawn. representative gifrds remain in critical coition and has been in intensive care. police believe she was the intended target o the shooting. one of the doctors that operad on giffords spoke on "today" this morningbout the congresswoman's progress. >> the swelling is the greatest risk and the window for swelling is really more aund three days rather tn 24 hours. in some cases, it can go beyond that so thas why we've been saying we're cautiously optimistic but listing her as critical until she gets through the this window of risk. >> a book will be placed in the rotunda on citol hill where mbers of the public and congre can write well wishes r representative giffords as well as messages of remembrance r those who died in the arizona shooting. this morning we're learning more about the 22-year-ol man who was accused of mass mder in arizona. those whonew jared lee lohner say hwas becoming an increasingly troubled loner whose actions were often more confusing than frightening. nbc's mike taibbi has more. >> reporter: at tuon's mounin view high school, ya lee loughner was an uemarkable presence and somewhat shy. >> she was really funny. hi laugh was hiss ter cal. >> reporter: byast spring, though, dawn saihe was no longer funny. they were in a poey class tother at pima college whe loughn insulted classmates regurly and delivered his performances inapopriately. >> jumng around the room, grabbing his crotch, pointing at people. he had a very -- i don't want to say angry but very intense look on his face. >> reporter: made everybody uncomfortable? >> thewomen. certainly the women. >> reporter: in fact in another class, loughner's sudden outbursts made linda sorenso so uncomfortable, she e-mailed one frnd, "she's one of those pictures y see in the news after he has come intolass wi an automatic weapon." >> he just madehe hairs on the back of my neck stand up. herightened me. >> reporter: and while he didn't threen violence then, the school expelled loughner pending a mental health clearance proving he was n a danger. more bad news. when he ted to enlist in the army, he was rejected. and there was growing tension in the tucson neighborhood where he andis parentslived. >> never seen himoing across the street to talk to abody or interact wh anyone. >> in november authorities say he bought his gun, a glock semiautomatic, a this local sportsman's warehouse, a legal purchase since he had no diualifying criminal or mental heal record. athe same time, he was posting rambling diatres on youtube. i know who's listening. government officials and the people who are awar of mind control and binwash methods. an fbi affidavit on the search ofloughner's home describe an envelope on wch congresswoman giords' name was handwritten. by t time of the explosion 10:11 saturday morning. >> tle multiple people shot. >> okay. oh my go >> experts s the goal might have been not just assassination but ma murder. >> she mig not be the specific target as a congresswoman but as a symbol of the government that he railed against. >> that was nbc's mike taibbi reporting. jared loughner is due in federal court this afternoon. since the soting rampage has been a discussion of whether political tolerance was a movating factor, we spoke with the pima county sheriff and the impact. >> i tnk most of the experts in the field would agree that these people are very susctible to emotions like anger and parana and so forth. and i think that the te of rhetoric thatas occurred in this country over the past coupleears affects troubled personalities. >> the sheriff went on to say he doesn't believe free speech should be censored but he believes se people capitalize on negative rhetoric. out of respect for congresoman giffords, both hses of coress have noungsed they will suspend work thi week. president obama postpon a trip to new york to discu the ecomy but said this is a time for the nation to come together in prayer or reflection. speaker joh boehner says an attack on one of thems an attack on all of them. >> public service is aigh honor, but these tragic events remind us that all of us inur roles serving fellow citizens have a risk. is human act should not and will not deter us from our calling represent our constients and to fulfill our oath of office. >> speaker boehner directed the flags on the house se of the capitol to be flown a ha-staff in honor of dim zimmerman, a member of the congresswoman's staff who was kill many the attack. stay with news 4 for continuing coverage on the tragedy in tucs and more of theecure concerns on our hill and to our website, nbcwasngton.com. in other news this mornin gruesome new details are being revealed about the murder o a las vegas showgirl and former redskins cheerleader. according to a nevada newspaper, the body of debra flores nevez was found dismbered in two pieces over the weekend. her boyfriend, jason grifth, was arrested afterwards. investigors used gps records from a truck griffit rented to find thebody. she had been missing sce d-december. back to business as usual as a northeast post office after a piece of mail ignited on friday. even with federal authorities buzzing around at other post offices, the d seet facility was openor normal business. onriday around 2:00 p.m. a packe flared after a postal worker tossed it into a bin. theackage is similar to two otherackages that ignited in maryland governmentuildings on thursday. all three ckages are being sent to an fbi crime lab in quantity quo for analysis. and let's turn our atttion once aga to the weather. tom kierein is here. >> just be prepared. plans will lely be disrupted as a result of a winr storm heading our way. we're seeing cuds moving in fromur camera looking to the west. it's cold, upper 20s to near 30 degrees throughout most of the reason region. these cou tips encounter a storm watch just east of washington. all this coming from a veloping low-pressure center moving up along the atlantic aboard over the last 12 hours. it's begun to spread a little light snow, a few flurriein southern virginia a the carolinas. th's not the main even that will be tomorr. for the afternoon, mostly cloudy and cold with temperatures briefly getting above freezing. overnight, cloudy, mid-20s by dawn tomorrow. during the late morning hours on tuesday, coming into the metro area south to north lely light sn and an inch or twoor the early afternoon hours and then maybe inchr two on top of that into the evening. so does not look like a heavy snow event. however, enough, though to cause avel problems. could be more north a east of washington and way out west. and then on wednesday, maybe a lingering flurry o a snow shower in e morning and then duri the afternoon into the mid-30s andhen cold thursday, friday, saturday, and sunday, ghs only in the 3 and cloudiness in and out. that's the way i looks. >> okay, tom. thanks a lot. talk to you again shortly. fo the midday traffic, here's steve. thanks,barbara. we just got word that broken-down vehicle that was tting there in the whitehurst freeway inbound on canal road is cleared awa and delays are cleared up heading out o northeast into maryland, there is emergency roadworkoutbound on route 50 near 410. watch out for that blocking everything but one lane heading outbnd. over the ltway, no problems inner loop or outer loop >> thank youery much, eve. bob mcdond is set to release a spending plan he ys woul clear up state roads and crea jobs. that's aording to "the washington pos" he wants to borrow nearly $3 billion over theext three years for transportation projects and spend anoer $400 million on ailing roads. in addion, he's looking to spend about $100illion on state universitiesened job creation. mcdonald says he plans to pay for the plan with the state's nearly $400 million surplus. andree wireless is coming to vre by late spring. thplan, which costs around $50,000, is to install wfi on the two rear cars per train to start. the vre spokesman says they're trying to figure out the demand is there for thi free wireless. if it is, then they would expand it to the other cars. and we have a traic alert for ose of you who drive througmanassas. delaysn route 28 will continue for weeks becau one lane is being shut down for a construction project. one lane isow closed between technology dri and couple road. vdot crews are buiing a $44 million bridge over wellington bridge and the railroad tracks ere. it should be complete by novemb of 2012. and they're rving their engines in detroit fortoday's start of the 2011 ao show. this year there's sething to celeate. it's been a stellar year for the big three u.s. autokers. auto show is a coming-out party of sorts. kristen dahlgren has a look at so of the new models >> reporter: in detit this year the most important display may be optimism. >> we could el it even befor we got to the show floor. there were my more manufacturs who wanted to be inhe show. >> reporter: the manufacturers plan tounveil about 40 new rs, more than double last year, and that's not t only thing that's up. after tw dismal years and almost two decades of declining sales, the big three american makers saw an increase in u.s. sale last year. >> i think the big story is recovery, that detroit is here to stay. >> reporter: so this year the dispys are again getting bigger. some of the cars once aga a little imsical. there's even a stretch miniva check this thing out. it's still just a concept and u may have trouble fitting it in your garage but it's one more sign tt this year's show is definitely bigger. visitors will see fshy and futuriic. but this years ao about fuel efficiency. even mercedes has a new entry. and the electric chevy volt continues to generate zz snop a lot of high technology and changing the game. we didn't go as far as we can but it made us innovative and o the leading edge. >> back from the edge of ruin, the aut industry not totally out of the rough but showing some signs of acleration. l, a huge show for the u.s. automakers but also b for the foreign companies. hyundai and kia have been surging. toyota is hoping to get past the recall with a new family-sized prius. honda is introducing a civic and perhaps the most talked about volkswagen made in chatnooga. the company hopes it will put it at number one in the world. kristen dahlgren nbc ne, detroit. >> 11:43 is the time. ill ahead on "news 4 midday," we'll take a look at how stocks are starting theay and the week. plus staying healthy during the cold and flu season. how you can build upour immune system. stay with us. [ male announcer ] e you watching cable? here's what you shld be watching: your cable bil because you cod be paying way too much. stoppending more for second best. upgrade toerizon fios and get tv, intern and phone for just $99.99 a month r a year. plus this special bonus: over 2hbo and cinemax channels free for 3 mths including o go and max go. tch your favorite movies and shows anytime, anywhere. ere's no term contract required. you can cancel anytime with no early terminatiofee. get the best channel lineup, superior pictu quality, more hd, plus internet rated #1 in satisfaction, speed and reliability. why keep paying for cable? get fios for just $.99 a month -- plus hbo and cinemax, free for 3 months. ll 1.877.717.fios. call the verizon center for customers with disabilities that's 1.877.7.3467. at 800-974-6006 tty/v. now yocan get more for your money. fiosa network ahead. pumpin gas this week it's not only going to cold out there for you but costly, to according to the lundber survey, theverage price for regular gas has risen nine cents in three weeks. the cuent national average is at $3.08n our area keeng pace pretty much. in d.c. about $3.19 a gallon. maryland, the national average is the me, $3.08 there. and virginia is the best place for cheap gas with prices averaging around .99 per gallon. stocks are starting the da lower. let's check with cnbc for more on that and the rt of the day's business adlines. anthony? hey, barbara. stocks are down just a bit this morning mostly over concerns about the european debt crisis marks concerned about the stability of portugal. dow down about 60 points. the nasdaq'sown almost ten points. the s&p is down abo five. oil prisre above 9 a barrel and the transabat ak pipeline remains shut after a leak was discovered at a pumping station satuay. production has been cut to 5%. it accounts for 9% of all u.s. oil output. a group of seven major public pension funds led by new york city's comptroller are asking the big fo, bank of america, jpmoan, citigroup and wells fargo, to review their mortgage and foreclosure practice on friday, the massachusetts highest urt voided the seizure of two homes by wells fargo and u.s. bancorp after the bank fail to prove they held the mortgages at feclosure. also the iphones could be coming to veron wireless this week. they're holdi a media event tomorrow. the iphone will be sold on verizon wireless existing pls. from detroit ts morninghe chevy holt voelt haseen named the carf the year and the ford explorerruck of the year. barbara, back t you. >> thank you very mu. see you later. well, you all know it cold anflu season. you can't miss it everybody is sniffling and coughing. we have alheard of the importance of waing our hands to keep from getting sick. but whaelse can we do to fortif our immune stem? dr. andrea suivan, a nach rho path, joins uso talk about staying well in this season when erybody seems to be sick with mething. >>everybody. correct. >> most people are going to work since they don't feel sic enough to stay home. at are you saying? you've got three things you say are very important to staying well. >> one of t things we know is that sleep is so portant, and most of us don't get eugh sleep. we have four hour fivehours. but sleep i a time when the body needs to regenete and the cells regenerate. sleep is veryimportant. war is important because you don't wanto get dehydrated duringhis time. even thoug it's a cold time, you need perhaps warm water with lemon in it, citrus. >> and e eliminating strs makea difference. >> a huge difference because your immune system responds to that sess by being deplet, lessening, slowing down. reducing stress, simplifying your life, saying no, what a concep most people say yes t everytng. say no to that urch meeting or thatomething that can be eliminated for moment. do something one thing at a team. most people multitask all the time. try doing one thing at a time. ose are a fewhings you can do to rede stretch. >> and do these things before you get sick. >> beforyou get sick. >> make a differce. >> especially if you're sick, exactly. anthere are dietary habits that nd to happen. most people go for the sweet and white flournd white sugar, but those subances decrease your ability to heal itself. it decreases the body's innate ability to hl itself because it slows down actuallyhe mune system, the white blood cells especially. >> tell us abt thehings you think we should be eating to make sure we don get colds or flu. >> vitamin , these klemmen times are a great source. we have some cart juice i'll ask you to taste. 's a great source of beta carotene, preformed vitamin ooshgs, a vitamin a is excellent for all your mucous membranes in your upper respiratory tract. >>ot bad. >>nd garlic. se better when you sha it up, which i didn't do. >>ou say carrot juice makes the difference in warding o colds? >> and while you're sic because it helps your mucousembranes of the upper respiratory tract. garl is a great anti-bacterial it's been used for years. your grandmother wrapped it around your neck or hid it under your plow or something. put half a teaspoon o teaspoon in water and sipn that to prevent colds or even when you get ill. that's very interesting. do you think it's bettero have it in the natural source as opposed to taking vitamin zplshgs. >> either is fine butagain, rrot juice is more f beta carotene and clementines for vimin c. but you need to take vitamin c al. i recommend 2,000 to 4,000 milligms for people at work, moving around a lo when you get sick, 4,000 milligrams a day over the course ofday. >> tell about the her you ggest for colds and bronitis. >> for kron kits, there's a- bronchitis there's a great one called hore hound. it's similar to the herbs we used in west africa. that one. lobelia is another wese for bronchitis. we usehree herbs in combination in what we ll a liquid herbal tincture. >> your book mentions all these things? >>t does. "a path to healing: a guide to wellness for body, mind, and soul." i'm in the dtrict of columb, have been here f 25 years. in the book it has different formulas for coldsnd flus as well. >> we're so glad you came in. we've got them here. the cold is going through our newsroom. >> everywhere, iknow. >> you just told me you can catch it ain even after you've just finhed having a ld. >> that's right. >> i'm goi to be drinking that carrot jue. andrea sullivan, thas for coming in. >>hank you very much. >> coming , meteorologist tom kiern will be back with anher check of the forecast. stayith us. > ooh look at some of the stories we're follong on news 4 this afternoon. wel have the latest on the arizona shootings and t congresswoman's condition. also ahead on news 4, britney spears is recreating buzz even before her sing sl due out. then on news 4 at 5:00, nearl one in three alts in the u.s. suffers from this thing. many rely on prescription pills to control it but not anymore. how you can battleigh blood pressure wh simple cnges in your diet. and another look at our forecast. tokierein here. good morng. we're expecting accumulating snow hereomorrow between now and around this ti tomorrow, though, we shouldot see any. mostly cloud this afternoon, cold with light breezes and temperatures briefly getting above freezing. right now it's only around 30. overnight,ack down around freezing and cldy. during t evening hours, sno advancingrom south to north and arriving in the metro area perhaps by this time tomorrow, by midday, and some light snow during perha the early hours, but the accumuling snow not until tomorrow afternoonnd tomorrow eveng with total amounts by dawn on wnesday of around 2 to 4 inches. these are prelimiry eimates around the district and north of maryland. lighter amounts in southern maryland through central virginia. far nor and east of us and f west of uwe could have highe ounts. stay tuned forhe forecast bject to change. after that,aybe a lingering snow flurry wednesday morning we'll be coldnd dry thursday, friday, saturday, and sunday. each d morning lows only around 20 or so and afternoon highs only around 30 to the low 30s. so we are going to stay colder than average all the way into the weekend. stay tuned this afternoon. verronica johnson will be here with the latest with a look at the storm and the latt track. i'll be here later mornin too, as we track this storm. >> whatever snow we get is going to be on the ground for the rest of the week. >> yep. no going to go away >> all right. thk you very much. that's "news 4idday." thanks for joining us. we invit you to tune in for the news later on.