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a moment. first we have a little winter weather headed our way. parts of our area are under a winter weather advisory, and it could make for a slippery mess in the morning. let's check in with bob ryan. >> wendy and pat no problems this evening. this is nothing like the superstorm that we had a bit over a week ago, was it, yeah, a week and a half ago. outside, we have breaks in the clouds. our temperature right here in northwest washington is into the low 30s. frez ricksburg, even the folks i think may be seeing a little bit of snow but they are changing to some sleet and may some freezing rain. here answer the area under the winter weather advisory, even the folks in st. mary's county, nothing like a 20 to 22 inches ago but that weather advisory extends into southwestern virginia. you can see the clouds coming in, a patch here and there of moisture. the break of clouds over us now, the leading edge is way, way down to the deep south. that will be coming our way, but not arriving until probably about 5:00 in t morning, with some light snow. i think by the morning rush hour, especially east and south of washington we're lick ikely see sleet, icy rain, accumulations of a couple of inches of snow and sleet mixed in. a fast-moving, light affair out of here by the afternoon and evening rush hour and end of the year celebrations, no problems with that. i'll tell you the details time line when i join you in a few minutes. >> thank you, bob. now to the latest on at tempt to blow up a plane over detroit christmas day. the dutch government says its investigation finds all security checks had been correctly carried out in amsterdam before the flight and this american authorities had cleared the passengers list that included umar abdulmutallab's name. he was carrying a valid nigerian passport and had a valid visa. the airport is now using full body scanners on its passengers that are taking flights headed into the united states. in the meantime a news 4 exclusive, we are hearing from a silver spring man, who was a passenger on that flight, he was the first to react to the explosion on board, and he alerted the cabin, prompting passengers to overwhelm the suspect. he spoke with chris gordon about that whole ordeal. chris? >> alain ghanda was flying home to fly hem on christmas day. he hugs his children and tells us his amazing story. he was assigned to seat 18h, one row ahead of suspect umar farouk abdul mu ta la. he was standing because we to let another passenger return to her seat. >> i was about to sit down, i heard the explosion, and stood up to look to see what was happening. we thought it was coming from outside, because it was pretty loud, it was like, could have been a firecracker, a small gunshot, and it was about a minute or so when the smoke started coming in. most of the people were sitting already and i was about to sit down myself after the explosion, and i saw the smoke, and then i go and i pointed and i said "there's fire." >> reporter: two dutch passengers reacted. >> they tried to control the fire, so we started yelling for water, water, and we started passing the bottles of water and a blanket and they were using the blankets and the pillows to try to put the fire out. >> reporter: flight attendants responded quickly. >> and they both came about at the same time, with the fire extinguisher and finally put the fire out. >> reporter: mr. ghanda is a real estate consultant, who has lived in silver springs 13 years with his wife and three children. he was returning home from a business trip to ghana, boarded northwest flight 253 in amsterdam headed to detroit with a connecting flight to washington. he didn't make it home christmas day and when he arrived late that night, he hugged his children, who were fast asleep. >> i mean, i'm still waking up athe night thinking about that, that i could have been dead by now. so even that, would that happed, maybe all the passengers and myself and the other passengers not reacted quickly, even if the explosion didn't go as well as the plane, the fire could haveaken the plane down as well. >> reporter: i asked mr. ghanda about going through security in amsterdam and how he thinks the suspect could have smuggled explosive chemicals and a syringe on board. a news 4 at 6:00 we'll hear what he has to say about that security checkpoint. pat, wendy? >> chris gordon, thank you, chris. according to u.s. officials, here is what we know about the chronology of events leading up to northwest flight 253. >> in august accobdulmutallab arrived in yemen to attend language school. the u.s. intelligence picks up he's in nigeria picking up a terrorist element. there was a fragment of a name attached and matches abdulmutallab. >> on november 19th the father of the suspect meets with an officer of the embassy in nigeria. the father is trying to find his son and notes that his son "may be involved with yemeni-based extremists." the u.s. did not have abd abdulmutall abdulmutallab's name had its databases until then. >> november 20th the cia dissem fl nates the information received from the father to the cia, the fbi, and other state department security agencies. >> at some point the u.s. received vague information that al qaeda and the arabian peninsula is planning an attack around the holidays. >> today the transportation security administration showed off some full body scanners that it hopes to improve air safety. scanners used a millimeter wave technology that gets a precise body image and anything it might be carrying. the tsa paid for 150 full body scanners to be used at major airports across the country next year. this technology has been available for awhile but the cost and privacy limited its use. a suspicious van caused a security scare in the heart of new york's times square. the area was temporarily evacuated. police officers on patrol noticed the van about 9:00 this morning, it had tinted windows and didn't have license plaiz plates. there was a phony law enforcement card on the dashboard. a robotic camera was used to inspect the vehicle. when police determined nothing dang are ydangerous was inside area was given the all clear. police prepare for the massive new year's eve celebration for tomorrow night. the latest on the shooting at the fauquier county courthouse happening around 1:00 this afternoon in warrenton, derrick ward has been there all afternoon and tells us how this unfolded. derrick? >> reporter: you know, courthouses play a pivot ol role in our justice system but it's rare that a courthouse becomes a crime scene, that's what happened today in fauquier county, about 1:00 in the afternoon, this after a prisoner viciously attacked two sheriffs deputies. they were transporting the suspect, 30-year-old george golder phillips to a proceed ufrl hearings on charges stemming from bank robberies in the area as they moved him from a holding cell inside the courthouse, something went wrong. >> some sort of incident ensued, resulting in the injury two of deputies, one deputy stabbed in the face with an unknown instrument, and the second deputy was shot in the upper leg. >> we heard some gunshots. we were upstairs on the second floor. >> reporter: and what happened after the gunshots? >> we got a call saying lock our doors. >> reporter: both deputies were hospitalized, the deputy who was shot in the leg was air lifted to fairfax inova hospital. the deputy stabbed was taken by graund to fauquier hospital, both expected to survive. how did the prisoner arm himself, whether the gun was one of the deputies weapons or something he obtained before the incident. authorities are thankful this wasn't worse than it was. >> we're grateful it wasn't worse than it could have been. thoughts and prayers to the families. >> reporter: we understand the prisoner was never out of custody, never escapedprehended where all of this happened. he's been moved back to the county detention center, a few steps away from here. aside from facing bank robbery charges he faces one count of attempted capital murder of a police officer and due to appear in court january 7th. we're live in warrenton, back to you. >> derrick ward, thank you. still ahead, new developments out of afghanistan today, following reports that american soldiers have been killed during an attack on a base. >> we'll have the latest on that story and a lot more on "news 4 at 5:00." also coming up on "news 4 at 5:00" more of the exclusive with a local pregnant woman tortured for days. tonight find out how her will to survive gave her the strength to escape her attacker. plus what happened to all of the families put out by a massive apartment fire last night in aspen hill. and then a local coffee shop owner figures out a way to perk up business. we're going to introduce you to the java divas, o your happy new year will cost you a little more in the district of lumbia. the city is busy changing signs and raising fees on thousands of parking meters throughout the city. some meters that now cost $1 are being changed to $2 an hour, and there's more. tom sherwood is live in northwest to tell us more. hey, tom. >> reporter: hey, pat. there are higher prices but here's another big change for you. there won't be any more free parking at city meters on saturdays. the holiday windows at macy's downtown add a cheerful note to city streets. but steeper parking meter prices, up to $2 an hour, are adding a sour note. >> $2 an hour? >> reporter: yes, that would be 18 quarters, 50 cents for every 15 minutes. >> i won't be parking a lot. >> reporter: your meter's run so long i'm going to let you go. >> please do that. >> reporter: the d.c. transportation department is busy upgrading and raising prices for nearly all of the city's parking meters. that means 100,000 signs must have prices and hours changes. for as many as 15,000 metered spaces. about 13,500 meters will cost $2 an hour, and 2,500 meters in less busy areas will be 75 cents an hour. new pris and signs should all be up by january 15th. >> pay attention to the signs, please, please pay attention to the signs. we're not looking to catch anybody. we really, it's just that again there's 100,000 finesigns, it's going to roll out in a number of weeks and hope to have everything in place january 15th. >> reporter: some motorists aren't concerned with the new parking meter kiosks. how is it going? >> actually it worked out okay. the first time i didn't put in the time right because i thought it was telling me how much time i could park here for but you have to put in how much time, to what time you want to park. >> reporter: you figured it out, two hours? >> i got two hours, yep, two hours for $4. >> reporter: $2 an hour, is that pretty good? >> you know, it's more, you can be more flexible if you need to move instead of paying $14 in a parking garage. >> reporter: many aren't so happy that free parking on turdays at metered spaces also is going away, as the signs are changed. >> is that right? >> reporter: yes. >> oh, that's a bummer. well, maybe i won't come on saturdays then. >> reporter: again the city is urging every motorist no matter where you park on city streets, read the signs and pay attention. it's going to cost more, it will cost a lot more if you get a parking ticket. i'm tom sherwood, live in northwest, back to you, pat. >> all right, thanks, tom. it's been a tumultuous year for investors on wall street and everyone else and today stocks are slightly lower. for more we go to cnbc's matt nester. how did investors take this year end at this point? >> the professionals largely on a vacation you would say. you've see a quiet session. we've had some big dramatic news items that would typically move things but the markets, again, light volume and little change. you look at the big three indexes, all positive today, higher for the seventh time in eight days. notable things would be a new closing high for the year for the nasdaq at 2291. we saw kind of a mixed market, we saw some weakness in microsoft and mcdonald's and home depot, some of theonsumer names, and that was offset by continued strength in technology, which has been the best performing sector so far this year, intel, ibm and hewlett-packard all higher today. >> also the price of oil is starting to creep back up. is that going to affect anybody's blood pressure? >> mine and probably anybody whose furnace hasn't shut off in the east over the past couple of day wps the cold spell. we're up five days in a row for oil, within two bucks of our arly high, close to $80 again. we had inventory report today, that came out that saw inventories at lowest levels in nine months so oil is creeping higher. natural gas is also at or very close to its high of the year and we'll the go an inventory report on that tomorrow from the government, so we're going to be watching that one as well. >> matt, thanks so much. happy new year. >> you, too. >> bye. you may want to look back up to the sky once the ball drops tomorrow at the stroke of midnight. there will also be a blue moon tomorrow. a blue moon is the second full moon in the same month. the first one took place on december 2nd, but don't be disappointed if the moon isn't actually the color blue. the name has nothing to do with the color. new year's partiers in the eastern hemisphere will be treated to a different celestial celebration tomorrow night, a partial lunar eclipse. >> oh, my. there's all kinds of stuff going on. >> the lunar eclipse can only happen when the moon is full. >> sure, that's right. >> and tomorrow i don't think we'll be able to see it. there has been a blue moon sometimes rising if there's haze in particular, sometimes the moon does, can appear blue but that's a different story. >> not tomorrow. >> not tomorrow. nor i think will there be big problems tomorrow for anybody who has plans and all of their festivities. there will be sprinkles left over but temperatures by and large will be a little bit above freezing. there will be icy patches tomorrow evening. outside right now our current temperature 31. this has been our snowiest december ever and we'll add to it with an average amount of snow for the entire month, average is 1.5 inches. look at the temperatures right now. a lot of 30s. 20s to our north. even down in jacksonville, it's a little chilly, 56, but the main story is how dry the air is. so as this moisture comes up and over this dry air, even though a bit, maybe 5,000, 6,000 feet above us, the temperature may get above freezing unfortunately at the surface i think it will stay at or a little bit below freezing. even though we may see the snow change to sleet and rain t may freeze as it contacts the surface. that's freezing rain. there's the next little ripple, this is nothing like that storm that we had ten days ago. there's the moisture source, a lot of it coming up our way. in around here, up into pennsylvania and southwestern virginia, the mountains of north carolina, it's a winter weather advisory. there is that patch of rain now, and it is rain moving through mississippi, and alabama, nothing in and around us, nor will there be later on this evening. even out into midnight so you folks around front royal, lauden county, those are the areas that will be getting snow and perhaps as much a two or three inches. tomorrow morning, early in the morning, the first shot of moisture coming up but with southerly winds. watch as that turns to rain, that area of low pressure weakens and another one forms off the coast and as that comes our way by friday, some cold winds will be coming in, could be some more snow, snow flurries. out toward the shenandoah valley. here's the storm time line. i'll get out of the way so you can seeit. by 10:00 tomorrow morning, about 5:00 for the morning rush hour some very light snow or snow flurry also spread in, probably mixed with sleet, maybe a bit of freezing rain for you folks into southern maryland. around washington, 10:00 in the morning, probably a mixture, some light snow, some sleet, some freezing rain, some icy going,ut everything rapidly moves off by 3:00 in the afternoon. the total accumulation down to an inch, maybe a little bit more, some of the suburbs. one to three inches in those snowy areas like warrenton, mannas mannasas, leesburg and upper parts of montgomery county. cold tonight with temperatures into the high 20s. tomorrow morning when you get out and head out, we've got that late sunrise, unfortunately, 7:26, count on it being some delays and a bit of sleet to the south, icy, light snow around us here in washington, then it tapers off as we go through the afternoon, once again, one, two in some spots west and north three inches, and then some cold air coming in, as we head on into friday and the weekend, once again, the mornings will be into the low 20s, windy and cold saturday and sunday. maybe more of the same on tap for monday. not a big storm, certainly not compared to ten days ago. >> by january wre going to be like veterans, like whatever. whatever. >> and we've got a wintry pattern. >> we better start feeling like veterans. >> you better get used to it. >> bob, thanks. coming up, actor charlie sheen's wife wakts wants to set the record straight about their marriage. what she has to say after he allegedly threatens to kill her. who is the most admired woman of 200012349 there is terrible news from a u.s. military base in afghanistan tonight. eight amerins have been killed in a suicide bombing at a base in qost province. the state department has confirmed the deaths but is holding the news because not families have not been notified. it's not clear whether the victims were civil yab or military. the u.s. ambassador in afghanistan is expected to release a statement on the attack, several hours from now. meanwhile the worst violence in several months hit western iraq today. at least 23 people were killed in two bombings in the anbar proveness. the governor was injured but he survived. the attack is troubling because at one time the region was heavily populated with al qaeda sympathizers. many insurgents turnedgainst the terror group and joined forces with u.s. troops and the iraqi government. the governor is the most senior sunni leader to be attacked since then. as 2009 draws to a close the editors of "health day news" selected the top stories. of the year. number three the controversy caused by changes in cancer screening guidelines, the recent recommendation for mammograms. number two the swine flu, so far the pandemic has not been as severe as health officials had feared, but they are concerned that a second wave of winter flu is still to come. topping the list, health care reform, the year ends with the house and senate passing bills th could lead to the biggest overhaul since medicare was introduced in the '60s. secretary of state hillary clinton has edged out sarah palin as this year's most admired woman. the poll from "usa today" gallup shows clinton with 16% of the vote, followed by palin with 15%. oprah winfrey came in third with 8% and first lady michelle obama at 7%. mtv fans are about to get a real look at the nation's capit capitol. the "real world d.c." kicks off tonight and premieres with a big party at tattoo bar. a lot of the cast members will be there like josh kohn who plays in the band liquid. they come to the city to follow their dreams and make real changes. they lived inside this dupont circle mansion, this is the 23rd season of the hit show, and it airs tonight at 10:00. the he said/she said battle was apparently over between a actor charlie sheen and his wife, brooke. brooke's lawyer says the cupel is madly in life, despite brooke's sticking with her story that her husband pulled a knife on her, on christmas and was hauled off to jail. each one says they want to work on their marriage and filing a joint motion to allow them to have contact. the coupleave twin 11-month-old boys. can she learn to forgive, after a mother was held captive and tortured for days during a brutal attack. more on her exclusive interview coming up. we're learning more about a man in north arlington who was murdered on his way to work. later after one of the scariest years for money, find out how to turn negative news into cash and tax savings. good evening. we certainly do have a lot of people who are trying to get out of town at this point in time. the main artery that's going to be jammed is 95, pretty much jammed. look at the pace, they are barely moving in the main lines. the hov are your best bet, that will save but a half an hour southbound, but you have delays as you make your way southbound about around dale city, northbound picking up volume out of springfield. capitol beltway doing fine, no major problems. we had a major accident on the inner loop by 66, but that's alonthe left side. stay tuned. and welcome back at 5:30 i'm wendy rieger. >> i'm pat lawson muse. the java divas are stirring up controversy and making big bucks. plus as we look toward t new year we'll introduce you to marry christmas. can you blame alcohol and drug addiction on your genes? we'll have that story. mpbt tonight we continue our news 4 exclusive, learning more about that homeless pregnant mother held hostage by a woman for several days, a woman who tried to cut out her unborn baby girl, it is a disturbing story that we have been covering for a couple of days. pat collins joins us for the next installment. >> incredible story of strength, courage and how something so tragic has turned a woman's life around. teka adams held captive for more than four days, beaten and tied up and a woman used several knives and a box cutter to try to steal her unborn baby. somehow she loosened the ties to free her hands and managed an incredible get-away while her captorlept. >> and i said, god, if i can stand up, i can walk, and all that was going through my mind, if i can stand up, i can walk out of here, and i got up, and my legs were going like this. you know, because i hadn't walked in all them days, i hadn't walked for anything and so my legs were wobbling. and i started walking, and i had to step over her body in order to get out of her bedroom door. >> it's a graphic story of a courageous and daring escape, and we'll tell you about it at 11:00. coming up at 6:00, we'll talk about how this terrifying ordeal impacted her life. >> it is an incredible story. >> amazing. >> pat collins, thanks for that. tonight we have new information about a murder investigation in arlington. the body of 57-year-old carl deaner was found early yesterday in the 3,200 block of north 13th street, that's just a block off wilson boulevard, a popular night life destination. those who knew deaner say he was a retiree who frequently walked to his part-time job at a local fitness club. he also worked the desk at a nearby ymca. police have not said how deaner died but they do say he was not shot. an overnight fire in prince georges county destroyed an ihop restaurant. firefighters responded to the 3600 block after 1:30 this morning. employees tell us the restaurant closed at midnight. the fire caused a wall to collapse, forcing firefighters to battle the blaze from outside. it took more than 50 firefighters an hour to bring it under control. no one was injured. montgomery county fire officials say the cause of the fire at an apartment complex in aspen hill was electrical, and it was also an accident. the fire started in the walls between two apartments. jane pa trel with the latest. reporter: flames filled the night sky as a fast-moving fire roared through a 14-unit apartment building in aspen hill leavin its occupants homeless and residents nearby shaken. >> i was totally distraught, you understand, totally distraught. >> reporter: many of the affected residents had no idea initially that their building was on fire. >> i was returning home for the holiday, it was my birthday yesterday so i was home, you know, waiting for him to come home anyway. yes, so i just heard the fire alarm went on, and you know, i actually went outside and my neighbors were all outside. we were just wondering what is that sound. >> reporter: the circumstances quickly changed, turning the manor apartment blaze into a four-alarm fire. this morning montgomery county fire inspectors tried to figure out what caused the blaze as anxious residents waited to get a look at the damage. >> i was concerned, it was at the top and the ceiling, like fell through or something, but just trying to see if anything can be saved. >> reporter: montgomery county fire offials say the fire started in a third floor unit and quickly spread, gutting at least six of seven apartments. over 100 firefighters battled the four-alarm blaze in freezing temperatures, taking about an hour to bring it under control. now the cleanup begins. >> right now just going to go inside and grab what i can, to see the condition so i know, you know, and take whatever i ca >> reporter: the red cross is sheltering and feeding some of the displaced families. the calls of the fire is believed to be accidental. in montgomery county, jane watrel, news 4. >> several of the families impacted last night will be allowed back into their apartments tonight. a woman in mt. vernon has been charged with animal cruelty and might face additional charges. animal control officers raided meghan barber's house tuesday after neighbors kept complaining of foul odors coming from the house. there they found 28 dead animals and several live animals, including two dozen live cats, five dogs, a rabbit and nine birds living in animal feces and debris. officials say the investigation is continuing and that additional charges are pending. there is a new effort under way to restore the chesapeake bay. today in annapolis the coaliti of former governors, congressmen and scientists unveiled the new strategy. the plan is tougher than one being developed by the environmental protection agency. one official says if the plan is adopted it would require new legislation. the 24-point plan calls for a significant expansion of farming regulations. nearly all animals feeding operations would be regulated and the spread of animal manure would be regulated the same as sludge from sewage treatment plants. it calls on the epa to require that any pollution caused by new development be offset through reduction elsewhere. still ahead a virginia family with a very merry christmas, several of them will tell you about their holiday gift. and parts of a washington area are under a winter weather advisory today. bob returns with an update. when 2009 began, 12 months ago, some of our wednesday's children shared a special wish that this would be the year they would be adopted. and for some, the wish came true. barbara harrison looks bk tonight at some of those children who were looking ahead to 2010 in their new permanent, loving home. >> reporter: hi. i hardly recognize you. who are these people with you? >> here's my dad, james. >> reporter: hi. >> andre, my brother. >> reporter: hi. >> and my mom. >> reporter: they saw her on "wednesday's child" when she was 7 years old and fell in love. >> parent that's loving and accepting for who i am. >> reporter: like the johnsons felt about kim. >> kim was in a group home not far from here. >> reporter: the johnsons decided what they really wanted was to have kimberly in their lives forever. >> hi. >> reporter: it was six years ago that we first met these guys to go swimming. they've grown up quite a bit and this time they had someone with them who had seen them on television. >> i called the next day, and we have her today. >> it was incredible. >> reporter: it was four years ago we introduced her to lorraine. >> i had seen lorraine on "wednesday's child" a few years ago. i remembered lorraine saying she wanted to sing in chch. >> reporter: the majors saw lorraine and felt they had room in their home and their heart for her. >> our family has a lot of love anyway so might as well share it now while we can. >> reporter: sarah was 5 when we met her as a "wednesday's child." you look so beautiful today. >> thank you. >> reporter: back then she loved to dress up. and today at 11, her favorite costume is the one she wears for cheerleading, coached by her mother, patience. >> i'm glad that she adopted me. >> reporter: happy kids, each who had a dream to find a family. >> i was going from place to place and didn't feel loved. >> i was looking forward to having a new family that i can be with for life. >> oh, i finally have a home. >> and i tell you, it has been very rewarding for me. >> reporter: rewarding for the kids and the parents, too. >> the' really added to my life. >> reporter: happy endings and new beginnings, for all. barbara harrison, news 4, for "wednesday's child." >> you think about your own hopes and dreams for the new year, consider whether you have room in your home in your heart for a foster child, find out more by calling our special adoption hotline. 1-88-2adoptme or logon to the home page of we're getting our first look at mary christmas, the little girl born to the christmas family out in virginia, the newborn daughter of joe ann and robbie christmas. named mary grace christmas. baby has an aunt and grandmother named mary. she arrived tuesday, just in time for christmas. >> the perfect present. coming up, how to make sure you can have a stress-free vacation while your pet stays behind. howdy, welcome. i'm megan. >> the job of diva turning heads at a controversial coffee house. we'll take you there. in sports redemption comes at arice in this week's "rewind." we'll be back. a study conducted at the start of the h1n1 pandemic says your home may be the most likely place. more than 70% of the household, none of the family members developed an illness. smaller house holds were more likely to spread the infection and children under the age of 18 were twice as likely to develop it compared to adults. scientists believe a common set of genes influence alcohol and marijuana abuse. aew study that looked at over 6,000 australians found many genetic factors were the same in people who abused both substances. they were also genetic similarities in people who were not dependent on alcohol and marijuana. researchers say they believe genes don't dictate a dependence on a specific drug but seem to influence a general tendency to use drugs. making sure your dog is well kept while you are away on vacation can be a tough task. the small details can make a big difference in the comfort and service your pooch receives. stephanie coleman shares a few tips. >> reporter: one of the important things to do, looking for a kennel, make an appointment first to tour the place, pay attention to the noise level, certainly some bark something to be expected but excessive barking can often be a bad sign. you wonder if they're being taken out frequently enough to use the bathroom, getting enough mental stimulation. the most important thing to keep in mind when the moment comes to dot handoff and that person is taking possession of your dog, you want to stay calm. if you get overly emotional that sends a bad message to your dog. dogs are constantly looking to us to get a vibe for a particular situation and when we're having an emotional meltdown it only makes the process much more stressful for them. same thing when you come back to pick up your dog, a nice reunion is fine but don't overdo it. it adds that much more emotional drama to just the whole kennelling situation. so you want the experience to just be low-key, matter-of-fact. you don't want to stress your dog coming or going. i like to hand the dog off with the treats, the staff person has a way to lead the dog away from me behind closed doors. it's sad to leave your dog behind when they turn around and their eyes get big, they wonder that's going on. we can't explain we'll be back in a few days. if you need to have your emotional meltdown once the dog is behind closed doors, you can do it then. the national zoo celebrated a baby boom this year, 39 black-footeder if receipts, five red pan $, three clouded leopards and one western lowland gorilla were part of the zoo. a female gorilla was born in january and two of three clouded leopard cubs were born in march. >> growing family there at the zoo. >> good to see. let's look at the weather that's coming our way, bob. >> i think some of the clouded leopards are probably liking a little bit of the snow and cold air. polar bears do, temperatures into the high 20s to low 30s. there's nothing on doppler nor will there be for this evening. temperatures already below the freezing mark but what's important is how dry the air is. dew points into the teens and moisture coming from our south, there will be snow but i'm afraid also some sleet and freezing rain so the morning rush hour i would say plan on having some delays and icy going with temperatures right in washington, only about 32. eventually we get up to the mid-30s with that mixture changing to some rain in southern maryland but remaining snow and three to four inches out through across western maryland for your new year's eve itself, i think there will be some leftover sprinkles, maybe a little bit of dampness but temperatures above freezing and friday into the 40s, but look at the weekend, windy and cold on into next week, daytimes in the high 20s to low 30s and the mornings into the low 20s, the grip of winter. not a big storm but a slippery one for the rning rush hour. back to you. >> thanks, bob. in sports we are rewinding, dan, where are we going back to? >> hey, guys. first we're going to start with not long ago. last sunday night, new dallas kicker had two extra points and field goal against his old team. a few weeks ago the redskins released sweezem. 25 years ago another was looking for the return to the pro bowl in another prime time game this time in san diego. lindsaczarniak has this week's "redskins rewind." ♪ >> reporter: october 31st, 1983, a torturous. mark moseley felt cursed. the 'skins defense first quarter san diego qb sails into the arms of mark murphy, that sets up for moseley's 43-yard field goal attempt, wide right. 'skins lead 7-0. second quarter and another moseley field goal attempt hits the upright. 'skins lead 10-7 at the half. >> physically i know i can play for a long time. mentally, there was a question mark, it started during the playoffs last year and i've been fighting it all year. i spent the whole offseason trying to determine what i had to do to mentally get myself in the right position i wanted to be. >> reporter: a trick turns into a skins treat in the third quarter. the punter takes the snap and takes off, cutting back across the grain, taking the 'skins down to the 2 yard line where john riggins does the rest, plowing for the touchdown, 17-7, 'skins lead. ♪ six plays later and murphy is at it again, pulling in a luther pass for his second of three interceptions. 'skins create six turnovers on the night. >> we sat down for the most part a lot of things everyone wanted to do and you can get that many turnovers i think we're one of the leading teams as far as turnovers go this year. the offense will score a lot of times and that will help us win a lot of games. >> reporter: he scores again from one yard out. 'skins lead 24-7, but the charger offense wakes up. ed luther leads the comeback, first with a 23-yard connection to tight end paulihan, chargers within ten. luther to west chandler in the same corner of the end zone, the chargers within three. next possession, a 43-yard field goal is nailed and we are tied at 24-24 with under 2:00 to play. time for some redskins redemption, with nine minutes to play, moseley lines up for a game winner from 37 yards out. this attempt is dead-on. 'skins win 27-24. >> that's the best comeback, had the game riding on the shoulders for making it or going into overtime, there's a lot of pressure to put on somebody and i think it showed a lot of class with him making the kick. >> right now i feel better about myself than at any time. i feel good about myself right now. it's the first time this year that i have felt good about myself. because i fell like i've overcome a lot and i actually slept on the plane coming back, and so i for the first thyme year am looking forward to playing on sunday. >> what a career it was for mark moseley. that his most productive season in 1983. 161 points, including a 51-yard field goal. right now mr. moseley a owner of five guys in the area. doing really well. >> hamburger mogul. >> kicker and hamburger mogul, doing well in both. coming up the java divas heat up bips at a maryland coffeehouse. last-minute tax tips to bring in extra cash for the new year. the change in the calendar means a last chance to cas in for some people. after a year of bad economic news and investment losses, how do you get ready to file your income tax returns? how do you turn that negative news into cash and tax savings? scott budman has a few end of the year tax tips to save you some cash. >> reporter: remember cash for clunkers, the government deal that helped people get new cars? well the government has another stimulus plan up its sleeve for those of you who bought new cars in 2009, a tax reward. if you bought in 2009, you can likely deduct the sales tax on your new car. speaking of clunkers, you may be sitting on some losses in your stock portfolio. it's been a tough year and i tough decade, and those stock losses can be painful. >> first of all, no one likes to sell an investment for a loss, but there is a way to let uncle sam share in some of that pain. >> reporter: scott lucia is a certified financial planner. he points out that your stock losses can be deducted from your 2009 income, up to $3,000 worth each year. >> if i sell $5,000 worth of stock that has a loss, if there's no gain that you have to use again you can use the first $3,000 against the ordinary income. the remainder can be used in following future years. >> reporter: say you bought cisco when it was trading in the 50s or yahoo! when it was going for $40 a share. now you can sell, put some cash into your pocket and deduct up to $3,000 from your 2009 income. just do it by the end of the year. >> the funny way of the government giving you a stimulus check. >> reporter: and a way to cut your losses while saving money at the same time. scott budman, nbc news. >> one final note, if you sell a stock and claim a loss for your tax purposes you have to wait 31 days before buying shares of the same company. so if you think the company' stock is on the rise, you might want to hold off on selling. a new coffee shop in pasadena, maryland, is doing a great business thanks to a concept that is pretty popular in the south, java divas, opened on richie highway six weeks an the baristas are dressed in some racy outfits. owner brandy mcmilan a trauma nurse in baltimore decided to open the shop after her husband was laid off at a pharmaceutical company. she says even though 75% of her customers are men, some women stop by and they like the concept. >> one of my first customers was a female, who was actually a nurse, and she was shocked, she said "what's with the outfit" when we told her they weres could too manies. she said thumbs up i like the idea, go for it. >> the owner of the gas station says his sales are up 15% since the shop opened. >> bet they are. coming up a winter weather mix for new year's eve. >> jim handly joins us next for "news 4 at 6:00." violence inside a northern virginia courthouse today, one sheriff's depp suit shot, another stabbed. a local man talks today about sitting feet away from the man charged with trying to blow up his airplane. and a scare in times square, the nasdaq building and others evacuated today. but we begin with the weather and the potential for more snow and ice. good evening, everyone. i'm doreen gentzler. >> the entire area under a weather advisory. let'go straight up to the storm center and chief meteorologist bob ryan. bob? >> jim and doreen a winter weather advisory. we've had a winter's worth of snow in the last ten days to two weeks and again tonight, late tonight i think we will be seeing some more, that's the reason starting late tonight, well after midnight, until 1:00 in the morning, there you can see the areas that are not only around us, but many other areas up and down the east coast, all the way from pennsylva

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