the victim is. pat collins joins us from the scene. pat? >> reporter: a very serious situation here. a young jogger in a fight for her life tonight at a nearby hospital after she was struck right over there by a metro bus during rush hour this morning. at the time it happened, what was the color of the traffic signal? what did the "walk/don't walk" sign say? critical clues in this very serious accident. 8:30 this morning, a metro bus on florida avenue heads east across connecticut, strike as jogger in the crosswalk. nolan andrews saw the victim in the street. >> i saw a lot of paramedics attending to her at the time. she was moving. she appeared to be conscious, but in pain. >> reporter: look where this bus ended up. across the yellow line facing job coming traffic. it went beyond the crosswalk. apparently this is how that came about. the bus strikes the jogger in the crosswalk and then swerves across the yellow line to avoid running over the jogger. the jogger ends up over on the right where you see the orange circle. at the time of the accident, the bus was out of service. there were no passengers on board. >> the bus operator is a veteran. nine years of bus driving experience. as is routine after any accident, she's been placed on paid administrative leave pending the outcome of routine drug and alcohol testing. >> reporter: this bus is equipped with cameras, but sources say they weren't working. a device used to record those cameras, that was missing. >> the recording device is missing from the bus, that is something that will need to be followed up with to find out why. >> reporter: police have impounded the bus to conduct further safety inspections. the revealing nearby security cameras to see if they is any video of the accident. for joggers, this is a scary sight. >> people aren't good about stopping. >> reporter: what do you make of this? >> i guess i would be more cautious next time. >> reporter: now the jogger had no i.d. on her. they list her as jane doe, a white female about 5'5". they say she was wearing a white t-shirt and gray running shorts. if you know who she might be, police want to hear from you. wendy, back to you. >> thanks, pat. we looked back today and found metro had its share of bus accidents involving pedestrians. on valentine's day in 2007, two women in alexandria died as thei mp teatted to cross at 7th street and pennsylvania avenue northwest. sally mcgee and her next door neighbor martha shoenborn. the driver plead guilty to criminally negligent homicide and was sentenced to a year in prison. therte re prison. e ere were three other deadl year.ents that on january 16, ., d. ao bus t adepeanstri . at 16thtreetst and parkt.hw es aayur tftser four days after the deadly wom tine's day crash, a was killed on conesson street aut 3 drbe,rd on december 3rd, mroet metrous killed a pedestrian i i montgomery the lt dy deadly met accident happened sas tepmber 26 ait h h a ti van at and 19th street hw and 19th street hw p ngasaersean pangse i in the tax and five other people were injured. a former maryland state trooper is facing chaes tonight amid allegations he sexually assaulted a woman during a traffic stop. marlon iglesias was charged last night. he was driving a dui suspect to the rockville area when he allegedly began to kiss and fondle her. the victim told police she was handcuffed and not able to stop him. he was arrested at his home and charged with assault and sexual offenses. he was released from jail on bond. kathy lynnier does not have a problem with a north county police chase that crossed into the city and ended with the death of a suspect. this began yesterday morning at anne arundel county. a 51-year-old man who had a protective order against him from his wife went to his home and killed that wife and her sister. then led police on a chase through prince georges county. from there the chase moved into southeast d.c. and ended at the intersection of minnesota avenue and east capitol street. lanier talked about this case this morning on wopt's program "ask the chief." >> every jurisdiction i can think of, pursuit of what happened yesterday, pursuit of a suspect wanted for a double homicide is authorized in about any jurisdiction. i have to say i support the prince georges' county police for pursuing this guy. otherwise i would have a double homicide suspect coming into my city. >> chief lanier noted the officers met the prince georges county police at the scene where that chase ended. >> some scary moments for a teen today in harper's ferry, when she fell down a 30-foot cliff. the 18-year-old was hiking with a friend when she took a tumble down a mountain overlook around 9:30 this morning. took washington county fire and rescueorkers nearly four hours to pull her to safety. emergency officials tell us she was hurt, but her injuries are not life threatening. veronica johnson here at storm center 4. warmer today. still dry out there still comfortable, too. our temperatures still even at this hour at 79 degrees. d.c. and dulles and 77 in springfield and quantico, a little cooler in annapolis at 75. mclean at 75 with light winds across the area. ellicott city, you started out cool this moing, but close to 80 today with lots of sunshine. later tonight, we are going to see clouds move in. it's not going to be as cool with those clouds during the overnight period. we've got the entire labor day weekend to talk about. and what else is coming our way? could we have any rain? it's been a dry stretch now. back to you. >>hanks, veronica. they are some of the hottest tickets in town, but how the redskins sell their tickets opened them up to criticism. yesterday there were reports the team sold tickets to brokers rather than local fans. resulting in an abundance of rival fans in the stands. today there are reports the redskins filed lawsuits against premium season ticket holders who defaulted on their payments. chris gordon joins us to tell us about that. >> reporter: redskins' home games have been sellouts for so long, most fans forget local tv coverage can be blacked out if a team still has tickets available 72 hours before gametime. but the success the skins enjoy could be jeopardized by some season ticket holders who refuse to pay for or can no longer afford their seats. some say the washington redskins have the best fans in the league and point to the home game sellout streak that dates back to 1968. but in these tough economic times, some season ticket holders want to cut back on contracts that obligate them for ten years at thousands of dollars per season. bob kessler is a life-long redskin fan who spent years on the waiting list to get season tickets. he finally did in 1997 and renewed for ten years. now he wants out. >> the problem is, tickets have gotten expensive. i tried to give up the contract or get it modified, calling the ticket office. every time i said can we do this, can we do that, can we shorten the term from ten years down to the seven years, flat-out no was the ansr. >> reporter: these are court records of the lawsuits wfi washington football has brought against season ticket holders who defaulted over the past five years. some of the judgments are for tens of thousands of dollars. >> just from my perspective, doesn't seem fair. why? because they are stuck in this contract, per se, that they cannot get out of. >> reporter: other fans feel season ticket holders knew or should have known what they were getting into. >> it would be nice with anybody in this economy if somebody can work out something where they can try and pay for it. again, a contract is a contract. >> reporter: bob kessler faces paying for his season tickets through the year 2016. he says he has a plan. >> read the contract. if you die, you are estate is expected to continue paying the contract if it's in effect. at this point, i decide should i die before 2016, i have no intentions to, but just in case, my seat will be put to use, i told my wife i want my ashes at the game with a sign above them as to why there are ashes in my seat. if i have to pay for the seat, i might as well use it. >> reporter: the redskins issued a statement saying in every instance in which legal action was taken, the team first has gone to great lengths to attempt to negotiate with a suite or club seat holder to determine their financial circumstances and to reach agreement on payment plans or revised terms. back to you. >> crist gordon, thanks, christ. redskins are wrapping up the preseason tonight. >> many are anxious to see if the team can pull off a win away from home. some of the players may be anxious, too, to see if they can make the cut. dan hellie joins us live from the river city. >> reporter: it's preseason game number four against the jaguars here in jacksonville. it's the final chance for players trying to make this team to showcase themselves. jim zorn said 10 to 12 roster spots still up in the air. there may be plenty of time for the bubble guys to prove their worth here tonight. this is when jobs are on the line for these players tonight is their super bowl. marcus mason is on his third go-around with the skins. he's been their leading rusher each of the last two preseasons. he needs a big game tonight to possibly solidify a spot. there is that third string quarterback battle. coal brennan trying to hold off rookie chase daniel. even though this doesn't mean anything in the win column, it makes everything to young players literally fighting for their nfl careers. >> no matter how good or bad, you never know. you don't know how much they look into it. they see what they are judging, the criteria they are judging by. it's always pressure. you never know. >> i think maybe whether they keep me or let me go. i've got to play my best and keep getting better each game. as long as i can do that, hopefully they'll keep me on. >> all right, guys, this is one of the cool things about being on the sidelines during a game. you can see chr cooley trying out a 40-yard field goal. he hasn't been good at 35 and is not good at 40, either. starters having a good time. we'll have plenty more coming up from jacksonville in a few minutes. >> a lot on the line for so many. dan, thanks. we'll see you later. >> still ahead, murder suspects who checked themselves out of the hospital. how this happened. >> plus, final resting place for michael jackson. today, how the king of pop will be buried. >> this historic view is about to get a facelift. there are channgs mico to the mall mi metro is responding tonight to criticism about its decision to close three stops this labor day weekend for track work. >> those station are the pentagon city, crystal cit and reagan national st ls. of peopl raan tngdlisveghi thi holiday we ot aen l wondering why metro would close those stations now. megan mcgrath has that story. >> reporter: the pentagon city metro station. it's a busy place. during the week many use it to get to their offices. on the weekend you, have the shoppers headed to the mall. with labor day sales and back to school shopping, many wonder why metro would close the station for the entire weekend. >> it's obviously very poor planning. no one would close it on a holiday weekend. >> reporter: and the pentagon city station isn't the only one affected. track work will also close the crystal city and reagan national stops. many law makers w represent the area say they just found out about the shutdown and argue that riders haven't been given enough notice. in aetter to metro's general manager, representatives jim moran and gerald connolly expressed concern, particularly with the closure of the airport station at a time when many people will be leaving town for the holiday weekend. they write, "public service notices through the media should have been made well in advance of the closure. having knowledge of this closure would have allowed them to make alternate travel plans and avoid unnecessary changes." those planning on usi the airport station agree. >> i've got family coming in, so obviously, it's not that far of a drive, but i was counting on them being able to jump on so we could keep doing what we're doing. >> reporter: why close three stations this weekend? metro officials say labor day is one of the lightest travel periods of the year, and that last year only 7,000 riders used the airport station. that's half the normal ridership. and they say this kind of work also requires three days to complete. >> in this case, all we'll need is one weekend. we need a long weekend to go in, take the entire rail switch out, put a new one in. once we are done this weekend, we won't have to come back for another 25, 30 years. >> reporter: as for public notification, metro says they did put out a release in the early part of august, that detailed the work that was going to be done on the tracks, and also mentioned possible impact to stations. they did not, however, put out a separate notice on the station closures alone. will they do that in the future? metro says they are reviewing their procedures. megan mcgrath, news4. furloughs are beginning in maryland. more than 1,000 maryland court employees will be off tomorrow, but the courts will still be open. chief judge robert bell cited the late notice of governor o'malley's furlough announcement. they are required to take ten days off without play and the plan was released on tuesday. depending on an employee salary will determine how many days each worker is off. maryland law maker john carton is trying to make amends using police resources to propose to his girlfriend last month. he enlisted a police boat and helicopter to have a fake raid. he then popped the question. last week he wrote a check for $300 to cover the police expenses. today there is word the delegate to the ated $1,000 department's mounted police unit. an internal police investigation is ongoing. health experts in maryland opened up their laps today and gave us an inside look where h1n1 testing takes place. ryland's department of health and mental hygiene kicked off preparedness month in baltimore. today officials released the latest status of h1n1 in maryland to help professionals and gave an update on its vaccination plans. health officials expect more flu cases this year and say kids and young adults are most susceptible to the swine flu. >> normally we would see more flu activity in older people. for reasons we can't talk about, but it seems older people are not easily infected with this paicular h1n1 virus. >> h1n1 is blamed for 36 reported deaths among children in the u.s. most with high-risk medical conditions and there are 1,600 poreed swine flu cases on ecoegll campuses. it'sclunclear what kind ofu reception virginia senator mark erl get when heol hds his first public town hall wacare tonight. erffrnta a ss isking people who wanto ts attend this ening's event to rsvp to t senator's website. wnthtole hal will take p hcelace at the fredricksburg exp center. the meeting ril wun from 7:00 to 8:30 tonight. the doors will open at 6:00. > i'm not ready for summer to go. >> 90s are gone. looking at the seven-day forecast, no 90s. >> 80s, maybe some 80s? >> those are coming back. it's been smooth sailing around here. it's been comfortable. we are going to start to warm up, but as good as it's been, it's been drying out, too. dry and we are going to have to start watering the grass and plants soon. we are going to go a couple of days here before a good chance of some showers across the area. 79 the current temperature. sunrise to sunset today, 12 hours 56 minutes by october 3rd, down to 11 hours 42 minutes. of course, coming up in just a couple of days the fall equinox. cooling down and getting those shorter days in here. temperatures across much of the east in the 70s today. 79 degrees here. jacksonville, florida, should be a good game tonight. comfortable conditions there, too. they got rid of some of that heavy rain around the area yesterday. 84 in memphis. cool spot, one of the cool spots, miami, florida, at 77 degrees. that stationary front that's been off the coast here really wiggles down through southern portions of texas. it was so close to the coast yesterday that just north of jacksonville, brunswick, georgia, picked up almost two inches of rain. record rainfall and had a lot of flooding. even though that system is so close to the coast, it's been high pressure winning outnd will as we go into the holiday weekend and through the holiday weekend, too. more of that refreshing cool air coming in. across the east, no real areas, no large areas of organized weather or heavy rain right now with exception of florida where it's been on the cool side. dew point temperatures there in the 70s. jacksonville, too. here dry and coortable. it's not until i think tuesday or wednesday of next week that we'll start to notice just a little bit of humidity. now downgraded, this storm was tropical storm erica. it's a depression now. it will move across puerto rico the next 24 hours, producing two to four inch rains. i don't think it's going to be a hurricane at all. i tell you what, it's the end of the weekend here, sunday, monday, we'll have to watch it for heavy rain coming into the southeast. next storm is fred that is in line. all right, during the overnight period, a few clouds. we'll see the clouds kicking back in off the coast. partly sunny tomorrow. a good day though as we get up to 80 degrees across the area. low 80s, too. some additional cloud cover tonight. 69 to 74 degrees. let's talk about the start to e yrrdatomoowto not quite a h uge through the area. again, skies partly y.nnsu the range tomorrow morning, 53 to 62 degrees. coming up in a few, we'll look at the seven-day forecast and beach and boating forecast, too. >> thanks, veronica. coming up, fairfax county is making cuts even on bus stops. the corner controversy is .intg >> tell us about think is mainis k special. uirse-he t story and a r hee-closcleaup picture or vido to today at they c ey george washington university opened its first green residence hall. those who live there say the new building gives them a way to think, live and breathe green. eun yang reports. >> reporter: these seniors at george washington university aren't just learning about sustainability, they are living it. they are among the first residents at the school's first green residence hall. >> every room in this building is responsible for sort of doing their part in recycling and being environmentally conscious. >> reporter: south hall is outfitted with bamboo panelling, sustainable alternative to hardwood. recycling facilities on each floor. bike storage and fuel-efficient vehicle parking. >> this becomes a living laboratory for students to experience what it means to have the values of sustainability built into their everyday lives. >> reporter: they are lead certified. the building was tested vigorously for air quality, special ain't, energy-efficient windows and appliances in each room. south hall meets the standards the school sets for environmental responsibility. >> we have to have credibility as an institution. we can't just preach sustainability if we are not willing to practice it ourselves. >> reporter: 474 students live in south hall. they see it as another investment in their education and their future. >> if we don't start making a difference now, there is really no way that the environment is going to be stable for us. >> i'm so happy with this room. definitely. >> reporter: eun yang, news 4 washington. >> in the coming year, george washington will launch new projects including a community garden and cbonareuittr nyal plan. >> when we come right back, hospital escape and a community infear. tonight police have a lot of questions to answer. the raging wildfire continue to char california. i'm liz crenshaw. marinating meat? what you need to know. welcome back. i'm jim handly. >> i'm wendy rieger. coming up in this half hour, battle in the sunshine state. redskins are hours away from their final preseason game. and bus stop cuts. back to school controversy. parents and their children will have to do a little bus stop orientation before school starts next week. to save money, dozens of bus runs and stops have now been eliminated. julie carey is here to tell us parents are unhappy with changes. >> reporter: school officials are responding to the complaints pouring in. parents continue to lobby for the bus stops they think are best and most needed. this girl's new backpack jiangles with a special pen. r parents worry her trip to school could be far more treacherous this year because their preferred bus stop has been eliminated. >> we think thisas a poor decision. if they are going to eliminate one, eliminate one that is closer to the major intersection. >> reporter: to save money, the fairfax public schools changed schedules to eliminate 97 buses along with their runs. the savings, $4.5 million. fli$4andbersa i transportation ct ire n order to make itbl psios>>e for uso tve sviur with 97vi few buses,e w had to eliminate some of the time we spent at bus stops. >> reporter: fewer stops mean quicker delivery to school. when transportation officials decided whether to close this stop on a quiet corner to a e cul-de-sac. they cut out the more popular stop. >> this is clearly a safer stop than up there. much bigger, much more protected. there are about 10 to 12 kids on a normal basis that come to this bus stop. actually some of the kids from up there from woodburn road come down to this bus stop. >> reporter: even if there are parents available to oversee the woodburn road stop it could be hard to keep more than a dozen children in check. >> kids cannot stand to wait quietly. they play tag, they run along or they play ball. i cannot imagine in that section if that ball goes into the woodburn. it will be dangerous. >> reporter: transportation officials responded telling them if they are worried about their child standing at the busier woodburn road corner, they can wait 50 feet down the street. the safety office recommended restoring a bus stop. >> my goal here is to keep children safe, while at the same time while enhancing our own efficiency. >> reporter: the transportation director says in one of four safety reviews, bus stops are restored. it may be as long as two months after school starts before they can conduct all the safety reviews parents called into question. >> thanks, julie. a local school will be the back drop to the president's back to school address next tuesday. president obama will be visiting wakefield high school in arlington county, giving a speech that we'll broadcast wide on the white house website. it starts at noon. the president will dus the importance of education and urge students to take responsibility an their success at italed a afterit weekend ftigves atst uteorsll evestasators tell us he wasig nt victim but a sut,ecsp andecow out of washington hospital center before he could be arrested. keith garvin is at the center with the latest on this story. >> reporter: jim, police are looking for two suspects this evening. they say one of them walked out of this hospital more than 24 hours ago. authorities say he, himself, was wounded after helping shoot another man multiple times. that man later died. a wounded murder suspect on the streets of the washington metro area. yesterday 39-year-old winston dell roy dillon walked out of the washington hospital center giving the slip to doctors and police officers. >> during the last three to four days, officers were able to obtain enough probable cause to get a karnlging document, charging mr. dillon with first degree murder. >> reporter: dillon and another man are charged with first degree murder in the shooting death of 63-year-old clarence rankin. it happened early sunday morning after a house party in silver spring. the suspect dillon was shot once in the leg. he checked into the hospital, was treated and given a leg brace. when authorities realized he was there before giving an arrest warrant, he left without properly being discharged. >> he suffered from a gun shot wound to his right femur and should be walking with a walker or crutches. >> reporter: authorities are searching for 39-year-old vincent lloyd minto who was last seen sunday at the time of the murder. >> his whereabouts have been unknown since the shooting. >> reporter: police believe dillon would likely need help to avoid authorities in his condition. if you know anything about the murders or the whereabouts of those two suspects, call montgomery county police. live from northwest, keith garvin, news4. back to you. >> thank you. still ahead, changes are coming to the national mall. we'll tell but the major renovation there. >> and michael jackson's burial. how his family plans to finally say farewell. candidaffte candidate hoping to succdat the le ted kennedy. rtklhaoaey c announcedaciddandts acidldatoy saying she'llteda id ja ecs arsp e election for sey'nn nas .seteioatednnses tet the i20tsns onanee ctiisnsnu she can con icefctshe ive fve voice for the people h state. kennedy died last week of brain cancer. he was 77. tonight at sunset in los angeles, michael jackson will be laid to rest in glendale, california. family will join close friends in a private ceremony at forest lawn memorial park, five miles from hollywood. his three children will place good-bye notes inside his coffin. his brother marlon says he'll be buried inside a $30,000 gold casket. firefighters say the wildfires in los angeles are nearly contained now. they span more than 140,000 acres. they've already consumed more than 60 homes and left two firefighters dead. today, a flare-up in a remote canyon forced the evacuation of about a dozen homes. firefighters expect to have the blaze contained by the middle of the month. just ahead on news4 at 5:00, redskins wrap up the preseason this evening in jacksonville where a local guy will be fighting for his job. >> and we'll tell you why women are starting to take over the work place. >> the tricks to marinating an h marijuanaade. marinades serve two different functions. >> as liz crenshaw would put it, tricks of the trade. >> it is almost labor day. for many that means the best of the year to grill something good. i have do tricks of the trade for you. we are here from tony salom. great to have you back. what do we need to know? >> all good marinades start with five ingredients, an oil like olive oil, an acid like balsamic vinegar, an aromatic like chopped garlic, seasoning like rosemary and seasoning like pepper. >> i mix the balsamic with the olive oil. >> always use more oil than acid. >> then my herbs and spices? >> no. use fresh gar garlic and fresh herbs like rosemary here instead of dried or powder. that makes the marinade come alive. >> basic question, how much marinade to how much meat? >> trick is 1/2 cup of marinade to a pound of beef, pork or lamb. >> how long does it rest in there? >> as little as six hours or up to 24 hours you can marinate. >> in the fridge? >> in the refrigerator. liz, i have a do not trick. do not marinade in aluminum containers. >> why not? >> the acid reacts with the aluminum and gives it a metal taste. >> in glass? >> glass is good. >> you like zipper bags? >> i love zipper bags. you pour the marinade in there because it's nice and cleanup is a breeze. >> what cuts of meat do we want to marinade? >> the tougher the cut of meat the better the marinade works. like a london broil, sirloin or flank steak. >> you don't want me to marinate a filet? >> it could ruin a good filet or rib eye. >> this doesn't look like olive oil. >> the trick is it's yogurt. it acts as a meat tenderizer. it's great for lamb, beef or chicken. >> when i grill, the marinade flames up. any way to stop that? >> let the marinade drain off of the meat before putting it on the grill. >> don't i need it for flavor? >> no. the flavor is already in the meat. >> so do i get to use it for something else? >> don't ever reuse the marinade for food safety reasons. >> what about fish and seafood? >> the trick is short. only marinade from 30 minutes to an hour. >> why? >> otherwise the fish becomes soggy and mushy. >> before you get it on the grill? >> correct. >> tony, a lot of folks will marinate in barbecue sauce. >> don't do that. the trick is to baste in barbecue sauce toward the end of cooking. >> why? >> because the sugars will burn on the grill and give the meat an unpleasant flavor. >> this looks and smells fabulous. thank you, tony. >> i hope everybody has a great grilling season this year. >> it's wonderful. >>he> tby y, if you would likeota ton cct me by e-mail we ve anon easy liatway.z liz at cwtoasngm.hin. z k 's the eair l -mliasfo esti r onon quest any info would you l leik to send us by e-mail. keep in touch with us on >> we are so starving now. >> it's tricks though, you know? any mixture you want. longer on the meats, lesson the fish. >> you can do it on vegetables, too? >> yes. >> thanks, liz. in a matter wekoms, en lls,ene will oubetnumr men in the work force. astn of june, women held slight less than 50% of the 132 millin coy.untr country. the lorarabept dtmeny. believes majority tm some time next month or in m november. he t siele the pace.g on men ye men account for 74% of the 6 million jobs lost since the recession began. >> we are getting close to news4 at 6:00. >> we are going to continue reporting on that crash involving a metro bus and pedestrian today in the district >> gun men killed 17 people in an attack at a drug rehab center u./mex oborder.ross the >> also andvanced copy of senator eard kennedy's memoir. it offers insight into the late senator's life. >> we'll see you then. thank you. >> we want to head down to florida for the last preseason game. dan and lindsay are live in jacksonville. >> it's really a tale of two games tonight because for the jaguars you have a team that is actually going to play their starters longer than normal. >> they are planning to play their starters three quarters. defensive coaches feel that is a good thing. they feel last week they didn't get to see as much as they wanted from some of their young guys. that is what this is all about. >> jaguars had three games in 11 days. redskins starters are going to play a series, maybe two, which means their second and third stringers are going to be playing against this jacksonville jaguar defense. when the starters come off the field, they are going to wat with interest, as several young players are literally strapping for their nfl careers. this is a game that is make it or break it for numerous young guys on this football team. defensive end alex busby tried to earn a spot on the defensive line. he is the ultimate long shot. trying to make the team as a member of the deepest unit on the squad. local kid marcus mason has done nothing but impress for two straight years, but he must prove his worth on special teams to earn a roster spot. both players say waiting to find out their fate after tonight's game is not going to be an easy task. >> there are times, like i said, turn my phone off. >>s that hard? >> it is. you try so hard. i'm out here, otas, mini-camps, training camp. to find out you don't make the team, it's kind of hard. now i figured out, i'm going to turn my phone off and show up the next day and see what happens. >> probably sit in my apartment, grab a couple of beers and wait around. hope for the best, but expect the worst. see what happens. >> marcus mason and alex busby with two unique takes how to wait to find out what happens to their washington redskins career. >> i ran into chris horton. he was saying last year he remembers this game. it was so tough because he felt he was playing the whole thing between defense and special teams. he is telling the guys, make sure you hydrate yourself. they are in for a lot tonight. >> especially in florida with the weather. not too bad out here right now. perhaps one of the most interesting battles has to do with the kickers. we have no idea who is going to be the kicker for the washington redskins on opening day against the giants. >> jim zorn doesn't either. he joked saying he would gladly take every single second to evaluate these guys. it's been a tough battle. this practice it was interesting. they had a kickoff during the week where they lined up seven different field goal attempts for both guys. dave rainer missed two. they've taken every opportunity both on the field and game action. also at practice to try to find out who the front-runner is. dave rainer was brought in to compete for the job this offseason. he's done well. he's been with five different teams over the last four seasons. last week converted a field goal against the patriots. hasn't been as consistent as sweesen. he missed a 42-yarder in the last game. it is a factor in decision-making. he is certainly not letting pressure impact his performance. >> i understand how it's perceived that way. in my own mind, i'm getting ready to play new york. that's what i'm doing. i feel great. i feel confident. i'm looking forward to this season. we've got one more test in jacksonville and ima looking forward to hopefully get on the field more than i have been. >> it is what it is. i wish him luck. it comes down to business. one guy can make it, one guy can't. i don't think this week is any more important or different. every kick is so important in a kickoff kind of competition. i'm going to go in and hopefully we get some reps in games more than short ones. i hope we both get multiple reps. we can find out who is going to win the job. >> will it be dave rainer or sean sweesen. they'll throw them out there as opposed to having one guy do a quarter, quarter, quarter. >> interesting thing about kickers, they haven't been given to showcase their talent preseason. if they don't get a kick tonight, it will be interesting to see how they make that. >> i think sean must be so sick of talking about it. he said, are we really the story? yeah, you are. >> that and marcus mason. lots of stories coming up at 6:00. >> we'll see you then. >> thanks, guys. we'll be right back. the best beach get away, as wathe titetmpn.ioat lest comt rehoboth won by a wide margin, 74% to 26%. we have been having good beach weather. don't know about that water temperature though, veronica, r th holiday weekend. >> indeed. the water temperatures have really cooled off with this cool s uer this week. let's start first. kids can expect those. some have school tomorrow. 56 to 62 degrees, the range with partly sunny skies. we start tomorrow 62 to 63. there will be more clouds moving in tonight. not a lot. still think it will be a good-looking day tomorrow. the high 83 degrees. frederick up to 81. warrenton up to 82 degrees. those water temperatures, in fact, have dropped some six degrees between what they are like right now and compared to last week at the same time. water temperature, rehoboth, 71 and ocean city 76. 82 the high temperature for saturday there. ocean city on saturday expected to get up to 84 degrees. the beaches not full sunshine, there will be clouds. call it a partly sunny weekend at the beaches and not a lot of wind either. this will be one of the best weekends at the beach in a while. water temperature annapolis 76. cooler in cambridge. saturday 83. the high with mostly sunny skies. cambridge 84. a little cooler for sunday with a high of 81 and 82 degrees. winds light out of the east-northeast. anywhere from five to ten miles per hour on sunday. for friday, the high 83 degrees. mid 80s for saturday. a lot of sunshine there, too. it's a dry weekend. labor day, smooth sailing. i think there will be lots of folks firing up the barbecue this weekend. next chance of rain wednesday. back to you. >> thanks, ver on contact coming up, we still have that story on the rovations down on the national mall. first, another serious accident for metro. wendy joins jim vance fonews4 at 6:00. police are looking for a murder suspect who escaped from a hospital. >> firefighters making progress tagnsdfaiil wiresil threatening thousands of homes near l.a. >> an advanced copy of senator kennedy's memoir is providing insight into his personal and professional life. a 25-year-old woman who began the day with a morning jog is in a hospital now. she was hit by a metro bus this ornin 'm jim >> i'm wendye. ri. asreen hheasni e tngve off. the woman was hit arothd mornini isth morning at the intersectio ec nnt cocuavtienthndue connecticut avenue in northwest d.c. this evening she is in critical condition. pat collins has more on the story. he's at the scene tonight.

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