right now into eastern portions of stafford county and prince william county. you can see the storm just to the south and east of the manassas area. right around david's crossing, around the elk run area. we're going to move on this storm up toward the north and east around aidan and lake jackson. the storm moving a little to the north and east. dale city, it should be around your area in the next hour or so. this is a very slow moving storm, and it does have a lot of lightning, look at the lightning strikes over the last half hour or so, a tremendous amount of light thing really focusing on the eastern portions of faulkeer county. no severe thunderstorm warning on this, lightning is not a warned event. you should be inside as this storm continues to make its way off to the east. i'll have complete details on this and what else will happen coming up. >> thank you, doug. the legalization of same sex marriage in new york is reverber ating in maryland. pressure is mounting for governor o'malley to play a bigger role in this battle when it comes up again. the new york state legislature narrowly approved same sex marriage and governor cuomo is getting credit for his leadership. local advocates for marriage equality in maryland are asking o'malley to step up. >> now the governor has to make up his mind if he will play a leadership role and put his name on the bill as it's sponsored. despite being overwhelmingly democratic, the house of democrats failed to muster enough support to bring the bill to a vote. now, advocacy groups are pushing for governor o'malley to take a leadership role next year when it's reconsidered. david luben serves on the board of equality maryland and is the mayor of the town of chevy chase. >> the first thing we'd like to do is see the governor endorse the bill. additionally we'd like it toe be a governor's bill, part of his legislative program since maryland has the most powerful governor in the nation. >> governor o'malley says the situation is different in the new york state legislature than it was in maryland. >> in new york they were fortunate to have garnered bipartisan support for the quality initiative in new york. last session we came up a couple votes short, and unfortunately did not have a single republican vote for marriage equality. >> some democratic lawmakers from prince georges county feeling pressure from the religious community opposed the marriage equality bill. the family research council was part of the fight to defeat same sex marriage on religious grounds. >> i think that the pastors, particularly african-american pastors within the state of maryland stand ready to mobilize once again as they did this year in opposition and i'm sure their influence will be just as great in the future. >> governor o'malley is kenned that if he sponsors the marriage equality bill in maryland, it could hurt its chances of passing more than it helps. >> what role would the black churches in prince georges county play in that? >> a tremendous role. >> the pastors put pressure on lawmakers, a lot of prince georges county democrats voted against in the senate, or were ready to vote and changed their mind in the house. there weren't even enough votes in the house to bring it to a final vote. >> they can mobilize? >> very much so. >> thank you. police in rockville, maryland are asking for help. trying to identify three people seen stealing prescription medication. cameras caught two of them saturday night. on that occasion, the suspects got away with $6,000 worth of narcotics. it is not the first time. last month police say somebody stole about $10,000 worth of medication. if you recognize any of these three individuals. the rockville city police would like to hear from you. a former high ranking official in the district will spend eight months in prison for taxicab industry corruption. ted lozza is the former chief of staff to jim grant. he pleaded guilty back in february to accepting $1500 from a taxicab representative in return for getting favorable legislation passed. in addition, lozza did not report that money on a financial disclosure statement. d.c. police are looking for the killer of a 71-year-old vietnam vettian, they say he was likely killed in a robbery that happened last night in the 2300 block of good hope road in southeast. that's where pat collins is. >> the murder of this retired soldier has a number of people here very much on edge. >> if somebody knocks on our door, should we answer it? is it somebody around that's just knocking on doors and robbing people or what? >> the murder victim, salmon reese 71 years old, retired army sergeant first class, a vietnam war veteran. he survived that only to be shot and killed inside his own home on good hope road in southeast. mr. reese well known well liked at this complex. >> he's always been a gentleman to me in and unite. minding his business, stuff like that, he's an older guy. >> it happened last night on the aijs floor of the marbury plaza apartments. mr. reese found in the doorway. investigators believe this began as a robbery and turned into a case of murder. >> to make extra money, neighbors say mr. reese used to sell cigarettes out of his apartment. that could have cost him his life. he's been robbed a number times before. >> he had been robbed and they were aware. and the police had been here a few times with him getting robbed. >> and he sells cigarettes out of his apartment? >> yes. >> so there would be a steady flow of people coming to bite cigarettes? >> yes, sir. >> and he might have some cash money from those sales, right? >> well, i guess he would if he's selling cigarettes. >> reporter: today i talked by phone to the brother of mr. reese. he lives in alabama. >> he's going around helping people. >> and then for him to die this way, sir? >> yeah, it's uncalled for. >> reporter: now, police spent a good part of the day here at the scene, but so far -- >> no arrests. >> wendy, back to you. >> thank you, pat. apparently we have severe weather out there. doug, what's going on? >> the storm that we just talked about, that dangerous thunderstorm with all of that lightning in faulkeer county is a severe thunderstorm warning until 6:45 down toward stafford county and into prince william county as well as faulkeer county. can you see it's right to the east of triangle and dale city. we're going to see the strong storms continue to make their way off to the east at about 20 to 25 miles an hour, right around garrisonville estates. they will be over the i-95 corridor this afternoon. the warning box includes dale city, triangle, also just to the north of fredericksburg. we'll continue to watch this storm as it moves off to the north and east, and any other storms that do develop, because we're not done yet. there could be more overnight tonight. guys? >> thank you, doug. and it could be make or break day for fire crews in new mexico. they're battling a wildfire near the los alamos national laboratory. america's legendary nuclear weapons lab. >> when the atomic bomb was developed at the famous los alamos lab. it's become a sprawling nuclear complex that houses 36,000 square miles. thousands who live near the lab evacuate. the fast moving fire could spread. this massive wildfire burns less than a mile from los alamos in northern new mexico. the fire has not reached any of the essential buildings and insists all of the has artous and radioactive materials are safe. >> obviously our priority is to protect a national asset here, protect the facility, but also we're concerned about the welfare of our ten thousand plus employees. >> we're doing our best to keep it off the laboratory. >> firefighters have not been able to contain it enough to keep people in their homes. 12,000 have been forced to evacuate. >> it makes you nervous with all this nuclear stuff around? it's a little close for comfort. >> the national guard moved in. so far this fire has scorched more than 50,000 acres, destroyed about 30 buildings, and threatens many others. while they're continuing to work nonstop, firefighters could use some help from mother nature. >> we are preparing for the fire to go any direction. this swirling wind we don't know which way the wind's going to go until it hits. we're seeing 60 mile an hour winds at some time. >> the blaze could double, perhaps triple in size, along with the lab, other buildings and fir, as for the stored radioactive waste, officials say as a last resort they may have to spray foam on the barrels to make sure the fire does not damage them. >> tricky situation. a violent backlash to a bailout. protesters in greece make more than just their voices heard. two senators want to slash medicare benefits. to save america's economy. one airline wants to make it a policy to keep babies out of first class. it might get harder to fight those red light camera tickets. the nationals come close to winning davey johnson's first game as manager. the wizards introduce two more draft picks to d.c. and the capitols resign one of their key players. international lenders are refusing to provide a bailout without cut backs. the government's next move could have implications that affect our economy. chris clackum has our report. >> reporter: demonstrators near the greek parliament building. parliament members are debating the measures before a vote, at least two trucks were set on fir, apparently mistaken for tv sat light trucks, and groups threw rocks and masonry at police. clouds of smoke filled athens historic square. public transportation, schools and many businesses shut down as the result of the two-day strike called by two unions representing public and private sector workers. the protests began peacefully with protesters marching through athens carrying banners that attack the terms of the bailout, which many greeks feel spares the rich and imposes hardship on citizens. greece may be running out of time. the austerity measures must be approved in two votes on wednesday and thursday. >> the vote tomorrow is the one and only opportunity for the country to stand back on its feet. >> greece is in the depths of its worst recession since the 1970s. it desperately needs the bailout. financial experts fear a default would cause major problems for the global economy. chris clackum, nbc news. >> in spite of those protests, reports of progress in the negotiations to keep greece from defaulting helped send stocks here in the u.s. higher. the dow jones closed up 145 points to close at 12,188 today. the nasdaq closed up 41 points. the s&p 500 closed up 16 points at 1296. this was the best day for the dow jones average in more than two months. the new head of the international monetary fund has been named. christine legarde is the french foreign minister. she's the first woman ever appointed to head the imf. legarde has a wide support in europe because of her leading efforts to fight the debt crisis. today two senators offered the nation a bitter pill, they say major cuts in medicare are critical to the health of our economy. they proposed a long term fix and acknowledged that no one is going to like it. >> reporter: on capitol hill, desperate times, desperate measures. >> if we do nothing medicare will go broke and take our government down with it. >> joe lieberman and tom coburn want to cut medicare to get the ballooning national debt under control. it's a plan that would have been political suicide in normal times. >> nobody's going to like this plan. we understand that. but nobody wants the present medicare to vanish, and those that are dependent on it to not receive anything. >> reporter: the savings? $600 billion in a decade. >> our plan contains some strong medicine but that's what it will take to keep medicare alive. >> congress is facing a more immediate crisis. uncle sam reaches his credit limit on august 2nd unless congress raises the debt limit. each party says the other is standing in the way. >> they care more about protecting tax breaks for oil companies. even people who own corporate jets and yacht. >> the path forward, as several of my colleagues have indicated seems to be blocked by insistence of raising taxes in the middle of an economic slowdown. >> it's up to president obama to bring the two sides together. >> we have to start working like a team. >> the deadline just 35 days away with the u.s. economy on the line. >> the president meets with senate democrats tomorrow in an effort to break that debt ceiling stalemate brian mooar news 4. >> a hearing began today to determine whether the controversial cancer drug avastin should remain on the market as a treatment for breast cancer. government regulators say recent studies show the drug is not effective and it might be dangerous. the company that makes avastin along with several breast cancer survivors spoke out at a hearing today in silver spring. they claim the drug prolongs lives. some doctors disagree. >> i was able to measure the fumer in my breast with a ruler and watch it shrink before my eyes. >> please approve avastin as a treatment for my disease. >> every woman who had a two-year extension of her life, there's at least one woman and possibly two women who died sooner. >> the heated debate did not stop inside the hearing. some breast cancer survivors and their families rallied outside the hearing this morning in support of avastin. coming up, a father is in jeopardy of losing custody of his daughter even though he can legally smoke marijuana. a chihuahua proving size isn't everything when you have a job to do. wie're on a storm watch tonight. the skies are lighting up out there. >> at one point i think 1500 lightning strikes. every ten minutes or so. if you're down in the prince williams county, especially around i-95, you know what i'm talking about. off in the distance toward northeast washington, you're looking at shower activity around chevy maryland toward tuxedo maryland. some of these are heavier showers and downpours. these storms continue to form and will continue to form throughout the evening. right now the strongest storm is still down to the south into stafford county. new storms forming back toward louden county. we'll do a couple zooms, we'll show you the storms that are occurring in this area. just down toward the inside portions of the beltway. you're going to start to see that rain. that rain is starting to build. another one back toward purcival. another one just to the north and west of sterling, these are still growing back to the west. the biggest storm has been down to the south. we're talking about prince william county, where a severe thunderstorm warning is still in effect for the next five minutes or so. i wouldn't be surprised if that was extended into portions of charles county. this will move over the river oefrn the next half hour to hour. they're going to dump a lot of rain. that's the good news, we need to see that rain coming through the area. around midway island over toward whitewater. as we move further up, you're not seeing it yet, probably hearing the thunder, see something lightningp the heaviest rain just off to the west. just to the north of lose burg. we'll continue to watch those as they continue to develop throughout the night tonight. it's been an incredibly hot day. 95 degrees today. the heat index was over 100 in many locations, i think that's going to be the trend over the next couple days. not tomorrow, not thursday, but i think later this week, we're going to get into our next heat wave. 89 degrees right now at about miles an hour. 90 right now in frederick, 91 in sterling. 75 in culpepper, 79 in manassas. you can tell where you have in a rain kooltd air out there. temperatures with the heat index, 96 in washington, 104, down toward fredericksburg, a high heat index in the afternoon today. here's the frontal boundary that will pass through tonight. that will give those of us that are not seeing the rain right now a chance for rain and thunderstorms. here comes the nice air during the day tomorrow. thursday looking very nice as well. i think we're going to see a nice couple days before the heat starts to set in here, here's what's happening around 7:00, you see the storms. and watch around 10:00, just about everybody getting in on the action. a pretty good chance for the evening hours and overnight. as far as temperatures go this evening, 84 to 89 degrees. scattered strong storms. clearing skies tomorrow morning, low humidity, 64 to 72 degrees, look at tomorrow, looking great. 83 to 87. it will be a little breezy at times with winds out of the northwest at 10 to 20 miles an hour. friday 92, 97 on saturday. maybe even warmer than that, sunday and monday also into the middle 90s, and that is the fourth of july on monday. we're looking at a hot day, only an isolated chance of thunderstorm activity on monday. coming up, the one airline that has banned babies from first class. >> we'll tell you about a bold burglar who took the time to shower and shave. and the pope has sent out his first tweet. we'll tell what you he had to say. photo red light cameras are making a return, but these ones will offer a different view of red light runners, i'll explain just ahead. coming up in sports, the angels get the best of the nationals in extra inings, and what the two newest wizards will what makes the sleep number store different? you walk into a conventional mattress store, it's really not about you. they say, "well, if you want a firm bed you can lay on one of those, if you want a soft bed you can lay on one of those." we provide the exact individualization that your body needs. oh yeah. once they get our bed, they're like, "why didn't i do this sooner?" during our summer closeout, get the lowest s of the season on our most popular bed sets. perience the sleep number dierence. only at one of our 400 sleep number stores. denny's new tour of america menu. 50 star cuisine. the new tour of america menu. starting at $4.99. only at denny's. america's diner is always open. they're still battling wildfires in los alamos new mexico today. as for the stored radioactive waste, officials say as a last resort, they may have to spray foam on the barrels to make sure the fire doesn't damage them. solomon reese was shot last night at his apartment. robbery was the motive. a gun battle underway at a luxury hotel in kabul afghanistan. just a few hours ago, four suicide bombers and four gunman hit the hotel. soldiers are now fighting it out with the gunmen. no reports that any americans are involved. in manassas, police are looking for a burglar who not only stole valuables from a local business. >> authorities say the suspect took a shower and a shave as well. jane watrell has our report. >> i came to work and my son said, hey, dad, somebody broke in to the office through the kitchen window and took a shower and stole a whole bunch of stuff. >> for 16 years, cliff and his son have run an insurance agency out of this modest house in downtown manassas. there were never any problems until last friday morning. >> i said, he took a shower? he said, dad, i'm telling you, i called the police and they came over and the fellow had taken -- i'm assuming it's a fellow, had taken a shower, and yes, he shaved. >> police came to his place of business to investigate. they confiscated used raisers and other evidence. it could be part of a greater pattern. close to the railroad tracks and a transient population. >> some of these businesses back up to train tracks and wooded areas along the train tracks so their egress and exits are concealed. >> cliff says the building doesn't have the most sophisticated security system, it has a motion detector light above the door near the kitchen window where the burglar broke in. after he took a shower and a shave, something even more upsetting happened. >> he also went into our refrigerator and stole our lunch meat and coca-colas. >> police are asking for the public's help and answering a reporter's one burning question. >> did he get a clean getaway? >> perhaps he did. but we'll be able to come up with a suspect and close the case. a man held up a bank in bethesda this morning. both the suspect and robbery were caught on tape. the suspect walked into the capital bank just after 10:00, passing a note to the teller implying he had a weapon. he ran out the front door with an undisclosed amount of cash. wads of money were dropped inside and outside the bank. it appears the dye pack did go off. anyone with information about the suspect is asked to call the police. changes may be made to a proposal that would allow liquor stores to deliver beer, wine and alcohol in prince georges county. the proposal would allow a delivery to the customer's doorstep. the county liquor board held a hearing on the issue today, and dozens testified their comments will be considered and discussed at another public hearing that is scheduled for the 28th of july. cnbc has named virginia as the america's top state for business in 2011. the fifth annual study measures all 50 states on a points system in ten different categories. the highest possible score is 2,50 points. the state did best in the categories measuring workforce, quality of life and education. the lowest score came in for virginia's cost of living. maryland ranked 29th overall in that study. drivers who speed through red lights in fairfax virginia should maybe think twice about doing that now. this week the city will bring back red light cameras on university drive on north street and at fairfax circle. julie carrie has our report. >> reporter: a car blasting through a red light, it doesn't come as a surprise to nakia green. >> did that guy just do that? people run lights all the time. >> reporter: she doesn't mind the fact that fairfax city is restoring its photo red light program july 1st. others who travel through this intersection are sorry to see their return. >> i'm not a big fan of the red light cameras myself, but it seems to me when they have the cameras, the yellow lights are a lot quicker to trip. that's my take on it. >> reporter: only two intersections will get the new cameras at first, the others are posted at fairfax boulevard and busy fairfax circle. back in 2005, legislation expired so all jurisdictions had to end their enforcement. a new bill was enacted in 2007, once again allowing the cameras, so far, only arlington, falls church and now fairfax city have restored them. >> we're hoping with the implementation of the new system that we'll again see a reduction in red light violations as well as traffic accidents that are occurring. >> the cameras feature something new along with photographs of the infraction, there will be a 12 second video. >> you can even see the evidence for yourself. >> offenders can see what they've done. the 17-year-old says he's opposed to the new cameras, especially the addition of the video. >> i'm not a fan of the cameras anywhere. i think it's taken a little too far. big brother watching down on us. >> other drivers say the cameras are needed. >> i think it's fine. it's a def people know it's there. if you have a yellow light you're more likely to stop if you know there's a camera there. >> the new cameras will fire up. for the first 30 days offenders will receive a warning. after that, it will be a $50 fine. doug joins us now with a look at more of the severe weather moving through. >> right now severe thunderstorm warning in effect for charles county as well as portions of stafford county. severe thunderstorm warning in effect until 7:00 tonight. charles county, king george county, right around the triangle. a lot of lightning with this storm. it will continue to move into charles county. it will move -- still watching that very dangerous storm, a lot of lightning produced with this storm right now, moving over the potomac, still in portions of prince william county, stafford county, and king george county. all under severe thunderstorm warnings right now until 7:00 tonight. this storm has the potential to produce very strong winds. let's go back to that and show you where the storm is. we zoom in around the dale city area. that making its way over toward crawford and annapolis. the biggest storm around triangle and just to the south dale city, moving in toward charles county around the grapeton area. weather tomorrow will be excellent. high temperatures in the mid-80s with lower humidity, no chance rain either. i'll be back to talk more about these storms coming up. malaysia airlines has made a decision that will make some of its customers quite happy, others maybe not so happy. infants are no longer allowed in first class. the company said it made the decision after many of its first class passengers complained they paid a lot of money for those seats and then couldn't sleep during a long flight because of crying babies. travelers with infants will have to book seats in business or economy class. all of those flights ainvolve long distance flights overseas. >> the wizards are happy with themselves. davey johnson stays positive despite the nationals extra inning defeat. and how a new starter comes up big for the united states women at the world cup when i'm laura, and this is my cvs. i just transferred a prescription to cvs because they have care 1on1. it's where the pharmacist stops and talks to me about safety and saving money with generic prescriptions. laura, let's talk about possible side effects. it's all about me. love that. get care 1on1 and talk savings, safety, and side effects when you transfer or fill a new, ongoing prescription. i'm laura, and this is my cvs. it's all mine. and enjoying it less and less? stop paying for second best. upgrade to verizon fios and get tv, internet and phone for just $99.99 a month for a year. want to save evemore? call now and we'll add over 60 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size isn't anything. look at the sheep go. go nancy. >> nancy's got it going on. >> size can be everything in basketball. >> how about that, it does matter, doesn't it? >> yes, it does. the wizards are happy. they added some defense to their roster. 18th overall pick chris singleton was the acc player of the year the past two seasons at florida state. at 34 the wizards selected sheldon mack. the wizards introduced these two draft picks today. a 6'2" guard from butler prides him search for playing with a chip on his shoulder. he's ready to prove himself with the wizards, meanwhile, the team president called chris singleton the best small forward in the draft. singleton says he's ready to go. >> right off the bat, i feel like i can bring a defensive presence. that's going to be one of my goals. we have a lot of offensive firepower. i think the one thing that we're probably missing is the defense. my offense is going to develop. >> i'm not going to be a starting point guard. i'm going to try to make them better every practice, they're going to try to make me better, and enjoy the challenge of being in the nba. >> that's sheldon mack. the wizards making a couple editions, they're building this thing slowly around john wall. but it's going to be a good move and interesting to see how they gel together. >> do you think they're doing this deliberately? intelligently? patiently? >> what are you going to do? >> 30 years og something. >> adam kilgore had a great line today when he talk about the nationals, he said davey johnson learned quickly he will become accustomed to a custom diet of finger nails, we learned that because last night it was the truth. he tied it up to force extra innings, then it went down from there. davey johnson excited to be back in uniform last night. top of the fourth, the nats up 1-0. nats up 2-0. he has some fun when he gets back down there in the dugout. top of the 9th, the nationals trailing 3-2, down to their last out. danny changes that in a hurry. the former long beach star takes it all, ties the game with his 15th homer of the year, the dugout is all pumped up, we're going to extra innings tied at three, bottom of the tenth, shawn burnett is up with the bases loaded here. the game is over, alberto scores. the angels pound 16 hits, they win 4-3 in ten innings. davy johns season happy with his new team's performance despite the loss. >> you have to take the good with the bad, and i like the way we -- we battled, we played pretty good out there. they got 15 hits, we got 6. it's a close ball game. tomorrow. although i still enjoyed that one even though it was a loss. >> davey johnson will be back at it tonight. the capitals announced a move that should thrill the fan base. he agreed on a six-year $27 million contract thursday. that was his birthday. today they made it official. brooks told me after the caps were ousted from the playoffs, he took some time off, web to the mexico, bora bora, he did a lot of thinking. there is no other group of guys he would rather play with than the ones here in washington. here's what he said just moment s ago. >> i'm excited to be back. i shouldn't say back, i should stay still with the team. i wasn't happy with the way things ended. i felt like there was a lot of unfinished business left in washington, and i wanted to be back. to get it done and not have to worry about anything else, i'm pretty excited to be back. >> now that you have the big contract, do you feel more pressure to be that guy that speaks up for these players? >> no, i don't feel any more pressure. i go about my business as i did before. it's nice to be back and have that contract and security. there's going to be more asked of me. i'm fine with that. i've been there six years and i think i have a pretty good vantage point of what's going on. i feel pretty comfortable in the locker room, and every year you just take another step forward and that doesn't change this year. same game plan for myself. and that says a lot about the confidence he has in this team considering what happened to them the past two years in the playoffs. for him to come back and be one of the leaders of this team, he has a lot of belief. >> 27 million dollars helps make up your mind. >> slightly. to world cup action, the u.s. women did not resemble the number one ranked team in today's game until the second half. team usa scored twice to win 2-0. there were plenty of u.s. fans in the stands for this game. in the second half, no score, 54th minute, carly sends it to the top of the screen. she cuts it back away, sends it to the box, and lauren cheney heads into the back of the net. take another look at this, cheney who was inserted into the lineup before today's game makes her presence felt. the u.s. takes a 1-0 lead. 76th minute, still 1-0 u.s. ally tracks down the loose ball. a scramble for the ball inside the box, eventually rachel buehler gets a boot on, and beats the north korean keeper. she fits in a tight window there between the goalie and the post. next up for the americans, colombia noon on saturday. >> good for them. >> you know what i'm looking for? >> what? >> i'm looking for a whole team to take their shirt off this time. >> i can go many different directions with this. >> put on a magazine cover. we're going to tell you why even more panda fans are heading to the national zoo. a man in michigan who suffers is from epilepsy may lose custody of his 10-year-old daughter because he uses medical marijuana. he said after 20 years of suffering the disease, cannibus is the only thing that's helped him feel better. last month he had a run-in with child protective services after he spanked his daughter. a judge determined it was safe for her to return home. the judge said that thompson had to remain drug free. >> if he tested positive there was a strong possibility that he would lose his child. >> my dad has had me for ten years. i don't want to lose my dad. >> thompson can choose to appeal the judge's decision. if he does that and the judge makes whatever decision he makes it would be the first time one sitting on the bench has interpreted the medical marijuana law in that way. the national zoo is now on 24 hour watch waiting to see if its giant panda gives birth. the possibility that she's pregnant has everyone excited. including tom sherwood. >> the male panda was drawing crowds at the national zoo. is she pregnant? the national zoo is monitoring mei-jiang 24/7. it may be a false alarm. >> on the verge of a pregnancy? or are we hoping? >> we're very optimistic about the situation. hopefully she is, but we really won't know for several more days. >> panda pro juan rodrigez is helping out on o the watch. >> why are pandas so popular? >> that's a really good question. they're like our own personal rock stars. >> the zoo crowds are growing with the anticipation of the city's biggest four foot tourist attraction. >> when will they know if she's preg nantz or not? >> in a couple days. >> meanwhile, it's pretty much all things panda in the national zoo gift shops. of the 13,000 items for sale. nearly 10,000 have a panda theme. and now there may be a real panda pregnancy to stir things up even more. >> would you like to be the first person to say panda-monium? >> no. >> what about you? >> panda-monium. let's get a quick check on our forecast now. >> the storms are starting to move through and weaken a little bit. especially the big storm down toward portions of prince william county. that storm has moved in toward southern maryland. the biggest area of that storm has weakened, that's good news for charles county. you'll see rain from that storm. once again we're seeing weakening of those storms. right around sterling right now, watch out for those. there is lightning associated with those, the other storm i'm watching is around prince georges county and anne arundel county. that area seeing heavy rain and lightning. it will make its way forward annapolis in the next half hour or so. the next couple days, we're going to get on the hot side with temperatures approaching 97 degrees on saturday. >> it is summer. pope benedict xvith did something today that has never been done before. he tweeted. the vatican says the pope tweeted to announce the launch of a vatican news and information portal. he ended the tweet with the words praised be our lord jesus christ. the message was sent from the vatican news twitter account. later the vatican released video of the pope sending the message from an ipa

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