Transcripts For WRC News 4 At 6 20110805

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authority. ending the stalemate, and restarting 240 airport construction projects nationwide. >> it really was more about some members of congress letting their own agendas and their own egos get in the way of hard-working people right smack dab in the middle of the construction season. >> reporter: the bill does eliminate 16.5 million in air subsidies to 13 rural airports like morgantown, west virginia. something democrats were dead set against. but allows secretary lahood to continue the service if he deems necessary. majority leader harry reid said he believes it doesn't resolve the important differences that remain. john boehner urged the senate to work with him on a long-term bill. for those workers who have been caught in the middle -- >> we feel like we're pawns in a political game. >> reporter: it is at least a temporary reprieve, allowing them to go back to work, while congress eventually works on a more permanent solution. so those furloughed workers expected back on the job on monday. it may take longer to get some of those construction projects and all of those workers back on the job. but jim, you mentioned the issue. this extension only goes through mid september, so expect the debate to continue when congress returns. >> thanks, kristen dahlgren. after the big selloff yesterday and another volatile morning on wall street today, the dow closed 60 points higher today. it ended the day at 11,444. the nasdaq was down 23 points today. the s&p held steady. it closed at just a fraction of a point at 1,199. one reason for the upswing, a better than expected report about jobs. payrolls grew, and unemployment was down slightly. as brian mooar reports, while investors are more optimistic, some say we are not out of the woods yet. >> reporter: it was another white-knuckle day on wall street, driven by better than expected job numbers here. >> i would encourage everybody to stay calm and breathe deeply. >> the european central bank promised aid to italy. italy promised reforms. and that pulled the dow out of a 200-points nose dive. that followed a 512-point drop thursday, the worst trading day since 2008. friday began on an up note, with word the economy added 117,000 jobs. >> this is a good sign that we are going to avoid recession. >> reporter: that nudged the unemployment rate from 9.2 to 9.1%. but the recovery is still in slow motion. >> i don't think anybody is going to sit here and jump for joy to say we are out of the clear and out of the woods and this is a great number. >> we are going to get through this. things will get better. and we're going to get there together. >> reporter: president obama unveiled a plan to help an estimated 1 million unemployed veterans get jobs. >> our incredible servicemen and women need to know that america values them, not simply for what they can do in uniform, but for what they can do when they come home. >> reporter: he's offering tax credits for companies that hire vets, and he wants training as they transition back to civilian life. a reverse boot camp. that won't be cheap, and it sets the stage for another spending fight here on capitol hill. brian mooar, nbc news, washington. >> the local economy is doing far better than the national average. in prince william county in virginia, the unemployment rate is at 5.3%. 164 new companies opened in that county last year. but the county chamber of commerce says some businesses are reluctant to expand, because of these tough economic times, and that has left some people without work for months. >> because every day that i'm here, on mondays, the lines are going around the building. so even though it's showing that the rate went down, my reality is here that the same people are still here looking for jobs and i'm one of them. >> despite the slight dip in the national unemployment rate, 44% of the americans who are unemployed have been without work for six months or more. we have a developing story. it's out of charlotte, north carolina. get a load of these pictures. heavy rains today are causing significant flash flooding at this hour. one person is dead. another is missing after being swept away by a rising creek. again, this is in charlotte, north carolina. people have been rescued from their cars, caught in high water. up to 6 inches of rain fell in just a couple of hours. the water even caused a floor in a hotel to collapse. it's friday. doug loves fridays, because he gets to go out to people's backyards and eat all of the good food. >> and he's in a good one this afternoon in brandy wine. hey, doug. >> i'll tell you what, guys. you would both love to be here. but trust me, they've already told me that jim and wendy will have plenty of food coming their way. that's youtube, by the way. we are at the home of the jones family. say hello, everybody! [ cheers and applause ] >> we are divided here a little bit. we've got redskins fans on one side -- [ cheers and applause ] >> we've got dallas fans on the other side. [ cheers and applause ] >> they're underrepresented, but they're a little bit louder. lynnette -- yeah, no problem. we have some fantastic weather out here, we're going to talk to the family in a second. let's show you how great it is outside across the area. temperatures into the 20 -- 80s right now. that's where we're going to stay through the rest of the evening. 86 in washington. 82 in gaithersburg. doppler radar, only showers back towards western portions of maryland, and back into portions of west virginia. that's really going to be about it. that area could see some more showers and some cloud cover tonight. but the rest of us, we're going to stay on the dry side. 75 by 11:00. 74 by 7:00 tomorrow morning. and they're still talking back here. don't worry. we have cancelled on them twice. we said we would be out here today. we're here. >> yeah! >> we're going to throw it back to you guys. we have a lot of stuff to show you. >> thanks, doug. the prosecutors in what's now called the lululemon murder case are planning to seek the maximum sentence allowed. brittney norwood is the defendant. she is awaiting trial on first degree murder charges. she is accused of killing a co-worker, a woman named jana murr murray, at the yoga clothing store in bethesda back in march. if norwood is convicted, prosecutors say they want a sentence of life without parole. the trial is scheduled for october. fairfax county police have released surveillance video today, hoping somebody will recognize the man in the video. investigators say he may have important information related to the abduction and robbery of a family in herndon, virginia. last thursday, the parents, two children and a family friend were kidnapped from their fairfax county apartment near san maritz circle. whoever did it, forced them into a car, drove them to an atm, where the suspect made them withdraw money. they were all eventually released unharmed. the masked subject is still at large. residents of a community in olney are on edge this evening after a woman was raped as she was coming home. melissa melai joins us live from the neighborhood with the latest on this. melissa? >> reporter: well, good evening, wendy. nervous neighbors here on the lookout as police continue searching for the suspect. the woman says she was attacked in this playground right here behind me in the neighborhood, a place that's supposed to be filled with laughter and fun. a place, of course, that is supposed to be safe. >> i think it's crazy, because i never thought that would happen here. >> reporter: 1:00 a.m., friday morning. police say a 22-year-old woman turns into her neighborhood here on wagon wheel court in olney. she pulls in front of her house and the moment she steps out, a man grabs her, holding her around the neck, dragging her to this playground that sits between two rows of townhomes. here, he attacks her. >> he used some article of clothing to conceal his face. so she was unable to give a lot of description. >> reporter: after the attack, the suspect fled. the victim went back to her house and called police. the park closes at dusk, and though there is a street lamp nearby, residents tell news4, it remains a bit dark at night. kevin platco was surprised to hear of the violence here. he's lived in the neighborhood most of his life. it's a little scary. just because -- especially because i know my mom is always out here with the dog and stuff. and sometimes i get home late. >> reporter: up the street, tim garety plans to talk to his kids about being extra cautious. he has lived here for 16 years. raising three sons in a house right next to the playground. early friday morning, he woke up to police shining their lights across the mulch, looking for evidence. >> this is where we want our children to play. this is where we want to raise our family and feel safe. so it's very concerning to hear something like this happen. >> reporter: melissa abner is expecting a baby this fall. she has always felt safe here, typically walking her dog toby alone at night. that, she says, will change. >> you think you -- just because you live in a nice neighborhood, nothing is going to happen to you. >> reporter: everyone here hoping the victim is okay, and police are able to put the suspect behind bars. >> a little uneasy, but i guess you have just got to trust they'll catch him. >> reporter: now, the victim has at this point been released from the hospital. police asking anybody who may have heard or seen anything early this morning around 1:00 a.m., perhaps even earlier, that you do contact them if enough any information for police. a $1,000 reward is being offered in the case. live in olney, melissa melai, news4. >> thank you, melissa. a soldier from silver spring, maryland has been killed in afghanistan. the defense department says army specialist varun wy died wednesday. he was only 24 years old. he was assigned to the 54th engineer battalion based out of germany. a supreme court in cuba has rejected an appeal made by u.s. government subcontractor convicted of taking spy equipment into that country. allen gross is from potomac, maryland. he was arrested back in 2009. he has acknowledged working for a u.s. aid-funded democracy program, but he denieses the charges of spying. he was recently sentenced to 15 years in prison. today a cuban state-run website says his request has been denied to have his sentence reduced or thrown out. his family says they are heartbroken by that decision. but they hope that it might be resolved diplomatly. still ahead, gunmen opened fire on a public bus. we'll find out who ordered this shooting. women claim they were the victim of a hate crime in d.c., and they were not happy with the way police responded to it. a man caught on camera stealing from a shopper and then he has a change of heart. . nasa made another successful launch today. destination is the biggest planet in our solar system. >> and dan is back out. >> tigers come back stalls in ohio. ryan zimmerman now on lucky number 13 in his heating streak, but the nationals not so lucky. plus as news4 at 6:00 continues. surveillance video captures a frightening ride on a commuter bus in philly. the video shows two men firing into a bus with high-powered rifleses last month. a woman on board allegedly called in her brothers, the guys with the guns. she was apparently upset at another passenger who criticize her for spanking her child. the woman and her two brothers are headed to trial later this month. and a dozen passengers were on that bus, but not one was injured. as the famine continues in east africa, one woman is trying to make a difference. the former journalist turned aide worker is helping to bring relief to thousands. kate snow with her story. >> i want to go in five minutes. this has been going on too long already. >> reporter: organizing a food convoy in somalia is a logistical nightmare. not many aide organizations are attempting it. but this 30-year-old's devotion to the challenge is impressive when you consider the last time she spoke to the world from inside somalia, perhaps the most dangerous country on earth. she has been working as a freelance journalist when she was kidnapped in mogadishu, held for 15 1/2 months. >> reporter: they didn't treat you well at all. >> no, it was about as bad as you can imagine. i was kidnapped by a group of teenage boys. so you can imagine the types of abuse i endured. >> reporter: thursday morning, she set off for the very country she once begged it leave. they unloaded enough food for 14,000 people, rice, sugar, flour and oil. >> the last time i was here, it was not so good. but at the moment, i'm feeling better. there's a lot of security around and you look at the little kids here. and that's the whole reason. >> reporter: feeding the hungry was the point of the convoy, but for amanda, it was also about reclaiming a part of herself, facing her fears, and letting those fears go. she says she is already planning a second relief convoy into somalia. more information about that at her website, global enrichment or you can find other ways to help at kate snow, nbc news, dadaab, kenya. >> at least seven people were killed today trying to get food at a refugee camp in mogadishu. the violence underscores the challenges facing many aide workers there. it was one year ago today that 33 miners in chile became trapped 2,000 feet underground. those miners survived being trapped for 69 days before they were rescued. to mark the anniversary, the miners reunited today with their rescuers. they expressed their gratitude to those that helped save their lives. they were also honored by chile's president, sebastian pinera. the miners are opening for a lifetime pension of $430 a month. the smithsonian institution unveiled a new exhibit today to mark the chilean mine anniversary. it's called against all odds and is on display at the museum of natural history. it includes artifacts from the mine, and personal notes written by the miners. one of the biggest draws is the capsule that took the miners to the surface last october. the chilean mine exhibit will be on display in the hughmuseum's of geology, gems and minerals. >> back outside to doug who is partying in a backyard in brandy wine in prince george's, county. >> yeah! >> that wasn't for me, that was for otis. i haven't met you yet, but how are you doing? >> good. >> we are in the jones family backyard right now, and you guys pickeded a good time to come to us. lynnette, come on over. you had had us come out to your backyard. this is the third time we've tried. so the third time is our good luck time, obviously. >> yes. >> because we have made it out here. tell me first off why you wanted us to come to your backyard. >> well, i am absolutely fascinated with weather. and on june 1st, they stopped doing the -- where you call. and i was like, oh, my god, what am i going to do, so then you saw you, and i'm like, backyard, weather! score! and i said, okay, let's go do it. >> and we all have our own field passes, our names are on there. >> yeah! >> we've all got our favorite teams, the vip tent down there in the corner, the food tent right over there. and out front, we have some video out front, because as we have talked about, there is a divide in this family right here. you've got your cowboys fans, i almost didn't want to say it, and you've got your redskins fans. you've got two huge dolls out on the front. you also have behind me right now, some gentlemen that are some very good-looking gentlemen that are not just there for looks. are they? what are these gentlemen there for? >> okay. we have melvin mitchell, retired army! >> yeah! >> anthony child's, retired navy! yeah! >> benson hill, retired air force! yeah! >> ken tulson, united states marines! [ cheers and applause ] >> and i have my vips colonel, scott thomas, retired air force. [ cheers and applause ] >> well, we want to thank you guys for having us out here today. obviously, the weather did not cooperate the first time we came out, we said it was going to rain on your house and. >> i had torrential downpour. >> good, we're glad we cancelled that one. the second time, the heat index was 121. so today we got a great day. let's show you just how nice this day is. temperature wise into the middle 80s, right now at 86 degrees across our region. we're going to be sitting -- or rather a high temperature today of 88. last weekend with at least 14 hours of daylight. you know we're losing daylight every day, guys? sorry about that. as far as the temperatures go around the region, 86 at the airport, with a heat index of 88 degrees. of the rest of the region into the low and middle 80s across the area. and we are going to see those numbers starts to fall this evening. but once again, a very nice evening. 79 in cambridge. heading towards the beaches, looking good that way. doppler radar, no rain to show you. a few showers in portions of west virginia but most of us on the dry side tonight. and i think for the first part of tomorrow, too. warm temperatures today with highs in the mid to upper 80s. but watch what happens over the next 12 to 24 hours. an area of low pressure moves into the region, it becomes more humid tomorrow. we see our shower and rain chances develop. maybe some thunderstorms tomorrow. any storms that could develop could produce some heavy rain. but it's not going to be a washout on your saturday. sunday, maybe some shower or thunderstorm activity early, but once again, not a washout. don't cancel any plans this weekend. as you make your way through the evening hours tonight, we're looking at a great evening. one or two spotty showers, but once again looking good. 82 to 76 degrees. tomorrow morning, 67 to some of the cooler suburbs to 73. partly cloudy, mild and a little humid. tomorrow afternoon, mostly cloudy, shower chances increasing by late in the day. so you want to take the umbrella out with you. but once again, not looking at a washout. sunday, high temperature of 93, the more humid day. monday, 95. 92 on tuesday. and temperatures back to around 90 degrees on wednesday or thursday. if you want us to come to your backyard, all you have to do is send us pictures of that yard, just like lynnette did to and you guys know where we are right now, right? we're in the party zone! >> back to you. all right. doug, i'm glad you're there. that looks like the kind of house i would want to be in on thanksgiving. i bet they have a party down there. don't you think? >> i think it's any day of the year, jim. >> that's what it looks like to me. good for them. all right. coming up, a wardrobe malfunction during a live television concert is drawing new controversy. food after hurricane katrina. five current and former police officers were found guilty today in the deadly shootings on a new orleans bridge after hurricane katrina. those men were convicted of charges connected to the cover-up of the shootings in september 2005. prosecutors argue during the trial that the officers shot unarmed people who were looking for food and help after katrina. defense lawyers argue that the officers believed their lives were in danger in the midst of the chaos after that storm. two people were killed that day. four others were wounded. the jury did not find those men guilty of murder. the latest wardrobe malfunction left the entire east coast seeing a little too much of singer nicki minaj this morning. she was performing on "good morning america" jumping up and down while singing her hit, "where them girls at" when one of her girls was exposed. abc says they do have a five-second delay, but five seconds just wasn't enough to protect the eyes of the morning viewers on the east coast. later feeds of that concert out west were edited. coming up tonight, the arrest of a reporter during a d.c. taxi meeting has helped change the rules, some rules in the city. gay women who claim they were attacked say the police didn't do much about it. maryland troopers have a maryland troopers have a warning for anybody riding on empty nest, new kitchen, new us? who are we? chic, modern, daring dinner-party hosts. that sounds dangerous, maybe we're more the tradiotional sunday brunch set? i'll expect slippers and a cocktail to be ready when i get home from work. point taken. how about... peaceful, quiet cottage in the country folk? now that's us. save up to 20% on every kitchen style, now until august 21st at ikea, the life improvement store. spacecraft to jupiter. police in montgomery county are looking for a rapist who they say attacked a woman as she returned to her townhouse in olney, maryland early this morning. investigators say that woman was forced into a playground area where she was sexually assaulted. close to 4,000 furloughed federal aviation administration employees will be able to go back to work as soon as monday. the senate approved legislation today ending a two-week partial shutdown of the faa. the president quickly signed it. the senate will take up the issue again in september. prosecutors plan to seek the maximum sentence in a murder case in bethesda. it happened back in march at the lululemon yoga shop. brittney norwood is accused of killing her co-worker, jana murray. if norwood is convicted, prosecutors say they plan to seek a sentence of life without parole. the trial is scheduled for october. there are new allegations tonight of yet another hate crime aimed at women in our other. >> the women say they were attacked because of their sexual orientation. and that when they called the police, the officers really didn't want to do much about it. derrick ward spoke to the police chief, cathy lanier, about that. >> reporter: the early-morning hours of july 30th. five women walking together in the 3100 block of 14th street, confronted by two men. according to accounts, first the men flirted but soon became hurling obscenities after one of the victims rebuffed their advances and told them she was with her girlfriend. it got physical quickly, one of the men punched one of the women in the face. more punches were allegedly thrown by both suspects. >> very violent attack, leaving bruises on their faces and black eyes. >> reporter: according to the victims, the incident started 3:00 a.m. outside the columbia heights metro station. and a by stander called police after victims were confronted. but it's what police did and didn't do once they responded that shocked the victims and outraged the police chief. the victims say police released the suspects and did not file a report. >> there's just no question that there was an assault that took place. there's visible injuries. some of that aggression took place in front of the officers, because they separated the suspects in the case. appalleded. >> the police response brushed off the attacks, said the women were hysterical, which is understand bibl be. if you are attacked, the expectation is you would be very upset about that. the fact that the police said they were hysterical and threatened to arrest the women themselves because they were so hysterical is absolutely unacceptable. >> reporter: afterward, police from the department's gay and lesbian liaison unit did take reports and the police chief spoke personally with the victims. >> the great response after the fact doesn't make up for the poor response in the beginning. for four or five officers to be aware of a crime and not take police action, that's a very serious allegation. >> reporter: this incident comes about two weeks after a transgender woman was shot and killed in southeast d.c. and another shot at in the same area. police have not talked about a link in those incidents other than one of outrage. public officials met earlier today with gay and lesbian advocates and all of the recent alleged hate crimes were discussed. chief lanier says an internal investigation into the officers' actions is under way and that they have good leads in the alleged hate crime at the center of it all. derrick ward, news4. >> the loudoun county sheriff's office is hoping a newly released photo will help them track down a missing pregnant woman whose baby is due this sunday. this is what 22 yeerlgd-year-old bethany dekker may look like. family and friends have not seen or heard from her since january. dozens of people have been interviewed, but investigators don't know where she is or if she is alive. reporters can now record dc taxicab commission meetings without incident. last month, two reporters got arrested at one of those meetings. >> what for? you can't arrest me for reporting. >> i can arrest you for not obeying the rules. >> reporter: police arrested pete tucker and jim epstein when they tried to record a meeting. the two were eventually released and not charged, but tucker plans on suing the city. today the new taxicab commissioner chair appointed by the mayor issued the open meeting policy. maryland state troopers will be stepping up patrols along the beltway in prince george's county tonight. they're calling it operation centipede. two dozen troopers will be looking for drunk drivers and speeders. tonight's operation comes on the heels of a deadly crash on the beltway on tuesday. two people were killed, two others were injured in a six-vehicle crash near richie marlboro road. charges against the driver involved in that case are pending. rental bikes are popping up all over washington under the city's capital bike share program. but few of those thousands of riders are wearing helmets. the city wants to do something about that. tom sherwood reports. >> reporter: bikes and vehicles are engaged in a daily battle for space on city streets all around town, but especially so dupont circle. and the city's popular new bike share system has added thousands of bike rides on city streets, with one potential problem. usually, no helmets. >> the only other danger is people don't carry around their bicycle helmets, like myself. >> reporter: here's the key question. where's your bike helmet? >> i don't wear a bike helmet. >> reporter: oh, you know, people don't like that. >> i know. i hope my mom doesn't see this. >> helmets are not required in the city. our law is you need to be 16 or younger to wear a helmet, a child helmet law. we have had trouble finding ways to get helmets to everyday users. the bikes are self-service. we need to have someone check the helmets. it's just kind of tricky right now. >> reporter: d-dot's chris hotelman says to increase bike safety and encourage helmet-wearing, the city is trying out a new program, buying 500 bike helmets and giving them to frequent riders. >> there's two users with this system, one is an annual member, typically a resident. they really have the option to bring a helmet from home, carry it around with them or keep it at work. those are some people that we like to get helmets to, and we're buying about 500 held mitts right now and hopefully getting more in the future. >> reporter: and for out of town tourists, the city is teaming up with hotels. >> tourists in town. those are trickier to get to, because they're usually here for a couple days. so we're actually -- we have a pilot program with some hotels, the kimton hotels where we have given them helmets to give out to their guests. >> reporter: but the tourists would have to return the helmets to the hotels. tom sherwood, news4, washington. 800,000 individual rides have been recorded since that bike share program began last fall. there have been only 13 reported accidents with the bikes. now, this is what i'm talking about. lynnette, you did a great job. and by the way, see what we're doing here? oh, yeah. >>. [ cheers and applause ] >> we got the crowd in the house. and i've got to get the weather out of the way. let's show how things are going to be the weather. >> yes! >> down here in southern maryland, la plata, charles county, 80. 77 in cambridge and easton, around 82. tomorrow i think we'll see high temperatures similar to where they were today, about 87 inside the district. chance of rain tomorrow. about a 50% chance of rain during the afternoon. so watch out for that. but it's not going to be a washout. if you're thinking about heading down to the bay tomorrow, water temperature nice and warm with 82. 85 degrees the temperature. there will be some showers and thunderstorms, so if you're out there on the boats, just keep an eye out for those, i don't think it's going to be a washout. any rain late in the day. lynnette, come on over. you've got this clip board. she has a clipboard that tells me what i should be doing the whole time. so now we're eating crab. so i'm going to give you that. >> thank you, doug. okay. i'd like to introduce you guys to scott thomas, president and ceo of data solutions and technology, celebrating 15 years of excellence! 17! 17! sorry! and this is otis thomas. these are the mvps of prince g'reove. muchko love to -- know. go hornets. hi, jim. my mother loves you. and please give her some love. also, what what? >> much love to -- much love to your mom, lynnette. much love. thank you, dear. >> is that a wrap? that's a havin >> well-done. well-done. 5 2"?king kno her. doug is having himself -- uç i that menu. he's on like his eighth course. >> under the table, we know there is a hein ken or a bud or coors. >> one can only hope. >> here we go. an unmanned spacecraft on its way to jupiter tonight. it's an atlas 5 rocket that blasted off from the kennedy space center today. the spacecraft is called juno. it's gathe travel more than 1 billion miles and arrive on jupiter hopefully in five years. the estimated arrival date is july 4th of 2016. it will spend a year gathering data while it circles the largest planet in our solar system. nasa says the primary goal of the juno mission is to understand how jupiter formed. many scientists believe that jupiter was the first of the planets to be very0 solar system. also, the probe hopes to shed light on how all of the planets in the solar system were created. >> cool. >> very cool. dan out at redskins park. all kinds of stuff happening out there, too, huh? >> yeah, jim and windy, the injury list getting bigger by the day for the redskins. we're also talking baseball. we're also talking baseball. an eand this is my, we look out for patients by offering care 1 on 1. we help them save money with generic prescriptions. we talk to them about prescription safety and -- help them save money. plus we discuss possible side effects and -- help them save money! we help them save money. get care 1 on 1 and talk savings, safety, and side effects when you transfer or fill a new ongoing prescription. i'm carla, and this is my cvs. and his, too. when your eyes are smiling... you're smiling. and when they're laughing... you're laughing. be kind to your eyes... with transitions lenses. transitions adapt to changing light so you see your whole day comfortably... and conveniently while protecting your eyes from the sun. ask your eyecare professional which transitions lenses are right for you. and you're going to like these. this guy can play. news4 at 6:00 continues. redskins park. there have been some injuries, but at least it's not so hot and sticky, huh, dan? >> no, jim and wendy, a decent breeze today. day seven of training camp, seems like it mal hot and sticky forever. the injury bug still hadw the again. ryan torain going to be out. not serious. malcolm the s t;8 malcolm the s t;8 had high hopes for, injured once again. this the it's a foot injury. now, here's a loin, the skins' rusher, along brandon banks. malcolm came fro th swelling. on the opposite end of the onlg giants. mike shannahan absolutely loves statistic is that he's only missed one game in it $fú9ons.s te got?ñ .o thezñ guard@ te goon. .o thezñ guard@ you know, it's the mentality. you've got to play with leverage, technique. and you've got to have the now he's back at home. he's chomping at the bit to get back to work. >> man, it felt good. it felt good. to finally get the jitters out, all that anxiety and all of that anticipation. felt good to finally get started. >> you're a wylie veteran now. you still get jitters? >> i love this game, man. i have apassion for it that i don't know, it never runs dry. i started playing this game in the fourth grade so i always think about that first opportunity and dreaming of opportunities like this. and then to come back and play in my hometown, it's great -- it's not a bad nervousness, it's a good feeling, a good feeling. >> like anxious. >> there you go. >> did you feel like, okay, now we're going for real, because every single guy was out there? >> absolutely yes. it's not a good feeling when you're watching your teammates compete and get better and you're not even going -- you feel like you're letting them down, standing there watching. i don't like watching. i'm here to play football. so it felt good to finally have everyone together and now we can start building that team chemistry. >> and last question before we let you go inside. give me a scouting report. we've seen you play in the super bowl, arizona, but how do you describe tim high tower? >> ooh, man. i'll just tell you this. the best is yet to come. please make sure you tune in every single sunday. >> don't blink or you're going to miss number 39. that is tim hightower. moving on, the only real casualty of the nfl lockout, well, that was the hall of fame game. not going to happen this year. but they will have a class of of 2011 headline by marshall faulk and deion sanders. also in that class, redskins' great chris hand berger, induction ceremony tomorrow night. this morning on the hall of fame in canton, the commissioner and players association executive director demaurice smith, sitting at a table and signing the new collective bargaining agreement. the ceremony had the pomp and circumstance of the president signing a bill into law. the agreement ensures there will be labor peace for the next ten years. thank goodness. tiger woods at the bridgestone invitational, good place to return to golf, he has already won their seven times before. it looks like after today, getting number eight is going to be tough. tiger 1 under on the day. he is 7 shots off the lead so he needs a big weekend if he wants to get back into contention. tiger played the back nine first. his approach on 14. if you watch this highlight alone, you say, man, tiger's game is back. the ball on a string, and that leaves a little short par putt. but ra-ro. tiger misses that one, bogeys the hole. i think this was the short game he was looking for. two holes later on 16, gets the bird to drop. he was even on the back nine, but lots of trouble on the front. his third shot on 6, i think this was brought to you by the energizer bunny, because it just keeps going and going and going. man, tiger didn't like that. but his fourth shot brought him a bit closer. here's his bogey attempt nids inside. oh, man. tiger, seven shots back. there are four leaders at 8 under par. talking baseball now. the nationals, if they could just play at home, we would have a playoff baseball team on our hands. unfortunately, they have to play half their games on the road, and things do not go well when they're on the road. last night, they started a four-game set in colorado. and man, they did well initially, but not in the end. coors field not a bad place to watch a ball game. bottom six, 2-1, balancester facing troy. this is gone, his 21st home run of the year. 3-1 rockies, part of a three-run-inning for colorado. top nine, ryan zimmerman, he drills a two-run double. that's going to bring in bixler and zimmerman had a three-knhit night, going to 13 games now. nats close to 6-3 and the rally is on. or is it? michael morse at the plate with the runner on second. he's the team's best batter this season, hitting 3.16, it just falls short. nationals 6-3, same teams tonight at 8:40. that will do it from here at redskins' park. back to you. >> thanks, dan. still ahead, nbc's tom brokaw follows the lives of three very different family the war in iraq began more than eight years ago. but five months before it started, nbc's tom brokaw embarked on an extraordinary journey. he started following three very different families, both iraqi and american, to see how the combat changed their lives. here's tom brokaw's report, "the road back." >> reporter: four months before the war began, i first met staff sergeant charles weaver at his army base in ft. stewart, georgia. he was training his platoon with a growing sense of mission, because the scent of conflict with iraq was in the air. do you ever allow yourself to think, god, i might get hurt or i may not come back? >> of course. >> reporter: his wife, dawn, a special ed teacher, shared those fears. >> i think about him dying all of the time. what happens if i do lose him? what am i going to do? how am i going to mentally prepare myself and how am i going to explain that to my kids? >> reporter: march 19, 2003. u.s. attacked baghdad with massive force to shock and awe saddam hussein into submission. the fighting became intense as weaver and his unit waged a battle for baghdad. when it it came time to pull the trigger, no hesitation? >> no hesitation. pulled the trigger. >> reporter: in august, 2003, after almost a year in iraq, he returned home to his base in georgia, to dawn, chase and christina. >> what's up, squirt? >> reporter: however, fears after the invasion of iraq, he was a changed man. wrestling with injury, sickness and just getting whack into the rhythms of normal life. did you lose some friends? >> yeah. i did. so -- >> reporter: and there were more battles ahead. as the u.s. economy melted down, the great recession cast its dark shadow over the weaver family. >> i've been retired for a year. i'm still looking for work. >> reporter: while the national unemployment rate is more than 9%, about 13% of iraq war veterans don't have jobs. do you think the country owes you something now? >> the only thing i think that is owed to me is at least the opportunity to go to work for somebody and prove to them that somebody coming from the military has a lot to offer. >> reporter: tom brokaw, nbc news, sparta, wisconsin. >> and tom's report "the road back" airs on "dateline" sunday night at 7:00. >> let's get a final check, doug. >> we showed you the tents. come on in. this is the vip tent. say hello, everybody. >> hi! >> the only people not allowed in the vip tent, the dallas fans. >> yeah! >> sorry. sorry. including lynnette. this is even her house. got to tell you guys, great weekend. lynnette, thank you so much for having us. thanks, everybody, for having us out here today. great weather, at least pretty good weather the next couple days. you may want to keep the umbrella for you as you make your way out saturday. especially saturday night and into the early morning hours sunday. other than that, not a lot going on weather wise. this is our backyard weather. thank you, lynnette and from brandy wine, back to you. >> she got in! >> thanks, doug. a place in new hampshire tonight may prove there may be some honor among thieves. or maybe it's just that there is some good in everybody. back on july 18th, a woman stepped away from her shopping cart at a store. when she returned, her wallet and gps were missing from the cart. the woman's wallet was later found at a post office in massachusetts. it was missing $90. about a week later, the victim got a knock on the door. there was a guy standing there who said simply, "i'm sorry." then he returned her gps with a new cord, as well as $100 in cash. that's $10 more than what was stolen. the man also left a note of apology that said in part, "i am sorry a million times over." the suspect hasn't been seen

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